PSYCHOLOGY 120 GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY Section 752 Spring, 2012 M 9:05- 9:55 Room: HUMB 150 Dr. Charles H. Brown Office: 382 LSCB Office Hours: TR 10-11 or by appointment Course Description: This course surveys the basic theories, concepts, principles, and research in the field of psychology. Course Objectives: This course has two objectives: first, it is designed to serve as a foundation (core) course for psychology majors, and prepare students for advanced coursework in psychology, and, second, this course is designed as a service course to satisfy general education and elective course requirements for students majoring in other fields (the general education objectives are listed below). Course Format: This is a “blended” course using both traditional lecture and electronic delivery of content. Section 752 only meets in class on Monday. Required Text: Brown, C. H., Foster, J. D., & Gordon, M. S. (2010). Psychology: A Work in Progress. Dubuque, IA: Great River Technologies. (This textbook is paperless, and it is available on-line only.) On-line tests are copy-righted, administered by GRT and require purchase of a valid (new) textbook access card. Week of 1-23-12 1-30-12 2-6-12 2-13-12 2-20-12 2-27-12 3-5-12 3-12-12 3-19-12 3-26-12 4-2-12 4-9-12 4-16-12 4-23-12 4-30-12 Course Schedule and Assignments M W F Lecture Topic “Chapter 1: Intro/Methods” CH1 on-line test “Chapter 2: Bio Psych” CH2 on-line test Course Contract due Course Assessment Exam 1 is due “Chapter 3: Development” CH3 on-line test “Chapter 4: Sensation/Perception” CH4 on-line test “Chapter 5: Consciousness” CH5 on-line test “Chapter 6: Learning” CH6 on-line test Mid-Term Exam SPRING BREAK “Chapter 7: Memory” CH7 on-line test “Chapter 8: Intelligence” CH8 on-line test “Chapter 9: Motivation/Emotion” CH9 on-line test “Chapter 10: Personality” CH10 on-line test “Chapter 11: Disorders/Treatments” CH11 on-line test “Chapter 12: Social” CH12 on-line test Course Assessment Exam 2 is due Final Exam* Research Participation Requirement Points 20 30 10 10 40 20 20 40 250 20 40 30 20 30 30 10 300 80 TOTAL POINTS (1,000) EXTRA CREDIT & BONUS POINTS (60 max) The use of an Interwrite PRS RF clicker is optional. Students who use the clicker earn extra credit class participation points that are added to the extra-credit category at the end of the course. Extra credit is also earned by cooperative group participation. Additional extra credit opportunities may become available. The total possible sum for extra-credit is 60 points on a scale of 1,000 points. *Final Exam Schedule: According to the published final exam schedule all blended sections of PSY 120 would take the final exam on Tuesday, May 8 from 3:30 to 5:30. This schedule cannot be implemented because the number of students will exceed the number of available seats. The Final Exam is scheduled for the last day of class (4-30-12); this variance from the exam schedule has been approved by the university administration. Grading: Students will be required to take two in-class exams and all 12 on-line tests to complete the course. The examination format may include multiple choice, true-false, fill-in-the-blank, graphing, or short answer essay questions. Course Grade Components: This course is delivered as a ‘blended’ or hybrid course. Using a 1,000 point scale, 340 points (34%) are derived from on-line chapter test which can be taken multiple times up to a total of ten (10) attempts; 550 points (55%) are derived from 2 in-class exams, and the remaining 110 points are derived from the research participation, the two course assessment exams, and course contract assignments. Total points will be summed at the end of the term, weighted as noted above, and grades may be assigned as follows: 90-100%, A; 80-89%, B; 70-79%, C; 60-69%, D; 59% or below, F. Course Assessment Exams: The University requires the department to assess how much students learn in our classes. To do this, you will take two online assessment exams this semester to test your general knowledge of psychology. The due dates for both exams are listed on the syllabus (1-30-12 & 4-23-12). You will take the exams by going to the following website: The completion of each assessment exam provides 10 points to the point total for the course; please strive to do your best each time you take the exam. I will not know your assessment exam scores until after the course is over, and your exam score will not affect your grade. Expectations and Policies: Regular attendance is expected. Class participation is expected. The accumulation of more than 4 absences may result in the lowering of your grade. Regular electronic participation is expected. Student access to many electronic components has beginning and ending dates to insure that students are keeping up with the course schedule. Students are expected to attend class, study and utilize the electronic course components a minimum of 4 hours per week. Make-up exams are not normally given. Verification of an emergence situation, (or a university sanctioned event which conflicts with the course schedule), may be required for consideration of the possibility of a make-up exam. Academic dishonesty in either the on-line or in-class environment will not be tolerated, and may result in failure for the course, and/or additional punitive outcomes. The Student Academic Conduct Policy is published annually in The Lowdown. This course is administered in compliance with the University’s stated policy for accommodation of students with disabilities, and student athletes. “If you have a specific disability that qualifies you for academic accommodations, please notify the instructor/professor and provide certification from Special Student Services. [OSSS is located in Room 270 of the Student Center (460-7212)]”. JagSuccess: This course participates in JagSuccess. “Jagsuccess is a program intended to help students be successful in 100-200 level courses. If you are not doing well, you will get an email instructing you to see your professor and instructions to access an on-line tutorial intended to help with common problems affecting academic performance. Watch for this email between weeks 7-8 of the semester.” Communication with students uses your email account. General Education Competencies: PSY 120 is designed to promote the development of general education competencies for critical thinking, and quantitative reasoning. Critical Thinking: Critical Thinking is the formulation, rational scrutinizing, and/or considered assessment of information and diverse reasons for belief or action. Quantitative Reasoning: Quantitative Reasoning is the ability to systematically analyze quantitative concepts, evidence, processes, and outcomes to reach a rational conclusion. The research participation requirement and the research methods components of the course support the development of these competencies. Textbook Information: The required textbook for this course is Brown, C. H., Foster, J. D., & Gordon, M. S. (2010). Psychology: A Work in Progress. Dubuque, IA: Great River Technologies. (Available on-line only.) The access code for the textbook may be purchased at the bookstore or it may be purchased on-line here: Used access codes are not valid, and will not provide access to on-line testing. • GRT has provided a generic login for students who have not purchased the ebook. This login permits student to begin studying while waiting for financial aid. Please note that students will not be able to access quizzes or testing with this login. URL- Username- introp Password- introp Web Support The electronic components of the course are administered by GREAT RIVER TECHNOLOGIES, and technical issues are addressed by their technical staff. Great River Technologies 4050 Westmark Drive Dubuque, IA 52002 Phone: (800) 344-9043 Fax: (563) 589-1275 24/7 Web Support Telephone (800) 344-9051 Hours: Monday – Friday (8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. CST) A psychology graduate student, Justin Grainger, is also available to help students with technical issues. Justin is best reached via email at: Julius Spiccani is a peer tutor (Supplemental Instructor) associated with this course. Julius is best reached via email at The on-line testing component of the course utilizes materials copyrighted by GREAT RIVER TECHNOLOGIES, and administered on their website: students must purchase an access card to access the on-line tests. In most instances the on-line testing component has beginning and ending dates to insure that students are keeping up with the progression of the course, and testing must be completed within the testing schedule established by your instructor. Course E-Mail Policy: Many faculty members are teaching multiple sections of PSY 120, and informal e-mail correspondence is frequently deleted or blocked by SPAM filters. To insure proper and timely communication the following protocol has been established: All course communication MUST be sent via the student’s official e-mail account, and MUST include (1) the student’s full name, and (2) Jag number, (3) course number, and (4) course section number. All emails should employ appropriate punctuation and spelling, and MUST adhere to appropriate professional etiquette in compliance with the University Code of Conduct. The course assignments, policies and procedures are tentative, and may be subject to revision. Research Participation Requirement You may satisfy this requirement by: your participation in psychological research conducted by researchers at the University of South Alabama, and/or by writing papers that summarize research that has already been conducted. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO EARN 8 CREDITS BY THE END OF THE SEMESTER (December 9), TO SATISFY THE RESEARCH PARTICIPATION REQUIREMENT. Most students choose to fulfill their requirement by participating in psychological research. If you choose this option then you must visit the “subject pool” website ( Here you will register for the subject pool, which will make you eligible to participate in research. Your next step will involve finding studies that seem interesting to you and signing up for them. Different studies will be worth different numbers of credits, although in general you will receive 1 credit for each 30 minutes of research participation you compete. Therefore, a study that takes one-hour to complete will generally be worth 2 credits. The value of each study will be clearly listed, so you will know how many credits you are getting before you sign up for a study. You should be able to earn all 8 credits by participating in different studies. Just make sure that you get all 8 credits by the deadline. Pretest Requirement The Psychology Department wants to know who its students are. To this end, all students must complete a pretest survey that is administered by the online subject pool ( To do this, simply go to the website, register as a new user, and select to complete the pretest. The pretest survey will take about 30 minutes to complete, so make sure that you have enough time to complete it prior to registering for the subject pool. However, ALL STUDENTS MUST COMPLETE THE PRETEST SURVEY WITHIN THREE WEEKS OF THE START OF THE SEMESTER (1 WEEK AFTER THE START OF THE SEMESTER FOR SUMMER COURSES). Failure to do this will result in an additional credit being added to the total that you must earn by the end of the semester (i.e., you will need to earn 9 rather than 8 credits). If you do the pretest survey by this date, you will be awarded a credit (i.e., you will then only have to earn 7 more credits). Therefore, it is to your benefit to register for the subject pool and complete the pretest survey by the required date! HOW TO SIGN UP FOR THE PSYCHOLOGY DEPARTMENT SUBJECT POOL: A QUICK START GUIDE FOR STUDENTS From any internet enabled computer running Internet Explorer, go to and click on the NEW USER, REQUEST ACCOUNT HERE button. You will see this screen: Account Information First Name Last Name User ID Email Address Email Address (re-enter for verification) Student ID Number Telephone (optional) Course(s) (hold the Ctrl or Apple key and click for multiple courses) (Your request may take a moment to process. Please click the Request Account button only once.) You must fill in all required fields. You must put in YOUR ACTIVE EMAIL ACCOUNT correctly. You may use any email account that you wish.Your user name and password will be emailed to you automatically.You MUST select the proper section from the drop down screen, for example ANDERSON, 9:00 am (01), or you will receive NO CREDIT if you sign up for the wrong section. You should go to, and click on Information for Students , in order to access the instruction manual for using the software.Once you have your user name and password, go back to and enter your user name and password. You will then be able to chose from a variety of experiments, each offering a number of time-slots, depending on the experiment. Each experiment will list the name, any prerequisites, and the approximate time commitment, and the number of credits.There will be a short period in which no experiments are available as the researchers prepare their studies for this semester. The system will send you email reminders about your appointments, but if you don’t show up, or don’t cancel at least two hours in advance, it will notify the researcher and the instructor automatically, and you may be locked out of the system until you clear up the no-show with the experimenter.