General Ledger Account Maintenance: How To (Company)

Form: GL Account Maintenance – Create Company
General Information
General Ledger Accounts can be created, changed, blocked or deleted using this form,
at either the Chart of Accounts or Company Code level.
For new GL accounts –a form/s must be completed for each Company Code that
the general ledger account is to be set up in
Company Code Level Data
Tax Category – select from the drop down list, if there should be a default tax
Reconciliation Account – For GL accounts that are control accounts (ie the
details of transactions are contained in a sub-ledger).
Postings without tax allowed – This check box should only be selected when
postings are allowed in the system without a tax code being entered.
Open Item Management – Set up as open item management if offsetting entries
are required to manage open and close items in the account.
Line Item Display: - System will store an entry per line (must set for open item
Sort Key: - The sort key will determine the sort sequence for displaying line items.
Control of Document
Field Status Group: The field status group determines what fields are mandatory,
optional or suppressed for input when entering a document into the system.
Post Automatically Only:– Indicates that this account can only be posted to by
the system using account determination tables.
Bank Financial details in Company Code (for cash accounts)
To be completed for cash accounts.
Financial Statement Version
GL Account Maintenance - Create Company V1.0.Doc
Version: 1.0
FSV: A General Ledger Account must be assigned to a Financial Statement
Version for external reporting requirements.
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Form: GL Account Maintenance – Create Company
Requestor information – Company Level
The Requestor is to provide their name, the agency they belong to and up-to-date
contact details. The manual form must be signed and dated by the Requestor before
being passed onto an appropriate Approver.
Approver Information – Company Level
The Approver is to provide their name, position and agency information. Once signed
and dated, the approved form is passed onto the Processor for action.
Processor Information – Company Level
The Processor is to provide their name, the agency they belong to and signature once
the General Ledger Account has been approved.
Include any specific processing instructions or any other information necessary to be
recorded against the General Ledger Account.
GL Account Maintenance - Create Company V1.0.Doc
Version: 1.0
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Form: GL Account Maintenance – Delete Comp
General Information
General Ledger Accounts can be deleted using this form, at either the Chart of
Accounts or Company Code level. This illustrates the Company Code level.
Company Code Level Data
Enter the following fields if the account is to be locked at the Company Code Level
Company Code: Company Code of the GL Account to be locked or unlocked.
Mark for Deletion: Enter the GL Account number to be marked for deletion
Unmark for Deletion: Enter the GL Account number to be unmarked for deletion
Requestor Information – Company Level
The Requestor is to provide their name, the agency they belong to and up-to-date
contact details. The manual form must be signed and dated by the Requestor before
being passed onto an appropriate Approver.
Approver Information – Company Level
The Approver is to provide their name, position and agency information. Once signed
and dated, the approved form is passed onto the Processor for action.
Processor Information – Company Level
The Processor is to update the system and provide their name, the agency they belong
to and signature once the General Ledger Account has been approved.
GL Account Maintenance - Delete Comp V1.0.Doc
Version: 1.0
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Form: GL Account Maintenance – Lock Comp
General Information
General Ledger Accounts can be locked using this form, at either the Chart of Accounts
or Company Code level. This form illustrates the Company Code level.
Company Code Level Data
Enter the following fields if the account is to be locked at the Company Code Level
Company Code: Company Code of the GL Account to be locked or unlocked.
Block for Posting: Select to block for posting
Unblock for Posting: Select to unblock for posting
Requestor Information – Company Level
The Requestor is to provide their name, the agency they belong to and up-to-date
contact details. The manual form must be signed and dated by the Requestor before
being passed onto an appropriate Approver.
Approver Information – Company Level
The Approver is to provide their name, position and agency information. Once signed
and dated, the approved form is passed onto the Processor for action.
Processor Information – Company Level
The Processor is to update the system and provide their name, the agency they belong
to and signature once the General Ledger Account has been approved.
GL Account Maintenance - Lock Comp V1.0.Doc
Version: 1.0
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