WJEC 2013 Online Exam Review GCE Sociology SY3 1353-01 All Candidates' performance across questions Question Title 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 N 742 317 438 13 4 11 16 11 5 Mean 6.9 24.8 21.1 9.7 9 31.5 9.4 37 22.2 SD 3.7 10.9 10.9 3.9 10.4 11.5 4.4 7 4.3 Max Mark 15 45 45 15 45 45 15 45 45 FF 46 55 47 64.6 20 70.1 62.9 82.2 49.3 Attempt % 95.6 40.9 56.4 1.7 0.5 1.4 2.1 1.4 0.6 Question GCE Sociology SY3 1353-01 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 49.3 82.2 62.9 70.1 20 64.6 47 55 46 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Facility Factor % 70 80 90 100 1 2 3 2 Choose from one of the following options. Option 1 Understanding Crime Compulsory question: 0 1 Outline and briefly explain the meaning of the term delinquency. [15] Either, 0 2 Assess left realist explanations of crime. [45] Or, 0 3 Evaluate the view that some ethnic groups are treated less favourably than others by the criminal justice system. [45] © WJEC CBAC Ltd. (1353-01) Q1 Definition Implicit Implicit Example Implicit Implicit Implicit 01: 8 Definition Example Definition A01 A01 Definition Example Definition Definition Loss of focus 01: 8 2 Choose from one of the following options. Option 1 Understanding Crime Compulsory question: 0 1 Outline and briefly explain the meaning of the term delinquency. [15] Either, 0 2 Assess left realist explanations of crime. [45] Or, 0 3 Evaluate the view that some ethnic groups are treated less favourably than others by the criminal justice system. [45] © WJEC CBAC Ltd. (1353-01) Q2 A01 01: 9 A01 A01 A01 A01 A02 A02 A02 A02 A02 A01 A01 A02 A02 A01 A01 A02 Tick 2 Choose from one of the following options. Option 1 Understanding Crime Compulsory question: 0 1 Outline and briefly explain the meaning of the term delinquency. [15] Either, 0 2 Assess left realist explanations of crime. [45] Or, 0 3 Evaluate the view that some ethnic groups are treated less favourably than others by the criminal justice system. [45] © WJEC CBAC Ltd. (1353-01) Q3 Imprecision Needs evidence Needs evidence Needs evidence In need of development ? Limited relevance Vague Vague Lacks focus In need of development Imprecision Tick Tick Implicit link to question Loss of focus Tick Tick Tick Tick In need of development Loss of focus Tick Implicit link to question Tick A01 Assertive Supposition Lacks focus Vague Needs data Needs evidence Needs evidence Supposition Limited relevance Lacks focus Lacks focus Lacks focus Lacks focus Lacks focus A01 Needs evidence A02