Journalof Ecology (1991), 79, 1013-1030 AND RESPONSE: COMPETITIVE EFFECT AND CORRELATED HIERARCHIES TRAITS THE EARLY STAGES OF COMPETITION IN DEBORAH E. GOLDBERG AND KEITH LANDA* Departmentof Biology, University of Michigan,Ann Arbor, MI 48109, U.S.A. SUMMARY (1) Competitiveabilitycan be compared between species in two ways: effectof differentneighbourspecies on performanceof a single targetspecies or response of differenttarget species to a single neighbourspecies. In a 5-week glasshouse experiment,an additive design was used for all combinationsof seven species as both targetand neighbourspecies to determineif therewere consistenthierarchies in competitiveeffectand/orresponse,what traitsof individualsdeterminedposition in these hierarchies,and whetheror not effectand responsecompetitiveabilitywere related duringthe early stages of competition. (2) Five weeks aftersowing,significant non-linearregressionsof targetbiomass on neighbourdensitywere found for 59% of the forty-nine species combinations and significantlinear regressionson neighbourbiomass were found for 51% of the species combinations.The slopes of these regressionsrepresentper-plantand per-gramcompetitioncoefficients, respectively. in competitiveeffectper plant.Differences (3) Neighbourspecies differedstrongly in effectper gram,response per plant, and response per gram were much weaker. Nevertheless,consistentcompetitivehierarchieswere found for both effectand response on both a per-plantand per-grambasis. (4) Differenttraitsdeterminedposition in the effectand response hierarchies. Neighbour species with larger seed mass and larger maximumpotentialmass had strongerper-plantcompetitiveeffects,whilstneighbourspecies withhighermaximum relativegrowthrates had strongerper-gramcompetitiveeffects.The reverseof this latterpatternwas seen forcompetitiveresponse: targetspecies withlower maximum relativegrowthrates were betterresponse competitors.Mean effectand response competitiveabilityof the seven species were uncorrelatedwitheach other. (5) These differencesin traitsassociated with strongeffectand strongresponse competitiveability emphasize the importanceof distinguishing between them in experimentalstudies,at least duringthe early stages of competition. INTRODUCTION Individual competitiveability can be compared between species in two distinct ways: in theircompetitiveeffector abilityto suppressotherindividualsand in their competitiveresponseor abilityto avoid being suppressed(Jacquard 1968; Goldberg * Presentaddress: Departmentof Biology, Indiana University,Bloomington,IN 47405, U.S.A. 1013 This content downloaded from on Tue, 11 Nov 2014 10:56:39 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 1014 Competitiveeffectand response & Werner 1983; Goldberg & Fleetwood 1987). Operationally,these correspondto positionsin rankingsof the reductionin some componentof individualfitnessof a single target species grown with differentneighbourspecies (effectcomparisons between neighbours)and positions in rankingsof reductionin fitnessof different targetspecies in the presence of the same neighbourspecies (response comparisons betweentargets).Positionin both effectand responsehierarchiesmay influencethe long-termpopulation dynamicoutcome of competition(Goldberg 1990). However, because it is verydifficult to quantifypopulation-levelcompetitiveabilityfor longlived organismssuch as most terrestrialplants,most experimentalstudiesfocus on individual-level competitiveabilityand thesenecessarilyentailan explicitcomparison of different neighboursand/ordifferent targets. Despite the recognitionof the distinctionbetween comparisonsof competitive effectand response (Aarssen 1983), discussionsof the natureof competitiveability and traitsthatdeterminecompetitiveabilityrarelytake thisdistinctioninto account (Goldberg 1990). Similarly,many of the studies that compare 'competitiveability' amongspeciesexplicitycompareonlyeffect(e.g. Turkington& Harper 1979; Fonteyn & Mahall 1981; Eissenstat& Caldwell 1988; Gaudet & Keddy 1988) or onlyresponse (e.g. Gross 1984; Keddy 1989), even when the designwas such thatboth could have been compared (e.g. Turkington& Harper 1979; Fonteyn& Mahall 1981; but see Wilson & Keddy 1986; Miller & Werner 1987; Peart 1989; Gurevitchet al. 1990). Consequently,a numberof theimportantcontroversies concerningcompetitiveability in plants (Thompson 1987; Tilman 1988; Thompson & Grime 1988) may simplybe semantic- resultingfromconfusionof thetwotypesof competitiveability(Goldberg 1990). In thispaper, we compare competitiveeffectand response between a group of species to address several importantquestions concerningcompetitiveability: (i) How differentare species in competitiveeffectand in competitiveresponse? Goldberg& Werner(1983) hypothesizedthatper-unitsize competitiveeffectsshould be equivalent, at least withingrowthforms,because of the overall similarityin resources required by plants, but that competitiveresponse would differbetween in theirabilityto toleratelow resourceavailabilitydue species because of differences to the presence of neighbours. If true, this would greatlysimplifyanalyses of competitiveinteractionsin plant communitiesbecause only response to competition fromall neighbourswould need to be compared between species. (ii) If effectsor responsesare not completelyequivalenton eithera per-individual or per-grambasis, how consistentare hierarchiesof effector response competitive abilitybetween species? If consistenthierarchiesoccur, similartraitsshould determine eithereffector response competitiveabilityregardlessof the particularpair of competingspecies. (iii) If consistenthierarchiesoccur,whattraitsdeterminepositionin the hierarchy? A number of traits have been hypothesizedor demonstratedto be related to competitiveability(Grime 1988; Tilman 1988; Keddy 1989). However, few attempts have been made to separate expectedor actual relationshipsbetweenthe effectand the response componentsof competitiveability(see Goldberg 1990). (iv) Are the two componentsof competitiveabilitypositivelyor negativelycorrelated or uncorrelated?That is, do similartraitsdetermineeffectand responseor, if different betweentraitsthatconfercompetitiveeffectand traits,are theretrade-offs competitiveresponsesuch thatthereis a negativecorrelationbetweenthe two types of competitiveability?If negativecorrelationsoccur, it becomes importantto consider how the two interactto determinedominanceand persistencein naturalplant This content downloaded from on Tue, 11 Nov 2014 10:56:39 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions D. E. GOLDBERG AND K. 1015 LANDA communitiesand if thereare conditionsunderwhicheffector responsecompetitive abilityis more important(Goldberg 1990). The answersto all these questionsprobablydepend on time scale. For example, several studieshave shownthatcompetitivehierarchieschange over timewithinthe same environment(Connolly,Wayne & Murray1990; Menchaca & Connolly1990), and thereforewhichtraitsdeterminecompetitiveabilitymustdepend on factorssuch as relative sizes or stages of the life cycle of the competingplants. Because our focus is on individualcompetitiveabilityand not the eventual population-dynamic (5-week) experimentbut use outcome of competition,we chose to use a short-term a large numberof species combinations.Therefore,the resultsthroughoutapply only to the initialstages of competition. competitive An additiveexperimentaldesignwas used to measure the short-term species, effectsand responsesbetween all pairwisecombinationsof seven different combinations.In an additivedesign,a 'target'species is held includingintraspecific at a constantdensity,whilstdensityof a 'neighbour' species is increased. If the competition, targetspecies is at a densitylow enough that there is no intraspecific the slope of a regressionof mean individualperformanceof the targetspecies on This coefficient can be densityor biomass of neighboursis a competitioncoefficient. interpretedas the per-individualor per-grameffectof the neighbouron the target species or as the response of the target species to one individualor 1 g of the neighbourspecies (Goldberg & Werner 1983). Comparison of differentneighbour species on the same targetspecies gives comparisonsof effectcompetitiveability, targetspecies grownwiththe same neighbourspecies whilstcomparisonof different gives comparisonsof responsecompetitiveability(Fig. 1). Bettereffectcompetitors have steeper negative slopes, whilst better response competitorshave shallower negativeslopes (Fig. 1). Facilitationis indicatedby positiveslopes. METHODS Species and traits The experimentalspecies were all herbaceousplantscommonlyfoundin old fields or pasturesof various ages (Table 1). Seed mass for each species was obtained by (a ) 0 0 E (b) ~~N3>N2 >N, T >T >T3 3 F- Neighbourdensity FIG. 1. Examples of comparisonof (a) competitiveeffectamong neighbourspecies and (b) competitiveresponseamongtargetspecies. For comparisonsof competitiveeffect,neighbour species (N) with steeper slopes are bettercompetitors(larger per-individualor per-gram effect).For comparisonsof competitveresponse, targetspecies (T) with shallowerslopes are better competitors(smaller change in performancefor a given change in neighbour densityor biomass). This content downloaded from on Tue, 11 Nov 2014 10:56:39 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Competitiveeffectand response 1016 1. Traitsof species used in the experiment.Life formsare perennial(P) or annual (A). Growthformsare erect grasses (EG), erect dicots (ED) or low-growingdicots (LD). Seed mass is the mean froma minimumof five seed lots of 20-50 seeds each. Median days to seeds per species. Maximumfinalmass and emergencewas calculatedfroma minimumof fifty percentageallocationof total biomass to shoots are means (n = 7) fromplantsgrownwithno neighboursand harvestedat 5 weeks aftersowing.RGRmax. was calculatedas log (maximum finalmass/seedmass)/time,where time= days since sowingor days since median emergence date. TABLE Species Lolium perenneL. Trifolium pratenseL. T. repensL. Rumex crispusL. Chenopodium album L. Amaranthus retrofiexusL. Phleum pratenseL. Life form Seed Growth mass form (mg) RGRmax. (mgmg-' day-') Max. finalmass (mg) sowing emergence Median days to emerge Allocation to shoot (%) P EG 2-90 130 0-123 0-105 5.4 56-3 P P LD LD 1-74 1-68 36 39 0-099 0-097 0-084 0-085 5.5 4-4 68-8 74.5 P LD 1-28 24 0-137 0-077 16-2 77.5 A ED 0-64 21 0-155 0 100 12-2 90-2 A ED 0 56 30 0 148 0.114 7.8 91 9 P EG 0-35 27 0 165 0 125 81 66.7 seeds each. Emergencetime weighinga minimumof fiveseed lots of twentyto fifty seeds of each was calculated as the median days to emergenceof a minimumof fifty maximum rate potential relative Maximum growth potential species. (RGRmax.), totalmass (root + shoot), and percentageallocationto shootswere determinedfrom the targetplants grown with no neighbours(see below). RGRmax.was calculated as log (final mass/seed mass)/days. Both days between sowing and harvest and betweenmedianemergencetimeand harvestwere used in the denominator.SowingRGRmax.givesa measureof relativegrowthrate over the entireexperimentalperiod allows separationof the influenceof time to emergence while emergence-RGRmax. and of post-emergencegrowthrate on competitiveability. Densitygradientsand harvesting The experimentswere carried out in a glasshouse at the Matthaei Botanical Gardens of the Universityof Michigan.Containers(flats),25.4 cm x 25 4 cm in area soil mix of equal parts peat, sand, x 63 cm deep, were filledwith a nutrient-rich compostedsoil and perlite.Each flatinitiallyhad nine targetindividualsand 0, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 or 356 neighbourindividuals.This resultedin seven flatsforeach of the species combinations,fora totalof 343 flats.The nine targetindividualsin forty-nine array. Neighbour individuals each flat were arranged in a regular three-by-three were also planted in regulararraysin the low-densityflatsbut were broadcastover the soil surfacefordensities> 16 flat-'. For both targetand neighbourspecies, the actual numberof seeds planted was based on expected percentagegermination.If more thanone seed of the targetspecies germinatedat a givenlocationin each flat, This content downloaded from on Tue, 11 Nov 2014 10:56:39 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions D. E. GOLDBERG AND K. LANDA 1017 the seedlings were thinnedto one, leaving the earliest germinatingseedling. No attemptwas made to countor thinthe numberof germinating neighbourindividuals. Locations of targetseeds were marked with toothpicksso that targetindividuals could be distinguishedfrom neighbourindividuals,especially in the intraspecific competitionflats.Flats were wateredonce or twicedaily as needed and no fertilizer was added at any time. The flatswere harvestedafter5 weeks for above-groundbiomass of neighbours, and above- and below-groundbiomass of targetindividuals.Neighbourindividuals were countedas theywere harvested.All plantswere dried at 65 ?C forat least 48 h and weighed. Analysis To compare targetspecies withdifferentmaximumsizes, mean mass per target plant in each flatwas divided by the mean maximummass per plant of that target species (mass in the absence of neighbours;n = 7, see Table 1). In addition,because the values at 0 neighbourdensityforall seven neighbourspecies for a given target species were actuallyreplicatesof the same treatment,these were averaged and the mean used in all the regressionsfor that target species. These two procedures from1 resultedin regressioninterceptsthat were only rarelysignificantly different for (3/49 neighbourdensity,6/49 for neighbourbiomass) and thereforeallowed comparisonsof slopes (competitioncoefficients) thatwere independentof differences in intercepts(performancein the absence of competition). The proportionof maximumtargetmass was regressedagainstneighbourdensity and againstneighbourabove-groundmass, yieldingper-plantand per-gramcompetitioncoefficients, respectively.It is importantto note thattargetplantswere never also includedas neighbours,so thatthereis no potentialforstatisticalconfounding caused by using the same plants as both targetsand neighbours(cf. Mitchell-Olds 1987). Both untransformed regressionsand regressionsusing the reciprocalof proportion of maximumtarget mass were calculated to determinethe form of the relationshipbetween targetsand neighbours.In the transformed regressions,positive slopes indicatenegative(competitive)effects.The reciprocaltransformation is based on a simple formof the reciprocal-yieldequation for intraspecificcompetition(Shinozaki & Kira 1956) and has been used extensivelyin this or modified formto quantifyboth intraspecificand interspecificdensitydependence (Firbank & Watkinson1990). Slopes of the regressionsamong the seven neighbourspecies for each target species (competitiveeffect)and among the seven targetspecies for each neighbour species (competitiveresponse) were comparedwithanalysesof covariance. Pairwise analyses of covariance were then used to test whethereach pair of neighbouror targetspecies differedin competitiveeffector response,respectively.Because there were twenty-one possible pairwisecomparisonsforeach targetor neighbourspecies, an alpha of 0-05/21= 0-0024 was used as a minimumsignificancelevel in the pairwisecomparisonof species. Consistencyof hierarchiesof competitiveeffectsand responses were tested by Kendall's coefficientof concordance (W). Relationships among species traitsand between species traitsand mean effectsor responseswere tested with Pearson correlationcoefficients.The BMDP (Dixon 1983) and SYSTAT (Wilkinson1989) statisticalpackages were used for all analyses. This content downloaded from on Tue, 11 Nov 2014 10:56:39 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 1018 Competitiveeffectand response RESULTS Species traits Of the quantitativetraitsmeasured for each species (Table 1), only seed mass and maximumplant mass were significantly correlatedwith each other (rs = 0-84, P < 0.05). Not surprisingly, species withlargerseeds had largermaximummass at harvest. However, this significantrelationshipdisappeared if Lolium, with much largerseeds and maximumplant mass than any of the otherspecies (Table 1), was excluded (r4= 0 68, P > 0 10). Maximumplantmass was thensignificantly negatively correlatedwith time to emergence (r4= -0-86, P < 0.05), indicatingthat species that took longer to emerge had smaller maximummass at harvest.Furthermore, withoutLolium, seed mass was negativelycorrelatedwithRGRmaX. (fromsowing: r4= -0-96, P< 001; fromemergence:r4= -0 87, P< 0 05). The observationthat species with larger seeds have lower relative growthrates in the absence of any competitionhas been foundin several other studies (e.g. Gross 1984). Percentageallocation to shoot was significantly higherin annuals than perennials (F1,5= 13-13, P<0-05; see Table 1) and RGRmaX. was higherfor erect plants than forlow-growingplants (fromsowing: F1,5 = 5 85, P = 0 06; fromemergence:F1,5 = 18 02, P<0.01). When Lolium was excluded fromthe analysis,erect species still had significantly higherRGRmax (fromsowing:F1,4= 10 47, P < 0 05; fromemergence: F1,4= 16 38, P<0.05) and also had much smaller seeds than did the lowgrowingplants (F1,4=38-93, P<0-01). Thus, not only does Lolium have much larger seeds and maximummass than any of the other species, it seems to have particularlylarge seeds for the erect species in this experiment.Lolium also has a veryhighRGRmax. forits seed mass. Descriptionof target-neighbourrelationships The proportionof variance in targetmass explained by neighbourdensitywas significantly higherfor the transformedregressionsthan for the linear regressions (Wilcoxon signed rank test, P < 0-001). Fifty-nineper cent of the transformed regressionson neighbourdensitywere significantat the 0-05 level (Fig. 2). On average, neighbourdensityexplained 61% of the variance in targetperformance using the transformed regressionsand 70% of the regressionsexplained more than 50% of the variancein targetperformance(Fig. 2). All regressionslopes except two usingreciprocallytransformed targetperformancewere positive(Fig. 2, Table 2a), indicatingcompetitiveratherthan facilitativeinteractions.The two exceptionswere both non-significant and had R2 < 10%. In contrastto the results for neighbourdensity,the proportionof variance in targetmass explained by neighbourbiomass was not significantly different between the linear and transformedregressions(Wilcoxon signed rank test, P = 0 77) and thereforethe slopes of the linear regressionswere used in subsequent analyses. The slopes of the forty-nine target-neighbourcombinationswere highlycorrelated between the transformedand untransformedregressions(r47= 0-61, P < 0.001), suggestingresults would be similar regardless of which was used. On average, neighbourbiomass explained 55% of the variancein targetperformance;thisvalue was marginallyless than thatexplained by neighbourdensity(Wilcoxon signedrank test, P = 0-06). Fifty-oneper cent of the linear regressionson neighbourbiomass This content downloaded from on Tue, 11 Nov 2014 10:56:39 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 1019 D. E. GOLDBERGAND K. LANDA 0.29 1001 10l078** | a o CD 10 ) 4 E E3 E o o c | 11 F 0.29 0.88** -o7. 0 t 10 - 0.50 0.93** 0-62 1 0044 048 LF - .- .050 [-7* 0.66* -48 0.63* 1 0.80* [ Lollum 056 * 017 |021 . 1+- rep.e.ns 0.91*** 0.81* | 0183* |040 *7 0 06* 062*O.7*07 0*86* 0l28 e08 S~~~~~~~~ 1 + S Ph/eum Rumex Chenopodlum Amaranthus T pratense T repens Lolium w~ _ 0.90** Tprctense tns ?81I* 0.90** 0*77** 0-43 po ~~~- Trepens Rumex Chenopodlum 04 20 10 c;L; L 094= 0 20 0*97* 0*21 0.66* 0652 Amaranxthus 0843* 0.19 0.90** Ph/eAmarntu 0~~~~~~ L_ 0 300 0 300 0 300 0 300 0 300 0 300 0 300 600 Neighbour density FiG. 2. Reciprocal proportionof maximumtargetperformanceas a functionof neighbour combinationsof seven species as neighbour(columns) and target densityforall forty-nine (rows). The values on each graph are the R2 and significancelevel (n = 7) fromlinear regressionson transformeddata. Positive slopes indicate competitiverelationships.Note that all graphsare on the same scale so that slopes can be visuallycompared. * P<0-05, ** P<O.O1, *** P<O.OO1. at the 0O05level and 69% explainedmore than 50% of the variance were significant in targetperformance(Fig. 3). All but one of the regressionslopes using untransformedtargetmass were negative(Fig. 3, Table 2b), again indicatingthat targetneighbourrelationshipswere largelycompetitive. To facilitatecomparisonsof competitiveeffector response on a per-plantand per-grambasis, slopes on both neighbourdensityand biomass are presented as positive in the rest of this paper. Larger positive slopes indicated strongereffect competitors,but weaker response competitors. Comparisonsof effectbetweenneighbourspecies in their per-planteffectfor all target Neighbour species differedsignificantly species except T. repens (Table 2a), but relativelyfew of the possible pairwise using Bonferonni-adjusted comparisonsbetween neighbourspecies were significant probabilities(none to six of twenty-onepossible for each targetspecies). Despite therankingofper-plantcompetitiveeffectsbetweenneighbours thesefewdifferences, was significantly concordantamong targets(W = 0 47, P <0001). Almost all of the significantpairwise comparisons involved Lolium, which had a much stronger This content downloaded from on Tue, 11 Nov 2014 10:56:39 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 1020 Competitiveeffectand response *s~~~~~~~~~~r m in co ? , Eo r E~~~~~~~ 0!t E E * *; ~~~+ Q > X n+t "t000 -0 co 3^~~~~~~~~~~ X ~~~~~o oN = Q c~~? on ~~~+ IC r- ONm o~~~n t U + ** . * E n E = l O ? m b "C ON0 N "C "C + 00 $- + ONr- 0 "C o XII ? QS r "CO * N: ++ N N m 4 m m Io ql ?l 00 *~~~~~~ * N o"C a, mo~~~~~~~~~" It "S r| i ++* W .:=D O W .s "C O NN =>1 N C + onN 0 N > 00 ibn m 'IC ~~~~~~~* ^ = N in 'C m int N Ane O;<aQ N '-!- 0 = ol =E; O n 0000 o o Ooooool o0 o oIN o~~~~~~~~~~~~" ^oC, ? ? t0 wn Q Ct o .> Q = 0 00 ON m tnO O Nt O in o ooo r- ,C N r- "C t o oin ooo C:uS o ve~~~~~~~- This content downloaded from on Tue, 11 Nov 2014 10:56:39 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions + D. E. Lollum 2 T repens Tpratense K <Xt t o2.0-81*.i5 20.75* -0 0-30 0-35 0-89** 0-53 8~ Lollum tt~~~~~~~ X 020.JO 0-10 Q59* O.89t 0'82S 1021 LANDA |r;;0-0 0-38 *0-40 0-15 K. Ph/eum Chenopodlum Amaranthus Rumex *0.40 0-82* 0-49 E2 GOLDBERG AND t 0-7e6 Tprctense 0-71* 0-59* repens 7-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I 0-63* . 02 E I |\ S ? 0'85, CL2098 0 2_ * 1 0.02 .|m 0.50 0R84m 0 e57* t N tt 06 08** t1* ? . 0.69* 0-55 0;40 0-67* 0-71 0-70* <0.63 0-63* 0 52 0265 0-86** etChenopodium 0 P47 < Amoranthus 0.4 aI.220-77**[ ?.*.Q79 0-33 0-79 4 10X47 10X70*10X49 0.51 Phleum I 1<t 0 ~~~~Rumex 2.5 0 2-5 50 2-5 0 2-5 0 2.5 0 2.5 0 2-5 Neighbour biomass (g ) FIG. 3. Proportionof maximumtargetperformanceas a functionof neighbourbiomass for all forty-nine combinationsof seven species as neighbour(columns) and target(rows). The values on each graph are the R2 and significancelevel (n = 7) fromlinear regressionson data. Note thatall graphsare on the same scale so thatslopes can be visually untransformed compared. Negative slopes indicate competitive relationships. * P < 0-05, ** P < 0.01, *** P< 0.001. effectthan any of the other neighbourspecies on all target species (Table 2a). When Lolium was excluded fromthe comparisonsof competitiveeffect,neighbour species differedoveall in per-planteffectsforonly threeof the seven targetspecies (Chenopodium, T. repens and Rumex) and the rankingof per-plantcompetitive concordantamong effectsbetween neighbourspecies was no longer significantly targetspecies (W = 0 15, P > 0 30). Based on mean slopes (averaged over all target species), the hierarchyof per-plantcompetitiveeffectswas Lolium > T. pratense> Amaranthus> Chenopodium> T. repens = Phleum > Rumex. Mean per-planteffectswere significantly strongerfor neighbour species with largerseeds and largermaximumplant mass (Fig. 4a) but these trendsdisappeared when the much larger Lolium was excluded (P> 0-35). With or withoutLolium, This content downloaded from on Tue, 11 Nov 2014 10:56:39 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 1022 Competitiveeffectand response (a) 50 * 0.8 2*5 ( b) 0.12 0*4 0Q99*** 0 00 . & 0 0 0.09 0.09 0.18 Maximummass (g plant-') * 5-0 0*18 0*8 0 2-5 0.81* 0 1.5 0 5-0 -0-8 0.4 % -0.40 3.0 0 Seed mass (mg) * -0.21 2.5 1*5 9.8 0 00 0-4 0 o 0*08 ' 5 0-0 2 2.5 0 * 0.89* 0 0*13 0.18 0-08 0.13 Sow RGRMax (mg mg-' day-') 0*15 0*4 0 0.85* 0 L ? * ** ?0 0.05 0*10 0.15 0.05 0.10 Emerge RGRmmax(mg mg-' day-') 5.0 -0.41 2*5 0*8 0 4 0 0 --0 12 20 4 12 Median time to emergence(days) 0-24 20 0*8 -0*66 2.5 0 0-4 0 0 00 50 0.15 0 0.4.* 5-0 - 0 0*18 0-8 0& 0 3.0 * 0 00 0. 75 50 75 100 Percentage allocation to shoots 0.01 100 FIG. 4. Mean effect(a) per-plant(x 10-2) and (b) per-gramas a functionof species traits: (0) erect species; (0) low-growingspecies (see Table 1). Pearson correlationcoefficients and significancelevels (n = 7) are shown each graph. + P < 0-10, * P < 0-05, ** P < 001, ***P<O.OO1. This content downloaded from on Tue, 11 Nov 2014 10:56:39 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions D. E. GOLDBERG AND K. LANDA 1023 com(slopes) fordifferent TABLE 3. Means (? 1 S.D.) of competitioncoefficients binations of growthform of target and neighbourspecies. F values are from two-wayanalysesof variance of growthformof neighbourspecies (N) x growth formof targetspecies (T). Resultsare qualitativelyidenticalforanalysesexcluding Lolium. Neighbour Target Densityslope Erect Low Erect 0-021? 0028 0 007 ? 0008 Low 0 010? 0013 0 007? 0007 -0-516? 0151 -0 252? 0279 Biomassslope Erect Low (n= 16) (n=12) (n= 16) -0-470? 0224 (n =12) (n= 12) FN 2-64 FT FNXT 1-85 0.99 0 52 0-01 (n=9) (n= 12) -0-214? 0108 19-47*** .(n=9) *** P<0-001. types (unpublished data) or per-planteffectsdid not differbetween life-history growthforms(Table 3). different for three of the Per-grameffectsof neighbourswere only significantly target species (Table 2b), and the F values for comparisonsbetween neighbour lower than for per-planteffects(cf. Table 2(a) and 2(b); species were significantly Wicoxon signed rank test, P<0.05). Almost none of the possible pairwise com(none to one of twenty-onepossible for parisonsof effectsper-gramwas significant each target species). Nevertheless,rankingsof competitiveeffectper-gramwere concordantbetween targetspecies (W= 0 57, P< 0001). Mean again significantly slopes foreach neighbourspecies indicatethe hierarchy:Phleum > Amaranthus> Lolium > Chenopodium > Rumex > T. repens > T. pratense. This hierarchyis unrelatedto thatforper-planteffects(r5= 0 16, P > 0 50). Note especiallythe lower rankingof Lolium and T. pratensein the per-grameffecthierarchyand the higher rankingof Phleum. The significantpositive correlationsbetween competitiveeffectand maximum plant mass and seed mass disappeared when neighbourbiomass instead of density was used as the independentvariablein the regressions(Fig. 4b). Instead, neighbour species withhigherRGRmax.(calculated fromtime of sowingor of emergence)had significantly strongerper-grameffects.In addition, erect species had significantly greaterper-grameffectsthan did low-growingneighbourspecies (Table 3) and this withoutLolium (F1,38= 19 47, P < 0.001). Because relationshipremainedsignificant of the confoundingof growthform and RGRmax.(Table 1), it is impossible to separate whichof these is the primarycorrelateof per-grameffects. All of the correlationswithquantitativespecies traitsthathave been presentedare based on mean per-plantor per-grameffectfor each neighbourspecies, averaged over all targetspecies. Correlationsfor each targetspecies using the slopes from regressionsforeach neighbourspecies as the individualdata pointsshow verysimilar (unpublisheddata). patterns,althoughnot all the correlationswere significant This content downloaded from on Tue, 11 Nov 2014 10:56:39 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 1024 Competitiveeffectand response (a) 3-0 0'6 c'-047 . 1'5 (b) 00 -0.58 @0 0 0.09 0-18 0 0-09 Maximummass (g plant-') 0 3.0 - 0.6 l's . .5 1-5 -0074+ 0 -0.74+ 0 0 0 ~~0.3 0 00 0l 0 0.18 0 3.0 0 Seed mass (mg) 1'5 3 0 - 1.5 3.0 &6 @0 o0* 14-5 O 00 0.08 * 0.13 O 0.82* 0.18 0.08 OJ8 0#13 Sow R'GRma,. (mg mg-' day-') o c 0*3 0-80* 0.~~~~~~~~~ 3.Q ~~~* E o I'S * 0.6 0.0 0o 0.3 . 0 0,05 00.39 023 0.10 0.15 0.05 0.10 0'15 0.05 Emerge I?GRGmax (mg mg-' day-') 3-0 0-6 1.5 0 0.62 DO 0 4 0 0 50 0.3 0.85* 0 12 20 4 12 Median time to emergence(days) 3.0 1.5 0 * * 0 20 0 0.6~ 0 03 0.76* 0 * 0o 75 100 50 75 Percentage allocation to shoot 0'45 100 FiG. 5. Mean response to (a) neighbourdensity(x1O-2) and (b) neighbourbiomass as a functionof species traits: (e) erect species; and (0) low-growingspecies (see Table 1). Pearson correlationcoefficientsand significancelevels (n = 7) are shown each graph. + P<0 10, * P<o005, ** P<o 01, *** P<o 001. This content downloaded from on Tue, 11 Nov 2014 10:56:39 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions D. E. GOLDBERG AND K. LANDA 1025 Comparisonsof targetspecies: competitiveresponse Because neighbourdensityand biomass were significantly positivelycorrelatedfor all forty-nine species combinations(P < 0-10 for all forty-nine pairs, P < 0-05 for forty-twoof forty-ninepairs), mean target responses to neighbour density and biomass are highlycorrelated(r5= 0 78, P < 0 05) and are discussed together.The targetspecies respondedsignificantly to neighbourdensityforfourof the differently seven neighbourspecies (Table 2a) and to neighbourbiomass for only one of the seven neighbourspecies (Table 2b). Few of the pairwise comparisonsof target species to the same neighbourwere significant of a possible (none to fivesignificant twenty-onecomparisonsfor each neighbourspecies). Nevertheless,the rankingof response among targetspecies was highlysignificantly concordantamong neighbour species for density(W= 064, P < 0-001), although only barely significantly concordantforbiomass (W= 0 37, P < 0 05). The hierarchyforbest to worstresponse competitorforresponseto densitywas T. pratense> T. repens> Lolium > Phleum > Rumex > Chenopodium> Amaranthus.The hierarchyfor response to biomass was similarbut had several reversalsof nearbyspecies: T. repens> T. pratense> Lolium > Amaranthus> Chenopodium> Rumex > Phleum. Response competitiveabilityin terms of both neighbourdensityand biomass increasedwithloweroverallRGRmax. althoughtherewas no relationship significantly withpost-emergenceRGRmax. (Fig. 5). There were also marginaltrends(P < 0 10) for better response competitorsto have larger seeds (Fig. 5). In addition, good response competitorsin termsof neighbourdensityhad lower allocation to shoots and good response competitorsin terms of neighbour biomass had significantly earlieremergence(Fig. 5a,b). Life-history type(unpublisheddata) and growthform (Table 3) had no influenceon response competitiveability. Effectvs. response Mean effectas a neighbourspecies and mean response to densityas a target correlatedforeitherdensity(r5= -0 42, P > 0 10) or species were not significantly biomass (r5= 0-57, P>0-10). Note that a negative correlationmeans that species thatare good-effect competitorsas neighbours(steeperslopes) are also good-response competitorsas targets(shallower slopes), whilsta positive correlationindicates a trade-offbetween the two typesof competitiveability. DISCUSSION Target-neighbourrelationships The average proportionof variancein targetperformanceexplainedby neighbour densityand biomass was 55% and 61%, respectively,which is much higherthan thatfoundin most neighbourhoodstudies,even underglasshouseconditions(Mack & Harper 1977; Fowler 1984; Silander & Pacala 1985; Firbank& Watkinson1987). This is especiallysurprising giventheveryshortdurationof the experiment(5 weeks) and indicates strongcompetitiveinteractions.The most likelyexplanationfor the highvariationexplainedby competitionis thatthe targetperformancedata reported in thisstudyrepresentthe mean performanceof 9 targetplantsflat-' ratherthan of a single individual.This is likelyto have reduced variance among individualsthat was independentof densityand so increasedthe proportionexplainedby neighbour densityor biomass. This content downloaded from on Tue, 11 Nov 2014 10:56:39 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 1026 Competitiveeffectand response The relationshipsbetween targetperformanceand neighbourdensitywere nondensitylinear, as has been foundin almost all of the many studiesof intraspecific dependence (e.g. Weiner 1982, 1984; Silander & Pacala 1985; see Harper 1977 for density-dependence review of earlier work) and the fewer studies of interspecific (Mack & Harper 1977; Goldberg 1987; Pacala & Silander 1987). However, the relationshipswithbiomass were linear, suggestingthat the cause of the decline in per-planteffectswith increasingdensityis simplythat individualneighbourplants are smallerdue to greaterintraspecific competition.In contrastto thisconstantpergram effect,the relativelyfew examples in the literatureall found decliningpergrameffectswithincreasingbiomass (Goldberg 1987; Goldberg & Fleetwood 1987; Miller& Werner1987; Peart 1989). Because all of these studiesreportedon targetneighbourrelationshipsat the end of a growingseason or at the end of the plants' life cycle, it may be that the constantper-grameffectfound in this studyis due to our focus on the early stages of competition.For example, many plants shift allocation fromleaves and roots to support,storage or reproductivetissues over a season or with age (Harper 1977), which would result in decliningper-gram resourceuptake rates and hence decliningper-gramcompetitiveeffects.If thisshift is less pronounced at lower total neighbourbiomass (lower competitionbetween neighbours),it would explain the contrastin resultsbetween this studyand other studies in the literature. Competitiveeffect:hierarchies,equivalenceand associated traits Hierarchiesof competitiveeffectwere highlyconcordantamong neighbourspecies on both a per-plantand per-grambasis, suggestingthat rankingsof competitive effectsare independent of the target species. It is possible that extendingthe interactionsover a longer time would have resultedin less-consistenthierarchies. studiescomparingpairwisecompetitive However, in a reviewof several longer-term interactionsbetween a numberof plant species, Keddy & Shipley(1988) also found that hierachiesof competitiveeffectare generallyconsistentamong targetspecies (see also Miller& Werner1987; Peart 1989; Gurevitchet al. 1990). This generallack of species-specific pairwiseinteractionsin plantssuggeststhatthereis relativelylittle betweenplantspecies so thatall species competeforcompletely resourcepartitioning shared resources. Given consistenthierarchiesof competitiveeffects,what traitsdetermineposition in hierarchieson eithera per-plantor per-grambasis? Competitiveeffectsshould be relatedto abilityto deplete resourcesand make themunavailable to otherplants greater depletion rates of limitingresources should lead to greater competitive effects(Goldberg 1990). Because a large componentof depletion abilityis simply total biomass or surfacearea of resource-acquiring organs,per-planteffectsshould be stronglyrelated to plant size and species should be much more similar in basis (Goldberg & competitiveeffecton a per-unitsize basis thanon a per-individual Werner 1983). The results of this study are consistentwith this hypothesis:the proportionof variance explained by neighbourspecies was much smaller for the comparisonsof per-grameffectsthan for per-planteffectsand the hierarchyof per-planteffectswas highlycorrelatedwithboth initialplant size (seed mass) and maximumpotentialplant size. However, some differencesbetween species in competitiveeffectwere found even on a per-grambasis, suggestingthat plant size (as reflectedby totalbiomass) is not the onlydeterminant of abilityto deplete resources. This content downloaded from on Tue, 11 Nov 2014 10:56:39 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions D. E. GOLDBERG AND K. LANDA 1027 The hierarchyof per-gramcompetitiveeffectswas at least partiallydeterminedby maximumpotentialrelativegrowthrate, consistentwiththe idea that,all else being equal, species that grow fasterdeplete resources faster. However, the effectsof RGRmax. on competitiveeffectwere confoundedwiththose of growthform.Because the species in this studywith higherRGRmax. also had a more-erectgrowthform that would be expected to deplete light to a greater extent, it is impossible to determinefromthese resultsif both of these traitsinfluencecompetitiveeffector only one of them. Our resultsare consistentwith several recent studies that have also compared per-plantand per-unitbiomass effectsor both, using somewhatlonger-term experdifferentbetween neighbour iments. Per-plant effectsare generallysignificantly species (Goldberg 1987; Goldberg & Fleetwood 1987; Gordon et al. 1989; Gurevitch et al. 1990). For per-grameffects,experimentsconductedin the fieldhave all found statisticalequivalence (Goldberg 1987; Miller & Werner 1987; Peart 1989), whilst those conducted under more-controlledconditionshave all found at least some differences betweenspecies (Goldberg & Fleetwood 1987; Gordon et al. 1989), as in this study. Thus, the greater variance in other factorsaffectingplant growthwe expect under field conditionsmay mask real differencesbetween species in their competitiveeffects,at least fromthe viewpointof an ecologistwithan arbitrary level of significanceand power to detect differences. Competitiveresponse:hierarchies,equivalenceand associated traits As with competitiveeffect,hierarchiesin competitiveresponse among target species were similarregardlessof neighbourspecies. This concordance was much weaker, however, for responses to neighbourbiomass than to neighbourdensity. This is probablybecause of the much weaker differencesamong targetspecies in response to neighbourbiomass. Therefore,the greaterinconsistencyin rankingof competitiveresponse to neighbourbiomass among targetspecies is unlikelyto be importantbiologicallybecause the targetspecies were largelyequivalentin response to neighbourbiomass. This does, however,leave open the question of why target species were more similarin responseto biomass thanto densityforeach neighbour species. Because neighbourdensityand biomasswere alwayshighlycorrelatedforall species combinationsin this study,we can see no obvious reason for thispattern. Position in competitiveresponse hierarchiesamong species should depend on eitherrelativeabilities to tolerate depleted resource levels due to the presence of neighboursor relativeabilitiesto avoid experiencingdepletedresourcelevels because of pre-emptionof resources fromneighbours.Which of these is more important should be related to relativesizes of targetsand neighbours(Goldberg 1990). When targetsare small relativeto theirneighbours,theyare unlikelyto cause significant depletionof resourcesrelativeto thedepletioncaused by theirneighbours.Therefore, rankingof competitiveresponseshould be determinedby abilityto toleratedepleted resourcelevels. Because species more tolerantto shade and low nutrientlevels often have lower RGRmax, this translatesinto the predictionthat betterresponse competitorsshould have lower RGRmax. (see reviewsby Boardman 1977; Bazazz 1979; Chapin 1980, 1988; Grime 1988). In contrastto this predictionfor stronglysizeasymmetrical competition,iftargetplantsare similarin size to theirneighbours,preemptionof resourcesthroughearlier and/ormore rapid growthcould play a much largerrole in determiningcompetitiveresponse (Goldberg 1990). This content downloaded from on Tue, 11 Nov 2014 10:56:39 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 1028 Competitiveeffectand response Because seeds of targetand neighbourplantswere sown at the same time in this study, the size-symmetrical case seems more applicable, and early emergence, a large initial size advantage, and/or high RGR max. should be positivelycorrelated with competitiveresponse. The applicabilityof the size-symmetrical case to our experimentis reinforcedbecause of the shortdurationof our experiment.As a plant stand develops, differencesin size between individualsor between species often bcome accentuated(Weiner & Thomas 1986), whichcould lead to a switchover time fromtraitsrelated to resource pre-emptionto traitsrelated to resource tolerance being correlated with competitiveresponse. However, most of the results were actuallymore consistentwith the size-asymmetrical case. Earlier emergingspecies were betterresponse competitorsas predictedforsize-symmetrical interactions,but only in response to neighbourbiomass, and no relationshipswith post-emergence RGRmax., initial plant size or maximum plant size were found for response to neighbourdensityor biomass. Furthermore,when RGRmax. was calculated from date of sowingratherthan date of emergence,betterresponse competitorsto both neighbourdensityand biomass actually had significantly slower growthrates, as predictedfor the size-asymmetrical situation. One hypothesisto explain why response hierarchiesseem to be associated with low RGRmax. rather than with high expected with this experimental design is related to the variationin growthformamong species in this study. If competitionwas largelyforlight,the low-growingspecies would not be able to preempt lightregardlessof theirrelativegrowthrate or size. Therefore,the alternative mechanismof being a superior response competitor,tolerance of low resources and its typicalcorrelate, low RGRmaX, would be expected to predominate.This hypothesiswould predictthat position in the response hierarchyamong the erect species only should be positivelycorrelatedwith RGRmax.. Unfortunately, sample size withingrowthformsis too small to test thisprediction. Hierarchiesof effectvs. responsecompetitiveabilities The hypothesesdescribed above for the traitsdeterminingeffectand response competitiveabilitysuggestthe additionalhypothesisthatthe two typesof competitive abilityshould be positivelycorrelatedfor size-symmetrical competition(resource pre-emptionpossible) and uncorrelatedor negativelycorrelatedforsize-asymmetrical competitionwhen toleranceof low resourceavailabilitybecomes an importantcomponentof responsecompetitiveability.If the hypothesisabove about the importance of growthformover initialconditions(seed-seed vs. seed-adult) in our studyis correct,the resultsof this studyand others in the literaturecomparingeffectand responsehierarchiesare generallyconsistentwiththishypothesis.In the short-term glasshouse studyreportedin this paper, the two types of competitiveabilitywere uncorrelatedwitheach otherbased on eitherneighbourdensityor neighbourbiomass (althoughrelationshipswithRGRmaX. fromtimeof sowingwere opposite forthe two types). In a much longer-termfield study of seedling-adult interactions,Peart (1989) also found no correlationbetween effectand response competitiveability, as would be predictedfor these size-asymmetrical interactions.Three longer-term studies startingall plants fromseed all found positive correlationsbetween effect and response competitiveability, as predicted for size-symmetricalinteractions (Goldberg & Fleetwood 1987; Miller & Werner 1987; Gurevitchet al. 1990). This content downloaded from on Tue, 11 Nov 2014 10:56:39 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions D. E. GOLDBERG AND K. LANDA 1029 Conclusions The observationthateffectand response are not always positivelycorrelatedand can be related to differentplant traitsemphasizes the importanceof measuring both of them if we are to develop generalizationsabout the traitsthat determine competitiveability.Althoughour resultsapply directlyonly to the early stages of competition,many of our results are consistentwith longer-termstudies in the literature.Nevertheless,it is criticalthat the effectsof plant size and age on effect and response competitiveability be evaluated directly.It also becomes critical to establish the relative importanceof effectand response competitiveabilityof individualsin determiningthe long-termpopulation-leveloutcome of competition. Goldberg (1990) suggestedthat good-effectcompetitorsshould dominate early in successionor withingaps whereresourcepre-emption is possible,whilstgood-response competitorsshould dominatelaterin successionand in undisturbedvegetationwhere seedlings establish under adults. Testing this hypothesisabout effectvs. response competitiveabilityor anyotherabout therelationshipbetweenindividualcompetitive ability and population abundance will require a good understandingof the lifehistorystages that regulate populations; an understandingthat we have now for veryfew species. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are verygratefulto the studentsin the General Ecology class at the University of Michigan,Fall Semester 1986 for theirassistancein plantingand harvestingthe Tom Miller,Earl Wernerand two anonymous experimentsand to BetsyKirkpatrick, refereesfor theircommentson earlierdrafts.This studywas partlysupportedby a Rackham Faculty Grant to DEG fromthe Universityof Michigan. REFERENCES Aarssen,L. W. (1983). 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