commencement convocation

Commencement Convocation
Saturday, January 31, 2009 | 10:00 am
Order of Exercise
Prelude Music
Quartet Number 17, Opus 3—Joseph Haydn
Overture from Music for the Royal Fireworks—George Frideric Handel
“Trumpet Voluntary”—Jeremiah Clarke
Two themes from The Marriage of Figaro—Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
“Intrada et Bal”—Georges Barboteu
Selection from Die Bänkelsängerlieder—Georg Daniel Speer
“Suite of Dances”—Johann Christoph Pezel
Processional (please stand)
“Pomp and Circumstance”—Sir Edward Elgar
“Rigaudon”—Andre Campra
“Fanfare-Rondeau” from Suite de Symphonies—Jean-Joseph Mouret
Convocation Speakers, the Board of Trustees, the Faculty, the Candidates for Graduation
President’s Welcome...........................................................................Mr. Andrew S. Rosen, President
Commencement Address....................................................................Mr. John Legend
Announcement of Faculty Awards........................................................Dr. David Clinefelter, Provost
Announcement of Student Awards of Excellence....................................Dr. David Clinefelter, Provost
Student Speaker.................................................................................Ms. Kim Jackson
Conferring of Degrees: Dr. David Clinefelter, Provost
Ms. Sara Sander, Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
Dr. Betty Vandenbosch, Dean, School of Business and Management and Interim Dean, School of Information Systems and Technology
Mr. Frank DiMarino, Dean, Graduate and Undergraduate Schools of Criminal Justice
Dr. Keith Smith, Dean, School of Health Sciences
Dr. William Weston, Dean, Graduate and Undergraduate Schools of Legal Studies
Ms. Sheila Burke, Interim Dean, School of Nursing
Ms. Becky Shermis, Dean, School of Teacher Education
Closing Remarks................................................................................Dr. David Clinefelter, Provost
Recessional (All guests to remain standing until the last graduate has exited.)
“Pomp and Circumstance”—Sir Edward Elgar
“Rigaudon”—Andre Campra
“Fanfare-Rondeau” from Suite de Symphonies—Jean-Joseph Mouret
As a courtesy…
Professional photographers will take photographs of each graduate as they receive their diploma. Photographs and video recordings
of the ceremony will be available for purchase at a later date. Please remain seated throughout the ceremony.
For everyone’s safety, please do not stand in the aisles or on the chairs.
Please turn off all cell phones or set them to vibrate.
To assure everyone’s enjoyment of the event, we ask that crying or disruptive children be taken outside.
Please join us for the reception immediately following the ceremony in the following locations:
• Arts and Sciences: Communication, Paraprofessional, Interdisciplinary Studies.............................................Riverfront Hall North
• Business and Management, Travel and Hospitality, Accounting........................................................................Regency Ballroom
• Criminal Justice................................................................................................................... Riverfront Hall South and Central
• Education....................................................................................................................................................... Jasmine Room
• Health Sciences: Medical Assisting, Medical Transcription, Medical Office Management................................Riverfront Hall North
• Information Systems and Technology............................................................................................................Regency Ballroom
• Legal Studies....................................................................................................................... Riverfront Hall South and Central
• Nursing.......................................................................................................................................................... Jasmine Room
Kaplan University Board and Administration
Ronald Blumenthal
Jeffrey Conlon
Larry David
Lucien Gosselin
Gregory Holub
Mary Hurlbut
Dana C. Ramundt
Kay K. Runge (Chair)
Andrew S. Rosen, JD, President
Wade Dyke, PhD, Senior Vice President, Regionally Accredited Campuses
Gregory F. Marino, BS, Chief Operating Officer, Online Operations
David Clinefelter, PhD, Provost
Sara Sander, MS, Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
Betty Vandenbosch, PhD, Dean, School of Business and Management and Interim Dean, School of Information Systems and Technology
Frank DiMarino, JD, Dean, Graduate and Undergraduate Schools of Criminal Justice
Kara VanDam, PhD, Dean, School of General Education
Keith Smith, EdD, Dean, School of Health Sciences
Ron Kern, PhD, Dean, School of Higher Education Studies
William Weston, PhD, Dean, Graduate and Undergraduate Schools of Legal Studies
Sheila Burke, MSN, Interim Dean, School of Nursing
Karen Evans, PhD, Dean, School of Professional Studies
Becky Shermis, MA, Dean, School of Teacher Education
Barry Currier, JD, President and Dean, Concord Law School
Tina Serafini, DSc, President of the Faculty Senate
Connie Bosse, MBA, Vice President, Arts and Health Sciences
Christopher Caywood, JD, Vice President, Criminal Justice and Legal Studies and Interim Vice President, Nursing and Education
Kara VanDam, PhD, School of General Education
Greg Rose, MS, School of Information Systems and Technology
Amy Hilbelink, PhD, School of Nursing
Keri Nelson, PhD, School of Business and Management
Music provided by: Miami Brass Quintet
Trumpets: Tom Stancampiano and Stuart King
Trombone: Jason Pyle
Bass Trombone: Michael Balogh
French Horn: Myrna Meeroff
Presentation of Colors by the United States Marine Corps Color Guard (Det 4, 4th Tank Battalion, Hialeah, FL)
Students earning an associate’s, bachelor’s, or master’s degree are eligible to receive academic honors according to the following criteria:
^^Magna Cum Laude: Students graduating with a 3.75–3.97 cumulative grade point average.
*Summa Cum Laude: Students graduating with a 3.98–4.0 cumulative grade point average.
**Kaplan Award of Excellence: Students graduating with a 4.0 cumulative grade point average.
^Cum Laude: Students graduating with a 3.50–3.69 cumulative grade point average.
^^Magna Cum Laude: Students graduating with a 3.70–3.79 cumulative grade point average.
*Summa Cum Laude: Students graduating with a 3.80–4.0 cumulative grade point average.
**Kaplan Award of Excellence: Students graduating with a 4.0 cumulative grade point average.
Please note that participation in the graduation ceremony is not a confirmation of graduation. All requirements must be met and verified by
the Registrar.
Photography: Students will be contacted via email by Jolesch Photography for picture orders. The photographers have all students’ email addresses.
Ceremony Video: Video of the ceremony will be available online within the next few weeks. An email will be distributed to all graduates and
faculty who attended the ceremony. A copy of the DVD can be purchased through the online Student Store:
Arts and Sciences
Bachelor of Science
Brome, Denise ^^
Judy **
Delion, Maya L. *
Giese, Rachel E.
Jones, Pamela S. ^
Lopez, Rose **
Vanatta, Erin *
Walker, Ashley ^^
Walker, Janine
Associate of Science
Abed, Fida ^^
Abrahams, Sarah E. *
Agulian, Alex
Akridge, Tawana
Alayan, Nada *
Anderson, Karen B.
Andrews, Krystal
Angel, Jim *
Arkin, Terri *
Arthur, Kim
Ashton, Vernice
Austin, Caroline
Bailey, Teresa *
Balthrope, Crystal
Bernadine ^
Barnes, Sharonda ^
Barnett-Smith, Judy
Bayer, Candra ^
Bennett, Robbie *
Boutwell, Alondra
Bowling, Andrea
Bradford, Amanda
Brown, Jennifer
Bubak, Tammy
Buehl, Heather
Burgess, Terri *
Bursler, Amy B. *
Calderon-Grier, Rochelle ^
Camin, David A. ^
Jacquelyn N. ^
Cheeks, Tonia M. *
Cheney, Christy *
Catherine C. *
Clark, Felicia
Clausell, Zinger ^
Cleck-Tornambe, Wendy *
Clifton, Matthew
Cobb, Shawna ^
Colbert, Brenda *
Cole-Miller, Rachael *
Collazo, Sarah **
Conley, Connie R.
Cook, Deanna
Cooke, Rochell
Cottell, Roxanne
Cue, Tangela
Davis, Summer N.
Deal, Joanne ^
Decuir, John
de La Espriella, Mavel
Destio, Amanda *
Dismuke, Valarie D. *
Drewery, Ashley
Dulin, Mary A.
Dunn, Amy ^^
Duran, Araceli ^^
Ellis, Pamela **
Estrada, Elizabeth P.
Fidler, Sara *
Fisher, Lauren R. ^
Flores, Jessica
Fox, Karin L.
Francois, June
Frost-Wood, Trisha A.
Garcia, Jamie *
Golden, Sacorsha V. *
Goshay, Odessa
Green, Melissa
Greer, Kennda L. ^^
Handy, Kimberly **
Harrell, Takisha
Harrison, Anita
Haynes, Susan E.
Heindryckx, Robin
Henderson, Jessica E. ^
Henry, Tamar **
Hernandez, Melody ^^
Holbrook, Lora
Hollingsworth, Phebie
Hopson, Erin *
Huff, April ^^
Jackson, Titra ^^
James, Keely
Janek, Lorretta
Jones, Chemika
Kenworthy, Susan M. *
King, Latisha *
Knight, Annette
Krough, Michelle ^
Kulp, Dennis *
Lander, Crystal K.
Lane, Scott A.
Lee, Tara ^^
Lewis, Linda
Lindstrom, Sarah *
Long, Alfreda N. ^
Marshall, Lawanda A. ^
Martinez, Geneva Z.
Masters, Traci
Mattera, Victoria ^
Mcalpin, Nicole ^
McGehee, Tammy M.
McKenzie, Stephanie
McKinney, Patricia
McLaughlin, Leanne
Melendez, Stephanie
Meza, Stephanie ^^
Mitchell, Peggy A.
Moore, Chris
Moreira, Kathy *
Moreland, Kathryn
Mullins, Danielle M.
Mullins, Debralee
Mulvey, Ruth **
Myers, Tammy
Neske, Cherie ^
Nevarez, Brandi
Owen, Joan **
Pacley, Mary ^^
Parrish, Henry D.
Patterson, Stacey *
Pellegrino, April ^
Pennington, Amy M. ^^
Periquet, Fred
Petersen, Morgan B. **
Pratt, Adrian
Pressley, Dawn ^
Putney, Rebekah ^
Rahto, Rachael *
Rath, Tiffani ^
Reese, Tina ^
Reese-Booze, Dena M. ^
Rivera, Yessenia E. ^^
Robinson, Jacquelyn P.
Rodriguez, Selina T. *
Rourk, Heather ^^
Roy, Robin ^^
Salazar, Janelle
Sapp, Stacia R. ^
Scott, Noel
Seals, Anita *
Sikes, Leta
Simons, Darcy J. *
Sitko, Sandra I.
Smith, Christine A. *
Smith, Jessica *
Smith, Mandi S. *
Smith, Mckenzie ^
Smithies, Kirsty E. **
Socher, Smadar *
Spence, Jemel M.
Spurgeon, Sharon
Stephens, Carlos E.
Strike, Alison **
Strong, Sara *
Swain, Stephanie
Swartz, Stacy D. ^
Terry, Billiejo **
Thomas, Nikki
Tice, Laura ^^
Lynnette E. *
Tripodi, Pamela
Tullis, Rebecca *
Vargas, Sara
Velazquez, Guadalupe
Venchkoski, Karen ^^
Veuleman, Darlene
Walker, Michelle D.
Walter, Lacey
Ward, Kacey ^
Waters, Chyrell *
Wiley, Karla **
Williams, Malicela
Wilson, Tammy *
Young, Alan C. ^
Yusti, Elisa ^^
Zamora, Maria
Business and
Master of Business
Akande, Nicole
Arthur, Shelly V.
Baca, LeRoy **
Barnwell, Janice Y.
Barrett, Scott
Beck, Erik C.
Bivans, Stephen **
Blachura, David **
Blinth, Gary **
Boinski, Jamie L.
Brandon, Aleashia
Brassell, Thomas T. **
Brocious, Stephanie M. ^^
Brock, Maisie
Brooks, Zonie **
Brown McLaughlin,
Lorna ^^
Brueggeman, Taylor
Bryant, Carl
Busz, Jeffrey **
Butcher, Ryan ^^
Castro, Ernesto **
Cavaliere, Adam **
Chy, Chamrong
Clark, Ernest
Cornell, Aaron R. ^^
Coulon, Susanna
Davis, Elyshia ^^
Davis, Eric
Davy, Pamela
Devers, Athena S.
Devore, Jessica
DiBenedetto, Philip **
Doornbosch, Rachel ^^
Edwards, Amy **
Edwards, Heather K.
Espiritu, Corina ^^
Etienne, Cyril
Evaristo, Adriana ^^
Flegle, Janice **
Folkes, Marlon
Foradora, Darla
Frick, Jomil
Garland, Katrice
Garrison, Sarah ^^
Gerald, Christine ^^
Gerhard, Nathan ^^
Gerlach, Nicole **
Giess, Michele ^^
Gordon, Thomas Greg ^^
Guthmann, Scott **
Hagen, Scott **
Hastings, Destiny
Header, Stephen **
Henderson, Tyanne
Henriques, Ann Marie
Henry, Denise
Hoff, David J. ^^
Holmes, John T. ^^
Hutchings, Summer **
Jackson, Donna ^^
Johnson, Angela ^^
Johnson, Patricia ^^
Johnson-Cooley, Juanita
Jones, Wendy ^^
Joshua, Phyllis
Julceus, Gina
Kanarick, Yvette
Kessler, Brenda **
Kessler, Sara J.
Kinsey, Sandra **
Kynes, Stephanie
Laniyan, Ayodele
Ledesma, Angel E.
Machalow, Rebecca **
MacKenzie, Diana ^^
Marchetti, Cindy **
Marco, Janice ^^
Mcclain, Yolanda
Mccollum, Walter
McCoy, Michelle
McGrath, Linda ^^
McGurn, Jessica ^^
Menon, Sathiaprakash **
Merritt, Natalie
Mickeleit, Jeannine **
Miller, Nicholas
Mitchell, Angela ^^
Mitchell, Rebecca ^^
Morrison, Carrie M.
Neff, Thomas ^^
Newman, Jeremy ^^
Nichols, Alexander
Nin, Jonathan ^^
Novak, Ashley **
Ou, Sophary
Pardue, Christa ^^
Parker, Bobby **
Pas, Erin ^^
Powell, David **
Prater, Johnnie C.
Pross, Patrick ^^
Quintero, Vielka
Rakvica, Debra
Rasheed, Irfan
Raymond, Mary **
Reed, Jennifer **
Rice, Melissa
Robey, Joe ^^
Rolley, Mauletha
Rosero, Robert D.
Schwartz, Ecco
Sharpe, David **
Shumake, Irenette **
Simms, Constance
Smith, Jay
Soon, James ^^
Steinberg, Patricia
Stout, Austin
Swilley, Britt ^^
Tangataevaha, Lamona
Taylor, Donna
Taylor-Stephenson, Gigs **
Todd, Paul **
Townsend, Camala R.
Trinh, Lan ^^
Urban, Christopher W.
Vigne, Kyshann ^^
Walker, Amy
Waters, Melanie
White, Frances
White, Tamatha
Wilson, Claudine **
Wise, Leonel ^^
Wright, Michelle
Yusuf, Halima
Bachelor of Science
Alberga, Tandy ^
Alexander, Shannon R.
Allison, Greg *
Allmon, Paul ^^
Altizer, Laurence *
Altomare, Linda J.
Al-Yasiri, Tricia
Amrozowicz, Phillip
Anderson, Christine A. *
Anderson, Tamika ^
Andrews, Virgeania
Elizabeth M. ^^
Armstrong, John
Atherton, Pamela
Auge, Jason T.
Bachmann, Erin ^
Balala, Maricel M.
Baldinelli, Victoria
Barger, Cynthia K. *
Batista, Luz ^
Bauza, Sara *
Baynard, Vondranette *
Beatty, Patty ^
Beck, Kari A. *
Beggs, Ruby M. ^
Belcher, Norisha K.
Belcher, Raylene L.
Bemiss, Michael
Bert, Robin *
Bishop, Angela M.
Bissett, Courtney ^
Blair, Carol *
Blankenship, Cindy G.
Bliss, Kim
Bollwerk, Roxanna L.
Bonnin, Kristi M. *
Bossie, Andrew G.
Boykins, Julie
Brammell-Donta, Laura L.
Bramwell, Alex
Brantley, Catina
Bright, Randy *
Bright, Stacy *
Broughton, Paul R.
Brown, Misherald
Brown, Robert
Browne, Jasmine J.
Brunazzi, Terry **
Bryham, Afrecion S. **
Burns, Michelle R. *
Burns-Pronti, Angela
Burris, Caroline
Burt, Brodee
Call, Patrick A. ^
Cameron, Mark *
Cantrell, Lynn C. ^^
Caradine, Ava *
Carreon, Patricia
Carrieri, Michelle ^
Case, Wendy
Celestino, Stephen
Christine, Kenneth D.
Claar, Aleisa
Clayton, Shirley *
Clift, Mark A. ^
Coeyman, David H. **
Cohen, Anthony
Cole, Susan H. *
Cole, Toshia M.
Coleman, Jodie *
Colfack, Jeanne M. **
Colvin, Sophia C. ^
Conley, Donald I.
Conner, Barbara A. ^^
Cotton, Arthea
Craig, Heather M. *
Creek, Rita F. **
Crenshaw, Natasha
Crosier, Curt *
Crowley, Michael A. *
Cummings, Heather R. *
Daily, Jeremy ^
Dalrymple, Leticia
Danchak, Steve W.
D’Angiolini, Heather
Daugherty, Sherry M. ^
Davis, Amy L.
Davis, Danny
Davis, LeAndre
Davis, Lisa *
Davis, Makini *
Dean, Denise L.
Deen, Mechelle L.
Demetrius, Steven *
Dename, Phyllis
Denslow, Kathleen ^
Dery, Paul ^
Dickerhoof, Jan N.
Dieckmann, Michael R. ^
Divincenzo, Paul
Dollins, Scott
Dorval, Mackenwo
Dove, Mark F. *
Drake, Kristin
Du, Mei *
Duby, Karen J.
Duncan, Vanessa L. *
Dunham, Bobbie S.
Dunn, Cary *
Durand, Amber *
Dwyer, Michael K. ^
Edwards, Nancy
Egyedi, Christine A. ^
Ehrhardt, Darehn
Elliott, Reginald ^
Ellis, Pamela *
Eng, Lawrence ^
English, Marie ^^
Erler, Stephanie **
Erving, Kristine L. *
Estades, Maribel ^^
Estrella-Bouchard, Sylvie *
Farrell, Daniel T.
Fawcett, Debra K. *
Feaster, Jennifer D. ^
Feldner, Melanie R. **
Finney, Barbara
Fiore, Dijon M.
Flores, Blanca ^
Folwell, Lisa
Forman, Jameson P.
Fort, Karen L. *
Fowler, Emma ^^
Fowler, Jerad
Frazier, Suprina *
Freitas, Michelle ^
Friedman, Betty B. ^
Garcia, Jessica J.
Gause, Marie E. *
Gayle, Nina
Gervasi, Joseph
Ghitelman, Cindy J. *
Gildea, Marcia *
Gilliland, Bradley K. ^^
Gilmore, Bryant C.
Gonzales, Kathryn J. **
Gonzalez, Lyanette M. ^
Goodwin, Chris A.
Goodwin, Cortez
Gordon, Chris K.
Gowin, Pamela J. *
Graham, Gwendolyn D. *
Greeff, Christian *
Greenwood-Jackson, Gena
Greuel, Lisa *
Griffin, Kirsten
Griffith, Warren ^^
Grubbs, Becky
Gujral, Rajinder
Gully, Emily D.
Guzman, Iris ^^
Hall, Lashell *
Hammon, Lorraine ^
Harris, Brian C.
Harris, Mitchell D. ^
Harris, Yolanda V.
Hayes, Bonita
Hearn, GarriAnn *
Hebert, Richard ^
Her, Maicher ^
Hereford, Cynthia A. *
Katherine L. ^^
Hert, Scott ^
Hettesheimer, Jeffrey S. **
Higginbotham, Paul M. *
Hill, Gina ^
Hill, Jamonica
Hinton, Shante
Hloska, Lisa M. *
Hooks, Surrena
Hooton, Chelsea K. *
Horton, Kelly L.
Housh, Greg D. *
Howard, Samantha
Hubbard, Hailie *
Hufford, Jeffery G.
Huggins, Helena
Hulke, Brian ^
Hull, Leanne
Hurst, Brenda *
Hurt, Benjamin
Ivery, Michael
Jacks, Monica
Jacobs, Rebecca W.
Jacque, Russ
James, Adama
Johnson, Connie
Johnson, Denise L. ^^
Johnson, Marcell E. E.
Johnson, Marjorie *
Johnson, Meka *
Johnson, Scott ^^
Jones, Bruce E.
Jones, Jacklin L. *
Jones, Miranda ^^
Joseph, Marcelle ^
Jubilee, Pandora D.
Karr, Robert ^
Keane-Eaton, Colleen M. *
Keating, Sean *
Kelly, Patricia E. ^
Kennedy, Catherine
Kimball, Paul M.
Knight, Natalie ^
Koetter, Judith ^^
Koskovich, Stephen J. *
Kotlerewsky, Mary
Kowalkowski, Patricia ^
Kozey, Kristina ^
Kretz, Michelle A.
Lade, Jacqueline E.
Laird, Melvin T. ^^
Landry, Anthony J.
Langley, Jennifer *
Lanham, Matthew ^^
Lassiter, Yorell M.
Latting, Terrance P. *
Laudat, Monica ^
Laughland, Jeff *
Lawrence, Nichole D. ^^
Laymon, Brandy Lee
Levine, Latarsha
Levron, Kristi L. *
Liburdi, Jeanne *
Liles, Logan T. ^^
Lisum, Corie N. ^
Little, Jihad
Lockett, Summer *
Long, Ashley H. *
Long, Linton
Lubin, Joe
Lucas, Tim
Mahone, Angela D.
Malaney, Angela *
Mallinger, Steven ^^
Marazita, Fred J. ^
Martin, Mia S. ^
Martz, Jonathan
Matsko, Holly **
Mazzella, Patrick A. **
Mcalister, Marsha
McBride, Michael C.
McCaffity, Sheila C. ^
McCain, Taracha R.
McCall, Monique
McCauley, Ghadir *
McCauley, Kristofer
McEachern, Brian *
McFarren, Tracy
McLaughlin, Carrie
McLean, Elissa ^
McLemore, Richard W. ^
McMurry, Teresa ^
Medina, Cynthia *
Mercer, Karen T. *
Metzler, Jennifer ^
Meyer, Camille *
Meyer, Jessica R.
Michelson, Clara ^
Miller, Erica *
Miller, Heather ^^
Miller, Kris ^^
Miller, Michelle *
Miller-Beckett, Joyce
Milne, Susan M. **
Mischan, Lori **
Montgomery, David
Moon, Sharon ^
Moore, Rebecca M. *
Moreau, Ruby *
Morris, Pamela C. *
Moses, Annette M.
Mosley, Keturah R.
Muldrow, Angela ^
Munch, Juli *
Murawski, Donald *
Napoleoni, Nicole **
Narofsky, Michael P. ^
Ndobe, Vahid N. ^^
Norris, Brian *
Norwood, Amy Lynn ^
Nunez, Jennyffer *
Olinske, Carrie *
Olson, Dana S. ^
OMalley, Wendy G.
Osgood, Kirk T. ^^
Owens, Angela
Oxenford, Heather
Palmieri, Kathryn
Parker, Esther S. *
Pecora, Steven *
Pentecost, Larry G.
Perry, Jeanie A.
Peters, Lance A. ^^
Pettignano, Michael
Phelps, Katherine W.
Pierre-Charles, Wislair ^
Plantinga, Judy
Polito, Melissa S. *
Poolaw, Rebecca *
Pulis, Rhonda
Randolph, Amanda L. *
Ravassipour, John *
Ravelojaona, Anja S. ^^
Raymond, Sharon ^
Redding, Teri
Reisner, Jim *
Rhinehart, Linda
Riccardo, Dana *
Rine, Christina *
Rivera, Magaly
Rivera-Uttich, Leticia
Roberts, David A. ^^
Robertson, Robin ^^
Rodney, Thomas ^^
Rodriguez, Cesar
Rodriguez, Juan
Romero, Roger ^
Rosa, Julissa
Rosario, Anthony M. *
Rosebaugh, Jessica L. ^
Rosenthal, Katherine ^
Rothwell, Laura *
Royal, Edna ^
Rubel, Ana *
Salme, Jessica ^^
Samardzija, Igor
Sandy, Nannette
Sanfilippo, Kathleen T.
Sanfilippo, Richard *
Sanon, Merry *
Santiago, Joeleen
Savastano, Deborah A.
Schaedel, Robert *
Schatzman, Joseph ^
Schertz, Esther E. ^
Schlegel, Maura **
Scott, Deanne E. ^
See, Amy
Seidl, Jennifer L. *
Shackelford, Alisha
Shaw, Jeannette
Shmaefsky, Tana
Simmons, Linda ^
Simmons, Syniethia
Smith, Christine A. ^^
Smith, Cynthia A. *
Smith, Debra J. *
Smith, Leslea D. *
Smith, Tambra D. *
Sorrell, Dawna *
Soule, Rosemary I.
Southerland, Angela ^
Spivak, Larisa ^
Splattstoesser, Andrew B.
Stanley, Rika M.
Stevenson, Christina L. ^^
Stimson, Hattie M.
Stolken, Bethany S.
Strickland, Tonya ^
Sullivan, Carla S. ^
Svennes, Travis *
Swain, Yolonda
Taschereau, Troy *
Taylor, Mark E. ^
Taylor, Pintcholla **
Taylor, Renee
Teran, Desiree S. ^
Tharp, Lisa
Thompson, Robert **
Thompson, Stephanie ^^
Thrift, Tara A.
Thunker, Roselyn
Tibbitts, Amy L. *
Tillman, Deonya
Timothy, Derk **
Todd, Jennifer K. ^
Totzke, Constance ^
Tran, Aaron C.
Ulibarri, Tami K.
Underhill, Shawneen M.
Van Duyn, Jordan L. ^^
Van Winkle, Andrea
Vargo, Melody
Vartuli, Carol ^
Vaughn, Kendra
Vazquez, Marilu *
Victorino, Teresa
Villegas, Eric ^^
Vonohlen, Lori E. ^
Wakaba, Danielle **
Walker, Tammy
Wallace, Erica ^
Wallace, Joy
Walsh, Kathleen **
Watkins, Edward L. *
Watkins, Jeffery
Watson, Calvin *
Weigold, Linda A. *
Weinreber, Dawn ^
Welch, Traci
Wendler, Annette M. ^
Whatley, Kristy *
White, Deborah
White, Rochelle
Wiley, Lisa C.
Williams, Robyn M.
Williamson, David L. ^
Wilson, Michelle D. *
Wilson, Yolanda
Wiltsee, Tina L.
Wisneski, James *
Wood, Jena C.
Woods, Kimberly
Woods, Walter *
Worden, Jessica ^
Yuska, Jill ^
Associate of
Applied Science
Abram, Venessa ^^
Abrego, Lois *
Agan, Adam ^
Amos, Lissette M. ^
Anderson, Ta Kesha L.
Anklam, Ryan C. *
Aparicio, Michelle
Apodaca, Margheritte ^^
Aslakson, Robert
Astbury, Amanda S.
Autry, Christopher
Azah, Ngweh
Ball, Jamie *
Beauchamp, Albert R. ^
Bell, Deborah R. *
Bell, Jennifer
Best, Dawn M.
Betancourt, Christy
Blake, Jacqueline J.
Bloodgood, Clare ^
Blyden, Jasmine A. *
Boatman, Leah
Bolsius, Paula M. *
Booker, Nina
Bourgeois, Norma L.
Breen, Stacy L.
Bristow, Amanda
Brooks, Gina L.
Brown, Marsha
Burns, Tonya A.
Bush, Bryon ^
Calhoun, Pam ^
Campbell, Rafi T.
Carrera, Claudia *
Carter, Debra A.
Celestino, Mitch *
Chalut, Melanie
Chandler, Justun D.
Chandler, Stephanie ^^
Chappell, Peggy ^
Chetty, Jai
Clark, Andrew J.
Clark, Heather
Clifford, Michelle
Clouse, Aimie **
Conrad, Angelia
Cook, Vanessa
Costa, Vincent *
Couch, Marion C. ^^
Cowles, Markece ^
Creese, Andrew J. J. *
Crowder, David M.
Cuccinelli, Beverly
Cunningham, LeeAnn M.
Curley, Tina R.
DAmbrosio, Danielle ^^
Davis, Teisha
Demuth, Amber
Dezelle, Amber *
Dickerson, Heather
Dietz, Ann-Marie ^
Dober, Heather A.
Dodson, Gregory M. ^
Dow, Kristy F.
Duncan, Nancy B.
Dunn, David ^
Dunn, Jennifer *
Edwards, Shanikwa L.
Eggleston, Tina ^
Eisenhart, Yvette R.
Ely, Richard
Erickson, Dustin
Esler, Karen E.
Evans, Valerie
Felts, Jennifer
Ferrara, Trisha M.
Melinda P. ^
Ferrington, Barbara A. *
Feurt, Sarah L.
Fleming, Grisha I. ^
Foster, Steven **
Franklin, Regina
Gaiter, Donna
Garcia, Courtney
Garza, Melissa
Gasawski, Virginia
Geiger, Jamie-Day ^^
Gibson, Treva ^
Glasgow, Raelene *
Glenn, Bridgette
Glenn, Sherrie A. *
Glover, Jeffrey ^
Gowdy, Shateka ^^
Graham, Michelle S.
Grantham, Cynthia
Green, Evette ^
Greenidge, Rina
Haider, Amy
Hardister, Lois *
Harrison, Amanda
Hayes, Maria
Hayes, Naika ^^
Head, Vickie
Healey, Sharon L.
Heard, Tiffany N. ^^
Heiner, Regina *
Hemphill, Theresa A.
Hernandez, Alfredo ^^
Hernandez, Luz D.
Hetzler, Laura ^
Hildebrand, Erin
Hilkirk, Amy
Hill, Carol R. *
Hill, David
Hill, Queiana
Holt, Theresa L.
Holthaus, Diann
Horne, Christopher
Horton, Todd
Howard, Brian ^
Howell, Tina ^
Howeth, Shawna D.
Howland, Jennifer Q.
Huddle, Jessie R.
Huffer-Robinson, Angela ^
Huston, Tina
Isabel, Sendhy
Jackson, Anna
Jean-Baptiste, Adline P.
Jefferson, Angela
Jones, Doraine ^
Jones, Patricia
Kargar, Parwin ^^
Kemp, Christopher K.
Kerr, Rebecca
King, Reginald
Kitchens, Mattew G.
Klingler, Bridgett S. ^
Kozlowski, Jennifer
Kumferman, Angelica
Lanham, Christine ^^
Larson, Elizabeth J. ^^
Lesansky, Jason I. *
Lineberry, Susan ^
Ling-Johnson, Sheilia
Locke, Rick
Long, Michael
Lopez, Betsy
Lopez, Denise M. ^
Lopez, Maria *
Lynch, Julie *
Lynch, Tommy *
Macpherson, John R. *
Maddox, Sonya
Maestas, Lisa ^^
Manning, Denise R. ^
Marrs, Helaina A.
Marsh, Charles M.
Martin, Amanda M. ^^
Martinez, Becky
Matthews, Gina
McCauley, Susan
McCormick, Shannon **
Mccullough, George C.
McDonald, Alison ^
McKoy, Carlton R.
McNair, April
Meek, Jorie ^
Monfeli, Fred *
Monhollen, Christopher M.
Morgan, Karlene P.
Morris, Danielle ^
Murchison, Sharon L. ^
Nelson, Ronald
Nespolini, Maryann ^
Nihart, Vicki *
North, Greta ^
Nunez, Candice
Osborn, Timothy
OShea, Daniel R.
Owens, Kassi
Paino, James
Paris, Sharalyn
Paris, Tanya *
Paul, Sarah ^
Paulhill, Christina
Peer, Daisy
Perkins, Tammie
Perry, John
Peterson, SaBonnie
Philbrook, Michelle ^
Pierce, Donna
Pierre-Louis, Aviel
Pinero, Edwin
Pitterson, Tasha
Pittman, Anna M.
Porch, Catrinia *
Powell, Lashawone T.
Prasad, Vineeta ^
Pritchett, David
Prows, Ellen *
Pulsinelli, Jennifer L. ^
Qualls, LaNnette ^
Randolph, Wondrala
Ranes, Vickie
Ray, William O.
Richardson, Denise ^
Ripple, Lisa
Rivers, Deana R.
Roderick, April ^
Rogers, Mindy
Ross, Michelle *
Rudalf, Alicia K.
Ruff-Sloan, Dionne ^
Ruiz, Tina M.
Rusher, Eric
Rusk, Ryan
Savage, Dianna ^^
Schiller, Michael
Schmuck, Penny *
Schwab, Scarlet
Scott, Angel C.
Scott-Willardson, Tanya ^^
Sepulveda, Nancy
Sepulveda-Jeter, Annette
Shaffer, Denise
Sharpley, Michelle *
Sheltra, Sheila
Shields, Tricia
Simon, Onika M.
Smalls, Janet
Smallwood, Christy D.
Smith, Georgette
Smith, Hayley *
Smith, Tamika
Smith, Wanda L. *
Sofronski, Martin A.
Spear, Terry
Spellman, Atiya
Stalidzane, Baiba
Stanley, Sandra
Stephens, Bridget
Stewart, Elmeran C.
Stover, Renee
Suarez, Sarah ^^
Sullins, Brandon
Swain, Cindy L.
Swanson, Kelly M.
Swezey, Marla ^
Taylor, Margaret ^
Thomas, Veronica ^
Townsend, Linda ^
Tucker, Glenn
Turnham, Patricia A. *
Ueckert, Beverly
Ussery, Grace B.
Van Deusen, Kimberlee
Vogel, Dennice *
Vrana, Layne
Wagner, Ellen
Wallace, Valerie A. *
Walters, Brigette ^
Ward, Justin
White, Phil *
White, Ryan O.
Williams, Shellon A.
Williams, Tiffany M.
Willingham, Connie
Willis, Ravin ^^
Wilson, Crystal L.
Wilson, Suzanne *
Zeipekis, Colleen
Criminal Justice
Master of Science
Baker, Nesheta
Barker, Angela **
Barnett, Ginae ^^
Bibbey, Erica S. **
Britt, Chrysti R. **
Campbell, Crystal
Carranza, Becky
Carroll, Cassandra **
Cato, Lisa ^^
Cowin, Raymond **
Cox, Brooke **
Devlin, Jacquie **
Draper II, Malcolm R. **
Emerson, Teresa A. ^^
Flemming, Regina E. **
Gamble, Anthro **
Garrett, Tim
Haynie, Karley
Hazel, Laquisha **
Hendon, Glenda
Jackson, Kim R. **
Jackson, Lisa
Johnson, Naomi M. ^^
Khan, Abdullah
Kozdrajski, Joseph **
Lewis, Debra **
Martin, Kristie M. ^^
McKelvey, Ian **
Montonye, Desiree ^^
Moore, Michael **
Perez, Judith
Phillips, Stephen B. ^^
Phipps, Shona ^^
Ramos, Aida ^^
Richardson, Kiwanya
Robertson, Virgil
Saltzman, Mark **
Seabolt, Carol ^^
Seaman, Colby **
Singer, Mark M. **
Smith, Belinda ^^
Stull, Jacob **
Throne, Arlen
Torman, Charles ^^
Tysick II, Michael **
Willis, Tonya ^^
Wilson, Debra ^^
Yates, Judith
Bachelor of Science
Alexander, Sherry-Ann
Allen-Mitchell, Ruby J. *
Allred, Sheryl D.
Anderson, Jamie S. *
Araica, Xochitl
Arizmendi, Brucelle A.
Artis, Keyonna C.
Artis, Shanell
Baewer, Josephine
Bagley, Nancy I.
Bailey, Rebecca
Baker, Don
Baker, Tamela
Bankston, Bryan *
Bassetti, Beth ^^
Bennifield, Jennifer
Berger, Linda C. ^
Bey, Kendall H.
Bittick, Darryl ^
Blackwell, Clayton
Blair, James *
Blais, Julia *
Blake, Barbara
Bodeman, Sharon D. *
Bond, Cris I. ^
Bonneville, Michael
Bouie, Yedetta
Boxrucker, Lauri E. *
Bravo, NiKay H.
Brown, Amber L. ^^
Brundage, Ryan D.
Bryant, Kelley
Buckingham, Crystal
Burkard, Daniel ^
Burns, Ebonique
Buss, Tana J. ^
Cabell, Curtis *
Cabrera, Melanie **
Calloway, Samika
Camp, James
Cannon, Patricia **
Caracaus, Michelle
Carlisle, Shaneika
Carlson, Stephanie E. **
Castaneda, Roxanna *
Caudle, Cristina L.
Chapa, Angela F. *
Chapa, John M. *
Chase, Robin ^
Chmura, Marijo T. ^
Cizek, Kira J. *
Clager, Jodi **
Clause, Lori L.
Clifford, Jo Ellen C. *
Clubb, Calvin ^
Cole, Khira S. *
Coleman, Kate ^
Coleman, Latonya P.
Collins, Donna *
Collins, Marchelle
Colvin, Bill
Creekmore, Jeff
Croshaw, Tiffany *
Cross, Marie ^^
Crump, Troy T. *
Cummings, Crystal ^
Dabonne, Danak *
Dassler, Heather ^
Daubenmire, Scott R. *
Davis, Jenica L. ^
Davis, Terasa *
Davis, Terrice
Deal, Michelle **
DeClue, Deborah L.
DeFelice, Gregg ^
Depoy, Dale *
DeWitte, Lori L.
D’Gabriel, Treyce ^^
Dobson, James ^^
Dooley, Jason A. *
Dougherty, Mona *
Duarte, Alva
Dufour Jr., Dennis L. ^
Dulles, Angela
Dwyer, Dana L. *
Edwards, Kenya
Elias, Jodi M.
Elliott, Janelle ^
Erler, James J.
Ervin, Anthony ^
Estrada, Marcy
Fehlman, Sherrie L. ^^
Feliciano, Ramon
Fondaumiere, Levette D.
Forsman, Ian D. *
Fowler, Christine ^^
Frentress, Shawna I.
Fuller, Scott A.
Fulton, Faye ^
Garcia, Jerome
Gatewood, Wayne
Gettins, John
Gholston, DJuanna
Giordano Jr., Joseph
Gonzalez, Maria ^
Gonzalez, Tasha
Goodman, Janice *
Goyette, Melinda
Graves, Terry
Graziano, John
Greer, James *
Groeneweg, Miranda
Grupe, Marc A.
Guffey, Phillip ^
Guidry, Tasha
Gwin, Garrett ^
Haglund, Greg B.
Halcomb, Trina
Hall-Beard, Marilyn
Hallead, Jason
Hammonds, Tracy
Hampton, Danielle E.
Hancock, Haley ^
Harmon, Latoya
Harp, Carolyn C.
Harris, Lisa A. *
Hart, Loretta *
Harvey, Michael C. **
Hasper, Joi L. *
Hassett, Jennifer M.
Hathcoat, Michael D. ^
Hauer-Schmitz, Jennifer *
Hawkins, Sherrye
Haywood, Derek ^
Heard, Melonie
Hearne, James A. *
Heath-Wicker, Carrie
Hegman, Cory **
Henderson, Michael
Henry, Karen *
Herring, Brenda
Hess, Sarah ^^
Hill, Shawna
Hoffhine, Jeffrey ^
Hollister, Rebecca
Hoyle, Malanienne *
Hubbard, Felicia G. ^
Hudson, Brenda M. **
Hunter, Chandra G.
Jablonowski, Holly
Jackson, Teresa
James, Frank A.
Jenks, Linda ^
Jensen, Kellylynn
Jones, Kimberly *
Kendall, Tristica R. ^
Kilmer, Guila S.
Koplik, Olga ^
Kornegay, Naaila
Krigger Sr., Aaron E. ^^
Krueger, Debbie J. ^
Judith ^^
LaDue, Elizabeth M.
Langston, Oscar ^
Lazoroski, Lence **
Leach, Jeremy *
Lee, David G.
Leftwich, Casey *
Legursky, Candida S. *
Lewis, David ^
Lishman, Jan
Longas, Peggy
Lopez, Evelyn
Luhrs, William *
Macias, Priscilla
MacInday, Renee *
Mackey, Dwayne N. *
Madden, Carol J. **
Maher, Nicholas D. ^
Mahloch, Gwen
Malachi, Jakarta ^
Malcolm, Michelle **
Manley, Robert W. ^
Marin, Jamie R. *
Marquardt, Michael
Martinelli, Lisa R.
Martinez, Paula ^^
Mata, Tammy ^^
Deborah K.
Maxwell, Patrick ^
Maynes, Hector ^
McCandrew, Michelle **
McDonald, Luann ^^
McElhaney, Laura M.
McKeithen, Julie
McKenzie, Michael J.
McMullen, Davida ^^
McNeil, Mandy L. ^^
Medina, Louis ^
Melendez, Patricia
Miles, Sonya
Miller, Darlene ^
Miller, James *
Mills, Lisa M. *
Minnifield, Cherie
Mitchell, Dionisio *
Moberly, Mandi L. ^^
Momirovich, Rade T.
Montgomery, Louis V.
Moore, Brandi E. *
Moschell, Angela J.
Moss, James
Mueller, Donna M. *
Myette, Andrea
Naccarato, Sally *
Neece, Donald E.
Neith, Rhonda L. ^^
Newton, Brenda L. ^
Newvine, Cynthia A.
Northridge, Summer R. *
O’Brien, James J. ^
Ousley, Preston
Owen, Michael *
Pace, Natalie C. ^
Pagan, Nelliren
Parmalee, Christopher ^
Parmeter, Michelle *
Pedrero, Nando
Pelletier, Rachel E.
Perry, Deanna L. ^
Peterson, Jason M.
Phillips, Kellen J.
Pinney, Caleb *
Piscitelli, Arelis *
Platt, Janice J.
Prentice, April M. ^
Price, Kathleen A.
Purnell, Carlton ^
Ramos, Lauren *
Ramroop, Dorlette
Reed, Tina M.
Rhame, Tanija
Rice, John M.
Rice, Leasha *
Rising, Nellie
Robinett, Donald E.
Robinson, Kamili D. ^
Roche, Tim P. ^^
Rodgers, Joshua
Rodriguez, Tiffany A.
Rose, Jessica
Rowe, Allison
Sacluti, Melissa *
Sanchez, Gladys
Sandifer, Nicole F.
Sawyer, Jolene M.
Sawyers, Jennifer
Schatzle, Lucas *
Schmidt, Jessica **
Schmitt, Sheila
Schmitz, Susan *
Schwall, Douglas ^^
Scott, Craig **
Scott, Jason *
Sehmel, Susan M. *
Sheehan, Lisa R. *
Siemer, Kaci ^
Sills, Michelle ^
Skieczius, Eric W.
Smith, Billy
Smith, Nathan M. ^
Smith, Susan
Soto, Patricia
Southern, Anona
Steinbronn, Michelle
Stenger, Samantha *
Stewart, Teresa L. ^
Stieber, Jennifer S.
Sumner, Paul A. *
Tackelson, Carol
Terra, Erika ^^
Thurau, Judith A.
Tippens, Larhonda
Trammell, Marvin
Travers Patton, Mary *
Treadwell, Tina ^
Trent, April
Tucker, Rosalind
Ucelo, Kristy
Varner, Penny A. **
Ward, Karen M.
Ware, Marie **
Warren, Scott ^
Washington, Lori A. *
Waters, Yolanda N. *
Watson, Sherri A.
Watts, Brent D. *
Wedgeworth, Autumn L. ^
Wegener, William *
Weldon, Joan
Whitfield, Gladys ^
Whitt, Joslyn
Wilcox, Kristian
Wilkins Terry,
Ellen Judithe
Wilkins, Jerrel ^^
Wilkinson, Christine
Williams, Jerome L.
Williams, Tammy R.
Williams, Terri *
Williams, Tina W.
Williamson, Stephanie C. *
La Shawnda
Witham, Lindy *
Wittey, Stephanie **
Woodard, Terrance D. ^
Woods, Trunetta
Woodson, Rodney A.
Wray, Lois T.
Wright, Melissa A.
Associate of Applied
Akinwunmi, Olugbenga *
Albergottie, Desmond
Applegate, Christi A. ^^
Barlow, Paul
Barz, Angela ^^
Bearfield, Patricia
Bernardez, Melody
Blackstock, Melanie
Blaney, Christopher J.
Blanton, Randolph
Boeve, Brett K. *
Booth, Crystal *
Bourquin-Jackley, Amy
Bowman, Laura
Bradley, Kelly
Buback, Jennifer ^^
Bullag, Cyril V.
Bundy, Mary Jane
Burgess, Christina K.
Burns, Jo Ann
Cadwallader, Nancy *
Calvin, Michelle
Carter, Kim ^
Carter, Tangela
Chaix, Tracie ^^
Chambers, Doug *
Charnicky, Steve ^^
Chord, Billie
Church, Janie
Churchill, Katrina
Cisneros, Sandra C. ^
Clark, Edna
Clark, Sherese
Cobb, Tabitha
Cooley, LeRoy
Coppola, Rhonda ^
Cressler, Lindsay
Crone, Sean M.
Croy, Anthony **
Culbert, Lisa
Cummings, Peggy ^
Cunningham, Ilka M. *
Damerow, Guy ^^
Dangerfield, Carl ^
Danys, Jennifer
Davis, Andrew
Dean, Gloria
Dickinson, Marceia
Dickson, Cheree A. *
Drakeford, Deborah
Duran-Jenson, Rachel
Eastridge, Linda
Echols, Marqueta V.
Eckert, April
Eric, Pierre S. ^
Etheya, Wilnor
Feldman, Marisa ^
Figueroa, Carlos A. *
Flagg, Jacqueline
Floria, Gina
Fujioka, Michael *
Gammon, Keith E. ^^
Garza, Sonia
Genenbacher, Josh
Gilbert, Janie
Glidewell, Wendie
Goins, Heather L. *
Gomez-Scott, Leticia
Goodsen, Brett D.
Gregory, Steven *
Hanson, John *
Harris, Debra A.
Hayes, Rebecca K.
Hayslett, Kesha
Hernandez Colon, Jose J. ^
Hickenbotham, Brian ^
Hightman, Jennifer
Holland, Danielle ^
Hooper, Deena M.
Houle, Joshua
House, Cynthia
Hubbard, Kenneth ^
Hudson, Vergia
Hutchinson, Ann
Jackson, Shemika
Jaeger, Amber ^
Jenkins, Frankie ^^
Jenkins, Justina
Jerome, Keith
Johnson, Lakeya
Johnson, Nicole
Kennedy, Nina M.
Klett, Brandy
Koch, Danielle
Kohler, Katherine A.
Kohler, Meshelle
Kono, Orynthia
Kowalsky, Alvin E.
Krietsch, Stephanie A. ^^
Krzeminski, Laura
Laarveld, Dorothy
LaBar, Jacquelynn
LaFond, Serena
Leisner, Rona *
Lemmel, RaShell ^
Lewandowski, Tammy ^
Lopez, Nicholas *
Lopez-Juarez, Dianna R. *
Lott, Lacy R.
Luchi, Sharon
Lynch, Pamela
Mader, Kennya
Markowitz, Bill ^^
Mason, Robyn
McCallister, Lacey
McCarthy, Sarah
McClain, Whitney *
McKee, Laura A.
McLearen, Anissa
McMichen, Casey
McNeil, Marcella
Milano, Matthew ^
Miller, Rosemary T.
Money, Victoria G. ^
Montgomery, Diana
Moore, Harvey
Moore, Paul
Morgan, Dakri
Morgan, Debra A.
Mullings, Timothy
Mychael, Mildred O.
Napier, Aylea ^
Newvine, Joshua
Nowling, Joshua E. *
Owens, Melody A.
Parker, Cecelia *
Pedro, Kimberly
Perez, Ruth A.
Perkins-Bess, Chwanna C.
Phillips, Charles
Platt, Jami ^
Polyak, Megan
Predico, Gia D.
Pretorius, Jarien *
Ramos, Ricardo *
Rebstad, Paula ^
Reed, April
Reeves, Edith ^^
Rice, Danielle E. ^
Rittenhouse, Rebecca **
Robinson, Anthony
Roches, Kimberly
Rodriguez, Noel
Romano, Candace
Sage, Kaitlyn
Sanchez, Dannette M.
Sarkozi, Timea
Schane, Andrea
Schiman, Aspen
Schwagel, Lee
Shirk, James
Shropshire, Latasha
Siegrist, Jessica *
Slagle, Marlo ^
Smajo, Anthony R.
Smith, Henry C.
Smith, Martin C.
Speer, Summer
Stewart, Georgia
Stewart, Nicholas A.
Talbot, Damond *
Talhelm, Kelly
Thomason, Robin ^
Thompson, Theresa A.
Torres, Shakimah
Treptow, Beverly E.
Trout, Jennifer
Tunis, Tracie L.
Turner, Rebekah
Warde, Dwight ^
Watkins, Tonya
Weavil, LeeAnn ^
Weiler, Robin
Wells, Amy
White, Karen
Williams, Jayme Lee
Williams, La Tanya
Windham, Sherry D.
Winkler, Laina M. ^
Woodruff, Paul ^
Wright, Fleda *
Zemet, Kaitlin **
Billie, Shani M.
St. Louis, Jeneen L.
Health Sciences
Associate of
Applied Science
Aebersold-Harris, Erin ^
Aponte, Marilyn ^
Bicknell, Lindsay **
Bojanac, Ryan
Boren, Caroline E. **
Brinkman, Tonya ^
Brown, Shanda L. ^^
Buhler, Lynnette *
Byrd, Victoria ^
Calder, Cheryl ^^
Conover, Sandra ^
Crews, Amanda R. ^^
Dirksen, Jennifer *
Duncan, Mary *
Dunmire, Karen S. ^^
Estavia, Ashley M.
Estrada, Echo M. ^
Fasel, Jennifer *
Flippin, Kylie
Hayes, Laura *
Hendon, Jessica
Jacoby, Carrie
Jeffries, Valerie
Jones-Echols, Chernenko
Lee, Kathleen E. *
Luehrs, Cindy ^^
Mageles, Luanne *
Majchszak, Christine M.
McCroskey, Belinda L. *
McKenzie, Tamme M.
Morris, Tawnya L. ^
Oliver, Vicki *
Penrice, Patricia *
Phillips, Anna
Price, Marla *
Pytlewski, Melissa L. ^
Reyes, Deborah *
Riley, Miranda S.
Sanders, Kimberly K. *
Smith, Bobbie *
Spinler, Jodi **
Stringer, Tina M. *
Thompson, Joddi *
Wagner, Patricia *
Williams-Booker, Darcia *
Winters, Tiffany ^^
Zenku, Sue-z *
Information Systems
and Technology
Bachelor of Science
Adkins, Danielle
Aguayo, Rachel
Allen, Fereda L.
Anderson, Pamela
Angel, Jennifer L. ^
Bancker, Dawn ^
Bard, Michael *
Beers, Brandon S.
Belcher, Maurice M.
Benjamin, Diana
Berry, Yolanda T. ^^
Biggs, Paula J. ^
Bowden, Denise
Bowdler, Mitzi **
Boyle, Paul W.
Bracewell, Mark *
Brooks, Tamara T.
Brown, Matt ^^
Brownmiller, Angie ^^
Buckmire, Kester *
Bunner, Patricia ^
Caceres, Julio
Carlino, Diane *
Carreon, Michael
Cheramie, Kevin L. *
Czebotar, Joe
Dague, Michele
Dees, Daisy
DeHart, Keri E. ^
Denny, Josiah
Diaz, Christopher ^^
Donovan, Robin ^
Dutton, Nancy ^
Elliott, Robert *
Evans, Jason
Evans, Wayne *
Foster, Raymond A. *
Freeman, Kathryn D. ^^
Fretwell, Jayleen
Frisbey, Tricia *
Fullen, Melissa ^^
Gaffield, Christian A. ^^
Gagnier, Alan M.
Galvan, Adam
Glatczak, Jennifer *
Goebel, Karen *
Goetz, Scott ^
Gordon, Bonita **
Graves, Michael *
Green, Joseph A. ^
Greenman, Kenneth
Halweg, Juli A.
Harris, Kyle **
Henry, Joshua
Herman, James ^^
Hietschold, Julie **
Hooper, Shaun *
Houston, Dimetric *
Isaac, April *
Jasper, Jackie L. ^^
Jensen, Sela
Kelley, Keith E.
Kohl, Chris M. ^
Lam, Leland *
Latouche, Michelle C. ^
Lau, Marc Y. ^
Lee, Michael K. **
Light, David E. ^
Lopez, Jose S.
Lounsbury, Erin ^
Marshall, Thomas W. *
Martinez-Paxson, JoAnne *
McAdory, David ^^
McCormick, Gary
Melbourn, David *
Merritt, Todd *
Miner, Daniel J. ^^
Miranda, Richard ^
Moore Jr., Robert P.
Murphy, James **
Navarro, Eileen ^
Nguyen, Nicholas
Nicholas, Jay **
Nickels, Sarah
Nightingale, Jay A.
Nixon, Christopher E. *
Norris, Kenneth
Olenik, Rhonda ^^
O’Shea, Daniel ^^
Ott III, John N.
Palmer, Jeff **
Parra, Robert
Pauls, Marie A. ^^
Pereira, Gustavo
Peterson, Lennart ^^
Pollock, Tommy ^
Prime, Christopher E. *
Quinn, John *
Ramirez, Roberto ^^
Rankin, Jeffrey A. ^
Resnick, Deborah ^
Richardson, Valdis B.
Robbins, George ^
Robbins, Janna L. ^^
Ross, Rodney
Ross, Rollen A. ^
Salie, Toni *
Salinas, Elias
Santiago, Nancy ^^
Schiffman, Denice *
Seiden, Joshua L.
Shenberger, Scott
Shepherd, Susan ^^
Skinner, Holman ^
Soon, Colleen **
Sorensen, David L. *
Sorgen, Alice M.
Sparks, Pamela E. *
Stephens, Chris ^^
Streeter, Melissa A.
Swalls, Nancy ^
Talley, Kamili
Tammany, Michele *
Tarleton, Carrie A. ^^
Tate, Flora J.
Tate, Shawn *
Terlaje, Davey ^^
Tolson, Charles ^
Valenti, Gregory V. **
Van Otten, Ronald W. *
Vaughan, Tracy D.
Viera, Peter *
Wagner, Jennifer
Walters, Bernmanette I.
Wehling, William ^^
Westrick, Christopher *
Williams, Cornelius D. *
Winstead, Carol *
Wynne, Michael
Zimmerman, Nicholas
Associate of
Applied Science
Anderson, Edwin *
Arnold, David
Arsenault, Richard D. ^^
Arthur, Roderick N.
Bagley, Michael
Ball, Calvin
Barnoski, Jeff J. *
Bighorse, Marvin
Billings, Robert A.
Blomberg, Kimberly
Bordeaux, Kim *
Bouchard, Annette ^^
Bowen, Ian T. *
Bryant, Dustin
Buie, Charles
Burdick, David J. *
Burge, Will
Cables, Jennifer
Calabro, Christopher J.
Calhoun, Charity D.
Casillas, Alexander *
Cathey, Emmastine
Charles, Wesley
Clare, Daniel
Clark, James ^
Coleman, Barry **
Collett, Sandra ^
Cox, Richard
Craker, Peggy
Cuminale, Joe ^
Davis, Jessica
Davis, Laverne E. *
Dorsey, Eddie
Faultersack, Robert A. ^
Fisher, Debra
Fletcher, Bradford T. **
Fox, Harry ^
Fuller, Tiffany
Givens Jr., Kenneth M. ^^
Grady, Timothy ^^
Grier, Wayde *
Griggle, Josh
Guerrier, Maxene ^
Hall, Brandon D.
Hartjes, Katie
Haviland, Brandii S.
Hayton, Keith *
Hees, Jason *
Hoffman, John D.
Howard, Bryan L.
Hutcherson, Justin
Hutton, William ^
Iloilo, Sale *
Irwin, Tyler *
Ivanovski, Ilija *
Jackson, Charita
Johns, Richard *
Johnson, Yohann
Kale, Gauri *
Keel, Curtis B. ^^
Kuhn, Julie ^
Lawrence, Brett
LeBre, Stephanie L. ^
Legault, Brian
Lorenz, Terance
Luecke, Steven
Martin, Doris
Martinez, Tamera ^
Massenburg, Curtis J. ^
McKenna, Paul ^^
Meza, Chad E. **
Moore, Jonny J. *
Munson, Thomas O.
Myers, Robert
Nicholson, Calvin
Nieves, Kimberly ^^
O’Neill, Kory
Onolaja, Christina ^^
Oxley, Gary L. *
Paine, Amy C. *
Perez, Antonio
Richert, Karen
Russell, Angelique *
Salgado, Marco ^^
Samuel, Jozette
Sanchez, Juan J. ^
Sides, Priscilla
Simon, Kevin
Sims, Cathy J.
Slate, Steven ^^
Small, Jennifer ^
Snepp, Terry
Soto, Javier ^
Spencer, Shawanna
Stanley, Vernice
Thomas, Christina W.
Trammell, Lucy
Vassar, Geriann
Vongiebel, Ava R. ^
Walker, Denise **
Walker, Kathy *
Ward, William A.
Webber, David J. *
Williams, Henry ^
Zamora, Bonnie *
Bernier, Scott
Bryson, Jeff
Egipciaco, Timothy
Elliott Thomas, Beatrice
Gardner, Amelia
Grealy, William
Kasarda, Anthony
King Sanders, Nancy
Martin, Charles R.
Mcarthur, Kevin
Nora, Bernard
Omo-Ikirodah, Barry
Santiago, Edward
Sheehan, David
Stewart, Angela
Willcox, Leslie
Williams, Walter
Legal Studies
Bachelor of Science
Algieri, Julie I. *
Allen, Elizabeth J. *
Allen, Roxanne M. ^^
Anderson, Deborah
Anderson, Dena ^
Andrews, Holly J.
Angueira, Connie L.
Antone, Heather
Archambault, Patricia A. *
Baierlein, Brittany A. *
Barnett, Kimberly
Bester, Angela ^^
Blount, Alfrieda ^
Bolzle, Denise J. ^
Boykin, Deidra
Branham, Valerie A. *
Braswell, Larry P. ^^
Brown, Carol *
Brown, Joseph **
Brown, Kori
Brown, Lakeisha
Brown, Shartory ^
Byrams, Zakiya
Cabrera, Joyce
Carhart, Felicia M.
Cipparone, Jennifer *
Clark, Melanie *
Condos, Kody ^
Cooper, Dawn M.
Cuda, Deborah
Curtis, Joyce
Davis, Candace R.
Decinti, Mary
Diaz, Jennifer
Duplessis, Taivonnia
Duval, Susan L.
Echols, Stacey ^
Eden, Linda S.
Edgar, KaRissa ^
Edwards, Amanda L.
Eyrolles, Aubrey L. **
Faraci, Carla J. ^
Fernandez, Deborah *
Fields, Tracie ^^
Fink, Stephanie L.
Fleshner, Kandi
Florence, Angela
Flota-Esquivez, Alejandra
Forster, Patricia
Fox, Jerri *
Gandy, Turkessa M.
Getz, Lisa ^
Ginwright, Shirley ^
Graham, Vicki L.
Gramley, Elizabeth ^
Greene, Jessica *
Greene, Morgan *
Grenot, Rikki L.
Griffen, Susan D.
Hagadorn, Brenda G. *
Halladay, Diane K. ^
Harding, Cynthia ^
Harper, Judy J.
Harvill, Stefani
Hathaway, Heather
Haynes, Michael **
Heisler, Shannon ^
Hernandez, Kimberly ^
Hernandez, Tanya ^
Hill, YaShekia
Holden, Jannah *
Hollister, Bradley ^^
Holloway, Michelle
Honeycutt, Corina T.
Howard, Danette
Howard, Marilyn ^
Irvin, Dawn ^^
Isbell, Edna ^
Jackson, Latisha A. ^
Japhets, Samuel **
Johnson, Bridget
Johnson, Brooke ^
Johnson, George **
Johnson, Julie
Johnson, Latonya
Johnson, Tracy ^
Jones, Annetta M.
Jones, Monique C.
Jones, Tamara ^
Jones, Tara M.
Karim, Suziana S. ^^
Kauffman, Diana L. *
Kiefer II, Joe
Kim, Tonya ^^
Kollar, Donna A. ^
Korbel, Angela M.
Kozaruk, Pamela ^
Kyler, Rae Ellen L.
LaDeau, Tonya ^^
Lee, Anita *
Lee-Metcalf, Cynthia P.
Lickenbrock, Kathy E. ^
Lien, Deborah ^
Locke, Jazmine
Lombardo, Deborah **
Lopez, Karina *
Lundberg, Steven L. *
Lynch, Janna E. ^^
Machin, Lara N.
Manuel, Shanequa
Marshall, Gloria J.
Mayberry, Ronald *
McCall, Alyson D. *
McConnell, Julie
McGovern, Jeannie *
Mckee, Marie R. ^^
McKinnon, Jenna R. *
McLorren, Anseleme S.
McRae, Anthony R.
Miller, Julie K.
Minor, Emily J. ^
Mireles, Nanci ^
Moore, Pamela ^^
Morales, Sylvia
Moskowitz, Fran *
Muldoon, Pat ^
Neely, Michaele ^
Nehila, Alexandra
Noelle, Aspen
Odom, Glenda A.
Ogunoh, Patrick
O’Kelly, Dawn
Oltz, MaryAnn
Osmanoff, Eleanor
Overton, Kim E. *
Palko, Richard
Palmer, Patrice N. *
Parastaeva, Galina **
Parrish, Elizabeth M.
Perry, Ferris ^
Petraszak, Theresa J. **
Phillips, A. Teresa E.
Picard, Jaclyn R.
Pinkney, Sherry S. ^
Rainwater, Kellie ^^
Ramsett, Kathleen M.
Ray, Deborah
Reed, Katherine M. ^^
Reinold, Jamie L. *
Reitbauer, Michelle **
Revella, Francine A. *
Reynolds, Verada
Riblett, Jessica **
Rice, Larry *
Roberts, Bobbi F.
Robinson, Eddie M.
Roder, Annelori
Roig, Evelyn
Roszel, Joy ^
Roundtree, Edith
Russell, Maurice
Salter, Cristen
Salvador, Erin **
Sanchez-Cruz, Joanne
Sanh, Sopheary
Schlags, Laurie
Schultz, Andrea ^
Scott, Burley ^
Sherman, Andrea *
Shields, Amy C. ^
Shilling, Loretta A. *
Sigears, Sarah
Smith, Deshawn
Smith, Jaime L.
Smith, Linda Q. *
Smith, Regina D.
Snodgrass, Lisa
Sorte, Bradley *
Spalding, Kristina L.
Spencer, April M.
Spillane, Michelle V. **
Tamas, Tunde ^^
Taylor, Rhonda ^
Teller, Erik
Thompson, Erica *
Togola, Melissa ^^
Updyke, Yvonne C. *
Valdez, Lilah
Valdez, Ruth
Velasco, Germaine
West, Jill
White, Brenda *
White, Donna M.
Whitt, Christy ^
Williams, Franshawn
Williams, Kat E. *
Wills, Jean *
Wilson, Stephany
Wilson, Tushara
Winter, Michele
Wright, Katharine ^
Wright, Precious
Yeomans, Elizabeth
Ylonen, Candice P.
Zeno, Maria O. *
Zimmerman, Jill A. *
Zimmerman, Wendi *
Associate of
Applied Science
Acosta, Joshua
Ahmed, Rabia
Anderson, Angela *
Andrews, Terry
Anserian, Bedros
Arcuri, Angela M.
Argenbright, Jamie S. *
Ashley, Myrna
Auldridge, Stacy ^
Avetisyan, Gohar
Balcom, Heather L.
Banks, Dionne
Barnholtz, DeAnne ^^
Bossman, Gina
Brodowski, Adrienne **
Burt, Lydia
Butler, Kirstin ^
Caldwell, Chad
Pamela R. ^
Campbell, Evelyn
Canaday, Becki ^
Carpenter, Jason **
Cintron, Juana *
Cleary, Patricia ^
Cleveland, Ann
Cockrell, Sarah
Conner, Lisa
Cordoves, Abraham
Craig, Christopher *
Cramer, Nicole *
Critelli Jr., Jack *
Cummings, Carol ^^
Cunningham, Christine ^^
Dault, Alan *
Davidson, Karin L. ^
Delf, Nancy *
DeWitt, Kathy *
Diaz-Pellot, Karen *
DiCienzo, Patricia *
Dillon, Sherri D.
Dorsey, Fairade
Erieau, Angel M.
Fall, Heather
Famotibe, Olu F. ^^
Farley, Michelle L.
Fonk, Courtney A.
Franklin, Mary H. **
Gates, Cynthia
Gentzkow, Stacy J. ^^
Gibson, Vicky L.
Glasper, Donna F. *
Goodman, Judy **
Gorup, Geoffrey K. ^^
Gregoire, Christine ^
Griffin, Scott D.
Grimes, Mari
Guess, Toni
Gutierrez, Cristina
Hamilton, Monica
Hanni, Heather M.
Hartzell, Katherine
Harvey, Jodi *
Hawthorne, Kishanna C. *
Hayes, Julie *
Hensley, Sandra *
Holifield, Memorie A.
Holland, Stacey
Howie, Christine
Hughes, Derwood
Husek, Renee ^^
Hutchinson, Maurice
Jenniges, Dawn ^
Jernigan, Jodie
Johnston, Regina L. *
Kabasomi, Penlope ^
Kolosov, Olga Y.
Kragness, Michael
Kukharenko, Igor
Lane, Amber
Lauck, Darlene M.
Lawson, Tia *
Leacock, Wendy L.
Lee, Stacie
Lilly, Stephanie ^
Luke, Sherlene S.
Macneil, Kendra *
Magill, Kimberly
Mallick, David **
Manley, Theresa ^
Martin, George
Martinson, Thomas
McCormick, Jennifer *
Meier-Bittick, Penny
Merkel, Sara ^^
Michael, Nancy
Moore, Jessica ^
Moore, Tracy R. *
Murray, Nicole L.
Nafash, Cristina
Newbauer, Nichole
Nitting, Christie ^
Olina, Oleksandra *
Ollivierre, Bonnie ^
Olson, Ashley ^^
Ortega, Sophia ^
Ostrosky Henning,
Rose I. *
Pechan, Kathleen **
Penn-Foster, Tjodi ^^
Perez, Norma
Pluth, Lisa ^
Price, Cynthia ^
Purcell, Kori A.
Randall, Patti ^
Reeves, Delena ^^
Richards, Jessica
Rivers, Samantha ^
Roberts, Jacqueline
Roberts, Mary ^
Rodriguez, Teresa ^
Rogers, Christine ^^
Roland, Angel ^
Ronk, Amanda
Sanders, Labron ^
Sebero, Jaime
Seck, April
Shaner, Jessica
Sheldon, Kimberly ^^
Silva, Belinda
Sison, Margaret
Smith, Lisa
Smith-Lopez, Laura ^
Spidle, Cindy *
Stanley, Charlene ^
Laura M.
Steen, Mari
Stevenson, Kevin L. ^
Storm, Debra J. ^^
Straub, Cathy ^
Surabian, Albert
Suteu, Julie M.
Swygart, Heather P. *
Thompson, Kelly A.
Thornburgh, Courtney *
Tritz, Irene
Verduzco, Iranya S.
Vollmer, Christina L. ^
Walser, Rita
Watson, Lydia ^
Weatherford, Jennifer ^
Werlinger, Terri
West, Denise A.
White-Scott, Renee
Williams, Laura B. ^^
Williams, Melissa M.
Wilson, Hollis
Wingo, Sarah A. *
Ybarra, Linda
Young, Kelly R. ^^
Yuhas, Barbara J.
Zien, Crystal
Ambriz, Bianca
Carter, Alyson
Cokelet, Julia
Day, Leann
Dotson, Katherine
DuBois, Timothy
Edward, Tiffiney
Franke, Dawn
Funches, Taneah
Gambrell, Jamila
Glaser, Terri
Haroutunian, Tom
Harris, Aikishia
Ireland, Mary
Irizarry, Angelie
Lendzion, Sara
Lindsey, Adrienne
Matthews, Rashema S.
Mullins, Angela
Naumann, Kate
Schlueter, Frank
Schmidt, Lindsey
Schwer, Leah
Smith, Beverly
Spruill, Fredrick
Torres, Frances
Veach, Candace P.
Vulic, Leah
Wafer, Kimberly
Bachelor of Science
Affeldt, Sarah **
Akwuba, Lilian
Alexa, Maryanna ^^
Allen, Andrea
Allen, Vicki *
Amerson, Elizabeth *
Bailey, Stephanie *
Barlowwalls, Charita ^
Bates, Colleen **
Berry, Agnes
Bosserman, Patricia
Boujon, Amandine **
Britton, Kathy ^
Brown, Bobbi-Lyn *
Bundy, Diana ^
Burden, Shawna ^
Bussey, Barbara *
Campbell-Scott, Meshell *
Clark, Sue *
Clift, Angela *
Coleman, Kecia
Crowder, Wendi S. ^
Denton, Peggy *
Doty, Katie S. ^
Drake, Sharon *
Drayton, Brenda ^^
Duck, Pamela G. ^^
Erickson, Barbara G. *
Ermis, Sandy M. ^
Fenn, Sharon *
Francis, Julia
Fraumeni, Lisa **
Gonzalez, Bethsaida *
Green, Kathleen *
Hall, Leigh *
Hayes, Phyllis ^^
Heffner, Kathy *
Hemsley, Sharon *
Hodges, Leakaynah L. ^
Hyche, Samantha
James, Rischa ^
Johnson, Christine ^^
Kietur, Annette ^^
Koltuniak, Lori *
Kronk, Phyllis **
LaPlante, Tasha *
Marcelo, Heidi *
Marcelo, Shanna *
Marshall, Angela L. ^^
Martin, Leslie *
McFarland, Gennifer **
Meily, Rebecca
Miller, Eileen *
Miller, Laura *
Miller, Therese **
Moeller, Sheila ^^
Murphy, Debra J. **
Myers, Janice *
Nevins, Donna *
Nissenbaum, Karli *
Noren, Bobbi
Norris, Barbara K. ^
Kimberly ^^
Okeefe, Nancy **
Olsen, Tilly *
Otto-Mac Donald,
Caroline *
Parker, Thomas *
Sarah **
Powell, Lynn
Prisch, Alicia ^
Raymond, Sandra L. ^
Rehbein, Beth *
Rendina, Earlene I. ^
Richards, Marcia K. ^
Rinehardt, Wendy B. *
Robles, Diane *
Romano, Jude *
Romero, Ronda ^
Sanikop, Mary *
Santostefano, Jeana **
Saretsky, Sheri **
Scott, Cathy *
Scott, Debra *
Shakespaere, Veronica E.
Sharkey, LeeAnn ^
Small, Jennifer *
Smith, Debra **
Smith, Lorraine *
Smith-Davis, Teresa ^^
Stewart, Sari
Stith, Vikki ^
Stoneburner, Ruthann P. ^
Strickland, Sammy ^
Sutton, Stacey ^^
Swaim, Robert D. ^
Tallman, Theresa
Thomas, Carol A. *
Thompson, Tammy *
Valentine, Sonia **
Warren, Tonya ^
Weimer, Amber *
Weiser, James S.
Wendler, Karen **
Williams, Jennifer **
Wlostoski, Karen ^
Wood, Laura *
Yon, Angela *
Yurik, Cuiyin ^
Zercher, Suzanne **
Teacher Education
Master of Arts
Adolt, Kathleen **
Allen, Vernon **
Anderson, Charity **
Arias, Valerie **
Arthur, Petti
Austin, Melissa
Bailey, Paul ^^
Banks, Rebecca **
Baur, Lisa **
Bertuna, Wylie **
Bishop, Amanda N.
Blanchette, Valerie ^^
Brodahl, Jill **
Bullock, Izora L. ^^
Burgess, Linda
Burnell, Catherine ^^
Cafaro, Robbin ^^
Capatosto, Michael
Carter, Jennifer **
Chamberlain, Zena
Cholly, Tami ^^
Cohen, Tod ^^
Conrad, Elizabeth **
Cordy, Catherine ^^
Dage, Ellen **
Davis, Lauren ^^
Davis, Sylvia
Douglas Hill, Suzette S. ^^
Doyle, Kathleen **
Efurd, Julie **
Ekstrand, Joan **
Ekunseitan, Agnes ^^
Enerson, Peggy **
Farmer, Ryan
Fischer, Michael
Flowers, Sheila **
Gilbert, Elizabeth **
Gonzalez, Maria **
Goodell, Kelly
Goodman, Heather
Goodridge, Tina M.
Graves, Sondra
Harrien, Latasha
Harrison, Cherron R. **
Heald, Laura **
Heising, Kayla **
Hilliard, Rosemarie ^^
Hobson, Wanda
Howton, Judy
Icenhower, Debbie ^^
Johnson, Carolyn A. **
Johnson, Kia
Johnson, Rebecca K. ^^
Jones, Carolyn ^^
Keding, Sarah **
Kizer, Randy **
Knapp, Elizabeth
Langdon, Jessica
Lebron, Nilsa **
Lindsay-Lopez, Nicole A.
Little, Sue
Love, Eddie ^^
McElwee, Jeri **
McGregor, Emily **
Miller, Amanda **
Miller, Karland
Morris, Susan **
Mouton, Portia
Murray, Sean ^^
Nash, Ailene ^^
Perez, Milagros **
Peters, Lenika
Pfaff, Abby **
Porcaro, Rebecca J.
Porter, Melissa **
Pouncey, Heather **
Punch, Cynthia ^^
Putchio, Lisa **
Racobaldo, Maria **
Reed, Elizabeth C.
Reed, Thelma **
Reliford, Minnie
Reyes, Maribel **
Rodriguez-Lemm, Jaime **
Rose, Heather **
Santiago, Janine ^^
Scheel, Bruce ^^
Scott, Oneida
Shillingburg, Linda **
Simon, Delisha
Slater, Kimberly **
Smith, Niya
Soohoo, Wendy
Spence, Tashalee ^^
Stewart, Trisha ^^
Strong, Bridget ^^
Sumner, Sara **
Taylor, Madeline T. ^^
Thomas, Likitca
Tollett, Karen **
Townsend, Ortabia ^^
Tracey, Patricia F. ^^
Tran, Tammie
Tripp, Laura ^^
Tschanz, Elizabeth **
Turner, Richard
Vehorn, Manda **
Venzor, Jan
Walker, Chasity ^^
Watkins, Lillian
Rachelle ^^
Watson, Patrice D.
Wedam, Kristin **
Williams, Alys **
Williams, Dwight **
Williams, Rebecca **
Woods, Delisa
Wright, Amy **
Yother, Jolene **
Zarpentine, Pamella **
Bertsch, Christine
Iverson, Heather
Miranda, Katie
Strom, Matt
Thomas, Manda
Kaplan University Faculty
Arts and Sciences
Aleem, Yasmeen, MS
Anello, Sally, MA
Archer, Judy C., EdD
Arocho-Perez, Freddie, MS
Artis, Althea, MA
Basta, Alfred, PhD
Battista, Ludmila, MA
Bauer, Joanna, MA
Baysinger, Che, PhD
Beam, Julietta, MEd
Becker, Lori Holzman, MS
Belcher, Joseph T., MS
Bonnevier, Nancy, MA
Boyd, Jamie, MEd
Brand, Miranda
McCall, EdD
Brasfield, Marjory, EDS
Breiter-Fineberg, Abbe, MS
Brien, Deborah, MS
Brown, Kojis, MS
Brown, Scott, MS
Carroll, Marnie E., PhD
Cartwright, Marla, MA
Cercone, Kathleen, PhD
Choudhry, Ali, PhD
Circo, Deborah, PhD
Coller, Susan, MS
Conquy, Xenia, MS
Cross, Debbie, MA
Crush, Deborah, MA
Daghighi, Abdol, MA
Dagwell, John, MAT
Daniels, Betsy, MAT
Davis, Deborah, PhD
Dekorte, Jodene, PhD
Delger, Suzanne, MA
Delong, David Stephan, MS
Donnellan, Elizabeth, MEd
Duke, Elizabeth B., PhD
Durham Stanley,
Deborah, MLA
Erdakos, Susan, MEd
Evans, Verlyn, EdD
Fail, Russell, MDiv
Fischer, Michelle, MSW
Floyd, Tanesha F., MBA
Forrey, Carol Knight, MS
Fortney, Marsha
Celine, MA
Fowler, Dianne R., MBA
Fox, Amanda, MA
Freeland, Panagiota, MFA
Fuller, Charitie, MS
Funk, JoAnn, PhD
Gerardy, Lisa, MA
Grace, Patricia, MS
Granderson, Brenda, MPA
Gregg, Fran, MA
Halem, Christine, MA
Hanel, Rachael, MA
Hannigan, Carrie, MS
Hanor, Deborah, MS
Harper, Virginia, MS
Harrison, Jennifer, MA
Hayes, Sherry, MA
Hendricks, Sheila G., MA
Hinton-Riley, Michele, PhD
Hopewell, Angela, MSEd
Jackson, Julie, MA
Jantz, Carrie, MA
Jensen, Michael V., MA
Johnston, Mark, MS
Jordan, Tibe Patrick, MA
Kelly, Teresa M., MAT
Kennedy, Sara, MEd
Kimbrell, Misty, MA
King, Thomas, PhD
Koster, Brian, MAT
Krishnan, Rathi, MA
Kubistek, Shadene, MS
Langton, Diana Lynn, MS
Lawler, Karen L., MA
Lindquist, Jacqueline, MS
Litz, Stephanie, MA
Lockwood, Robert, PhD
Maenz, Sandra, MFA
Maggard, Melanie, PhD
Manning, Ellen, PhD
Marino, Mark, MEd
Marshall, Catharina, MA
Martinez, Diane, MA
Matthews, Elizabeth
A., PhD
Mauri, Monica, MA
McAlister, Gordon, PhD
McIlwain, Susan, MS
McKeon, Carolyn, PhD
Alexis, MA
McMullin, Barbara, MPA
McPherson, Chuck, MBA
Melvin, Jennifer, MA
Moretti, Nancy C., MS
Morgan, Margaret P., MEd
Motes, Lindsay, MS
Nicks, Robin, PhD
Panayotova, Evelina, PhD
Pape, Nabilah, MA
Patti-Dillon, Laurie, MA
Peterson, Tanya, MA
Petsching, Betsy L., MA
Phillips, Julie, MS
Price, Tinitia C., MA
Pugsley, Richard D., MEd
Quesinberry, Gina
Lynn, MA
Rafalovich, Adam, PhD
Reich, Ann D., MA
Riley, Julie, MS
Robinson, Jeffery
Scott, DMin
Rodriguez, Cathy, MA
Rosenberry, Lea, MAE
Ross, Drew R., PhD
Ruble, Verlinda, MA
Russell, Nancy, MSW
Sanger, Katherine, MA
Scahill, Joseph, DMin
Schmidt, Jennifer
Marie, MEd
Shank, Kira, MEd
Shertzer, Julie, PhD
Shimony, Eileen, MA
Smith Clark, Elizabeth, PhD
Spinks, Kristine, PhD
St. John, Jennifer, MA
Stallard, Janet, MA
Stepp, Elizabeth, MA
Stevenson, Carolyn, EdD
Streit, Mary, PhD
Taylor, Teresa, PhD
Thornton, Jamie, PhD
Tompkins, Marguerite, MA
Tsapara, Irene, PhD
Tysick, Noah, MA
Valenza, Keith, MEd
VanDam, Kara Hall, PhD
Vaughan, Robert, DMin
Vice, Josef, MA
Villareal, Linda, MA
Walsh, Jill, MA
Weber, Michele, MA
Wells, Carrie Lee, MA
Wheeler, Lorna Raven, PhD
White, Diana, MEd
Whittington, Lona, MA
Williams, Crystal, MA
Woods, Allison M., MA
Wright, Lisa, PhD
Wyche, Erica, MA
Yurka, Steve, MBA
Business and
Allen, Tina, DPA
Barta, Marguerite, MBA
Boone, Joyce, MBA
Bowman, Ardith K., PhD
Byrd, Kimberly, MBA
Cates, Steven, PhD
Cherry, John, MS
Davis, Wendy, MPA
DeLotell, Pamela, MBA
DeSeno, James, MFA
DiGiammarino Jr.,
Enrico, MBA
Engle, Tina, MBA
Ershler, Jeffrey, JD
Fail, Charles, MBA
Felder-Strauss, Jaclyn, MA
Flegle, Larry V., DBA
Flynn, Catherine, PhD
Goodman, Michelle, MAT
Greenfield Jr., Alfred C., PhD
Gunzelman, Rita J., MBA
Hansen, Lisa, MBA
Harper, Ashley, MS
Havens, Brandy M., MBA
Henderson, Jane, EdD
Herman, Rebecca, PhD
Hewett, Thomas C., PhD
Hochanadel, Aaron, MBA
Hochanadel, Cathleen
Hovey, Craig, PhD
Howell, Robert, MBA
Jackson, Jason, MS
Janowich, Joan, MA
Kaiser, Alethea, MEd
Kelly, Judy, MEd
Lee, Joan Alice, MBA
Lee, Pat, MBA
Lenard, Shani, MS
Lerner, Elaine, JD
Machuca, Ana, PhD
Marchionda, Joseph, JD
McDermott, Martin, MBA
McKenna, Barbara, MA
Millam, Loretta Anne, MBA
Miller, Mitchell, DBA
Myers, Carole D., MBA
Nelson, Keri, PhD
Norris Jr., Ernest A., DMin
Okrepkie, William, MOM
Olson, Joel, PhD
Pavone, Theresa, PhD
Phillips, JoDee C., MBA
Pouraryan, Mike, MBA
Radu, Marilyn, MBA
Ransom, Noel, MS
Reinhardt, Michelle M., MA
Rexach, Gretchen, MS
Rich, Anne, PhD
Ruiz, Jose, MBA
Russell, Barbara, PhD
Saborio, Ernesto J., MBA
Salinas, Albert, MBA
Schaefer, Thomas, DBA
Schoenherr, Denise, MBA
Snow, Kenneth P., MBA
Sparks, George, PhD
Spotts, Thomas, PhD
Starcher, Toni, JD
Starnes, David, MBA
Stephenson, Kate, PhD
Stogsdill, Marge, MS
Strouble, Dennis, PhD
Sullivan, Adam, PhD
Taylor, Jerry L., MBA
Taylor, Sandra C., PhD
Tonelli, Barbara-Leigh, PhD
Tyler, Marion Jeffery, MS
Walters, Kimberly, PhD
Ward, David, PhD
Watson, Terry L., MBA
Whitley, William, EdD
Young, James, EdD
Yudasz, Mitchell Victor, MS
Criminal Justice
Barnes, William, JD
Bilodeau, Daniel, MS
Bontrager, Stephanie, PhD
Brantley, John, MS
Brown, Douglas, MPA
Campbell, Terry L., BA
Darden, Theodore, MS
Dolyniuk, Larysa, JD
Frank, Brian, MS
Globokar, Julie, MA
Gollop, Charles, MA
Halley, Fred, BA
Hulvat, Jennifer, JD
Kopczynski, Robert F., MS
Kozyra, Timothy, JD
Lampariello-Perez, Ann
Marie, JD
Mainwaring, Tina, MA
Martin, Elisa, MS
Maynes, Peggy, MPA
Miller, Cloud H., PhD
Minella, Joe, MS
Mire, Scott, PhD
Moyle, Laura L., MS
Niebusch, Richard, PhD
Pardue, Timothy, MS
Petrak, Edward, MS
Quixley, Charles J., JD
Rego, Elise, JD
Roberson, Clifford E., PhD
Roberts, James, MPA
Roberts, William, JD
Robinson, Deborah, PhD
Ruth, Michael R., MS
Scott, Michael, MS
Sellers, Kathryn, MS
Smith, Charles, MBA
Thompson, Eric, MS
Vah Seliskar, Holli, MS
Weiss, Dena Marie, MS
Weston, Ellen, MPA
Winters, Robert, JA
Zucker, Marc, PsyD
Health Sciences
Alexander, Trisha M., MA
Andrade, Jeanette, MS
Benton, Brooke, MS
Berends, Kerrie, PhD
Berkoff, Nancy D., EdD
Berry, Tricia, MA
Bishop, Kathleen Ann, PhD
Bonefas, Rebecca, MA
Cameron, Ginger, MA
Cavanaugh, Katherine,
Chapman, Bethany, MPT
Claire, Jennifer, MS
DiGirolamo, Anthony, BA
Epperson, David R., MBA
Fratianni, Mary, MPT
Gresnick, Stacy, MPA
Haight, Kimberly, DC
Hamdan, Saeed, PhD
Harrison, Betty, DOM
Hollander, Christine
Elizabeth, MA
Iannelli, Grant C., DC
Jex, Wendyanne M., MPA
Keeney, Ann, MBA
Koslo, Jennifer, MS, RD,
Krishna, Roy, PhD
Langat, Daudi, PhD
Martinez, Rebecca Carly,
Hector, PhD
Newell, Linda, MS
Niemiec, Nicole, MBA
Olson, Sarah D., MBA
Paknis, Brandee,
Parker, Holly E., MA
Prakash, Jaya, MD
Prejean, Michelle A., PhD
Psenka, Jonathan, NMD
Quarles, Lee Anne, MSN
Rhodes, Carla, MS
Robins, Andrea, MS
Rodvill, Kristyn, MHA,
Rose, Stephanie Pauline,
Shaffer, Lee, DC
Swisher, William, MS
Turner, Douglas, PhD
Villarejo, Maria-Elena, EDS
Wallace, Cara L., MSN
Webster, Alexandra, DC
Witter, Kelly, MSN
Higher Education
Bowden, Randall, PhD
Budden, Chris, EdD
Connolly, Sara Lynn, PhD
Diepenbrock, Amy, PhD
Morris, Deborah, PhD
Systems and
Allen, Candice, MS
Anderson, Dana, MEd
August, Andrew, MS
Barilovits, Karlyn A., PhD
Becker, David, MA, MS
Beyer, Stephen, PhD
Blatt, Jay S., MA
Caddel-Liles, Sydney, MS
Kenya, MS
Cunningham, Dara, MA
DeBock, Will, MSM
Dee, Diana, PhD
Carol, MEd
Fenick, Michael A., MIT
Fudge, Tamara P., DM
Giannoni, Dawn L., PhD
Goyden, Michael, MS
Hall, Linnea, JD
Jenewein, Glen J., MS
Kern, Ron, PhD
Kotsiovos, Jean, MA
Leary, Jennifer, MA
Lecomte, David, PhD
Loonan, Rochelle, MA
Loret de Mola,
Antonio, MSN
McDanolds, Jan L., MS
McKee, Theresa B.,
Miller, Terry, MBA
Nagarajan, Sona, MS
Nicholson, Kathi, MBA
North, Matthew, EdD
Orsega, Michael, MAMS
Palmer, Ronald, MA
Peralta, Juan, MBA
Remus, Brenda J., MIT
Rose, Gregory L., MS
Samuel, Terry, MS
Savage, Stephen, MITE
Schwebel, Edward, MBA
Selby, Allison P., MS
Serafini, Tina, BS
Shorts, Gregory, MA
Sluymers, Monique R.,
Smith, David M., MEd
Sykstus, Diane, MBA
Tabarani, Imad, MS
Tilden, Carol, MSCIS
Vandercreek, Cathy, MS
Ward, Kathy, MS
Wasson, Krista, MIT
Waters, Cheryl, MS
Weinraub, Howard, MPA
White, Catherine, MS
Wilkins, Jerry, MBA
Williams, Lynne, PhD
Legal Studies
Teacher Education
Atkins, Ramona, JD
Berube, John P., JD
Chiacchia, Monique M., JD
Coleman, Jerome C., JD
Connor, Martin J., JD
Dennis, Julie, JD
Durocher, Timothy, JD
Flores, Melissa, JD
Gill, Jodi, JD
Gray, John, JD
Hermes, Richard, JD
Kaur, Gurmit, JD
Kennedy, Catherine, MS
McElligott, Jane G., JD
Nygren, Donna, MBA
Olsen, Cheryl, JD
Pace, Sheree, JD
Paglino, Jane, JD
Schatzle, Chad, JD
Valdes, Heather, JD
Whitby, Anita, JD
Whitby, Annette, JD
Anderson, Lanette, JD
Burke, Sheila Anne, MSN
Gunderson, Barbara J.,
Heiskell, Helen E., DNP
Hilbelink, Amy J., PhD
Kieffer, Susan, MSN
Morrison, Jeanne, PhD
Philip, Reena E., MSN
Roberts, Heather, MSN
Sklar, Jody, MA
Wagner, Cheryl
Marie, PhD
Whitworth, Bobbie, PhD
Brown, Mary, EdD
Cady, Donna, PhD
Cox, Thomas, EdD
Gerstein, Jackie, EdD
James, Robin D., PhD
Massenzio, Lynn, PhD
Philomena, EdD
Mongillo, Raquel, EdD
Rubel, Carol, EdD
Wallace, Marie, EdD
Zucker, Gloria H., EdD
Robes and hoods worn during the commencement are steeped in a tradition that dates back to the eleventh century, when the monks who
administered Oxford University in England wore shoulder capes to protect themselves from scratches when they gathered alms and hoods to
protect their shaven heads from the cold. Eventually, the garb became daily attire and served as insulation from the damp and cold inside the
University’s walls, and as identification that one had permission to pass into specific college buildings.
In the United States, the academic robes and hoods were first adopted as ceremonial attire for college officials in 1754 at the institution now
known as Columbia University. In 1885, students in many of the country’s colleges and universities launched a movement to permit graduating
candidates to wear robes and caps during the commencement. Eight years later, an intercollegiate commission of university officials adopted
the country’s first code of color and design for the academic garb. Faculty soon adopted the custom of wearing gowns at commencement and
other academic ceremonies. Although the code has been revised many times, today’s academic regalia represent those modifications accepted
in 1960 and adopted by nearly 95 percent of the nation’s postsecondary institutions.
In the United States today, the academic robe is most often black; some institutions, however, sanction the use of specific colors. The length of
the robe, the width of the sleeves’ borders, and the length of the hood all increase with each advanced degree. Colors in the hood identify both
the specific field of study in which the degree was earned, as shown by the velvet border, as well as the institution that granted it, as shown by
the lining. The following color table provides a key to the fields of study according to the Intercollegiate Code:
Blue, Dark.................................................................Philosophy
Blue, Light................................................................Education
Blue, Peacock...........................................................Public Administration
Brown........................................................................Fine Arts and Architecture
Cardinal, Dark.........................................................Home Economics
Citron........................................................................Social Science
Drab...........................................................................Business Administration
Gold (Golden Yellow).............................................Criminology
Gold (Golden Yellow).............................................Science
Green, Olive.............................................................Pharmacy
Green, Sage...............................................................Physical Education
Grey...........................................................................Veterinary Science
Grey, Silver...............................................................Speech (Oratory)
Lemon.......................................................................Library Science
Pink, Salmon............................................................Public Health
Scarlet........................................................................Theology or Divinity
White.........................................................................Arts, Letters, and Humanities
The mace was originally a medieval weapon that was carried by bishops of the
church into battle as a protective device. The mace has survived for more than 900
years in a shape similar to that of a club, which commemorates its very early use.
In later times, the mace was carried by sergeants-at-arms who were bodyguards of
kings and others of high rank. Both Richard I of England and Phillip II of France
ordered their sergeant-at-arms to carry a ceremonial mace. Legislative bodies, such
as the English Parliament, also adopted the ceremonial mace as part of the pomp and
circumstance associated with opening the meeting of the body.
As universities developed during this same period, they too adopted the mace for
use in academic processions. Today, the mace is carried by the “Macebearer” who
leads the platform party, which includes the University President and other dignitaries,
onto the stage for the graduation ceremony.
Throughout history, special craftsmen were presented with the task of decorating the
mace so it carefully embodied the history, traditions, and symbols of the academic
institution. Often leading citizens or alumni of a university would donate the mace
at the time of a special event.
Hyatt Regency Miami Map
Reception Locations
Arts and Sciences: Communication, Paraprofessional, Interdisciplinary Studies.......................................Riverfront Hall North
Business and Management, Travel and Hospitality, Accounting...................................................................Regency Ballroom
Criminal Justice....................................................................................................................................................Riverfront Hall South and Central
Education..............................................................................................................................................................Jasmine Room
Health Sciences: Medical Assisting, Medical Transcription, Medical Office Management.......................Riverfront Hall North
Information Systems and Technology...............................................................................................................Regency Ballroom
Legal Studies.........................................................................................................................................................Riverfront Hall South and Central
Nursing..................................................................................................................................................................Jasmine Room
Inspirational Wall......................................................................................................................... Upper Promenade
Graduate Help Desk...................................................................................................................... Riverfront Hall Lobby
Photo Booths............................................................................................................................... Upper Promenade
Souvenir Photo Pick-up.......................................................................................................................................Lower Promenade
Study collections