Script The Mitten Extra Parts

Drama Notebook
“The Mitten” Script
By Jan Brett
Narrator One
Narrator Two
Two Moles
Two Snowshoe Rabbits
Narrator One: Once there was a boy named Nicki who wanted new mittens made from wool as
white as snow. He went to his grandma, who he called “Baba.”
Nicki: Baba, will you make me mittens as white as snow?
Baba: I don’t think that’s a good idea Nicki, if you drop one in the snow, you’ll never be able to
find it.
Narrator One: But Nicki made such a sad face that Baba finally agreed to make him white
mittens. After she finished, she called Nicki to her.
Baba: When you come home, first I will look to see if you are safe and sound, but then I will
look to see if you still have your snow-white mittens.
Narrator Two: So, off Nicki went. And it wasn’t long until one of his new mittens dropped in the
snow and was left behind.
Narrator One: Just then, a couple of moles came by. Tired of tunneling along, they discovered
the mitten.
Mole One: This mitten is just the right size for us.
Mole Two: And it’s cozy and warm!
Narrator One: The mole buried himself inside the mitten.
Narrator Two: Not long after, a couple of snowshoe rabbits came hopping by. They stopped for
a moment to admire their winter coats.
Snowshoe Rabbit One: What’s this?
Snowshoe Rabbit Two: A cozy white mitten!
Moles: There isn’t room for all of us!
Snowshoe Rabbits: Sure there is.
Narrator Two: The mole saw Rabbit’s big kickers and decided to move over.
Narrator One: Next, a couple of hedgehogs came snuffling along.
Hedgehog One: We’ve spent the whole day looking under wet leaves for things to eat.
Hedgehog Two: That mitten looks cozy and warm.
Narrator One: The rabbits and the moles wanted to tell hedgehog that there wasn’t any room,
but they didn’t want to argue with someone covered with prickles. The moles bumped and
jostled them as they pushed their way into the mitten.
Narrator Two: No sooner had the hedgehogs disappeared into the mitten, two big owls, who
heard all the noise swooped down.
Owl One: Hey look at that mitten down there.
Owl Two: We want in too!
Narrator Two: The moles, the rabbits and the hedgehogs grumbled, but when they saw the
owl’s glinty talons, they quickly let them in.
Narrator One: Up through the snow appeared a couple of badgers.
Badger One: You guys look warm!
Badger Two: They sure do!
Moles, Rabbits, Hedgehogs, Owls: Oh no!
Narrator One: The badgers didn’t wait for an invitation. They just started climbing in. The
moles, the rabbits, the hedgehogs and the owls were not pleased.
All: There’s no room!
Badger One: Sure there is!
Narrator One: They all saw his big diggers and gave him the thumb.
Narrator Two: It started snowing, but the animals were snug in the mitten. A waft of warm
steam rose in the air and a couple of foxes trotting by stopped to investigate. Just the sight of
the cozy mitten made them feel drowsy. The foxes poked their muzzles in. When the moles, the
rabbits, the hedgehogs, the owls and the badgers saw their shiny teeth, they gave the foxes lots
of room.
Narrator One: Just then, two bears lumbered by. They spied the mitten all plumped up. Not
one to be left out in the cold, they began to nose their way in. The animals were packed in as
tightly as could be, but who would argue with bears?
Bear One: I want to be in the middle!
Bear Two: We should both be in the middle!
Narrator Two: The mitten swelled and stretched. It was pulled and bulged to many times its
size. But Baba’s good knitting held fast.
Narrator One: Along came a couple of meadow mice, no bigger than acorns.
Meadow Mouse One-That looks cozy!
Meadow Mouse Two-It sure does!
Narrator Two: They wriggled into the one space left and made themselves comfortable on top
of the great bear’s noses.
Narrator One: The bears, tickled by the mouse’s whiskers, both began to sneeze.
Bears: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa-chew!
Narrator Two: The force of the sneeze shot the mitten up into the sky and scattered the
animals in all directions.
Narrator One: Meanwhile, Nicki was on his way home.
Nicki: (pointing to something flying through the air) There’s my mitten!
Narrator Two: As Nicki ran to catch his snowy white mitten, he saw Baba’s face in the window.
He ran in the house.
Baba: You still have your mittens!
Nicki: Yes, Baba!
Baba: Nicki, why is this one so much bigger now?
The End