Weaknesses in Grant Applications Malcolm Ross November 2014 21/11/2014 company presentation 2012 Page 1 Formal Documentation Practical Guide (PRAG 2014) and Annexes available at: http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/prag/document.do?chapte rId=2.&id=141 EU Guide to visibility http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/work/visibility/ GIZ advice on making an EU Grant Application http://egypt-urban.net/wpcontent/uploads/2014/01/Making-an-Application-for-EUFunding; Guidelines for Applicants for the relevant call. 21/11/2014 Page 2 Objective of this Session 1. To provide practical advice on how to design projects that meet the qualitative criteria applied in grant evaluation. 2. To improve quality of project proposals and increase the rate of grant absorption 21/11/2014 Page 3 The advice follows the standard evaluation chart that assessors have to follow to check the quality of proposals after the preliminary verification of administrative compliance. The five criteria applied in assessing applications are: 1. APPLICANT CAPACITY, 2. RELEVANCE OF THE IDEA, 3. PROJECT METHODOLOGY, 4. EXPECTED IMPACT 5. VALUE FOR MONEY. 21/11/2014 Page 4 The Capacity of the Applicant 21/11/2014 Page 5 The Capacity of the Applicant/Coapplicants • 21/11/2014 Page 6 1. The Capacity of the Main Applicant/Co-applicants 21/11/2014 Page 7 Comments from Concept Note • Given the size of the project a strong management team must be put in place; • The overall design and management of the project is very poor; • Strong management skills will be required given complexity of the project; • Renovation of more schools should have been targeted given finance requested. 21/11/2014 Page 8 Applicant and Co-applicant Finance Capacity The proposal is seriously weak if: • There are inconsistencies between the size of the requested funding and the experience shown in managing funds over previous years. • If an applicant requests an amount considerably higher than the ones usually managed, their ability to properly manage such an amount will be in question. 21/11/2014 Page 9 Applicant and Co-applicant Finance Capacity Concept note weaknesses: Project too ambitious in relation to available finance Project budget too small in relation to planned activities and could risk implementation; The need for external financial support not guaranteed; Funding requested is very high in relation to the proposed project 21/11/2014 Page 10 Relevance of the Project Idea 21/11/2014 Page 11 Relevance of the Project Idea Note: This was scored from information given in concept so cannot be improved upon at this stage! However, you can make insignificant changes to proposals contained in Concept note! 21/11/2014 Page 12 Relevance of the Project Idea 21/11/2014 Page 13 Relevance of the Project Idea The proposal appears seriously weak if: • The target group is very generally described and the analysis is not based on objective information and statistical data; • The size of the defined target group is too great in relation to the proposed project’s time-frame and resources; • The information and data on the problem identified are too general and not clearly based on the target group’s defined needs; • The proposed project is not relevant to the real needs of the target group, which has not been involved in the project design. 21/11/2014 Page 14 Relevance of the Project Idea Concept note comments: The only weak point is that the target group is large and project may not be capable of meeting the needs of the group; Final beneficiaries from the target group not identified; The proposal does not include a credible analysis of the stated problems; Cross-cutting issues such as gender equality not addressed; Stakeholder identification and involvement in the design of the action is not clear. 21/11/2014 Page 15 3. Project methodology 2 The action 2.1 of the Action 2.2.Affiliated entity(ies) experience (if applicable) 21/11/2014 Page 16 3. Project methodology • • • • • 21/11/2014 Page 17 3. Project methodology • The activities are not logically sequenced; • The activities are not feasible; • There is an unrealistic distribution of activities over the period of the project implementation; • The responsibilities of the partners are not clearly stated; • Too many activities planned over a relatively short period, with insufficient resources. • 21/11/2014 Page 18 3. Project methodology Comments on the concept notes: No consideration of children with learning difficulties and the need for specialized programmes; The action is only partially feasible to the objectives and expected results; No visibility actions planned; A compilation of a myriad of actions that are not well connected to form a coherent strategy; The proposal dos not provide a clear description of the method that will guarantee project sustainability. 21/11/2014 Page 19 4. Project Impact Project impact on the target group is not well defined, or the probability that the project will have a substantial impact on the target group is very marginal; There are serious weaknesses / incoherencies in the project’s vertical logic; The assumptions / external factors are not well assessed; The planned activities are inconsistent with the stated results; Too many assumptions are made, which may hamper the achievement of the expected results, and the impact on the target groups will be limited; Impact is stated as an activity, rather than as an effect or change. 21/11/2014 Page 20 4. Project Impact Multiplier effects (replication and pilot value of the project: Serious weaknesses in the proposal include: • The project does not include a model / practice that can be multiplied; • The parties that would potentially be interested in multiplying the project results are not identified; • The applicant and partner lack the capacity to multiply the effect / results. • 21/11/2014 Page 21 4. Project Impact • Sustainability (at all levels: financial, institutional, environmental, social, etc) 21/11/2014 Page 22 4. Project Impact • Comments on the concept notes: Project does not explain a credible plan for sustainability; The issue of sustainability is not addressed; Feasibility conditions (institutional /legal/financial) as well as project sustainability not addressed; Doubts relate to cost effectiveness and sustainability. 21/11/2014 Page 23 4. Project Impact • 5. Value for Money Serious value for money shortcomings in the proposal include: Excessive quantities (working days, circulation of publications, transportation, trips, etc) The budget includes ineligible costs. There is unrealistic costing, especially for salaries, per diems, equipment The max/min thresholds are not respected. there is inconsistency between costs given in the breakdown of costs and partner declarations; There are subcontracting costs with no added value for the project. 21/11/2014 Page 24