Children's Healthcare of Atlanta

Using Evidence in Practice
Christina Ryan, MSN, RN, CPN
Nurse Researcher/Education Coordinator
Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta
• At the completion of this presentation, the participant
– Identify differences between EBP and Research
– Identify elements of practice change
– Identify how to develop a EBP culture change
Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta
What is the difference between EBP and
• Research: Diligent, systematic inquiry or investigation
to validate and refine existing knowledge and
generate new knowledge*
• EBP incorporates theory, clinical decision making,
judgment, and knowledge of research techniques,
followed by application of the best, most effective
and clinically meaningful evidence**
– Must also integrate patient preferences
* Burns & Grove (2004). The Practice of Nursing Research: Conduct, Critique & Utilization
** Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt (2005). Evidenced Based Practice in Nursing and healthcare: A guide to best practice.
Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta
Evidenced Based Practice (EBP)
• Definition:
– A problem solving approach to clinical decision making
within a healthcare organization integrating scientific
evidence with the best available experiential evidence.
• Uses the latest research to produce high quality
• Provides a systematic approach to decision making
that achieves best practices and demonstrates
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Key Assumptions of EBP in Nursing
• Nursing is both science and an applied profession;
• Knowledge is important to professional practice, there
are limits to knowledge that must be identified;
• Establishes causality between events or variables;
• Evidenced Based Practice contributes to improved
Newhouse et al (2007). Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidenced-Based Practice Model and
of Atlanta
How can EBP be used in Nursing?
• Incorporate into every phase of the nursing process:
Assessment of patient conditions
Diagnosis of patient problems
Planning patient care
Interventions to improve patient’s function, condition or prevent
– Evaluate the patient responses to interventions
• Provides foundations for Policies & Procedures
• Basis for patient care management tools
– Care maps;
– Protocols
– Standard order sets
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Barriers to EBP Implementation
• Lack of EBP knowledge and skills
– Curriculum focuses on research practices not translation
– Care is based on skills learned in academic programs and
outdated policies and procedures
Lack of time
Lack of mentors
Belief that EBP is burdensome
Belief that the organizational culture does not support
• Collegial resistance to EBP implementation
– Including physicians
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Strategies to overcome barriers
• Self-assessment to identify facilitators and barriers of
EBP practices;
• Education and training to improve knowledge and
increase practioners belief’s and benefits of EBP;
• Create an environment that encourages an inquisitive
– Identify opportunities for best practices
– Create a culture that values support and expects a culture
of EBP
Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta
Unique Elements of EBP success
• Design clinical environments to support best practices
– Provide time
– Educational building sessions
• Focus on how to implement evidence from research
– Resources for implementation: mentors
• Identify organizational priorities for implementation
– Cultivate team of staff nurses with senior executives who
support the project
Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta
Integration of EBP
• Critical to meeting Magnet standards
• 5 Steps*:
Establish a foundation for EBP
Identify areas of concern
Create internal expertise
Implement evidence based practice
Contribute to research evidence
• Ongoing, Concrete Support
– Formal systems for finding, prioritizing and answering EBP
* Turkel, M., Reidinger, G., Ferket, K., & Reno, K. (2005). An essential component of the Magnet Journey: Fostering an environment for
evidenced based practice and nursing research. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 29(3), 254-262.
Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta
Examples of EBP outcomes
• Sacred Cow
– Neonate and infants
should sleep in prone
position to prevent
– H2O2 is an effective
antibacterial cleaning
agent when applied to
wounds: Bubbling means
bacteria is present
• Evidence Eagles
– Prone sleeping among
blankets and pillows
increased SIDS: supine
position with minimal
contact with blankets and
pillows dressed in warm
– Concentrated H2O2 is
caustic and hinders
neodermal development.
Bubbling occurs when
H2O2 is exposed to air
Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta
Burns, N. & Grove, S. K. (2004) The practice of nursing research: Conduct, critique & utilization
5th Ed. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders.
Melnyk, B. M & Fineout-Oveholt, E. (2005) Evidenced Based Practice in nursing and healthcare: A
guide to best practice. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
Melnyk, B. M & Fineout-Oveholt, E.; Gallagher-Ford, L; Kaplan, L. (2012). The state of
evidenced-based practice in US nurses: Critcal implications for nurse leaders and educators. JONA,
42(9): 410-417.
Newhouse, R. P., Dearholt, S. L., Poe, S. S., Pugh, L. C. & White, K. M. (2007). Johns Hopkins
Nursing evidenced based practice model and guidelines. Indianapolis: Sigma Theta Tau
Turkel, M., Reidinger, G., Ferket, K., & Reno, K. (2005). An essential component of the Magnet
Journey: Fostering an environment for evidenced based practice and nursing research. Nursing
Administration Quarterly, 29(3), 254-262.
Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta