Using Evidence in Practice Christina Ryan, MSN, RN, CPN Nurse Researcher/Education Coordinator Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Objectives • At the completion of this presentation, the participant will: – Identify differences between EBP and Research – Identify elements of practice change – Identify how to develop a EBP culture change Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta 2 What is the difference between EBP and Research? • Research: Diligent, systematic inquiry or investigation to validate and refine existing knowledge and generate new knowledge* • EBP incorporates theory, clinical decision making, judgment, and knowledge of research techniques, followed by application of the best, most effective and clinically meaningful evidence** – Must also integrate patient preferences * Burns & Grove (2004). The Practice of Nursing Research: Conduct, Critique & Utilization ** Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt (2005). Evidenced Based Practice in Nursing and healthcare: A guide to best practice. Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta 3 Evidenced Based Practice (EBP) • Definition: – A problem solving approach to clinical decision making within a healthcare organization integrating scientific evidence with the best available experiential evidence. • Uses the latest research to produce high quality healthcare. • Provides a systematic approach to decision making that achieves best practices and demonstrates accountability. Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta 4 Key Assumptions of EBP in Nursing • Nursing is both science and an applied profession; • Knowledge is important to professional practice, there are limits to knowledge that must be identified; • Establishes causality between events or variables; • Evidenced Based Practice contributes to improved outcomes Newhouse et al (2007). Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidenced-Based Practice Model and Guidelines.Healthcare Children’s of Atlanta 5 How can EBP be used in Nursing? • Incorporate into every phase of the nursing process: – – – – Assessment of patient conditions Diagnosis of patient problems Planning patient care Interventions to improve patient’s function, condition or prevent complications – Evaluate the patient responses to interventions • Provides foundations for Policies & Procedures • Basis for patient care management tools – Care maps; – Protocols – Standard order sets Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta 6 Barriers to EBP Implementation • Lack of EBP knowledge and skills – Curriculum focuses on research practices not translation – Care is based on skills learned in academic programs and outdated policies and procedures • • • • Lack of time Lack of mentors Belief that EBP is burdensome Belief that the organizational culture does not support EBP • Collegial resistance to EBP implementation – Including physicians Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta 7 Strategies to overcome barriers • Self-assessment to identify facilitators and barriers of EBP practices; • Education and training to improve knowledge and increase practioners belief’s and benefits of EBP; • Create an environment that encourages an inquisitive approach – Identify opportunities for best practices – Create a culture that values support and expects a culture of EBP Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta 8 Unique Elements of EBP success • Design clinical environments to support best practices – Provide time – Educational building sessions • Focus on how to implement evidence from research – Resources for implementation: mentors • Identify organizational priorities for implementation – Cultivate team of staff nurses with senior executives who support the project Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta 9 Integration of EBP • Critical to meeting Magnet standards • 5 Steps*: – – – – – Establish a foundation for EBP Identify areas of concern Create internal expertise Implement evidence based practice Contribute to research evidence • Ongoing, Concrete Support – Formal systems for finding, prioritizing and answering EBP * Turkel, M., Reidinger, G., Ferket, K., & Reno, K. (2005). An essential component of the Magnet Journey: Fostering an environment for evidenced based practice and nursing research. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 29(3), 254-262. Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta 10 Examples of EBP outcomes • Sacred Cow – Neonate and infants should sleep in prone position to prevent aspiration – H2O2 is an effective antibacterial cleaning agent when applied to wounds: Bubbling means bacteria is present • Evidence Eagles – Prone sleeping among blankets and pillows increased SIDS: supine position with minimal contact with blankets and pillows dressed in warm sleepwear – Concentrated H2O2 is caustic and hinders neodermal development. Bubbling occurs when H2O2 is exposed to air Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta 11 References • • • • • Burns, N. & Grove, S. K. (2004) The practice of nursing research: Conduct, critique & utilization 5th Ed. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders. Melnyk, B. M & Fineout-Oveholt, E. (2005) Evidenced Based Practice in nursing and healthcare: A guide to best practice. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins. Melnyk, B. M & Fineout-Oveholt, E.; Gallagher-Ford, L; Kaplan, L. (2012). The state of evidenced-based practice in US nurses: Critcal implications for nurse leaders and educators. JONA, 42(9): 410-417. Newhouse, R. P., Dearholt, S. L., Poe, S. S., Pugh, L. C. & White, K. M. (2007). Johns Hopkins Nursing evidenced based practice model and guidelines. Indianapolis: Sigma Theta Tau International. Turkel, M., Reidinger, G., Ferket, K., & Reno, K. (2005). An essential component of the Magnet Journey: Fostering an environment for evidenced based practice and nursing research. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 29(3), 254-262. Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta 12