from Anthem - Ms. Caraang

Anthem Name: Date: Period:
As you read the story, find examples from the text that explain or relate to each term. Add entries as you read each
chapter. Find 2 to 3 examples for each term. An example was given to you.
Term and Definition
Transgression: the
breaking of a law or oath
2. Sin
3. Curse
Example(s) from Anthem
(Find 2 -3 examples per term)
Why is this character or act condemned
in Anthem?
Transgression of Preference: Equality chose
International 4-8818 as his friend (p. 27)
They are taught that the individual is nothing,
mankind is everything, and that everyone must be
treated with absolute equality. To choose a friend is
to single out, and elevate, one man from the group.
Also, choosing a friend requires individual thought,
personal choices, and value judgments, all of which
are forbidden. They are expected to be mindless,
therefore selfless.
Anthem Term and
4. Crime
5. Evil
6. Damned
Name: Example(s) from Anthem (Find 2
-3 examples per term)
Date: Period:
Why is this character or act condemned
in Anthem?
Anthem Name: Date: Period:
Anthem – Ayn Rand Pre-­‐Reading Activity Definition Mission-­‐ In pairs, find the definitions to term 1 and term 2. In the middle column, explain how term 1 and term 2 are related. Term 1 Definition 1. Collectivism The practice of giving a group priority over each individual. 2. Altruism Concern for the well-­‐being of others 3. Free-­‐will Freedom of decision or choice between alternatives How are term 1 and 2 related? They are complete opposites. Individualism is working to benefit self, collectivism is more for the group. The relation is where the focus lies. They both focus on the well-­‐being of each. Is the focus on the self, or on others? They are related because they are about choices. The difference is who makes it. Term 2 Definition Individualism Habit or principle of being independent or self-­‐reliant Egoism Theory that makes self-­‐interest the foundation of morality. Determinism All events are ultimately determined by causes external to will. 