African-American Studies Unit 3: The Harlem Renaissance (Draft) AFRICAN-AMERICAN STUDIES (FOLEY) Focus questions for this unit: 1. What were the causes of the “Great Migration” of African-Americans from the rural South to northern industrial cities such as New York during this era? 2. Which historical events led to more assertive behavior and demands for change among African-Americans during this period? 3. How did African-American artists show this assertive behavior in their work? 4. What impact has the Harlem Renaissance had on the United States? Learning goals for this unit: Students will be able to … 1. Describe the “Great Migration” of the 1910s and 1920s. 2. Locate Harlem on a map of New York City and trace the migration of blacks through Manhattan to Harlem. 3. Analyze the unrest felt by a growing number of urban African-Americans after World War I. 4. Identify several political and economic movements that had an impact on African-Americans in the 1910s-1920s. 5. Categorize events presented in historical data that explain the roots of the Harlem Renaissance. 6. Identify major themes in the literature, visual arts, and music created by African Americans during the Harlem Renaissance. 7. Assess the burden that being members of a minority group in the U.S. placed on African-Americans while they tried to cope with the nation’s shift from a rural to an urban society during this era. 8. Draw connections between the major themes in the art of the Harlem Renaissance and the social, economic, and political problems that African Americans faced during this era. 9. Assess the impact of the Harlem Renaissance with respect to artistic achievement and political, economic, and social achievement. Schedule: Monday, October 15 Discuss: The Color Purple unit exam. Introduction to Harlem Renaissance Unit Journal: Response to I, Too by Langston Hughes (1926) Lecture: The Harlem Renaissance (LG 1, 2) Tuesday, October 16 Lecture: The Harlem Renaissance (LG 3, 4) TOTD: Describe the unrest felt by urban African-Americans after World War I. Wednesday, October 17 Student Presentation: An Important African-American Lecture: The Harlem Renaissance (LG 4, 5) Thursday, October 18 Lecture: The Harlem Renaissance (LG 4, 5) TOTD: Five reasons AAs migrated north. Friday, October 19 Student Presentation: An Important African-American Group Work: Poetry of the Harlem Renaissance (LG 6, 7) Monday, October 22 Group Work: Poetry of the Harlem Renaissance (LG 6, 7) TOTD: Quick-Write – the three themes in poetry Tuesday, October 23 Teacher-Directed: Art of the Harlem Renaissance (LG 6, 7) Wednesday, October 24 Student Presentation: An Important African-American Teacher: Directed: Music of the Harlem Renaissance (LG 6, 7) Thursday, October 25 Teacher Directed: Music of the Harlem Renaissance (LG 6, 7, 8) Study/prepare for quiz: art, poems, and music that had greatest effect. Friday, October 26 12:26 dismissal – 20 minute free writing: art, poems, and music that affected me most. Monday, October 29 Group Work: Review and synthesis of themes and history from this era. Tuesday, October 30 Timed writing: focus questions for this unit.