Messages The Hon. Natalie Neita-Headley, MP Minister with Responsibility for Sport Our High Schools bear the brunt of sport development in Jamaica. This is why so many of us cherish our High School alma maters in much the same way others cherish their Universities. Therefore, as we begin to implement the High School Sport Infrastructure Improvement Project (HSSIIP) which was launched last November, I am certain that many of you will in due course begin to compete on better surfaces in your schools. Each year we look forward to thestaging of another Schoolboy Football season. Not only is football one of the most popular team sports in the world, it is a sport that Jamaicans from every community across the island have played and enjoyed in some form or the other. I reflect for example on the days of corner league football and stuffed drink boxes for footballs. As we reflect on the advances we have made, let us remember that there is so much more to be accomplished. The reality is that sport continues to evolve across the globe from mere play to professional engagement for those who excel to elite levels. 1 The pursuit of the Olivier Shield by our young footballers is a remarkable opportunity for us to identify and nurture talent at an early age. It behoves us therefore to continue to marshal the progress of that talent into our national programmes. I congratulate ISSA, the many volunteers, coaches, teachers and all the sponsors who continue to support sport development. I challenge the student athletes to be the best that you can on the field of play. Represent your schools and your families with excellence. Have fun, play well, play fair and dream big dreams. Messages Dr. Walton Small President, ISSA book those who deliberately try to disrupt the competition. In light of this I must however, congratulate all stakeholders for the way they conduct themselves last season as there were very few incidents of concerns. We hope that this season will be even better. Once again, it is time for the most anticipated football competition in Jamaica – the ISSA/ Lime/Manning/DaCosta Cup Competition. I have no doubt that this year’s competition will be one to remember for a long time to come, especially against the background that a significant number of participants in this year’s competition are giving themselves a good chance of taking the title. So fasten the proverbial seat belt and enjoy the excitement of the 2014/15 competition. I would like to give special commendation to Mr Aston Messam – chairman of Manning Cup and Mr Denham McIntyre – chairman of DaCosta Cup for their hard work in preparation for the season. Thanks are also in order for the Competitions Officer, Mr George Forbes and the office staff for their continued diligence in ensuring that everything is in place for this elite competition. In addition, let me use this opportunity to thank the Officials, Medical Services, Security Forces, Principals, Teachers, Coaches, Referees, Parents, Students and countless individuals who continue to give time and effort to ensure a great ISSA/LIME/Manning and DaCosta Cup Competition I encourage all stakeholders to be mindful of the fact that this is a schoolboy football competition and as such it must characterized by friendly rivalry. Again, I use this medium to remind stakeholders that at ISSA we are guided by the fact that the ruling of the officials in charge of the game is final – comply then complain. Do not bring the games into disrepute. Trust the system to effect justice when necessary. ISSA will act swiftly to protect the smooth running of the competition and bring to 2 Messages Carlo Redwood, LIME Last year marked the beginning of LIME’s mission to ‘bring back the glory days’ to the School Boy Football programme. It was a remarkable experience as we made our way across the island and interacted with the players, supporters and the prestigious institutions from which they hailed. We also enjoyed being in the centre of the excitement as we infused our LIME ‘flavour’ to enhance the overall delivery of feature games and finals. continue to work with the respective stakeholders to drive growth and bring new innovation for the overall benefit of the sport locally. Our expressed gratitude to ISSA, the schools and coaches who have embraced us and continue to work arduously each year to ensure the success of the competition despite the many challenges. We also take this opportunity to encourage the players along a path of discipline in both on and off the field as they Team LIME is very pleased continue our title participate this season. Good Luck! sponsorship of the competition in this our second year. We believe that a bright future for Jamaican football is being crafted through this competition and we are deeply honoured to be able to play a role in the fulfilment of this vision. This was the basis of our five-year commitment and we will 3 Messages Captain Horace Burrell JFF President, CD,JP,OM(FIFA) I once again take pleasure in congratulating the Inter-Secondary Schools Sports Association (ISSA) for the organisation of another schoolboy football season set to begin on September 6. This season is highly anticipated for the expected show of football skills and high competitive spirit from Jamaica’s top school boy footballers. I wish to congratulate the principals; coaches; administrators who all combine each year to make the schoolboy season successful. It is my understanding that ISSA will be announcing a new competition as part of the season which promises excitement and intense competition. ISSA continues to show vision in maximising on the product which they offer to us annually. I want to personally congratulate all the coaches 4 who over the past five years have responded positively to the JFF’s coaching education programme. The JFF’s objective is to change the quality of Jamaica’s football at all levels. We are convinced that a key element of this is to improve the knowledge base of the coaches. We have made significant progress with the certification of over six hundred coaches at both 1 and 2 Advance levels. I encourage you to maximise the knowledge you have gained. Before the start of the season, go back to those notes, reflect on the courses; assess how you will apply the areas learnt to the different areas of preparation and play, then go to the games with confidence. The recent World Cup in Brazil demonstrated to all that competition in the world of football is at a new high and it is only with very hard work; improved knowledge and proper organisation of the sport that we will excel. I encourage the players enjoy your game; display your talent; be disciplined and play fair. My very best wishes for another highly successful season. Let the games begin Messages Sabrena McDonald, Sales and Marketing Manager Burger King the superb win by MoBay United in the National Premier League, a team we have supported for a number of years. Essentially Manning and DaCosta Cups are about pride and spirit as the student players ignite their schools, communities and the nation to believe that hard work, training, team work and strategy do yield results worth celebrating. This energy matches Burger King’s focus on “Inspiring Generation Excellence” through our 14 year strong scholarship programme, and all other youth-centered programmes that span sports, education and culture. Exciting. Nail biting. Awe-inspiring. Such was the atmosphere of the 2013 Schoolboy Football season, which plated many excellent moments of play. Then, Burger King’s first year on the field as sponsors of Manning and DaCosta Cup, we were happy with the experience and camaraderie with fellow sponsors and have put our boots back on for another season. We are looking forward to seeing new King Kickers rise to the occasion and the more seaThis year, we look forward to connecting more soned ones getting even better in their techwith the players and fans whose commitment to nique. We congratulate ISSA and fellow spontheir teams is beyond wearing the colours of a sors LIME and Wisynco on making last year’s jersey and more about being part of something staging one worth remembering. “Taste Rules worth screaming, crying, tackling and scoring Your Way” remains as Burger King’s promise to for. Burger King’s commitment to local football our customers; as we strive to provide the best extends beyond the Manning and DaCosta Cups food and service as a quick service restaurant. as we support various community and league Here’s to a Whopper-tastic season! teams in rural and urban Jamaica. Our continued support of the sport was further rewarded with 5 Messages Mr. William Mahfood Managing Director – WISYNCO In this our sophomore year as exclusive beverage sponsors of the ISSA School Boy Football, the Wisynco Group Limited are extremely proud to play our part in the development of our youths. Last season we witnessed from the stands, some spectacular football that had many of us on the edges of our seats and if we weren’t convinced before, we certainly are now, that the future of Jamaican football is bright. With our BIGGA Soft Drink continuing in its place as lead beverage and WATA as associate sponsor, the Wisynco Group is very keen on building brand Jamaica, whether it is in the form of food and beverage or sports. We should be our biggest cheerleaders and with our youngsters doing so well on the pitch, this is enough motivation to keep cheering them on. As the Wisynco Group continues to support our Jamaican youths and build brand Jamaica, we urge others to be a part of the cause, as this is the only way our youths can collectively have a promising future.” 6 FOOTBALL RULES AND GUIDELINES (Revised 2014) A.GENERAL 1. Home teams named first. All matches begin at 3:30 p.m. 2. All players must have an ISSA issued photo I.D. before they can participate. It takes a minimum of five (5) working days to process IDs. 3. All players must be duly registered in the school before they can participate, and must be registered in the school by September 30 of the school year. 3. All players (except the Goalkeeper) from any one team must wear similar jerseys while on the field of play. 4. All players are required to keep their jerseys tucked in their shorts while on the field. 5. Teams are requested to wear their registered colours. Whenever there is a “clash” of colours between two competing teams, the visiting team is required to change (providing the home team is in its registered colours. The home team must always be named first in the fixtures). 6. If a player receives a “red card” he automatically misses the next match in the competition or extension of said competition. For the purposes of the rule Manning & Walker on the one hand, and DaCosta and Ben Francis on the other, are regarded as one competition. Olivier Shield however is regarded as a separate competition. If a player receives 3 yellow cards, he will automatically miss the next match in the competition or extension of said competition. All cards will be rescinded at the end of the first round. The second round will start with the final sixteen (16) teams for Manning Cup and the final thirty-two teams for the DaCosta Cup. The issuance of 3 yellow cards in the second round, means the player will miss the next match, whether it is in the semifinal or final stage. In both instances he may, in addition, face the Disciplinary Committee. 7. Coaches, Sportsmasters and Team Managers are subject to the same discipline as the players. 8. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 9. The names of all players, coaches, managers and sportsmasters must be registered with the Managing Committee prior to being involved in the competition. Only the following will be permitted on “the team bench” during a match:Up to seven (7) dressed reserves The Coach The Assistant Coach The Sportsmaster The Manager The Team Doctor or Physiotherapist or Trainer 10. The Managing Committee reserves the right to decide on the format to be used in each competition. 11. (a) A maximum of twenty-two (22) players may be registered with the Managing Committee, these 7 players will be posted on the ISSA website. However, substitute registration or new registration may be made throughout the season. (Coaches, Assistant Coaches, Managers & Sportsmasters must be registered). For each match however, only eighteen (18) players may be dressed and recorded on the match card. (b) All substitutions to the list of twenty-two (22) registered players must be done prior to involvement in the competition. (c) In the case of new registration after start of competition the relevant documents must be submitted to ISSA’s office or to a representative of ISSA for approval prior to involvement in the competition. 12. Points system: Three (3) points for a win, one (1) point for a draw, 0 point for a loss. “Should a team fail to honour a fixture without a valid excuse acceptable to the Managing Committee, said team will forfeit the match and the opponent awarded three points and a score of three (3) nil.” Any team which fails to start a match fifteen (15) minutes after the scheduled start without the consent of the Managing Committee will forfeit the match. If a team fails to honour two (2) fixtures in a season that team will be scratched from the competition, and may be omitted from the next competition. 13. If a team forfeits a match or the match is awarded to the opposing team then the opposing team would be credited with a three (3) nil score. 14. At the conclusion of the preliminary rounds, the first two in each group will advance to the next round. Should there be a tie for any place, goal difference, then most goals shall be used to break the tie. Should the tie remain for the second place, there will be a play-off to determine second place. 15. In the DaCosta Cup/Manning Cup the best 3rd place/next best 3rd place teams will be determined by the number of matches played divided by the number of points earned. B. MANNING AND DACOSTA CUP COMPETITIONS 1. ISSA reserves the right to decide on all venues throughout the competition. 2. Schools are responsible for ensuring that medical support is provided throughout the entire competition. 3. All players must be under nineteen (19) years on August 31 preceding start of the school year. 4. Closing dates of entry by schools is June 30 each year. Closing date for registration of players is August/September each year – as determined by the Managing Committee. 5. Duration of matches: two halves of forty-five (45) minutes each, with an interval of ten to fifteen minutes. 6. Substitution. Three substitutes are allowed per team per match. 7. The home team (team named first) is responsible for ensuring the availability of the match ball, and for 8 the dispensing of refreshment for the players and officials – except from the second round onwards. 8. Any match which is “washed out” will be rescheduled for the next available Thursday (Manning Cup). 9. Home teams must provide suitable grounds. 10. The Association is responsible for the supervision of all Finals, Semi-finals, Quarter-finals and Inter zone matches in conjunction with the Principal involved. 11. (a) If a match is blown-off prematurely due to poor crowd behaviour, that ground may be banned for at least one year unless it can be proven that the supporters of the visiting team caused the match to be blown off. (b) If a match is not played due to negligence of the home team, the match should be rescheduled at the visitor’s grounds. Failure to honour this match by either team will result in that team being suspended from the competition for a period to be determined. 12. Security: Proper security at matches is the responsibility of the Home Team. i. At least four (4) uniformed security officers (preferably “red seam” police) should be on hand for the protection of the players and officials. These would be in addition to any personnel at the gates. C. WALKER CUP COMPETITION 1. Seven group winners plus best 2nd place team shall compete for the Walker Cup. 2. The competition is played on a KNOCK-OUT BASIS. 3. The Walker Cup competition shall run concurrently with the Manning Cup competition, or as scheduled. 4. All matches shall be ‘play-to-finish’ i.e. should the scores be equal at full time, extra time will be played, followed by penalty kicks if necessary. (Extra time shall be two (2) halves of ten minutes each). 5. All other rules of the Manning Cup competition apply. D. BEN FRANCIS CUP COMPETITION 1. 2. The final 4 teams in the DaCosta Cup Competition shall compete for the Ben Francis Cup. 3. 4. All matches shall be ‘play-to-finish’ i.e. should the scores be equal at full time, extra time will be played, followed by penalty kicks if necessary. (Extra time shall be two (2) halves of ten minutes each). All other rules of the DaCosta Cup competition apply. The competition will be played on a KNOCK-OUT BASIS. 9 PREVIOUS WINNERS YEAR MANNING CUP DACOSTA CUP 1993 Excelsior High Rusea’s High 1994 Wolmer’s Boys Clarendon College 1995 Charlie Smith High Cornwall College 1996 Norman Manley High Clarendon College 1997 Competition Abandoned Competition Abandoned 1998 Dunoon Technical Clarendon College 1999 Tivoli Gardens High St. Elizabeth Technical 2000 Norman Manley High Cornwall College 2001 Bridgeport High Cornwall College 2002 Norman Manley High Rusea’s High 2003 Excelsior High Frome Technical 2004 Excelsior High Glenmuir High 2005 Calabar Godfrey Stewart 2006Bridgeport Glenmuir 2007 Jamaica College Garvey Maceo 2008 St. George’s College St. James High 2009 St. George’s College St. Elizabeth Technical 2010 Jamaica College Rusea’s High 2011 St. George’s College Rusea’s High 2012 St. George’s College Glenmuir High Jamaica College St. Elizabeth Technical 2013 10 MANNING CUP FIXTURES 2014 Competition Chairman: Mr Aston Messam (Principal Bridgeport High) Manning Cup Grouping A B C CAMPION COLLEGE JOSE MARTI TECH. KINGSTON COLLEGE ST. GEORGE’S COLLEGE WATERFORD HIGH CHARLIE SMITH HIGH CUMBERLAND HIGH EXCELSIOR HIGH MONA HIGH VAUXHALL HIGH ARDENNE HIGH DENHAM TOWN HIGH EDITH DALTON HIGH INNSWOOD HIGH ST MARY’S COLLEGE TIVOLI HIGH D E F BRIDGEPORT HIGH CAMPERDOWN HIGH DUNOON TECH. GREATER PORTMORE HIGH HAILE SELASSIE HIGH PAPINE HIGH CLAN CARTHY HIGH HOLY TRINITY HIGH SPANISH TOWN HIGH TRENCH TOWN HIGH WOLMER’S BOYS CALABAR HIGH ELTHAM HIGH HYDEL HIGH PENWOOD HIGH ST. CATHERINE HIGH ST. JAGO HIGH G JAMAICA COLLEGE JONATHAN GRANT HIGH KINGSTON TECH NORMAN MANLEY HIGH ST ANDREW TECH 11 MANNING CUP FIXTURES 2014 Sat. Sept. 06 Kingston College vs. Campion Jose Marti vs.Waterford Tues. Sept. 23 Campion vs. Kingston College Waterford vs. Jose Marti Tues. Sept. 09 Waterford vs.St. George’s Campion vs. Jose Marti Fri. Sept. 26 St. George’s vs. Waterford Jose Marti vs. Campion Fri. Sept. 12 St. George’s vs. Campion Jose Martivs. Kingston College Mon. Sept. 29 Campion vs. St. George’s Kingston College vs. Jose Marti Mon. Sept. 15 Waterford vs. Kingston College St. George’s vs. Jose Marti Sat. Oct. 04 St. George’s vs. Kingston College Waterford vs. Campion Sat. Sept. 20 Kingston College vs. St. George’s Campion vs.Waterford Tues. Oct. 07 Kingston College vs. Waterford Jose Marti vs. St. George’s 12 MANNING CUP FIXTURES 2014 Sat. Sept. 06 Cumberland vs. Excelsior Mona vs. Charlie Smith Mon. Sept. 22 Excelsior vs. Cumberland Charlie Smith vs. Mona Mon. Sept. 08 Vauxhall vs. Excelsior Charlie Smith vs. Cumberland Sat. Sept. 27 Vauxhall vs. Mona Charlie Smith vs. Excelsior Thurs. Sept.11 Excelsior vs. Charlie Smith Tues. Sept. 30 Excelsior vs. Vauxhall Cumberland vs. Charlie Smith Sat. Sept. 13 Mona vs. Vauxhall Fri. Oct. 03 Vauxhall vs.Cumberland Mona vs. Excelsior Tues. Sept. 16 Cumberland vs. Vauxhall Excelsior vs. Mona Mon. Oct. 06 Cumberland vs. Mona Charlie Smith vs. Vauxhall Fri. Sept. 19 Mona vs. Cumberland Vauxhall vs. Charlie Smith 13 MANNING CUP FIXTURES 2014 Sat. Sept. 06 Ardenne vs. Edith Dalton Innswood vs. Tivoli Denham Town vs. St. Mary College Mon. Sept. 22 Innswood vs. St. Mary’s College Tivoli vs. Edith Dalton Ardenne vs. Denham Town Mon. Sept. 08 St. Mary’s College vs.Innswood Edith Dalton vs. Tivoli Denham Town vs. Ardenne Sat. Sept. 27 Edith Dalton vs.Innswood Denham Town vs. Tivoli St. Mary’s College vs. Ardenne Sat. Sept. 13 Innswood vs. Edith Dalton Tivoli vs. Denham Town Ardenne vs. St. Mary’s College Tues. Sept. 30 Edith Dalton vs. Ardenne Tivoli vs. Innswood St. Mary’s College vs.Denham Town Tues. Sept. 16 St. Mary’s College vs.Tivoli Innswood vs. Ardenne Edith Dalton vs. Denham Town Fri. Oct. 03 Ardenne vs. Innswood Denham Town vs. Edith Dalton Sat. Oct. 04 Tivoli vs. St. Mary’s College Fri. Sept. 19 St. Mary’s College vs.Edith Dalton Denham Town vs. Innswood Ardenne vs.Tivoli Mon. Oct. 06 Edith Dalton vs. St. Mary’s College Innswood vs. Denham Town Tivoli vs. Ardenne 14 MANNING CUP FIXTURES 2014 Sat. Sept. 06 Papine vs.Haile Selassie Dunoon vs.Camperdown Greater Portmore vs. Bridgeport Tues. Sept. 23 Papine vs.Camperdown Dunoon vs. Bridgeport Greater Portmore vs. Haile Selassie Tues. Sept. 09 Camperdown vs. Papine Bridgeport vs. Dunoon Haile Selassie vs. Greater Portmore Fri. Sept. 26 Haile Selassie vs. Papine Camperdown vs. Dunoon Bridgeport vs. Greater Portmore Fri. Sept. 12 Camperdown vs. Greater Portmore Papine vs.Dunoon Haile Selassie vs. Bridgeport Mon. Sept. 29 Greater Portmore vs. Camperdown Dunoon vs. Papine Bridgeport vs. Haile Selassie Mon. Sept. 15 Camperdown vs. Haile Selassie Papine vs.Bridgeport Dunoon vs. Greater Portmore Sat. Oct. 04 Haile Selassie vs. Dunoon Papine vs. Greater Portmore Camperdown vs. Bridgeport Sat. Sept. 20 Dunoon vs. Haile Selassie Greater Portmore vs. Papine Bridgeport vs. Camperdown Tues. Oct. 07 Haile Selassie vs. Camperdown Bridgeport vs. Papine Greater Portmore vs. Dunoon 15 MANNING CUP FIXTURES 2014 Sat. Sept. 06 Holy Trinity vs. Spanish Town Trench Town vs. Clan Carthy Tues. Sept. 23 Spanish Town vs. Holy Trinity Clan Carthy vs. Trench Town Tues. Sept. 09 Clan Carthy vs. Wolmer’s Spanish Town vs. Trench Town Fri. Sept. 26 Wolmer’s vs. Clan Carthy Trench Town vs. Spanish Town Fri. Sept. 12 Wolmer’s vs. Spanish Town Trench Town vs. Holy Trinity Mon. Sept. 29 Spanish Town vs. Wolmer’s Holy Trinity vs. Trench Town Mon. Sept. 15 Holy Trinity vs. Wolmer’s Spanish Town vs. Clan Carthy Sat. Oct. 04 Wolmer’s vs. Holy Trinity Clan Carthy vs. Spanish Town Sat. Sept. 20 Clan Carthy vs. Holy Trinity Wolmer’s vs. Trench Town Tues. Oct. 07 Holy Trinity vs. Clan Carthy Trench Town vs. Wolmer’s 16 MANNING CUP FIXTURES 2014 Sat. Sept. 06 Calabar vs.Penwood St. Catherine vs. Eltham Hydel vs. St. Jago Mon. Sept. 22 Penwood vs. Calabar Eltham vs. St. Catherine St. Jago vs. Hydel Mon. Sept. 08 St. Jago vs. Calabar Penwood vs. St. Catherine Eltham vs. Hydel Sat. Sept. 27 Calabar vs.St. Jago St. Catherine vs. Penwood Hydel vs. Eltham Sat. Sept. 13 Hydel vs. Penwood St. Catherine vs. Calabar St. Jago vs. Eltham Tues. Sept. 30 Penwood vs. Hydel Calabar vs.St. Catherine Eltham vs. St. Jago Tues. Sept. 16 St. Jago vs. St. Catherine Calabar vs.Hydel Penwood vs. Eltham Fri. Oct. 03 St. Catherine vs. St. Jago Hydel vs. Calabar Eltham vs. Penwood Fri. Sept. 19 St. Jago vs. Penwood Eltham vs. Calabar Hydel vs. St. Catherine Mon. Oct. 06 Penwood vs. St. Jago Calabar vs.Eltham St. Catherine vs. Hydel 17 MANNING CUP FIXTURES 2014 Sat. Sept. 06 Jamaica College vs. Jonathan Grant STATHS vs.Kingston Tech. Tues. Sept. 23 Jonathan Grant vs. Jamaica College Kingston Tech. vs. STATHS Tues. Sept. 09 Kingston Tech. vs. Norman Manley Jonathan Grant vs. STATHS Fri. Sept. 26 Norman Manley vs. Kingston Tech. STATHS vs.Jonathan Grant Fri. Sept. 12 Norman Manley vs.Jonathan Grant STATHS vs.Jamaica College Mon. Sept. 29 Jonathan Grant vs. Norman Manley Jamaica College vs. STATHS Mon. Sept. 15 Jamaica College vs. Norman Manley Jonathan Grant vs. Kingston Tech. Sat. Oct. 04 Norman Manley vs. Jamaica College Kingston Tech. vs. Jonathan Grant Sat. Sept. 20 Kingston Tech. vs. Jamaica College Norman Manley vs. STATHS Tues. Oct. 07 Jamaica College vs. Kingston Tech. STATHS vs.Norman Manley 18 MANNING CUP FIXTURES 2014 WALKER CUP QUARTER – FINALS (8 TEAMS) Group Winners and best second place team qualify Friday October 10 Q- Final 1: C1 vs. F1 Q-Final 2: G1 vs. Best 2nd Saturday October 11 Q- Final 3: A1 vs. D1 Q- Final 4: B1 vs. E1 WALKER CUP SEMI-FINALS Tuesday October 14 1:00 P.M. – Winner Q/F1 vs. Winner Q/F 2 3:00 P.M. – Winner Q 3 vs. Winner Q 4 WALKER CUP FINAL Wednesday November 26, 2014 *** If schools are not in the Manning Cup Final Saturday November 22, 2014 *** If schools are in the Manning Cup Final 19 MANNING CUP FIXTURES 2014 Group H Tues. Oct. 21 A1 vs. D2 E1 vs. F2 Group I Wed. Oct. 22 B1 vs. C2 Next Best 3rd vs. G2 Wed. Oct. 29 F2 vs. A1 D2 vs. E1 Thurs. Oct. 30 G2 vs. B1 C2 vs. Next Best 3rd Mon. Nov. 03 F2 vs. D2 E1 vs. A1 Wed. Nov. 05 G2 vs. C2 Next Best 3rd vs. B1 Group J Thurs. Oct. 23 C1 vs. B2 G1 vs. E2 Group K Mon. Oct. 27 D1 vs. A2 F1 vs. Best 3rd Tues. Oct. 28 E2 vs. C1 B2 vs. G1 Tues. Nov. 04 Best 3rd vs. D1 A2 vs. F1 Thurs. Nov. 06 E2 vs. B2 G1 vs. C1 Mon. Nov. 10 Best 3rd vs. A2 F1 vs. D1 MANNING CUP SEMI-FINAL Saturday, November 15 SF 1 Winner H vs. Winner I SF2 Winner J vs. Winner K MANNING CUP FINAL Saturday November 22 Winner Semi Final 1 vs. Winner Semi Final 2 Saturday, November 22 Walker Cup Final *** If schools are not in the Manning Cup Final OLIVER SHIELD Saturday, December 06 Rural Champions vs. Urban Champions – (Rural Venue) 20 DACOSTA CUP FIXTURES 2014 DaCosta Cup Zones 2014 Competition Chairman: Mr. Denham McIntyre A B C D Anchovy High Cornwall College Green Pond High Irwin High St. James High Frome Tech. Green Island High Merlene Ottey High Rusea’s High Herbert Morrison Tech Muschett High Spot Valley High William Knibb High Black River High Godfrey Stewart High Grange Hill High Manning’s School Petersfield High E F G H Alston High Christiana High Holmwood Tech. Knox College Spalding High Clarendon College Claude McKay High Edwin Allen High Lennon High Thompson Town High Belair Academy Mile Gully Cross Keys High DeCarteret College Manchester High B. B. Coke High Lacovia High Maggotty High Munro College Newell High STETHS I J K Browns Town High Cedric Titus High Marcus Garvey Tech. Ocho Rios High Steer Town High York Castle High Brimmervale High Iona High Islington High Oracabessa High St. Mary High St. Mary Technical Bog Walk High Charlemont High Dinthill Tech. Ewarton High McGrath High L Fair Prospect High Happy Grove High Port Antonio High Titchfield High M N O Bustamante High Denbigh High Garvey Maceo Glenmuir High Porus High Central High Foga Road High Kemps Hill High Old Harbour High Vere Tech Tacius Golding High Morant Bay High Paul Bogle High Robert Lightbourne Seaforth High 21 22 23 DACOSTA CUP FIXTURES 2014 Sat. Sept. 06 St. James vs. Green Pond Anchovy vs. Irwin Wed. Sept. 10 Green Pond vs. Cornwall Irwin vs. St. James Tues. Sept. 23 Anchovy vs. Cornwall Irwin vs. Green Pond Sat. Sept. 13 Cornwall vs. Anchovy Green Pond vs. Irwin Wed. Sept. 17 Cornwall vs. Irwin Anchovy vs.St. James Sat. Sept. 27 Green Pond vs. Anchovy Cornwall vs. St. James Wed. Oct. 01 Cornwall vs. Green Pond St. James vs. Irwin Sat. Sept. 20 Anchovy vs. Green Pond St. James vs. Cornwall Sat. Oct. 04 Irwin vs. Cornwall St. James vs. Anchovy Thurs. Sept. 25 Green Pond vs. St. James Irwin vs. Anchovy 24 DACOSTA CUP FIXTURES 2014 Sat. Sept. 13 Merlene Ottey vs. Rusea’s Green Island vs. Frome Wed. Sept. 24 Rusea’s vs. Merlene Ottey Frome vs. Green Island Wed. Sept. 17 Frome vs. Merlene Ottey Rusea’s vs. Green Island Sat. Sept. 27 Merlene Ottey vs. Frome Green Island vs. Rusea’s Sat. Sept. 20 Green Island vs. Merlene Ottey Frome vs. Rusea’s Sat. Oct. 04 Merlene Ottey vs. Green Island Rusea’s vs. Frome 25 DACOSTA CUP FIXTURES 2014 Sat. Sept. 13 Spot Valleyvs. William Knibb Muschett vs. Herbert Morrison Wed. Sept. 24 Spot Valleyvs. Herbert Morrison Muschett vs. William Knibb Wed. Sept. 17 Herbert Morrison vs. Spot Valley William Knibb vs. Muschett Sat. Sept. 27 William Knibb vs. Spot Valley Herbert Morrison vs. Muschett Sat. Sept. 20 Spot Valleyvs. Muschett William Knibb vs. Herbert Morrison Sat. Oct.04 Muschett vs. Spot Valley Herbert Morrison vs. William Knibb 26 DACOSTA CUP FIXTURES 2014 Sat. Sept. 06 Grange Hillvs. Petersfield Godfrey Stewart vs. Black River Wed. Sept. 24 Petersfield vs. Grange Hill Black River vs. Godfrey Stewart Wed. Sept. 10 Black River vs. Manning’s Petersfield vs. Godfrey Stewart Sat. Sept. 27 Manning’s vs. Black River Godfrey Stewart vs. Petersfield Sat. Sept. 13 Manning’svs.Petersfield Godfrey Stewart vs. Grange Hill Tues. Sept. 30 Petersfield vs. Manning’s Grange Hillvs. Godfrey Stewart Wed. Sept. 17 Grange Hillvs. Manning’s Petersfield vs. Black River Thurs. Oct. 02 Manning’s vs. Grange Hill Black River vs. Petersfield Sat. Sept. 20 Black River vs. Grange Hill Manning’s vs. Godfrey Stewart Sat. Oct. 04 Grange Hillvs. Black River Godfrey Stewart vs. Manning’s 27 DACOSTA CUP FIXTURES 2014 Sat. Sept. 06 Newell vs. Munro Lacovia vs.Maggotty STETHS vs. B. B. Coke Tues. Sept. 23 Munro vs. Newell Maggotty vs. Lacovia B. B. Coke vs. STETHS Wed. Sept. 10 STETHS vs. Newell Munro vs. Lacovia Maggotty vs. B. B. Coke Thurs. Sept. 25 Newell vs. STETHS Lacovia vs.Munro B. B. Coke vs. Maggotty Sat. Sept. 13 B. B. Coke vs. Munro Lacovia vs.Newell Maggotty vs. STETHS Sat. Sept. 27 Munro vs. B. B. Coke Newell vs. Lacovia STETHS vs.Maggotty Wed. Sept. 17 STETHS vs.Lacovia Newell vs. B. B. Coke Munro vs. Maggotty Wed. Oct. 01 Lacovia vs.STETHS B. B. Coke vs. Newell Maggotty vs. Munro Sat. Sept. 20 STETHS vs.Munro Maggotty vs. Newell B. B. Coke vs. Lacovia Sat. Oct. 04 Munro vs. STETHS Newell vs. Maggotty Lacovia vs.B. B. Coke 28 DACOSTA CUP FIXTURES 2014 Sat. Sept. 06 Belair vs. Mile Gully Cross Keys vs. DeCarteret Wed. Sept. 24 Mile Gully vs. Belair DeCarteret vs. Cross Keys Wed. Sept. 10 DeCarteret vs. Manchester Mile Gully vs. Cross Keys Sat. Sept. 27 Manchester vs. DeCarteret Cross Keys vs. Mile Gully Sat. Sept. 13 Manchester vs. Mile Gully Cross Keys vs. Belair Tues. Sept. 30 Mile Gully vs. Manchester Belair vs. Cross Keys Wed. Sept. 17 Belair vs. Manchester Mile Gully vs. DeCarteret Thurs. Oct. 02 Manchester vs. Belair DeCarteret vs. Mile Gully Sat. Sept. 20 DeCarteret vs. Belair Manchester vs. Cross Keys Sat. Oct. 04 Belair vs. DeCarteret Cross Keys vs. Manchester 29 DACOSTA CUP FIXTURES 2014 Sat. Sept. 06 Christianavs. Holmwood Alston vs. Knox Tues. Sept. 23 Holmwood vs. Christiana Knox vs. Alston Wed. Sept. 10 Holmwood vs. Alston Knox vs. Spalding Thurs. Sept. 25 Alston vs. Holmwood Spalding vs. Knox Sat. Sept. 13 Spalding vs. Holmwood Alston vs. Christiana Sat. Sept. 27 Holmwood vs. Spalding Christianavs. Alston Wed. Sept. 17 Christianavs. Spalding Holmwoodvs. Knox Wed. Oct. 01 Spalding vs. Christiana Knox vs. Holmwood Sat. Sept. 20 Knox vs. Christiana Spalding vs. Alston Sat. Oct. 04 Christianavs. Knox Alston vs. Spalding 30 DACOSTA CUP FIXTURES 2014 Sat. Sept. 6 Clarendon College vs.Thompson Town Edwin Allen vs. Lennon Sat. Sept. 20 Thompson Town vs. Clarendon College Lennon vs. Edwin Allen Tues. Sept. 09 Thompson Town vs. Edwin Allen Lennon vs.Claude McKay Wed. Sept. 24 Edwin Allen vs. Thompson Town Claude McKay vs. Lennon Thurs. Sept. 11 Claude McKay vs. Thompson Town Edwin Allen vs. Clarendon College Sat. Sept. 27 Thompson Town vs. Claude McKay Clarendon College vs. Edwin Allen Sat. Sept. 13 Lennon vs.Clarendon College Claude McKay vs. Edwin Allen Wed. Oct. 01 Claude McKay vs. Clarendon College Lennon vs.Thompson Town Wed. Sept. 17 Clarendon College vs.Claude McKay Thompson Town vs. Lennon Sat. Oct. 04 Clarendon College vs. Lennon Edwin Allen vs. Claude McKay 31 DACOSTA CUP FIXTURES 2014 Mon. Sept. 22 Marcus Garvey vs. Brown’s Town Sat. Sept. 06 Ocho Rios vs. Steer Town Brown’s Town vs.Marcus Garvey Cedric Titus vs. York Castle Tues. Sept. 23 Steer Town vs. Ocho Rios York Castle vs. Cedric Titus Wed. Sept. 10 Cedric Titus vs. Steer Town Brown’s Town vs. Ocho Rios Marcus Garvey vs. York Castle Thurs. Sept. 25 Ocho Riosvs. York Castle Brown’s Town vs. Steer Town Cedric Titus vs. Marcus Garvey Fri. Sept. 12 Steer Town vs.Brown’s Town Sat. Sept. 27 Steer Town vs. Cedric Titus York Castle vs. Marcus Garvey Sat. Sept. 13 York Castle vs. Ocho Rios Marcus Garvey vs. Cedric Titus Mon. Sept. 29 Ocho Riosvs. Brown’s Town Tues. Sept. 16 Steer Town vs.Marcus Garvey Wed. Sept. 17 York Castle vs. Brown’s Town Ocho Riosvs.Cedric Titus Wed. Oct. 01 Brown’s Town vs. York Castle Cedric Titus vs. Ocho Rios Marcus Garvey vs. Steer Town Sat. Sept. 20 York Castle vs. Steer Town Marcus Garvey vs. Ocho Rios Cedric Titus vs. Brown’s Town Fri. Oct. 03 Steer Town vs. York Castle Ocho Riosvs. Marcus Garvey Brown’s Town vs. Cedric Titus 32 DACOSTA CUP FIXTURES 2014 Sat. Sept. 06 Iona vs. Islington Brimmervale vs. St. Mary High St. Mary Tech. vs. Oracabessa Sat. Sept. 20 Islington vs. Iona St. Mary High vs. Brimmervale Oracabessa vs. St. Mary Tech. Tues. Sept. 09 Oracabessa vs. Iona Islington vs. Brimmervale St. Mary High vs. St. Mary Tech. Wed. Sept. 24 Iona vs. Oracabessa Brimmervale vs. Islington St. Mary Tech. vs. St. Mary High Thurs. Sept. 11 St. Mary Tech. vs. Islington Brimmervale vs. Iona St. Mary High vs. Oracabessa Sat. Sept. 27 Islington vs. St. Mary Tech. Iona vs.Brimmervale Oracabessa vs. St. Mary High Sat. Sept. 13 Oracabessa vs. Brimmervale Iona vs. St. Mary Tech. Islington vs. St. Mary High Wed. Oct. 01 Brimmervale vs. Oracabessa St. Mary Tech. vs. Iona St. Mary High vs. Islington Wed. Sept. 17 Oracabessa vs. Islington St. Mary High vs. Iona St. Mary Tech. vs. Brimmervale Sat. Oct. 04 Islington vs. Oracabessa Iona vs. St. Mary High Brimmervale vs. St. Mary Tech. 33 DACOSTA CUP FIXTURES 2014 Sat. Sept. 06 Ewarton vs. Dinthill Charlemont vs. McGrath Sat. Sept. 20 Dinthill vs.Ewarton McGrath vs. Charlemont Wed. Sept. 10 Dinthill vs.Charlemont McGrath vs. Bog Walk Wed. Sept. 24 Charlemont vs. Dinthill Bog Walk vs. McGrath Sat. Sept. 13 Bog Walk vs. Dinthill Charlemont vs. Ewarton Sat. Sept. 27 Dinthill vs.Bog Walk Ewarton vs. Charlemont Tues. Sept. 16 Ewarton vs. Bog Walk Dinthill vs.McGrath Wed. Oct. 01 Bog Walk vs. Ewarton McGrath vs. Dinthill Thurs. Sept. 18 McGrath vs. Ewarton Bog Walk vs. Charlemont Sat. Oct. 04 Ewarton vs. McGrath Charlemont vs. Bog Walk 34 DACOSTA CUP FIXTURES 2014 Wed. Sept. 10 Fair Prospect vs. Titchfield Port Antonio vs. Happy Grove Wed. Sept. 24 Titchfield vs. Fair Prospect Happy Grove vs. Port Antonio Sat. Sept. 13 Titchfield vs. Port Antonio Happy Grove vs. Fair Prospect Sat. Sept. 27 Port Antonio vs. Titchfield Fair Prospect vs. Happy Grove Sat. Sept. 20 Port Antonio vs. Fair Prospect Happy Grove vs. Titchfield Sat. Oct. 04 Fair Prospect vs. Port Antonio Titchfield vs. Happy Grove 35 DACOSTA CUP FIXTURES 2014 Sat. Sept. 06 Porus vs. Denbigh Garvey Maceo vs. Bustamante Tues. Sept. 23 Denbigh vs. Porus Bustamante vs. Garvey Maceo Wed. Sept. 10 Bustamante vs. Glenmuir Denbigh vs. Garvey Maceo Thurs. Sept. 25 Glenmuir vs. Bustamante Garvey Maceo vs. Denbigh Sat. Sept. 13 Glenmuir vs. Denbigh Garvey Maceo vs. Porus Sat. Sept. 27 Denbigh vs. Glenmuir Porus vs. Garvey Maceo Wed. Sept. 17 Porus vs. Glenmuir Denbigh vs. Bustamante Wed. Oct. 01 Glenmuir vs. Porus Bustamante vs. Denbigh Sat. Sept. 20 Bustamante vs. Porus Glenmuir vs. Garvey Maceo Sat. Oct. 04 Porus vs. Bustamante Garvey Maceo vs. Glenmuir 36 DACOSTA CUP FIXTURES 2014 Sat. Sept. 06 Tacius Golding vs. Central Foga Road vs. Old Harbour Vere vs. Kemps Hill Sat. Sept. 20 Central vs.Tacius Golding Old Harbour vs. Foga Road Kemps Hill vs. Vere Tues. Sept. 09 Kemps Hill vs. Tacius Golding Central vs.Foga Road Old Harbour vs. Vere Wed. Sept. 24 Tacius Golding vs. Kemps Hill Foga Road vs. Central Vere vs. Old Harbour Thurs. Sept. 11 Vere vs. Central Foga Road vs. Tacius Golding Old Harbour vs. Kemps Hill Sat. Sept. 27 Central vs.Vere Tacius Golding vs. Foga Road Kemps Hill vs. Old Harbour Sat. Sept. 13 Kemps Hill vs. Foga Road Tacius Golding vs. Vere Central vs.Old Harbour Wed, Oct. 01 Foga Road vs. Kemps Hill Vere vs. Tacius Golding Old Harbour vs. Central Wed. Sept. 17 Kemps Hill vs. Central Old Harbour vs. Tacius Golding Vere vs. Foga Road Sat. Oct. 04 Central vs.Kemps Hill Tacius Golding vs. Old Harbour Foga Road vs. Vere 37 DACOSTA CUP FIXTURES 2014 Sat. Sept. 13 Morant Bay vs. Paul Bogle Seaforth vs. Robert Lightbourne Wed. Sept. 24 Paul Boglevs. Morant Bay Robert Lightbourne vs. Seaforth Wed. Sept. 17 Paul Boglevs. Seaforth Robert Lightbourne vs. Morant Bay Sat. Sept. 27 Seaforth vs. Paul Bogle Morant Bay vs.Robert Lightbourne Sat. Sept. 20 Seaforth vs. Morant Bay Robert Lightbourne vs. Paul Bogle Sat. Oct. 04 Morant Bay vs. Seaforth Paul Bogle vs. Robert Lightbourne 38 DACOSTA CUP FIXTURES 2014 DACOSTA CUP INTERZONE ROUND 32 TEAMS, 8 GROUPS POOL I ZONES A-B-C-D-I-J-K-L POOL II ZONES E-F-G-H-M-N-0 Zone 1: A1, B2, C1, D2 Zone 2: A2, B1, C2, D1 Zone 3: E1, F2, G1, H2 Zone 4: E2, F1, G2, H1 Zone 5: L2, I1, J2, Best 3rd (Pool 2) Zone 6: I2, J1, K2, L1 Zone 7: M1, N2, O1, Best 3rd (Pool 1) Zone 8: K1, M2, N1, O2 Wed. Oct 8 Sat. Oct. 11 Wed. Oct. 15 C1vs. A1 D2 vs. B2 A2 vs. C2 D1vs. B1 H2 vs. F2 G1vs. E1 H1 vs. F1 E2 vs. G2 Best 3rd vs. L2 I1vs. J2 K2vs. I2 L1 vs. J1 Best 3rd vs. N2 O1 vs. M1 M2 vs. O2 N1 vs. K1 A1 vs. D2 B2 vs. C1 B1 vs. A2 C2. vs. D1 E1 vs. H2 F2 vs. G1 F1 vs. E2 G2 vs. H1 J2 vs. Best 3rd L2 vs. I1 J1 vs. K2 I2 vs. L1 M1 vs. Best 3rd N2 vs. O1 K1 vs. M2 O2 vs. N1 A1 vs. B2 C1 vs. D2 B1 vs. C2 D1 vs. A2 E1 vs. F2 G1 vs. H2 F1 vs. G2 H1 vs. E2 I1 vs. Best 3rd L2 vs. J2 J1 vs. I2 L1 vs. K2 M1 vs. N2 O1 vs. Best 3rd K1 vs. O2 N1 vs. M2 39 DACOSTA CUP FIXTURES 2014 QUARTERFINAL ROUND GROUP P Wed. Oct. 22 Winner 5 vs. Runner up 4 Runner up 7 vs. Winner 1 GROUP Q Wed. Oct. 22 Winner 2 vs. Runner up 8 Runner up 3 vs. Winner 6 Wed. Oct. 29 Winner 1 vs. Winner 5 Runner up 4 vs. Runner up 7 Wed. Oct. 29 Winner 6 vs. Winner 2 Runner up 8 vs. Runner up 3 Wed. Nov. 05 Winner 5 vs. Runner up 7 Winner 1 vs. Runner 4 Wed. Nov. 05 Winner 2 vs. Runner 8 Winner 6 vs. Runner up 3 GROUP R Wed. Oct. 22 Winner 7 vs. Runner up 1 Runner up 5 vs. Winner 3 GROUP S Wed. Oct. 22 Winner 4 vs. Runner 6 Runner up 2 vs. Winner 8 Wed. Oct. 29 Winner 3 vs. Winner 7 Runner up 1 vs. Runner up 5 Wed. Oct. 29 Winner 8 vs. Winner 4 Runner 6 vs. Runner up 2 Wed. Nov. 05 Winner 7 vs. Runner up 1 Winner 3 vs. Runner up 5 Wed. Nov. 05 Winner 4 vs. Runner up 2 Winner 8 vs. Runner up 6 40 DACOSTA CUP FIXTURES 2014 Ben Francis Semi Final Wed. Nov. 12 - Semi Final 1 Group P vs. Group Q Semi Final 2 Group R vs. Group S Ben Francis Final Sat. Nov. 15 DaCosta Cup Semi Final Fri. Nov. 21 - DaCosta Cup Semi Final 1 Semi Final Group P vs. Group S Sat. Nov. 22 - DaCosta Cup Semi Final 2 Semi Final 2 Group R vs. Group Q DaCosta Cup Final Sat. Nov. 29 41 Notes 42 Notes 43