Presentation Critique

Presentation Critique Criteria Topic selection §
Was the purpose of the presentation clear? §
Was the topic appropriate for audience? §
Was the topic appropriate for assignment? Audience adaptation §
Did the speaker avoid jargon if necessary? §
Did the speaker provide background information if necessary? §
Did the speaker make the presentation interesting to the audience? Introduction §
Did the speaker pull the audience in with an attention getter? §
Did the speaker introduce the topic? §
Did the speaker establish credibility? §
Did the speaker preview the sections of the presentation? Body of the speech §
Were the main points clear? §
Was the body clearly organized? §
Were sources used and appropriately cited? §
Was the topic well explained? §
Did the speaker include transitions between major ideas? Conclusion §
Did the speaker summarize the presentation? §
Did the speaker include a strong closer? Delivery §
Did the speaker maintain eye contact? §
Did the speaker use vocal variety (avoid monotone delivery)? §
Was movement controlled and gestures used well? §
Were vocal fillers (“um,” “uh,” “like”) under control? §
Did the speech seem practiced? §
Did the speaker sound conversational? §
Did the speaker avoid reading? Outline (if required) §
Did the outline follow correct guidelines? §
Was it easy to follow? §
Did the speaker follow the outline in speech? Visual aid (if used) §
Did the visual aid add to speech? §
Was the appearance professional? §
Was the visual aid well used? Question and Answer (if required) §
Did the speaker seem prepared for questions? §
Did the speaker handle questions well? §
Were the answers clear? Final grade: