THE JOURNAL OF FINANCE • VOL. LXIX, NO. 5 • OCTOBER 2014 Corporate Innovations and Mergers and Acquisitions JAN BENA and KAI LI∗ ABSTRACT Using a large and unique patent-merger data set over the period 1984 to 2006, we show that companies with large patent portfolios and low R&D expenses are acquirers, while companies with high R&D expenses and slow growth in patent output are targets. Further, technological overlap between firm pairs has a positive effect on transaction incidence, and this effect is reduced for firm pairs that overlap in product markets. We also show that acquirers with prior technological linkage to their target firms produce more patents afterwards. We conclude that synergies obtained from combining innovation capabilities are important drivers of acquisitions. IT HAS LONG BEEN argued that synergies are key drivers of mergers and acquisitions (M&As),1 and that many M&As occur due to technology reasons.2 However, there is little direct evidence of whether and how synergies in the ∗ Jan Bena and Kai Li are at the Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia. We thank Cam Harvey (the Editor), an anonymous referee, an anonymous Associate Editor, Anup Agrawal, Ken Ahern, Julian Atanassov, Gennaro Bernile, Simon Firestone, Kathleen Hanley, Jarrad Harford, Keith Head, Jerry Hoberg, Marcin Kacperczyk, Jon Karpoff, Ambrus Kecskés, Ron Masulis, Michael Meloche, Gordon Phillips, Shinichi Sakata, Amit Seru, Anju Seth, Shang-jin Wei, Shan Zhao, seminar participants at BlackRock, CERGE-EI, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Federal Reserve Board of the Governors, Fudan University, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, University of Alabama, University of Hong Kong, UIBE, Virginia Tech, Xian Jiaotong University, and conference participants at the Pacific Northwest Finance Conference (Seattle), the Financial Intermediation Research Society Conference (Sydney), the UBC Summer Finance Conference (Vancouver), the Northern Finance Association Meetings (Vancouver), the 8th Annual Corporate Finance Conference at Washington University in St. Louis, the 24th Australasian Finance and Banking Conference (Sydney), and the American Finance Association Meetings (Chicago) for helpful comments. We also thank Milka Dimitrova, Chang Jie Hu, Yan Jin, Kairong Xiao, and Feng Zhang for research assistance. We acknowledge financial support from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). All remaining errors are our own. 1 See the surveys by Andrade, Mitchell, and Stafford (2001) and Betton, Eckbo, and Thorburn (2008). 2 In the introduction to Kaplan (2000), a collection of merger case studies, editor Steven Kaplan concludes that, “ . . . a general pattern emerges from these studies. It is striking that most of the mergers and acquisitions were associated with technological or regulatory shocks.” (See Notably, almost two-thirds of all public firm mergers in the United States over our sample period involve firms that pursue technological innovations, as captured by patenting activities. This percentage is large, given that only 30% of firms report R&D expenses, and less than 10% of firms repeatedly deliver patentable innovation output. DOI: 10.1111/jofi.12059 1923 1924 The Journal of FinanceR technology space drive individual firms’ decisions to participate in M&As, and of how they affect merger outcomes.3 In this paper, we first examine the relation between characteristics of corporate innovation activities and whether a firm becomes an acquirer or a target firm. We then study whether technological overlap between firm pairs affects transaction incidence. Finally, using a sample of bids withdrawn due to reasons exogenous to innovation as a control sample, we estimate the effect of a merger on future innovation output when there is premerger technological overlap between merging firms. Our large and unique patent-merger data set over the period 1984 to 2006 allows us to construct targeted measures of innovation output and technological overlap, extending the analysis of Hoberg and Phillips (2010) in product markets. The merger of Pharmacia & Upjohn and Monsanto, creating Pharmacia Corporation, in 2000 illustrates how synergies in the technology space trigger transactions. Both companies were active in the market for prescription pharmaceuticals, but in different therapeutic areas; their products were mostly complementary. A merger motive of both companies was for each to obtain access to the other’s technological assets and skills. Monsanto’s most successful product (Celebrex) used a novel technological platform known as Cox-2-specific inhibitors; the merger allowed Pharmacia & Upjohn access to this technology. Similarly, Pharmacia & Upjohn had strong expertise in biotechnology (genomics) based on large biotech proteins, which had not been adopted by Monsanto in its small chemicals prior to the merger. The merger’s most important technological consequence was the creation of a critical mass allowing for expanded in-house clinical research; the typical scale of R&D projects increased, while the lead time of research decreased. Other important consequences were the improvement of existing technological competencies, and the merged company gaining access to a much broader network of research institutes.4 This example highlights a number of key features of merger transactions that we study. First, merger participants pursue related R&D activities prior to the acquisition. Second, certain technologies of one party appear valuable to the other party and vice versa, triggering the transaction. Third, improvement in postmerger innovation output occurs through technological synergy. To understand whether this example represents a general pattern underlying M&As, we investigate the following research questions. How are firms’ innovation activities related to transaction incidence? Do merger participants possess related technologies prior to the transaction? Does the presence of premerger technological overlap affect postmerger innovation output? Assuming that acquirers and target firms are active in technological innovation, we expect that parties with interfirm linkages in the technology space are more likely to form merger pairs. We also conjecture that transactions with premerger overlapping technologies result in an improvement in innovation output postmerger. The 3 Very little empirical work has shed light on such effects, in large part because measuring synergy at the firm pair level is difficult. We discuss the relevant literature later in the introduction. 4 See Cassiman and Colombo (2006) for more details on this merger, and for additional examples on technological synergy-driven M&As. Corporate Innovations and Mergers and Acquisitions 1925 central idea guiding our analysis is that synergies obtained from combining corporate innovation activities are an important driver of M&As. To examine the role of corporate innovations in M&As, we compile an economy-wide patent-merger data set, and develop measures that capture firms’ innovation output and potential synergistic gains stemming from technological overlap between merger participants. We first show that both acquirers and target firms are active in technological innovation, but with different characteristics. Firms with large patent portfolios and low R&D expenses are more likely to become acquirers, while firms with high R&D expenses and slow growth in patentable innovation output are more likely to become target firms. We next find that the presence of technological overlap between two firms’ innovation activities, as captured by the proximity of patent portfolios, shared knowledge bases, and mutual citations of patent portfolios, has a significant effect on the probability of a merger pair formation. This finding provides direct firm pair-level evidence in support of the synergy perspective of M&As. Furthermore, we show that, when firms overlap in terms of both product markets and technological innovation, the positive effect of technological overlap on the likelihood of a merger pair formation is reduced for firm pairs that also overlap in product markets. Finally, we use a quasi-experiment, involving bids withdrawn due to reasons exogenous to the innovation activities of either the acquirer or the target firm, to estimate the treatment effect of a merger on postmerger innovation output. Following Seru (2014), we argue that the assignment of deals into the treatment sample (i.e., completed deals) versus the control sample (i.e., bids withdrawn due to reasons exogenous to innovation) can be treated as random. As such, any selection concerns are differenced out by comparing firms’ innovation output in the treatment sample, pre- and postmerger, with that in the control sample. We show that the presence of premerger technological overlap between merging firms leads to a significant improvement in the combined firms’ postmerger innovation output. In summary, our results highlight the ex ante selection effects of corporate innovation activities on transaction incidence and merger pairing, as well as the ex post treatment effect of a merger on firms’ innovation output.5 Our paper differs from prior work, and thus contributes to the M&A literature, in at least three ways. First, using unique data on patents and patent citations, we develop measures of bilateral technology-specific firm characteristics, and provide evidence of their importance as drivers of merger pairing at an economy-wide level. Notably, all our technological overlap measures transcend traditional industry classifications such as SICs or the Fama-French industries. Second, by employing different innovation characteristics—innovation output (i.e., patents) and R&D expenses—in our analysis, we add to prior findings by showing that such output and expenses have different implications for M&As. Third, by examining multiple sources of synergy, namely, 5 See Li and Prabhala (2007) for a more detailed discussion on selection effects versus treatment effects in corporate finance. 1926 The Journal of FinanceR technological and product market overlaps, our paper highlights the importance of interactions between multiple core corporate activities for merger pairing. Our paper is closely related to Hoberg and Phillips (2010), who are the first to pinpoint product market synergy as important drivers of M&As, and contributes to a broader literature on asset complementarity and mergers (RhodesKropf and Robinson (2008)). Fan and Goyal (2006) demonstrate the importance of vertical relatedness of firms’ industries for merger outcomes. Ahern and Harford (2014) argue that both intra- and interindustry merger waves are driven by customer-supplier relations between industries. Our paper also adds to a new and growing literature that examines interactions between innovation and M&As. Phillips and Zhdanov (2013) posit that small firms are R&D intensive because they want to be acquired by large firms, while large firms optimally may decide to purchase smaller innovative firms and conduct less R&D themselves. Sevilir and Tian (2012) find a positive association between M&As and acquirers’ postmerger innovation outcomes, particularly if target firms are innovative premerger. The paper proceeds as follows. In Section I, we develop our hypotheses. We describe our empirical methodology and construction of key variables, and provide a sample overview in Section II. We examine the ex ante selection effects of corporate innovation activities on transaction incidence and merger pairing in Section III. In Section IV, we explore the ex post treatment effect of a merger on firms’ innovation output. We conclude in Section V. I. Hypothesis Development A. Innovation Characteristics and Transaction Incidence Interactions between firms in innovation have been a major topic in the growth, productivity, and industrial organization literatures for many decades (see the seminal work by Spence (1984) and Aghion and Howitt (1992), and the empirical evidence in Jaffe (1986)). Innovation as a key driver of firm value is well established (Bloom and Van Reenen (2002), Nicholas (2008), Pástor and Veronesi (2009)). Both innovation and R&D activities result in informationsensitive assets, making them distinct from other tangible assets. Prior literature has mainly examined how financing, ownership, and governance provide incentives for in-house (internal) innovation, and how firms source innovation externally.6 Holmström and Roberts (1998) argue that many M&A transactions are made to source innovation. Buying innovation is generally not a feasible alternative to M&As, since establishing an innovation’s 6 Bhattacharya and Ritter (1983) develop a model in which firms may compromise their ability to innovate if they disclose details of their R&D projects to capital markets in order to raise financing. For this reason, financing innovation externally may be more costly compared to financing capital investment; see the survey by Hall (2009). Incorporating similar trade-offs, Maksimovic and Pichler (2001) show how both technological and competitive risks affect the timing of private and initial public offerings in new industries, and Ferreira, Manso, and Silva (2014) and Bernstein (2014) show that public ownership discourages innovation. Corporate Innovations and Mergers and Acquisitions 1927 value requires disclosure and a potential buyer has no incentive to pay once such information has been revealed. Hart and Holström (2010) further show that, when two firms’ production functions exhibit externalities—for example, when they need to coordinate their technologies—a merger facilitates coordination that cannot otherwise be achieved. These arguments lead to our first hypothesis: the likelihood of a firm to participate in M&As increases in its level of innovation activities. In our empirical investigation, we capture the level of such activities using both patents and R&D expenses. B. Technological Overlap and Merger Pairing We next ask how acquirers identify prospective target firms. We conjecture that interactions between firms in innovation may lead to merger-pairing decisions through the following channels. First, technological overlap can help overcome information asymmetry in acquisitions. Intellectual property and technological knowhow, by their very nature, are more difficult to evaluate than tangible assets. One concern for an acquirer is its ability to accurately value a target firm. If the acquirer and the target firm are familiar with each other’s technologies, then information asymmetry between merger participants is mitigated (Kaplan (2000), Higgins and Rodriguez (2006)). Second, technological overlap can lead to economies of scale and scope in innovation—for example, through reduction in duplicate R&D efforts—and hence can trigger mergers (Henderson and Cockburn (1996)). Finally, as highlighted in the introduction’s motivating example, one merger partner’s technology may fill gaps in the other’s patent portfolio, resulting in the postmerger firm experiencing strengthened innovation prowess or more competitive positioning (Cassiman and Colombo (2006), Cassiman and Veugelers (2006)). As such, we expect acquirers to pursue target firms with which they have overlapping innovation activities or similar levels of technological competency. Our second hypothesis is thus: mergers are more likely to occur between firms with technological overlap. C. Interaction between Technological and Product Market Overlaps Using a text-based analysis of firms’ product descriptions in their 10-K reports, Hoberg and Phillips (2010) show that, ceteris paribus, firms with broad product market similarities to all firms in the economy are more likely to merge, while firms with highly similar rivals in the product space are less likely to do so. Their results suggest that, when close rivals compete for growth opportunities and market share, such competition lessens the likelihood of a merger pair formation. Moreover, when firms are too similar, antitrust concerns might come into play, further reducing this likelihood. Close rivals in the product market space may pursue related innovation activities. R&D efforts of such rival firms may lead to the introduction of new products or services, further intensifying product market competition (Bloom, The Journal of FinanceR 1928 Schankerman, and Van Reenen (2013)). Building on both Hoberg and Phillips’s (2010) findings and our second hypothesis, our third hypothesis is thus: the positive effect of technological overlap on the likelihood of a merger pair formation is reduced for firm pairs that also overlap in product markets. D. Technological Overlap and Postmerger Innovation Output So far, we have developed hypotheses about the ex ante selection effects of innovation activities on transaction incidence and merger pairing, focusing on the role of technological overlap. To establish that technological synergy is a key driver behind M&As, we must ascertain the ex post treatment effect of a merger on postmerger innovation output. Prior work shows that relatedness of merger participants is critical for postmerger outcomes. Maksimovic, Phillips, and Prabhala (2011) find that productivity of acquired assets increases in industries in which the acquirer operates. Hoberg and Phillips (2010) show that mergers between firms with product market similarities achieve bigger product range expansions, and higher operating profitability and sales growth. Fan and Goyal (2006) find that vertical mergers are associated with positive wealth effects significantly larger than those for diversifying mergers. Ahuja and Katila (2001) show that technological relatedness is associated with improved innovation output of acquiring firms in the chemicals industry. Our fourth and final hypothesis is thus: the effect of a merger on postmerger innovation output is positively related to the degree of premerger technological overlap between merger participants. In our empirical investigation, we test the above hypotheses, and also attempt to control for several alternative explanations for why and how mergers take place. In the next section, we describe our empirical methodology, define key innovation variables, and present a sample overview. II. Methodology, Key Variables, and Sample Overview A. Methodology We test our first two hypotheses by estimating selection models of firms becoming acquirers or target firms. We run a conditional logit regression7 using cross-sectional data as of the fiscal year-end before the bid announcement: Event Firmim,t = α + β1 Event Firm Innovation Characteristicsim,t−1 + β2 Event Firm Characteristicsim,t−1 + DealF Em + eim,t . (1) 7 See McFadden (1974) for an introduction to the conditional logit regression, and Kuhnen (2009) and Dyck, Morse, and Zingales (2010) for recent applications in finance. Corporate Innovations and Mergers and Acquisitions 1929 The dependent variable, Event Firmim,t , is equal to one if firm i is the acquirer (target firm) in deal m, and zero otherwise. Independent variables Event Firm Innovation Characteristicsim,t-1 and Event Firm Characteristicsim,t-1 are defined in the Appendix. For each deal, there is one observation for the acquirer (target firm), and multiple observations for the control acquirers (control target firms). Finally, Deal FEm is the fixed effect for each acquirer (target firm) and its control acquirers (control target firms). We use three different control samples as pools of potential merger participants. First, to form the Random Control Sample, for each acquirer (target firm) of a deal announced in year t, we randomly draw five firms from Compustat/CRSP in year t − 1 that were neither an acquirer nor a target firm in the three-year period prior to the deal. Our pool of potential merger participants thus captures M&A clustering in time (Mitchell and Mulherin (1996), Maksimovic, Phillips, and Yang (2013)). Second, to form the Industry- and Size-Matched Control Sample, for each acquirer (target firm) of a deal announced in year t, we find up to five matching acquirers (matching target firms) by industry—where the industry definitions are based on the narrowest SIC grouping that includes at least five firms8 —and by size from Compustat/CRSP in year t − 1 that were neither an acquirer nor a target firm in the three-year period prior to the deal. Such matching creates a pool of potential merger participants that captures clustering not only in time, but also by industry (Andrade, Mitchell, and Stafford (2001), Harford (2005)). Third, to form the Industry-, Size-, and B/M-Matched Control Sample, for each acquirer (target firm) of a deal announced in year t, we find up to five matching acquirers (matching target firms)—first matched by industry, and then matched on propensity scores estimated using size and book-to-market (B/M) ratios—from Compustat/CRSP in year t − 1 that were neither an acquirer nor a target firm in the three-year period prior to the deal.9 We add the B/M ratio to our matching characteristics because the literature argues that it captures growth opportunities (Andrade, Mitchell, and Stafford (2001)), overvaluation (Shleifer and Vishny (2003), Rhodes-Kropf and Viswanathan (2004)), and asset complementarity (Rhodes-Kropf and Robinson (2008))—all important drivers of M&As. To test our third hypothesis, we run a conditional logit regression using crosssectional data as of the fiscal year-end before the bid announcement, with one 8 Specifically, we start with four-digit SIC industry groups to search for matching acquirers (target firms). If there are no more than five industry peers to the actual acquirer (target firm) within the four-digit SIC industry group, we move up to the three-digit SIC industry group. If there are no more than five industry peers to the actual acquirer (target firm) within the three-digit SIC industry group, we move up to the two-digit SIC industry group. We find that 73% (19%) of the acquirers are matched at the four-digit (three-digit) level, while 75% (18%) of the target firms are matched at the four-digit (three-digit) level; the remaining matches are at the two-digit level. We use historical SIC industry codes from Compustat. 9 We alternatively try with and without replacement, and use 1, 5, or 10 nearest neighbors (see, for example, Maksimovic, Phillips, and Yang (2013)). Our results continue to hold. 1930 The Journal of FinanceR observation for each deal and multiple observations for control deals: Acquirer-T argeti jm,t = α + β1 T echnological Overlapi jm,t−1 + β2 Acquirer InnovationCharacteristicsim,t−1 + β3 T arget InnovationCharacteristics jm,t−1 + β4 Acquirer Characteristicsim,t−1 + β5 T arget Characteristics jm,t−1 + β6 Diversi f yingi jm + β7 Same Statei jm + DealF Em + ei jm,t . (2) The dependent variable, Acquirer-Targetijm,t , is equal to one if the firm pair ij is the acquirer-target firm pair, and zero otherwise, and Technological Overlapijm,t-1 is one of the three pairs of technological overlap measures, all of which are defined below in Section II.B. All other control variables are defined in the Appendix. Since technological overlap can only arise between innovative firms, to estimate equation (2) we employ samples of actual and control deals involving acquirers and target firms that are innovative before the bid. We form the Random Control Sample by pairing the target firm with five randomly drawn control firms for the acquirer, and by pairing the acquirer with five randomly drawn control firms for the target firm. We form the Industry- and Size-Matched Control Sample (Industry-, Size-, and B/M-Matched Control Sample) by pairing the target firm with up to five of the closest matches to the acquirer, and by pairing the acquirer with up to five of the closest matches to the target firm. In addition to capturing M&A clustering in time and by industry, our pools of matched potential merger pairs account for any possible influence that the horizontal/vertical relatedness between industry pairs might have on the likelihood of a merger pair formation (Fan and Goyal (2006), Ahern and Harford (2014)). In summary, our conditional logit models, together with three different control samples, allow us to examine whether innovation characteristics are important drivers of transaction incidence and merger pairing after accounting for both M&A clustering (in time and by industry) and size and B/M effects. B. Measures of Technological Overlap We employ three sets of variables to capture technological overlap. The first set includes two symmetric measures: Technological Proximity, which follows Jaffe (1986) and measures the closeness of any two firms’ innovation activities in the technology space using patent counts in different technology classes, and Knowledge Base Overlap, which measures the extent to which any two firms’ awarded patents cite the same set of past patents, that is, the extent to which the two firms base their innovation activities on the same underlying body of knowledge. The second set of variables, new to the literature, includes two Corporate Innovations and Mergers and Acquisitions 1931 reciprocal measures: Acquirer’s (Target’s) Base Overlap Ratio, which captures the importance of the common knowledge base relative to the acquirer’s (target firm’s) knowledge base. The final set of variables also includes two reciprocal measures: Acquirer’s (Target’s) Cross-Cites Ratio, which measures the extent to which the target firm’s (acquirer’s) patent portfolio is directly cited by the acquirer’s (target firm’s) patent portfolio and hence captures the immediate importance of a firm’s innovation activity to that of another firm. Notably, all our technological overlap measures transcend traditional industry classifications such as SICs or the Fama-French industries. Our overlap variables provide a continuous measure of the pairwise relatedness of any two firms in the technology space, both within and across conventional industry affiliations—a critical aspect of capturing technological synergy in our M&A setting. To construct our targeted measures of technological overlap, we retrieve patent and patent citation data from the worldwide Patent Statistical Database (PATSTAT, April 2008). PATSTAT is the most comprehensive and detailed database on patents designed for statistical analysis. It identifies all citations received by a patent, as well as citations made by a patent, which are essential for us to track patent citation activity between firm pairs. C. Sample Overview To form our M&A samples, we begin with all announced and completed U.S. M&As with announcement dates between January 1, 1984 and December 31, 2006 covered by the Mergers and Acquisitions database of Thomson Financial’s SDC Database.10 We identify all deals where the form of deal was coded as a merger, an acquisition of majority interest, or an acquisition of assets. We retain an acquisition only if the acquirer owns less than 50% of the target firm prior to the bid, is seeking to own more than 50% of the target firm, and owns more than 90% of the target firm after the deal completion. We require that: (1) both the acquirer’s and the target firm’s total assets be valued at more than $1 million, or that the transaction value be no less than $1 million (all in 1984 constant dollars) to eliminate the many small and economically insignificant deals in the sample; (2) neither the acquirer nor the target firm be from the financial sector (SIC 6000–6999); and (3) for different analyses, either the acquirer or both the acquirer and the target firm be covered by Compustat/CRSP. These filters yield 2,621 deals where information on acquirers is available and 1,762 deals where information on both acquirers and target firms is available. Table I presents the temporal distribution of acquirers/target firms/deals for which we are able to form control samples using industry and size matching. We also include subsamples in which the merger participants, as well as their control firms, are active in patenting in the five-year period leading up to 10 Our sample period begins in 1984 because information on M&As in SDC is less reliable before 1984. Our sample period ends in 2006 because the GVKEY-patent number link available through the NBER Patent Data Project (January 2011) ends in 2006. The Journal of FinanceR 1932 Table I Corporate Acquisitions over Time, 1984–2006 This table reports the number of completed corporate acquisitions by the year of the bid announcement over the period January 1, 1984 to December 31, 2006, where the form of the deal was coded as a merger, an acquisition of majority interest, or an acquisition of assets. We require that the acquirer own less than 50% of the target firm prior to the bid, seek to own more than 50% of the target firm, and own more than 90% of the target firm after deal completion. We further require that both the acquirer and the target firm be valued at more than $1 million (in 1984 constant dollars) and be nonfinancials. A deal enters the Acquirer Sample (Target Sample) if its acquirer (target firm) is covered by Compustat/CRSP and has at least one industry- and size-matched acquirer (target firm) as of the fiscal year-end before the bid announcement—All Acquirers (All Targets). A deal enters the Acquirer-Target Sample if both the acquirer and the target firm are covered by Compustat/CRSP and have their respective industry- and size-matched firms (All Deals). For the Acquirers with Patents (Targets with Patents) subsample, we require that the acquirer and the matching acquirer (target firm and the matching target firm) be awarded at least one patent in the period from year ayr-5 to year ayr-1, where ayr-1 is the calendar year with the largest overlap with the fiscal year before the bid announcement, and ayr-5 is four years prior to ayr-1. For the Acquirers or Targets with Patents (Acquirers and Targets with Patents) subsample, we require that the acquirer or the target firm, or both firms and their respective matching firms (both the acquirer and the target firm and their respective matching firms), be awarded at least one patent over the same five-year period. Acquirer-Target Sample Acquirers and Targets with Patents (7) Year All Acquirers (1) Acquirers with Patents (2) All Targets (3) Targets with Patents (4) All Deals (5) Acquirers or Targets with Patents (6) 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 81 79 87 65 107 60 62 52 47 51 87 150 168 201 231 220 155 158 108 102 98 110 93 33 39 46 30 44 27 20 23 26 21 37 73 70 89 120 139 93 90 71 62 51 70 62 54 56 62 49 62 42 39 34 27 37 64 99 109 131 165 167 104 113 68 56 61 75 70 18 19 23 12 16 16 13 11 11 7 25 33 28 39 58 65 51 44 33 21 31 35 33 55 57 62 51 63 42 39 35 27 37 64 100 112 132 166 168 105 113 68 56 61 76 70 34 34 42 33 35 27 19 23 19 20 39 57 57 68 98 119 78 82 56 39 42 60 54 15 16 21 11 13 12 9 9 10 10 17 33 23 33 53 62 43 46 28 19 26 30 31 Total 2,572 1,336 1,744 642 1,759 1,135 570 Acquirer Sample Target Sample Corporate Innovations and Mergers and Acquisitions 1933 the bid.11 We show that deals with innovative acquirers/target firms exhibit similar cyclicality as deals in general. In the Internet Appendix, we present a breakdown of the same samples by industry, highlighting the prevalence of innovation-driven acquisitions across industries.12 Table II presents descriptive statistics for the sample, as in Table I column (6) and its industry- and size-matched control sample.13 We show that acquirers exhibit significantly higher innovation output than their matching acquirers as well as their target firms, as measured by both Patent Index and CitationWeighted Patents. The target firms’ R&D expenses are significantly higher than those of their acquirers. Our univariate statistics suggest the importance of distinguishing patenting output and R&D expenses when investigating the role of innovation activities in M&As. We further show that our sample firms are large (the mean total assets is in the ninth and eight deciles of the Compustat universe over the same time period for the acquirers and the target firms, respectively), and that the acquirers are larger, and have higher sales growth, higher ROA, lower B/M ratios, and better stock market performance than their industry- and size-matched control firms. Moreover, we show that the acquirers are much larger, and have higher sales growth, higher ROA, lower cash holdings, lower B/M ratios, and much better stock market performance than their target firms. Overall, our samples are similar to those used in other studies of mergers between public firms (see, for example, Gaspar, Massa, and Matos (2005) and Harford, Jenter, and Li (2011)). At the bottom of Table II, using six different measures, we show that there is technological overlap between the acquirers and their target firms. The mean Technological Proximity between the acquirer’s and the target firm’s patent portfolios is 11.27%. The common knowledge base between the acquirers and the target firms is more important to the latter than to the former (Target’s Base Overlap Ratio is larger than Acquirer’s Base Overlap Ratio). Target firms cite their acquirers’ patents more frequently than the reverse (Target’s Cross-Cites Ratio is larger than Acquirer’s Cross-Cites Ratio).14 In contrast, the extent of the technological overlap between merger participants in the control sample is minimal.15 11 To be classified as active in patenting in the five-year period leading up to the bid, a firm must have been awarded at least one patent in the period from ayr-5 to ayr-1, where ayr-1 is the calendar year with the largest overlap with the fiscal year before the bid announcement, and ayr-5 is four years prior to ayr-1. 12 The Internet Appendix is available in the online version of the article on the Journal of Finance website. 13 See the Internet Appendix for descriptive statistics for the other samples. 14 One or more measures of technological overlap are nonzero for the 329 deals (out of 1,135 deals). 15 We find a high correlation between the two measures of innovation output—Patent Index and Citation-Weighted Patents. As a result, in our multivariate analyses of acquirer/target choices, we include one innovation output measure at a time in a regression. We find moderate correlation among the six technological overlap measures, and between the overlap measures and the measures of innovation output. Therefore, in our multivariate analyses of acquirer-target firm pairing, we include at most two technological overlap measures at a time in a regression. Table II Patent Index Citation-Weighted Patents Patent Index Citation-Weighted Patents R&D (%) Self-Cites Ratio (%) Age of Patent Portfolio Total Assets (2006 USD billion) ࢞ Sales (%) ROA (%) Leverage (%) Cash (%) B/M Stock Return (%) 6.44 33.98 140.86 814.69 5.65 6.19 5.62 12.96 16.71 14.42 19.45 16.85 0.42 12.45 Mean 31.52 182.11 Target Firms 444.00 2,961.47 6.79 8.52 4.44 32.68 27.73 11.68 15.62 18.83 0.30 53.68 Acquirers SD 0.50 2.00 7.50 36.00 3.29 2.15 5.05 2.35 11.98 15.53 17.67 9.13 0.34 2.87 Median SD Median 317.21 2,096.00 6.86 8.55 4.26 24.04 26.83 12.00 15.90 19.01 0.35 56.09 5.83* 27.00* 3.87** 2.51 4.85 1.43*** 10.34*** 14.59*** 17.38 10.14 0.39*** –0.87*** 8.23* 44.40* 40.38 236.05 (Continued) 0.83*** 3.00*** Industry- and Size-Matched Target Firms 90.17*** 521.85*** 6.09** 6.02 5.50 8.35*** 14.52** 13.14*** 19.12 17.73 0.48*** 7.79*** Industry- and Size-Matched Acquirers Mean This table reports summary statistics of the acquirers and the target firms in the Acquirers or Targets with Patents sample, as in Table I column (6), as well as their industry- and size-matched control firms. The control sample contains, for each deal, control deals formed by pairing the acquirer with up to five target firm matches, and by pairing the target firm with up to five acquirer matches. If either the acquirer or the target firm is active in patenting activities in the five-year period leading up to the bid, we require that their matches be active in patenting over the same time period as well. Definitions of the variables are provided in the Appendix. *, ** and *** denote significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level, respcetively. Summary Statistics 1934 The Journal of FinanceR Technological Proximity (%) Knowledge Base Overlap Acquirer’s Base Overlap Ratio (%) Target’s Base Overlap Ratio (%) Acquirer’s Cross-Cites Ratio (%) Target’s Cross-Cites Ratio (%) R&D (%) Self-Cites Ratio (%) Age of Patent Portfolio Total Assets (2006 USD billion) ࢞ Sales (%) ROA (%) Leverage (%) Cash (%) B/M Stock Return (%) 11.27 0.94 0.39 2.44 0.71 3.35 7.89 3.19 3.75 1.11 13.44 8.02 18.08 21.34 0.61 −5.36 Mean 26.52 3.39 1.97 9.28 4.64 13.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.15 0.00 2.25 0.18 10.72 11.83 14.78 11.73 0.50 −16.56 Median Acquirer-Target Firm Pairs 10.01 7.79 4.47 3.11 29.40 17.13 17.29 22.84 0.44 60.74 Acquirers SD Table II—Continued SD Median 9.50** 0.48*** 0.14*** 0.70*** 0.22*** 1.01*** 8.15 3.61* 3.92 0.94* 12.84 6.95* 17.17* 23.03** 0.61 −3.30 24.06 2.76 1.26 4.21 2.61 7.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.73 0.00 2.78** 0.17 10.53 10.90*** 12.33** 14.08** 0.49 −15.29 Industry- and Size-Matched Acquirer-Target Firm Pairs 9.92 8.46 4.30 2.81 30.57 17.80 17.48 23.31 0.45 64.41 Industry- and Size-Matched Acquirers Mean Corporate Innovations and Mergers and Acquisitions 1935 1936 The Journal of FinanceR III. Ex Ante Selection Effects In this section, we implement various multivariate analyses to test our first three hypotheses regarding the role of corporate innovations in M&As. A. Which Firms Are Acquirers/Target Firms? Table III, Panel A, presents coefficient estimates from the conditional logit regression in equation (1) to predict acquirers. Columns (1) and (4) present the median and standard deviation of the empirical distribution of coefficient estimates from conditional logit models bootstrapping 1,000 randomly drawn control groups of acquirers. (See Efron and Tibshirani (1993) for an introduction to bootstrapping.) Across different samples and using either Patent Index or Citation-Weighted Patents as a measure of innovation output, we show that firms with higher innovation output are more likely to become acquirers. In all cases, the coefficients on the measures of innovation output are significant at the 1% level. When we use the random control acquirers, the coefficient on R&D expenses is positive and significant (as it also is under the standard logit specification, as shown in the Internet Appendix). The coefficient becomes negative and significant when we use either sample of the matched control acquirers. This finding suggests that the pool of potential acquirers obtained by matching on industry and size (and book-to-market) to capture which firms typically participate in M&As is different from the pool of potential acquirers drawn randomly. Importantly, we show that acquirers are more R&D intensive compared to the average firm in Compustat, but are less R&D intensive when compared to their industry- and size-matched (and book-to-market-matched) peers at the time of the bid; hence, we observe different results. We also show that firms whose innovation activities rely more on their own past innovation output (i.e., with high Self-Cites Ratio) are less likely to become acquirers: the coefficients on Self-Cites Ratio are negative and significant at the 1% level. In contrast, there is no systematic association between Age of Patent Portfolio and a firm’s likelihood of becoming an acquirer. Other findings not directly related to innovation are nonetheless consistent with prior work on M&As (see, for example, Maksimovic and Phillips (2001), Moeller, Schlingemann, and Stulz (2004), and Gaspar, Massa, and Matos (2005)). In particular, we show that larger firms, as well as firms with faster sales growth, better operating performance, lower B/M ratios, and higher prior year stock returns, are more likely to engage in M&As as acquirers.16 It is worth noting that our findings that firms with large patent portfolios are more likely to become acquirers remain after controlling for two measures of acquirer stock market performance (the B/M ratio and the prior year stock return) or employing 16 We obtain the same results: (i) using the linear probability model, (ii) using an expanded set of control acquirers of up to 10 firms, and (iii) removing acquirers whose total assets are in the top decile of Compustat firms. See the Internet Appendix. Table III Stock Return B/M Cash Leverage ROA ࢞ Sales Total Assets Age of Patent Portfolio Self-Cites Ratio R&D Patent Index 0.273*** (0.017) 3.471*** (0.286) −1.874*** (0.307) 0.015*** (0.004) 0.361*** (0.009) 0.776*** (0.050) 2.522*** (0.118) 0.527*** (0.086) 0.944*** (0.101) −0.630*** (0.037) 0.225*** (0.028) Random (1) Industry, Size, B/M (3) Random (4) 0.676*** (0.095) 0.570** (0.249) −0.020 (0.162) −0.356** (0.181) −0.681*** (0.078) 0.304*** (0.041) 0.541*** (0.026) −2.853*** (0.613) −1.869*** (0.530) 0.022*** (0.006) 0.175*** (0.042) 0.486*** (0.093) 1.830*** (0.210) 0.285 (0.187) 0.025 (0.181) 0.380*** (0.029) −1.951*** (0.539) −2.526*** (0.644) 0.013* (0.008) 0.148*** (0.017) 1.606*** (0.294) −1.119*** (0.252) −0.026*** (0.005) 0.488*** (0.016) 0.575*** (0.066) 1.285*** (0.157) −0.991*** (0.142) 0.514*** (0.121) −0.603*** (0.060) 0.181*** (0.035) Panel A: Innovation Characteristics Measured in Levels Industry, Size (2) All Acquirers 0.749*** (0.146) 0.432 (0.360) −0.582** (0.253) −0.581** (0.243) −0.834*** (0.129) 0.159*** (0.055) 0.579*** (0.030) −4.265*** (0.746) −1.995*** (0.601) 0.043*** (0.011) Industry, Size (5) (Continued) 0.124** (0.061) 0.457*** (0.167) 1.411*** (0.310) −0.323 (0.310) −0.378 (0.266) 0.365*** (0.029) −3.384*** (0.687) −2.469*** (0.631) 0.017 (0.012) Industry, Size, B/M (6) Acquirers with Patents This table reports coefficient estimates from conditional logit models in equation (1). The dependent variable is equal to one for the acquirer, and zero for the randomly drawn or matched acquirers that form the control group. Columns (1) and (4) present the median and standard deviation of the empirical distribution of coefficient estimates from conditional logit models using 1,000 randomly drawn control groups of acquirers. Measures of innovation output (i.e., patents) and firm size are in natural logarithms. Panel A presents the baseline specification. Panel B presents coefficient estimates for key variables of interest. Definitions of the variables are provided in the Appendix. All specifications include deal fixed effects. Robust standard errors (clustered at the deal level) are reported in parentheses; *, **, and *** denote significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level, respectively. Which Firms Are the Acquirers? Corporate Innovations and Mergers and Acquisitions 1937 ࢞ R&D R&D ࢞ Patent Index Patent Index Acquirer Controls Deal FEs No. of Observations Pseudo R2 R&D Deal FEs No. of Observations No. of Actual Acquirers No. of Control Acquirers Pseudo R2 Citation-Weighted Patents Industry, Size, B/M (3) Random (4) Yes 14,500 2,572 11,928 0.11 0.345*** (0.018) −2.647*** (0.607) Yes Yes 14,500 0.10 Yes 10,023 1,809 8,214 0.07 0.268*** (0.020) −2.083*** (0.544) Yes Yes 10,023 0.07 Yes 8,268 1,474 6,794 0.30 0.114*** (0.013) 1.566*** (0.295) Yes Yes 8,268 0.30 Panel A: Innovation Characteristics Measured in Levels Industry, Size (2) Yes 7,600 1,336 6,264 0.15 0.421*** (0.025) −3.884*** (0.727) Yes Yes 7,600 0.13 Industry, Size (5) 0.265*** (0.017) 0.075** (0.041) 3.457*** (0.287) −0.106 (0.087) 0.557*** (0.028) −0.094 (0.062) −2.986*** (0.619) 0.147** (0.074) 0.370*** (0.030) 0.083 (0.076) −2.083*** (0.546) 0.111 (0.075) 0.135*** (0.018) 0.130*** (0.035) 1.608*** (0.295) 0.221** (0.100) 0.588*** (0.032) −0.028 (0.065) −4.457*** (0.753) 0.262*** (0.099) (Continued) 0.359*** (0.030) 0.059 (0.073) −3.591*** (0.689) 0.293*** (0.109) Yes 4,808 853 3,955 0.10 0.274*** (0.023) −3.380*** (0.683) Yes Yes 4,808 0.09 Industry, Size, B/M (6) Acquirers with Patents Panel B: Innovation Characteristics Measured in Both Levels and Changes Yes 14,447 2,621 11,826 0.29 0.200*** (0.011) 3.148*** (0.290) Yes Yes 14,447 0.29 Random (1) All Acquirers Table III—Continued 1938 The Journal of FinanceR Acquirer Controls Deal FEs No. of Observations Pseudo R2 ࢞ R&D R&D ࢞ Citation-Weighted Patents Citation-Weighted Patents Acquirer Controls Deal FEs No. of Observations Pseudo R2 Industry, Size (2) Industry, Size, B/M (3) Random (4) 0.200*** (0.012) 0.000 (0.023) 3.150*** (0.290) −0.114 (0.087) Yes Yes 14,447 0.29 Yes Yes 14,447 0.29 0.357*** (0.020) −0.057 (0.038) −2.799*** (0.615) 0.123* (0.072) Yes Yes 14,500 0.10 Yes Yes 14,500 0.11 0.263*** (0.021) 0.027 (0.043) −2.172*** (0.548) 0.093 (0.074) Yes Yes 10,023 0.07 Yes Yes 10,023 0.07 0.104*** (0.014) 0.063*** (0.020) 1.599*** (0.295) 0.216** (0.100) Yes Yes 8,268 0.30 Yes Yes 8,268 0.30 0.426*** (0.025) −0.007 (0.043) −4.081*** (0.735) 0.241** (0.096) Yes Yes 7,600 0.14 Yes Yes 7,600 0.15 Industry, Size (5) 0.267*** (0.023) 0.050 (0.046) −3.569*** (0.684) 0.279*** (0.107) Yes Yes 4,808 0.10 Yes Yes 4,808 0.10 Industry, Size, B/M (6) Acquirers with Patents Panel B: Innovation Characteristics Measured in Both Levels and Changes Random (1) All Acquirers Table III—Continued Corporate Innovations and Mergers and Acquisitions 1939 1940 The Journal of FinanceR samples of control acquirers matched on industry, size, and B/M. We conclude that our findings are unlikely to be due to market overvaluation. In Panel B, we add the growth rates of innovation output and R&D expenses to the baseline specifications presented in Panel A. The level variables remain highly statistically significant, but the growth rate variables do not, suggesting that the level of innovation activity rather than its growth is positively associated with the likelihood of a firm becoming an acquirer. Table IV, Panel A, presents coefficient estimates from the conditional logit regression in equation (1) to predict target firms. Columns (1) and (4) present the median and standard deviation of the empirical distribution of coefficient estimates from conditional logit models bootstrapping 1,000 randomly drawn control groups of target firms. In contrast to Table III, we show that there is no significant association between innovation output and the likelihood of a firm becoming a target firm, while there is a positive and significant association between R&D expenses and the likelihood of a firm becoming a target firm (with one exception). Taken together, our results suggest that target firms are active in innovation, but have not yet converted their R&D expenses into patents at the time of a merger bid. We also show that firms with better operating performance and firms with lower prior year stock returns are more likely to become target firms.17 In Panel B, we add the growth rate of innovation output and R&D expenses to the baseline specifications presented in Panel A. The level of R&D expenses remains positive and highly statistically significant (with one exception). Interestingly, the coefficients on the growth rate of innovation output are always negative and significant at the 10% level or better. These findings suggest that firms with high R&D expenses and slow growth in innovation output are more likely to become target firms. Overall, our results provide strong support for our first hypothesis, that innovative firms are more likely to be involved in merger transactions. We show that innovation output and R&D expenses have different implications regarding whether a firm will become an acquirer or a target firm. Our findings on R&D expenses are consistent with Phillips and Zhdanov (2013), who show that small firms are R&D intensive when they can sell out to large firms, while large firms optimally may decide to purchase small innovative firms and conduct less R&D themselves. We further show that acquirers are firms with large patent portfolios, while target firms have high R&D expenses but experience slow growth in realized innovation output. B. How Are Merger Pairs Formed? Table V presents coefficient estimates from the conditional logit regression in equation (2) to predict merger pairs. Columns (1) to (3) present the median and 17 Using the standard logit specification leads to a result analogous to those obtained using the random control sample. We also obtain the same results: (i) using the linear probability model, (ii) using an expanded set of control target firms of up to 10 firms, and (iii) removing acquirers and target firms whose total assets are in the top decile of Compustat firms. See the Internet Appendix. Table IV Stock Return B/M Cash Leverage ROA ࢞ Growth Total Assets Age of Patent Portfolio Self-Cites Ratio R&D Patent Index −0.041** (0.018) 5.584*** (0.280) 0.482* (0.253) 0.011*** (0.003) 0.014* (0.007) 0.140*** (0.046) 2.303*** (0.106) 0.630*** (0.077) 0.331*** (0.088) −0.031 (0.026) −0.189*** Random (1) Industry, Size, B/M (3) Random (4) 0.034 (0.091) 0.803*** (0.229) 0.116 (0.180) −0.504*** (0.188) −0.028 (0.064) −0.152*** 0.029 (0.039) 1.898*** (0.476) 0.406 (0.403) 0.006 (0.007) −0.248*** −0.035 (0.091) 1.771*** (0.200) 0.416** (0.187) −0.338* (0.181) 0.109*** (0.035) 1.203*** (0.446) 0.332 (0.435) 0.000 (0.008) −0.175*** (0.042) 3.928*** (0.682) 0.654 (0.504) −0.021* (0.011) 0.108*** (0.030) 0.048 (0.152) 1.649*** (0.301) −0.128 (0.288) 0.074 (0.243) 0.082 (0.107) −0.151* Panel A: Innovation Characteristics Measured in Levels Industry, Size (2) All Targets 0.007 (0.182) 0.601 (0.409) 0.493 (0.343) −0.196 (0.310) −0.055 (0.131) −0.143* −0.015 (0.050) 1.809** (0.763) 0.045 (0.519) 0.015 (0.014) Industry, Size (5) (Continued) −0.233** −0.000 (0.180) 1.320*** (0.332) 0.362 (0.366) −0.522* (0.306) 0.023 (0.045) 1.132 (0.701) 0.195 (0.540) 0.010 (0.015) Industry, Size, B/M (6) Targets with Patents This table reports coefficient estimates from conditional logit models in equation (1). The dependent variable is equal to one for the target firm, and zero for the randomly drawn or matched target firms that form the control group. Columns (1) and (4) present the median and standard deviation of the empirical distribution of coefficient estimates from conditional logit models using 1,000 randomly drawn control groups of target firms. Measures of innovation output (i.e., patents) and firm size are in natural logarithms. Panel A presents the baseline specification. Panel B presents coefficient estimates for key variables of interest. Definitions of the variables are provided in the Appendix. All specifications include deal fixed effects. Robust standard errors (clustered at the deal level) are reported in parentheses; *, **, and *** denote significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level, respectively. Which Firms Are the Target Firms? Corporate Innovations and Mergers and Acquisitions 1941 ࢞ R&D R&D ࢞ Patent Index Patent Index Industry, Size, B/M (3) Random (4) 0.01 0.029 (0.025) 1.853*** (0.477) Yes Yes 9,637 (0.049) Yes 9,637 1,744 7,893 0.01 0.03 0.094*** (0.023) 1.116** (0.447) Yes Yes 8,341 (0.051) Yes 8,341 1,517 6,824 0.03 −0.012 (0.018) −0.252*** (0.040) 5.563*** (0.280) −0.040 (0.080) 0.079* (0.041) −0.326*** (0.080) 1.841*** (0.477) 0.055 (0.071) 0.144*** (0.037) −0.255*** (0.085) 1.087** (0.451) 0.122* (0.067) −0.147*** (0.044) −0.188*** (0.079) 3.889*** (0.683) −0.028 (0.146) 0.049 (0.052) −0.339*** (0.094) 1.734** (0.759) 0.063 (0.122) 0.01 0.017 (0.035) 1.714** (0.764) Yes Yes 2,605 −0.076** (0.030) 3.788*** (0.683) Yes Yes 1,503 0.04 (0.087) Yes 2,605 642 1,963 0.01 Industry, Size (5) (0.076) Yes 1,503 554 949 0.05 Panel A: Innovation Characteristics Measured in Levels Industry, Size (2) (Continued) 0.049 (0.047) −0.161* (0.094) 1.126 (0.706) −0.013 (0.127) 0.03 0.050 (0.033) 1.043 (0.702) Yes Yes 2,072 (0.093) Yes 2,072 552 1,520 0.02 Industry, Size, B/M (6) Targets with Patents Panel B: Innovation Characteristics Measured in Both Levels and Changes 0.05 Pseudo R2 Target Controls Deal FEs No. of Observations R&D 0.005 (0.012) 5.435*** (0.282) Yes Yes 9,777 (0.023) Yes 9,777 1,762 8,015 0.05 Citation-Weighted Patents Deal FEs No. of Observations No. of Actual Targets No. of Control Targets Pseudo R2 Random (1) All Targets Table IV—Continued 1942 The Journal of FinanceR Target Controls Deal FEs No. of Observations Pseudo R2 ࢞ R&D R&D ࢞ Citation-Weighted Patents Citation-Weighted Patents Target Controls Deal FEs No. of Observations Pseudo R2 Industry, Size (2) Industry, Size, B/M (3) Random (4) Industry, Size (5) 0.032*** (0.012) −0.189*** (0.023) 5.362*** (0.281) −0.037 (0.079) Yes Yes 9,777 0.05 Yes Yes 9,777 0.05 0.066** (0.027) −0.193*** (0.043) 1.747*** (0.481) 0.053 (0.071) Yes Yes 9,637 0.01 Yes Yes 9,637 0.01 0.124*** (0.024) −0.176*** (0.048) 0.980** (0.455) 0.124* (0.068) Yes Yes 8,341 0.03 Yes Yes 8,341 0.03 Yes Yes 2,605 0.02 0.066* (0.038) −0.184*** (0.051) 1.539** (0.773) 0.057 (0.124) Yes Yes 2,605 0.02 Yes Yes 1,503 0.05 −0.041* (0.032) −0.158*** (0.045) 3.696*** (0.684) 0.009 (0.146) Yes Yes 1,503 0.05 0.078** (0.035) −0.121** (0.057) 1.032 (0.714) −0.015 (0.128) Yes Yes 2,072 0.03 Yes Yes 2,072 0.03 Industry, Size, B/M (6) Targets with Patents Panel B: Innovation Characteristics Measured in Both Levels and Changes Random (1) All Targets Table IV—Continued Corporate Innovations and Mergers and Acquisitions 1943 Table V Technological Proximity Knowledge Base Overlap Acquirer’s Base Overlap Ratio Target’s Base Overlap Ratio Acquirer’s Cross-Cites Ratio Target’s Cross-Cites Ratio Acquirer, Target Innovation Acquirer, Target Controls Diversifying, Same State Deal FEs No. of Observations No. of Actual Deals No. of Control Deals Pseudo R2 Yes Yes Yes Yes 2,040 536 1,504 0.61 2.941*** (0.541) 1.780*** (0.302) (1) Yes Yes Yes Yes 2,040 536 1,504 0.57 43.879 (68.899) 20.159** (11.986) (2) Random 23.534 (33.042) 7.209** (3.586) Yes Yes Yes Yes 2,040 536 1,504 0.56 (3) Yes Yes Yes Yes 4,089 570 3,519 0.14 0.791*** (0.207) 0.970*** (0.107) (4) Yes Yes Yes Yes 4,089 570 3,519 0.12 9.612*** (2.401) 5.537*** (1.080) (5) Industry, Size 4.776*** (1.585) 2.480*** (0.423) Yes Yes Yes Yes 4,089 570 3,519 0.11 (6) Yes Yes Yes Yes 2,805 507 2,298 0.12 1.099*** (0.235) 0.966*** (0.123) (7) Yes Yes Yes Yes 2,805 507 2,298 0.10 9.036*** (3.434) 6.075*** (1.286) (8) (9) 4.001** (1.816) 2.422*** (0.508) Yes Yes Yes Yes 2,805 507 2,298 0.08 Industry, Size, B/M This table reports key coefficient estimates from conditional logit models in equation (2) using the Acquirers and Targets with Patents of the AcquirerTarget Sample as in Table I, column (7). The dependent variable is equal to one for the acquirer-target firm pair, and zero for the control firm pairs that form the control group. Columns (1) to (3) present the median and standard deviation of the empirical distribution of coefficient estimates from conditional logit models using 1,000 randomly drawn control groups of acquirer-target firm pairs. Knowledge Base Overlap and firm size are in natural logarithms. Definitions of the variables are provided in the Appendix. All specifications include deal fixed effects. Robust standard errors (clustered at the deal level) are reported in parentheses; *, **, and *** denote significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level, respectively. Acquirer-Target Firm Pairing 1944 The Journal of FinanceR Corporate Innovations and Mergers and Acquisitions 1945 standard deviation of the empirical distribution of coefficient estimates from conditional logit models bootstrapping 1,000 randomly drawn control groups of deals. Due to space constraints, we report only coefficient estimates on measures of technological overlap. We show a positive and significant association between any of the six measures of merger participants’ technological overlap and the likelihood of a merger pair formation (with two exceptions using the random control sample). This finding is both important and new in the literature, suggesting that the reciprocal relatedness of two firms’ respective innovation activities leads to merger pairing.18 Our evidence in Table V provides strong support for our second hypothesis, that mergers are more likely to take place between parties with overlapping innovation activities. Our findings provide direct evidence on how asset complementarity triggers merger pairing, as argued by Rhodes-Kropf and Robinson (2008). By focusing on a specific form of complementarity—technological synergy—we complement the results on product market synergy established by Hoberg and Phillips (2010). C. Different Sources of Merger Synergy Table VI, Panel A, presents coefficient estimates from the conditional logit regression in equation (2), where we add Hoberg and Phillips’s (2010) measure of Product Market Relatedness19 and its interactions with our measures of technological overlap. We show that Product Market Relatedness is an important driver of merger pairing decisions, as are our measures of technological overlap. Interestingly, we find that the coefficients on the interaction terms between Product Market Relatedness and the technological overlap measures are negative (with one exception), and in five cases are significantly different from zero at the 5% level or better. This finding suggests that, when firms overlap in two different core activities—product markets and technological innovations—the positive effect of technological (product market) overlap on the likelihood of a merger pair formation is reduced for firm pairs that overlap in both. To further explore the interaction effect, in Table VI, Panel B, we report the average probability of a merger pair formation based on Panel A specifications (columns (1), (4), and (7)) for specific values of Product Market Relatedness and Technological Proximity. In column (2), we show that, when we set the value of Product Market Relatedness to zero (one), the effect of increasing Technological 18 We obtain the same results: (i) using a specification with the growth rates of technological overlap measures rather than their levels; (ii) using the linear probability model; (iii) using an expanded set of control deals obtained by including the control acquirers paired up with the control target firms; (iv) using the sample of All Deals (as shown in Table I, column (5)); (v) using the sample of Acquirers or Targets with Patents (as shown in Table I, column (6)); and (vi) removing acquirers and target firms whose total assets are in the top decile of Compustat firms. See the Internet Appendix. 19 We thank Jerry Hoberg for making the data available at the following website: Table VI Product Market Relatedness (PMR) Technological Proximity Knowledge Base Overlap Technological Proximity × PMR Knowledge Base Overlap × PMR Acquirer’s Base Overlap Ratio Target’s Base Overlap Ratio 4.751*** (0.537) 3.516*** (0.498) 1.732*** (0.297) −2.512** (1.492) −0.700 (4.831) (1) 43.441** (25.788) 20.828* (13.007) 4.660*** (0.628) (2) Random 4.655*** (0.474) (3) 2.054*** (0.194) 0.912*** (0.264) 0.931*** (0.144) −0.540 (0.386) −0.233 (0.192) (4) 10.223*** (3.865) 5.638*** (1.276) 2.037*** (0.181) (5) Industry, Size 2.080*** (0.178) (6) Panel A: Interaction of Product Market and Technological Overlaps 2.339*** (0.221) 1.501*** (0.311) 0.889*** (0.166) −1.277*** (0.458) −0.177 (0.208) (7) 9.369 (5.933) 6.887*** (1.547) 2.294*** (0.205) (8) 2.247*** (0.206) (9) (Continued) Industry, Size, B/M This table reports coefficient estimates from conditional logit models using the Acquirers and Targets with Patents of the Acquirer-Target Sample as in Table I column (7). The dependent variable is equal to one for the acquirer-target firm pair, and zero for one of the control firm pairs that form the control group. Panel A, columns (1) to (3), and Panel B, column (1), present the median and standard deviation of the empirical distribution of coefficient estimates from conditional logit models using 1,000 randomly drawn control groups of acquirer-target firm pairs. Knowledge Base Overlap and firm size are in natural logarithms. Panel A presents the baseline specification. Panel B presents the average predicted probabilities, computed using estimates of the linear probability model. Definitions of the variables are provided in the Appendix. All specifications include deal fixed effects. Robust standard errors (clustered at the deal level) are reported in parentheses; *, **, and *** denote significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level, respectively. Different Sources of Merger Synergy 1946 The Journal of FinanceR Target’s Cross-Cites Ratio Acquirer’s Cross-Cites Ratio × PMR Target’s Cross-Cites Ratio × PMR Acq./Targ./Deal Controls Deal FEs No. of Observations No. of Actual Deals No. of Control Deals Pseudo R2 Target’s Base Overlap Ratio × PMR Overlap Ratio × PMR Acquirer’s Cross-Cites Ratio Acquirer’s Base Yes Yes 2,040 536 1,504 0.60 (1) Yes Yes 2,040 536 1,504 0.56 −25.261 (45.412) −12.757 (22.974) (2) Random 32.676* (23.391) 7.266** (4.087) −19.290 (40.824) –4.725 (12.826) Yes Yes 2,040 536 1,504 0.55 (3) Yes Yes 4,089 570 3,519 0.20 (4) Yes Yes 4,089 570 3,519 0.19 −3.306 (4.403) −1.990 (1.829) (5) (6) 6.588*** (1.989) 2.582*** (0.498) −4.827** (2.401) −0.304 (0.889) Yes Yes 4,089 570 3,519 0.18 Industry, Size Panel A: Interaction of Product Market and Technological Overlaps Table VI—Continued Yes Yes 2,805 507 2,298 0.20 (7) Yes Yes 2,805 507 2,298 0.19 −3.061 (6.893) −4.517** (1.892) (8) (9) (Continued) 9.347*** (3.223) 2.040*** (0.630) −8.239** (3.428) 0.271 (1.214) Yes Yes 2,805 507 2,298 0.18 Industry, Size, B/M Corporate Innovations and Mergers and Acquisitions 1947 Product Market Relatedness = 1 & Technological Proximity = 1 Product Market Relatedness = 0 & Technological Proximity = 1 Product Market Relatedness = 1 & Technological Proximity = 0 Product Market Relatedness = 0 & Technological Proximity = 0 Technological Proximity = 1 Technological Proximity = 0 Product Market Relatedness = 1 Product Market Relatedness = 0 0.198*** (0.004) 0.930*** (0.025) 0.230*** (0.005) 0.782*** (0.048) 0.146*** (0.005) 0.925*** (0.026) 0.764*** (0.054) 0.993*** (0.055) Random (1) 0.091*** (0.005) 0.299*** (0.016) 0.126*** (0.006) 0.209*** (0.025) 0.073*** (0.008) 0.294*** (0.019) 0.173*** (0.029) 0.322*** (0.041) Industry, Size (2) Panel B: Probabilities of Acquirer-Target Firm Pairing Table VI—Continued 0.113*** (0.007) 0.390*** (0.019) 0.160*** (0.009) 0.312*** (0.047) 0.080*** (0.012) 0.389*** (0.023) 0.283*** (0.057) 0.398*** (0.058) Industry, Size, B/M (3) 1948 The Journal of FinanceR Corporate Innovations and Mergers and Acquisitions 1949 Proximity from its minimum (zero) to maximum (one) increases the average probability of a merger pair formation by 10% (0.173 – 0.073) (3%; 0.322 – 0.294). This increase suggests that the effect of technological overlap on the probability of merger pairing is reduced for firm pairs that overlap in product markets. The same countervailing effect occurs for Product Market Relatedness when we condition on different values of Technological Proximity.20 This effect might arise when two firms are similar in their product offerings and pursue related innovation activities; their innovation efforts will then likely further intensify product market rivalry by introducing similar new products or services. As shown by Hoberg and Phillips (2010), close rivalry in product markets has a negative impact on the likelihood of firms merging. As a result, the positive effect of technological overlap on the likelihood of a merger pair formation is reduced for firm pairs that also overlap in product markets. These findings highlight the importance of capturing how firms simultaneously interact along multiple dimensions when we study transaction incidence. IV. Ex Post Treatment Effect So far, we have examined and established the ex ante selection effects of innovation characteristics on merger participants, focusing on the role of technological overlap. We now investigate whether and how mergers with premerger technological overlap affect the innovation output of the combined firm following deal completion—the ex post treatment effect. We do not examine R&D expenses as, a priori, it is unclear how they change after the merger. Similarly, combining merging firms’ innovation activities may not deliver improved operating performance in the short run, and we cannot attribute the long-run performance solely to the merger event. A. The Quasi-Experiment The identification challenge of our treatment effect analysis is that the association between premerger technological overlap and postmerger innovation output could be due to the endogenous selection of firm pairs into a treatment group, rather than to the impact of technological synergy on postmerger innovation output. As we show above, acquisitions are more likely to occur between firms with technological overlap. As a result, comparing the average innovation output of merged firms with technological overlap to that of merged firms without overlap could lead to biased estimates. To address such selection concerns, we exploit a quasi-experiment. Specifically, following Seru (2014), we employ a control sample of withdrawn bids 20 We obtain the same results: (i) using the linear probability model; (ii) using an expanded set of control deals obtained by including the control acquirers paired up with the control target firms; (iii) using the sample of All Deals (as shown in Table I, column (5)); (iv) using the sample of Acquirers or Targets with Patents (as shown in Table I, column (6)); and (v) removing acquirers and target firms whose total assets are in the top decile of Compustat firms. See the Internet Appendix. 1950 The Journal of FinanceR that failed for reasons exogenous to the innovation activities of either merger partner. In this case, the assignment of firm pairs to the treatment sample (completed deals) versus the control sample can be treated as random with respect to the innovation output variable that we examine.21 To examine the role of technological overlap in the effect of a merger on postmerger innovation output, we employ samples of treatment and control deals involving acquirers and target firms that are innovative before the bid. To form the control sample, we begin with 116 withdrawn bids with necessary firm-level information in Compustat/CRSP announced over the period 1984 to 2003.22 We then read news articles for each withdrawn bid, excluding those bids that could fail due to the innovation activities of either merger partner, including disagreement over growth strategy, restructuring, or valuation; news of negative developments; bids for which the reason for failure cannot be determined; and bids that were expected to fail. Table VII, Panel A, provides a detailed description of how we arrive at our sample of 60 bids withdrawn due to reasons exogenous to innovation, including competing bids (70%), objections by regulatory bodies (20%), and macroeconomic shocks and adverse market conditions (10%). Next, we form a treatment sample of friendly completed deals over the period 1984 to 2003 that: (i) involve innovative acquirers and target firms (444 deals); (ii) occur in acquirer-target industry pairs that match industry pairs of the bids in the control sample, and are announced within the three-year window centered at the announcement year of the bids in the control sample (166 deals). We find no industry pair- and event window-matched completed deal for 22 bids in the control sample. To form the treatment sample for the remaining 38 control bids, we select the closest completed deal in terms of the relative size ratio (i.e., target firm’s total assets divided by acquirer’s total assets) from the industry pair- and event window-matched completed deals. Using this approach, we ensure that the treatment and control samples are similar along key dimensions relevant for M&As—industry composition and time clustering (see Roberts and Whited (2011)).23 B. Postmerger Innovation Output We estimate a difference-in-differences regression using a panel data set that contains information on deals in the treatment and control samples 21 Seru (2014) exploits a sample of withdrawn bids to examine whether and how conglomerate mergers stifle innovation. Bernstein (2014) employs a sample of withdrawn IPOs to investigate whether and how going public affects innovation. 22 To mitigate the potential truncation bias in our postmerger innovation output measure, we only include bids in our control sample with an announcement date (and deals in our treatment sample with a transaction completion date) on or before December 31, 2003, which is three years before our patent data end in 2006. 23 We verify that none of the technological overlap, innovation output, and R&D expenses variables, measured prior to bid announcement, predict deal completion in the combined sample of treatment and control deals. Corporate Innovations and Mergers and Acquisitions 1951 Table VII Postacquisition Innovation Output This table reports our investigation of the ex post treatment effect of a merger on postmerger innovation output. Panel A provides the steps taken to form the sample of control deals involving bids withdrawn for reasons exogenous to innovation. Panel B presents coefficient estimates from OLS regressions obtained using a panel data set that, for each deal in the treatment sample (i.e., completed deals) and the control sample (i.e., bids withdrawn due to reasons exogenous to innovation), has observations running from three years prior to bid announcement (ayr-3) to three years after deal completion/withdrawal (cyr+3). The dependent variable is, in each year, the sum of the acquirer’s and the target firm’s innovation output as measured by Patent Index. Columns (1) and (2) present estimates from the difference-in-differences regression in equation (3) using the subsample of treatment and control deals with premerger technological overlap, and the subsample of treatment and control deals without premerger technological overlap, respectively. Column (3) presents estimates from the regression in equation (4) using both treatment and control deals with and without premerger technological overlap. Treat is an indicator variable equal to one for the firm pairs in the treatment sample, and zero otherwise. Any Tech Overlap is an indicator variable equal to one if any of the six measures of technological overlap is nonzero, and zero otherwise. Panel C presents the results from falsification tests where we falsely assume that the onset of treatment (i.e., bid announcement) occurs three or four years before it actually does. Definitions of the variables are provided in the Appendix. All specifications include deal fixed effects and year fixed effects. Robust standard errors are reported in parentheses; *, **, and *** denote significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level, respectively. Panel A: Control Sample Construction for Quasi-Experiment 116 All bids withdrawn −5 −6 −13 −21 −11 Difference in opinion on growth strategy Difference in opinion over restructuring including top personnel matters Disagreement over valuation News of negative development or unexpected legal actions Not enough information or expected to fail 60 Bids withdrawn due to reasons exogenous to innovation Panel B: Postacquisition Innovation Output After After × Treat Deals with Any Tech Overlap (1) Deals without Any Tech Overlap (2) −0.247*** (0.074) 0.365*** (0.086) −0.032 (0.165) −0.221 (0.165) Yes 301 18 25 0.95 Yes 231 20 13 0.84 Any Tech Overlap × After Any Tech Overlap × After × Treat Deal and Year FEs No. of Observations No. of Treatment Deals No. of Control Deals R2 All Deals (3) −0.022 (0.135) −0.216 (0.156) −0.239* (0.141) 0.552*** (0.178) Yes 532 38 38 0.94 (Continued) The Journal of FinanceR 1952 Table VII—Continued Panel C: Falsification Tests Onset of Treatment in ayr-3 Onset of Treatment in ayr-4 Deals Deals Deals with Deals with Any without Any Any Tech without Any Tech Overlap Tech Overlap All Deals Overlap Tech Overlap All Deals (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) After After × Treat Any Tech Overlap × After Any Tech Overlap × After × Treat Deal and Year FEs No. of Observations No. of Treatment Deals No. of Control Deals R2 −0.084 (0.113) 0.165 (0.174) −0.132 (0.169) 0.098 (0.230) Yes 160 17 15 0.97 Yes 220 21 23 0.93 −0.050 (0.102) 0.061 (0.125) −0.059 (0.106) 0.054 (0.166) Yes 380 38 38 0.96 −0.156* (0.075) 0.186 (0.114) −0.214 (0.147) 0.143 (0.187) Yes 135 13 14 0.99 Yes 245 25 24 0.93 −0.118 (0.100) 0.152 (0.117) −0.210** (0.099) 0.014 (0.146) Yes 380 38 38 0.96 from three years prior to bid announcement (ayr-3) to three years after deal completion/withdrawal (cyr+3): Patent Indexi jt = α + β1 Af teri jt + β2 Af teri jt × T reati j +DealF Ei j + Y ear F Et + ei jt . (3) The dependent variable, Patent Indexijt , is the sum of acquirer i’s and target firm j’s innovation output in each year t.24 The indicator variable Afterijt equals one for the postmerger time period (from cyr+1 to cyr+3), and zero otherwise. The indicator variable Treatij equals one for treatment deals, and zero otherwise (i.e., for control bids). We include deal fixed effects to difference away any time-invariant differences among deals.25 As a result, our approach estimates the differences over time in Patent Index for the same cross-section 24 There are several reasons to focus on Patent Index when examining innovation output postmerger. First, the point in time at which we count patents (and hence Patent Index) is when the patent application is filed with the patent office. This point in time is closest to when the innovation was actually created. Second, Citation-Weighted Patents is constructed by counting citations over a three-year window, starting with the year a patent is awarded. In the United States, patents are awarded, on average, two to three years after applications are filed. The patent is then revealed to the public and starts to be cited only at the time the patent is awarded. As such, Citation-Weighted Patents cannot capture rapid changes in innovation output of the combined firm immediately following deal consummation, which is the objective of our analysis. 25 We cannot estimate the coefficient on Treat as it is subsumed by deal fixed effects Deal FE . ij ij Corporate Innovations and Mergers and Acquisitions 1953 Figure 1. Innovation output around M&As. This figure plots the average of the combined innovation output of the acquirer and the target firm as measured by Patent Index, computed separately for deals in the treatment sample (i.e., completed deals) and the control sample (i.e., bids withdrawn due to reasons exogenous to innovation). We use panel data running from three years prior to bid announcement (ayr-3) to three years after deal completion/withdrawal (cyr+3). Panel A uses only deals with premerger technological overlap. Panel B uses only deals without premerger technological overlap. Year 0 is the year of deal announcement. units (Wooldridge (2002), p. 284). We also include year fixed effects to difference away a common trend affecting deals in both the treatment and control samples. Before estimating equation (3), we follow Roberts and Whited (2011) by checking whether our outcome variable exhibits “parallel trends” in the premerger period, which is a necessary condition for identifying the treatment effect. We introduce an indicator variable Any Tech Overlap, which is equal to one if at least one of our six technological overlap measures is greater than zero, and zero otherwise. We then plot the average level of Patent Index separately for the treatment and control subsamples with and without Any Tech Overlap in Figure 1, Panels A and B, respectively. In both panels, we show that, prior to bid announcement, the treatment and control samples exhibit very similar trends in innovation output. Furthermore, while the average level of innovation output is higher for the treatment sample compared to the control sample without Any Tech Overlap, it is strikingly similar between the treatment and control samples with Any Tech Overlap. 1954 The Journal of FinanceR For deals with Any Tech Overlap after bid announcement, the average level of innovation output stays flat for the treatment sample, while it drops and has a strong decreasing trend for the control sample. We conclude that our treatment and control samples satisfy the necessary conditions to estimate equation (3). We acknowledge that there might still be omitted time-varying variables that affect deals in the treatment and control samples differently; in such a case, the coefficient estimates in equation (3) would be inconsistent. Table VII, Panel B, columns (1) and (2) present coefficient estimates from the OLS regression in equation (3) using subsamples of deals with and without Any Tech Overlap, respectively. For the subsample with Any Tech Overlap, the coefficient on Afterijt is negative and significant at the 1% level, suggesting that the combined innovation output is, on average, lower in the postmerger period. Importantly, we show that the coefficient on the interaction term Afterijt × Treatij is positive and significant at the 1% level. We conclude that not completing a deal between firms with technological overlap leads to a considerable drop in innovation output. None of these effects are present in the subsample without Any Tech Overlap. These findings suggest that the presence of premerger technological overlap is a crucial determinant of the effect of a merger on postmerger innovation output. Next, we directly investigate the heterogeneity in the treatment effect of a merger on postmerger innovation output. We estimate the following regression using a panel data set that contains deals with and without Any Tech Overlap: Patent Indexi jt = α + β1 Af teri jt + β2 Af teri jt × T reati j + β3 Any Tech Overlapi j × Af teri jt + β4 Any Tech Overlapi j × Af teri jt × T reati j + DealF Ei j + Y ear F Et + ei jt . (4) Table VII, Panel B, column (3) presents coefficient estimates from the OLS regression in equation (4). We show that the coefficient on the interaction term Any Tech Overlapij × Afterijt is negative and significant at the 10% level. Importantly, this decline is reversed for firm pairs with Any Tech Overlap in the treatment sample: the coefficient on the interaction term Any Tech Overlapij × Afterijt × Treatij is positive, significant at the 1% level, and twice as large in magnitude as that on Any Tech Overlapij × Afterijt .26 Our findings, which show improvement in innovation output postmerger for deals with premerger technological overlap compared to the average outcome, support our fourth hypothesis. Finally, to check the internal validity of our difference-in-differences estimator, we conduct falsification tests following the suggestion in Roberts and 26 We cannot estimate the coefficients on Treat or Any Tech Overlap × Treat as both terms ij ij ij are subsumed by deal fixed effects Deal FEij . We always obtain a positive coefficient estimate (significant in three cases) on Technological Overlapij × Afterijt × Treatij using any of the six measures of technological overlap when we use them (one at a time) in equation (4), instead of using the summary measure Any Tech Overlap. Also, we obtain the same results as those in Table VII, Panel B, when we remove acquirers and target firms whose total assets are in the top decile of Compustat firms. See the Internet Appendix. Corporate Innovations and Mergers and Acquisitions 1955 Whited (2011). Specifically, we falsely assume that the onset of treatment (i.e., bid announcement) occurs three or four years before it actually does. In each case, we re-estimate equation (4) using a five-year panel data set that ends before the actual bid announcement. Table VII, Panel C, shows that the coefficient on the interaction term Any Tech Overlapij × Afterijt × Treatij is statistically indistinguishable from zero, suggesting that the observed improvement in innovation output (shown in Table VII, Panel B) is more likely due to the treatment, as opposed to some alternative force. In summary, we identify an important type of synergy—technological overlap—that leads to both merger-pairing decisions and subsequent improvement in innovation output. V. Conclusions and Implications for Future Research Using a large and unique patent-merger data set over the period 1984 to 2006, we uncover a specific source of synergy—corporate innovation activity— that drives acquisitions and has a positive impact on merger outcomes. We first show that firms with large patent portfolios and low R&D expenses are more likely to be acquirers, while R&D-intensive firms with slow growth in patent output are more likely to be acquired. Furthermore, technological overlap between firms’ innovation activities has a positive and significant effect on the likelihood of a merger pair formation. We then show that the positive effect of technological overlap on the likelihood of a merger pair formation is reduced for firm pairs that also overlap in product markets. Finally, using a quasi-experiment involving withdrawn bids that failed for reasons exogenous to innovation, we show a positive treatment effect of a merger on postmerger innovation output when there is premerger technological overlap between merging firms. We conclude that synergies obtained from combining innovation capabilities are an important impetus for corporate acquisitions. The findings of this paper suggest the following new directions for future research. First, our paper highlights that many merger transactions are driven by efficiency motives. Future research can focus on studying whether and how synergistic gains in areas other than product markets and technological innovations are created through M&As. Second, we show that technological synergy-driven acquisitions improve postmerger innovation outcomes, consistent with value creation. Exploring whether and how governance mechanisms in acquirer and target firms facilitate the realization of synergistic gains will be important. Finally, future theoretical work can help ascertain whether and how multiple sources of synergy affect the likelihood of transaction incidence, perhaps capturing the tension between competition due to product market rivalry and complementarities due to overlapping technologies. Initial submission: January 18, 2012; Final version received: April 16, 2013 Editor: Campbell Harvey 1956 The Journal of FinanceR Appendix: Variable Definitions All firm characteristics are measured as of the fiscal year-end before the bid announcement, and are winsorized at the 1% and 99% levels. Innovation Measures Patent Index Patent Index Citation-Weighted Patents Citation-Weighted Patents R&D R&D Self-Cites Ratio This measure is constructed in three steps. First, for each technology class k and patent application year t, we compute the median value of the number of awarded patents in technology class k with application year t across all firms that were awarded at least one patent in technology class k with application year t. Second, we scale the number of awarded patents to the acquirer/target firm in technology class k with application year t by the corresponding (technology class- and application year-specific) median value from the first step. Third, for the acquirer/target firm, we sum the scaled number of awarded patents from the second step across all technology classes and across application years from ayr-3 to ayr-1. When assessing the postmerger quantity of innovation, the measurement window for patent application years in the third step is cyr+1 to cyr+3. Year ayr-1 is the calendar year that has the largest overlap with the last fiscal year before the bid announcement, and year ayr-3 is two years prior to ayr-1. Year cyr+1 is the calendar year that has the largest overlap with the first fiscal year after the deal completion, and year cyr+3 is two years after cyr+1. The growth rate of Patent Index between the three-year period ending three years prior to the bid announcement (i.e., ayr-5 to ayr-3) and the three-year period ending one year prior to the bid announcement (i.e., ayr-3 to ayr-1). The sum of the citation-weighted number of awarded patents to the acquirer/target firm with application years from ayr-3 to ayr-1. For each patent, the weight is the number of citations received within a three-year period starting from the patent award year. The growth rate of Citation-Weighted Patents between the three-year period ending three years prior to the bid announcement (i.e., ayr-5 to ayr-3) and the three-year period ending one year prior to the bid announcement (i.e., ayr-3 to ayr-1). Research and development expenses scaled by total assets. The growth rate of research and development expenses. First, we compute the number of awarded patents to the acquirer/target firm with award years from ayr-3 to ayr-1 that cite any of the acquirer’s/target firm’s other awarded patents. Second, we scale the number from the first step by the total number of awarded patents to the acquirer/target firm with award years from ayr-3 to ayr-1. Corporate Innovations and Mergers and Acquisitions 1957 Innovation Measures Age of Patent Portfolio Technological Proximity First, for each patent awarded to the acquirer/target firm prior to or in year ayr-1, we compute the number of years since the patent was awarded as of year ayr-1. Second, we take the average of each patent’s age computed in the first step across all patents awarded to the acquirer/target firm prior to or in year ayr-1. Following Jaffe (1986), the correlation coefficient is computed as √ Knowledge Base Overlap Acquirer’s (Target’s) Base Overlap Ratio Acquirer’s (Target’s) Cross-Cites Ratio Sacq Starg Sacq Sacq √ Starg Starg , where the vector Sacq = (Sacq,1 , . . . , Sacq,K ) captures the scope of innovation activity for the acquirer, the vector Starg = (Starg,1 , . . . , Starg,K ) captures the scope of innovation activity for the target firm, and k ࢠ (1,K) is the technology class index. Sacq,k (Starg,k ) is the ratio of the number of awarded patents to the acquirer (the target firm) in technology class k with application years from ayr-3 to ayr-1 to the total number of awarded patents to the acquirer (the target firm) in all technology classes applied over the same three-year period. First, we determine the set of patents that received at least one citation from any of the acquirer’s patents with award years from ayr-3 to ayr-1 (“the acquirer’s knowledge base”), the set of patents that received at least one citation from any of the target firm’s patents awarded over the same three-year period (“the target firm’s knowledge base”), and the intersection of these two sets as the set of patents cited by both the acquirer and the target firm (“the common knowledge base”). Second, we compute the number of patents in “the common knowledge base.” First, we compute the number of citations from any of the acquirer’s (target firm’s) patents with award years from ayr-3 to ayr-1 made to the patents in “the common knowledge base.” Second, we scale the number from the first step by the number of citations from any of the acquirer’s (the target firm’s) patents with award years from ayr-3 to ayr-1 made to the patents in “the acquirer’s knowledge base” (“the target firm’s knowledge base”). First, we compute the number of the acquirer’s (target firm’s) awarded patents with award years from ayr-3 to ayr-1 that cite any of the target firm’s (acquirer’s) awarded patents. Second, we scale the number from the first step by the number of the acquirer’s (target firm’s) awarded patents with award years from ayr-3 to ayr-1. 1958 The Journal of FinanceR Firm Characteristics Total Assets Sales ROA Leverage Cash B/M Stock Return The natural logarithm of total assets in millions of 2006 constant dollars. The growth rate of sales. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization scaled by total assets. Total debt scaled by total assets. Cash and short-term investment scaled by total assets. The book value of common equity scaled by the market value of common equity. The difference between the buy-and-hold stock return from month −14 to month −3 relative to the month of the bid announcement and the analogously defined buy-and-hold stock return on the value-weighted CRSP index. 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