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Minutes for March 2007

KEALAKEHE HIGH SCHOOL : School Community Council Minutes

Thursday, 15 March 2007

Chairperson: Connie Simon (Parent) Vice Chairperson: Jeffrey Hartman (Certificated)

Secretary: Linda Jeffrey (Community) Treasurer: Loreena Ganeko (Non-Certificated)

5:05 Meeting began. Chair, Connie Simon, presided

Note: There was not enough present for a “quorum”. The By-Laws state:

“Quorum for KHS SCC shall be 7 members of which 4 must be parents, students, and community members.”

Council Members in Attendance: (7) + 4 Guests

• Administration: Wilfred Murakami , Danny Garcia

• Certificated (Teachers): Jeffrey Hartman, Ezra Witsman, Linda Boranian

• Non-Certificated Staff: No representative

• Parent: Connie Simon, Marlin Harris

• Community: Linda Jeffrey

• Student: No representative

• Guests: John Dawrs (Parent), Lulu O'Brien (Student), Tony Enriques (Parent)


Minutes of the February 17, 2007 meeting were available for review. No corrections.

Presentation by Mr. Tony Enriques, retired police officer and parent. Mr. Enriques' interest focuses on providing Driver's Education training for Kealakehe High students and has completed the required DOT training for commercial certification. He would be willing to teach at KHS for $400+tax/student. Currently, the DOE charges $10/student, requiring teachers be DOT certified and a DOE certified teacher. Because his use of facilities would be “for profit”, a facilities use charge would be assessed (per Wil). Until the school can recruit DOE certified teachers to be the required DOT training, this would be a viable alternative to the community. There is the possibility that Mr. Enriques could be hired under the 21 st Century Learning Grant as a PTT (part-time teacher) and charge only for the behind-the-wheel instruction (10 hours).

Component Reports: (1 of 4)3/28/2007 9:13:18 AM

Kealakehe High School-Kona, Hawaii

Administration :

Wil: End of the 3 rd quarter with testing planned for April. Our “Career Day” was successful in that the vendors responded favorable to our students.

Certificated : Looking forward to the 2-week break!

Non-Certificated : No representative present.

Students : No representative present.

Parents : Marlin asked for clarification of the driver's education requirement for students and military recruiting on campus. Per Wil, military recruiters were here for “Career Day” but the school was not sharing student information.

Community : Linda J. shared several things :

• Ken Clewett died March 2. KHS Interact Club dedicated their scrapbook to Ken and spoke briefly at the Memorial Services.

• West Hawaii UH Campus Public Hearing held late February. 7 KHS students attended with a teacher along with Marlin & Linda. The topic centered on this island's under funded and neglected community college system, confirming Hawaii 's higher education needs on this island (based on “cluster” statistics). A 2 nd public meeting was held in Hilo . Articles and information were circulated (attached).

• A first Cultural Competency Conference supported by several community partners will be held April 19. The purpose is to increase cultural competency among child serving staff and private providers in Hawaiian, Hispanic, Local and Micronesian Cultures.

Unfinished Business :

1. Public Hearing Outcome : Linda J. distributed minutes and facilitated the discussion.

Noteworthy items are:

• Policy for participating in co-curricular activities

• “Intentional” release of balloons at school sponsored events

• Lowering Citizenship Passing percent to 75 for makeup eligibility

• Assessing “transportation” fees for students participating in sports ( Wil to contact Dr. Hernandez for a fee schedule by next meeting as well as sharing transportation costs.)

• Raise student parking fee from $5 to $10

Linda J. and Connie will work on gathering the information and putting in writing policy that can be voted on at the April mtg.

2 . Policy for participating in co-curricular activities : Connie led discussion based on a proposed policy. The focus was on fine tuning what “offenses” would prohibit a student from participating. Connie will rewrite and get to Council members before next meeting.


Security Camera Bids : Wil will follow up.

4. Driver's Education Update : Linda J. shared that a resolution from Hui Lau Lima

(community group) was presented to Cindy Evans and Josh Green in Honolulu along w/a resolution seeking investigation into the use of the State Insurance Funds supporting the driver's education program. (2 of 4)3/28/2007 9:13:18 AM

Kealakehe High School-Kona, Hawaii

5. Anti-Bullying Program (a character ed program): Wil shared the cost for training alone is $12,000 but is being considered with the funding provided by a grant that is currently being written.

New Business :

1 .

SCC Sarah Naomi Rosenberg Scholarship : Linda J. announced the awardees:

Kupono/Most Outstanding: Lokomaika'i/Most Charitable :

1 st place: Kelly Chess 1 st Place : Elena Chen

2 nd place: Rachel Gardner 2 nd Place : Allison Brown

Linda also shared that the Scholarship Committee recommends the SCC change the following:

• Any student applying for the scholarship must have passed Citizenship every quarter here at KHS.

• Students submit application for consideration for either category . The

Committee will have the discretion to select the category. Students must have at least a

2.0 cum GPA and will not be considered for “Kupono/Most Outstanding” unless their cum

GPA is 3.6


SCC Elections . An announcement for parent and community nominations (as parents are to vote on both) will be placed in the upcoming parent newsletter, mailed w/3 rd quarter grades. Linda J. will also put an ad in West Hawaii Today and post on the website.

Self nominations are welcome also. Voting could be done by placing another ad in WHT and having a box in the front office w/ballots. Certificated and Non-Certificated will need to hold their own election.

3. SCC Meeting During Summer (June/July): The Council decided to meet in June and not meet in July.

4. Linda B . distributed an excerpt from Tony Wagner's Making the Grade .

5. Wil shared that the school's “mission” statement must align with the State's vision of a high school graduate. He will present the change at the April meeting.

6. Next meeting all of the items to be considered by the Council impacting next school year will be presented:

• Policy for participating in co-curricular activities

• “Intentional” release of balloons at school sponsored events

• Lowering Citizenship Passing percent to 75 for makeup eligibility

• Assessing “transportation” fees for students participating in sports

• Raise student parking fee from $5 to $10 (if passed, notify Accounting Office)

• SCC Scholarship changes:

• Any student applying for the scholarship must have passed Citizenship every quarter here at KHS.

• Students submit application for consideration for either category. The Committee will have the discretion to select the category. Students must have at least a 2.0 cum GPA and will not be considered for “Kupono/Most Outstanding” unless their cum GPA is 3.6 (3 of 4)3/28/2007 9:13:18 AM

Kealakehe High School-Kona, Hawaii

• Change in school's “mission” statement

• Student Council Constitution changes

Next Meeting: Thursday, April 19 – Library 5-6:30 p.m.

Meeting Adjourned: 6:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted with aloha by: Linda Jeffrey

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