World Languages North Brunswick Township Public Schools Spanish for Native Speakers II Acknowledgements Adalís Alvarez-Craft, Spanish Teacher Suzan Ezdinli-Palazzo, World Language Supervisor Date: Revised September 2012 Board Adoption: _____________ 1 New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standard Area: World Language Topic/Course: Essential Questions NJCCC Standard Standard: 7.1AL.A.1, 7.1.AL.A.2, 7.1.AL.A.4, 7.1.AL.B.1, 7.1.AL.B.2, 7.1.AL.B.5, 7.1.AL.C.3, 7.1.AL.C.5 Communication How do I develop communicative competence? What strategies do I need to communicate in linguistically and culturally appropriate ways? Culture How are cultural perspectives (attitudes, values and beliefs) reflected in a culture’s products and social practices? How is language a product of culture? Grade: 9-12 NJCCCS – Essential Skills Objective: TLWBAT understand and interpret spoken and written language and to present information and ideas by: 1. Reviewing interrogative words and conducting a press conference 2. Reviewing the parts of a sentence and the forms and rules that govern the use of the present and progressive tenses. 3. Watching Ganas de triunfar and identifying similarities and differences with personal characteristics 4. Understanding the life and work of Amado Nervo in the legend La Yaqui Hermosa 5. Writing and then presenting a descriptive essay answering the question ¿Cómo te identificas? Instructional Strategies Activities/Materials/Technology Interdisciplinary Connections Cultural Diversity Complete aural, oral, written and web based textbook and workbook exercises related to select cultural material and vocabulary and grammar topics. Complete aural, oral, written and web based teacher generated exercises related to cultural material, vocabulary and grammar topics. Complete paired and group communicative activities related to cultural material, vocabulary and grammar topics. View episodes of textbook video/DVD series related to select vocabulary and grammar topics and complete comprehension activities. Write guided compositions related to select cultural material, vocabulary and grammar topics in order to refine written expression. Technology: Use of a TV and DVD and use of a computer to develop personal essays Materials: Grammar and culture exercises from Nuestro Mundo, Amsco, Album and internet resources, DVD of Ganas de triunfar , transparencies and other visuals, and teacher generated exercises and worksheets for reinforcement Date: September 2012 Modifications ESL/Special Education Academic Support/G&T Special Education Academic Support: 1. Special seating 2. Extra reinforcement of classroom oral or written directions. 3. 2nd textbook issue for home use. 4. Teacher use of audioenhancement device. 5. Student use of word banks, spelling correction activities, flashcards. 6. Extra time for test taking. 7. Extra time for extended projects. 8. Modifications of assessment tools to more objective formatting. 9. Implementing Differentiation of Instruction. Assessments Formative Summative Benchmarks PACING Dictation quizzes and dictated/oral text sections. Textbook and teacher generated quizzes and tests: a. cloze sentences b. simple yes/no responses to questions c. open-ended questions d. long and short answer questions e. multiple choice f. true/false questions g. teacher and CD/DVD generated listening comprehension passages Web based aural, oral, written textbook, workbook and teacher generated homework exercises, quizzes and tests. Reading comprehension with multiple choice, short answer or translations. Individual and small group presentations Classroom interaction Posters, reports and projects. September 2 Essential Question NJCCC Standard Standard: 7.1AL.A.4, 7.1.AL.A.5, 7.1.AL.A.6, 7.1.AL.B.1, 7.1.AL.B.5, 7.1.AL.B.6, 7.1.AL.C.4, 7.1.AL.C.5 Communication How do I develop communicative competence? What strategies do I need to communicate in linguistically and culturally appropriate ways? NJCCCS – Essential Skills Objective: TLWBAT understand and interpret spoken and written language and to present information and ideas by: 1. Reviewing the forms and rules that govern the use of the preterit past, imperfect past, and the differences in uses between each 2. Acquiring an understanding of Graphic art (Arte gráfico) and its historical connections to the artistic history of Spain and Latin America Instructional Strategies Activities/Materials/Technology Interdisciplinary Connections Cultural Diversity Complete aural, oral, written and web based textbook and workbook exercises related to select cultural material and vocabulary and grammar topics. Complete aural, oral, written and web based teacher generated exercises related to cultural material, vocabulary and grammar topics. Complete paired and group communicative activities related to cultural material, vocabulary and grammar topics. Modifications ESL/Special Education Academic Support/G&T Special Education Academic Support: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Culture How are cultural perspectives (attitudes, values and beliefs) reflected in a culture’s products and social practices? How is language a product of culture? 3. Analyzing specific pieces of graphic art and identifying artist View episodes of textbook video/DVD series related to select vocabulary and grammar topics and complete comprehension activities. Write guided compositions related to select cultural material, vocabulary and grammar topics in order to refine written expression. Technology: Use of the internet to acquire additional information pertaining to graphic art, its time period and artists Materials: Grammar and culture exercises from Nuestro Mundo, Amsco, Ya verasII and III and internet resources, transparencies , visuals, and teacher generated exercises and worksheets for reinforcement 7. 8. 9. Special seating Extra reinforcement of classroom oral or written directions. 2nd textbook issue for home use. Teacher use of audioenhancement device. Student use of word banks, spelling correction activities, flashcards. Extra time for test taking. Extra time for extended projects. Modifications of assessment tools to more objective formatting. Implementing Differentiation of Instruction Assessments Formative Summative Benchmarks Dictation quizzes and dictated/oral text sections. Textbook and teacher generated quizzes and tests: a. cloze sentences b. simple yes/no responses to questions c. open-ended questions d. long and short answer questions e. multiple choice f. true/false questions g. teacher and CD/DVD generated listening comprehension passages Web based aural, oral, written textbook, workbook and teacher generated homework exercises, quizzes and tests. Reading comprehension with multiple choice, short answer or translations. Individual and small group presentations Classroom interaction Posters, reports and projects. PACING October 3 Essential Question NJCCC Standard Standard: 7.1AL.A.4, 7.1.AL.A.5, 7.1.AL.A.6, 7.1.AL.B.1, 7.1.AL.B.5, 7.1.AL.B.6, 7.1.AL.C.4, 7.1.AL.C.5 Communication How do I develop communicative competence? What strategies do I need to communicate in linguistically and culturally appropriate ways? Culture How are cultural perspectives (attitudes, values and beliefs) reflected in a culture’s products and social practices? How is language a product of culture? NJCCCS – Essential Skills Instructional Strategies Activities/Materials/Technology Interdisciplinary Connections Cultural Diversity Objective: TLWBAT understand and interpret spoken and written language and to present information and ideas by: Complete aural, oral, written and web based textbook and workbook exercises related to select cultural material and vocabulary and grammar topics. 1. Reviewing the forms and rules that govern the use of expressions dealing with daily routines, the appropriate use of indirect and direct object pronouns and reflexive verbs. Complete aural, oral, written and web based teacher generated exercises related to cultural material, vocabulary and grammar topics. 2. Acquiring knowledge of muralists and their paintings (Los muralistas) and its historical connections to the artistic history of Spain and Latin America 3. Analyzing specific artistic pieces and identifying artist Modifications ESL/Special Education Academic Support/G&T Special Education Academic Support : 1. 2. 3. 4. Complete paired and group communicative activities related to cultural material, vocabulary and grammar topics. View episodes of textbook video/DVD series related to select vocabulary and grammar topics and complete comprehension activities. Write guided compositions related to select cultural material, vocabulary and grammar topics in order to refine written expression. Technology: Use of the internet to acquire additional information pertaining to Muralists Materials: Grammar and culture exercises from Nuestro Mundo, Amsco, Ya versas II and III and internet resources, transparencies , visuals, and teacher generated exercises and worksheets for reinforcement 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Special seating Extra reinforcement of classroom oral or written directions. 2nd textbook issue for home use. Teacher use of audioenhancement device. Student use of word banks, spelling correction activities, flashcards. Extra time for test taking. Extra time for extended projects. Modifications of assessment tools to more objective formatting. Implementing Differentiation of Instruction Assessments Formative Summative Benchmarks PACING Dictation quizzes and dictated/oral text sections. Textbook and teacher generated quizzes and tests: a. cloze sentences b. simple yes/no responses to questions c. open-ended questions d. long and short answer questions e. multiple choice f. true/false questions g. teacher and CD/DVD generated listening comprehension passages Web based aural, oral, written textbook, workbook and teacher generated homework exercises, quizzes and tests. Reading comprehension with multiple choice, short answer or translations. Individual and small group presentations Classroom interaction Posters, reports and projects. November 4 Essential Question NJCCC Standard Standard: 7.1AL.A.1, 7.1.AL.A.4, 7.1.AL.A.6, 7.1.AL.B.1, 7.1.AL.B.4, 7.1.AL.B.5, 7.1.AL.C.1, 7.1.AL.C.5 Communication How do I develop communicative competence? What strategies do I need to communicate in linguistically and culturally appropriate ways? Culture How are cultural perspectives (attitudes, values and beliefs) reflected in a culture’s products and social practices? How is language a product of culture? NJCCCS – Essential Skills Instructional Strategies Activities/Materials/Technology Interdisciplinary Connections Cultural Diversity Objective: TLWBAT understand and interpret spoken and written language and to present information and ideas by: Complete aural, oral, written and web based textbook and workbook exercises related to select cultural material and vocabulary and grammar topics. 1. Understanding the forms and rules that govern the use of formal and informal commands of reflexive verbs . 2. Identifying major events in the history of Spain Complete aural, oral, written and web based teacher generated exercises related to cultural material, vocabulary and grammar topics. 3. Creating an outline of the major historical events of Spain 4. Creating a PowerPoint in groups of the historical events mentioned above Modifications ESL/Special Education Academic Support/G&T Special Education Academic Support: 1. 2. 3. 4. Complete paired and group communicative activities related to cultural material, vocabulary and grammar topics. View episodes of textbook video/DVD series related to select vocabulary and grammar topics and complete comprehension activities. Write guided compositions related to select cultural material, vocabulary and grammar topics in order to refine written expression. Technology: Use of the internet to acquire additional information pertaining to major historical events of Spain and create a PowerPoint Materials: Grammar and culture exercises from Nuestro Mundo, Amsco, Ya versas III and and internet resources, transparencies , visuals, and teacher generated exercises and worksheets for reinforcement 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Special seating Extra reinforcement of classroom oral or written directions. 2nd textbook issue for home use. Teacher use of audioenhancement device. Student use of word banks, spelling correction activities, flashcards. Extra time for test taking. Extra time for extended projects. Modifications of assessment tools to more objective formatting. Implementing Differentiation of Instruction Assessments Formative Summative Benchmarks PACING Dictation quizzes and dictated/oral text sections. Textbook and teacher generated quizzes and tests: a. cloze sentences b. simple yes/no responses to questions c. open-ended questions d. long and short answer questions e. multiple choice f. true/false questions g. teacher and CD/DVD generated listening comprehension passages Web based aural, oral, written textbook, workbook and teacher generated homework exercises, quizzes and tests. Reading comprehension with multiple choice, short answer or translations. Individual and small group presentations Classroom interaction Posters, reports and projects. December 5 Essential Question NJCCC Standard Standard: 7.1AL.A.2, 7.1.AL.A.5, 7.1.AL.A.6, 7.1.AL.B.2, 7.1.AL.B.4, 7.1.AL.B.5, 7.1.AL.C.3, 7.1.AL.C.4 Communication How do I develop communicative competence? What strategies do I need to communicate in linguistically and culturally appropriate ways? Culture How are cultural perspectives (attitudes, values and beliefs) reflected in a culture’s products and social practices? How is language a product of culture? NJCCCS – Essential Skills Instructional Strategies Activities/Materials/Technology Interdisciplinary Connections Cultural Diversity Objective: TLWBAT understand and interpret spoken and written language and to present information and ideas by: Complete aural, oral, written and web based textbook and workbook exercises related to select cultural material and vocabulary and grammar topics. 1. Understanding the forms and rules that govern the use of the present subjunctive and the If clauses. . 2. Reviewing major events in the history of Spain during the Golden Age Complete aural, oral, written and web based teacher generated exercises related to cultural material, vocabulary and grammar topics. 3. Understanding how the characteristics of the Golden Age are represented in the work of the Spanish author Miguel de Cervantes in “Don Quijote de la Mancha” View episodes of textbook video/DVD series related to select vocabulary and grammar topics and complete comprehension activities. Complete paired and group communicative activities related to cultural material, vocabulary and grammar topics. Write guided compositions related to select cultural material, vocabulary and grammar topics in order to refine written expression. Technology: Use of the internet to acquire additional information pertaining to the literary characteristics of the Golden Age of Spain Materials: Grammar and culture exercises from Nuestro Mundo, Amsco, Ya versas III, Repaso and internet resources, transparencies , visuals, and teacher generated exercises and worksheets for reinforcement Modifications ESL/Special Education Academic Support/G&T Special Education Academic Support: 1. Special seating 2. Extra reinforcement of classroom oral or written directions. 3. 2nd textbook issue for home use. 4. Teacher use of audioenhancement device. 5. Student use of word banks, spelling correction activities, flashcards. 6. Extra time for test taking. 7. Extra time for extended projects. 8. Modifications of assessment tools to more objective formatting. 9. Implementing Differentiation of Instruction Assessments Formative Summative Benchmarks PACING Dictation quizzes and dictated/oral text sections. Textbook and teacher generated quizzes and tests: a. cloze sentences b. simple yes/no responses to questions c. open-ended questions d. long and short answer questions e. multiple choice f. true/false questions g. teacher and CD/DVD generated listening comprehension passages Web based aural, oral, written textbook, workbook and teacher generated homework exercises, quizzes and tests. Reading comprehension with multiple choice, short answer or translations. Individual and small group presentations Classroom interaction Posters, reports and projects. January 6 Essential Question NJCCC Standard Standard: 7.1AL.A.1, 7.1.AL.A.3, 7.1.AL.A.4, 7.1.AL.B.1, 7.1.AL.B.4, 7.1.AL.B.5, 7.1.AL.C.3, 7.1.AL.C.5 Communication How do I develop communicative competence? What strategies do I need to communicate in linguistically and culturally appropriate ways? Culture How are cultural perspectives (attitudes, values and beliefs) reflected in a culture’s products and social practices? How is language a product of culture? NJCCCS – Essential Skills Instructional Strategies Activities/Materials/Technology Interdisciplinary Connections Cultural Diversity Objective: TLWBAT understand and interpret spoken and written language and to present information and ideas by: Complete aural, oral, written and web based textbook and workbook exercises related to select cultural material and vocabulary and grammar topics. 1. Understanding the forms and rules that govern the use of the Future and conditional tenses . 2. Reviewing major events in the Mexican history that have led to its current status and identifying new aspects of the culture. Complete aural, oral, written and web based teacher generated exercises related to cultural material, vocabulary and grammar topics. 3. Understanding how the life and culture of the Mexican author Francisco Jimenez is reflected in his short story “Cajas de Cartón” View episodes of textbook video/DVD series related to select vocabulary and grammar topics and complete comprehension activities. 4. Watching the movie “Walkout” and writing an essay addressing the representation of the Chicano Movement in the readings and the movie Complete paired and group communicative activities related to cultural material, vocabulary and grammar topics. Write guided compositions related to select cultural material, vocabulary and grammar topics in order to refine written expression. Technology: Use of the internet to acquire additional information pertaining to the Chicano Movement, TV and DVD Materials: Grammar and culture exercises from Nuestro Mundo, Amsco, Ya versas III, Repaso and internet resources, transparencies , visuals, and teacher generated exercises and worksheets for reinforcement Modifications ESL/Special Education Academic Support/G&T Special Education Academic Support: 1. Special seating 2. Extra reinforcement of classroom oral or written directions. 3. 2nd textbook issue for home use. 4. Teacher use of audioenhancement device. 5. Student use of word banks, spelling correction activities, flashcards. 6. Extra time for test taking. 7. Extra time for extended projects. 8. Modifications of assessment tools to more objective formatting. 9. Implementing Differentiation of Instruction Assessments Formative Summative Benchmarks Dictation quizzes and dictated/oral text sections. Textbook and teacher generated quizzes and tests: a. cloze sentences b. simple yes/no responses to questions c. open-ended questions d. long and short answer questions e. multiple choice f. true/false questions g. teacher and CD/DVD generated listening comprehension passages Web based aural, oral, written textbook, workbook and teacher generated homework exercises, quizzes and tests. Reading comprehension with multiple choice, short answer or translations. Individual and small group presentations Classroom interaction Posters, reports and projects. PACING February 7 Essential Question NJCCC Standard Standard: 7.1AL.A.1, 7.1.AL.A.4, 7.1.AL.A.6, 7.1.AL.B.1, 7.1.AL.B.4, 7.1.AL.B.5, 7.1.AL.C.3, 7.1.AL.C.5 Communication How do I develop communicative competence? What strategies do I need to communicate in linguistically and culturally appropriate ways? Culture How are cultural perspectives (attitudes, values and beliefs) reflected in a culture’s products and social practices? How is language a product of culture? NJCCCS – Essential Skills Instructional Strategies Activities/Materials/Technology Interdisciplinary Connections Cultural Diversity Objective: TLWBAT understand and interpret spoken and written language and to present information and ideas by: Complete aural, oral, written and web based textbook and workbook exercises related to select cultural material and vocabulary and grammar topics. 1. Understanding the forms and rules that govern the use of the Future and conditional tenses with probability . 2. Finding key historical events in the history of the Dominican republic that led to the current status of the island Complete aural, oral, written and web based teacher generated exercises related to cultural material, vocabulary and grammar topics. 3. Understanding how the dictatorship of Rafael Leonidas Trujillo affected the island’s people as represented in the movie “In the Time of the Butterflies” inspired by the writing of Julia Alvarez View episodes of textbook video/DVD series related to select vocabulary and grammar topics and complete comprehension activities. Complete paired and group communicative activities related to cultural material, vocabulary and grammar topics. Write guided compositions related to select cultural material, vocabulary and grammar topics in order to refine written expression. Technology: Use of the internet to acquire additional information pertaining to the Dominican Republic and the Trujillo dictatorship, TV and DVD and computers for research Materials: Grammar and culture exercises from Nuestro Mundo, Amsco, Ya versas III, Repaso and internet resources, transparencies , visuals, and teacher generated exercises and worksheets for reinforcement Modifications ESL/Special Education Academic Support/G&T Special Education Academic Support: 1. Special seating 2. Extra reinforcement of classroom oral or written directions. 3. 2nd textbook issue for home use. 4. Teacher use of audioenhancement device. 5. Student use of word banks, spelling correction activities, flashcards. 6. Extra time for test taking. 7. Extra time for extended projects. 8. Modifications of assessment tools to more objective formatting. 9. Implementing Differentiation of Instruction Assessments Formative Summative Benchmarks Dictation quizzes and dictated/oral text sections. Textbook and teacher generated quizzes and tests: a. cloze sentences b. simple yes/no responses to questions c. open-ended questions d. long and short answer questions e. multiple choice f. true/false questions g. teacher and CD/DVD generated listening comprehension passages Web based aural, oral, written textbook, workbook and teacher generated homework exercises, quizzes and tests. Reading comprehension with multiple choice, short answer or translations. Individual and small group presentations Classroom interaction Posters, reports and projects. PACING March 8 Essential Question NJCCC Standard Standard: 7.1AL.A.1, 7.1.AL.A.4, 7.1.AL.A.6, 7.1.AL.B.2, 7.1.AL.B.4, 7.1.AL.B.5, 7.1.AL.C.3, 7.1.AL.C.4 Communication How do I develop communicative competence? What strategies do I need to communicate in linguistically and culturally appropriate ways? Culture How are cultural perspectives (attitudes, values and beliefs) reflected in a culture’s products and social practices? How is language a product of culture? NJCCCS – Essential Skills Instructional Strategies Activities/Materials/Technology Interdisciplinary Connections Cultural Diversity Objective: TLWBAT understand and interpret spoken and written language and to present information and ideas by: Complete aural, oral, written and web based textbook and workbook exercises related to select cultural material and vocabulary and grammar topics. 1. Learning the rules that govern the use of the imperfect subjunctive and If clauses . 2. Reviewing the history of Hispaniola and the significance of merengue Complete aural, oral, written and web based teacher generated exercises related to cultural material, vocabulary and grammar topics. 3. Understanding the life and work of Gabriel Garcia Márquez in “Un día de estos” 4. Writing an essay in response to the dictatorship of Rafael Leonidas Trujillo and using all of the previously mentioned resources as references Complete paired and group communicative activities related to cultural material, vocabulary and grammar topics. View episodes of textbook video/DVD series related to select vocabulary and grammar topics and complete comprehension activities. Write guided compositions related to select cultural material, vocabulary and grammar topics in order to refine written expression. Technology: Use of the internet to acquire additional information pertaining to the Dominican Republic and the Trujillo dictatorship, and computers for research Materials: Grammar and culture exercises from Nuestro Mundo, Album, Amsco, Ya veras III, Repaso and internet resources, transparencies , visuals, and teacher generated exercises and worksheets for reinforcement Modifications ESL/Special Education Academic Support/G&T Special Education Academic Support: 1. Special seating 2. Extra reinforcement of classroom oral or written directions. 3. 2nd textbook issue for home use. 4. Teacher use of audioenhancement device. 5. Student use of word banks, spelling correction activities, flashcards. 6. Extra time for test taking. 7. Extra time for extended projects. 8. Modifications of assessment tools to more objective formatting. 9. Implementing Differentiation of Instruction Assessments Formative Summative Benchmarks Dictation quizzes and dictated/oral text sections. Textbook and teacher generated quizzes and tests: a. cloze sentences b. simple yes/no responses to questions c. open-ended questions d. long and short answer questions e. multiple choice f. true/false questions g. teacher and CD/DVD generated listening comprehension passages Web based aural, oral, written textbook, workbook and teacher generated homework exercises, quizzes and tests. Reading comprehension with multiple choice, short answer or translations. Individual and small group presentations Classroom interaction Posters, reports and projects. PACING April 9 Essential Question NJCCC Standard Standard: 7.1AL.A.3, 7.1.AL.A.4, 7.1.AL.A.6, 7.1.AL.B.2, 7.1.AL.B.5, 7.1.AL.B.6, 7.1.AL.C.3, 7.1.AL.C.4 Communication How do I develop communicative competence? What strategies do I need to communicate in linguistically and culturally appropriate ways? Culture How are cultural perspectives (attitudes, values and beliefs) reflected in a culture’s products and social practices? How is language a product of culture? NJCCCS – Essential Skills Instructional Strategies Activities/Materials/Technology Interdisciplinary Connections Cultural Diversity Objective: TLWBAT understand and interpret spoken and written language and to present information and ideas by: Complete aural, oral, written and web based textbook and workbook exercises related to select cultural material and vocabulary and grammar topics. 1. Reviewing the rules that govern the use of the present and imperfect subjunctive . 2. Reviewing the history of the Golden Age and its literary characteristics Complete aural, oral, written and web based teacher generated exercises related to cultural material, vocabulary and grammar topics. 3. Learning the characteristics of Flamenco dancing and its historical influence Complete paired and group communicative activities related to cultural material, vocabulary and grammar topics. View episodes of textbook video/DVD series related to select vocabulary and grammar topics and complete comprehension activities. Write guided compositions related to select cultural material, vocabulary and grammar topics in order to refine written expression. Technology: Use of the internet to acquire additional information pertaining to Flamenco, and computers for research Materials: Grammar and culture exercises from Nuestro Mundo, Amsco, Ya veras III, Repaso and internet resources, transparencies , visuals, and teacher generated exercises and worksheets for reinforcement Modifications ESL/Special Education Academic Support/G&T Special Education Academic Support : 1. Special seating 2. Extra reinforcement of classroom oral or written directions. 3. 2nd textbook issue for home use. 4. Teacher use of audioenhancement device. 5. Student use of word banks, spelling correction activities, flashcards. 6. Extra time for test taking. 7. Extra time for extended projects. 8. Modifications of assessment tools to more objective formatting. 9. Implementing Differentiation of Instruction Assessments Formative Summative Benchmarks Dictation quizzes and dictated/oral text sections. Textbook and teacher generated quizzes and tests: a. cloze sentences b. simple yes/no responses to questions c. open-ended questions d. long and short answer questions e. multiple choice f. true/false questions g. teacher and CD/DVD generated listening comprehension passages Web based aural, oral, written textbook, workbook and teacher generated homework exercises, quizzes and tests. Reading comprehension with multiple choice, short answer or translations. Individual and small group presentations Classroom interaction Posters, reports and projects. PACING May 10 Essential Question NJCCC Standard Standard: 7.1AL.A.6, 7.1.AL.A.7, 7.1.AL.A.8, 7.1.AL.B.2, 7.1.AL.B.4, 7.1.AL.B.5, 7.1.AL.C.3, 7.1.AL.C.5 Communication How do I develop communicative competence? What strategies do I need to communicate in linguistically and culturally appropriate ways? Culture How are cultural perspectives (attitudes, values and beliefs) reflected in a culture’s products and social practices? How is language a product of culture? NJCCCS – Essential Skills Instructional Strategies Activities/Materials/Technology Interdisciplinary Connections Cultural Diversity Objective: TLWBAT understand and interpret spoken and written language and to present information and ideas by: Complete aural, oral, written and web based textbook and workbook exercises related to select cultural material and vocabulary and grammar topics. 1. Reviewing the rules that govern the use of informal and formal commands of reflexive verbs, the future and conditional tenses and the present and imperfect subjunctive forms . 2. Understanding how the elements of the Golden Age are represented in Miguel de Cervantes’ “La Gitanilla” Complete aural, oral, written and web based teacher generated exercises related to cultural material, vocabulary and grammar topics. Complete paired and group communicative activities related to cultural material, vocabulary and grammar topics. View episodes of textbook video/DVD series related to select vocabulary and grammar topics and complete comprehension activities. Write guided compositions related to select cultural material, vocabulary and grammar topics in order to refine written expression. Technology: Use of the internet to acquire additional information pertaining to The Golden Age, and computers for research Materials: Grammar and culture exercises from Nuestro Mundo, Amsco, Tres Novelas Españolas, Ya veras III, Repaso and internet resources, transparencies , visuals, and teacher generated exercises and worksheets for reinforcement Modifications ESL/Special Education Academic Support/G&T Special Education Academic Support: 1. Special seating 2. Extra reinforcement of classroom oral or written directions. 3. 2nd textbook issue for home use. 4. Teacher use of audioenhancement device. 5. Student use of word banks, spelling correction activities, flashcards. 6. Extra time for test taking. 7. Extra time for extended projects. 8. Modifications of assessment tools to more objective formatting. 9. Implementing Differentiation of Instruction Assessments Formative Summative Benchmarks Dictation quizzes and dictated/oral text sections. Textbook and teacher generated quizzes and tests: a. cloze sentences b. simple yes/no responses to questions c. open-ended questions d. long and short answer questions e. multiple choice f. true/false questions g. teacher and CD/DVD generated listening comprehension passages Web based aural, oral, written textbook, workbook and teacher generated homework exercises, quizzes and tests. Reading comprehension with multiple choice, short answer or translations. Individual and small group presentations Classroom interaction Posters, reports and projects. PACING June