Annual Report 2013 Content Foreword 3 Dossiers Services Swiss Law 4 What is included? 12 Revision of Chemicals Law 5 Notifications to Members 12 Revision of Food and Cosmetics Law 5 Information to Members and Revision of Trademark and Coat of Arms Protection Act (Swissness Model) Stakeholders 5 Meetings and Events Free Sale Certificates 13 Managing Board 6 and Press Review 13 General Assembly 6 Product Export and Trade Shows 13 ERFA Technical Committees 6 Facts and Figures Building Cleaning 6 Cosmetics Market 14 Working Group Professional Hair Care 6 Detergent and Cleaning Agent Market 15 Working Group Swissness 7 Working Group Communication 7 Human Relations 8 Networking with Federal Agencies 8 and Organisations 8 Networking with International Associations and Organisations 9 Communication 2 13 ARGUS On-line Media Monitoring Networking with National Associations Content and Organisations 6 Network SKW Information to International Companies Compliance with Anti-Trust Law Working Group Professional Annual Report 2013 12 Communication 10 Communication Reorganisation 10 Public Relations 11 Consumer Information 11 Sustainability Our Commitment 16 Industry Projects 16 Organisation Members 17 Membership List 18 Organisation 19 Committee/Working Group Members 19 Agencies 22 Organigram 23 Parliament finally approved the Swissness model, which we have always supported. It forms the basis for our industry ordinance that we are going to present to the Federal Council. This is an important step – one could maybe even call it a small milestone – toward strengthening the Swiss cosmetics industry in Switzerland and abroad. It is also an excellent model for other industries. Both importers and Swiss manufacturers were faced with many new EU directives that came into force (Cosmetics Directive, REACH, GHS/CLP). SKW repeatedly campaigned for a reduction of technical barriers to trade and held information events on the issue. Switzerland signed a pioneering free trade agreement with China. This country, in particular, never ceases to surprise us with new regulations that contradict European regulations (animal testing, free sales certificates). The State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) recently invited SKW to participate in the negotiations of the industry-specific agreements that form part of the free trade agreement. This has been a considerable challenge for SKW that has given us the opportunity to include our point of view in various dossiers, thus providing us with a strong position. This is one of the most important tasks of every industry association. Under Dr. Bernard Cloëtta's management, the Administrative Office once again achieved its targets and strengthened SKW's position in political circles and among stakeholders. I would like to sincerely thank our team at the Administrative Office in Zurich for their commitment and efforts! We have a voice and that is how it should be! The topics of today will be a talking point for years to come. The result of the latest vote on the free movement of persons will also be problematic for us as we depend on top foreign employees. We will keep a close eye on the discussion about the distribution of the contingents. In other words, we are constantly faced with new challenges. We will use all our resources to tackle these challenges in the interest of a strong Swiss cosmetics and detergents industry, working closely together with our international partners. This global cooperation is becoming increasingly important to us and we will increase our activities in this field. Foreword The previous year once again presented us with significant challenges, showing clearly, as in the past, that a solid network and mutual representation are essential to drawing the attention of various stakeholders. Our priority is to create benefit for all. Thomas Früh Thomas Früh President SKW / Owner and CEO intracosmed ag SKW Annual Report 2013 Foreword 3 Dossiers Swiss Law Swiss laws differ from those applicable in the EU and may tax imported products. This is the case, for instance, when a manufacturer has to use wording or labelling specially designed for the Swiss market only. Both industry and politicians are therefore keen to adjust Swiss national laws to match EU law. Trade barriers remain despite introducing the Cassisde-Dijon principle and amending the law. The fact that Switzerland is not a member of the EU and the resulting structural differences (access to EU notification and product licensing institutions) creates additional disadvantages in terms of export, particularly for Swiss manufacturers. SKW Annual Report 2013 Dossiers 4 Revision of Chemicals Law In 2013, the Swiss authorities continued to harmonise Swiss laws with their EU counterparts as best as possible (amendments to the Chemicals Act, Foodstuffs Act, Federal Act on Technical Barriers to Trade). However, the law would have to be amended extensively and treaties would have to be signed with the EU to fully harmonise the entire legal system. Appendix 7 of the Chemicals Act (ChemV) contains a list of «Substances of Very High Concern» (SVHC). On 19 December 2012, further 54 SVHC were identified for the European listing and Appendix 7 ChemV was amended as a result. The amended version of the Act came into effect on 1 August 2013. Appendix 1.17 of the Chemicals Risk Reduction Act (ChemRRV) stipulates that the registration office may, upon request and in agreement with FOEN, FOPH and SECO, approve further temporary exceptions of the prohibitions imposed on the circulation and use of these substances in Switzerland. The requirements for the application are the same as in the EU. the new EU Cosmetics Regulation. The National Council is currently discussing the LMG model. Enactment is not expected until 2015. Until then, EU law shall be enacted on the statutory level, to the extent possible. Revision of Trademark and Coat of Arms Protection Act (Swissness Model) «We greatly value our By approving the Swissness model, Parliament created the basis for increasing the protection of the «Swiss» designation of origin and the Swiss cross in Switzerland, even with respect to law enactments abroad. SKW has supported this model from the very beginning and developed a «Cosmetics» industry ordinance that still requires approval from the Federal Council. cooperation with SKW and hope to continue this positive work with the new Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office (FSVO).» Elisabeth Nellen-Regli, dipl. pharm. ETH Head of Foodstuffs and Nutrition, Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office, FSVO The revision of the «Swissness» law was approved by Parliament on 21 June 2013. The referendum period expired on 10 October 2013. Revision of Food and Cosmetics Law On 10 July 2013, the new EU Cosmetics Regulation came into effect. This widened the gap between European and Swiss law. The Federal Council therefore started a complete revision of the Foodstuffs Act. However, enactment of the new law and the relevant regulations is not expected before 2015. The Federal Council is now going to develop execution orders prior to these new regulations coming into effect. Three key topics have to be defined in greater detail in the ordinance: • Criteria for defining Swiss origin • Register of geographic information • Deletion process in case of non-use The consultation process for the ordinance package is expected to take place in the summer of 2014, meaning that the entire «Swissness» package, including the «Cosmetics» industry ordinance, should come into effect before the end of 2015. SKW Annual Report 2013 Among other things, the total revision of the Foodstuffs Act (LMG) shall facilitate the harmonisation of the Swiss Cosmetics Law with Dossiers 5 Meetings and Events Compliance with Anti-Trust Law Strict compliance rules apply for all SKW events. This ensures that participants can enjoy this unique knowledge platform and the Association's network in a safe environment. Compliance with anti-trust law at all times is crucial for an association and its members. Thomas Früh, intracosmed ag Urnäsch, was elected as President. Technical Commissions Experience Symposium (ERFA TK) A meeting between the members of the Technical Commissions took place on 5 June 2013 at the Volkshaus in Zurich. It was very well attended by approximately 40 participants from Switzerland and abroad. After an information round, the participants exchanged their experiences in technical matters. The focus was on the speech held by Dr. Christian Gründling, the Managing Director of FCIO, about «Update EU/Swiss Cosmetics and Chemicals Laws». Managing Board Working Group Professional Building Cleaning The Managing Board met on 21 March and 27 November 2013. In addition to the usual statutory agenda items (finances, General Assembly preparations, elections), the statistics and strategic objectives were mainly discussed. The meeting of the Working Group Professional Building Cleaning was held on 17 April 2013. Key topics were new developments in Swiss and EU Chemicals Laws on REACH and GHS/CLP. General Assembly Working Group Professional Hair Care The General Assembly was held on 24 April 2013 at the Widder Hotel, Zurich. SKW Annual Report 2013 Meetings and Events 6 At the elections for the renewal of the entire Managing Board for the period from 20132016, Anne Guichard, L’Oréal, Alexander Kühnen, Unilever and Christoph Steindorf, Diversey, were elected in addition to the existing members. In the meetings on 4 June and 13 November 2013, changes to the Cosmetics Act, market analyses for professional products and joint projects with CoiffureSUISSE were discussed. Working Group Swissness The Working Group Swissness met on 18 October 2013. The participants discussed SKW's «Cosmetics» industry ordinance and the «Genuine Swiss Cosmetics» (GSC) project. The company representatives unanimously approved the draft industry ordinance. This ordinance on the new trademark protection law stipulates the requirements for the use of the «Swiss made» designation of origin and similar labels for cosmetics. The next step will be to obtain approval from the Federal Council. The ordinance is expected to come into effect in 2015, together with the additional ordinances on the new law. Project GSC was suspended for the time being. Working Group Communication (AGK) The newly founded Working Group Communication met on 5 June 2013 at the Volkshaus in Zurich. At a plenary session, the member companies' communication officers received information on the reorganisation of SKW's Communication department and the resulting new communication strategy. «The Working Group Hair Care provides us and our niche sector with first-class professional information, relevant contacts, an op- SKW's existing and future consumer information publications, SKW's website and the crisis PR organisational structure were all topics of discussion. portunity to discuss topics with our peers and, thanks to SKW, a voice in political circles, all in a safe and compliant environment.» A steering committee acts as a point of contact for the communication officers and works closely with SKW's Administrative Office. Philippe Koller Managing Director, Dicopar SA SKW Annual Report 2013 Meetings and Events 7 Network «SKW is a strong industry Human Relations One of the key tasks of any association is to develop and maintain a network with persons and organisations at a national and international level. SKW focuses extensively on this task. Forum – cooperation inkey. The result are positive solutions for both industry and consumers.» Michel Rudin Managing Director, The concerns of the industry in various legislative areas and enforcement of laws have been presented and justified in various meetings with Federal Agencies: The Managing Director of SKW attended meetings of the Economiesuisse working groups regarding the topics anti-trust law, the free trade agreement and consumer issues. • Federal Office for Public Health (FOPH): Questions regarding the topic REACH/GHS Switzerland (survey of SKW members) as well as the current revision of the Foodstuffs and Cosmetics Act. SKW is an official partner of the GHS campaign of the Federation «Genau geschaut, gut geschützt» (closely watched - well protected). In addition, informative meetings took place with industrial associations with similar interests, such as «scienceindustries» (chemicals, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology) and VSLF (lacquers and paints). • Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN): Questions regarding the revision and enforcement of the Chemicals Act and the impending revision of the Environmental Protection Act. Meeting SKW – BAFU – A.I.S.E. on 26 August 2013 on the involvement of FOEN in the EU Commission's «Product Environmental Footprint» (PEF) project. • State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO): Questions regarding trade barriers and the application of the Cassis-de-Dijon principle as well as the free trade agreement with China and its effects on cosmetics and detergents exports. Annual Report 2013 Network 8 We have found that the Swiss authorities are cooperative, transparent and very receptive to the industry's issues. Networking with National Associations and Organisations Consumer Forum SKW • Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property: Questions regarding trademark laws and the draft of a «Swissness» industry ordinance in the cosmetics sector. Networking with Federal Agencies partner for the Consumer stead of confrontation is the Alcohol Act, the registration of ethanol under REACH and/or the EU's Biocidal Products Act. • Alcosuisse: Questions regarding the status and impact of the revision and/or liberalisation of the Consumer concerns regarding the industry as well as joint projects were discussed in two meetings with the Consumer Forum. The Professional Hair Care Working Group is in close cooperation with coiffureSUISSE for joint projects, such as the implementation and sponsorship of events (trainee hairdressing, hairdresser national teams and «hairdays 2013»). For exporting firms, mainly SKW's contacts with Switzerland Global Enterprises (formerly OSEC) and the Association Swiss Export hold significance. At the joint speech of the Presidents of SKW, SEPAWA Schweiz and SwissSCC on 22 November 2013, it was agreed to coordinate the schedules of industry events and seminars and to make them available to all members of these associations. Networking with International Associations and Organisations As full member of the European umbrella organisations A.I.S.E. (International Association for Soaps, Detergents and Maintenance Products) and Cosmetics Europe (formerly Colipa) SKW very well networked on the European and international levels. The Managing Director attended the General Assemblies of both Associations. A particularly close cooperation exists with the German and Austrian partner associations IKW and FCIO. Issues regarding legislation, communication and technical innovations were discussed and coordinated at the D-A-C-H Coordination Meeting in Zurich on 27 August 2013. SKW's Managing Director is also invited to attend the meetings of the committees of IKW. «Together with SKW, we are searching for solutions to reduce technical trade barriers for our export industry.» Sébastien Morard, MSc (LSE) We have strong contacts with the American Cosmetics Association Personal Care Products Council (PCPC). SKW has access to the «International Regulatory Database» of PCPC. This allows us to provide great support to our exporting members in this important area. PCPC organises annual meetings, which are attended by representatives of companies and organisations from all over the world. SKW also maintains close contact with PCPC in the area of communication as news often make their way to Europe from the USA. Nichttarifarische Massnahmen, State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO SKW pays particular attention to the development of legislation in China (e.g. animal testing and free sale certificates) and maintains good contacts with the Chinese authorities (CFDA). SKW supports the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) in its negotiations of the detailed agreements that form part of the free trade agreement with China. SKW Annual Report 2013 Network 9 Communication Communication An association can only achieve its goals if it is recognised by politicians, the media and NGOs and if it can voice the industry's issues in unison and in the right place. SKW reorganised and expanded its Communication department for this purpose. Communication Reorganisation In 2013, SKW significantly improved and expanded its Communication department. In addition to existing internal instances, SKW's public relations, website and publications were improved considerably from a professional point of view thanks to our cooperation with Carolin Kiefer, an external communications consultant. Our contacts to the member companies' communication officers was intensified. In a first step, a meeting was held for the newly established Working Group Communication. A steering committee from this group will support the Administrative Office in its daily work. SKW Annual Report 2013 Communication 10 Public Relations Consumer Information In 2013, various media again inquired about market trends, market data, matters of legislation, law enforcement and ingredients. Dayto-day media work is an important element of the association's work. In 2013, SKW published the following new consumer publications in the Cosmetics sector in the form of PDFs, downloads and website content: This work includes proactive participation in planned media reports and issuing statements on existing publications. SKW subscribed to ARGUS On-line Media Monitoring in 2012. It is a great way to assist us in media monitoring. We receive daily information on all media reports published in the past 24 hours. A search system enables members to compile dossiers of all relevant media reports on specific topics. • Product life cycle: From concept to manufacturing and launch • Cosmetics portfolio: A wide range of care and beauty products • Correct use: More information on correct use and application • Labelling: All information provided on cosmetics products • Legal issues: Cosmetics laws in Switzerland Further publications are in the pipeline. Statements • 7 March 2013 Cosmetic product ingredients with allegedly active hormone effects • 12 March 2013 Animal testing – situation in Switzerland following the EU prohibition • 11 September 2013 Safety of air fresheners for private consumption • 16 December 2013 Recommendations Cosmetics Europe on methylisothiazolinone (MIT) «SKW maintains active communications, both internally and externally. The Working Group Communication provides member companies with an opportunity to exchange experiences, voice concerns and actively participate in the Association's communication activities.» Background discussions Carolin Kiefer • Sustainability projects «Charter for Sustainable Cleaning» and «Cleanright» by A.I.S.E. • Campaign «I prefer 30» by A.I.S.E. • «Guiding Principles on responsible advertising and marketing communication by Cosmetics Europe • Safety of ingredients • Revisions of the law • Swissness: «Cosmetics» industry ordinance Managing Director and Owner, Carolin Kiefer Kommunikationsberatung SKW Annual Report 2013 Communication 11 Services Services Information to Members and Stakeholders We are an industry association with a national and international network and extensive knowledge pool and in this capacity are able to provide our member companies with a comprehensive service package that makes membership a very attractive option for both international groups and Swiss manufacturers. We are the first point of call for all legal and technical issues of our members. In addition, we receive various enquiries from consumers, companies, students, government agencies, NGOs and other associations and agencies on a daily basis. Notifications to Members We constantly inform our members by e-mail about new technological and legal developments at national and European levels. The main topics in legislative notifications were the Swiss Cosmetics Act, the Swiss Chemicals Act, the Federal Act on Technical Trade Obstacles and the revision of the Ordinance on the Incentive Tax on Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC). Other topics included nanotechnology, biocidal products and Swissness. At international level, the main topics included information about REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation of Chemicals), GHS (Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals) and the EU CLP Regulations derived therefrom (Regulation on Classification, Labelling and Packaging of Substances and Mixtures) as well as the EC Cosmetics Directive and the EC Cosmetics Ordinance. SKW Annual Report 2013 Services 12 SKW continuously informs its members about projects and campaigns by the two European umbrella organisations A.I.S.E. and Cosmetics Europe. We provide information on: • Legal regulations in Switzerland and the EU • Import regulations and registration of products in exporting countries • Swissness, regulation in Trademark and Coat of Arms Protection Act • Distinction between cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and Biocidal products • Consumer enquiries regarding the correct use of the products • Safety of certain ingredients • Warnings • Nano materials • Product labelling • Brands and products of our members • Market data • Sustainability As the industry's «mouthpiece», we can answer questions neutrally and/or we forward them to the competent persons or companies. Information to International Companies and Organisations Argus Online Media Monitoring and Press Review Swiss law is often different to other countries. Many international corporations no longer have own legal and technical departments in Switzerland. In addition to being connected to «ARGUS On-line Media Monitoring» with daily monitoring of media activities, our members also receive a weekly updated press review for the field cosmetics or detergent and cleaning agents. This results in SKW receiving many direct enquiries from corporations or other foreign companies. We only provide information to companies that are members of their country's own association. This provides SKW members with the right to obtain information on legislation and registration rules in other countries in return. In Switzerland, the person responsible for circulating a product has the statutory obligation to impose his or her own controls. However, the notification requirement, as imposed in the EU, does not apply. SKW, in cooperation with the relevant law enforcement agencies, has published information for cosmetics products import and distribution companies. It includes advice on the requirements stipulated by the law enforcement agencies, thus assisting importers with the implementation of statutory requirements. Product Export and Trade Shows Our 50 Swiss manufacturers require special assistance with regard to exports. They may join the SKW Experience Symposium «Export» and have access to SKW's «Regulatory International» network. «For me as a company consultant, SKW provides an ideal platform. Changes in the law are SKW has been continuously developing this network on the back of international partnerships with national associations and organisations. SKW's members have access to information on legislation and product registration as well as events, consulting services and publications of the key industry associations, trade shows and export organisations. spotted and communicated immediately. SKW also gives the cosmetics and detergents industry a prominent voice.» Peter Eichenberger Managing Director, eiconsult Unternehmungsberatung Free Sale Certificates We issued 169 Free Sale and GMP export certificates for our members in the reporting year. Most of them were issued in China, Vietnam, Columbia, Brazil and the United Arab Emirates. SKW Annual Report 2013 Services 13 Facts and Figures Cosmetics Market The following facts and figures result from a new partnership with Nielsen and reflect the entire Swiss cosmetics market. The figures are based on a projection of scanning data from the Nielsen Retail Trade and Prestige Panel. Revenue in CHF million (consumer prices) 2010 2011 2012 2013 +/- Decorative cosmetics 372.0 371.6 363.5 364.7 +0.3 % Perfume 433.5 421.8 407.1 401.8 -1.3 % Female skin care 40.0 40.4 40.3 40.1 -0.5 % Pre and aftershave 21.9 20.1 17.8 16.2 -9.0 % Bodily hygiene 177.2 172.7 162.9 159.8 -1.9 % Bodily care 352.5 333.8 307.0 299.0 -2.6 % Face care 425.4 404.8 384.3 374.2 -2.6 % Hair care 316.2 297.5 280.6 264.5 -5.7 % Oral care 277.5 60.0 2,476.2 270.7 267.4 267.6 +0.1 % Baby care Total 55.9 54.0 54.6 +1.1 % 2,389.3 2,284.9 2,242.5 -1.9 % Market share Baby care 2.4% Oral care 11.9% Decorative cosmetics 16.3% Hair care 11.8% Scents 17.9% Female skin care 1.8% Face care 16.7% Pre and aftershave 0.7% Bodily hygiene 7.1% Bodily care 13.4% SKW Annual Report 2013 Facts and Figures 14 Source: Nielsen Detergent and Cleaning Agent Market The following facts and figures result from a new partnership with Nielsen and reflect the entire Swiss detergent and cleaning agent market. The figures are based on a projection of scanning data from the Nielsen Retail Trade Panel. Revenue in CHF million (consumer prices) 2010 2011 2012 2013 +/- Liquid detergents 135.4 138.4 134.4 138.1 +2.7 % Powder detergents 105.4 97.6 87.2 81.2 -6.9 % Fabric finishers 51.8 50.2 47.3 46.1 +2.5 % Special products 93.3 86.5 82.8 83.7 +1.1 % Dish detergents 133.9 131.3 132.4 136.0 +2.7 % Cleaning agents 297.0 294.5 290.5 287.5 -1.0 % Total 816.8 798.5 774.6 772.6 -0.3 % Market share Liquid detergents 17.9% Cleaning agents 37.2% Powder detergents 10.5% Fabric finishers 6.0% Special products 10.8% Dish detergents 17.6% SKW Annual Report 2013 Facts and Figures Source: Nielsen 15 Sustainability Our Commitment Industry Projects Everyone is talking about sustainability. Today, it no longer suffices to publicise great intentions in glossy brochures and on attractive websites. The public wants to see facts and figures. The companies in the cosmetics and detergents industry have realised this trend and teamed up at European level to participate in tangible sustainability projects. Sustainability is a key issue both in the cosmetics and detergent and cleaning agents industry. For us, sustainability is a symbiosis between economic success, social justice and environmental protection. Sustainable business is always based on economic success. A company can only live up to these important responsibilities if it is profitable. Our members are aware of this responsibility and volunteer to act in a sustainable manner. Companies are responsible for developing, designing and implementing their sustainability activities and all related communication. As an association, we encourage the exchange of experiences among our members and support the sustainability measures implemented by our European umbrella organisations such as the «Charter for Sustainable Cleaning» by A.I.S.E. We also inform the consumer and environmental organisations as well as traders about the industry's projects and issues, thus encouraging dialogue so that you may also contribute to the topic of sustainability. We also support other sustainability projects by A.I.S.E. In August, we sent a press release to the Swiss media in order to promote the «Laundry Sustainability Projects 2» and the «Laundry Sustainability Projects for Heavy Duty Liquids». We also introduced these projects during talks with the authorities and NGOs. SKW Annual Report 2013 Sustainability 16 The number of members has increased significantly in recent years. In 2005 we had 59 members and 86 members in 2013. The organisation quota has now reached over 90 percent. This significant representativeness is an important argument for the association's work. Otherwise politics, public agencies, stakeholders, and media do not take you seriously. Membership Growth Organisation Members SKW Annual Report 2013 Organisation 17 Membership List As of end of February 2014 Alcina AG, Muttenz Pierre Fabre (Suisse) SA, Allschwil Art & Fragrance SA, Zollikerberg Piniol AG, Küssnacht am Rigi Asatona AG, Zug PM Care Systems AG/Paul Mitchell, Zurich ASM Aerosol-Service AG, Möhlin Pramol-Chemie AG, Bazenheid Bayer (Switzerland) AG, Zurich P & G Prestige Products AG, Schlieren Beiersdorf AG, Reinach Procter & Gamble (Switzerland) SARL, Petit-Lancy Blidor AG, Langnau am Albis Procter & Gamble (Switzerland) SARL/ BTC Laboratoire SA, Lausanne Division Wella Suisse, Allschwil Bulgari Parfums SA, Neuchâtel Proderma Betriebs AG, Schötz Chanel S.A. Genève, Genève Rausch AG Kreuzlingen, Kreuzlingen Chemische Fabrik Schärer & Schläpfer AG, Rothrist Reckitt Benckiser (Switzerland) AG, Wallisellen-Zürich Colgate-Palmolive AG, Therwil Riviera Cosmetics Sàrl, Renens Cosmetic Consulting JW & Partner GmbH, Aarau Saremco AG, Rebstein Cosmétique Active (Suisse) SA, Vernier Schwarzkopf Professional/ Coty (Schweiz) AG, Hünenberg Division der Henkel & Cie AG, Pratteln delta pronatura Schweiz AG, Muttenz Servicos AG, Aarberg Dicopar SA, Münchenstein Similasan AG, Jonen Diversey Care, Münchwilen Soglio-Produkte AG, Castasegna Dobi-Inter AG, Suhr Sorein-Fabrik GmbH, Pfäffikon Doetsch Grether AG, Basel Steinfels Swiss, Winterthur Ecolab GmbH, Muttenz Temmentec AG, Sumiswald Estée Lauder GmbH, Zurich The Powder Company AG, Einsiedeln Farfalla Essentials AG, Uster Trichema AG, Baar FRIKE PHARMA, Mönchaltorf Unilever Schweiz GmbH, Thayngen GABA Schweiz AG, Therwil United Cosmeceuticals GmbH, Zurich Galderma Spirig, Egerkingen Victorinox Swiss Army Fragrance AG, Ibach-Schwyz Gerda Spillmann AG, Ittigen Vifor AG, Villars-sur-Glâne Hair Haus Suisse AG, Hünenberg Walco Lin SA, Giubiasco Held AG, Steffisburg Weckerle Cosmetics, Le Locle Henkel & Cie AG, Pratteln Weleda AG, Arlesheim Herzig Interlook AG, Aarau Wetrok AG, Kloten HNC AG - Hair Nail Cosmetic, Brüttisellen Wyss Reinigungs-Service GmbH, Oberhünigen Intercosmetica Neuchâtel SA, Neuchâtel Yves Rocher (Suisse) SA, Zug intracosmed ag, Urnäsch Invima AG, Herzogenbuchsee Iromedica AG, St. Gallen Honorary Members Johnson & Johnson AG, Zug Just International AG, Walzenhausen Dr. J. Alexander Baumann, Kreuzlingen Jüstrich Cosmetics AG, Berneck Hans Rudolf Bircher, Zollikon Juvena Marlies Möller AG, St. Margrethen Klaus Erny, Ebnat-Kappel Kanebo Cosmetics (Switzerland), Zurich Dr. Kurt Gehri, Zurich Kao Switzerland AG, Baar Robert Meier, Meggen Keune Haircosmetics Schweiz AG, Basel Rolf Münch, Arlesheim L’Oréal Coiffure, Vernier Meinrad Schnider, Binningen L’Oréal Suisse SA, Vernier La Prairie Group, Volketswil Laboratoires Hauser GmbH, Zurich Louis Widmer AG, Schlieren M. Opitz & Co. AG, St. Gallen Mavala SA, Genève SKW Annual Report 2013 Organisation Melisana AG, Zurich Mibelle AG Cosmetics, Buchs Mifa AG Frenkendorf, Frenkendorf MoorStore Swiss AG, Rabius 18 MUSK Collection, Wollerau Organisation Members in Committees/Work Groups Managing Board Work Group Branded Products Thomas Früh, intracosmed ag, President* Manuela Arnold, Johnson & Johnson Marco Baumann, Rausch * Marco Baumann, Rausch Michel Brülisauer, Wetrok Werner Dirks, La Prairie Group Ralf T. Gehlen, Procter & Gamble* Manuelle Frank-Favre, Coty Anne Guichard, L'Oréal Jürg Frommlet, Melisana Karin Kleeli, Mifa Thomas Früh, intracosmed Christian Koch, Steinfels Swiss Dr. Hans-Jürg Furrer, Louis Widmer Alexander Kühnen, Unilever Fredy Götti, MUSK Thomas Lichtblau, Beiersdorf Roland Landolf, Gerda Spillmann René Michel, Henkel Sergio Laverde, Pierre Fabre Markus Reinhard, GABA Caroline Magerl-Studer, M. Opitz Christoph Steindorf, Diversey Care Dr. Beat Sägesser, Galderma Spirig Goetz Winter, Estée Lauder Christina Stoffels, P & G Prestige Products Karl J. Troll, Juvena Marlies Möller Roger von der Weid, Art & Fragrance * Committee Pierre-Alain Widmer, Weleda Goetz Winter, Estée Lauder Administrative Office Alexander Zurkinden, The Powder Company Experience Symposium Export Bernard Cloëtta, Dr. iur., Direktor Dr. Philippe Auderset, Rausch Marco Baumann, Rausch Shiping Cen, La Prairie Group Brigitte Fresard, Doetsch Grether Jürg Frommlet, Melisana Thomas Früh, intracosmed Marina Donabauer, Janine Fuchs, MUSK Finances & Secretariat Gian Furrer, Farfalla Werner Gaeng, Laboratoires Hauser Karin Gfeller, Temmentec Fredy Götti, MUSK Dr. Michael Gruhl, Cosmetic Consulting JW Nicole Hassler, Doetsch Grether Nadia Peter, Dr. Bernhard Irrgang, Mibelle Communication Marcel Kaelin, Proderma Karin Kleeli, Mifa Michael Lang, Mibelle Caroline Magerl-Studer, M. Opitz Nysse Norballe, Louis Widmer Birgit Peterhans, Steinfels Swiss Control Authority Dr. Peter Schoch, United Cosmeceuticals Olympiada G. Starnberg, Just BDO AG Auditing Services, Zurich Philippe Suremann, Iromedica Judite Weyermann, Cosmetic Consulting JW Pierre-Alain Widmer, Weleda Dr. Ann Zehnder-Fjällman, Mibelle Michael Zingg, United Cosmeceuticals SKW Annual Report 2013 Organisation 19 Work Group Building Cleaning Dr. Philipp Balscheit, Servicos Marco Baumann, Rausch Carole Baumgartner, Diversey Care Bülend Bayraktar, intracosmed Oliver Beetz, Wetrok Nathalie Berclaz, L’Oréal Michel Brülisauer, Wetrok Helen Boesch, intracosmed Dr. Kurt Geiger, Pramol Chemie Bertold Bohnert, Saremco Roland Herzog, Wetrok Eric Bornex, Gerda Spillmann Thomas Kyburz, Wetrok Leo Bruhin, Mibelle Rolf Manhart, Walco Lin Nicole Brun, Coty Henk-Jan Menger, Diversey Care Danielle Bryner, L’Oréal Roger Nessensohn, Ecolab Daniel Bünter, Sorein Claudio Scalon, Pramol Dr. Daniel M. Bürki, Sorein Marina Simeunovic, Wetrok Dr. Stefan Bürki, Sorein Christoph Steindorf, Diversey Care Dr. Daniel Buschor, La Prairie Group Ermin Causevic, Held Sophie Chetail, intracosmed Working Group Swissness Priska Christen, Beiersdorf Colette Constantin, Biokosma Moritz Aebersold, Contura Consulting Dr. Jürgen Delhey, Trichema Dr. Philippe Auderset, Rausch Elsa Devillechabrolle, L'Oréal Rico Brecht, Victorinox Romina Di Santi, Art & Fragrance Dr. Stefan Brom, Just Urs Eggen, Estée Lauder Teresa Clark, La Prairie Group Peter Eichenberger, Henkel Jürg Frommlet, Melisana Christoph Evers, Saremco Thomas Früh, intracosmed Christoph Fleischli, Bayer Dr. Hans-Jürg Furrer, Louis Widmer Johannes Freudenstein, Reckitt Benckiser Karin Gfeller, Temmentec Jürg Frommlet, Melisana Fredy Götti, MUSK Thomas Früh, intracosmed Dr. Michael Gruhl, Cosmetic Consulting JW Dr. Hans-Jürg Furrer, Louis Widmer Christiane Hanay, Similasan Daniela Geiger, M. Opitz Dr. Simon Holzer, meyerlustenberger Deborah Giorgini, Galderma Spirig Dr. Bernhard Irrgang, Mibelle Valérie Giot Murer, Johnson & Johnson Christian Koch, Steinfels Swiss Bruno Graeub, Galderma Spirig Roland Landolf, Gerda Spillmann Gerhard Gribl, Unilever Michael Lang, Mibelle Dr. Michael Gruhl, Cosmetic Consulting JW Caroline Magerl-Studer, M. Opitz Dr. Holger Häckl, Trichema Dr. Beat Müller, Steinfels Swiss Dr. Stefanie Haefele, Pierre Fabre Dr. Beatrice Perrenot, Mavala Hans-Peter Haefliger, Piniol Thierry Sassine, GABA Katarzyna Haenni Ciunel, ASM Franca Schmid, Saremco Dr. Christiane Hanay, Similasan Dr. Peter Schoch, United Cosmeceuticals Olivia Haupt, Galderma Spirig Jean-Jacque Stauffer, BTC Laboratoire Roman Hedinger, Just Barbara Sterner, Weleda Stephan Hess, Estée Lauder Karl J. Troll, Juvena Marlies Möller Andrea Hofer, Held Judite Weyermann, Cosmetic Consulting JW Dr. Bernhard Irrgang, Mibelle Annemarie Widmer, Louis Widmer Ruedi Iten, Blidor Michael Zingg, United Cosmeceuticals Ingrid Jasperbrinkmann, Doetsch Grether Marie-Laure Joly, Art & Fragrance Dr. Michael Jordan, Procter & Gamble Technical Commission Cosmetics Marcel Kaelin, Proderma SKW Annual Report 2013 Organisation 20 Dr. Jacqueline Jüstrich, Jüstrich Rosemarie Abels, Art & Fragrance Irène Kämpfen, Procter & Gamble Daniela Acconcia, Kanebo Dr. Hans-Joachim Kaetker, Coty Dr. Philippe Auderset, Rausch Dr. R. Renato Kaiser, Iromedica Claudia Bach, Reckitt Benckiser Gamze Kececarik, Art & Fragrance André Keller, FRIKE Mirko Kossack, M. Opitz Technical Commission Detergent and Cleaning Agents Christoph Küng, Galderma Spirig Anja Kurch, GABA Carole Baumgartner, Diversey Care Sarah Larwood, Beiersdorf Christian Block, GABA Elena Loser, The Powder Company Michel Brülisauer, Wetrok Caroline Magerl-Studer, M. Opitz Daniel Bünter, Sorein Dr. Alfred Markowetz, Procter & Gamble Dr. Daniel M. Bürki, Sorein Katharina Marquard, Procter & Gamble Dr. Stefan Bürki, Sorein Herbert Meier, FRIKE Ermin Causevic, Held Arno Merki, Mibelle Dr. Jürgen Delhey, Trichema Dr. Beat Müller, Steinfels Swiss Peter Eichenberger, Henkel Isabelle Müller, Bayer Johannes Freudenstein, Reckitt Benckiser Ludger Neumann, L'Oréal Karin Gfeller, Temmentec Bianca Pauli, GABA Gerhard Gribl, Unilever Dr. Beatrice Perrenot, Mavala René Hasler, Ecolab Sabine Pfefferkorn, Jüstrich Roland Herzog, Wetrok Emilie Prevel, BTC Laboratoire Ruedi Iten, Blidor Hanspeter Roesti, Temmentec Dr. Michael Jordan, Procter & Gamble Marc Roesti, Art & Fragrance Marcel Kaelin, Proderma Lida Rohner, Unilever Irène Kämpfen, Procter & Gamble Dr. Beat Sägesser, Galderma Spirig André Keller, FRIKE Dr. Philipp Schäfer, Reckitt Benckiser Dr. Charalabos Klados, GABA Katharina Schneider, Rausch Karin Kleeli, Mifa Dr. René Schneider, FRIKE Hans-Joachim Klein, Procter & Gamble Annie Schnyder, ASM Anja Kurch, GABA Margit Schobert, Farfalla Thomas Kyburz, Wetrok Dr. Peter Schoch, United Cosmeceuticals Michael Lang, Mibelle Jürg Schreier, Estée Lauder Rolf Manhart, Walco Lin Ivica Sebrek, intracosmed Dr. Alfred Markowetz, Procter & Gamble Daniela Sigg, Soglio-Produkte Katharina Marquardt, Procter & Gamble Hanspeter Steidle, Ebnat-Kappel Dr. Beat Müller, Steinfels Swiss Christian Surber, Galderma Spirig Stefan Nobel, Ecolab Dr. Petra Suter, Weleda Lida Rohner, Unilever Dr. Frank-Michael Tesky, Servicos Claudio Scalon, Pramol David Thöny, FRIKE Dr. Philipp Schäfer, Reckitt Benckiser Petra Verrengia, Mibelle Steffen Schäfer, delta pronatura Susanne von Rohr, Bayer Dr. René Schneider, FRIKE Nina Wanek, Mibelle Daniel Schnellmann, Henkel Monika Weiss, Beiersdorf Margit Schobert, Farfalla Dr. Hans-Jürgen Weissgräber, Victorinox Peter Schwilch, Mifa Sue Wemyss, Estée Lauder Marina Simeunovic, Wetrok Judite Weyermann, Cosmetic Consulting JW Birgit Skodell, Ecolab Pierre-Alain Widmer, Weleda Dr. Rudolf Stauber, Schärer & Schläpfer Peter Wiedmer, Temmentec David Thöny, FRIKE Dr. Ann Zehnder-Fjällman, Mibelle Johan Synhaeve, Held Frank Zeuner, Saremco Remo Wild, Wetrok Margit Ziegler, Yves Rocher Hans Wyss, Wyss Reinigungsservice Michael Zingg, United Cosmeceuticals Alexander Zurkinden, The Powder Company SKW Annual Report 2013 Organisation 21 Work Group Professional Hair Care economiesuisse Delegate André Afentoulidis, Dobi-Inter Dr. iur. Bernard Cloëtta Michel Aviolat, Herzig Interlook Mark Brunner, Kao Member of the Committee for Competition Matters Kerstin Dietsch, Wella Dr. iur. Bernard Cloëtta Jean Koller, Dicopar Philippe Koller, Dicopar Member of the Committee for Consumer Matters Bernhard Koopsingraven, Schwarzkopf Dr. iur. Bernard Cloëtta Patrick Kull, HNC Florence Lhoste, L'Oréal Coiffure/Redken Member of the Work Group Free Trade Agreement Doris Merz Nardone, Paul Mitchell China/India Christian Scherer, Alcina Dr. iur. Bernard Cloëtta Markus Schumacher, Hair Haus Suisse Justus Tichelman, L'Oréal Coiffure/Redken Look Good...Feel Better Nicolà Wagner, Keune Haircosmetics Board of Trustees René Wagner, Keune Haircosmetics Dr. iur. Bernard Cloëtta GINETEX Switzerland Managing Board Dr. iur. Bernard Cloëtta Technical Commission Agencies Peter Eichenberger Industrial Association Personal Care and Detergents (IKW) International Association for Soaps, Detergents Cosmetics Commission and Maintenance Products (A.I.S.E.) Dr. iur. Bernard Cloëtta National Associations Committee Dr. iur. Bernard Cloëtta Detergent Commission Dr. iur. Bernard Cloëtta Federal Office for the Environment Work Group Ecolabel Cleaning and Maintenance Products Commission Dr. iur. Bernard Cloëtta Dr. iur. Bernard Cloëtta VOC Expert Commission Personal Care Products Council (PCPC, USA) Dr. iur. Bernard Cloëtta International Associations Collaboration Committee Dr. iur. Bernard Cloëtta Cosmetics Europe The Personal Care Association (formerly Colipa) Active Association Members Dr. iur. Bernard Cloëtta Comité Suisse des Dérivés Tensio-Actifs Managing Board Dr. iur. Bernard Cloëtta ECO SWISS Occupational Safety and Health Protection Committee SKW Annual Report 2013 Organisation 22 Dr. iur. Bernard Cloëtta Organisation Detergent and Cleaning Agents General Assembly Cosmetics Managing Board Administrative Office Control Authority BDO AG, Zurich Working and ERFA Groups Working Group Building Cleaning Technical Commission Detergent and Cleaning Agents Working Group Swissness ERFA Group Export Working Group Branded Products Technical Commission Cosmetics Working Group Professional Hair Care Working Group Communication International A.I.S.E. International Association for Soaps, Detergents and Maintenance Products Cosmetics Europe The Personal Care Association IKW FW/FP Detergent Commission / Detergent and Cleaning Agents Commission IKW FSP Cosmetics Commission Switzerland CSD economiesuisse Comité Suisse des Dérivés Tensio-Actifs Association of Swiss Companies Switzerland Global Enterprise GINETEX Switzerland Swiss Association for Textile Labelling Business Network Switzerland LGFB Look Good...Feel Better coiffureSUISSE Association of Swiss Hair Stylists Publication Details Publisher: Swiss Cosmetics and Detergent Association SKW Design: Swiss Cosmetics and Detergent Association SKW in cooperation with bluish GmbH Translation: Alpha-Services Sàrl Print: Multicolor Print AG swiss export Swiss export association scienceindustries Wirtschaftsverband Chemie Pharma Biotech SKW Annual Report 2013 Organisation 23 Breitingerstrasse 35 Postfach CH-8027 Zürich Phone: +41 (0)43 344 45 80 Fax: +41 (0)43 344 45 89