Golden tears

Golden tears
Once upon a time there lived two brothers. Both of them were married, but the one got
children and the other didn’t. They lived happily together. When the children of the young
brother grew up the wife told her husband:
__"We have to move to your brother's, they are old and useless!"
The husband got angry:
__"What you say is wrong, where can they go? When they could they worked for us and our
children. Now when they are old and can't do anything we can't drive out from home."
The wife told him she would drawn herself in the river if he wouldn’t do it. The young brother
couldn’t do anything about it, so he went to his brother and told him everything. The elder
brother started worrying about it and told his brother:
__"Why do you want to drive me out the house, I am old and will soon die. I am your brother
take pity over me. We wont bother you. Let's share everything. I have no children and everything
I have will be yours after my death."
__"What can I do?" Said the young brother.
__"I don’t want to drive you out, but my wife is simply killing me."
The elder brother came to his wife and told her everything. The other day they left. They didn’t
take anything. They left everything at home. They walked and walked until they entered one
forest. There they found a house, the owner was not there, but there was a lot of food on the
table. They lived there for two months and the owner didn’t come. Again the months passed the
woman gave a birth to a child. It was a very beautiful girl. When she laughed flours blossomed
around and when she cried her tears turned into gold. They lived like this: when the child cried
her tears turned into gold and the old picked and sold it. The girl grew up. The old man built a
beautiful house. They lived happily together. One day king's son came there hunting. He
managed to kill only one bird during a whole day. The prince told his servants:
__" Take it somewhere and fry it. We have to stay here tonight. We cannot go home with empty
One hunter took the bird and went to find a fire. He went to the old man's house. The old man
brought him in and fed him. The guest fried the bird. At that moment the girl came in. The man
liked the girl very much and thoroughly burned the bird. He returned back and bought burned
bird to the prince. The price scolded him for that. The man said:
__"It is not my fault my lord, the old man has the most beautiful girl in the world. When I saw
her I forgot everything and burned the bird."
The other day the prince went to the old man's house. The old man was very glad and greeted
him cordially. They spread the table. The old man took a jog and wanted to help him wash his
hands. The prince the man:
__"Let the younger member of your family help me to wash hands." The old man brought her
wife; the prince told her the same. At last, the girl came and helped him to wash hands. The
guest liked the girl very much and asked the old man her hands. The old man gave her to him.
The other day the boy returned home. His parents were very glad their boy was getting married.
The king had an evil uncle, who had a daughter too. She was black and not very clever. Uncle
wanted to marry her to prince. The king prepared for the wedding and sent his uncle to bring the
bride. So he took his daughter. They went to the old man's house and took the girl with them.
Before that the man gave a salty food to the girl. When they on their way going to the castle the
girl got thirsty. She was dieing without water. The uncle told her:
__"Give me your eye and I will give you a jug of water."
The girl accepted. The man gave her water and took her eye. The girl got thirsty again. The man
gave her a jug of water and took her second eye. At the end the man told them the bride grew
tired and she wanted to rest. And let them go. So there were only the uncle, his daughter and the
prince wife. The uncle decided to leave the blind girl in the forest. He took off her clothes and
gave to his daughter. They went to the palace. When the prince saw the girl he got very angry
and told the man:
__"Where is my beautiful wife? What is wrong with her?"
The uncle told him:
__"This is the girl. When we came she cried a lot, she didn’t want to leave her parents and that is
why she grew black."
The boy didn’t believe him and didn’t let her close to him. They lived this way a husband for
himself and the wife for herself. The blind girl was alone in the forest. She stood near the tree
and cried. Her tears all turned into gold. She wept so much that she stick into the gold up to the
neck. There was a city near that forest where an old man lived. He went to forest with his donkey
every day to gather some brushwood. Then he took it to the city and sold it. He gave his money
to beggars. Once he went to the forest and let the donkey. He began cutting braches. He gathered
them, tied them together and began searching the donkey. At last he saw it standing at the
mountain of gold and there was a girl in the gold. The man got very angry and wanted to go
away when he heard the girls voice:
__"Who are you. Please take me out here."
The old man took the girl out of there, took the gold and they all went home together. The poor
old man became rich. Once the girl sat in her room when she heard that a broad-hen was angry
with her chicken. Then the cock came and shouted at her:
__"why did you offend my children?"
When the girl heard that she laughed. Everything blossomed at that moment. When the old man
came there he was surprised to see that. The girl told him:
__"Take this flours to the city and go to the kings house but don’t sell them. Find the king's uncle
and exchange it in the eyes. Then bring them to me."
The old man took the flours to the city. The king's uncle wanted to buy flours in order to
persuade the prince her daughter threw flours when she laughed. He gave one eye in exchange to
that flours to the old man. He went home and gave the eye to the girl. Now the girl has got one
eye but she wants the other too. She made a coffin and told the old man:
__"I have a bead on my neck, take it but you should know that when you take it I will die. Then
take it to the man and exchange in the second eye. When you bring it put it in my eye-socket,
then put me into the coffin and take me to the place where you found me."
So the old man went to the city and exchanged the second eye, then he came back home and out
the eye in the eye-socket and tool the girl weeping to the forest. Soon the girl gave a birth to the
boy. The child sucked mother's breast and lay next to her. The prince thought a lot about the girl.
One day he went hunting. He saw a deer there. He fired but couldn’t get it. The deer ran away
and the boy began chasing it. The deer jumped over the coffin and disappeared. The boy came to
the coffin and saw that his wife was laying there. He cried a lot but couldn’t do anything. Then
he took the child home. The uncles daughter took care of the child and wanted the prince to
believe that this was her child. Once when she took him in her arms the child got hold of the
bead and didn’t let go. The prince got angry and told her:
__"Give the child what he wants."
The woman took it and gave to the child. Now the child began to cry. The boy understood and
took him to the forest. When the child saw his mother he stopped crying. The prince put the child
next to the mother. The child took the bead and put it on his mothers neck. At that moment she
revived and opened her eyes. They all were very glad and hug each other. The boy sat his wife
and child on the horse and went home. Everyone was glad to see them. When she cried her tears
turned into gold and when she laughed everything blossomed. The king's uncle and his wife
where tied to the horse and drag them until there were dead.