Biology 6A 02 Gas Exchange & Circulation v2 Brian McCauley Why is gas exchange important? Gas Exchange & Circulation Read Ch. 42 start with 42.5: Gas Exchange in Animals Taking up oxygen Respiration: C6H12O6 + O2 è Energy + CO2 + H2O Photosynthesis: Energy + CO2 + H2O è C6H12O6 + O2 Diffusion Diffusion is the only way. Molecules spread out by random motion. concentration gradient Random walks in 3 dimensions Taking up oxygen v For very small organisms, diffusion is fast enough to supply O2. v O2 use is correlated with body mass (or volume), but diffusion rate depends on surface area... 1 Fall 2014 Biology 6A 02 Gas Exchange & Circulation v2 surface area/volume ratio Brian McCauley Taking up oxygen v For very small organisms, diffusion is fast enough to supply O2. v O2 use is correlated with body mass (or volume), but diffusion rate depends on surface area... v and larger organisms have lower surface area/volume ratios. Taking up oxygen v Diffusion alone is enough for animals up to about 1 mm thick... Taking up oxygen v Diffusion alone is enough for animals up to about 1 mm thick... v depending on rate of O2 use. Taking up oxygen Fick’s Law of Diffusion Rate of diffusion is proportional to: C1 Larger, faster animals need tricks to speed up diffusion. C2 Surface area Concentration gradient u Diffusion distance u Diffusion constant u u 2 Fall 2014 Biology 6A 02 Gas Exchange & Circulation v2 O2 requirements and Diffusion Brian McCauley Speeding up Diffusion v Gases diffuse from higher to lower concentration. v Will organism get enough O2? Depends on rate of O2 use and diffusion. v O2 concentration must be lower in organism than in environment. v Large, active animals need tricks to speed up diffusion. Speeding up diffusion: gills Fish gills compared to invertebrates v Higher metabolic rate v More O2 v Large surface area v Short diffusion distance (thin epithelium) Gill area is proportional to body size log gill area, mm2 Bigger fish have bigger gills... v Bigger relative gill area Gill size depends on body size and metabolic rate. Allometry Scaling: the relationship between the size of an organism and the size of any of its “parts” log body mass, g but not relative to their body size. 3 Fall 2014 Biology 6A 02 Gas Exchange & Circulation v2 Gill area vs. body size Brian McCauley Faster fish have bigger gills. index of relative gill surface area Mackerel: 2551 Toadfish: 137 gill area per unit body mass compared to body mass Diffusion isn’t enough: ventilation How do gas molecules move? v Bony fish: opercular pumping v At very small scales, diffusion is the only way. v Diffusion is extremely slow at larger scales. v Supplements diffusion with convection. Speeding up diffusion: ventilation v Convection (bulk flow) is needed. Angel sharks: buccal pumping v Many sharks have spiracles: Opercular pumping: one-way water flow v modified gill slits for water intake 4 Fall 2014 Biology 6A 02 Gas Exchange & Circulation v2 Speeding up diffusion: ventilation v At higher speed, ram ventilation is used. Brian McCauley How do gas molecules move? v At very small scales, diffusion is the only way. v Diffusion is extremely slow at larger scales. v Convection (bulk flow) is needed. Fish gills: countercurrent exchange Countercurrent exchange of O2 in fish gills (2) Countercurrent exchange of O2 in fish gills (1) Countercurrent vs. Concurrent Exchange v Water & blood flow opposite directions. v This maximizes the concentration gradient & speeds up diffusion. v Equilibrium is never reached. 5 Fall 2014 Biology 6A 02 Gas Exchange & Circulation v2 Brian McCauley Fick’s Law of Diffusion Rate of diffusion is proportional to: C1 Gas Exchange & Circulation C2 air vs. water Surface area u Concentration gradient u Diffusion distance u Diffusion constant u Fick’s Law of Diffusion C1 Diffusion between gas & liquid C2 v Closed cylinder contains 1 liter water and 1 liter air (at 1 atm). How is concentration measured? u u v Oxygen diffuses between air & water. moles/liter gas pressure Air: composition & partial pressures Partial pressure & concentration v N2: 78%; PN = 0.78 atm 210 ml O2 v O2: 21%; PO = 0.21 atm 2 PO2=0.2 atm 2 v CO2: 0.03%; PCO2= 0.0003 atm Other gases bring total up to 1 atmosphere. 5.8 ml O2 PO =0.2 atm 2 v The amount of O2 dissolved in water depends on solubility and pressure. v The air & water are at equilibrium if they have the same PO . 2 6 Fall 2014 Biology 6A 02 Gas Exchange & Circulation v2 Brian McCauley The diving bell spider Air vs. Water Problems with breathing water Problems with breathing water v Water is dense & viscous. v Osmoregulation (gain or loss of water or salt). v Water doesn’t hold much O2. 1 liter water: 5 ml O2 1 liter air: 200 ml O2 Water vs. Air 1 liter water: 1 kg 1 liter air: 1.2 g v Water has high thermal conductivity & heat capacity. Water conducts heat 25x as fast as air. Water vs. Air Air’s hard tradeoff v Air has plenty of O2... v But breathing air causes evaporation. Anything that speeds up gas exchange in air will also speed up evaporation. Gills work well in water, but not in air. Water vs. Air 7 Fall 2014 Biology 6A 02 Gas Exchange & Circulation v2 Most terrestrial animals have lung-like structures. Banana slug (phylum mollusca) Lungs are like inside-out gills. Brian McCauley Air-breathing snails v Gas exchange through skin and lung-like mantle cavity. v They dry out easily. v Don’t pump air through “lung.” v Don’t use much O2. Insect Gas Exchange v Animals in dry environments must limit water loss through breathing. v Exoskeleton reduces water loss, but also reduces gas exchange. Insect Gas Exchange: Tracheae v Large surface area for gas exchange. v Bring air close to tissues. Insects have tracheae: tubes that carry air close to tissues. Insect Gas Exchange: Spiracles v Close to limit water loss; open for gas exchange. Cockroach trachea spiracles 8 Fall 2014 Biology 6A 02 Gas Exchange & Circulation v2 Insect Gas Exchange silkworm spiracle & tracheae dung beetle spiracle Insect Gas Exchange: Tracheae Brian McCauley Insect Gas Exchange: Tracheae v Some insects pump air in & out. v 2-way air flow reduces water loss. Insect Gas Exchange: Size Limits v Insect treacheae deliver O2 directly to tissues. v As size increases, tracheal area must increase even faster... Insect size limited by O2 v Maximum size may be limited by the ability to deliver air to tissues. Insect Size Limits leg outline trachea outline 250 µm v Leg tracheae occupy greater percentage of the leg in bigger beetles. 9 Fall 2014 Biology 6A 02 Gas Exchange & Circulation v2 Insect Size Limits Brian McCauley More O2, bigger insects v In paleozoic era ( mya), O2 level was 30%... v ... and insects were bigger! v Leg tracheae occupy greater percentage of the leg in bigger beetles. Lungless salamanders v Gas exchange through skin. v Small, slender body. v Must stay wet. v Cold body; low O2 use. Frogs: positive-pressure breathing forces air into lungs Amphibians with lungs v Frogs and larger salamanders do gas exchange through skin and lungs. v Usually most O2 is absorbed in the lungs, but most CO2 is eliminated through the skin. Reptiles Reptiles have impermeable skin; gas exchange happens in lungs. 10 Fall 2014 Biology 6A 02 Gas Exchange & Circulation v2 Reptiles v Reptiles have impermeable skin; gas exchange happens in lungs. Brian McCauley Mammals: higher metabolic rate; more O2. v Most have fairly low oxygen requirements. v Body temperature is usually near ambient; this keeps water loss low compared to warm-blooded animals. Mammals Mammalian lungs v Higher metabolic rate; v Increased gas exchange. v Greater lung surface area. v More control of ventilation. v More control of the flow of oxygenated blood. v More water loss. Human lungs amphibian: v Large surface area: 100 m2. 11 Fall 2014 Biology 6A 02 Gas Exchange & Circulation v2 Mammalian alveoli, SEM Brian McCauley Human lungs v Large surface area: 100 m2. v Minimal diffusion distance: 0.2 µm between blood, air Mammalian alveoli, SEM Negative pressure breathing Human breathing Human lungs v Dead space: 150 ml v Tidal volume (resting): 500 ml v Countercurrent air/ blood flow not possible in alveoli... v Tidal volume (exercise): 3000 ml 12 Fall 2014 Biology 6A 02 Gas Exchange & Circulation v2 Human lungs v Countercurrent air/ blood flow not possible in alveoli... v But countercurrent air flow in nasal passages catches H2O vapor. Reptiles lose less water to evaporation v Don’t breathe as much v Body close to ambient temperature Birds v Like mammals, birds have high metabolic rates. Brian McCauley Breathing Air v Air has plenty of O2... v But it dries you out. Anything that speeds up gas exchange in air will also speed up evaporation. Mammals: high MR, warm body, more evaporation. Moisture-catching turbinate bones reduce water loss. Birds: air sacs create 1-way flow in lungs They still have dead space! 13 Fall 2014 Biology 6A 02 Gas Exchange & Circulation v2 Bird lung (cast) Birds have a water-recycling system analogous to that of mammals. Brian McCauley Bird lung: parabronchi Animal Circulation: transporting gases & other things Circulatory systems supplement diffusion with convection. read Ch. 42.1-42.3 Circulatory System Functions v Transport: O2 & CO2 Circulatory System Functions v Transport: O2 & CO2 v Transport: food & waste v Regulation: hormones 14 Fall 2014 Biology 6A 02 Gas Exchange & Circulation v2 Circulatory System Functions v Transport: O2 & CO2 v Transport: food & waste v Regulation: hormones v Regulation: temperature Brian McCauley Circulatory System Functions v Transport: O2 & CO2 v Transport: food & waste v Regulation: hormones v Regulation: temperature v Protection: immune system v Protection: clotting Circulatory System Designs Circulatory System Designs v Gastrovascular cavity is digestive tract & circulatory system Jellyfish have a gastrovascular cavity, lined with ciliated cells. Phylum Cnidaria Circulatory System Designs v Gastrovascular cavity is digestive tract & circulatory system Flatworms: Phylum Platyhelminthes Hydra (Phylum Cnidaria) Circulatory System Designs Insects: open circulatory systems. Phylum Arthropoda 15 Fall 2014 Biology 6A 02 Gas Exchange & Circulation v2 Circulatory System Designs Brian McCauley Vertebrate circulatory systems: fish v 2-Chambered heart Earthworms: closed circulatory systems. v 1 blood circuit: from heart to gills to systemic capillaries v Blood loses pressure at each step Phylum Annelida Vertebrate circulatory systems: frogs v 3-Chambered heart v 2 blood circuits: pulmocutaneous and systemic v Blood gets pumped twice v Some mixing of oxygenated and de-oxygenated blood Vertebrate circulatory systems Vert. circulation: birds & mammals v 4-Chambered heart v 2 blood circuits: pulmonary and systemic v Blood gets pumped twice v No mixing of oxygenated and de-oxygenated blood v Lower pressure in pulmonary circuit Blood circulation pattern v Mammalian heart has two separate paths for blood flow. fish amphibian mammal v Arteries go away from the heart, veins go back to the heart. 16 Fall 2014 Biology 6A 02 Gas Exchange & Circulation v2 Blood circulation pattern v Oxygenated blood from pulmonary veins enters left atrium. v Left ventricle pumps blood to aorta and systemic circulation. Arteries & veins Brian McCauley Blood circulation pattern v De-ox. blood from systemic circ. goes to right atrium and right vena cava; v pumped to lungs via pulmonary arteries. Artery & vein vein artery Skeletal muscles also help pump blood. vasodilation vasoconstriction 17 Fall 2014 Biology 6A 02 Gas Exchange & Circulation v2 v X-section area of capillaries is large & variable. Brian McCauley Blood pressure & osmotic pressure v Blood moves slower in capillaries. v Pressure is high in arteries, low in veins. Net fluid loss from capillaries The Lymphatic System: the other circulatory system v Fluid leaks out from capillaries (4L/day). v Lymphatic vessels are everywhere in the body. v In our closed circulatory system, blood & lymph are separate systems -but connected. v The lymph system collects it. Lymph vessel with valve The Human Lymphatic System v Lymph moves due to pressure gradient, v skeletal muscle pumping, v and one-way valves. 18 Fall 2014 Biology 6A 02 Gas Exchange & Circulation v2 A Lymph Node Brian McCauley Insects: Open Circulatory System v Lymph nodes filter lymph, remove bacteria & other pathogens. v Hemolymph not confined to vessels v In our closed circulatory system, blood & lymph are separate systems -but connected. v Exoskeleton helps maintain pressure. v Low pressure (small body). v O2 delivered to tissues by tracheal system; no hemoglobin Phylum Arthropoda Mammals: Closed Circulatory System v Blood stays in vessels; v Lymph system returns fluid to blood. v High pressure (large body). v Muscles maintain pressure v O2 delivered by blood; hemoglobin. Reptiles (other than birds) v 3-chambered heart v Some mixing of oxygenated & de-ox. v Some can control pulmonary, systemic pressure separately. v Crocodilians have 4chambers & can shut off pulmonary flow. Respiratory Pigments Gas Exchange & Circulation respiratory pigments v O2 isn’t highly soluble in blood or body fluids. v Respiratory pigments increase the solubility of O2 in blood. No hemoglobin: 0.3 ml O2/100 ml blood Hemoglobin: 20 ml O2/100 ml blood 19 Fall 2014 Biology 6A 02 Gas Exchange & Circulation v2 Brian McCauley Gases diffuse down gradients Respiratory Pigments v Hemoglobin is the main respiratory pigment in mammals; it’s carried in erythrocytes. human toad Partial pressure (mm Hg) Figure 42.30b 160 PO2 PCO 2 Inhaled air Exhaled air 120 v Increase PO2 80 v Increase O2 solubility. 40 0 How to get more O2 to tissues 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (b) Partial pressure of O2 and CO2 at different points in the circulatory system numbered in (a) Hemoglobin binds to O2 in the lungs, then releases O2 in the tissues. Binding affinity of Hemoblobin for O2 20 Fall 2014 Biology 6A 02 Gas Exchange & Circulation v2 Brian McCauley Fetal vs. adult hemoglobin saturation v Myoglobin: another O2 carrier, found in muscle. v Single subunit; no cooperativity. Body tissue CO2 transport from tissues CO2 produced Globin gene evolution Interstitial fluid Plasma within capillary CO2 CO2 Capillary wall CO2 H 2O Red blood cell H2CO3 Carbonic acid HCO3- + Bicarbonate HCO3- Hb H2CO3 CO2 Transport in Blood H+ To lungs CO2 transport to lungs HCO3HCO3- + Hemoglobin (Hb) picks up CO2 and H+. v Dissolves, converts to carbonic acid. H+ Hb Hemoglobin releases CO2 and H+. v Binds to hemoglobin. H2O CO2 CO2 CO2 CO2 Alveolar space in lung Bohr effect Dissolving CO2 makes blood more acidic: H2O + CO2 ó H2CO3 ó H+ + HCO3The carbonate buffer system 21 Fall 2014 Biology 6A 02 Gas Exchange & Circulation v2 Brian McCauley Control of breathing Gas Exchange diving v Diving: How to die, with or without SCUBA. v Why seals can dive so long (and not die). Free diving hazard: Shallow-water blackout v Hyperventilate and dive deep. v Diving increases PO in your lungs, 2 so you exctract more O2 from air. v With low PCO in blood, you don’t 2 feel the need to breathe. v When you come back to the surface, PO2 in your lungs decreases dramatically. Scuba hazards: Pulmonary barotrauma v As you ascend, ambient pressure decreases. v If you hold your breath, the expanding air in your lungs forces bubbles across the epithelium… v pulmonary barotrauma and air embolism. Scuba hazards: Decompression Sickness v High pressure causes N2 to dissolve in tissues. v When pressure decreases, N2 forms bubbles in tissues, potentially blocking blood flow. v Decompression stops allow N2 to diffuse out slowly. Diving hazards: Free diving & SCUBA v Shallow-water blackout PO2 decreases while ascending; free diving only. v Decompression sickness N2 comes out of solution while ascending; SCUBA only. v Pulmonary barotrauma. Air in lungs expands while ascending; SCUBA only. 22 Fall 2014 Biology 6A 02 Gas Exchange & Circulation v2 Marine Mammal Diving Physiology Brian McCauley Elephant Seals Why can they dive so much better than us? California sea lion Elephant seal dives: Swim 90 km/day Elephant seal dives: v Underwater 90% of time Elephant seal dives: Avg dive 24 min, max 2 hr 2.5 min surface Elephant seal dives: Dives avg. 400+ meters; max 1500 meters 23 Fall 2014 Biology 6A 02 Gas Exchange & Circulation v2 It’s not in the lungs v Lung volume ≈ 4.6% of body volume for all mammals -- including marine mammals. Brian McCauley Marine mammals have 2 kinds of tricks: v Use oxygen slowly. v Store a lot of oxygen. v Marine mammals don’t rely on the air in their lungs while underwater. Use oxygen slowly: The Diving Reflex: v Heart rate slows v Blood pressure decreases v Peripheral circulation reduced v Spleen shrinks: more blood into circulation Store more oxygen v Large blood volume v High concentration of erythrocytes v High hemoglobin concentration per cell v High myoglobin concentration Deep dives -- no problem? v Shallow-water blackout v Decompression sickness v Pulmonary barotrauma 24 Fall 2014