SBP^Wi^PW)*''"• --: PARISIANS, TOO, PREFER BLONDES Fair - Ha-ired Women Are Much' in Evidence i n French "Capital. .fto-S/ZirPLYMOUTRROADSTER, $675 {auilA rumble jeai) The 'SmartestRcratfete o/ Low Price The snappy Chryslerstyled Plymouth Roadster is all the vogue priced r o a d s t e r s it easily cuts the smartest *' figure in a p p e a r a n c e , just as it leads them all with its "typical Chrysler performtance." Here is a roadster that is mansize, not boy-size—fuN-sizc, not toy-size. It has that length of hood and expanse of re^.'deckahidhgu. to make a roadster truly graceful. AMBRi-CA'S Knjjinei-mll yOlmsla, it p e r f o r m s w ith a ^/--dashing swiftness and floating smootlines'; that are utterly amazing — Rumilt Seal in a car so U>vv in price. TheWymouth Roadster is a quality carjrofn first t o last^-->in beauty; in'engineering; in riding t-a&ct in sir.e and in behavior. * '. ' Six body styles — priced from $655 to &6V.i: All prices f. o. b. factory. PfymttttiA tttttttri fxUTnt iWF&fnnnt lime paymentr. it 8 4 LOWEST-PTlIlTED ~FUL*,-SIZE -7GAR FR4NKE. WILSON ttaer low-priced sixes at l o w e r cost than e v e r fer "• F ; ; - ••• v*~~ : - Body by FUher -'. _— Ik ->'* WiK'' "'4 ' t i K^P-'. gr4,;. 1 i. , Dtiring 1928, a large p u b l i c utilities corporation oper-. *feed* 99& ai*tomobUes o f 33 different naakes, A a d according fo> its o l r a Scc^Dratei^lfiecordefl ~cost"fiptres7~ i t s Pontiacs cost o n e cent, less per mile, to ^operate than any other tow^priceci six in. the field at that time* Y e f (even t h a t great record of ^economy i s being s u r ~pasfed by "tfe^PBrntbto-Big'Six- lje^a^sg^f^-ptrBrj5)er-pf-refinements and advancements which * tnis latest" P o n t i a c includes. ' '- '• . PONTIAC BICSIX m PRODUCT O F CENERAL MOTORS' KASTI'Hl .^ ^ SMOOTHIES MORE ' ^ ^ ^ iM»vi:it i r r SAFER, ^ ^ A. / . a. b. Pjtnliac, Mich. ~ Z-ltaor Sedan Pontiar- Big Six, $TiS to •$80S,f.o.b. l'ontiac, Mich., plus delivery charges. ilitmpprx, spring * covert and I^avejoy shock a6sorbri-.t regular equipment at slight extra rirafe—Ceil-" vral Motor* Time Payment flan available at minimiivi rate. <Vmaid«r t h e delivered prioc a s well a s t h e l i s t (f. o . b . ) price w h e n £ o m pariti-? a u t o m o b i l e value* . . . C>nklamI-Poi)Uac d e livered prices i n c l u d e only itutliori/.cd cbnr^cf* for freifj;lit and delivery and l i]u n.H 1 a co e» « s o r i e sr ImanrhiK <l<*Htrecl. _ \ • - of - •\'*ofr&y 241 JOHN McDERMOTT, Brockport NOTICE TO CREOHCORa ^rnpTTg'finTIPS I n s t r u c t r e s s e s i n t h e P u r s u a n t to a n order of Hon. Joseph M . Feely, 6 u r r o » a t e of t h e Qpimty- of Monroej notice is hereby given, according t o a l l persons h a v i n g claims or' demands a g a i n s f HarrisHolmeKloteof-the Village6f-Brook* port, County of- Monroe, State-of New York, deceased, t o present t h e same w i t h the vouoh^ifrtheretor-rtoJhe undersigned, JExeoutdr_at its place f o r t h e transaction of business a s such l>xeoutor a t No. 5 Main St., West, Roch- ( ester, New York, on or hefOxe t h e 30th day o f March, 19S0. Dated September 9,1929, Rochester Trust &s Safe Deposit Company -Exeetttor-Df the EstafeTSf^ Harris Holmes, deceased —-'. 5«ainSt.'West Thompson, as Executors of t h e Estate Kochester, N. Y. of Christian A. Simmons, Deceased. Mann, Strang, Bodine & Wright Burns*Burns ! Attorneys for Executor Attorneys t o r Executors 903 Union Trust Bldg. 501 Wilder Bldg. Kochester, N. Y. ' 8:20 . • Rochester, N.Y. . P u r s u a n t t o an Order of .Hon. Joseph M. i c o v , SOuUrHr o^ gB aHtOe ov.* umw Feely, f t.i> h eD uCountyo if m Monroe uluu, u notice i8 hereby given, according to l a w t o all jrsonb^ having olaims o r demanas against Christian A. Simmons, l a t e "of t h e Town Of Clarkson, County qt Monroe, S t a t e of New, York, deceased, to p r e s e n t t h e same w i t h the' -vonchergthereforto-thettnderglirnea^Arthni^ q. Simmons a n d William M, Thompson, a s exeoutors of th.e E s t a t e of Christian A. Simmons, deceased at t h e i r place f o r t h e transaction of business as s u c h executors a t BIO Wilder Building, Hoohester, N . Y; on o r before the 1st day of November, 1929. «. ' D a t e d Aprll-aith-, 19S9. Pursuant to an order of Hon. J o s e p h K . Feely, Surrogate of the County of Monroe notice is hereby given, according to law to all persons having claims or demands- against George F. Lawton, late of the Village o i Brockport, County of Monroe, State of New York, deceased, to present the same-wi£h the vouchers therefor, t p tHe undersigned Administrator at her, place for the transaction of business as such administrator at the law offices of Shay & Hanks. Rrockttort, N. Y. o n fir before the^3th day of MarohflM,"~7 " , ~ fiated September3,1930. • " T ^ * • Mary Lawton Shay & H a n k s . Administrator -Attorneys f©^Administrator •Brockport, N . Y . .'8*. Paris.—A ciiange is overcoming the feminine face of JParis since the French capital has experienced a decided -Invasion of blondes. The typical Parisian woman is den-BitelgLXat?n r.ln type^-hut since thfi^ World war ana the rust of Visitors .to France from Nordic countries which has occnrrebr-durtng-the-iast-few-year* fair-haired women have become more and more prominent la the capital. Among mannequins In the fashion- NOTICE TO CREDFfOBS OF MARIA - BARKER, Deceased able housesi of the Rue°"de la Pais and You hereby a r e required t o present yijutr eveft'Hil the Jesser renowned coututhere'for-,-io t h e rleres In Montmartre fair-fiafred^wora- sworTrcrarms.-witln-otichers undersigned a t No. 47 Millard Street, Broofc.en are beeoSiIng Invreaslngty popular. prgt. N. .Y^ nip, ayliarojft .Tr^nnnTy °fir.h .iron, ." -Thus.' ^Ms_J!rim^.J35ved£nt^Eprwas,_ Dated, J ulf23,1939. Denmark, arid Germany! and Alsace- - :••• • • • A-nry-A-; Srrrithf ~AarninlStrntrrx—" K. MacArthur •fcOTratne: TVtro come t& Paris partly- Henry 1:23 Brockport, N. Y. with the Idea of seeking -adventure, A t t o r n e y for Administratrix partly to earn a tivtag, find It §asler. N O T I C E . T O CREDITORS to get Jobs than .at any other time —Pursuant to-an-ortler of-Hon. Joseph M, before. Feely-, Surrogate ot the County of Monroe noBlondes Predominate. tice is hereby given; according to law to all — • -. - Turpe»Sne ProducKon Turpentine is derived from the. sap of jyarlous trees, anji can be made "IFoni some "whIch"'grow In tFelaorth" west-, but the turpentine of commerce In the United States comes almost entirely from certain - pine trees which are distributed throughout the south-, ern states." Georgia is the leading state. By DR. JOHN W. HOLLAND OO Clean hearts create dean' hands. Laziness is the advance" agent • of • personal calamity. God gives to each a set of fea* - • tures; each of us must de-" • termine- the "set of his eorflitenance. Why argue? if you have somej thQig better- than the other l fellow; demonstrate i t 1! The rungs of the ladder of BUC[1 cess are\, slipper-jH—there{ fore, talie a supply of sand ti . -up with you. A faniily can get on- In the world, financially, only after. ! 1 . both have lefirnect to sayT J. . "We can't afford It." I i (©, 1»» 8, Western Newspaper Union.) - • • " • ' . - . BROCKPORT LUMBER AND SUPPLY CO. --f . a c pawned , to keep food peirsons haying xym claims or demands against xtan late or tlio VulUtf6 0 I Broelt..aineaS. Adams, ihr port, r o u n t y of Monroe, State of N e w Yorls, deceased, to preaont the same w i t h t h e vouchers therefor, t o the undersigned a d m i n istrator a t h e r place for tho transaction o f business as auoh Administrator at t h e iia-w Offices of S h a y * H a n k s . . Brockport, N . Y . o n or before tho 1st day of Fobruary, 1930., Dated J u . y 22,1929 • l a u r a Brock-way Arnold Shny & H a n k s , Administrator Attorneys for Administrator Brockport, N. Y, 1;83 Attorneys foVEsfgcntTlx" Brockport, N. Y. . - -Ideal for roofing and sidewalk The favbritr ot baildera froarljineFtamomK-" orlal. We al'Ways "have a, large Btpck ready for prompt a a u V e r ^ ^ W not te deceiyea fay the glib statement of bigTtn powered salesmen "ifiaT good wood Bhihgles cannot be procured. They $$gr—We have themr=I roof without giving us an opportunity of -talking; it over -with you. y\ fashionable night clubs, among entertainers in the high-class supper cabarets and restaurants, blonde women now generally predominate, and where contrast is sought .the effect is usually secured with American women ere-, oles, who are able*to supply pep in song which the Nordics lack. Registrations of Nordic women employer! 4a luxury trades. In theFrench *"iMOTtOE-fe-eRE-0*TO«& capital have shown 0 big jtirnp. Their P u r s u a n t t o a n order .of Hpn. Joseph M . presence undoubtedly adds variety and Feely, Surrogate of t h o County of M onroo n o tice is hereby given,"according- to l a w to a l l color to the Pnrls scene, which for pnrsons having cliiims or demands against; long years was dominated by bru- Catherine McGeevor, iato o t tn<> Village o f BroekporfcrCounty of -Monroes-State of Newnettes. • ' Yoik,deceased..topr« l aQritjthefl(\me with t h e As reception clerks In the hotels, as vouchers therefor to t h e undersigned Exeriria t his place for t h e transaction of business "vendenses" or saleswomen, as clerks tor as such Executor at t h e law-offices o f Shny- & In tourist and other offices, the blonde Hanks, Brocknort, N . Y. on or before t h e 89th of December, 1929. girl has been gradually coining Into day Dated J u n e 17.1929. her own In" France. A certain fashPaul B. Hanks & Hanks « Executorionable night cnbaref which claims to Shay Attorneys for Executor give the most diverse entertainment Brockport, N Y . > .«12i26 of- any night resort In the. world has changed its policy regarding Its. womNOTICE TQ CREDITORS Pursuant to an order of Hon. Joseph M . an entertainers; all of whom are now Feeiy, Surrogate of the Couritv of Monroe, fair haired. notieo is hereby given, according to law to s l l having claims.or "demands against Other Jqbs-for Them. - gcrsons alvin Rice, late of t h e Village of BrocKport, • The skating act—on speelallyTnanti- County of Monroe, State oflMew Yori, a e wishfactufed ice—is given by a troupe-of- •ceasedrto-present-the-same-w4th-the ers therefor, to the.undersigu'ed Executor a t falr-halred Finnish and Russian girls; at his place for tho transsction of business as Executor a t the Law Offices of Shny & t> women's gypsy band Is- composed such Hanks^Brockport, N..Y. on or'hofore tho 29th., , of blonde gypsleSt, while the bathing day of December, 1929* belles, "who aisport 4hemselxesJughBt - ^ated%June-4iVi929.; ^oTaiunorcrBice— tinder1 gaily colored lights In a Pom- Shay & Hanks Executor for Executor pellan bath pool,flifenearly all Scandi- Attorneys 12:26 Brockport, N. Y. navians. ' .MfiB^ Amsiican firms established In NOTICE TO OfcEOITOHS-. Paris likewise employ girls of northPursuant to an order of Hon. Joseph M. Surrogate o r the County of-Monroe, ern races for specialized- work In can- Feely, is hereby given, adcording^o law to all vaBsIng where knowledge of several notice persons having claims Or demands against E. Tulley late' or the". Village- of languages Is necessary. These firms Augustine Brockport, County of Monroe, State of-New state that they find girls from the York, deceased, to pTeseni'the same with t h e therefor, t o the undersigned EieeuNorth, particularly Scandinavia, usu- vouchers trix at her place for the transaction of b a s t ally speak English more perfectly than ness-as-sucn-ExecutTix at the Law Offlce-ol Lepter & Lester-Brockport, N". f. on or csfore any other women of" any.ofher race, the 14th day of December, 1929."~ and" since they are iasnally able to . D«ted June 11th,-1929. _ talk derjnan and French in addition B. Louise Tulley Lester & Lester " * ' " " Executrrx -aey-sr-are -Ideal for the job* . SIX CYLINDER..,.. - » FTENCES NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS • DAVID SINGLETON, Deceased. You hereby a r e required to present your worn claims, w i t h vouchers therefor, to' t h e ndeTsigned~airl;he law" office of H e n r y Br"MacArthur, Brockport, Neiv York, o a o r before March 16th, 1930. - . * ' • Dated, September 9th, 192». .. -,—: Nellie M. Singleton Henry B. MacArthur Executrix Attorney for Executrix Brockpbrt,JSI.Y. 3:18 Q UEEN ISABELLA'S ships dared unknown ends of the earth t o find spices, so necessary in thoseHays to keep eat untainted and"fitto eat. ' But there's no need to search the seven seas for spices today. You can go right to your nearest dealer and purchase ~7tiliat moHerWlnlracle--an electric refrigerator. Just a small / down payment installs it, and the cost to run is but a fevr* T ^ ^pennies a day. _ „ .', ' : . .._'"." T For never has your electricity been cheaper. Wiiile the • price of mosiJueeessities has*nearly doubled, Niagara Power Service costs less today than when youleaitld j?ent a horse and buggy for 2 5 cents an hour. »/ " .".- It*# easy t&buy an — — —— EI I f Til II RKl^IGiaH^l^Br^ on the Niuytirei JLasy Vaymcnt Pfait • For just a low first payment, your dealer will install an electric • refrigerator in- ypuf home. And you can pay the balance in 11 to 17 small amounts on the Niagara Easy- Payment Plan. See your electrical dealer now— pick out the model you want; • > . . * - • - ; * 1S:J2 NOTICE TO CREDITORS P u r s u a n t t o an order of? ,^on. Joseph M. .Feely,- SuxeogatB nftEePouii'tVOf MorjrOe n q tice is hereby given, aceordihg t o l a w to a l l persons .having claims or' fleinanffs agnrnst Peter G u y e t t , ^ a t e of t h e Toi»n of Hamlin County of Monroe, State »of New. Yiork, d e ceased, t o present t h e same With t h e ' vouche r s therefor, t o the undersigned Administrat r i x af lier place, for the transaction of b u s i ness as suon Admlniatratrix-ftt.-tne'law office of Lester & Lester, Brqckport, .N. Y . on or iDefore tho 25th day of October, 4929. Dated April 22,1929. Betsey Guyett Lester & Lester Administratrix . Attys. for Administratrix BjockpSrt, N. Y. ' ' 10:34 Civan as a NEW dollar bili • • Vo soot with an ELECTRIC RANCiE "Most of all, I like m y electric range because it's so clean," housewives often say. It's true—curtains and wallpaper stay fresh and'dainty-^—pots and pans fWip. from black.greasy.sobt. Automatic control eliminates failures. Nothing's burned or underdojhe,. Ask "your ^electrical dealer- about easy payments. NOTICE TO CREDTrCTfiS P u t s u a n t to an order or Hon. Josoph M, Feely, Surrogate of the County of Monroe n o tf6e is herebv -given, according t o l a w t o all ersrms having claims o r demands nirainst orris FishbaugKlate of t h e Town,.of Hamlin County of Monroe, State of New York, deceased/to present t h o 'same vfrlth t h e vouchers therefor, t o t h e undersigned e x e c u t o r .at his place for the transaction of business as such executor a t Brockport, New York, o n or before the 19th day of Ootober, 1929. Dated April 15th, 1929.* Henry B. ^MacArthur •* • Executor in Person 10:17. •, Brockport, N e w York S See these BROCKPORT A dealers. Nichols & S m i t h Brockport Electric Co. * Remmington & Company NOTlCEJCOLCREPITORfe _;_._ Pursuant- to an order of Hon, Joseph k . Feely, Surrogate of the Gounty ot Morirbe notice Is hereby given, "according to J a w t o all persons having claims or' demands against William W, Morey,. late of Morton, Toira^of Hamlin, County of Monroe, State of. New York, deceased, to present the same With the vouchers therefor \o the undersigned Executor at his place for the transaction of business as such-Executor at the Law Offices of Shay * Hanks, Brockport, N« Y. on or before the 20th*day of July7f«29. Dated January 10th, 1929. •• , „ Louis B.-Shay ' Bhay& Hanks ^. Exeotttorl - Attornevs for Executor Brockport,N.Y. n-7 ;.,, POWER CO^FAN^ NIAGARA v ^ M rS^ERVICE B-I09' % -sM ,.OB.' •":• "'-• ' " ? f