DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD, j PAKQVA CITY, NBBRASSfo. lWMUfcAwliJIMB H ' p F 'ii iiiitttmii nktHiM iKlfHHtafemlnM wWliilliwiiitMiiit' NnHiHlMfMiiHtftliifri mi fftmiHitlft hHi hiwmw wmmm iiAii'i'wtiiWik'i Triggs' New Meat Market and Restaurant my Meat Market in tlic uew have location the Beermann building, which I shape. have remodeled and fitted in first-clas- s I ir Iiesides a full line of the best Meat of all hinds I have added a line of Canned Fruits and Vegetables, Canned Fish, Confectionery, Tobacco and Cigars. Everything New, Clean and WriUl YV1VA. ' u Up-to-Da- te TTHrC AIiVVJUJ, ' ii il 'i'l i A Of 'ii'ih ''"i DAKOTA CITY NEBRASKA ,i .I'lj'iirtiiiii'iiii'i!' ''''inwiiii Don't Be a Transportation Slacker The country needs the use of cars. Every hour you delay in loading ,or unloading freight, deprives someone of service. Uncle Sam will soon need freight equipment and will get it. ' By quick work in handling freight the equipment can go 'round, your business can betaken care of. DELAYS AT THIS TIME, IN LOADING OR UNLOADING FREIGHT, IS A SERIOUS MATTER DO YOUR SHARE AND THE TRAFFIC PROBLEM WILL BE SOLVED. A.W. TRENHOLri v'lcu-l'ic- s, and (lon'l MtiniiKor ST. I'AUU MINN. II. At. PUARCR (.'eiHirnl Trnlllo Munntu'r ST. PAUL, MINN. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Ry. Sturges Bros. Have Moved to 315 Pearl Street where we will be glad to see all our old pat.ons, and we hope, many new ones. This move is necessary, as the building we now have is loo small for our growing business. Stiirges Bros Old Location, 411 Pearl St. Sioux City, Iowa Pure Bred Perc heron Stallions Captain 90975 Wallace 121599 CAPTAIN foaled May 1, 1912, color black, is a large, powerful horse, known as a sure foal getter. WALLACE foaled April 10, 1015, color dark dapple gray. Winner of First Prize for 1 year old at Oakland, Nebr., in 1910. Wallace is a very promising colt, stands 10 hands high, weighs 1025 lbs at 215 months old. These horses are both inspected and guaranteed sound and in perfect breeding condition by the Live Stock Sanitary Board of Nebraska.- - Terms SI 5 to insure mare in foal, S20 for colt 9 days old. Due care will be taken to prevent accidents, but at mare owner's risk. Both these horses will stand at my barn in Hubbard, Nebr., during thr season of 1917. t Louis Bogg Owner and Attendant Hubbard, Nebr. Dakota County Reg- trations Total 664 j (Ufliitlnued from pngo 1) " Charles Kmmett Morris, " William II. Mullens, " Chnrlea Joseph Murphy, Seymour Cleveland Murphy, " " Archie Lcroy Myers, Chester Lylo Novo, So Sioux City t.cmuol Irvln Otis Nichols, " liornaril O. N'yhiiH, So. Sioux City Albion Walfrld Olson, Jesse II. Otto, South Sioux City. Hoy (Jrlffen Pace. So. Sioux City " Clarence Lyle Phillips, " Jesso JJdmondson Phillips, " .lumen Joseph Pollard, " Addison Allen Itnndall, " Arthur C. ItasmuBsen, " .lames Arthur Jtaub, Pearl Morris Ilold, So. Sioux City " Frank KUs Rcsscglou, Frederick Wilder Ressogleu, " " James Lynn Itesslgleu, " Clydo Halph Uoblnson,( " Thomas Harry Rockwell, " David Miles Rogers, " Karl Frederick Rogosch, " Clarence Victor Russell, Joromo Uryan Carl Russell, " " Frank Alfred Saltsglvcr, Mark Mott Saltsglvcr, " August Ilclmont Sanforjl, Fred Carl Crist Schultz, Dakota Cy Georgo Clifford Shane, S Sioux Cy AVilllam Garfield Shane, " Merrill Vernon Shanks, Walter Henry Shanks, " Ron Herrlson Shoren, " Clair Leon Sherwood, " Charles Ollmon Slater, jr., " Charles Richard Sohn, John Sohn, South Stoux City. William Stewart, Wyoming. Hugo Stobner, South Sioux City " Thomas Wayman Stewart, F.dgar Thurmnn Stumbaugh, " " Walter Frank Squires, Joseph Leo Sweeney, So Sioux City " Cieorgo William Trumbull, John William VunDorBurg, " John Henry Waddell, "" John Louis Waechter, Clifford Ray "Watklns, " Albert Fred Wegncr, Willie Aster Wolgel, So Sioux City Loren Earl Welch, So. Sioux City " Herman Ja'cob Wester, Warren DoLoss Whltaker, " Donald Landon Willholte, Harry Arthur Williams, John Anthony Williams, Herbert Bert Woodford, Joo Yankovicl, South Sioux City. HUIJHARD PRECINCT Ove Anderson, Hubbard. Wosloy Ollugtou Deedle, Hubbard. " D.ivid Goorgo Bourdelais, " Samuel Hal IJridenbaugh, Ilollestaw IBukaw, Hubbard. Alfred George Doroin, Hubbard. Fdward Christian Ericksen, " LaRuo Loo Footo, Hubbard. " Ciaronco Honry Francisco, Albert William Fricken, Hubbard. Charles Frickon, Hubbard. Frank Louis Frickon, Hubbard. Louis Ernest Frickon, Hubbard. John Golsbors, Hubbard. Louis Nelson Goorgcson, Hubbard John Growcock, Hubbard. Porcy Glen Halo, Hubbard. Hans .Albort Hansen, Ilubbnrd. Glen Edwin Harris, Hubbard. Daniel Leo Hartnott, Hubbard. James Josoph Harty, Hubbard. James Franklin Hatch, Hubbard. " Charles Benedict Ileoney, Raymond William Heonoy, " Josoph "William Hoffornan, " Meryl Montgome; Hiloman, " Josoph Patrick Heonoy, Nacora. Josoph John Howard, Hubbard. " Vincent Charlos Howard, Axol Marcus Jonson, Hubbard. " Laurlts Marina Jepposon, Jons Lauritz Harry Jonson, " Jons Peter Jenson, Hubbard. David Jessen, Hubbard. " Adolph August Johanson, ' Honry Rudolph Johnson, Goorgo Johnson, jr., Hubbard. Harry Paul Johnson, Hubbard. John William Jones, Hubbard. Michaol Jones, Hubbard. Pntrlck Jonos, jr., Hubbard. Alfrod Vlggo Jorgonsen, Hubbard. Harry Larson, Hubbard. Frank James Long, Hubbard. Thomas Edward Long, Hubbard. Ovo Lund Miller, Emorson. Dennis Edward Mitchell, Jackson. Robert Carl Mundy, Hubbard. Georgo Nolson, Hubbard. Hans Jacob Nelson, Hubbard. John Nolson, Hubbard. Nols Christ Nolson, Hubbard. Victor Nolson, Hubbard. Niels Potor Podorson, Hubbard. Ernest Earl Porslnger, Hubbard. Georgo Potors, Hubbard. Potor Potors, Hubbard. Pedorson, Christian Wtlholm Homer. Benjamin Puruckor, Hubbard. William 'Arthur Puruckor, " " Axcoi Andrew Rnsmusson, Goorgo Edward Rolss, Hubbard. Oscar Roiss, Hubbard. .Frodorlck James Rouze, Hubbard. John AVllltam Rooney, Hubbard. " Thoinaa Bonodict Roonoy, Edward Robort Schantol, Hubbard Honry Frank Schroodor, Hubbard. Horman August Schroedor, " John Patrick Sherlock, Hubbard. Arthur Lovomo Smith, Hubbard. Charlos Freeman Smith, Hubbard. J nines Audrow Smith, Hubbard. Francis Potcr Smith, Hubbard. Edward Leo Smith, Jackson. Josoph Eugeno Smith, Hubbard. John Domntck Ufflng, Hubbard. EMERSON PRECINCT Anton Anderson, Emorson. Earnest Jl. Andorson, Emorson. Edwin Goorgo Andorson, Emorson. John Thomas Bryco, Emorson. Wllholm Bohlo, Emorson. Asmus Blchol, Watorbury. Adolph Bondorson, Emorson. Aaron S. Browor, Emorson. Harry O. Carlson, Emorson. Otto F. Dahms, Emorson. Honry Doso, Emorson. Georgo C. Dohrumn, Emorson. Lewis I. Doxtad, Emorson. Bluford Raymond Quia, Emorson. Fred Fllmur, Emorson. Fred Gloo, Emorson. Reuben Eugeno Grovo, Emorson. William A. fluniBoy, Emorson. i, " Edwin Wesley Hammer, Emorson. Carl Hanson, Emorson, Eilcr M. Hansen, Emerson. Nommcn J. Hansen, Nacora. Georgo Harrlgfeld, Emerson. Honry Hasch, Emorson. William Thomas Heeney, Nacoru. John II. Hingst, fEmoraon. William H. Hirsch, Emerson. Otto Huggonbergor, EmorBon. Chris O. JcnBcn, Emerson. Noah D. Johnson, Emreson. Charles II. Kay, Emerson. Charles Kirchner, Emerson. Charles J. Konagol, Emerson. Ennis Krabbenhoft, Emerson, Paul Krabbenhoft, Emerson. William Krabbenhoft, Emerson. Emll Krahmor, Emerson. Emil Henry Lamp, Emerson. Paul Lendorlnk, Emerson. Emmet Long, Emorson. Ray Long, Emorson. Albert R. Machllng, EmorBon. Peter Maurice, Emorson. Peter C. Mortenson, Emerson. Ralph Murray, Emerson. James C. Noonon, Nacora. John Francis Noonen, Nacora. Roscoo Pearco, Emorson. Henry W. Peters, Emerson. John Peters, Hubbard. Henry Provancha, Emerson. John G. Rohde, Emerson. Theodore Rohde, Emorson. William G. Rohde, Emerson. Chris O. Rushmann, Emorson. Henry Theodore Schumachor, " Georgo Schormann, Emerson. Adolph F. Schwarz, Hubbard. Edwin W. Sorvine, Emerson. Walfred L. Servlne, Emerson. Clem H. (Simmons, Nacora. John William Simmons, Nacora. ,Mat Joseph Simmons, Nacora. Arthur E. Stark, Nacora. Elza B. Story, Nacora. Joseph Tlllo, EmerBon. William Thorne. Emerson. John H. Tramper, Emerson. William Tramper, Emorson. Fred W. Voss, Emerson. John Voss, Nacora. Carl Wllke, Emerson. Herman Zastrow, Nacora. August Zelsler, Nacora. Divide-National-Par- Charles I1! . " """".' ' J ij' Mahon, PoncR. M. James G. Mahon, Ponca. Stilus II. Nolson, Goodwin? Leo O'Connoll, Jackson. John P. Olsen, Goodwin. James P. O'Neill, Ponvu. Josoph Piekhlnko, Waterbury. Free A. Pounds, Jackson. Sofas G. Rasmussen, Watorbury. Thorvald William Rasmussen, " . John J. Rush, Jackson. William P. Rush, Jackson. Joseph Sedlacok, Jackson. John Shanahan, Ponca. Alfrod U. Smith, Poncn. Edward W. Steenbov' f Goodwin. Thomas P. Sullivan,' ronca. , Thomas F. Swift, Watorbury. Georgo C. Teller, Jackson. Patrick A. Twohlg, Jackson. Joo Wally, Ponca. Thomas R. Walsh, Ponca. McKinley Williams, Ponca. f g ks - - . 1' - You Now Tour Yellowstone in Automobiles H. R. Parmer, Agt., Dakota City, Neb. L " W. WAKELEY, 1001 Furinini RUEBEN Oi.nrl su, Piihk.'i g. r Agent, OiuiiIih, Neb. t, 54952 - .Pure Bred Percheron Stallion This fine big 1950-l- b )' stallion will make the season of 1917 as follows: Monday and Tuesday, at Livery Barn in Hubbard. Balance of week at home, at Nacora, Nebraska. TERMS $15. 00 to insure colt to stand and suck. Service fee becomes due immediately if mare is sold or removed from the county. Due care will be taken to prevent accidents, but will not be responsible should any occur. J. W. HEENEY, Owner Nacora Nebrt'iska Westcott's Undertaking Parlors Auto Ambulance New Phone 2007 Old Phone, 420 Sioux City, Iowa. y. Fields &: Slaughter Co. DEALERS IN Grain, Feed, Flour, Hay and Coal y. ThomaB Josoph O'Nolll, Jackson. Wm. Jamos O'Neill, Watorbury. Phono No. 4 FRED PARKER, Manager Dnkotu City, Nebr. mmummmaammnmmmKmmmmmmmmBmMmKmBmmm&BammmmmmammuMBummaBmm James Carl Puruckor, Wnterbury. " Harry Joshua Renlngor, " Henry Herman Ropkin, John C Siork, Jackson. Watorbury. Stobner, William " Harry Walter Springer, " Phillip Derral Soronson, " Frank Conrad VanLent, " John Honry VanLont " Joseph John VanLont, Robort Evort Weston, Waterbury. Morton Carlile Wilbur, Jackson. Charles Williams, Waterbury. Glen Williams, Watorbury. Ora Williams, Watorbury. SUMMIT PRECINCT m rlfl.. s, Thomas .Erlach, Jackson. Charles Henry Fountaine, " Edward Franklin Fountalno, " " William Josoph Franklin, Henry John Goodfellow, Jackson. " James Patrick Goodfellow, Ray Emmott ,Hall, Jackson. Charles Percy Hteks, Jackson. George Francis Heffernan, " " Michael Joseph Hoffernan " William Henry Hohonsteln " Horrell, 'Frederick Alva Kinney,' Jackson. Herbert Henry Mads Knudsen, Jackson. James Honry Lovo, Jackson. Victor Joseph McGonlgle, Jackson. " James Patrick McCormick William Lonard McGonlgle " Robort Emmott McKeever, " Walter Alonzo Mackey, Jackson. William James Magden, Jackson. Joseph Gilbert Marsh, Jackson. James Honry Mitchell, Jackson. " Michael Edward Mitchell, Raymond Mitchell, Jackson. Carl Nelson, Jackson. Edwin Valentino Olson, Ja'ckson. Harry T. O'Neill, Jackson. TUark Josoph O'Neill, Jackson. Henry Clay Powell, Jacksqn. Raymond Francis Quinn, Jackson. Axel Harald (Rasmussen, Jackson. Sidney Rolla Ross, Jackson. Geoffrey Josoph Ryan, Jackson. James Nicholas Ryan, Jackson. " Thomas Francis Shanahan, Goorgo Smith, Jackson. Lesllo Smith, Ja'ckson. Louis Smith, Jackson. Marlus Sigurd Smith, Jackson. Georgo Frank Stephan, Jackson. " Josoph Benedict Sullivan, Edgar Allen Swoom, Jackson. Nick Van Der Griond, Jackson. Charlea Edgar Waddell, Jackson. Irvln Ray Wall, Jackson. Harry Heart Williamson, Jackson. Francis Michael Waters, Jackson. Roy Matthew Zulauf, Jackson. Walter Christian Zulauf, Jackson. ,' i'j tour; three National Paiks on one ticket, Kocky Mountain National-HstcYell&wsionc and Glacier. Tourist tickets from Hast and Central Nebraska are honored via Denver. Our uew Der-- ' - r- r'- T i;'j - u lt tral Wyoming main line make pus ,,'a 1.. nu.nilicent cin- H tour, and adds to it, 700 miles ol mountain panorama betwci Colorado and the "Yellowstone. Let us tell you more about this wondeiful trip and send you descriptive literature. Charles William Baney, Jackson. Fred Anderson, Ponca. Albert a. Apploton, Goodwin. John P. C. Beacom, Jackson, . !Tis the Burlington's Merrltt Walker Barber, Jackson. Orval Ellsworth Belth, John Patrick Clark, John Porter Couch, " Robert GlbBon Couch, " Raymond DennlB Crowe, Georgo Elmer Jlrown, JackBon. Carl Clyde- - Cronk, Watorbury. Harry jDavId Gotch, Watorbury. Paul Albeit Haaso. Watorbury. Thomas Hayes, Hubbard. Thomas Kondrlck Hartnett, " Jesso William Hlnken, Watorbury. " Theodore Wllltam Luehr, Ralph Georgo Lamp, Watorbury. Frledrlch Wllholm Llobor, ThomaB John Mltcholl, Jackson. Axol Maurlco Mogensen, AVator-bur- W. The Finest Summer Tour in America nek Hon. PIGEON CREEK PRECINCT Amll Andorson, Hubbard. Alfred Marlus Andorson, Hubbard. " Erall Theadore Andersen, Charley Hans Anderson, Jackson. Gilbert Anderson, Hubbard. Nick Claus Andresen. Hubbard. Water-burClydo Euguo Armstrong, fftf. ever-widenin- ST. JOHN'S PRECINCT Sophus Victor Autzen, Jackson. Frederick Christiansen Anderson, Nick Do Boer, Jackson. Benjamin Harvey Do Lap 1 Business as Usual" to be the National idea. "Work for every man and earning power greater than ever before arc certain guarantees of continued prosperity and of an scope to our business and industrial life." J. Ogden Armour, Member Advisory Committee, Council for National Defense. ' .T trrtnjrf .Mil William J. Beacom, Jackson. William A. Bosloy, Goodwin. Harrison R. Bowie, Jackson. John Carpenter, Jackson. Dean B. Cornell, Goodwin. Ed. DaiJoy, Jackson. Harry E. DaWo, Goodwin. Dewey Elzlg, Ponca. Earl Flickou, Jackson. Ray Goodman, Goodwin. JaniOs R. Hcenau, Ponca. Dan Hodglns, Jackson. Tim Hodglns, Jackson. Willie Hodglns, Jackson. Joseph V. Hogan, Jackson. Thomas P. Hynes, Ponca. Sam Ivener, Ponca. Arthur A. Jessip, Waterbury. Jnmes W. Jessip, Waterbury. Thonas D. Jones, Jackson. Michaol J. Kellehor", Jackson. Sylvester A. Klnnaman, Jackson. Leonard J. Mackoy, Waterbury. Licensed Rmbalmer Ambulance Service Wm. F. Dickinson lrdertaJcing 415 Sixth Street Ball 71 Auto 8471 j, "I m Lady Assistant Sioxix City, Iowa m