IPEK UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS WORKING PAPER SERIES GOOGLE TRENDS AND FORECASTING PERFORMANCE OF EXCHANGE RATE MODELS Levent Bulut No: 15-05 August 2015 GOOGLE TRENDS AND FORECASTING PERFORMANCE OF EXCHANGE RATE MODELS Levent Bulut1 Abstract In this paper, internet search data provided from Google Trends is utilized to nowcast the known variates of alternative exchange rate determination models. The sample covers 12 OECD countries’ exchange rates for the period from Jan 2004 to June 2014. The results indicate that inclusion of Google Trends-based nowcasting values of macro fundamentals to the current set of government released-macro-economic variables improve the out-of-sample forecast of Purchasing Power Parity model in seven currency pairs and of Monetary model in four currency pairs. In this paper we claim that, for proper testing of the structural models, since there is a lag in the release of official data on macro fundamentals, the literature should focus more on using ex ante variables on current macro fundamentals and nowcasting of these variables with utilization of Google Search Inquiries can be one alternative for this purpose. (JEL F31, F37, C52) 1 Assistant Professor of Economics, Ipek University, Department of Economics. Turan Gunes Blvd. 458. Cadde, Oran, Cankaya, Ankara, TURKEY, 06550, E-mail: lbulut@ipek.edu.tr, Phone: +90312-470-4686, Fax: +90-312-470-0007, URL: www.leventbulut.wordpress.com 1 I. INTRODUCTION In an influential paper, (Meese & Rogoff, 1983) tested how well the existing empirical exchange rate models of that time fit out of sample, and they found that, by using data from 1970s, a random walk model performs as well as any estimated structural or various time series models. These surprising findings, known as “Exchange rate disconnect puzzle” or “Meese- Rogoff Puzzle”, would imply that if out-of-sample forecast is a valid approach for model comparison, then, the standard economic models of exchange rate determination would be inadequate. (Meese & Rogoff, 1983) findings have been widely re-examined in the literature by using different currency pairs, different time periods, real-time versus revised official macro data, and different linear structural models to assess the evidence in favor of economic fundamentals or structural models. Also, the model specifications were tested by adopting some non-linear and nonparametric extensions to get better results against the random walk null. In this paper, internet search data via Google Trends is utilized to nowcast the known variates of two structural exchange rate determinations models; Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) model and Monetary model. Then, by using the point-forecast criterion, the out-of-sample forecasting performance of these two structural models were tested against the null of random walk with drift and without a drift. By using internet search data, we aim to get a timely description of the state of the economy way before the official data is released to the market participants. Government data releases in all countries follow a lag and the market has access to these mostly monthly data in the midst of the following month or later. On the other hand, the Google Trends data can provide weekly information via search query indices on several macro fundamentals. But, it is worth clarifiying that the aim of this paper is not to find a substitute for the official government data. In fact, the official government data is the best available measure of macro fundamentals but since data releases follow a lag, the data is not available per se at the time of decision making. Hence, by utilizing the weekly internet search data, we can get a proxy to gauge the market expectations of then current macro fundamentals. It is suggested in this paper that since exchange rates are mainly driven by expectations, using Google Trends data would be beneficial in terms of capturing the information set of decision makers as closely as possible. Then, a proper testing of forecasting performance of structural exchange rate models can be conducted. 2 It is worth noting that whether we use the real time or revised official data, the lag in the availability of the official data will always be a problem, the only difference would be that the revised official data would be available to the market participants even with more lags. Hence, we suggest to use Google Trends to nowcast exchange rate fundamentals to get a timely picture of the macro fundamentals so that we can have a fair judgment on the performance of the structural exchange rate models. II. LITERATURE REVIEW Since the seminal work by (Meese & Rogoff, 1983), studies that re-examine different currency pairs, different time periods, real time versus revised official macro data, and different linear structural models have failed to overcome (Meese & Rogoff, 1983) findings. Yet, some studies such as (Mark, 1995), (Engel et al., 2007), (Gourinchas & Rey, 2007) and (Molodtsova & Papell, 2009) have found evidence in favor of structural models at short-horizon. But, as shown in (Rogoff & Stavrakeva, 2008), these findings are not robust to alternative time windows and tests. On the other hand, studies that seek alternative, mostly non-linear, specifications to overcome (Meese & Rogoff, 1983) findings have some mixed findings2. While studies such as (Diebold & Nason, 1990) and (Meese & Rose, 1991) failed to out-perform random walk null with non-linear or non-parametric specifications, (Wang & Wu, 2012) adopt density forecast criterion for model comparison and find some promising results in favor of structural models. Yet, the hunt for model specification or forecast criterion to beat the random walk null will likely continue for quite some time. The contribution of this paper is to utilize the internet search data in the literature for exchange rate disconnect puzzle. In this era of internet, information and telecommunication technologies, every visited page on the internet and each search query in a search engine are recorded in tremendous magnitudes. The use of these vast and raw data in the exchange rate literature is, on the other hand, at its very early stages. There are some recent studies that incorporate use of Big Data in economic analyses. (Einav & Levin, 2014) use social media networks data in capturing market inflation expectations. (Lamont, 1997) looked at the frequency 2 (Maasoumi & Bulut, 2012) provide evidence of specification problems for the linear structural models. 3 of appearances of the word “shortage” in print newspapers and found that it contains information that can be used as a predictor of U.S. inflation. As for Google search data, (Choi & Varian, 2012) predicted initial claims for unemployment benefits in United States by using Google Trends data. (Askitas & Zimmermann, 2009) find a strong correlation between index of Google search activity and unemployment rates using German data. (D’Amuri, 2009) test and find strong evidence on the empirical relevance of Google search index data on job search query in forecasting unemployment in Italy. (Suhoy, 2009) utilize the Google query indices for Israel and find evidence that Google Trends detects inferences about the state of the economy way before the official data releases. (Koop & Onorante, 2013) check the predictive power of Google Trends probabilities on capturing major turns and structural changes on the trending behavior of various conventional macroeconomic variables such as employment, inflation, and production data. Use of Google Trends data on exchange rate studies, on the other hand, is very limited. (Kristoufek, 2013), the only paper we are aware-off, look at the relationship between a digital currency, Bitcoin, Google Trends search queries, and Wikipedia and they found significant connection between search queries and the value of the Bitcoin. To our knowledge, this paper will be the first one to incorporate the Google search query index in evaluating forecasting performance of alternative structural exchange rate models. III. DATA AND EMPIRICAL METHODOLOGY Google Trends Data The presumption in this paper is that search engines can provide an accurate and timely information about the state of the economy. As shown in (Elgin, 2004), there is a significant increase in the percentage of internet users referred by search engines (from 67% in 2001 to 88% in 2004). Since google.com is the World’s most popular search engine with a market share of 59% (for Mobile and Tables devices this ratio is 90.8%) as of March 20153, Google Trends data is used in this paper. 3 Retrieved on March 25, 2015 at https://www.netmarketshare.com/search-engine-marketshare.aspx?qprid=4&qpcustomd=0 4 Google Trends provides a time series index of the volume of internet search queries on search phrases entered on the Google search engine based on geographic locations and time. The search query index for a given search phrase is not a nominal query volume in absolute terms, instead it is an index number from 0 to 100 measured by query share. The normalized search query index at a given point in time is calculated as the total search volume for each query in a given geographical location divided by the total number of all search queries in the same location at that time period. Hence, the index is a relative measurement. If the index number for a specific search phrase goes down through time, it doesn’t necessarily mean that we have fewer searches for that phrase. Instead, it is read as there are fewer searches now, as a percent of all searches, than there were previously. Let say that we want to nowcast the inflation in the US. Then, we collect Google Trends data for keywords that are related with inflation in US. As indicated in (Guzman, 2011), search query data can be considered as a measure of revealed expectations as because, people key in certain words on the search engines for information they want to learn or for things they have some concerns. The key point is to find out the certain keywords in native languages that will best capture the macro fundamentals in the economy. Coming back to our example, to capture inflation expectations in US, we collect Google Trends data for the search phrase “inflation” for United States4. When the index number is increasing, we will interpret this as the nation is on average feeling increasingly anxious about rising average price level in the economy. So, by using the level of index number, we can capture an indicator that will show the general public’s revealed expectation about the change in the average price level. One obstacle with search entry data is that, for any macro fundamental, it is hard to come up with just one single search term that will best predict the conventional fundamental in the economy. For almost all cases, we will have to analyze multiple keyword searches, then come up with a common factor that will mimic the conventional fundamental in the economy. In search for the common or relevant factors, we used maximumlikelihood factor analysis on Google Trends data for variable reduction purposes. 4 In this paper, depending on the availability of country level data for each week, 6-13 search entries were collected for each macro-fundamental in each country. 5 Structural Models In this paper, we selected PPP and monetary theories in exchange rate determination models. The number of the structural models is limited to only two. Uncovered interest parity model is excluded from the list because there is no information lag on the interest rate data for countries, hence we do not anticipate any information gain by including the Google search data for the interest rate in exchange rate forecasting. The Taylor rule based models are also excluded from the list due to difficulty in finding relevant search entries for these models. The PPP model is included in the analyses because it is relatively easier to come up with search entries that are related to inflation in both countries. Likewise we include the Monetary model in the analyses, since it is relatively easier to find search entries that will proxy key macro fundamentals of the model such as real income and money demand components. For each structural model, we run the following regression equation model: π¦π‘ = πΌ + π½π₯π‘ + ππ‘ (1) where π¦π‘ represents the change in the natural logarithm of the nominal spot exchange rate, π₯π‘ stands for the vector of economic fundamentals for each structural model, and ππ‘ refers to unexpected shocks to the return on exchange rate series. Exchange rate is defined in terms of US dollar per one unit of foreign currency hence an increase in π¦π‘ indicates depreciation rate of US dollar (home country) against the foreign currency. For the PPP model π₯π‘ is equal to real exchange rate (ππ‘ ). For the Monetary model, we use the simplified version of the monetary theory by assuming same money demand parameters in each country. Google Trends-Augmented Structural Models We include the observations collected from search queries to check for the out-of-sample forecasting performance gains for both the PPP and Monetary Models. TABLE 1 shows the selective list of keywords that were collected. Even though the list is in English, in collection of the data, we gathered data for entries searched for in native language of that country. For countries with more than one commonly used languages, (i.e., Denmark, Hong Kong, Singapore), we collected data for entries that are searched in both languages. 6 TABLE 1 shows the list of search entries (in native languages) we use to capture the movements in macro fundamentals that are related to each structural model. If the public is concerned over the inflation rate, we expect them to enter keywords such as “Inflation”, “Rate of Inflation”, “Price Index”, “Consumer Price Index”, and “CPI” in the Google search engine. Likewise, we use the Google Search entries “Cash”, “Checking Account”, “Debit Card”, “Need Cash”, “ATM”, “Need Credit”, and “Bank” to capture the money demand in the economy. Search entries for “Need Job”, “Resume”, “Recruitment Agency”, “Interview”, “Job Vacancy”, “Buy a Stock”, “Donate”, “Save”, “Restaurant”, “Luxury”, “Invest”, “Vacation” and “Spend Money” were used the capture the real income and buying power in the economy. How successful is Google Trends to capture the price movements in the economy? To better assess the relevancy of the index of Google search query with the actual price movements, we show the correlation between the price level in the economy and the natural log of the index of Google search query. TABLE 2 shows that, in absolute terms, the average correlation between the Google search index and the country’s price level is around 0.5. The range of correlation is in between -.96 to .97. Canada, Japan, Hong Kong and U.K. have relatively lower average correlation than the other nations in the sample. It is worth noting that the correlations are between the currently available index of search entries and the official consumer price index data for the same period which will be available to the public after a month. In Figure 1, Figure 2, and Figure 3, we also plot the price level data and the index of Google search query (the query that has the highest correlation with the price level) on the same graph to check the relation between these two variables across time. The figures indicate that the most recent indices of search queries track the price level in the nation at higher precision than earliest periods. It might be due to the fact that internet penetration rate rises in the sample countries through time. Even though higher searches for a given term through increasing internet penetration does not necessarily imply a higher query index, one can claim that the increase in the percentage of population with internet access can help better pick up nowcasting values of certain macro variables. Model Specifications In this paper, for the regression equation in (1), we look at three different specifications of π₯π‘ for the vector of exchange rate fundamentals. In the first specification, we look at the core 7 structural model with only the macroeconomic fundamentals of that model. In the second specification, we only use the related Google Trends data as the regressor in the exchange rate equation. Hence, for the PPP model, we only include the Google Trends factor scores that are related to the PPP fundamentals as the predictors for the exchange rate return series. Likewise, for the Monetary model, we only include the Google Trends factor scores that are related to the Monetary model fundamentals. In the third specification, we include the Google Trends factor scores into the each structural model as additional regressors and call it as Google Trendsaugmented structural model. TABLE 3 summarizes the three specifications that are adopted for each structural model. All variables are transformed by taking the natural logarithm multiplied by 100 to have interpretable coefficients. Home country is US and the spot exchange rate (π π‘ ) is defined as the dollar value of one unit of foreign currency, hence an increase in π π‘ refers to dollar depreciation. The real exchange rate (ππ‘ ) is measured as ππ‘ = π π‘ + ππ‘∗ − ππ‘ . Price levels in US (ππ‘ ) and in the foreign country (ππ‘∗ ) are calculated by the monthly CPI indices. M1 is used as a proxy for the money supply level in US (ππ‘ ) and in the foreign country (ππ‘∗ ). In the absence of data on M1, we used M2 as an alternative measurement. We used industrial production index (base year is 2010) πππ πππ as a proxy for the total income in US (π¦π‘ ) and in the foreign country (π¦π‘∗ ). πΊπππ and πΊππΉππ refer to vectors of PPP related Google search factor scores for US and the foreign country, respectively. ππ ππ Likewise, πΊπππ and πΊππΉππ indicate the Monetary model related Google search factor scores for US and the foreign country, respectively. Since we have collected 15-20 Google search entries for each country, when entering the Google Trends data into the analysis, we implement factor analysis on Google Trends series and only include the factor scores extracted from these analyses. Model Comparison As for model comparison in exchange rate determination models, the conventional point forecast criterion is applied. In this criterion, the model comparison is done by out-of-sample approach that compares the mean squared prediction error (MSPE) implied by the structural model with the one implied by the benchmark random walk model. By dividing the sample into training and forecasting sub-samples, the out-of-sample forecasts are calculated with rolling regression method. Out of 125 monthly observations, the size of the training sample is set to 60 to produce 65 out-of-sample forecasts. Specifically, the data from January 2004 to January 2009 is used to get the first out-of-sample forecast of exchange rate returns for February 2009. In other words, 8 πΌΜ πππ π½Μ , the standard OLS estimate of (1) are derived from the first 60 observations. Then, the realized values of economic fundamentals are employed to produce the out-of-sample forecast for the following month. Then, the data in the training sample is rolled by one month: the first observation is dropped from the sample and February 2009 observations are added to produce the second out-of-sample forecast for the next month. This procedure is repeated until all the available data in the forecasting sub-sample is exhausted. As for model comparison, MSPE measured from out-of-sample forecasts of the structural model is compared with the one produced by the benchmark model and for statistical significance, we used the test for equal predictability of a structural model and a martingale difference model proposed by (Clark & West, 2006, 2007) (CW test, henceforth). In this approach of point forecast accuracy testing, a loss differential function (ππ‘ ) is defined as the difference between the squared prediction error from the structural model i (πππΈπ ) and the one from benchmark model (πππΈπ ). Then, the equal predictive accuracy is tested by checking whether the population mean of ππ‘ is zero or not. Under the null, we have the following: π»0 = πΈ[ππ‘ ] = πΈ[πππΈπ − πππΈπ ] = 0. (2) The CW test controls for the fact that under the null, MSPE of the structural model and the benchmark model’s MSPE are not same as they are nested models. Hence, as suggested in (Clark & West, 2006), we use the following adjusted loss differential function (πΜ ): 2 πΜ = πππΈπ − πππΈπ − πππ = πππΈπ − πππΈπ − (π¦Μ π − π¦Μ π ) . (3) Since the competing models are nested, when the null of random walk movements in exchange rates is true, the structural model will produce a noise. Hence, under the null, the MSPE of the structural model will be higher by construction. Therefore, the CW test statistics adjusts for this biasness. (Clark & West, 2006) show that the adjusted test statistics, πΜ , is distributed normally with mean-zero. In testing the point forecast accuracy, the CW test statistics takes the following form: πΆπ = πΜ ππ£ππ Μ (πΜ)1/2 . (4) 9 A statistically significant positive CW test statistics is read as better performing structural model i over the benchmark model b. IV. EMPIRICAL FINDINGS TABLE 4 shows the CW test statistics and corresponding p-values for the out-of-sample forecasts comparison of PPP model against the driftless random walk null. The first column uses real exchange rate as the only macroeconomic fundamental to predict the changes in logged exchange rate series. In 6 out of 11 currency pairs, the PPP model can beat the null of driftless random walk model at statistically significant levels. As shown in the second column, if we use only the PPP-related Google search factor scores as the predictor for exchange rate returns, we find that Google Trends data can perform better, out-of-sample, for Japan, Singapore, and Sweden. On the other hand, when we use Google Trends factor scores along with the PPP fundamental in the augmented model, we find statistically significant better out-of-sample forecasts for all countries but Hong-Kong and United Kingdom. It is worth mentioning that the predictive power of PPP model (the value of the CW test statistics and the corresponding p-values) has improved significantly after the inclusion of Google Trends factor scores into the model. Besides, with the inclusion of Google Trends factor scores, we can now provide evidence in favor of the PPP model against the driftless random walk for Israel, Sweden, and Switzerland. The role of index of Google search query is even more obvious when we use the random walk with a drift as the benchmark model. As shown in TABLE 5, PPP fundamental can beat the random walk with a drift null in 2 out of 11 countries. Google Trends, on the other hand, provides more evidence against the null, shown in the 2nd column. With the inclusion of the Google Trends factor scores to the PPP fundamentals, shown in the third column, the number of countries with better performing out-of-sample forecasts increases to 9. Only for Hong Kong and UK, the Google Trends-augmented PPP model fails to outperform the null. As for Monetary model, the nowcasts of the fundamentals derived from Google search query indices provide significant forecast performance gain over the official data on Monetary model fundamentals. As shown in the first column of TABLE 6, when the null is a driftless random 10 walk, Monetary model can beat the null, out-of-sample, only for Japan. But, after the inclusion of Monetary model related Google Trends factor scores into the model, shown in the third column, beside Japan, we get evidence in favor of the Google Trends-augmented Monetary model for Australia, Canada and Singapore. This is a significant gain. Finally, when we use the random walk with a drift model as our benchmark, shown in TABLE 7, we get evidence of better performing Google Trends-augmented monetary model over the null in 5 out of 11 countries while this number was just one when we use only the Monetary model fundamentals. To sum up, the results indicate that inclusion of Google Trends-based nowcasting values of macro fundamentals to the current set of official-data based macro fundamentals improve the out-of-sample forecast of the PPP and Monetary models over the null of random walk with drift and without a drift. These significant performance gains deserve careful attention on the use of official data in the literature on exchange rate disconnect puzzle. In this paper we claim that, for proper testing of the structural models, since there is a lag in the release of official data on macro fundamentals, the literature should focus more on using ex ante variables on current macro fundamentals and nowcasting of these variables with utilization of Google search inquiries can be one alternative for this purpose. In this paper, we only use the factor scores derived from Google Search query indices. It would be interesting to search for specific search entries that are contemporaneously correlated with macro fundamentals. Google Correlate function can be utilized for this purpose. Google Correlate provides the hundred most correlated search terms with any user-provided data. Then, with some variable selection mechanism such as stepwise regression or LASSO, one can get search entries that are mostly correlated for any macro-fundamentals, then use it in exchange rate forecasting. We will leave this exercise to future studies. 11 V. CONCLUSION This paper can be the first one to incorporate the Google Trends data to assess the forecasting performance of alternative exchange rate models against the random walk null. The findings necessitate further investigation as Google Trends-augmented structural models perform better in out-of-sample forecasting against the random walk null. This study focuses only two structural exchange rate models but further studies are needed to check the findings for other currency pairs and more sophisticated structural exchange rate models. 12 VI. REFERENCES Askitas N & Zimmermann KF. 2009. Google Econometrics and Unemployment Forecasting. Applied Economics Quarterly 55 (2): 107–20. Choi H & Varian H. 2012. Predicting the Present with Google Trends. Economic Record 88: 2–9. Clark TE & West KD. 2006. Using out-of-sample Mean Squared Prediction Errors to Test the Martingale Difference Hypothesis. Journal of Econometrics 135(1–2): 155–186. Clark TE & West KD. 2007. 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Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 44(1): 103-14 14 TABLE 1 Google Search Queries PPP model Monetary model Inflation, Rate of Inflation, Price Index, Cash, Checking Account, Debit Card, Need Consumer Price Index, CPI, Cost of Cash, ATM, Need Credit, Bank, Need Job, Living, Rising Prices, Falling Prices, Resume, Recruitment Agency, Interview, Job Deflation, Retail Price Index, Current Vacancy, Inflation, Expensive, Cheapest, Cost, Restaurant, Luxury, Invest, Vacation, Spend Competitiveness, Exchange Rate. Money. Buy a Stock, Donate, Save, Notes: The table shows the common Google search entries that are employed to nowcast the macro fundamentals of each structural model. The full list of each search query in native languages of each country is provided at the appendix. 15 TABLE 2 Correlation Coefficients Price Level vs. Google Search Query Abs. Mean Min Max Australia 0.58 -0.53 0.92 Canada 0.43 -0.74 0.79 Denmark 0.56 -0.03 0.86 Euro Area 0.55 -0.96 0.97 Hong Kong 0.47 -0.50 0.85 Israel 0.78 0.64 0.89 Japan 0.13 -0.12 0.58 Singapore 0.51 -0.21 0.87 Sweden 0.70 0.38 0.88 Switzerland 0.62 -0.81 0.85 UK 0.47 -0.90 0.67 United States 0.64 -0.91 0.65 Note: The table shows the absolute value of the mean, the minimum and the maximum correlations between the price level and index of Google Search queries (measured in natural log) used for PPP model in each country. The list of all search queries is provided at the appendix. 16 TABLE 3 Model Specifications Models Set of Regressors (1) πππ (2) πΊπ πππ (3) πππ + πΊπ πππ (4) ππ (5) πΊπ ππ (6) ππ + πΊπ ππ π₯π‘ = ππ‘ πππ πππ π₯π‘ = {πΊπππ , πΊππΉππ } πππ πππ π₯π‘ = {ππ‘ , πΊπππ , πΊππΉππ } π₯π‘ = {(ππ‘ − ππ‘∗ ), (π¦π‘ − π¦π‘∗ ), π π‘ } ππ ππ π₯π‘ = {πΊπππ , πΊππΉππ } ππ ππ π₯π‘ = {(ππ‘ − ππ‘∗ ), (π¦π‘ − π¦π‘∗ ), π π‘ , πΊπππ , πΊππΉππ } Notes: The table shows the list of regressors for each model specification. The definition for each variable is provided in the text. All macro fundamentals are measures in natural logarithm multiplied by 100. Factor analysis is used to get the factor scores of natural logarithm of the Google Trends data. Model specifications (3) and (6) refer to Google Trends-augmented PPP and MM models, respectively. 17 TABLE 4 PPP Model against the null of driftless Random Walk Australia Canada PPP 1.590 GTFA PPP+GTFA 1.043 1.845 (0.058) (0.150) (0.035) 1.341 (0.092) Denmark 1.578 (0.060) Euro Area Hong Kong Israel 1.618 UK 0.783 1.733 -0.992 -0.265 (0.672) (0.838) (0.604) 0.890 1.408 1.405 0.442 (0.330) Switzerland (0.539) (0.048) -0.447 (0.082) Sweden -0.098 1.691 (0.218) (0.044) (0.082) Singapore (0.104) (0.006) (0.055) (0.188) Japan 1.269 2.613 1.160 0.073 1.376 (0.471) (0.087) 1.731 2.768 (0.044) (0.004) 2.107 2.360 (0.019) (0.011) 1.353 2.005 (0.090) (0.025) 0.293 1.947 (0.125) (0.385) (0.028) -0.344 0.784 0.742 (0.634) (0.218) (0.231) Notes: The table shows the CW test statistics (p-values are in the second rows) for the OLS out-of-sample forecasts of exchange rate returns under the null of driftless random walk. PPP stands for Purchasing Power Parity Model. GFTA stands for Google Trends factor scores. We use rolling window regression with a window of 60 observations. 1 st, 2nd, and 3rd columns stand for the model specifications (1), (2), and (3) of TABLE 3, respectively. 18 TABLE 5 PPP Model against the null of Random Walk with drift Australia Canada PPP 0.830 GTFA PPP+GTFA 0.547 1.567 (0.205) (0.293) (0.061) 0.498 (0.310) Denmark 1.462 (0.074) Euro Area Hong Kong Israel 1.557 Singapore Sweden UK 0.585 1.764 (0.280) (0.041) 0.641 1.641 (0.262) (0.053) -0.241 -1.017 -0.261 (0.595) (0.844) (0.6030 0.842 1.235 0.517 1.334 (0.303) (0.093) 2.111 2.800 (0.111) (0.019) (0.003) -0.601 1.054 1.388 (0.725) (0.148) (0.085) 0.335 (0.369) Switzerland (0.275) (0.014) (0.062) (0.201) Japan 0.600 2.253 0.792 1.354 2.033 (0.090) (0.023) 0.049 2.273 (0.216) (0.480) (0.013) -0.795 1.457 1.154 (0.785) (0.075) (0.126) Notes: The table shows the CW test statistics (p-values are in the second rows) for the OLS out-of-sample forecasts of exchange rate returns under the null of random walk with a drift. PPP stands for Purchasing Power Parity Model. GFTA stands for Google Trends factor scores. We use rolling window regressions with a window of 60 observations. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd columns stand for the model specifications (1), (2), and (3) of TABLE 3, respectively. 19 TABLE 6 Monetary Model (MM) against the null of driftless Random Walk MM GTFA MM+GTFA 0.512 2.037 1.861 Australia (0.305) (0.023) (0.034) Canada Denmark Euro Area Hong Kong Israel Japan Singapore Sweden Switzerland UK 0.224 1.467 1.798 (0.412) (0.074) (0.038) -0.013 0.499 0.241 (0.505) (0.310) (0.405) -0.810 -0.653 -0.688 (0.789) (0.742) (0.753) -0.614 -0.129 0.425 (0.729) (0.551) (0.336) -0.164 -0.512 1.204 (0.565) (0.695) (0.116) 2.289 0.777 2.595 (0.013) (0.220) (0.006) 1.122 2.548 2.664 (0.133) (0.007) (0.005) -0.149 0.247 0.634 (0.559) (0.403) (0.264) 0.755 -0.062 0.032 (0.226) (0.525) (0.487) -0.377 -0.599 -0.861 (0.646) (0.725) (0.804) Notes: The table shows the CW test statistics (p-values are in the second rows) for the OLS out-of-sample forecasts of exchange rate returns under the null of driftless random. MM stands for Monetary model. GFTA stands for Google Trends factor scores. We use rolling window regressions with a window of 60 observations. 1 st, 2nd, and 3rd columns stand for the model specifications (4), (5), and (6) of TABLE 3, respectively. 20 TABLE 7 Monetary Model (MM) against the null of Random Walk with a drift Australia Canada Denmark Euro Area Hong Kong Israel Japan Singapore Sweden MM GTFA MM+GTFA -0.227 1.763 1.333 (0.589) (0.041) (0.094) -0.519 1.130 1.375 (0.697) (0.131) (0.087) 0.081 (0.468) (0.350) (0.457) -1.106 -1.302 -1.419 (0.864) (0.901) (0.920) 0.052 (0.590) (0.332) -0.704 0.016 1.477 (0.758) (0.494) (0.072) 1.932 0.858 2.389 (0.029) (0.197) (0.010) -0.980 1.526 1.672 (0.835) (0.066) (0.050) 0.094 1.269 (0.105) UK -0.229 0.437 (0.479) (0.463) Switzerland 0.386 0.108 0.958 (0.171) 0.638 0.430 (0.263) (0.334) -0.462 0.035 (0.677) (0.486) -1.279 -1.463 (0.897) (0.926) Notes: The table shows the CW test statistics (p-values are in the second rows) for the OLS out-of-sample forecasts of exchange rate returns under the null of random walk with a drift. MM stands for Monetary model. GFTA stands for Google Trends factor scores. We use rolling window regressions with a window of 60 observations. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd columns stand for the model specifications (4), (5), and (6) of TABLE 3, respectively. 21 22 23 24