SEXUAL HARASSMENT & OTHER PROHIBITED HARASSMENT AN OVERVIEW FOR ALL WYLIE ISD EMPLOYEES Sexual Harassment and Other Prohibited Harassment are forms of discrimination which are strictly prohibited by federal law. SEXUAL HARASSMENT DEFINED: Unwelcome conduct, either verbal or physical, that would not occur but for the sex/gender of the individual. SEXUAL HARASSMENT AND OTHER PROHIBITED HARASSMENT IN SCHOOLS •Employee-to-Student •Employee-to Employee •Student-to Student TYPES OF SEXUAL AND OTHER PROHIBITED HARASSMENT • Quid Pro Quo: When an individual in a position of authority offers a subordinate something in exchange for some form of sexual favor • Hostile Environment: Created when unwelcome advances, requests, or conduct have the effect of interfering with an individual’s performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or otherwise offensive learning or working environment EXAMPLES OF QUID PRO QUO • A teacher may offer a student a better grade or a particular position on an athletic team in exchange for a kiss. • A supervisor may offer an employee a higher evaluation or a promotion in exchange for accompanying the supervisor to dinner. SIGNS OF A HOSTILE ENVIRONMENT • High rate of absenteeism • Low morale • Performance slips • Failing grades • Discipline problems EXAMPLES OF SEXUAL HARASSMENT • Sexual advances or requests • Touching intimate body parts • Coercing or forcing a sexual act on another • Jokes or conversations of a sexual nature • Engaging in sexually oriented conversations for the purpose of personal sexual gratification • Telephoning or text messaging students at home or elsewhere for inappropriate social relationships EXAMPLES OF OTHER PROHIBITED HARASSMENT • Offensive or derogatory language directed at another person’s religious beliefs or practices, accent, skin color, or need for workplace accommodations; • Threatening or intimidating conduct; • Offensive jokes, name calling, slurs, or rumors; • Physical aggression or assault; • Display of graffiti or painted material promoting racial, ethnic, or other negative stereotypes; or • Other types of aggressive conduct such as theft or damage to property. SEXUAL HARASSMENT EMPLOYEE-TO-STUDENT • A District employee causes the student to believe that he/she must submit to the conduct in order to participate in a school program or activity, or that the employee will make an educational decision based on whether or not the student submits to the conduct SEXUAL HARASSMENT EMPLOYEE-TO-STUDENT • Includes both welcome and unwelcome sexual advances; requests for sexual favors; sexual motivated physical, verbal, or nonverbal conduct; or other conduct or communication of a sexual nature SEXUAL HARASSMENT EMPLOYEE-TO-STUDENT • Sexual harassment or harassment of any kind of students by employees is always a violation of law. • The fact that a student sought the conduct is of no merit. • There is always the presumption that the conduct was unwelcome between the employee and student. • Any sexual relationship between a student and a District employee is always prohibited, even if consensual. SEXUAL HARASSMENT EMPLOYEE-TO-EMPLOYEE • Submission to the conduct is a condition of an employee’s employment; or such conduct is used as a basis for employment actions affecting the employee. • The conduct is so severe that it unreasonably interferes with the employee’s work performance or creates an intimidating, threatening, hostile, or offensive work environment. SEXUAL HARASSMENT STUDENT-TO-STUDENT • Affects the student’s ability to participate in or benefit from an educational program of activity, or creates an intimidating, threatening, hostile, or offensive educational environment. • Has the purpose or effect of substantially or unreasonably interfering with the student’s academic performance. • Otherwise adversely affects the student’s education opportunities. OTHER PROHIBITED HARASSMENT EMPLOYEE-TO-EMPLOYEE, EMPLOYEE-TO-STUDENT, & STUDENT-TO-STUDENT Unwelcome physical, verbal, or nonverbal conduct based on the student/employee race, color, gender, national origin, disability, or religion that is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that the conduct: • Affects a person’s ability to participate in or benefit from an educational program or activity, or creates an intimidating, threatening, hostile, or offensive education/work environment; • Has the purpose or effect of substantially or unreasonably interfering with the student’s academic performance or employee’s work; or • Otherwise adversely affects the student’s educational opportunities or the employee’s employment opportunities. KEY WORD: UNWELCOME For any conduct to constitute sexual harassment or other prohibited harassment, it must be unwelcome by the individual complaining of the conduct EXCEPT in the Employee-to-Student situation. Employee-to-Student harassment is ALWAYS considered to be unwelcome. • Conduct which may be offensive to one person may not be to another. • The victim has an obligation to tell the harasser that he/she finds the conduct offensive. • If the behavior continues beyond that point, then it is sexual harassment or other prohibited harassment. • A single incident can constitute sexual harassment if it is an occurrence such as sexual assault. EMPLOYEE RESPONSIBILITY PROTECT YOURSELF FROM A CHARGE OF ANY KIND OF HARASSMENT • Do not socialize with students. • Stop whatever you are doing if you sense discomfort from a student/employee. • Dress appropriately for the school/work environment. • Conduct yourself in a business-like manner. EMPLOYEE RESPONSIBILITY PROTECTION OF STUDENTS • Treat students’ complaints of sexual harassment or harassment seriously; do not ever take such allegations lightly. • If you see sexual harassment or harassment of any type occurring, stop it! • Make appropriate discipline referrals in accordance to the Student Code of Conduct. • Immediately report the conduct and your actions of remediation to your supervisor/principal. • Be sure the report is in writing; dated and signed. VICTIM’S RESPONSIBILITY WHAT TO DO IF YOU ARE SEXUALLY HARASSED • Let the person know that the comments or actions are unwelcome. • Employees- Immediately report the harassment to your supervisor/principal. • Students- Immediately report the harassment to a teacher, counselor, principal, or other District employee. • In your report, list the time, place, and person(s) present using who, what, where, when, and why. DISTRICT RESPONSIBILITY • Have a comprehensive policy prohibiting sexual harassment. • Clearly communicate sexual harassment and harassment and complaint procedures to employees, students, and parents. • Train administrators to recognize, investigate, and resolve sexual harassment claims. • Train employees to recognize and report sexual harassment, understand appropriate and inappropriate interaction with students; and report any incidents that a student might misinterpret as sexual harassment to their supervisors. • Train teachers to appropriately discipline students involved in incidents of student-to-student sexual harassment. • Train and inform students how to recognize and report allegations and to whom they can report. It is important for schools to create an environment that encourages students or employees who believe they have been subject to sexual harassment to come forward. SCHOOL DISTRICT LIABILITY & PERSONAL LIABILITY Deliberate Indifference • When one who has the authority to address the alleged discrimination and institute corrective measures has actual knowledge of discrimination and fails to adequately respond. Gebser v. Lago Vista ISD 118 S. Ct. 1989 (1998) DELIBERATE INDIFFERENCE • An administrator who shows deliberate indifference by failing to investigate and prevent the abuse of a student can be held liable for the subordinate’s abuse of the student. Doe v. Taylor ISD • Administrators must take action when sexual harassment claims are reported to protect students and avoid personal liability. The Supervisor/Principal Must Immediately Notify the Appropriate District Official • Contact Human Resources and Student Services (972)429-3009 • All Complaints of Sexual Harassment and Harassment will be investigated promptly, thoroughly, and as confidentially as possible. • Retaliation toward the accuser will not be tolerated. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964: • US Supreme Court Faragher v. City of Boca Raton 524 US 775 (1998) Burlington Industries v. Ellerth 524 US 742 (1998) • Texas Labor Code 21.010