Conducting Valuable Preliminary Investigations

Conducting Valuable
Preliminary Investigations
Peter Weichel
Why do projects fail? What can be done to prevent
it? This article presents a practical concept and corresponding methodology for how to obtain relevant
data and information prior to more detailed project
conceptualization and project start. Obtaining relevant
data and information before a project start is essential
to all project startups and will increase the likelihood
of successful project completion.
Running projects is common practice within many
businesses and industries. Some companies have developed a formal project office that provides a final
project model and project handbook, whereas other
companies have a more informal structure for running projects.
A generic and classic high-level model for project
lifecycles contains phases like conceptualization,
planning, testing, implementation, and closure (1).
This model describes what will happen when the
decision to start a project has been taken. But before
a project has been decided, there is a phase—sometimes called the pre-analysis phase—that should be
completed. This pre-analysis phase is important to all
projects, but is not covered well in the common literature and is not always used in projects. It is a vital
phase, because the lack of such an investigation can
influence the future project.
The purpose of this article is to outline how a preanalysis can be performed. In this article the pre-analysis is called preliminary investigation. The article tries
to provide a generic concept for conducting preliminary
investigations. It is based on the author’s personal experience with managing projects in general.
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Many projects, especially IT projects, tend to fail when
measured on parameters like budget, plan, quality, and
the resulting system. A famous research study conducted in 1995 in the United States by the Standish Group
surveying companies in different industries found that,
on average, only 16.2% of software projects are completed on time, within budget, and with all features and
functionalities as initially specified (2). In this study the
Standish Group also concluded that the following are
the main reasons why software projects are challenged:
• Lack of user input
• Incomplete requirements and specifications
• Changing requirements and specifications
• Lack of executive support
• Technology incompetence
• Lack of resources
• Unrealistic expectations
• Unclear objectives
• Unrealistic time frames
• New technology
• Other.
More recent studies have confirmed the low project
success rate even though it has improved over the past
years. With this in mind, it makes sense to conduct a
short preliminary investigation at an early stage and before a project is started. Preliminary investigations can
be used to prepare users at an early stage for potential
future changes and thereby help anchor an upcoming
project. Ultimately, the preliminary investigation can
reveal that a planned/requested project is not actually
needed or will not add value to the business, thereby
saving time and resources.
Peter Weichel
S2: Implement new system/processes/technology
S0: Current situation
S1: Redesign current system/processes/technology
Figure 1:
Field in focus of the preliminary investigation.
Preliminary investigations should be performed before
project conceptualization and project start. They should
be used to retrieve important data and information that
will later be used in project conceptualization (e.g., when
writing the business case for the project). Basically, the
preliminary investigation looks at situations S0, S1, and
S2 and their relations, as shown in Figure 1.
Conducting a preliminary investigation should not
be a long or major task, as this could de-motivate or
actually prevent projects from starting. The preliminary investigation should by definition be a quick
and initial survey of situations S0, S1, and S2 before a
more detailed investigation is started. A period of one
to three months is recommended, depending on the
project and the business processes in focus. Investigations longer than three months should not be classified as preliminary investigations.
Who should conduct the preliminary investigation?
It is recommended that one person be put in charge of
the investigation. If needed this could be supplemented
with one to three persons functioning as consultants,
specialists, or reviewers in a reference group. The important thing here is to avoid a large formal project
group, as this could prevent a quick investigation and
instead turn the preliminary investigation into a longterm project itself.
A preliminary investigation should involve the elements, methodologies, and output shown in Figure 2.
Other items can be included as well, but the most important ones are outlined in this article. It is important
to remember that a preliminary investigation is not a
scientific study and should not try to give definite answers for every issue. The final product of the preliminary investigation should be a short report.
The elements of the preliminary investigation include
the scope analysis, the problem survey, and the benefit
analysis. The purpose of these elements is to get a clear
understanding of the basis and objective of a future project before the project work is actually started. Knowing
these three elements (scope, problems, and benefits) is
essential for all project startups.
The scope analysis can be done by simply asking the
following questions:
• Who are the potential users?
• Which departments or business areas could be involved?
• What are the business processes (i.e., high-level description, not detailed)?
• Are records or documents generated?
• Do regulatory requirements or standards apply
(e.g., GLP, GCP, or GMP)?
• What kind of technology is used?
The problem survey simply consists of the following:
• Description of the major problems existing (userfriendly description, not technical)
• Categorization of the types of problems (organizational, technology, human resource problem, etc.).
Do not try to offer solutions, but simply describe
Winter 2009 Volume 13 Number 1
Preliminary investigation:
• Scope analysis (S1, S2)
• User interview
• Preliminary vision (S1, S2)
• Problem survey (S0)
• Data analysis
• Draft scope (S2)
• Benefit analysis (S1, S2)
• Questionnaire
• List of identified problems (S0)
• List of identified improvements (S1)
• List of identified benefits (S1, S2)
• List of key-stake holders (S0, S1, S2)
• Preliminary URS (S2)
• Initial economic assessment (S2)
Figure 2:
Elements, methodologies, and output of a preliminary investigation.
As with the problem survey, the benefit analysis simply consists of the following:
• Description of the benefits (user-friendly description, not technical)
• Classification of the benefits as quantitative benefits
and non-quantitative benefits.
How is data and information obtained as input for
the scope definition, the problem survey, and the benefit analysis?
The user interview, the data analysis, and the questionnaire can be used together, individually, or in combination to obtain data and information. The person in
charge of the preliminary investigation should choose
the methods that are best suited to the situation.
The user interview is done by interviewing relevant
users in the business and technology areas. Do not try
to interview every employee in the company, but find a
representative group. An agenda should be issued first,
and questions must be prepared beforehand (see Table
I). The types of questions presented in Table I are active
questions (also called “open questions”) in the sense that
they require the interviewees to actively reflect on the situations and not just answer yes or no. Interviewing users
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• Initial cost-benefit analysis (S1, S2)
• Current conclusion/recommendation
could also be combined with a demonstration of the
business activities or processes in action.
Other parties than the real users could also be
interviewed. Company visits or visits by technology vendors could provide important data and input (e.g., key figures indicating the price level of the
technology on the market). At this stage the purpose
should only be to obtain initial economic assessments giving a hint of the price level of the technology on the market. No price negotiations or tender
process should be started at this stage, because it is
too comprehensive at this stage and is done in later
project phases.
Data analysis is a broad term and somehow reflects the fact that it involves analyzing data from
the business processes. If, for example, the system
currently in place uses an Access database for controlling documents (e.g., a complaint database) the
data analysis could simply be to retrieve data from
the system that answer the following questions:
• What is the lead time for records generated in
the system?
• How many records have been generated over the
past years?
• Which users/departments have generated most
records over the past 24 months?
Peter Weichel
In most electronic systems, this data can easily by
retrieved by simple queries in the system, either directly from the user interface or, alternatively, from
the system administrator using an appropriate query
language behind the database application (e.g., SQL
or similar). The important thing here is that the person in charge of the preliminary investigation outlines
the relevant questions.
Using questionnaires can be more difficult, because
the perception of written questions can be different
from person to person. Basically, questionnaires can be
issued on paper (i.e., P-surveys) or on electronic media,
for example the Internet (i.e., E-surveys). Questionnaires should be tested before they are issued. Professional courses are provided on how to prepare good and
useful questionnaires. Several courses can be found on
the Internet that can help in avoiding the most common
pitfalls when designing and writing questionnaires.
The advantage of using questionnaires is that
people participating can return their answers at their
convenience. On the other hand, answering questionnaires can be time consuming for people, and the
number of respondents can sometimes be low and,
therefore, not representative.
Here it is important that the person in charge of the
preliminary investigation actually asks what the purpose and objective of issuing a questionnaire is. What
will be obtained that cannot be obtained by a user interview? The person in charge of the preliminary investigation should ask the following questions:
• What is the purpose and objective of the questionnaire?
• What data/information do we want from the respondents?
• What do we know before issuing the questionnaire?
• How will answers be analyzed, processed, and presented?
All together, the user interviews, the data analysis,
and the questionnaire will collect important data and
information that will serve as input to the scope definition, the problem list, the list of identified benefits,
the potential key stakeholders, etc. This information is
analyzed and processed by the person in charge of the
TABLE I: Type of questions used in the user interview.
1. What are the three most critical issues with the current
2. What are the three most important reasons/benefits for
changing to a new system?
3. What are the most important redesigns that can be made to
improve the current system?
4. Who are the most important user(s) of the current system?
preliminary investigation and presented in the preliminary investigative report.
The processed results are collated and presented in short
form in the preliminary investigative report. The results
can be displayed in attachments to the report (e.g., as
lists or in bullet form). A fictional example of a scope
definition is provided in Table II. A fictional example
of problems identified during the preliminary investigation is provided in Table III.
A good understanding of the problem area ensures
that problems from the legacy world will not be transferred to the new or redesigned system/process/technology when writing the final user requirement specification (URS) in later project phases.
Not all the items listed in Figure 2 need to be output
of the preliminary investigation. This depends on the
specific situation. The important thing is that the preliminary investigation by definition does not offer definite or scientific answers to every issue. Interim results
could be used, as well.
The final product is the preliminary investigative report. It is valuable to the upcoming project and serves
as a baseline or starting point of knowledge. The report
provides, for example, valuable and useful information
when defining the vision in more detail and writing the
business case of a coming project. It can also give initial
economic assessments of a future project or a specific
technology on the market before a real tender process is
initiated. The report does not offer final answers to all issues, but functions as a tool to help a project group deWinter 2009 Volume 13 Number 1
TABLE II: Example of a scope definition attached to
the preliminary investigative report.
Our preliminary investigation has summarised a draft
scope for a future EDMS system:
• The system should apply to all compliance users in the company (i.e., users in Production, R&D and QA/QC)
• The number of future users has been calculated to approximately 500 users
• T he system should manage quality manual (company policies) and SOPs
• The number of documents have been estimated to 5000
• The system must be electronic and should be provided by a
professional vendor
• 21 CFR Part 11 and EudraLex Annex 11 apply.
TABLE III: Example of a list of problems attached to
the preliminary investigative report.
Our preliminary investigation has revealed the following
problems with the current document management systems:
I: Many users find that our current document management system has too many document types. Clear definitions of each
document type are also missing. In particular, the difference
between company guidelines and SOPs is not clear for users
[organisational problem].
II: The search engine in our current system does not allow for
full-text searches. Many users complain that it takes time to
find the right documents [technical problem].
III: Each business area in the company has its own document
management system, making it difficult to retrieve and read
documents from related areas. It has been found that the
company currently has six document management systems
in place [organisational problem].
IV: Many users find that the lead time from document drafting
to document approval is very long. Users request a shorter
or quicker document process. Our investigation shows that
the average lead time is 42 days and is primarily taken up
by the review phase [technical problem].
78 Journal of GXP Compliance
termine which direction the more detailed work should
take. The preliminary investigative report should contain
a conclusion or recommendation with regard to which
direction the work in the future project should go. In case
a decision has been taken during the preliminary investigation the output could instead be written directly as a
Project Charter for a future project.
This article has been written with the objective of providing an example of how a preliminary investigation
can be conducted. The example is presented in generic
form, independent from a specific project in mind.
Other approaches for performing preliminary investigations can be used. The important thing is that the person in charge of the investigation chooses the approach
and methods most appropriate for the specific situation.
1. H. Kerzner, Project Management—A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
2. The Standish Group International, Inc, The Standish Group
Chaos Report, 1995. GXP
Code of Federal Regulation
Electronic Document Management System
Good Clinical Practice
Good Laboratory Practice
Good Manufacturing Practice
Quality Assurance
Quality Control
Research & Development
Standard Operating Procedure
User Requirement Specification
Peter Weichel holds an M.S. degree from University of Southern
Denmark. He is IPMA certified as a Project Management Associate
and works as a project manager in the pharmaceutical industry.
Peter can be reached at