Chapter 19 Review Sheet The Progressive Era

Chapter 19 Review Sheet
The Progressive Era
The following questions are designed to help you prepare for the test on Chapter 19. Answer each
of the following questions in complete sentences. Give as much detail as possible.
1. What was the purpose of the Wisconsin Idea, and who set it up? (see page 646 & notes)
2. Who was Thomas Nast, and what did he do that was so important? (see page 646 &
3. What was the Civil Service, and how did the Civil Service Commission limit the spoils
system? (see page 645 & notes/handouts)
4. Explain what the 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th Amendments all achieved? (see pages 647,
658, & 659, and notes/handouts)
5. What were the two main goals of women during the Progressive era? (see pages 656-659
& notes/handouts)
6. What was the Women’s Christian Temperance Union, and what did it do? (see page 659
& notes/handouts)
7. What new progressive reforms did Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and
Woodrow Wilson help to enact, and what did each reform do? (see pages 652-653 and the
Legislative Reform Chart)
8. What do all these people have in common: Ida Tarbell, Jacob Riis, Upton Sinclair, and
Lincoln Steffens? What issue or problem did each one of them expose to the public.
Explain. (see pages 648 & notes/handouts)
9. Who founded the Tuskegee Institute, and what was it’s purpose? (see page 660 &
10. Compare and contrast W.E.B. DuBois and Booker T. Washington, and how they wanted
to help African-Americans. Develop your answer. (see pages 660-661 & notes/handouts)
11. What do the Chinese Exclusion Act and the Gentlemen’s Agreement have in common?
(see page 664 & notes/handouts)
12. Define each of the following terms; referendum, initiative, primary, and recall, and explain
how they changed the power of citizens in the political process in the United States?
( see page 647 & notes/handout)
13. Define all the following terms: muckrakers, trustbuster, and suffragists.
(see pages 647-648, 650, and 657, and notes/handouts)
14. What did each of the following people do Carrie Chapman Catt, William Tweed,
Robert LaFollette, William Howard Taft, and Woodrow Wilson? (see pages 657, 646,
652-653, and notes/handouts)
15. Explain the details of the Northern Securities Case and why it was so important?
(see page 650 & notes)
16. Name two suffragists and explain how they fought for women’s suffrage. (see page
656- 657, and notes/handouts)
17. How did the muckrakers help to bring about reform? Name at least two muckrakers,
and the reform that was enacted because of them. (see page 648 & notes/handouts)
18. What was Theodore Roosevelt’s view towards trusts? Explain them. (see page 650 &
19. Who was Carry Nation, and what did she do? Explain. (see page 659 & notes/handouts)
20. What were political bosses? How did they become so powerful? Explain. (see page 646 &
21. Which acts helped to regulate the railroads in the early 1900’s? (see page 645 &
notes/Legislative Reform Chart)
22. Which group of people(s) did not benefit under Progressivism? (see page 662 &