Using Prefixes, Suffixes and Root Words to Improve College Level Vocabulary Steven Reid 6/15/2013 1 Table of Contents Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ 2 Overview.............................................................................................................................................................. 3 Word Circle.......................................................................................................................................................... 4 Prefixes Card Sort................................................................................................................................................ 5 Suffixes................................................................................................................................................................. 6 Prefix, Suffix, and Root Worksheet.................................................................................................................... 7 Appendix A – Word Circles................................................................................................................................. 8 Appendix B – Card Sort..................................................................................................................................... 12 Appendix C – Suffix Worksheet........................................................................................................................ 17 Appendix E – Prefix, Suffix, and Root Worksheet........................................................................................... 20 Appendix F – Prefixes ....................................................................................................................................... 25 Appendix G – Root Words ................................................................................................................................ 29 Appendix H – S uffixes ....................................................................................................................................... 35 2 Introduction Often students approach vocabulary acquisition as a “Just Memorize It” type of exercise. Some student painstakingly waste time dragging out a dictionary when the word could easily be broken apart to discern its meaning, if only the student knew what the individual pieces of the word meant. In this unit, I will show students how to dissect words by exploring the meanings of the prefixes, suffixes and roots that were used to create the word. By taking their knowledge of the pieces, they will be able to gain the understanding of more complicated, college-­‐level vocabulary simply by breaking it apart. 3 Overview One of the best methods for teaching the word construction method of vocabulary is through the use of analogies. By using words the students already know, they will be able to build on that knowledge to learn new words. With that in mind, the first part of the lesson will involve Word Circles. These are used to take the new affix or root and pair it with words already in the students’ vocabulary. The Word Circles can be used in discussion each time new affixes or roots are taught. Prefixes are explored through the use of a Card Sort activity where the students will be asked to look at a set of prefixes and roots and then match them together. The suffix lesson uses matching to begin the process of suffix understanding and expands to look at acquiring meaning based on the root and the suffix combination. Finally, all three pieces are used to define new vocabulary. These lessons may be expanded by following up with passages taken from literature to allow students to discover more vocabulary that can be dissected using their newfound skills with prefixes, suffixes and roots. Articles from journals, cuttings from novels, stories from newspapers or magazines could all be possible sources for additional work in this area. 4 Word Circle Objective: To help students see the connection between the affix or root when used in a word they are familiar with and how it could be used to help define new vocabulary. Materials: Copies of: From Appendix A: Word Circle (completed copy with root word “man”) handout Large Word Circle handout Small Word Circle handout From Appendices F, G, and H: Copies of Prefix List, Root List, Suffix List Directions: 1. Discuss with students how to fill out the chart: a. Start with the affix or root to be learned, place it in the center. b. Define the affix or root. c. Fill in as many words as possible using the affix or root. d. Complete the Circle by using a dictionary or the internet to find more words that use that affix or root. 2. Using the completed copy, discuss how each of the words in the Circle are related to the definition of the root “man” – “hand. a. Manuscript – a handwritten copy b. Manacles – handcuffs c. Manipulate – to move it by hand, etc. 3. Choose another affix or root and, using the large Word Circle, have the class as a whole complete the circle. Students can call out words that use that affix or root and then how it is related to the definition. 4. Next, you may want to provide you students with a few copies of the pages with 4 small circles on it. They can use these for their personal exploration, or you may want to assign them 4 (or more) affixes or roots and have them complete the Word Circles for each. 5 Prefixes Card Sort Objective: To help students see the connection between a prefix and a word. This will help students see which prefix can be attached to which word, and how it affects the meaning. Materials: Copies of the Card Match pages (one set for each student/group) from Appendix B. It will probably be best to copy these on card stock. This will allow for the cards to stand up to the wear-­‐and-­‐tear they will experience during multiple uses. Copies of Prefix List and Root List (from Appendices F and G). Directions: 1. Have students working either alone or in small groups match the prefixes to words on the appropriate card. Students may discover that some prefixes can be attached to more than one card, or that a word may work with multiple prefixes. 2. Have students write down all of the new words they have created and the definition of the new words. 3. You may also have them group: a. All the words that match a particular prefix, b. All the prefixes that match a particular work, and/or c. All prefixes that have similar meaning. 6 Suffixes Objective: To allow students to become more familiar with suffix usage, function, and meaning. Materials: Copies of Suffix Worksheet (Appendix C) Copies of Suffix List (Appendix H) Copies of Root List (Appendix G) Directions: 1. Discuss the function of Suffixes when used with roots, such as how words often change their parts of speech when a suffix is added. For example: a. –ion, changes the verb “act” to the noun “action.” b. –ible, changes the noun “vision” to the adjective “visible.” 2. Suffixes can also be used to modify a word in other ways: a. –ette can be used to “make something smaller, as in “kitchen” to “kitchenette.” b. –ess can be used to show gender, “waiter” to “waitress.” (However, this is falling out of favor as English moves toward more gender-­‐neutral usage.) 3. If desired, the teacher may want to use the Word Circles (from Appendix A) to further explore the various suffixes from the List. 4. When the teacher feels the students are comfortable with suffix usage, all them to explore to words by using the Suffix Worksheet. 7 Prefix, Suffix, and Root Worksheet Objective: To allow the students to use all the affix and root to find the meaning of college level vocabulary. Materials: Copies of the Prefixes, Suffixes, and Root lists Copies of the “Prefixes, Suffixes, and Root Word Worksheet” from Appendix E. Directions: 1. As the culmination of their work with the word components, have the students use the worksheet to use their newfound skills to define previously unknown words. 2. First have the students deconstruct the word into its parts. 3. Then, but using these parts, have the students create a definition for the word. 4. Finally, using a dictionary, have the students check their created definition with the actual definition of the word. 5. You may want to have the students work in teams or share their results with the group. 8 Appendix A – Word Circles 9 Root or Affix Meani ng 10 Root or Affix Root or Affix Mea ning Mea ning Root or Affix Mea ning Root or Affix Mea ning 11 manacl es m a n u s c ri p t manipula te man Root or Affix m a n u a l hand Meani ng managem ent emancipa te m a n e u v e r m a n u f a c t u r e 12 Appendix B – Card Sort 13 a typical di section dis interest re vive 14 in scribe anti freeze non sense post pone 15 ex hale im possible mono tone trans verse 16 ir regular un helpful sub liminal mal practice 17 Appendix C – Suffix Worksheet 18 DIRECTIONS: Match the root word to the appropriate suffix. Root Word sequ bio acid tact vent act stat Suffix ile us ure ive logy el ic DIRECTIONS: Identify the suffix in each word and use it to define the word. Bibliophile Retirement Respondent Theocracy Romanesque Falsify Negligence Civil Homicide Edible Suffix Meaning of word 19 ANSWER KEY DIRECTIONS: Match the root word to the appropriate suffix. Root Word sequ bio acid tact vent act stat Suffix ile us ure ive logy el ic DIRECTIONS: Identify the suffix in each word and use it to define the word. Bibliophile Retirement Respondent Theocracy Romanesque Falsify Negligence Civil Homicide Edible Suffix -­‐phile -­‐ment -­‐ent -­‐cracy -­‐esque -­‐ify -­‐ence -­‐il -­‐cide -­‐ible Meaning of word Someone who loves books A state of being retired One who responds government of religion in the style of romance to make false the act of neglect like the citizens to kill a human able to be eaten 20 Appendix E – Prefix, Suffix, and Root Worksheet 21 DIRECTIONS: Identify any prefixes, s uffixes, and/or root words used to create these words, and then use them to create a definition for the word. After completing your definitions, use a dictionary to find the exact definition. ambidextrous Prefix(es) Root(s) Suffix(es) Prefix(es) Root(s) Suffix(es) Prefix(es) Root(s) Suffix(es) Prefix(es) Root(s) Suffix(es) Prefix(es) Root(s) Suffix(es) Prefix(es) Root(s) Suffix(es) My d efinition Dictionary d efinition misogynist My d efinition Dictionary d efinition immortal My d efinition Dictionary d efinition photosynthesis My d efinition Dictionary d efinition ambivalence My d efinition Dictionary d efinition amorphous My d efinition Dictionary d efinition 22 sanctimonious Prefix(es) Root(s) Suffix(es) Prefix(es) Root(s) Suffix(es) Prefix(es) Root(s) Suffix(es) Prefix(es) Root(s) Suffix(es) Prefix(es) Root(s) Suffix(es) Prefix(es) Root(s) Suffix(es) Prefix(es) Root(s) Suffix(es) My d efinition Dictionary d efinition nonsectarian My d efinition Dictionary d efinition incontrovertible My d efinition Dictionary d efinition demographic My d efinition Dictionary d efinition heliocentric My d efinition Dictionary d efinition pugilist My d efinition Dictionary d efinition sesquicentennial My d efinition Dictionary d efinition 23 ANSWER KEY DIRECTIONS: Identify any prefixes, s uffixes, and/or root words used to create these words, and then use them to create a definition for the word. After completing your definitions, use a dictionary to find the exact definition. Prefix(es) Root(s) ambi-­‐ both dexter-­‐ right handed My d efinition: Able to use b oth hands fully Dictionary d efinition: able to use both hands equally well Suffix(es) -­‐ous full of Prefix(es) mis – wrong My d efinition: one who treats women badly Root(s) gyn – women Suffix(es) ist – one who Root(s) death-­‐ life Suffix(es) al – have the quality Root(s) synth – to create Suffix(es) ambidextrous misogynist Dictionary d efinition: a p erson who hates women Prefix(es) im-­‐ not My d efinition: d oes not have the quality of d eath immortal Dictionary d efinition: one who is not subject to d eath Prefix(es) photo-­‐ light My d efinition: creating with light photosynthesis Dictionary d efinition: the process green plants use to create carbohydrates b y using water, light and carbon d ioxide Prefix(es) Root(s) ambi-­‐ val -­‐ strength My d efinition: not having any s trength (in opinion or b elief) ambivalence Suffix(es) -­‐ence s tate of Dictionary d efinition: uncertainly or fluctuations, especially in b eliefs Prefix(es) a-­‐ not My d efinition: not having a shape amorphous Root(s) morph-­‐ shape Suffix(es) -­‐ous full of Dictionary d efinition: lacking a definite form 24 sanctimonious Prefix(es) Root(s) sanct-­‐ holy Suffix(es) -­‐ous full of My d efinition: b eing full of h oliness Dictionary d efinition: having a hypocritical showiness of righteousness Prefix(es) non-­‐not My d efinition: not involving religion nonsectarian Root(s) sect-­‐religious Suffix(es) Dictionary d efinition: not affiliated with a specific religion Prefix(es) in-­‐ not, contro against My d efinition: not able to be turn against incontrovertible Root(s) vert-­‐ to turn Suffix(es) -­‐ible able to Dictionary d efinition: not open to question or d ispute Root Root demo-­‐people, graph-­‐ to write My d efinition: something written about a the people demographic Suffix(es) -­‐ic – pertaining to Dictionary d efinition: social statistics of a human population Root Root(s) helio-­‐ sun cent-­‐ center My d efinition: p ertaining to the sun b eing the center of the universe heliocentric Suffix(es) -­‐ic – pertaining to Dictionary d efinition: having the sun as the center Prefix(es) My d efinition: someone who fights pugilist Root(s) pug – to fight Suffix(es) ist-­‐ one who Root(s) cent – 100 Suffix(es) Dictionary d efinition: a boxer sesquicentennial Prefix(es) sesqui-­‐ 1.5 time My d efinition: 150 years Dictionary d efinition 150th anniversary 25 Appendix F – Prefixes 26 Prefix a, ab, abs ad, a, ac, af ag, an, ar, at an anim ante anti auc, aug aud, aur auto Meaning away from to, toward life, spirit before against increase to hear self Example absent abscond adapt adhere annex animate antebellum antifreeze augment audience automatic ben, bon, eu good benefit bi, bis circum, cir com, con, co contra, counter de dis, dif, di dys ecto, exo endo epi equ, equi ex, e, ef extra hetero homo hyper hypo in, il, ir, im en two around with, together against euphoric bicycle circumvent combine contraband away from, down the opposite of apart bad, abnormal outside inside upon, on top of equal out, from beyond other same above under in, into depart decline dislocate dysfunction exoskeleton endocranial epicenter equalize exhale eject extraterrestrial heterogeneous homogenize hyperactive hypodermic ingest Definition not present, away to run away to fit to to stick to to add or join to bring to life before the war a substance that prevents freezing to make greater, to increase a group of listeners having a self-­‐acting or self-­‐ regulating mechanism something that promotes goodness, something helpful feeling of great happiness two wheel cycle to go around to bring together items that are against the law to sell or own to go away from to go down to dislodge bad or abnormal function an outside covering, or hard shell inside the skull the place on the surface above the focus of an earthquake to make equal to breathe out to throw out beyond the earth made up of different things to make the same more active below the skin to take in 27 impose to force into Prefix in, il, ig, ir, im inter intra mal, male macro Meaning not between, among within bad, ill, wrong large Example inactive irrelevant interstate intracellular malfunction macroeconomics micro small microscopic mis mono neo non ob omni per peri wrong, badly misspell one, along, single monopoly new neolithic not, the reverse of nonprofit in front, against, in obstruct front of, in the way of everywhere omnipotent through perceive around perimeter poly post pre pro polygon postpone preview proceed proto pseudo many after before forward, supporting first false re, retro again, back return retroactive se Re, retro sub apart half under, less than rewrite seclude semicircle submarine promote prototype pseudonym Definition not active not relevant between the states within a cell to fail to function properly dealing with large-­‐scale economics, such as within a whole country too small to be seen with the naked eye to spell something incorrectly one owner new stone age not for making a profit to block, to hide from sight all powerful to become aware of through sight the outer boundary, the distance around many sided object to do after to see before to go forward to raise or move forward first or original model false name, esp. an author's pen-­‐ name to come back operating with regards to a past event to write something again to stay apart from others half a circle underwater 28 super Prefix syn, sym tele trans ultra un, uni un over, above Meaning together, with far across beyond one, along, single not subpar superimpose Example sympathize telescope transcontinental ultraviolet unilateral unhelpful less than the standard to put over something else Definition to share a feeling with someone seeing or viewing afar across the continent light beyond the violet range having one side not helpful 29 Appendix G – Root Words 30 Root act, ag Meaning to do, to act Example agent agri ambi, amphi field both sides activity agronomy amphibian ambu to walk or move ambulance anthro human anthropology apert bas bellu, belli bio cap, capt, cip open low war life to take, to hold, to heart flesh hundred, hundreth seize to go, to give in aperture basement bellicose biology captive color to lean or bend access chromatology inclination clud, clus, claus cred curr, curs, cours demo dent, don’t close claustrophobic to believe to run incredible credit current people tooth democracy dentist derma skin dermatologist cardio carn cent cept, ceive ced, cede, ceed cess chromo clin cardiac carnage century receive precede Definition one who acts as a representative an action field-­‐crop production an animal that lives both in water and on land a vehicle that moves sick or injured people the study of human and their works an opening a room that is low prone to or eager to fight the study of life one who is held pertaining to the heart slaughter of people one hundred years to take to go before means of going to the science of colors to tendency or bent, particularly of the mind fear of being closed in or of tight places not believable belief or trust now, in progress, government of the people a doctor who specializes in teeth doctor who specializes in skin conditions 31 Root dia Example diameter Definition distance across a circle dog, dox dic, dict Meaning through, between, across thought or idea to say dogma orthodox dictionary duc, duct dyna to lead power indict induce conduct dynamic equ fac, fact, fic, fect, fy fer, ferr fiss equal, even to make, to do to carry, bring break apart equality fiction factory affect defer referral fissure flict fort fract, frag, frai geo gnos to strike strength to break earth knowledge conflict effort fragment geology prognosis grad, gress graph to go write graduate progress graphite greg gyn group, herd women gregarious gynecology helio sun heliotrope hydro water hydraulics hypno sleep hypnosis official beliefs of a religion customary ideas or practices a book explaining words (sayings) to say or make an accusation to lead to action to lead or guide characterized by power and energy equal in social, political rights something that is made up a place to make things to make a change to carry away bring a source of help a narrow opening caused by a separation of parts a clash or collision an earnest or strenuous attempt broken pieces study of the earth a forecast based on current knowledge to go out of school to go forward a form of carbon used for writing enjoying groups of people branch of medicine dealing with women's health a plant that turns toward the sun the science of the laws of water and other liquids a state of sleep induced by suggestion 32 jac, ject Root loq, log, loc, lix luc, lum, lus magni man meta, mut mit, mis morph narco to throw Meaning to talk oper ortho pac, plac to work straight peace, calm par path phon equal feeling sound plic pod to fold, to bend, to turn foot pon, pos, posit, pose psycho pug pyro to place rupt sanct to break holy light, clear great, big hand to change to send shape sleep mind war, fight fire eject Example elocution to throw out Definition a person's style of speaking colloquial ordinary speech, not formal logo a symbol for a word or company illustrious glorious, highly distinguished luminous radiating light magnify to enlarge manuscript written by hand metamorphosis to change form or shape mutate to change admit to send in missile something sent through the air metamorphosis to change form or shape narcotics drugs that reduce pain or induce sleep operate to work, perform, or function orthodox right, true, straight opinion pacifier something that brings or restores peace or calmness placate to appease or pacify parity equality empathy to share feelings phonetics the science or study of speech sound complicate to fold together implicate to fold in, to involve podiatrist a doctor who specializes in foot problems component a part placed together with others transpose to place across compose to put many parts in one place psychology study of the mind pugnacious inclined to quarrel or fight pyrometer an instrument for measuring temperature erupt to break out of a pent-­‐up state sanctuary a sacred or holy place 33 Root Meaning Example scien knowledge conscience scrib, script senti to write feeling describe transcript sentimental sequ, secu sesqui somn, sop son soph to follow one and a half sleep sound wise sequence consecutive sesquialteral insomniac dissonance sophisticated spec, spect, specimen spic sta, stat, sist, stit, sisto to appear, to look, to see to stand, or make stand tact ten, tent, tain to touch to hold tend, tens, tent term terr theo thermo to stretch aspect constant status stable desist contact retentive maintain extend end, boundary earth god heat tension terminal territory theology thermometer tract val ven, vent ver, vert, vers to draw strength or worth to come to turn attract contract valor convene avert revert reverse Definition inner knowledge of right and wrong to write (or tell) about a written copy expressing tender emotions or feelings in following order one the follows another having a ratio of 1.5:1 a person who can't sleep harsh sound altered by education or experience an example to look at one way to see something standing with social standing steady to stand away from to touch together holding to keep or hold up to stretch out stretched out the end a tract of land study of religion an instrument for measuring heat to draw together an agreement that is drawn up full of worth to come together to turn away to turn back to turn around 34 Root vid, vis voc, voke xen Meaning to see to call stranger Example video evoke xenophobic zoo animal zoology Definition the visual part of a broadcast to call up or produce fear or hatred of strangers or foreigners the study of animals 35 Appendix H – Suffixes 36 Suffixes are often used to change a word from one part of speech to another ( i.e. changing a verb to a noun). That is including in the "Function" column. Suffix able, ible acious, cous, al Meaning capable of like, having the quality of acy start or quality ance, ancy, the act of, ence the state of being ant, ent, er, one who or ar, ary connected with, related to Function to adj. to adj. Example understandable visible nocturnal vivacious Definition able to be understood able to be seen of the night having the quality of being lively to noun privacy the state of being private to noun performance truancy the act of performing the state of being truant occupant teacher to adj. ocular to noun beneficiary one who occupies one who teaches related to the eye connected with one who receives benefits ate, ify, efy, ize, ise, cess, cede, ceed, cease make to verb customize to go, yield to verb verify concede to make changes that are specific for the user’s needs to make sure something is true to yield to the opponent, to give in ancestor a person who goes (lives) before someone else (the -­‐or is what makes this example a noun) cide cis, cise, cide* to kill cut to noun to noun or verb insecticide incision a poison for killing insects a cut made for operating decide cracy dom government place or state of being to become quality of, act of to noun to noun democracy freedom to cut out the other options and pick one government by the people state of being free to verb to noun enlighten existence becoming wiser the act of existing or being ∗ en ence to noun ∗ Do not confuse the t wo definitions of the suffix –cide; however, they a re related: to k ill o r “to cut down.” 37 esque Suffix ette ful ic, ac, il, ile ish ism ist ity, ty, y ive less logy, ology ment ness ory ous, ose phile phobe ship sion, tion remind of Meaning little full of of, like, pertaining to having the quality of the practice of, the support of to adj Function to noun to adj to adj to adj picturesque Example cigarette fearful cardiac infantile fiendish visually appealing (like a picture) Definition a small cigar full of fear pertaining to the heart like an infant like a fiend to noun patriotism supporting one's country a person who does or makes the state of, the character of to noun dentist a person who works on teeth artist a person who makes art to noun unity the state of being one have the nature of lacking, without study the act of, the state of the quality of having the nature of, a place of thing for to adj active to adj meaningless having the nature of acting or moving without meaning to noun to noun biology retirement the study of life the state of being retired to adj eagerness the quality of being eager to noun laboratory a place where work (labor) is done full of one who loves one who hates or fears the art or skill of, the ability to to adj to noun venomous thermophile to noun xenophobe full of venom an organism that thrives in high temperatures one who hates strangers or foreigners to noun leadership the ability to lead the act or condition of to noun correction the act of correcting 38 some Suffix full of, like Meaning to adj troublesome Function Example tude the state of to noun quality of, the ability to aptitude y full of, somewhat, somewhat like musty having a stale odor chilly somewhat cold willowy like a willow to adj full of trouble Definition the ability to do