
Services & Consulting
The Amadeus Corporate
Travel Services offer a
comprehensive set of
tailored consultancy
packages that help you take
control and increase your
online adoption. It provides
your corporation with a
complete methodology
to drive the use of online
booking tools, based on your
needs and expectations.
Did you know...
__ Did you know that Microsoft
achieved 53% adoption
rate increase in one month
only in Russia thanks to
Amadeus’ online corporate
travel booking tool?
Success was based
on the award-winning
relationship between
Microsoft, American Express
Global Business Travel and
Once you have your self-booking tool in place, you need to get
your people to use it in order to make that desired impact on
your bottom line. Each corporation has a different corporate
culture and a different approach, but achieving high-levels of
online adoption is definitely critical to benefit from significant
cost savings.
We created the Amadeus Corporate Travel Services to help you
get the best out of your self-booking tool - fast!
Clear return on investments
The Amadeus Corporate Travel Services
help you reach your travel savings target
and achieve ROI.
Thanks to our professional services’
offering and the expertise of our
business consultants, you can implement
each step of your adoption programme,
whenever you need, anywhere in the
world. The result? Increased use of the
online booking solution to drive down
direct and indirect costs, thus helping
you to reach your savings target and ROI
faster, within months!
Keep on top of the adoption rate
Now you need to stay one step ahead
and monitor the results. We can provide
you with comprehensive reports to audit
the evolution of adoption before, during
and after the implementation of the
programme. And, if needed, we can help
you to analyse the data and optimise
your adoption strategies and tactics at
every stage of the process.
Effective change management
Amadeus is committed to tackling the
challenges of change management
together with you.
Amadeus offers you the necessary
expertise and provides “adoption growth”
as a service that adds value to your
The Amadeus
Adoption Services
offering - simple
& practical:
How does it work?
We have developed three Adoption Services packages that can be tailored according
to your specific needs:
1. Essential adoption services
2. Advanced adoption services
3. Premium adoption services
Don’t miss out on
the benefits:
__ Increase online adoption
No Chan
__ Reach your travel savings
target fast
__ Efficiently monitor &
analyse adoption
__ Get support for business-
critical change management
__ Tailor the adoption
programme to your needs
What can an onsite
Adoption Manager
offer you?
__ Amadeus business
consultants have an indepth understanding of
self-booking tools and
the challenges faced by
corporations. They use the
specially developed Amadeus
Project Management
methodology, have extensive
experience in the generation
of business cases and ROI
1. Essential Pack
This free package will get you started
with your new booking tool. You will
have access to quick reference guides,
an “off-the-shelf” adoption campaign
for your internal communication, as well
as guidelines on how to set up quickly
simple travel policies.
2. Advanced Pack
This package includes the Essential pack
augmented with selected consultancy
services out of which you can pick and
choose different modules such as:
site reviews, tailored training delivery
and material, full change management
approach and key reports.
Use your self-booking tool to the full: establish realistic targets,
maximise adoption and get a return on investment quickly.
Let’s get to know each other
To find out more about the Amadeus Corporate Travel Services, contact
your local account manager or
3. Premium Pack
You will benefit from all the services
included in the previous packages and
have an onsite Adoption Manager to
conduct all that is needed to increase
your online adoption. Our consultant will
walk you through your adoption targets,
will recommend and arrange all internal
communications with your management
and travellers.
She/he will be the expert onsite for any
issues that may arise. With the Premium
pack, there is a guaranteed increase in
adoption rates.