LIS 650-01 – Fall 2008 Library Administration and Management Syllabus (3 Credit Hours) Thursdays - 5:30 to 8:20 p.m. Television Campus Locations: Main Campus - 186 Stone Charlotte – 126 Fretwell Course Web site: Instructor: Anthony Chow, Ph.D. Office: Curry 305A Email: Office Hours: T/R, 2:00-4:00 Introduction I have many years of experience in management and leadership positions in a variety of settings. During this time I have made a lot of mistakes as my leadership and management style has evolved over the years and, through these mistakes, have first hand experience and hard earned wisdom about what works and what does not. I also have had the good fortune of learning under mentors and accessing quality literature that collectively have helped guide and shape my current leadership and management style and philosophies. It is a privilege to have the opportunity to guide you through your own personal operational definition of leadership, management, and administration. What I do not have, however, is first hand management experience in a library setting. Fortunately, all is not lost as my teaching style and pedagogy is to serve as a facilitator, a kind of information tour guide, towards the development of your own personal operational definition and tangible skills in the areas of leadership, management, and administration. I will supplement your readings, exercises, and general growth in this area with my own extensive personal and professional experience as well as first-hand accounts from current and former library administrators. Your role as a student in this course is to build your own model of what you think is good leadership, management, and administration theory and then practice and hone these skills throughout the semester and beyond. My goal is to help you through this process by guiding your path through exposing you to a variety of material and then having you frequently apply them, making mistakes and learning from them just as I and any other excellent managers or leaders have done before you. LIS 650 Syllabus Fall 2008 1 of 15 Purpose This course bridges theory and practice. You will read, disseminate, and apply various aspects of leadership and management each week in this course. At the end you will be comfortable both leading and being a productive member of a team. You will also be asked to both lead and follow as a team member throughout the semester. Learning is a contact sport, hands-on activity. Student Learning Outcomes At the end of the course, you will be able to: 1) Create raving fans out of internal and external customers. 2) Lead and manage teams effectively. 3) Serve as an effective team member and follower. 4) Resolve conflict effectively. 5) Apply the 12 secrets to world class management. 6) Lead and manage through peoples’ emotions. 7) Articulate your own personal leadership and management model and philosophies. 8) Identify leadership and administrative challenges facing local libraries. 9) Conduct a needs assessment that identifies current opportunities for improvement for local libraries. 10) Demonstrate advanced communication and organizational management skills. 11) Demonstrate advanced writing and presentation skills. Required Texts 1. Blanchard, K., Bowles, S. (1993). Raving Fans: A Revolutionary Approach To Customer Service. New York, NY: William Morrow and Company, Inc. 2. Buckingham, M., Coffman, C. (1999). First Break All the Rules. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster. 3. Goleman, D. (2002). Primal Leadership: realizing the power of emotional intelligence. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School. 4. Woodward, J. (2004). Creating the Customer-driven Library: Building on the Bookstore Model. Chicago, IL: ALA. Recommended Supplementary Text: 5. Lankford, M. (2006). Leadership and the School Librarian: Essays from Leaders in the Field. Toronto, Canada: Linsworth. LIS 650 Syllabus Fall 2008 2 of 15 Course Policies Weekly participation and attendance is required. Each student is responsible for signing his/her initials on the attendance roster and will be allowed one unexcused absence without penalty. Each additional unexcused absence, defined as an absence without prior notice and supporting written documentation, will lead to a 2% or 2 point deduction against the student’s final grade. No late assignments will be accepted. Please submit all assignment electronically. Email me directly with your assignment before the deadline if you are having trouble with uploading or Blackboard in general. I will still ask you to submit through Blackboard prior to grading. Grading/Evaluation & Assignments This course uses a 100 point total scale. Each point therefore is worth 1% of your final grade that together represents a compilation of a semester’s worth of work as follows: Assignment Read & Reacts Description Short answer bi-weekly reactions to readings via Blackboard. Submit through Blackboard. Grade 18 points total (3 total, 6 points each) Weekly Discussion Two weekly discussion postings - One answer to discussion topic and one response to a classmates' answer. Discussion topics and responses will be posted on Blackboard. Conduct an individual or group interview of a library administrator regarding her/his major roles and responsibilities. Individual 5 page minimum paper, double spaced, 12 point font plus oral in-class presentation using PowerPoint. Follow outline provided and submit through Blackboard. See exemplary papers on Blackboard. 13 points total (13 discussions, .5 point per post) Assignment 1 – Library Administrator Interview and PowerPoint Presentation (DUE Sunday 10/5 by midnight) LIS 650 Syllabus Fall 2008 15 points (10 points for paper + 5 points for oral presentation) 3 of 15 Assignment 2 – Library Administrator and Organizational Ideal Vision (DUE Sunday 11/9 by midnight) Individual paper on how you would 12 points serve as a library administrator using the principles espoused in the readings. 5 page minimum paper, double spaced, 12 point font. Follow outline provided and submit through Blackboard. See exemplary papers on Blackboard. Assignment 3 – Library Needs Assessment (DUE Sunday 12/7 by midnight) Group assignment and paper where your team will conduct a needs assessment of a library, present a written report, and make a formal inclass team presentation. 10 page minimum group paper, double spaced, 12 point font. Follow outline provided and submit through Blackboard. See exemplary papers on Blackboard. Final Assignment – This will be an opportunity for you to Leadership and reflect on the semester, the readings, Management Treatise and your overall experience and (DUE Sunday 12/14 by evolution as a leader and manager. midnight) Most importantly, you will be asked to put forth your general leadership and management model and values and react to typical leadership/management issues that will serve as a guide for you in the future. 7 page minimum individual paper, double spaced, 12 point font. Follow outline provided and submit through Blackboard. See exemplary papers on Blackboard. Team Evaluations (DUE Each team member will rate each other Sunday 12/14 by midnight) on a scale from 1-10 (1=lowest, 10=highest) along with anonymous comments. The average rating will be used as the team member performance grade. Evaluation sheet will be provided. TOTAL 22 points (17 points for written report, 5 points for oral team presentation using PowerPoint) 15 points 5 points 100 points To assist in translating letter grades from points, the following pattern is used. A = 93% and above C = 69-72% A- = 89-92% C- = 65-68% B+ = 85-88% D+ = 61-64% LIS 650 Syllabus Fall 2008 4 of 15 B = 81-84% D = 57-60% B- = 77-80% D- = 53-56% C+ = 73-76% F = below 52% Students will also be provided with two opportunities to evaluate the course, first with a mid-semester anonymous online survey I use to gauge how the course is going, and second through the university’s formal evaluation at the end of the semester. LIS 650 Syllabus Fall 2008 5 of 15 Evaluation Standards (Please read carefully.) "A" work fulfills all assignment requirements with an outstandingly high degree of quality. This work exceeds stated quality standards. "B" work fulfills all assignment requirements with a good degree of quality. This work reaches stated quality standards. "C" work fulfills most assignment requirements with a fair degree of quality. This work reaches some stated quality standards. "D" work fulfills some assignment requirements to a mostly poor degree of quality. This work reaches only a few stated quality standards. ASSIGNMENT REQUIREMENTS Timeliness, effort, and the overall quality of the content of your submissions are the most important criteria. Quality is defined as your ability to articulate your thoughts in an intellectual, professional manner that reflects analytical thought, engagement with the course concepts and material, and personal interpretation and opinion. As a result your papers, presentations, and interactions with peers should reflect accurate or data supported content, neatness, good formatting, appropriate use of grammar and punctuation, accurate spelling, and readable print. Please understand that your written, oral, and non-verbal communication professional persona will collectively represent a major factor in your future career and individual success. Please contact the instructor immediately if you foresee a problem in meeting assignment deadlines or if a serious problem arises during the semester. ASSIGNMENTS/RESPONSIBILITIES: Student participation This course requires a regular degree of participation in small concentrated dosages. You are to come to class, submit weekly read and reacts, and participate and engage actively with the instructor and your fellow peers. My former students know my courses to be “easy hard classes” where you will be asked to work really hard consistently throughout the semester but not be overwhelmed in terms of complex, difficult exams or assignments. Assignment Descriptions LIS 650 Syllabus Fall 2008 6 of 15 Weekly Read & Reacts In order to emphasize the main points of course readings or lectures you will be asked to read and respond to a series of questions usually every three weeks. These are specifically designed to assist you in processing what you have read in an active, engaging fashion. For the most part, read and reacts will automatically be assigned full credit (4 points) unless the work reflects an obvious lack of effort on your part (i.e. responses that are too short or simply reflect the reading verbatim). Answer the questions through your own words and understanding of what the concepts mean. Generally responses should be around one or two paragraphs per question. You will only have to respond to eight questions total. If you complete all questions you will receive up to one point extra credit. Assignment 1 – Library Administrator Interview and PowerPoint Presentation (DUE Sunday 10/5 by midnight; 15 points - 10 points for paper + 5 points for oral presentation) For this assignment, other than a library, you may also use as your organization a school library media program or information organization. The best way to find out how to be an excellent library administrator is to meet and talk with one. Either individually or as a team you should interview a current library administrator and identify the organization and how it is organized, what the administrator’s typical tasks are, the skills he/she thinks are necessary to be an excellent administrator, and what the opportunities for improvement are for his/her specific library or organization. You may want to inquire about the possibility of conducting a need assessment at his/her organization for Assignment 3 as well. If your team should choose to conduct a group interview, each member of the team should submit a paper regarding his/her interpretation of the interview and respective findings. Individual Paper - 5 page minimum, double spaced, 12 point font. An outline will be provided for you to use. Individual PowerPoint Presentation – Using PowerPoint (I want you to practice using this as it is the software of choice for making professional presentations) conduct a 5-10 minute in-class presentation on what you learned. Assignment 2 – Library Administrator and Organizational Ideal Vision (DUE Sunday 11/19 by midnight; 12 points) Raving Fans outlines ways in which organizations can exceed the expectations of their customers. First Break All the Rules introduces ground breaking research on what the world’s best managers do. Primal Leadership covers how to lead through emotions both LIS 650 Syllabus Fall 2008 7 of 15 individually and throughout an organization. Creating the Customer-driven Library discusses how for-profit bookstores have borrowed from and improved on many facets of libraries. Furthermore, this will be an opportunity for you to articulate how you would utilize strategic planning and budgeting to run an effective organization. Assignment 2 presents you with an opportunity to outline an “ideal vision” for how you would direct a library, school library media program, or information organization utilizing concepts from all four books and course lectures. A detailed outline will be provided for you so that you can cover each area in comprehensive detail. This paper should serve as your blue print for how you might run your own library, school library media program, or information organization some day in the future :o). 5-page minimum, double spaced, 12 point font. There is no maximum page limit as I encourage in-depth thought and reactions to our assignments especially personal reflection on how the readings and course concepts are meaningful to you and can be applied. Assignment 3 – Library Needs Assessment (DUE Sunday 12/7 by midnight; 22 points total) The ability to conduct a needs assessment is a critical skill for all leaders, managers, and organizations. It is one thing to paint an ideal vision of what “should be” in terms of overseeing a library; it is quite another matter, however, to actually determine what the needs are of a library or organization’s internal (employees) and external (users) customers. In this assignment your team will learn how to conduct a formal needs assessment, the difference between what is and what should be, and this assessment will help you ascertain what the specific needs of both employees and customers are and, most importantly, where gaps or opportunities for improvement exist. This assignment will involve creating a series of interview and/or survey questions for both library employees and general users. There is no minimum or maximum number of users your group must have participate; however, please keep in mind overall validity and power of your findings will be determined by the total number of participants you talk to. Group Paper: 17 points = a written report needs to be turned in by one member of your team via Blackboard. 10 page minimum, double spaced, 12 point font. Prepare your paper as a report to be delivered to the library or organization in which the needs assessment was conducted. This in fact should occur given the agreement of all members of your team. Group Presentation: 5 points = a professional 10-15 minute group presentation regarding your findings. Prepare your group presentation in order to explain your study and “convince us” of the significance of your findings and LIS 650 Syllabus Fall 2008 8 of 15 recommendations. Note: If you indeed feel your study is not valid feel free to report this as well but still in a professional, compelling fashion. Business attire is required. Final Assignment – Leadership and Management Treatise (DUE Sunday 12/14 by midnight; 15 points total) In conjunction with the course objectives, you will be asked to cumulatively speak to specific questions covered over the semester through our readings, lectures, and class and team discussions. This will be an opportunity for you to reflect on the semester, the readings, and your overall experience and evolution as a leader and manager. Most importantly, you will be asked to put forth your general leadership and management model and values and react to typical leadership/management issues that will serve as a guide for you in the future. 7 page minimum individual paper, double spaced, 12 point font. Follow outline provided and submit through Blackboard. Team Evaluations (DUE Sunday 12/14 by midnight; 5 points) Accountability to your teammates and working well with others is a critical component to serving as both a leader and follower on a team. At the end of the semester you and each member of your team will be able to rate one another on a scale of 1 to 10 (1=lowest, 10=highest) with the average rating serving as the final 10 points of your grade. An evaluation form will be provided and your comments will be shared with each of your respective teammates so be constructive and respectful in what you say about teammembers. You will evaluate yourself and be evaluated by your teammates on five primary criteria: 1. Communication 2. Work Ethic 3. Reliability 4. Productivity 5. Team Work COURSE CALENDAR Week 1 Dates R – 8/28 LIS 650 Syllabus Topic Course Introductions; Meet your teams; Leadership and Management definitions. Readings Raving Fans – pages 1 to 77 First Break All the Rules – Chapter 1 Assignments Due Weekly Discussion 1 – Answer discussion topic and respond to a Fall 2008 9 of 15 classmates’ response (DUE Sun. 8/31 by midnight; 1 point) 2 R - 9/4 World Class Management: The Three Secrets & 12 Questions Readings Raving Fans – pages 78 to end First Break All the Rules – Chapters 2 & 3 Assignments Due Weekly Discussion 2 – Answer discussion topic and respond to a classmates’ response (DUE Sun. 9/7 by midnight; 1 point) 3 R - 9/11 Leadership & Management: Desired ends define the means Readings First Break All the Rules – Chapters 4 & 5 Assignments Due Weekly Discussion 3 – Answer discussion topic and respond to a classmates’ response (DUE Sun. 9/14 by midnight; 1 point) Read & React 1 (DUE Sun. 9/14 by midnight; 6 points) 4 R – 9/18 The Four Master Keys of Great Managers; Bookstores vs. Libraries Readings First Break All the Rules – Chapters 6 & 7 Creating the Customer-driven Library – 1 & 2 Assignments Due Weekly Discussion 4 – Answer discussion topic and respond to a classmates’ response (DUE Sun. 9/21 by midnight; 1 point) 5 6 7 R – 9/25 Emotional Intelligence & Customer Service Readings Creating the Customer-driven Library – 3 & 4 Primal Leadership – Chapters 1 & 2 R – 10/2 Assignments Due Weekly Discussion 5 – Answer discussion topic and respond to a classmates’ response (DUE Sun. 9/28 by midnight; 1 point) Leadership Styles and the Use of Technology Readings Creating the Customer-driven Library – 5 & 6 Primal Leadership – Chapters 3 & 4 R - 10/9 Assignments Due Assignment 1 – Library Administrator Interview and PowerPoint Presentation; DUE Sunday 10/5 by midnight; Submit electronically through course Web site. (15 points total: 10 for paper, 5 for presentation). Becoming a Resonant Leader & Organizational Management; Student Administrator Presentations Readings Creating the Customer-driven Library – 7 & 8 Primal Leadership – Chapters 5 & 6 Assignments Due Weekly Discussion 6 – Answer discussion topic and respond to a classmates’ response (DUE Sun. 10/12 by midnight; 1 point) LIS 650 Syllabus Fall 2008 10 of 15 8 R - 10/16 Read & React 2 (DUE Sun. 10/12 by midnight; 6 points) FALL BREAK 10/17 to 10/22 - NO CLASS Strategic Planning & Organizational Management; Communication Skills Readings Creating the Customer-driven Library – 9 & 10 Primal Leadership – Chapters 7 & 8 Assignments Due 9 R – 10/23 None in recognition of Fall Break. Budgeting & Marketing; Needs Assessment Readings Creating the Customer-driven Library – 11 & 12 Primal Leadership – Chapters 9 & 10 Assignments Due 10 R - 10/30 Weekly Discussion 7 – Answer discussion topic and respond to a classmates’ response (DUE Sun. 10/26 by midnight; 1 point) Technology, the Web, and Project Management Readings Creating the Customer-driven Library – Chapters 13 & 14 Primal Leadership – Chapters 11 & Appendix A Assignments Due 11 R - 11/6 Weekly Discussion 8 – Answer discussion topic and respond to a classmates’ response (DUE Sun. 11/2 by midnight; 1 point) Read & React 3 (DUE Sun. 11/2 by midnight; 6 points) Lateral Leadership & Systems Thinking Readings Creating the Customer-driven Library – Chapters 15 & 16 Other Readings as assigned (posted on Web site) Assignments Due 12 R - 11/13 Weekly Discussion 9 – Answer discussion topic and respond to a classmates’ response (DUE Sun. 11/9 by midnight; 1 point) Assignment 2 – Library Administrator and Organizational Ideal Vision (DUE Sunday 11/9 by midnight; 12 points) Leadership & Management Tools Readings Other Readings as assigned (posted on Web site) Assignments Due Weekly Discussion 10 – Answer discussion topic and respond to a classmates’ response (DUE Sun. 11/16 by midnight; 1 point) 13 R - 11/20 LIS 650 Syllabus Application: Hiring & Firing Readings Other Readings as assigned (posted on Web site) Fall 2008 11 of 15 14 R - 11/27 15 R - 12/4 16 R - 12/11 Assignments Due Weekly Discussion 11 – Answer discussion topic and respond to a classmates’ response (DUE Sun. 11/23 by midnight; 1 point) THANKSGIVING HOLIDAYS NO CLASS Application: Conflict Resolution Readings Other Readings as assigned (posted on Web site) Assignments Due Needs Assessment Presentations (Due in-class Thurs. 12/4; 10-15 minute group presentation per team) Weekly Discussion 12 – Answer discussion topic and respond to a classmates’ response (DUE Sun. 12/7 by midnight; 1 point) Assignment 4 – Needs Assessment; DUE Sunday 12/7 by midnight; Submit electronically through course Web site. (20 points total: 17 points for paper, 3 points for presentation) LAST WEEK OF CLASSES Final Class: Remaining Needs Assessment Presentations Final Thoughts Course Evaluations End-of-the-year party Assignments Due Remaining Needs Assessment Presentations (Due in-class Thurs. 12/11; 10-15 minute group presentation per team) Final Assignment – Leadership and Management Treatise; DUE Sunday 12/14 by midnight; Submit electronically through course Web site (13 points). Self & Team Evaluations; DUE Sunday 12/14 by midnight; Submit electronically through course Web site (5 points). FINAL Discussion – Answer discussion topic and respond to a classmates’ response (DUE Tues. 12/16 by midnight; 1 point) ACADEMIC HONOR CODE: Students are expected to uphold the Academic Honor Code published in Each student has the responsibility (1) to uphold the highest standards of academic integrity in the student's own work, (2) to refuse to tolerate violations of academic integrity in the university community, and (3) to foster a high sense of integrity and social responsibility on the part of the university community. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT: Students with disabilities needing academic accommodation should: (1) register with and provide documentation to the Office of Disability Services; (2) bring a letter to the instructor indicating the need for accommodation and what type. This should be done LIS 650 Syllabus Fall 2008 12 of 15 during the first week of class. For more information about services available to FSU students with disabilities, contact the Office of Disability Services The University of North Carolina at Greensboro Suite 208 EUC Greensboro, NC 27402-6170 VOICE 336.334.5440 FAX 336.334.4412 EMAIL (This syllabus and other class materials are available in alternative format upon request.) SYLLABUS CHANGE POLICY: This syllabus is a guide for the course and is subject to change with advanced notice. TEAMS These will be assigned on the first day of class. Fall 2008 Academic Calendar August 17–20, Sun.–Wed. Orientation, Advising, Registration for all students based on student population and classification August 19, Tuesday Fall semester opens August 19, Tuesday Orientation for new graduate students, 6:00 P.M. August 20, Wednesday State of the Campus Address and Faculty Convocation August 21, Thursday Undergraduate academic suspension appeals deadline, 5:00 P.M. August 21, Thursday Orientation for new graduate students, 9:00 A.M. August 25, Monday Classes begin, 8:00 A.M. August 25–29, Mon.–Fri. Late registration and schedule adjustment August 29, Friday Last day to change course or course section without special permission LIS 650 Syllabus Fall 2008 13 of 15 August 29, Friday Financial Aid satisfactory academic progress appeals deadline. Last day to drop course for it not to count in Financial Aid satisfactory progress locked hours. August 29, Friday Last day to drop course for tuition and fees refund September 1, Monday Deadline for graduate students to apply to graduate in December 2008 September 1, Monday Labor Day holiday. Classes dismissed; offices closed. September 1–30 Undergraduate students declare or change major in September. October 3, Friday Six weeks progress reports due in University Registrar’s Office October 6, Monday Founders Day October 17, Friday Instruction ends for Fall Break, 6:00 P.M. October 17, Friday Last day to drop course without academic penalty October 22, Wednesday Classes resume after Fall Break, 8:00 A.M. October 24, Friday Final deadline for undergraduates to apply to graduate in December 2008 Oct. 22–Nov. 21, Wed.–Fri. Spring semester advising for continuing students, by appointment Nov. 3–23, Mon.–Sun. Spring 2009 registration for continuing students November 3, Monday Final date for December doctoral candidates oral examinations November 17, Monday Deadline for filing signed approval copy of dissertation, The Graduate School November 24, Monday Deadline for filing approval copy of thesis, The Graduate School November 25, Tuesday Instruction ends for Thanksgiving holiday, 10:00 P.M. December 1, Monday Classes resume, 8:00 A.M. December 8, Monday Last day of classes LIS 650 Syllabus Fall 2008 14 of 15 December 9, Tuesday Final date for complete clearance of December graduate degree candidates Deadline for final submission of thesis or dissertation to The Graduate School December 9, Tuesday Reading Day December 10–12, 15–17, Wed.–Fri., Mon.–Wed. Final examinations December 13, Saturday Tentative official final exam makeup day December 18, Thursday December Commencement, Greensboro Coliseum December 19, Friday Tentative official final exam makeup day LIS 650 Syllabus Fall 2008 15 of 15