1. inference, p.47--(noun) an educated personal conclusion drawn from observation
2. demeanor, p. 47--(noun) behavior toward others; outward manner
3. haughty, p. 51--(adj.) openly and snobbishly proud
4. ignominious, p.53--(adj.) marked with or characterized by disgrace and shame
5. deportment, p.53--(noun) behavior
6. countenance, p.56--(noun) the face
7. visage, p.56--(noun) the face or the appearance of a person
8. abate, p.56--(verb) to put an end to; to reduce in value or amount
9. infamy, p.61--(noun) evil reputation brought about by something criminal, shocking, or brutal
10. transgress, p.66--(verb) to pass beyond or go over
11. lurid, p.67--(adj.) pale in appearance
12. heretofore, p. 68--(adv.) up to this point in time
13. intimated, p. 69--(verb) hinted; suggested
14. feigned, p. 72--(adj.) (verb) fictitious or not real; to fake
15. retribution, p. 77--(noun) giving or receiving a reward or punishment
16. discerning, p.78--(verb)revealing insight and understanding
17. incurred, p. 78--(verb) became responsible for or subject to; brought down upon oneself
18. sufficed, p. 78--(verb) met or satisfied a need
19. martyr, p. 82--(noun) a great or constant sufferer
20. callous, p. 83--(adj.) feeling no emotion
21. incredulity, p. 85--(noun) disbelief
22. intrinsic, p.97--(adj.) belonging to the nature of a thing
23. irreverent, p.84--(adj.) lacking proper respect in speech or action
24. imbibing, p.87--(verb) taking in
25. delusive, p.89--(adj.) an abnormal mental state
26. placidity, p.89--(noun) quality of being free of interruption
27. inopportune, p.108--(adj.) inconvenient
28. depravity, p.109--(noun) a corrupt act or practice
29. emaciated, p.110--(adj.) having become very thin
30. sagacious, p.122--(adj.) keen in sense of perception
31. benevolent, p.122--(adj.) good will
32. venerable, p. 122--(adj.) made sacred
33. amenable, p.87--(adj.) brought to submission; to account for something
34. unrelenting, p. 55--(adj.) hard; stern
35. integrity, p.125--(noun) honesty
36. manifest, p.127--(adj.) easily understood
37. solace, p.128--(noun) a source of relief
38. latent, p.136--(adj.) lying hidden
39. omniscience, p.140--(noun) the quality of having infinite awareness, understanding and insight
40. defunct, p.148--(adj.) dead