Surf Your Watershed -- Watershed Information -- Yamhill -- 17090008 1 of 3 Yamhill USGS Cataloging Unit: 17090008 Places Involving this Watershed Environmental Profile Find general information integrated for this specific watershed States: Oregon Counties: Lincoln Marion Polk Tillamook Washington Yamhill Metropolitan Areas: Portland--Vancouver Salem Nominated American Heritage Rivers: None Assessments of Watershed Health Index of Watershed Indicators (provided by EPA) Unified Watershed Assessments (UWA) (provided by States and Tribes) 1998 Impaired Water (provided by EPA / State partnership) Environmental Information River Corridors and Wetlands Restoration Efforts Environmental Web Sites: Real Time Facilities regulated by EPA (provided by Envirofacts) Toxic releases (Source:TRI - Toxic Release Inventory) Hazardous Wastes (Source: RCRA - Resource Conservation Recovery Act) Superfund Sites (Source: CERCLA -Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act) EnviroMapper for Watersheds- (interactive mapping tool) Other Watersheds: 10/9/2008 14:03 Surf Your Watershed -- Watershed Information -- Yamhill -- 17090008 2 of 3 upstream None downstream Middle Willamette Tribes 1 Large Ecosystems: President's Forest Plan Pacific Northwest Ecosystem Management Research Initiative Water Find information focused on water for this specific watershed Rivers and Streams in this Watershed: 17 (provided by EPA's first River Reach File) Lakes in the watershed: N/A Total number of watershed acres: N/A River and stream miles: No data available :total river miles No data available :perennial river miles No data available :% of total rivers and streams have been surveyed No data available :miles meet all designated uses The following aquifer's are in this huc: (Source: USGS Principal Aquifers of the 48 Contiguous United States 1998) Square Aquifer Rock Type Miles No Principal Aquifer 504 N/A Puget-Willamette Lowland Unconsolidated sand and 242 aquifer system gravel aquifers Miocene basaltic-rock Basalt and other volcanic-rock 13 aquifers aquifers Facilities regulated by EPA (provided by Envirofacts) Community Water Sources (Source: SDWIS Safe Drinking Water Information System) Water Dischargers (Source: PCS - Permit Compliance System) Information provided by the United States Geological Survey (USGS): Stream Flow (Source: USGS) Science in Your Watershed Historical Water Data Water use (1990): Information about the amount of water used and how it is used Selected USGS Abstracts Land Find watershed information focused on land characteristics Area: 762.71 sq mi; perimeter: 150.39 mi Habitat: Forest Riparian Habitat Agricultural/Urban Riparian Habitat 10/9/2008 14:03 Surf Your Watershed -- Watershed Information -- Yamhill -- 17090008 3 of 3 People Find out about local actions in this watershed: Citizen-based Groups at work in this Watershed (Provided by Adopt Your Watershed) Join now (Adopt Your Watershed) National Watershed Network (provided by Conservation Technology Information Center) Air Find information focused on air for this watershed: Facilities regulated by EPA (provided by Envirofacts) Air (Source: AIRS) EPA HOME | CONTACTS | DISCLAIMER | ABOUT | HELP | COMMENTS TEXT VERSION | SURF HOME Revised: 12/19/2000 10/9/2008 14:03