Queensland Certificate of Education Recognised studies Cisco Systems Australia Pty Ltd The Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) has recognised the following studies as contributing studies for the Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE). The QCAA has no responsibility regarding implementation of a Recognised Study. Questions about a Recognised Study should be directed to the owner of the course of study or their nominated agent. For further information, please visit the Cisco Systems Australia Pty Ltd website www.cisco.com. Levels of Achievement Pass No Pass Category of Learning Required Standard Credit Review Date IT Essentials 5.0 [recog 03/14] Enrichment Pass 2 30/09/2020 CCNA R&S 5.0: Introduction to Networks Enrichment Pass 1 30/09/2020 CCNA R&S 5.0: Routing and Switching Essentials [recog 03/14] Enrichment Pass 1 30/09/2020 CCNA R&S 5.0: Scaling Networks [recog 03/14] Enrichment Pass 1 30/09/2020 CCNA R&S 5.0: Connecting Networks [recog 03/14] Enrichment Pass 1 30/09/2020 IT Essentials II Networking Operating Systems 3.0 Enrichment Pass 2 30/09/2020 IT Essentials PC Hardware & Software 4.0 Enrichment Pass 1 30/09/2020 CCNA Discovery 1 [recog 08/08] Enrichment Pass 1 30/09/2020 CCNA Discovery 2 [recog 08/08] Enrichment Pass 1 30/09/2020 CCNA Discovery 3 [recog 08/08] Enrichment Pass 1 30/09/2020 CCNA Discovery 4 [recog 08/08] Enrichment Pass 1 30/09/2020 Name of Study [recog 03/14] March 2014 14/30650~01 (500/3/2/0079) r2455 Rebranded September 2014 The QCAA will certify achievement in the following studies for the QCE from June 2008, unless otherwise noted, e.g. [recog 08/08 = August 2008].