End-Time Visions of America and the World for NOW! The information that I am about to give you is of the most important revelations, dreams, and prophecies that I have knowledge of over the past 45 years concerning America and what lies ahead. Visions available on this site are: End-Time Visions of America George Washington's Prophecy (pdf) The Vision of A. A. Allen (pdf) The Vision of A.C.Valdez (pdf) Dimitru Duduman's Visions (pdf) Henry Gruver's Visions (pdf) End-Time Visions of the World Tommy Hicks' Vision (pdf) William Branham's Visions (pdf) Four Horsemen of Revelations 6:1-8 & Zechariah 6:1-8 (read below) The Blood Moons of Joel 2:31 (read below) End-Time Visions of America: The first was the prophecy the Lord gave our first President, George Washington, while at Valley Forge. He saw three great wars. First, the Revolutionary War then taking place. Second, the Civil War, and thirdly, the last one that will be taking place before long which is the worst of all. It results in cities burning from the Atlantic to the Pacific, but praise God the Union stands by supernatural help, although destruction throughout the land will result in millions losing everything they possess and millions of others their very lives as well by civil war, invasion, and mass atomic destruction. Although I received a tract of the “Vision” in the 1960s, recently I prayed for confirmation and received it from a book by Bobby Conner, a respected well known prophet who writes how God spoke to him, “George Washington’s Prophecy is from Me” and told him “I want you to tell the Church in America.” You can read this in his book, The Shepherd’s Rod volume xvii for 2012, available at www.BobbyConner.org The next is "The Vision of A. A. Allen" given on July 4th, 1954. I was in Bro. Allen's meetings and knew the man who was his prophet and traveled with him for many years. He was a notable and fearless preacher with signs following. !2 The next is The Vision of A. C. Valdez given in 1929. He was a powerful preacher with signs following, having attended the Azusa Street Revival as a young boy. The next is an angelic revelation given to Dimitru Duduman available best by reading his book, Through the Fire Without Burning. I had just finished reading the book one morning, and then began asking the Lord when the judgments upon America that Dimitru had revealed to him were going to start, when within a few minutes another prophet called me and suggested I turn on the TV as the first plane had just hit the Twin Towers. That day was Sept. 11, 2001. The book is available from www.handofhelp.com , as well as the excerpt from the book entitled “The Message for America” available here. I’ve also added an appropriate dream entitled “The Black Army” that’s among many more revelations taken from a list of “Dreams and Visions” available at their web site. Dimitru was a prophet and bible smuggler sent to us by the Lord and angelic visitations from Romania where he had worked with Brother Andrew, “God’s Bible Smuggler.” The next vision would be that of Henry Gruver, the “Prayer Walker” and prophet whose visions concerning the invasion of America and its destruction can be found by googling them up or going to: americaslastdays.blogspot.com. I know Henry and he is a great brother with a walk of faith and revelation that is amazing. He saw entire cities disappear, as did Dimitru in "America will Burn" available at the same web site. Now Henry has a personal web site, and for a word of encouragement in the midst of this carnage, read chapter 16 “Watch what I shall do!” of “Visions of a Walker.” http://joyfulsoundministries.com/Books/Visions.pdf End-Time Visions of the World: The next is Tommy Hicks' Vision of the End-Times given in 1961 from a dream he had three times. Tommy was an outstanding prophet, and this dream is wonderful in scope and encouragement for end-time ministry. The next is the series of seven visions given to Wm Branham, a remarkable prophet, on a Sunday morning in 1933. Some have come to pass, others are being fulfilled, and then the end! Very relevant. www.williambranham.com Next is the prophetic revelation of the seven seals given to us in the scriptures. I’ll call it: “The four horsemen of Revelations 6:1-8 and Zechariah 6:1-8.” The most accurate interpretation of these horsemen is that they are spirits and represent the four belief systems in the world that are ruling and competing for power in this end time. !3 The first seal brings us the white horse, the official color representing Roman Catholicism, the second seal the red horse which is the official color of Communism, the third seal opens to us the official color of Capitalism, black, and the horse of the fourth seal must be understood from the Greek word used, chloros, which means green, and is the official color of Islam. A convincing story of how the understanding of these four horsemen came is from an excellent End-time teacher, Irvin Baxter, who reveals this in DVD #3, “Islam discovered in the bible,” part of an excellent 14 DVD series available at his web site: www.Endtime.com The last is information describing the fulfillment of Joel’s EndTime prophecy as it relates particularly to the most amazing sign in the heavens concerning the EndTime of this Age! Joel 2:31 “The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord come.” There is coming a tetrad of Four Blood Moons (lunar eclipses) on the Jewish holidays of Passover and The Feast of Tabernacles in 2014 & 2015, in association with Eclipses of the Sun (solar eclipses) as well. The last three times a tetrad on Jewish Feast Days occurred was concerning the Jews being cast out of Spain in 1492, and then Israel becoming a Nation again in 1948, and third, Israel taking possession of Jerusalem in 1967. This is most significant! Brother Mark Biltz of www.ElShaddaiMinistries.us was given the revelation of this and a book, DVD documentary, and Calendar have been produced with him by www.WorldNetDaily.com that are very informative. I believe America and the World will be shaken as never before as the last years of the EndTime occur. Now, for updates and to bring all of this to our present time. I recommend that you watch the video of John Paul Jackson, a recognized, confirmed prophet of today, called "The Perfect Storm," available on DVD from his ministry at www.streamsministries.com or can be watched from YouTube in parts, one hour total, revealing the judgment that is in store for America and elsewhere. He saw in vision and reports: "The Storm will be made up of five elements: War, Politics, Economics, Religion, and Geophysical Issues." Next is a report from Lindsey Williams, a Christian preacher who was the Chaplain on The Trans-Alaska Pipeline who wrote the book, "The Energy Non-Crisis." If you google up his name, you can see pictures and get more information, and even read that book online or purchase it. However, the revelations which I am especially bringing to your attention is first a series of 6 DVD's available, entitled "The Elite Speak / Tragedy, Hope, Reality" that reveal from his secular contacts with what he calls “The Elite that Control the World," what they were planning for America by 2012 and we are now dangerously close, and it is exactly what John Paul Jackson saw. Inflation will go up until the U.S. Dollar is devalued to ZERO, and their plan is to make America like a poor third world country in setting up "The New World Order" and the Satanic Messiah. And not long ago I heard another prophet share that when !4 the Lord caught him up into the throne room several years ago, one thing God said was that America would become like a Third World country, exactly as these other men have revealed, one from the Lord, and the other from those who have planned it! As you see the price of gold increasing, it is really the value of the dollar decreasing! To show their control, and that is their goal, several years ago when the oil was about $150 per barrel everyone was reporting that it would continue to go up. However, the "Elite" told him it would be down to $50 per barrel within 4 months, and it came to pass exactly as they said, although they plan to make it very expensive. This reveals their world-wide power and control. They told him many other things that you will not find out through TV news and other regular sources, and the info is truly very revealing!!! He recommends, “Get out of debt and paper ASAP!” These DVDs and a new series can be purchased from www.prophecyclub.com or calling 785-266-1112. But since Lindsey did not copyright them but encourages God's people to make copies and get the info out, you can purchase or obtain copies from those who have a set and either you or they are able to duplicate DVDs. A new series is also now available. The Prophecy Club sponsors many meetings all over the USA. A whole catalog of DVDs, and Radio/TV programing is available online of various apostles and prophets. Over 10 years ago John McTernan wrote God's Final Warning to America about how God judges America for three major sins: “abortion, homosexuality, and the division of Israel,” when committed officially by judging within 24-48 hours with natural disasters or economic loss. The evidence is amazing and I have been tracking it for over 10 years. Very accurate! In 2006 he wrote As America Has Done To Israel revealing how God has blessed America as we have supported the Jews from our beginnings and has judged us and is now severely judging us as we seek to not only divide Israel but even Jerusalem, against the second of God's three eternal covenants, the blood covenant with Abraham and the Jews and the land He has given them. I suggest you read his books and keep current with these events by checking out his web site at: Defend and Proclaim the Faith.org and his blog spot regularly at: USAProphecy.com You'll understand why what is happening to our beloved country is happening exactly as it is! Another prophet of the Lord that I want to introduce you to who has been given many revelations of events to come and the exact newspaper headlines that will appear in the future, and angelic visitations, is Terry Bennett. These can be found on his web site along with other pertinent information at www.TerryBennett.net Last I want to encourage you to both read and view what has become one of the most significant and confirmed prophetic revelations ever given to America. The book, New York Times bestseller: The Harbinger The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future by Jonathan Cahn is a must read if you want proof of what has !5 happened and what will happen to America, and why God has judged us and will continue to do so. The revelation is also given in The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment, The “Shocking 2-hour Documentary” which was for weeks “the No. 1 Faith Film in America.” The book is available many places online and the DVD video by an excellent Christian News source which produced it: WorldNetDaily.com I first learned of this most important revelation by viewing interviews of Jonathan Cahn many times on leading Christian television programs. The many astounding and exact matching experiences of ancient Israel and modern America confirm the unique, sovereign, prophetic, and godly creation of both countries, Israel under the Old Covenant and America under the New. Their rise as the most powerful, prosperous, and godly nation of the world of the time, followed by apostasy and judgment is the same, but, Praise be to God, although suffering severe chastening and destruction a remnant is brought through supernaturally for both individual and national salvation. Remember, God has called each of us to a life of holiness in every respect, saying “Be ye holy as I am holy” (1 Peter 1:14-17; Romans 12:1-2), and to the "obedience of faith." (Romans 1:5; 16:26)! Brethren, I believe all of the prophecies referred to above are true, and will help any Christian to understand where we are in God's Time Table, and what to expect and how to prepare in many respects. It also reveals the difference of how various Christians will respond and are now responding to the end-time revival and anointing of the Holy Spirit concerning the anointing that God has for each one of His obedient children. Some will receive and some will reject, and it is even now being poured out in some places through some ministries. (See: Tommy Hicks' End-time Vision) May The Lord Jesus Christ bless and keep you, and may you buy of Him the anointing in order to "anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see" (Rev. 3:18). Bro. John Rothacker www.johnrothacker.org/teachings.html