Title Dielectric constant and density of cyclohexane-benzene mixtures under high pressure Author(s) Kashiwagi, Hiroshi; Fukunaga, Tomiaki; Tanaka, Yoshiyuki; Kubota, Hironobu; Makita, Tadashi Citation The Review of Physical Chemistry of Japan (1980), 49(2): 7084 Issue Date URL 1980-02-20 http://hdl.handle.net/2433/47080 Right Type Textversion Departmental Bulletin Paper publisher Kyoto University The Review of Physical Chemistry of Japan Vol. 49 No. 2 (1979) THE REVIEWnP PHYSICALCHEASISTRV qP JAPAN,VOL.49, NO. 2, 1979 70 DIELECTRIC CONSTANT CYCLOHEXANE-BENZENE BY HiROSHI KA$xlwACl, MIXTURES UNDER HIGH PRESSURE TU3IIASI HIRONOHV KreorA Few experimental data AND DENSITY OF FcsUNAnA, YnSHIYUlr2 AND TAnnsx2 on the dielectric constant and the density benzene mixtures are presented as functions of temperature, The dielectric constant bas bcen measnred by a frequenry uncertainty of 0.0490' at t[mperatures from 2"a'C to 7SC and The density measurements have been performed at the same pressures up to I00 MPa with an estimated pressure burette. The isotherms of the dielectric constant TANAHA~ 3insuA uncertainty of 0.069', and the density of rycloheaane• pressure and composition. counting method with the pressures up to 190 MYa. temperature range under using increase a new bigb with increasing pressure and their behavior are represented by some empirical equations. The effect of temperature and pressure on the dielectric constant is found to be eapresscd by a simple linear (unction of the density. The molar polarization is discussed as functions of density, temperaaure and composition. An analogy Lion and the Tait equation is also discussed. between the Owen.Brinkley equa• InTroduc}ion The dielectric behavior constant of molecules also of chemical of fluids is one of the important in an electrostatic importance pernture dependence The effect of pressure because it relates to the volume mines the effect on the equilibrium interactionll, field. of the dielectric and the measurements or the rate of a reaction. constant physical properties representing on the dielectric change of reacting provided some valuable is species which deter- The study on the pressure were applied to determined constant the information the density and tem- on the molecular of fluids under the particucar conditions, such as in a critical regioaEl or for multiple mixtures at low temperaturesa-s), So iar, however, the investigations on the density dependence of the dielectric constant ace quite limited, especially This paper for binary liquid mirtures. provides cyclohexane-benzene the new experimental mixtures data of the dielectric under high pies<_ures. The measurements constant and the density of have been carried out at (Received November 13, 1979) 1) P. Debye, "Polar molecules", Reinhold Publishing Co., New York (1929) 2) L. A. Weber, Phys. Rev. A, 2, 2379 (1970). 3) D. W. BurGeld, H. P. Richardsoa and R. A. Guerew, AICAE J. ]4„ 97 (1970) 4) W. P. Pan, M. H. ifady and R. C. diiller, AIChE J., 21, 2g3 (1975) 5) S. P. Singb and R. C, Miller, J. Chem. Therrnadynamfcs, 10, 747 (1978) 6) S. P. Singh and R. C. Miller, ibid., 1I, 39i (1979) The Review of Physical Chemistry of Japan Vol. 49 No. 2 (1979) Dielectric temperatures, 25`C, SO°C and and 100 bfPa for the density. temperature, Constant pressure, molar polarization sity, temperature and Density of Cyclohexane-Benzene 75°C and under pressures From the experimental density and composition defined by the Clausius-Mossotti at Mixtures up to 190 MPa for the dielectric results, is described equation the behavior empirically of dielectric constant with and theoretically. is also discussed constant as functions The of den- and composition. Experimentals Diefectrie constant The dielectric constant of a fluid, e, is defined by the ratio of the capacitance between txo plates filled with the fluid, C, to that in vacuum, C„ Therefore the measurement of the dielectric constant is reduced to that of the capacitance of a condenser. The bridge method and the heterodyne-beat method are commonly known as accurate [ethniques to measure the dielectric constant. However these need the tedious and time-consuming procedures to adjust the precision variahle condenser. The present method employed is a "frequency counting method" developed recentlyn, based on counting the resonant frequency of a L-C oscillating circuit including a high pressure capacitance cell filled with a sample Auid. The resonant frequency of the circuit, f, is expressed by where L and C, are the inductance of a coil and the whole stray capacitance in the circuit, respectively. Substitution of Eq. (1) into Eq. (1) and rearrangement yield a_ 1 1 4rr'LC, J' LC, LC, Assuming that L, C, and C, are independent (3) of temperature and pressure, the equation is reduced to The dielectric constant of the fluid can be calculated by the measured frequency when the instrument constants, A~ and Br, have been determined by use of vacuum and a reference liquid, whose dielectric constant was known accurately. Benzene is selected as the reference in the present work and its dielectric constant is 2.1740 at 25`C and atmospheric pressures>. The schematic diagram of the apparatus is given in Fig. 1. The left part of this figure is the high pressure system and the right one the electronics measuring system. The latter consists of a frequency counter, a stabilized power supply and the L-C oscillating circuit which is set in an air bath controlled at 400.1°C and is covered with a wire gauze for electric shielding. The Hartley- 7) T. Mal-ita, H. Rubota, Y. Tanaka and H. Rashiwegi, ReJsigera(ion,52, 543 (1977) 8) A. A. hfaryett and E. R. Smith, "Table of Dielectric Constants of Pure Liquids", NBS Circ. 514, National Bureau o[ Standards (1951) ca The Review of Physical Chemistry of Japan Vol. 49 No. 2 (1979) 71 H. Kashiwagi, T. Fukunaga, 1'. Tanaka, H. Kubota and T. Jlakita type oscillating circuit is composed of a fixed coil L, a variable condenser C, and a high pressure capacitance cell filled with a sample liquid. The standard condenser (100.0 pF) Csa could be connected with the circuit by a coaxial switch, in order to confirm the stability of the circuit. The variable condenser is used for a fine adjustment of the resonant frequency. The frequency used ranges between 3.7 and 4.4 nlHz with the precision of I Hz. The fluctuation of the frequency during one measurement at an experimental condition was less than 10 Hz. The high pressure capacitance tell is a concentric cylindrical capacitor of two-terminal type as shown in Fig. 2. The outer diameter of inner electrode F is 8 mm and the inner diameter of outer electrode G is 10 mm. The effective length is about 100 mm. The geometrical capacitance of Chis cell is nearly 25 pF in vacuum. The electrodes are provided with two holes at each end so as to be filled with a fluid. The spacers, H and I, made of glass-fiber reinforced PTFE (TeBon), are employed to insulate between the electrodes and to support them coaxially. The high pressure vessel is made of Ni-Cr-Bfo steel, SNCM-5, and is immersed in a thermostat controlled within±0.01'C. The tem- perature of the sample liquid is determined with a standard thermometer calibrated by the National Research Laboratory of Dfetrology. The accuracy in temperature measurement is estimated to be better than 0.05°C. Pressure is generated by an oil pump and, if necessary, is raised by an intensifier, as shown in Fig. 1. The pressure is transmitted to the sample liquid from the oil by bellows, whose displacement D J B C b K H (NIGN MfSSViEST51EN) Irr_'[iaOarS NF.~S{/MNa SRrEN1 Fig. 1 for dielectric Schematic diagram of apparatus constant measuremanls E F G Fig.2 Cross section of high presssure capacitance 9, High Pressure Vessel ; B, Flange; C,0-ring Closure; D, Electrode Connector; E, Support Rod ; F, Inner Electrode; G, Outer Electrode H, I, Tedon Spacers; J , >;. Pyre: Glass Spacers; a, to Electronic Measuring Outlet; b, Sample c,Sample Inlet ; System cell A I ; 1 The Review of Physical Chemistry of Japan Vol. 49 No. 2 (1979) Dielectric. is detected Constant by a differential measured and Density linear transformer with a Bourdon gauge calibrated of Cydohexane-Benzene so as to prevent an eacess against a standard 73 htix[ures pressure compression. balance Pressure is with an accuracy of 0.1 percent. The measurements um pressure Lave been performed and then with decreasing isothermally pressure with increasing down to atmospheric obsera•ed between the results at increasing and decreasing ment constants the dielectric constants up to 75°C under atmospheric pressure. temperatures determined, pressure up to the maxim- pressure. pressures. No hysteresis of cyclohexane and benzene were measured at It was found that they agree well with litera- ture valuesa> within the uncertainty of the present v:ork and there is no trend of deviation perature. of the capacitance The pressure dependence was With the values of the instru- cell nuns examined with tem- by calculating the com- pression of the cells), This evaluation proved that tie effect of pressure on the geometric dimensions of the electrodes was sufficiently small in comparison with the reproducibility of the present measurement. It was also confirmed that the difference before and after apressure-temperature Taking account of the uncertainties ment, the accuracy of the reference and so on, the total uncertainty between [he instrument constants determined cycle is insignificant. due to the instruments, dielectric constant of the dielectric the reproducibility of the measure- values cited, the comparison constant obtained is estimated with literatures [o be less than 0.04/. Denstry The density Las been measured described pressure elsewheretol. Its principle is applied to the system by a new "high pressure is similar measured, the compression in a high pressure vessel causes the du-placement position of a magnetic linear transformer, burette" to [hat developed of mercury whose details were et al.ttl R'hen high of the sample liquid of a known weight level in a high pressure float on the surface of mercury is detected whose height is measured method, by Doolittle burette. The outside the burette by a differential with a cathetometer. The density of the liquid under high pressure, p, is calculated by IV where [V is the wLole weight atmospheric of the liquid pressure and dV is the volume difference between the position filled in the vessel, p, is the density of the liquid at change of the liquid in the vessel. dV is obtained by the of the mercury surface at atmospheric presssure and tbat at a high pressure, compensated with the volume change of the burette, the vessel, mercury and tubing. The density of cycloheaane-benzene mixtures at atmospheric pressure was cited from the results of N'ood et al.[zl The density et al.ls> The measurement 9) 10) 11) li) 13) of mercury under Ligh pressure and controll of pressure was obtained and temperature from the values by Grindley were performed in the same B, A. Younglove and G. C. S[raty, Rev. Sci. Iattrunr„ 41, ID87 (1970) H. Kubota, Y. Tanaka and T. \Iakita, Ragakakogaka Ronbunsku, t, 176 (1975) A. K. Doolittle, I. Simon and R. M. Cornish, AICGE J., 6, 150 (t960) 5. E. Wood and A. E. Austin, J. Anr. Ckenr. Sa., 67, 480 (1945) T. Grindley and J. E. Lind, Jr., J. Chem. Phys„ 54, 3983 (1971) The Review of Physical Chemistry of Japan Vol. 49 No. 2 (1979) 74 way H. Kashiwagi, as those estimated in the dielectric [0 6e less than T. Fukunaga, constant 1'. Tanaka, measurements. H. Kubota The and T. blakita uncertainty of the density obtained is 0.06%. Meteriuls Pure cyclohexane cal Industries, twice by the fractional The mixtures estimated and benzene used were "super-special Ltd. and their reported parities grades" supplied by Wako Pure Chemi- are more than 99.g% in volume. They were purified crystallization. were prepared by the weighing method. The uncertainty of the composition is within 0.03 mole percent. Results Diefectrie Constant The raw data obtained for pure components and three mixtures at 25°C, 50°C and 75°C are listed in Table 1, where Xn, P and a denote the mole fraction of benzene, the pressure in MPa and the dielectric constant, respectively. 9lthough the data at 20°C, 30-C, 40`C and 60-C are not included in Table 1, they are also used in the analysis described below. The data at 75°C and 0.101 dl Pa are determined by the extrapolation from both the pressure dependence at higher pressures and the temperature dependence at 0.101 MPa. Pig. 3 exhibits typical curves for a mixture of Xe=0.50, as an instance [o show the relationship between the dielectric constant and the pressure. Every isotherm for each mixture increases monotonously with increasing pressure and is represented 6y the following polynomials: e=a+LP+cPE+dP°+eP' z.zs (6) Xe-0.4996 zao eU V 2.15 Fig. 3 Yu p ~ ~ ~ ~ p u A 2.10 25'C 30 ~ 50 ~ ~s 2.03 0 100 Pressure/MPu 200 Pressure dependence of dielectric constant of cyclohexnne•benzene mixture of Xe-0.4996 The Review of Physical Chemistry Dielectric Constant and Density of Cyclohexane-Benzene of Japan 75 hfistures Table 1 Dielectric Constant. of Cyclbhexane-Benzene 94ixtures (%u: mole fraction ofbenzenG. P: pressure in hfPa) Temp, xfi• •C P o.lD 6.96 11.86 2a.iz ..z i 33.91 0.0000 •~D' Xy. 0.2500 z.ol sD 2.oza1 a.o335 z.Di1s z.Da9i 2.0570 o.assc P I' 0.10 6.96 I x.00 zo.es 29.4 34.41 41.44 z.o59s 2.afi89 2.0]82 z.oase x.as6o 2.10?i 46.34 55.30 2.1099 2.t 172 2.1229 6~ 2.1309 39 69.29 2.13]3 n.lG 0.10 2_]906 2.1902 .24 z2m7 13.93 ?21]1 ?7.92 2.1573 2.163: 2.1726 ?.1801 2.18]3 2.1925 x ~ma 2.201] zess 27.99 _ 2su ?; 3]G 7b_05 _281P ?.'_688 ?29{fi 89.63 o.la i _{ 11.27 a LaD za.9s 95.09 z.olce x.425{ 2.03:5] D.la T23 D. m vla 13.58 2U.7- 2_D764 _iss 3{.GB U.31 ?.OBfi9 48,61 ?.l]sD " .1275 ?.1381 2.H 50 S +. iO 2.u3n 7fi.?0 z.m i 2 x.0103 13.13 29.94 loan 2:.as 2osm 33 y0 2.0305 2ose9 46.54 55.99 52.x8 69.3fi 78.2fi 2.OJI6 2.0x95 x1.11 a 8.63 55.3: 2.o5ea czin 2.OG29 z:9fis3 G9.zs ?.0998 z.mn 2 t096 15.93 L.1 92.81 ?.U'I51 83.01 89.91 2.1215 B?.T! a?.Ofi s9 laisi 3.9816 l ssas z.o9ae 2.0754 52.;3 in.o, t}9 2.12:3 119.H3 96.80 303.5] 310.32 II 1.35 ?.1334 2.1394 ?.1152 95',4(1 103.;2 110.25 2.1510 ll 12924 3.1566 ]91.35 21621 L'3.62 111.00 139.90. i.l4 f q,79 15].9? 150.G5 1G5 5a t :2.71 o.la 7.10 14.62 21.3] 27. Bfi 3{.68 2.0x]1 ?.0989 308{ o.1a :21 13.8? 21.03 r.as 3±.37 }3.85 38.88 S 0.83 .3a ?.2931 ^_.x824 2.Tm 2.14 G7 2.1co3 2.I 103 D.IO .l: 13.Bfi 22x]4 z.z356 2.2465 ?.1809 20.75 :.afi 3a.T5 67D x.2s72 i8.;i 5323 fi'!.19 69.2! 7fi.15 ?2934 63.1'1 9958 96.53 2.3921 2.1396 2.3{6] 2.3131 2611 ra ?.ISa 3980 2.40 i 11 2:x159 a:/7 2.180? 2.19x7 ?.?0x8 2.?a9D 221]9 ?.?175 96.36 103.77 110.Bfi 117.Sfi 22238 2.2?6"0 131.00 ]38.2} 2:23 i] ?.2390 22330 Hi.99 22667 ?.2735 2.2797 z.aasc 2 .9H 2.2972 2.30?B 2.30G0 124.11 ?ose - '.2:x0 2.289. 2.1182 2.3'_70 ?2310 22393 2.?106 2 .530 2.2fi0? .16 tl7 9.1753 z.1 513 l.aeoD 3:.ii 41.54 4e.{i 56.37 622fi 69.10 .?d i2 ?s3i 2:!fi01 G?.95 69.63 78L05 a3.12 8554 z.lsue '9 0.16 sss u.ei !os 91.75 41.30 B. BB i3d] 6?.05 69.36 E32s Yb I• 2.1109 2.139fi ?.1486 6?.19 69.22 :6.13 0.3{52 P 13 ~s v .Dz 93.3.. }1.31 48A9 53.94 ~h ] 0342 110.8] 111.]2 1?3.u ]31.00 ]35.10 ]5t.{] 159.06 Vol. 49 No. 2.3350 2.342] ?.9499 ?.3599 2:3962 2.30!0 2.3091 2.31'8 !.IZ3D 2,3603 2.3651 z:aTl i 2.3 iT6 2.3688 2.394] ?.3979 24 a{ _2a3fi 1.09 i0 1.95D2 L9630 1.9739 0.10 1.9i9fi 0.10 2.0331 0.30 2.0994 0.10 T.2T 13.79 lose 1.9912 2.0032 z.Dlis z.D2sa 2.0351 9.38 H.DO 20.75 _..58 2.1137 2.1262 2.137fi 2.1485 2.1891 2.2013 z.z 121 2i' 31.31 2.0}59 2.05:9 2.0902 2.oe1D 7.59 ]1.00 20.51 1.9836 1.9929 7.SB 13.93 20.96 2 i.5B 2.1 ii{ 1.92 2.2253 2 (1979) The 76 Review of Physical Chemistry of Japan Vol. 49 No. 2 (1979) H. Rashiwagi, T. Fukunaga, 1'. Tanaka, A. Rubota and T. Makita where P is the pressure in blPa. The coefficient; of Eq. (6), determined by means of the least squares method, are given in Table 2 with the average and the maximum deviations. Fig. 4 shows the temperature effect on the . dielectric constant for a mixture of Xa=0.50. IC is obvious that every isobar of the dielectric constant (or each mixture decreases with an inaease of Table 2 Coefficientsof Polynomial (6) Eorthe Dielectric Constant of Cydohexane.Benzeae hlixtu res uele r~aeuaa or Temp. 4ve .Dove 25 50 .Yb = 0.008 - o.2sao rb 1.40]5 1.8219 -0.4693 1.9264 -1.6975 s.al6 L4i40 L i 378 2.0188 -0555? -O.i641 2525 2.135 _].3600 7.6916 -1.818 2.11883 2.07539 z.03 m9 L 1666 1.7+37 2.071} -O.T433 3.041 3.0583 S ~Su -0.5706 -1.0425 2.19078 2.1470} 2.05513 1.5160 ].8147 z.03s3 -0.5693 -0.93]6 1.933 8.0;26 3.!026 -2.a I3 -0.+34 G 2.27973 2.22350 2.17+}6 1.49+] t .577 2.0+46 -0.4aes -0.8320 -9si?_ 4.5882 4.049: ].875;1 1.93109 z.05as3 2.01755 1.97696 50 60 °0,999fi so Yy = 0.1462 ss .rb c x105 2.014]6 Ta sh 8x103 •c beneenc ~ ].0oa 60 d x108 -1.6361 C Y 1010 ]8.}i] -0.7711 -1 ~35B -1.1499 11ax.Dev 0.005 0.m -9.393 0.01 9.0} .1 n.n6u 6.02 9.00; 0.01 9.m 0.03 0.01 0.03 0.004 9.91 0.01 0.0] 0.91 0 oa O.OI n_o2 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.04 u.90] n.o^_ o.OI 0.03 0.03 ss4 La1s -1.233 -0.7314 ,0 S S O.OI ' TLe deviation percent is calculated by ~100(k, a-=~rJ/<<~t I 2.4 1.25 ~ p 140 MPa li0 100 Q ~ p ~ 60 40 20 O.I01 X40 tl0 2.20 2.3 C 0 C Z.2 OU ~ 2.I5 c 0U V 90 VY Y _ VY Y_ 2.~0 Q 2.~ A, O,r O~~ Ad zos z.a 50'C Xt-0.4996 25 FIR. 4 50 Temperature, Temperature dependence of dielectricconstantofcydohexane-benzene mixture of .Ye-0.4996 0.00 75 'C Fig. 5 1.00 0.50 '.Sole fraction of Benzene Dependence of dielectric hexane-benzene mixtures of benzene at SO'C constant of cycloon mole (raction The Review of Physical Chemistry of Japan Vol. 49 No. 2 (1979) Dielectric Constant and Density of Cyclohezane-BenzeneMixtures temperature liquids[+-ts). and its slope is linear over the whole temperature 77 range in this work like other The composition dependence of the dielectric constant at 50°C is shown along isobars in Fig. 5. All the isobars at each temperature behave as slightly concave curves, but they Gave no anomalous minima. The dielectric constant obtained for pure benzene are compared with the valuesin the recent litera[ures. At 50`C the present results are in good agreement with those by Hartmann et alt?>. under pressures up [0 180 MPa with the average deviation of 0.04%- On the other hand, most of the smoothed values by Vij e[ al.tsf are higher than those of this work over the whole range of temperature and pressure. So far there exist ao data on [he pressure dependence of the dielectric constant for cyclohexane-benzene mixtures in the literature. Denzity Table 3 lists the raw data obtained at temperatures 25°C, SO°Cand 75°C under pressures up Co 100 MPa, As an example, Fig. 6 shows the pressure dependence of the density [or a mixture of Xu =0.50. All [he isotherms of the density- increase with increasing pressure like those of the dielectric constant and are fitted to the polynomials: p=n'+b'P+t'P'+d'Pa+e'I'c (i) where p is the density in 10'kgJm' and Pis the pressure in MPa. The above equations are found to reproduce the experimental data satisfactorily at each temperature and compositfoa. However, they are often unsuitable to derive the thermodynamic properties, such as the isothermal compressibility. Therefore, the data are also expressed b}•the Tait equation: p-p, _ B+P` where p° is the density in IOzkgJm' at P, which is taken as 0.101 MPa in the present work. It was Xc-0.4997 0.85 em a r.a Fig. 6 oso p Q ~ o" 0.75 o so Pressure/MPa Pressure benzene dependence of density miature of Xe-0.4997 of cydo6eaane• 2>'C 50 13 loo 14) R. G. Benaett,G.H. Hall and J. H. Calderwood, J. Phyr.,D,6, i81 (1973) 13) W..G.S. Scaife,J. Phyr.,A,4, 413(1971) Ib) J. K Vij and W. G.5. Sraife,J. Chem.Phyr.;64, 2226(1976) V) H. Hartmann,A. Neumannand G. Rinck,Z. Pkyr.CGern. (Frankfurt),44, 104(1965) The 78 H. Kasbiwagi, T. Fukunaga, Ta61e 3 (.Yp :mole 'C 7. P 0.10 8.87 13.86 21.10 2 7.93 39.]0 010 - 0.773 TB O.iTD•1 0.7848 0.:901 0.7947 O.i999 0.:49 Bi 0 .7573 1+.21 o.7asn 50 21,111 3].96 35.15 0.769.1 0.7x8 O.i600 i ^_.O1 49.}3 6sSi 0.7851 O.T899 o.]s42 63.16 50.32 0.]983 0.8021 i 7.15 8?.03 O.R062 U.8100 ab' TS 0.10 G.eo 13.87 21.21 29.09 3a 23 41. BT {9.30 56.03 r,2.81 70.09 77.13 8416 91.17 98.28 101.12 0.10 5,32 14.13 21,16 3 7.99 30.18 02.17 0.53484 0.]337 O.i400 0.77 78 0.4640 0.759! 0.7609 O.7i05 0.7753 O.i598 o.7a45 0,7991 0.7930 0.7970 0.8007 D.eu9a xb. P 0,70164 0.7976 0,8032 0.8006 0.8141 0.0181 0.8223 0.8267 O.fl306 o.A3a4 u,8382 0.8419 0.8492 0.8986 0.8518 0.8547 0.70711 D.774G 0,7808 0.7889 0.7922 0.79 i8 48.66 0.8029 O.BOiO ss.o6 63.07 70.2] 0.8115 0.8158 0.8199 i 7.93 64,20 91.26 0.0271 8.82]] 0.0313 0.8947 0.30 7.09 3+.38 20.79 27.87 37,02 42,08 99,19 56.03 63.05 sssi 7sse 89.32 91.06 97.99 109.83 0.8281 0.'4189 0.7504 0.]602 0.7048 0.7712 0,5772 O,T828 0,7880 0.7927 0.7975 o.ema 0.0063 0.8107 0.8112 0.0170 0.6214 known that the coefficient C is independent sent analysis, the coefficienu, Band 0.10 732 14.00 21,06 2].99 35.19 42.28 49.25 56.20 03.25 70,33 7e.zs 84.33 91.18 98.31 ]07.28 0.10 6,99 13,91 29,93 28,04 94.99 4L98 98.95 Si.24 63.09 73.13 11.13 84,22 91.1] 90.03 1 05.40 on the assumption that C is a coestant perimental range, B and C are rede[ermined closed equation 0 81352 0.8197 o.a25s 0.8311 0.8358 0.0702 0.8449 O. A492 0.8534 0.8573 0.8616 0.8661 0.8687 0.8723 0.8756 0.6]89 O.i497 Xb= P 0.10 fi.96 14.11 21.19 28.07 33.10 41.]0 49.94 65.89 s33a 70:51 77.31 8?16 91.35 98.39 1A5.6a 0.84063 0.10 7.Ofi 0.81476 0.8222 0.78840 0.7963 0.8020 0.8086 0.8143 0.8196 0.8'_48 0.8298 0.8341 0.8385 0.8427 0.8472 0.8606 0.8541 0.8579 0.8615 91,95 98.07 107.15 0.46261 0.]722 o3RDo 0.7008 0,]930 0.7996 0.6063 0.8106 0.8160 0,8208 0.8254 0.8299 0,8341 0,8382 0.8921 0.8{6] 0,10 s,99 13sa 20,80 28,04 35.02 41.87 ?9.23 65.]8 62.91 7013 7708 86,92 93,16 96,09 105.10 0.10 0,8802 0.8852 0.890] 0,8950 0,8997 0.8]21 0.8769 0.6607 o.eflso o,8A89 0.8925 0.896E 0.9000 42.11 48,98 ss.es 52.94 70.01 0,9042 0.9086 o,elzs Dslss 0.9203 0.8036 os671 0.10 6.94 1+.25 21.29 28.06 95.13 42.26 ?8.92 0.8209 0.83{9 0.8{03 0.80 5T 14.07 20.75 27.83 35.02 0.8509 0.6555 4236 as.os 95.62 62.91 i 0,51 77.30 8;.60 x.8800 0.8648 0.8883 0.8733 0.8774 0.8811 56.03 63.05 70.23 77.16 84.11 9311 0.884fl o.eeae 98.60 105.12 0.78814 0.]908 0.8043 0.8111 0.8170 0.8220 0.10 6,86 13,98 21,09 28,20 33.25 0.8290 0.8399 0.8401 0.8491 0.8300 0.8945 0.8988 4221 49.]3 56.19 63.03 70.35 77.50 81.41 0.8629 0.8070 0.8712 9 L 61 88.47 ms.13 for each composition of temperature expression. to calculate the isothermal So the Tait IB) R. E. Gibson and 7• F. Rincaid, J. Am. Chem. Sa., 60, 51l (1938) 0.84689 0.8538 a.fisol 0.8857 0,8713 0,8768 0.8817 0.8864 0.8.908 0'.8951 0.8995 0.9034 0.9073 0.8111 0.9149 0.9186 0.81938 0.82]5 0.8349 0.8417 0.8401 D.fisao 0.8595 0.8662 0.8897 O.BT44 O.BT92 0.3838 0.8878 O.BBl9 0.8959 0.099! In the pre- and temperature with temperature. over the whole exrepresents As mentioned compressibility equation 0,87380 7.99 13.93 21,06 27.89 39.01 and listed in Table 4. The Tait equation of state with only two parameters. P 0.6070 o.asz7 0.8381 0.8630 0.86]] C is found to vary scarcely independent 1.0000 I' for many organic liquidsl~. worse than the polynomial however, the Tait equation can be applied Vol. 49 No. in ]0'kg/m'J P C, are first determined Therefore, as well as or slightly ab. of temperature of Japan Miatures P o.l D 6.69 17.12 21.50 28.37 3i. i9 41.96 48.97 s6.ot 62.62 ]0.46 57.19 67.3{ 61.55 68.41 1[5.42 For each composition results Chemistry and T. Makita 0.4997 Y by the least squares method. present H. Kubota of Cyrlobexane-Benzene 03904 P 98.26 105.13 0.10 5.13 19.98 21.01 25.98 96.30 ?3.99 ?9.17 56.11 62.92 sss5 i 7,91 85.04 sl.ai 99.17 ]05.33 Y. Taoaka, of Physical Traction o! benzene, P: Dressure in MPe, p :density " y= 0.0000 Temp. Density Review the above, and is a simple is preferable to the poly- 2 (1979) The Review of Physical Chemistry of Japan Vol. 49 No. 2 (1979) Dielectric Constant and Density of Cyclohexane-Benzene Mixtures 79 nomial for representing the PVT relations of the present mixtures. The density values at 50°C smoothed by Eq. (8) are plotted against the composition of the mixtures in Fig. 7. Every isobar exhibits the similar behavior to that of the dielectric constant. There are many reports on the pressure dependence of the density of pure benzene. The measurement by Gibson et al.ta> is considered as an accurate and representative one of them at temperatures 25°C to 65`C under pressures up to 100 MPa. They fitted their data to the Tait equation and concluded that C was independent of temperature and that p, and B were expressed by the polynomials of temperature. As they did not measure the density at 50'C and 75'C, the density has been calculated with the coefficients interpolated to 50`C and extrapolated to 75`C. Their values agree well with the present results at only 25°C. The pressure coefficient of the density, (rip/o^P)r, of Gibson et al. is larger than the present one. The disuepancy increases with increasing pressure up to 0.2% at 75`C Tahle Coefficients of the Tait Equation (8) for Cyclohexane-Senzese Mixtures 4 Mole fraction e} benzene X6 xb • O.D00 = 0.2509 Xb = 0.4997 Sam •C Xh • 1.000 p [] O • O ~ 0.90 E m0.95 x 0.0] o.m 0.01 0.05 0.03 O.Ofi 0.0] 0.01 0.09 0.09 0.03 o.oz 0.04 D.os 0.03 0.1] 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.06 0.04 17.9 6a O.M984 61.5 r 0.12484 49.3 25 0.79154 O. T6Ttt 74.9 fi 1.1 C C 0.1988 0.1947 T6 094189 98.9 0.0] 25 so 0.31352 0.02 o.T66as T6.T sas 0.16267 48.0 25 0.84063 50 T8 0.91476 0.78819 86.2 702 56.8 zs 0.67360 0.84889 88:5 60 ]s 0.91938 809 T2.T o.ls]s 0.200] 0.2000 0.0] Fig. 7 0.80 0 50'C 0.7i D.00 Maz.DeT. A 100 MPa 80 60 40 20 O.lOI ~ 0 b Dev. B MPa 0.]]3]0 SO Ave Pa 103 kg/m3 2s TS Xb = 0 .]997 P. O,iO Jlole fraction of Benzene L00 Dependence of density of cydohxanebenzene mixtures as mole fraction of benzene at 50'C The Review of Physical Chemistry of Japan Vol. 49 No. 2 (1979) H. Kashiwagi, 80 and 100 MPa. T, Fukunaga, It seems that S'. Tanaka, this inconsistency H, Kubola would and T. Makita came partly from the inadequacy of ex- Crapolating their data to 75°C. There are a few available The values of Kerimov under pressures papent9-'-~ on [he density up to 10 MPa. to represent can not be sufficiently the data by the Hudleston bility of the PVT data of liquids. low pressure ments. Tait for tytlohexane-benzene Their data agree well with the present results Since the present results tempted The reproducibility under pressures compared up ersor. with the literature values, it is at- equation241 which is often used to verify the relia- The equation of the Hudleston It is, however, mixtures within the experimental is found to represent region below 20 MPa, where it would be sensitive equation. under high pressure. with the present results at 50`C Most of their data are found to be higher than those of this work. Holder et al.iz 231carried out the measurement to 10 MPa. for pure cyclohexane et x1.211are only ones that can be compared [he data very well except the to the uncertainty equation is also found to be better not easy to solve the Hudleston equation in the measurethan that of the for the density at a given pressure. Discussion The compositions for dielectric of the mixtures constant measurements. the density of mixtures calculated prepared of the same for density measurements slightly In order to correlate the dielectric constant used in the dielectric constant compositions differ from those with the density , measurements is using the Tait equation. IC was found in our previous and the density of a fluid. work7l that a simple relation exists between the dielectric constant In Fig. 8, a part of the , dielectric density in the limited range. constant obtained is plotted against the It is found that [he difference between [he isotherms of the same com- positions almost disappears and that [he linear relations exist over the whole range of the present work. This fact suggests that the pressure and temperature effect on the dielectric constant is reduced to the effect of the density represented by a linear function .4 few equations stant of liquids. from the Tait equation 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 23) 26) In each composition, within the average the dielectric deviation have been proposed to express the pressure Representative e only. of density one of them is the Owen-Brinkley and the electrostatic =A to constant is found to he of 0.06%. dependence of the dielectric wn- equationis•7b1, which was derived theory. D+P e D+P, H. H. Reamer and B. H. Sage, Chem. Eng. Darn Ser., 2, 9 (1957) E. Kuss and M. Taslimi, Chern, ]ng. Tech., 42, 1073 (1970) A. Sf. Kerimov and T. A. Apaev, Fluid 3fechanict-Sovier R¢s., 3, 100,(1974) G. A. Holder and E. Whalley, Trans. Faraday Sa., 58,.2095 (1961) G. A. Holder and E. Whalley, ibid., 58, 2108 (1962) L. ]. Hudleston, Trans. Faraday Soc., 33, 97 (1937) B. B. Owen and S. R. Brinkley, Jr., Phyt. Rev., 64, 32 (1943) B. B. Owen, 1, Chem. Educ., 21, 59 (1944) (9) p0 The Review of Physical Chemistry of Japan Vol. 49 No. 2 (1979) Dielectric Constant and Density of Cyclohexaae-Beazeae Mixtures 81 p X6=1,0000 2.20 ° o ~ 0 p 0 m X6=0 2.15 op .7462 0 p V V a z.la p ~o~ e8 Qg 9fl ® $ m p8 Fig. a p°~ p X6=0.2500 Xb=0,49960 ~ ° ® ° ~ ~pp88 p4 0 0 Density dependence of dielectric con• stant of cyclohexane-benzene mixtures 25'C 50 ° ~~°° xb=o,oooo p 75 z.os o p ° 0.75 ° 0.80 0.84 Density/1Wkg/mt where e, is the dielectric constant at P,. which is taken as 0.101 JIPa in the presem work. Owen et al. pointed out that the coefficientD was identical wit4 B in-the Tait equationand A was practica4 ly independent of temperature. However the data used for their analysis are now out of date and inaccurate. Althoughthere are several reports on the equation~-~l, the validity of the equation was not discussed sufficiently. Therefore, using the present data, the coeBicients.of theequation have been determined on the followingassumptions: 1) Both coe(hcients,A and D. are determined without restriction, that is. D is not identical with B in the Tai[ equation, and A is dependent on temperature, Z (D; B, A(Tr)#A(Tz)) 7) D is not identical with B and A is independent of T. (DrB, A(TE)=A(T,}) 3) D is identical with B and A is dependent on T. (D=B. A(Tt)*A(Ta)) 4) D is identical with B and A is independent of T. (D=B, A(Tr)=A(T,)) As representatives otthe mixtures, the coefficientsobtained for cyclohexane, mixture of Xo=o.50 and benzene are listed in Table 5. There is a good agreement between the present raw data and the dielectric constants calculated with the assumption (1). It is concluded that the Owen-Brinkley equation without restriction represents the dielectric constants of liquids under high pressure satisfactorily, as described6y Hartmann et al.~> and Srinivasan et al.~> Nith We assumption (2), it is found that Eq. (9) can also reproducethe data well. On the other hand, Eq. (9) with the assumption (4) expresses the data worst because of the rigorousrestriction. The ability with the assumption (3) 27) E. Huckeland E. Ganssauge,Z. Phys,Chem.(Frankfurt),12, 110(1957) 28) H. Hartmann,A.Neumannand G. Rinck.,ihid.,44, Z18(1965) 29) M. Nakahara,Rev.Phys.Chem.Japan,44, 57(1974) 30) R. R. Srinivasanand R. L. Ray, J. Chem.Phys.,.60, 3645(1974) The Review of Physical Chemistry of Japan Vol. 49 No. 2 (1979) H. Kasbiwagi, T. Fukunaga, ]'. Tanaka, H.Kubota and T. bfakita 81 Table 5 Coefficients of the Owen•Brinkley Equation (9) for Cyclohexane- benzene 1fiatures mole of fncliov Lenzene Temp. Ae.umptiov n •C 25 50 2.0 ] 50 U1 ]5 h ]IV x.Dev. X D.1]Da D.m 0.03 ]sr: ]].k D.1ds5 0.01 ].93 i0 65.1 0.1539 0.01 0.05 0.03 92.9 7G.u D.3 S17 121 75 X A1x.I>QY. ms.e 25 50 c 11118 0.0] 6A.4 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.0; 0.03 • 0.000 25 50 131 15 RS SD f4] ]s (]~ TS 2,o7za 2.D317 0.01 0.128] 0.03 0.1311 O.OB i 1.9 sls o.l_^;s 87.3 81.0 ]0.6 0.1x]5 0.1591 0.163] 121 75 0.03 O.OG 0.13 O.Ok 0.05 o.os D.oe D.la 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 O. D3 0.01 0.01 o.az 0.02 0.09 D.os 0.03 88.1 zs 50 0.1901 6LG 49.3 z.31 as zs sn ]7.9 49.] D.oa 81.4 68.1 0.160] ]6.] sz.c 48.9 0.1334 0.1353 D.az D.D4 0.08 0.15 0.1316 D.tS 0 '3 0.02 0.05 0.11 0.2G O.lfi 0.28 0.01 0.02 o.oe O.Ok Xp = 0.499fi 2"a Ss (31 75 25 50 75 76.7 (•IJ 25 sD LL1 7s z.17k4 25 50 121 ]5 xb- 2.2 ik0 z.zz49 62.6 48.9 0.3330 153.8 sls i 9.5 0.2196 D.1]4s 0.17zfi 11].9 9T.G BD.B 0.1145 68.5 ]2.1 59.9 88.5 ]P.] D.D2 0.02 0.02 0.02 o.D2 0.05 0.139a o.14ze 0.04 O.1k32 0.14 0.09 O.1k 0.22 o.14ze O.OA D.De 0.19 0.14 0.13 0.2fi 0.0] o.os l.ooo 25 60 1]1 75 25 50 ]5 (kl 58.9 0.09 to represent the data is also not good. This fact does not necessarily mean the inadequacy of assumption (3), because not only the dielectric constant data but also the density data are subject to the errors of measurements. It one used the values of B given by Cibson et al., the reproducibility of the equation is improved but still not good for the present work. By combiningthe Tait equation (g) and the Owen-Brinkleyequation (9) with assumption (3), a simple relation is deduced as follows: that is, a linear relationship between the reciprocalsof [hc dielectric constant and the density exists. However, the least squares reduction of the data shows slightly worse fit for equation (10) than for The Review of Physical Chemistry of Japan Vol. 49 No. 2 (1979) Dielectric Constant the simple a vs. p linear relations B for the present and Density of Cyclohexane-Bcnzene :iE Mixtures as shown in Fig. 8. This fact implies that D is not identical with miatures. The Clausius-iliossotti equation is theoretically derived for nonpolar liquids in an electrostatic field as follows: Psf=e+2p =3 r,Ncz where Pat is the molar polarization, molecular polsrizability. molar polarization (11) M the molecular weight, N the Avogadro's According to the theory, the temperature is very small, and an additive number and pressure and a the dependence of the law t is held for a mixture nonpolar liquids, of nonpolar it is expected liquids as nn ideal solution. that the present mixtures Since cyclohexane exhibit such a behavior. and benzene are The density de- pendence of the molar polarization u shown in Fig. 9, where the molecular weights of the mixtures were calculated by the mole fraction average of thepure component values. Then, the molar polarization of the mixtures was obtained by P,tf=E+1 1 {(1-Xa)MrtXeMQ} (13) P where FYI,and M, are the molecular weights of cyclohexane and benzene, respectively. ICis found that the variation of the molar polarization with density is very small and Chat the molar polarization is sensitive to the inaccuracies in the dielectric constant and the density measurements. The molar polarization shows an approximately linear decrease with increasing density and is slightly dependent on temperature. The same linear relationship has been reported for other liquidsts, st,az) and for a polar liquid [he temperature effect is distinct due [o a dipole momentsv. In the present results, the temperature wefficients of the molar polarization, (BP,trl87?o, are negative for mixtures of Xp=0.50 , 0.75 and pure benzene. However they are too small to confirm the presence of a dipole moment. On O E 0 c e. p .~ O Q. A O ~. ,.rm,,,,, w Xb=0.0000 ee au°veee z ~.5 °°rrre Yqe~ X6=0.2500 °.a: , Fig. 9 zzo 26.5 D IS'C Q 50 75 .75 _ ~ X6=0.7462 pe. epee °°eama Xb=1.0000 0.80 ~'P°bpga ° 0.85 p~r . 0.90 Density/1Wkg/ms 31) F. I. hfopsik, J. Rer. Nal. Bur. Sand., 71A, 287 (1967) 32) F. I. Mopsil•, J, Chem. Phys., 50, 2559 (1969) Density dependence of molar polarization of cydoheaaae• benzene mixtures The Review of Physical Chemistry of Japan Vol. 49 No. 2 (1979) CLI H. Kashiwagi, T. Fukunaga, ]'. Tanata, H Kubota and T. Makita Fig. Dependence 27.6 5 0'C O E 27.2 0 e .q .q e N 0 Oa 10 O.I01 DfPa of molar polarization of cydohesane-benzene mixtures on mole iraction of benzene at 50'C 10 26.8 40 A O s 0 60 e 100 80 26.4 0.00 0.50 31o1eFraction Benzen 1.00 the other band, those for cyclohesane and mixture of Xa=0.15 are positive contrary to the theory. The similar temperature dependence was observed for carbon disulfide. The isotherms of 0.50 mixture are close to those of 0.75 mixture, while those of other mixtures depart from each other. For the mixture composed of simple fluids it was verified3-6> that an additive law of the molar polazization was held at a given pressure and temperature. In the present results, however, as shown in Fig, 10, every isobar deviates from the behavior of an ideal mixture and an inflexion is observed at the composition between Xp=0.50 and Xe=0.75. This deviation reveals that the particular molecular interaction between unlike molecules exists. Since the Clausius-Mossotti relation was ideally derived, it is not suitable to assume that the molecular polarizability does not change even in the dense state. Other formulas derived for the compressed fluid should be necessary to discuss the present results. The autbocs wish to express their appreciation to Mr. Toshiharu Takagf, Kyoto Technical University, for his advice and assistance in constructing the apparatus for the dielectric constant measurements and are also indebted to Mr. ]unzo Kobo and Miss Ryoko Tanaka for their careful measurements of the density. Deparlmen0 of Chernital Engineering Fatul6y of Engineering Kobe Univesity Kobe 657, Japan