UNIVERSITY PARENT GUIDE 2013 Tulane University Campus Resources – Local Insight – Helpful Information 1 Tulane University For more information, please contact Office of Parent Programs Lavin-Bernick Center for Student Life Garden Level 02-J (1-877) TUP-WAVE email: 2995 Wilderness Place, Suite 205 Boulder, CO 80301 Phone: (866) 721-1357 Email: Advertising Inquiries: (866) 721-1357 Sarah Schupp Publisher Lindsay Brust SALES & MARKETING About this Guide UniversityParent has published this guide in partnership with Tulane University with the mission of helping you easily navigate your student’s university with the most timely and relevant information available. Make the Most of this Guide • Use it! Inside you’ll find information that’s useful all year with items such as phone numbers, websites, and calendars. • Share it! Share articles and tips inside with your student to help them successfully navigate campus. • Pass it! Pass it along to fellow university parents or prospective parents of college students. Alyssa Willet PARTNER RELATIONS Heather Dieck PRODUCTION OPERATIONS beth skelley DESIGN michael Fahler AD DESIGN Jason Shueh EDITORIAL Connect: Discover more articles, tips and local business information by visiting the online guide at: www.universityparent/tulane The presence of university/college logos and marks in this guide does not mean the school endorses the products or services offered by advertisers in this guide. @2013 University Parent Magazines, Inc. contents 8 | Tulane Guide Comprehensive advice, information for student success 8 10 12 16 18 24 28 32 | | | | | | | | 38 | 38 40 42 44 50 52 54 | | | | | | | Welcome to Tulane Academic Services Academic Departments Financial Information Campus Life Health Services Campus Services Safety and Student Conduct Resources Must-have knowledge to navigate your way Tulane Campus Map New Orleans Map 2013-2014 Dates to Remember Tulane Parent University 101 What to Do After Orientation? Opportunities for Parent Involvement at Tulane Proud Supporters of Tulane 7 tulane GUIDE Welcome to Tulane Dear Parents and Families, Welcome to the Tulane University family! It is my pleasure to serve as a resource and liaison for you during this transition and throughout your student’s academic career. Tulane University is committed to partnering with parents and families to assist in the success and education of our new students. The Office of Orientation and Parent Programs seeks to inform and provide support to you and your family as your student experiences the transition into college life. I encourage you to take advantage of all we have to offer over the next few years. 8 Our office provides a wide variety of resources and offers events and programming for parents and families. Not only do we welcome each new family with parent information sessions during New Student Orientation and with this guide, but we also host Family Weekend each fall, send e-newsletters to parents, run informative online webinars, maintain our Tulane Parent website, coordinate the Pelican Partner parent volunteers and sponsor the 1 (877) TUP-WAVE Parent toll-free line, along with other services. questions or concerns. Our website even contains an electronic copy of this guide so you can access it at any time. We appreciate your involvement in your student’s experiences and look forward to a great next few years working together. Please let us know if we can ever be of assistance as you and your student transition into our community. I encourage you to visit our parent website at since it serves as a great starting point when you have Penny Wyatt Director of Orientation and Parent Programs Tulane University Best Wishes! 9 tulane GUIDE tulane GUIDE Academic Services Newcomb-Tulane College is the academic home of all full-time undergraduates. I am confident that you will find a remarkable array of majors and programs of study, which can be combined into an almost limitless selection of options for your student. Whatever the chosen major or degree, your student will experience an education second to none that provides a wealth of opportunities and challenges. Tulane is a research intensive university whose faculty are world leaders and experts in their chosen fields, and unlike most research intensive institutions, I can confidently say that the faculty here are dedicated to your student’s education as an undergraduate. The college staff is here to help you and your student and we are always available to our students. Please encourage your student to seek assistance or simply stop in to see us. Welcome, School of Architecture 303 Richardson Memorial Hall (504) 865-5389 A.B. Freeman School of Business 200 Goldring/Woldenberg Hall 1 (504) 862-8377 School of Liberal Arts 102 Newcomb Hall (504) 865-5225 School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine James M. MacLaren Professor of Physics Dean, Newcomb-Tulane College 1440 Canal St, Ste 2400-TW13 (Downtown Campus) (504) 988-5397 School of Science and Engineering Newcomb-Tulane Undergraduate College Robert C. Cudd Hall 1st Floor (504) 865-5720 10 201 Boggs Center (504) 865-5764 School of Continuing Studies 125 Gibson Hall (504) 865-5555 Tulane University 11 tulane GUIDE tulane GUIDE enhance skills needed to achieve success here at Tulane and in their future pursuits. If you feel your student could benefit specifically from success coaching, it’s important to begin the process prior to the start of classes in August. Please contact Michele Oelking for more information at (504) 314-2216 or GOLDMAN OFFICE OF DISABILITY SERVICES (ODS) Academic Departments ACADEMIC ADVISING CENTER 102 Richardson Building (504) 865-5798 Academic advisors are there to help students during this transition to develop their academic plan and to locate resources they need to succeed. We encourage parents and families to keep open lines of communication with students as well, engaging in conversations about their plans, what they are learning, and new experiences they might wish to share. We have a webpage just for parents so we can all work together to help students make good decisions and grow as individuals. Career Center (504) 865-5107 Career Coaches are available to assist students in exploratory services to select a major or career plan, find an internship, write a resume, build interviewing skills, and much more. Several schools, such as 12 Science and Engineering Lab Complex, 1st Floor (504) 862-8433 A part of the Division of Student Affairs and Student Resources & Support Services, ODS is committed to providing equal access and a friendly environment for all who study at Tulane. Through collaboration and exploration, modifications to the academic environment - accommodations - can be offered to registered students with permanent disabilities or temporary impairments. To insure that accommodation needs are assessed and implemented in a timely manner, we recommend that students make contact with ODS prior to arriving on campus. HONORS PROGRAM 105 Herbert Hall (504) 865-5517 Each year a highly selective group of the entering freshmen class is admitted to the Program on the basis of individual high school records and standardized test scores. Thereafter, new candidates will receive invitations to the Honors Program once a year, during the summer, through the Junior Year. The Honors Program includes students in all schools and majors. A.B.Freeman School of Business, have additional services geared specifically toward those students in a declared major. If your student needs assistance navigating their interests or career options within a certain major, this is the place for them to find guidance and support. TULANE ACADEMIC SUCCESS CENTER First Floor, Mechanical Engineering Building, #14 (504) 865-5103 The Tulane Academic Success Center offers comprehensive support through success coaching, tutoring, supplemental instruction, faculty mentoring, and peer education. Our staff can assist students with time management, organization, study skills, test taking strategies, decision making, stress management, and goalsetting. In addition, our website includes academic resources, self-assessments, and information tailored specifically to students and parents. Our goal is to partner with students to develop or Tulane University 13 tulane GUIDE tulane GUIDE STUDY ABROAD 6901 Willow Street (504) 865-5339 The Center for Global Education and Office of Study Abroad oversee a diverse portfolio of yearlong and semester study abroad options for NewcombTulane College. Over 80 study abroad programs in 30 countries throughout Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East are available to qualified undergraduates. We partner with top universities and study abroad organizations to make the highest quality overseas educational experiences available to NewcombTulane students. Students should be encouraged to make an appointment with a study abroad adviser early in the sophomore year to discuss options and qualifications for programs of interest. 14 courses that they are interested in. Due to the small class size, courses may fill quickly and it is good to have options. TULANE READING PROJECT TIDES Robert C. Cudd Hall 201 (504) 865-5678 Tulane Inter-Disciplinary Experience Seminars (TIDES) are our distinctive seminar program for all first year students at Tulane. TIDES are designed to provide Tulane University quality interactions with some of our finest faculty, active learning, intellectual challenges, social co-curricular activities and the opportunity tomeet fellow students with similar interests. With over 80 topics, your student is sure to find a TIDES class that is appealing. Please encourage your student to select five 2013 — The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Elizabeth Alexander Each year, we aim to create a shared intellectual experience for the entering class through a series of events and programs inspired by a selected book. Free copies of the book will be distributed to all students at the orientation sessions, or mailed to students who cannot attend, and online discussion sessions will be held during the summer. This fall, several events, speakers, and a visit with the author will be scheduled, and students will discuss the book in their TIDES courses. 15 tulane GUIDE tulane GUIDE WORKFORCE MANAGEMENT - STUDENT EMPLOYMENT 200 Broadway Street, Suite 120 (504) 865-5280 Throughout the year, Tulane University departments and off-campus partners advertise student jobs. Together they offer a variety of jobs for students with Federal Work Study awards and without. Please encourage your students to visit the Student Employment website http:// index.cfm to learn more about working at Tulane and to register at our student job listing service, College Central Network. Note: All student workers are required to complete the Department of Homeland Security’s form I-9 electronically and present supporting documentation, in original form, at Workforce Management. More information pertaining to form I-9 can be found on the Student Employment website. SPLASH CARD Bruff Commons, 1st floor (504) 865-5629 The Tulane Splash Card serves a number of functions for Tulane students, faculty and staff. Students are expected to carry the card at all times while on campus to identify them as a Tulane student. Additionally, the card gives them access to their residence hall; checks-out books in the library, gets them athletic event tickets, and carries several financial accounts. Within the Tulane Splash Card, students can access the meal plan; charge purchases to their accounts receivable bill, and deposit money for the debit feature to use in vending and small purchases. Deposits, for the debit feature, can be made online using a major credit card or by mailing a check to the Card Services office. Financial Information 16 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE FINANCIAL AID (504) 865-5368 Your student is responsible for their Tulane account, however, you can be added to the online system to view the bill and make payments. Navigating the student bill and managing money is a skill that we want to impress upon your student. With your help, your student can create a budget and regularly review charges to the Tulane account. Please remember that a FERPA release is necessary for parents to have financial conversations with our office. Please visit the web for resources, frequently asked questions, important deadlines, to set-up a NetPay account and to find the FERPA release form. 205 Science & Engineering Complex (504) 865-5723 Every Tulane student has an assigned professional financial aid counselor who is assigned based on the student’s last name. Students are encouraged to contact their counselor with any financial aid questions or concerns throughout the year. The website for the Office of Financial Aid is very comprehensive and has several self-service features, including information about the aid award and federal direct loan program. If you do not find the information you are looking for online, please call the office for further assistance. Tulane University 17 tulane GUIDE tulane GUIDE Student Resources & Support Services (SRSS) Lavin Bernick Center, Garden Level, Suite G02 (504) 314-2160 support/index.cfm While most of your student’s time at Tulane will likely be positive, there may be times when he or she needs additional support. Student Resources & Support Services is a great place to go when you really have no idea where to start. SRSS provides assistance to students who are struggling academically or personally. We work with students individually to help them navigate university systems and to resolve problematic situations. The Office of Violence Prevention and Support Services (OVPSS) is a specialized office within SRSS that works to create a safe and respectful campus environment through the development of educational programs and support services. OVPSS provides assistance to students who are victimized or affected by crime. We encourage parents to have a discussion with their students about crime prevention and to review resources for crime risk reduction. HOUSING & RESIDENCE LIFE Irby Hall, 1st floor (504) 865-5724 The community on campus has a great energy and students tend to be very Campus Life The Division of Student Affairs is the co-curricular home of student life at Tulane. I am confident that your student will find a connection to life at Tulane and in New Orleans by exploring all of the opportunities for leadership and involvement within student programs and organizations. Your support is invaluable and we hope you will encourage your student to search for an activity at Tulane that compliments their academic pursuits. Our experienced staff is here to help you and your student and we are always available for consultation. I encourage you to become familiar with the resources available through the offices of Student Resources and Support Services, Housing and Residence Life, Student Programs, Greek Life, Campus Recreation, and Religious Life. We encourage your student to seek assistance or simply stop in to see us. Welcome, STUDENT AFFAIRS Lavin-Bernick Center, Garden Level (504) 314-2188 Michael H. Hogg Professor of Business Law Dean of Students & Vice President for Student Affairs 18 Tulane University 19 tulane GUIDE tulane GUIDE engaged. Each floor has a Resident Advisor (RA) and each set of buildings has an Community Director (CD) to support your student during this transition to life at Tulane. It is important for you to discuss the community living standards with your student before arriving on campus. Expectations for student behavior are important to us as we advise your student in their new living environment. Important resources about what to bring, how to switch rooms, renter’s insurance, and much more are available on the Arrive! website. CAMPUS RECREATION/REILY RECREATION CENTER STUDENT PROGRAMS G11 Lavin-Bernick Center, Garden Level The Office of Student Programs supports the more than 200 recognized student organizations on campus by offering training to student leaders, support for programming, and advice for the direction of the group. By joining one of the many student organizations on campus, new students will be instantly connected to a peer group with common interests. This kind of connection to peers and the university is important in the transition to college life. We hope that students will make the most of their college career by staying involved on 20 campus and in the community. Please encourage your student to attend the Student Activities Expo on Thursday, August 29, 2013 from 4-6 p.m. outside the LBC. Students will be able to sign-up to receive information from the over 200 clubs, recreational sports teams and more! FRATERNITIES & SORORITIES G02 Lavin-Bernick Center, Garden Level (504) 314-2160 Our office is responsible for advising every aspect of Greek Life: we advise the councils and the chapter Tulane University leadership; create educational, risk management, and leadership programming opportunities; and work with the (inter)national headquarters of each organization to reduce risk, enhance programs, and ensure the advancement of fraternity and sorority life on the Tulane University campus. New students will be eligible to participate in sorority or fraternity recruitment in the Spring semester, provided they earn 12 credit hours at Tulane and maintain a 2.5 cumulative GPA. Please visit the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Programs website for more information. Reily Center (504) 865-5431 The Department of Campus Recreation has a long and rich history of serving the Tulane University community. Our programs and services are among the most popular and participated in on campus. Engaging over 7,000 students annually, programs include Intramural Sports, Club Sports, Fitness and Wellness, Instructional Programs, Aquatics and Outdoor Recreation. The facilities managed by Campus Recreation include the 156,000 square foot Reily Student Recreation Center, the Reily outdoor tennis courts, a synthetic turf field and four university quads. Leadership and management of the facilities and programs is provided by a full time professional staff of 23 and a part-time student staff of approximately 200, which makes Campus Recreation the largest student employer on campus. Club & Intramural Sports With a wide range of recreational team and individual league sports and tournaments, there is something for everyone. Club Sports tend to attract 21 tulane GUIDE tulane GUIDE The O students with a little more experience in a sport or a willingness to learn. Clubs receive funding and may even travel to compete in different venues. This is a great option for a student who has a sport they would like to continue in college without participating in InterCollegiate Athletics. Intramural Sports allow groups of students to informally participate in seasonal sports as a team. Many residence hall floors and fraternities participate in an effort to build relationships. Group Fitness & Personal Training In an effort to boost metabolism, confidence and maintain wellness, the Reily Recreation Center offers more than 60 free group exercise classes each week. Powered by high-energy music, challenging exercises, and motivating 22 instructors, group classes are designed to make fitness goals easily attainable by providing a fun and energizing workout. The personal training program offers many options and packages with various fee scales for students who need new workout ideas, inspiration, or extra motivation. Lavin-Bernick Center, Garden Level (504) 865-5181 At Tulane University, we understand that it is of vital importance that the greatest diversity of ideas, cultures, perspectives, and modes of inquiry be brought to bear on the issues and ideas of our day. As such, The Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA), the Office for Gender and Sexual Diversity (OGSD), and Religious Life, known collectively as The O, supports a campus environment characterized by a multiplicity of viewpoints, experiences, and cultures. OMA and OGSD provide students of color, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer, questioning, and allied students with advocacy services, mentoring, personal support, and educational, cultural, and social programming that facilitate their adjustment to the University and ability to thrive thereafter. The O also serves as a liaison to Tulane’s religious communities, which offer students opportunities to engage in on-campus spiritual pursuits through worship and community, increase campus-wide religious awareness and understanding, and receive religious counseling. It is our mission to foster an open and vibrant learning environment that welcomes, respects, and appreciates the histories, traditions, and cultures of traditionally underrepresented student populations. If you have any questions about multicultural life and or gender and sexual diversity at Tulane University, please call our office or email OMA at and OGSD at Outdoor Recreation With more than 20 trips per semester, at a nominal fee, students can explore the Gulf-South region and discover new skills. This program has grown in popularity over the past few years and is a “must-do” for new students. Even if your student does not like camping, canoeing, hiking or rafting – there is something for everyone including visiting local festivals as a group. Want to give your student a great gift, consider booking one of the fall or spring break trips as a surprise! Tulane University 23 tulane GUIDE tulane GUIDE has adequate medical coverage when they are living away from home. The Student Health Center does not charge full-time students for physician services. Please send a copy of health insurance coverage with your student in August. Immunization Health Services Student Health Center (504) 865-5255 – Tulane University Student Health Center provides quality primary health care and wellness services for our students. We have clinics uptown and downtown, and we offer specialized services for allergies, psychiatry, stress management, substance abuse, travel, and men and women’s health. Our staff provides non-judgmental care and mutual respect. We protect student rights and privacy in delivering health services. For detailed information on services, see below or visit the website. ⊲⊲ Primary Care – When a student is feeling ill, they should make an appointment to meet with a doctor or nurse to assess their symptoms; just like their doctor at home would do, but without filing insurance claims and paying co-pays. 24 ⊲⊲ Men’s & Women’s Health Clinics – For regular check-ups and specific services related to gender, students can come in for routine needs such as pap smears, HIV testing, and STD assessment. ⊲⊲ Flu Shots – Preventing the flu is important in a tightly bound community, so flu shot clinics are offered annually for students, faculty and staff. plan by United Healthcare, or waive enrollment in this plan in September by providing proof of other adequate coverage. The student medical insurance plan annual premium will be evenly split between the fall and spring semesters. Please review your current medical coverage to ensure that your student The State of Louisiana requires all students entering a college in Louisiana for the first time to have either received the following immunizations: Measles, Mumps, Rubella Vaccine (MMR), TetanusDiphtheria-Pertusis Vacine (Tdap), and the Meningococcal or Meningitis Vacine. Additionally, we recommend Tuberculosis (TB) Screening and Testing and Hepatitis B Vaccine for all college students. The Student Health Center offers all of the listed immunizations and the TB skin test. Travel and other immunizations needed by university students are also available. If Tulane University has not received documentation of the meningococcal (Menactra) vaccine by “move in day,” you will not be permitted to move into your residence hall. The Proof of Immunization form and online student health profile are available on the Student Health Center website, and are be due July 15, 2013. Pharmacy The SHC Pharmacy strives to give the highest quality medication care for the patient with convenience and reasonable prices. In addition to filling prescriptions ⊲⊲ Nutrition – Licensed dietitians and nutritionists are on staff to meet with students as needed. Health Insurance All full-time Tulane University students are required to carry adequate medical insurance. Each year, full-time students must either enroll in the Universitysponsored student health insurance Tulane University 25 tulane GUIDE from the Student Health Center physicians and nurse practitioners, the pharmacy also fills prescriptions from physicians not associated with the Student Health Center. This includes both local and out-of-town practitioners. We will also telephone other pharmacies to transfer prescriptions from other drug stores to the Student Health Center Pharmacy. This applies to local and out-of-town pharmacies. Students must present a Tulane Splash card to have prescriptions filled at the pharmacy. The pharmacy accepts checks, cash, Visa™ or MasterCard™, Discover Card, Tulane debit card, and charges to accounts receivable; we do not accept American Express cards. In addition, we only accept the Tulane student health insurance plan, but will assist you with insurance claim forms and provide detailed receipts for reimbursement from your insurance company. 26 tulane GUIDE Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) Science & Engineering Lab Complex, 1st Floor (504) 314-2277, http://tulane. edu/health/counseling-andpsychological-services.cfm Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) offers a range of services to Tulane students who may be experiencing a period of emotional upset or more chronic problem during their college career. These services include individual counseling, group counseling and psychiatric services. Many problems can be resolved with a brief course of treatment, but for those students with more chronic issues or requiring a longer or more specialized course of treatment, the CAPS Staff will facilitate referrals to mental health providers in the community. CAPS services are strictly confidential. CAPS staff members are not permitted to Tulane University discuss a student’s presence in counseling or nature of that treatment with anyone, including the student’s parents without written consent to do so. If you know your son or daughter is in counseling and wish to discuss this with someone in CAPS, encourage him or her to sign a consent form. If you are concerned about your son or daughter and want to speak to someone about those concerns, the staff at CAPS can give you guidance in addressing your concerns. ⊲⊲ Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) – College students experience a range of emotions when making this transition and our psychiatrists, psychologists and clinical social workers are here to help with counseling, stress management, substance abuse issues and much more. Students simply need to make an appointment. theWELL 115 Reily Center (504) 314-7400 The Center for Wellness and Health Promotion, theWELL, promotes the health and safety of the Tulane Community through the delivery of inclusive, quality public health practice. We provide an array of different services and programs on campus to help students live healthy lives. Health topics that are addressed though prevention and educational programming include: stress management, alcohol use, tobacco use, sexual health and general wellness. Student Health & Wellness Please view the Student Health Center’s extensive website at http://tulane. edu/health and click on Uptown. 27 tulane GUIDE tulane GUIDE For Mail Services information specific to fall move-in: universityservices/mail/fallmovein.cfm. TECHNOLOGY SERVICES Campus Services MEAL PLANS Bruff Commons, 1st floor Meal Plans for resident first-year students are $2575.00 for 2013-2014. There are three options to best meet the needs of students, each of which include varying amounts Wave Bucks to use on-campus, NOLABucks to use at local restaurants, and meal swipes in the all-you-careto-eat Bruff dining hall. Commuter meal plans are also offered and these options can be found on our website. MAIL SERVICES Bruff Commons, 1st floor (504) 865-5709 Students will receive a campus mailbox upon being assigned on-campus housing. The box number and mailing address along with complete shipping instructions will be sent to the student’s 28 Sending Packages & Mail to student mailboxes should be addressed as: JOHN DOE - #1234 TULANE UNIVERSITY 34 MCALISTER DRIVE NEW ORLEANS, LA 70118-5645 Help Desk (504) 862-8888 or Toll-Free 1 (866) 276-1428 Live Chat For assistance with technology on campus, visit for news, tips and timely information. Through the website, students can search the Knowledge Base or submit a ticket for assistance to the Technology Help Desk. Technology Services also has staff in the Technology Connection located in the Lavin-Bernick Center and in the Learning Commons on the first floor of HowardTilton Memorial Library. Technology staff can assist with password issues, laptop setup and repair, wireless access and software questions. The Technology Connection provides free and fee-based services to students Monday-Friday. BOOKSTORE number of branded items such as Adidas, Vera Bradley, Ralph Lauren, and more. As for ordering books, students can do this once they have selected courses by visiting the bookstore’s website. Be sure to check-out the online textbook selection and new textbook rental options. UNIVERSITY SERVICES There are a number of convenient services available to students at Tulane. For up-to-date information about them and how to direct your student, please visit FedEx OFFICE Lavin-Bernick Center for University Life, 1st floor (504) 862-5799 FedEx Office offers students shipping and document printing services. Students can upload documents online or come into the store. FedEx shipping, including overnight services, are available six days per week. Students can pay for services here with the Tulane Splash Card debit feature. Lavin-Bernick Center, 1st floor (504) 865- 5913 The Tulane University Bookstore is operated by Barnes & Noble and carries a Tulane email address and mailed to the student’s home address the first week of August. Questions about mailing and shipping can be directed to mailbox@ after shipping packets have been sent. Please hold all questions until then. If you have not received your packet by August 10th please contact Mail Services. During Move-In Day, please encourage your student to pick up their mailbox key at Mail Services. For general Mail Services information please visit: universityservices/mail/index.cfm. Tulane University 29 tulane GUIDE ENTERPRISE RENT-ACAR AND CAR SHARE Carrollton Avenue (504) 483-1779 Canal Street (504) 522-7900 Tulane University and Enterprise RentA-Car have long been partners offering discounted rates to faculty, staff, students, parents and visitors. We have many types of arrangements with Enterprise that can assist you! Visit the website at and use these codes: for Parent, Family and Students (age 21-24) and Leisure Rentals: Use Code 14N0742, PIN number TUL; and or Student Rentals (age 18-20): Use Code 14N1433, PIN number TUL. Students under 20 years of age can rent vehicles with a valid driver’s license, proof of full-coverage car insurance, and a major credit or debit 30 tulane GUIDE card. Hourly, daily and weekly rentals are available from both the Carrollton Avenue and Canal Street branches. Enterprise Car Share, a membershipbased program that Tulane and Loyola University share, allows students to rent cars for a few hours. This green option is convenient for students because the cars are parked on Loyola’s campus, just a short walk. For more information, please visit CLEANERAMA Bruff Commons, 106A (504) 862-8530 Several laundry and dry cleaning services are available for students. For pricing information, gift certificates and hours of operation, please visit our website. Tulane University SHUTTLES & TRANSPORTATION PJ’S COFFEE & TEA CO. (504) 314-RIDE The University provides many different shuttle options for its faculty, staff and students including shuttles between the uptown and health sciences center campuses, University Square and the Uptown campus, evening shuttle service within a one mile radius of campus, as well as a weekend shopping and grocery shuttle. Schedules of shuttle routes are available on the website and students can call the office for specific questions about shuttles and transportation. A Tulane Splash Card is required to ride the shuttles. Stern Hall, Willow Residences, and Howard-Tilton Library With three locations on campus, PJ’s offers a variety of coffee shop drinks, baked goods, sandwiches, and other snacks. Students do not have to look far for a cup of coffee and quiet place to study. PJ’s accepts the Tulane Splash Card, cash and major credit cards. TRAVEL PORTAL Please visit our online travel portal for information about Tulane discounts and preferred partners in hotels and rental vehicles. 31 tulane GUIDE tulane GUIDE Late Night Transportation & TUPD Escorts The Late Night shuttle was established to transport members of the Tulane community safely within a 1-mile radius of campus. TUPD also offers a walking safety escort to students who might need to cross campus at night or on their own. Additionally, the University has initiated a virtual safety escort, Rave Guardian. For additional information, visit cfm. Walking safety escorts are available to students by calling (504) 8655381, and Late Night Transportation is available by calling (504) 865-7233. Blue Lights Tulane University has a Blue Light system throughout and within the perimeter of the Uptown campus. These lights can be easily seen at night and are fitted with an emergency phone. Anyone can simply push the call button to notify TUPD that they need assistance. The response time of a TUPD officer is within 2 minutes. Safety and Student Conduct TULANE UNIVERSITY POLICE DEPARTMENT Charles C. Diboll Complex, 1st floor (103) (504) 865-5381 The TUPD mission is to provide leadership, education and services consistent with the values of the university and supportive of the community’s efforts to ensure a safe and secure environment. We are all responsible to ensure that our valuables are secure and that crime and suspicious incidents are reported in a timely manner. It is imperative that we work together to identify and resolve problems that lead to crime or the fear of crime. We are proud of our staff of certified police officers, support staff, and student employees. Each is dedicated 32 police department Crime Reports As a service to the Tulane community, the campus and area residents, TUPD provides information on serious crimes committed on or in the vicinity of campus. This information is available on the web or via email. If you’d like to receive crime alerts via email, simply visit the TUPD website and click on “Crime Alerts.” HURRICANE EVACUATION PLANS Office of Emergency Response Tulane University has a streamlined and effective plan in case of a hurricane, tropical storm or other emergency that might impact our University community. Students and parents will receive instructions on how to develop a family hurricane evacuation plan during New Student Orientation; students will receive detailed information via mail over the summer and upon arriving on campus in August. Below are some tips to creating your family hurricane evacuation plan and in understanding our University plan. DEVELOPING A PLAN ⊲⊲ Discuss in advance where your student will go in the case of a University evacuation. Most students travel to a designated relative or friend’s home within a 250-mile radius of New Orleans or via short flight. ⊲⊲ Determine an alternate way of communicating, should cell phone service be interrupted. We suggest having a family friend that your student should check-in with, and whom you can contact for updates. ⊲⊲ Resources for developing a family plan are available on our website and at Charles C. Diboll Complex, 1st floor (103) (504) 865-5381 to providing a campus where individuals can feel safe in their pursuit of education, research, employment and recreation. Tulane University 33 tulane GUIDE WHAT STUDENTS SHOULD DO ⊲⊲ Be prepared for hurricanes well in advance of a storm threat. Follow the guidelines in the Tulane Hurricane Guide for Students by visiting our website. ⊲⊲ Pay attention to emergency alerts, emails and web postings regarding the forecast for an approaching storm. ⊲⊲ Enact your plan based on guidance from the university administration. ⊲⊲ If students are not able to enact their plan for evacuation, the University will transport students to safety in Jackson, Mississippi or Birmingham, Alabama. No one will remain on campus. 34 tulane GUIDE WHAT WILL HAPPEN ⊲⊲ Tulane will monitor all approaching storms well in advance of any potential impact. ⊲⊲ Tulane will issue information on evacuation and campus closure via text, e-mail, voicemail and web. ⊲⊲ Tulane will close and evacuate all campuses if necessary. If students are not able to enact their plan for evacuation, the University will transport students to safety. No one will remain on campus. ⊲⊲ After a storm, information will be distributed on the status of campuses and dates for re-opening. ⊲⊲ The academic calendar has built in “hurricane days” and course information will be shared via myTulane, should a closure disrupt the academic schedule. Tulane University OFFICE OF STUDENT CONDUCT Lavin-Bernick Center, Garden Level, Suite G02 (504) 865-5516 conduct/index.cfm The Office of Student Conduct manages all non-academic misconduct allegations for Tulane students. The goal of the Student Conduct system is to educate students about appropriate behavior and foster a community in which academic success can occur. We encourage parents to discuss responsible decisionmaking with students and review Tulane’s expectations for its students, as set forth in the Code of Student Conduct, before they arrive in August. The Office of Student Conduct hopes that students will keep their parents informed about their lives at Tulane. However federal regulations require that, except in cases involving alcohol use by a student under the age of 21, drugs, or incidents of violence, or in cases where the student poses a threat to the health or safety of himself or others, a student must have a signed FERPA waiver on file before we can discuss his or her conduct record, even with parents. FERPA waivers are available at upload/FERPArelease091207.pdf 35 Zimple Street 73 ay adw 76 Bro eet Au du bon Str 75 63 74 77 70 Willow Street 20 62 82 81 Freret Street 67 69 60 68 Newcomb Quad 78 31NavyBuilding 32WeinmannHall 33LawSchoolAnnex 38MonroeHall 39Goldring/WoldenbergHallI 40Goldring/WoldenbergHallII 41Telecommunications 42SharpHall 43McAlisterAuditorium 44IrbyHouse 45PatersonHall 46LallageFeazelWall ResidentialCollege 47PhelpsHouse 48BruffCommons 52ButlerHouse 55KatherineandWilliamMayer Residences 56WarrenHouse 59WeatherheadResidenceHall 60Howard-TiltonMemorialLibrary 62NewOrleansJazzOrchestra 63Anthropology,7041FreretSt. 67TateHouse,7008ZimpleSt. 68BrandtV.B.DixonHall 69BrandtV.B.DixonLupinTheatre 70ElleonoraP.McWilliamsHall 73MyraClareRogersMemorialChapel BUILDINGS BY NUMBER bon P la c e 1GibsonHall 2TiltonMemorialHall 3DinwiddieHall 4RichardsonMemorialHall 5RichardsonBuilding 6NormanMayer 7F.EdwardHébertHall 8RobertC.CuddHall 9SocialWorkBuilding 10StanleyThomasHall 11WalterE.BlesseyHall 12ScienceandEngineering LabComplex 14FinancialAid/Scienceand EngineeringLabComplex 15BoggsCenterforEnergy andBiotechnology 16ScienceandEngineeringFacilities 17AlceeFortierHall 18IsraelEnvironmentalScience Building 19PercivalSternHall 20President’sHouse,2AudubonPlace 25JosephMerrickJonesHall 26NewcombCollegeInstitute 29Lavin-BernickCenter forUniversityLife 30FogelmanArena/CentralBuilding N rd l e va bB ou ewc om Tulane University Audu 83 Drill Road 84 92 2 6 9 25 26 17 8 56 Gibson Quad 18 P 30 94 1 19 29 St. Charles Avenue 7 59 LBC Quad 74NewcombHall 75JosephineLouiseHouse 76NewcombChildCareCenter, 1305BroadwaySt. 77NewcombNurserySchool 81NewcombArtGallery 82WoldenbergArtCenter 83WoldenbergArtCenter 84CarolineRichardson 92StudentHealthCenter 94SouthernInstituteforEducation andResearch,6901WillowSt. 96Doris,StoneandZemurraryPavilions atWillowResidences,The LeadershipVillage&Technology ConnectionStore 98AronResidences 100AlumniHouse,6319WillowSt. 103CollinsC.DibollComplex/Garage 106ReilyRecreationCenter 107HertzBasketballPracticeFacility 109WestfeldtPracticeFacility 110GoldringTennisCenter andTrackStadium 111WilsonAthleticCenter 112GreerFieldatTurchinStadium 113SofioBaseballPavilion 116RosenParkingLot P la c e omb 38 Newc 10 55 52 96 15 5 11 16 31 3 4 48 Brown Field 106 39 40 43 47 98 112 Aven ue 32 103 107 110 111 46 45 Freret Street 42 P 38 41 33 Wil low Stre et 100 (800) 873-WAVE (504) 865-5731 Office of Undergraduate Admission 210 Gibson Hall 6823 St. Charles Avenue New Orleans, LA 70118-5680 44 P orne Audubon Park 12 14 109 113 116 C la ib r Dr iv e Be n W ei ne McAlister Place Tulane Campus Map RESOURCES RESOURCES 39 RESOURCES RESOURCES Map courtesy of the New Orleans CVB 40 Tulane University 41 RESOURCES 42 Tulane University RESOURCES RESOURCES Tulane Parent University 101: This section contains resources offered by the Office of Orientation and Parent Programs, a glossary of terms that will help you understand everyday aspects of life on campus, and other information to help you throughout the year. Resources for Parents Monthly E-Newsletters: Parents are enrolled using the e-mail address listed on the student’s application to Tulane, but can be updated by clicking the tab at the bottom of each e-newsletter. If you need to sign up, go to parents.tulane. edu, click on E-newsletters and put your e-mail address in the sign-up box. Parents of new students will receive bi-monthly e-newsletters through the summer, which will turn into monthly issues in August. Webinars: Typically held monthly, these online seminars are a great way to stay informed on timely topics related to your student’s college experience. Please register online in advance, this service is free and only requires an internet connection to use! FAQ list: We offer a very extensive list of topics and questions that parents typically ask with links to answers online. Please visit parents.tulane. edu and click on the Resources tab. Contact us with questions: You can reach us at (1-877) TUP-WAVE or via e-mail at During busy periods, please allow up to 48 hours for us to respond. Also, we do not typically staff the office on weekends. Pelican Partners: Experienced, Tulane parents who agree to serve as e-mail resources for other Tulane 44 parents. You can find an up-to-date list of our Pelican Partners, listed by region, at Campus Life Lingo As your student settles into life on campus, you’ll hear him or her mentioning the names of different tools, resources and places used every day. Here’s a glossary of those terms to help you keep up: Splash Card The Tulane “Splash Card” is their identification card. It’s a multi-purpose card that allows access to residence halls and the Reily Recreation Center, serves as a library card and a meal plan card and even as a kind of charge and debit card. Those different functions have terms of their own. Debit – a declining balance from funds that are deposited that can be used in campus snack machines; copiers and printers; campus eateries and at local off-campus vendors who are part of the NOLA Buck$ program (Visit splashcard. for a complete list.) Deposits are accepted online, via automated cash deposit stations, and via mailed check. A/R charge-- This is an unlimited charge where students can apply health center charges, books, computers, and other on-campus needs directly to the tuition bill, by simply swiping their card. Tulane University Bruff Swipes – are often listed in the meal plan as unlimited or with a perweek total. Each swipe of the card marks an entrance into the Bruff Dining hall where students can eat all they like. The dining hall is a very popular place for new and first year students to spend time together throughout the day. WaveBuck$ – are the dining dollars provided as a part of the meal plan to be used in on-campus locations like the LBC Food Court, PJ’s Coffee, and McAlister Market. This balance also declines throughout the semester, but is not taxed. Any remaining balance from the Fall semester will roll over into Spring; deposits can be added via with the purchase of a spring meal plan. NOLABuck$ - are off-campus dining dollars that can be used at several area restaurants. There is only a $25 placeholder in this account to start, however, students can add money via Meal Plan Options: residential first year students have three options – and they each cost $2,575. Flex 275 – This is the most popular and has been for the past few years! Students have unlimited access to the Bruff Dining Hall and a slightly smaller amount of WaveBuck$. Flex 350 – This is the best of both plan where students still have two to three meals per day in the Bruff Dining hall (with the 50 extras just in case) and they have the largest pool of WaveBuck$. Flex 300 – This plan was designed to give students more options, but does not seem as valuable. While students still have two to three meals per day in Bruff, they are also given a higher number of extra meals to supplement. Finally, this plan allows for a median pool of WaveBuck$. Commuter plans are available online. 45 RESOURCES GibsonOnline Gibson Online is a gateway from the Tulane website to a variety of online services. You’ll hear students referring to this often. **PARENTS SHOULD NOT USE THE STUDENT’S PASSWORD TO ACCESS THE GIBSON ONLINE PORTAL!** ⊲⊲ NetPay – Students can access this system to view and pay their university bill online. Students may add parents as a “payer” in their profile which will allow parents to receive an e-mail copy of the tuition bill periodically and be contacted with updates and reminders. Discuss activating that option with your student if sharing access is a concern. ⊲⊲ Course Scheduling – Students can continue browsing courses and making updates to their schedule as needed. There will be times when the Registrar will restrict this feature. RESOURCES ⊲⊲ Ordering Books – Once students have a set course schedule for the fall, they can enter the bookstore portal and it will tell them which books are required for the course. Students can purchase the books ahead of time and the bookstore will package them for pick-up during move-in weekend. ⊲⊲ Splash Card accounts – All students’ Splash card accounts can be viewed in this site and the student can make online deposits as well. The “SOC” The SOC (Student Organizations Center) in the Garden Level of the LBC houses the Office of Student Programs, its staff offices and resources for student-funded and student-led organizations. Advisors for the student organizations can assist students with finding opportunities for co-curricular involvement on campus. FAQs “Fridays on the Quad” events are near-weekly programs on late Friday afternoons featuring local music groups and food. These gatherings offer an easy way to meet up with friends and relax after a week of classes. NOTES _________________________________ Tips for Parenting Your New College Student It is safe to say that times have changed from when you may have been a college student. Today’s student relationships, obstacles and even risky behaviors can be very different. There are so many ‘guide to parenting a college student’ books out there, but we have collected suggestions from current Tulane parents of what you can do ahead of time to ease the transition for your family. 1. Have discussions about your expectations for their conduct. There are many potential diversions and behaviors that can derail your child’s education completely such as cheating, plagiarizing, unwelcome sexual activity, drug use and excessive drinking. Do not wait to discuss these sensitive topics in anger or crisis. No matter what your experience has been with your student until this point, the new freedoms of college life are sometimes hard for students to navigate – no matter who they are. 2. Encourage your student early on to get involved to fill up some idle time. Part time jobs, volunteer activities, participation in sports and internships should be expected. We suggest parents sit down with their student to discuss possible activities they want to pursue prior to leaving for college so they will have a reference point to ask _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ 46 Tulane University 47 RESOURCES RESOURCES students about when calling. You might make these suggestions: ⊲⊲ Continue in something from high school that interested them – sport, club, or academic interest ⊲⊲ Don’t take on too many things right away – ease into it ⊲⊲ Start by going to group meetings to see which ones are for you – drop those that aren’t right ⊲⊲ Take advantage of open, large, university-wide events on campus! 3. Don’t give your new college student too much money! Students should be accountable for their spending. By creating a budget and making your student stick to it…you will be doing both of you a favor! 4. Listen to your inner voice. Parents of college students should use their intuition when they suspect something is wrong. If your college student son or daughter misses a phone time with you, cuts calls short or cannot be reached then you have good reason to be wary. This issue of communication can be a serious issue so, set expectations of how often they will text, call, e-mail, etc. prior to the start of college. 5. There is a difference between advising and guiding your new college student and hovering or getting too involved. Most parents are very involved in selecting the college, helping their children navigate problems in their life, but the difference now is that we need to let them learn to do it for themselves. It is hard, but you want your adult to be capable of handling life situations and to ask for help instead of asking you to fix it. Try not to take care of their problems for them. Listen, offer a suggestion of someone at Tulane for them to talk with, but be prepared for them to make, and learn from, mistakes. 48 NOTES _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _______________________________ Tulane University 49 RESOURCES RESOURCES How to Help Your Student Prepare for Fall Semester 2013-2014 Dates to Remember Check the important dates list to be sure you do not miss a deadline. DATE EVENT Encourage your student to check their assigned Tulane email regularly throughout the summer. July 2 Residence Hall building and roommate preference deadline July 15 Immunization form and Online Health Profile deadline Double check that you are registered to receive the monthly parent e-newsletter at July 28 Meal Plan Selection Deadline August 1 Registration for Family Weekend opens online Discuss budgeting and proper spending habits with your student before they arrive on campus. Be sure to discuss what you will pay for and what your student will be responsible for. Take the time to sit down with your student to be sure you have access to NetPay and that you are receiving statements. August 24 Move-in and Welcome Week begins August 26 Classes begin August 30 Tuition payment deadline September 2 Labor Day Holiday Mid-September Deadline to decline Health Insurance from the University October 1 Registration for Family Weekend closes online October 4-6 Homecoming and Family Weekend October 10-13 Fall Break (Halls do not close) October 16 Mid-Term Grades for Undergraduates October 28 Last day to drop a course November 27-29 Thanksgiving Break (Halls do not close — limited dining options) December 9-17 Final Exams December 18 Residence Halls close at 11 a.m. January 11 Residence Halls open at 9 a.m. January 13 Classes begin for Spring Semester January 20 Martin Luther King Holiday March 2-9 Mardi Gras/Spring Break (Halls do not close--limited dining options) March 12 Mid-Term Grades for Undergraduates March 19 Last day to drop a course April 18-21 Easter Break May 2-10 Final Exams May 11 Residence Halls close at 11 a.m. May 17 Commencement ? Gather your student’s immunization and health information to assist in completing the online Health Profile by the deadline. You will also need to submit the required immunization records to the Student Health center. Look over this guide to become familiar with the resources and office at Tulane. Do you still have questions? Consider contacting one of our parent Pelican Partners! Explore the Tulane website at and type some key words in the search bar in the upper right of the home page. Our website is a great way to find answers to your questions. Spend quality time with your student shopping for supplies, discussing courses and any risky behaviors that you might be concerned about. By talking about these issues before they arise, your student will feel more prepared and your anxiety level will decline. Check-out the Arrive! website ( for all of your MoveIn Day, on-campus housing, what to bring, and how to ship questions. Discuss a communication schedule with your student. Determine how often you will talk, text, Facebook, etc. You will be surprised how many parents don’t discuss this and are disappointed. Ask your student if they are reading The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Elizabeth Alexander (the Reading Project book) and be sure to remind your student to complete the new program. Start planning your fall trip to visit your student at Tulane during Homecoming & Family Weekend on October 4-6, 2013. Take a look at the schedule of webinars just for parents of new students this fall. Register early for the ones you would like to attend. 50 Tulane University 51 RESOURCES RESOURCES Opportunities for Parent Involvement at Tulane ⊲⊲ Read the New Wave: Stay upto-date on the latest Tulane news by subscribing to the New Wave e-newsletter at http:// ⊲⊲ Read the “Parents as Partners” e-newsletter from Parent Programs: We’ll e-mail this newsletter to the parent e-mail addresses that were included in your student’s admission application. For parents of incoming students, we’ll send messages every two weeks from late May until right before Move-In Day with reminders of upcoming deadlines, move-in preparation advice and information about MoveIn weekend activities. These topics will align with those addressed in the Navigator e-newsletters we send to incoming first year students so you can follow up and discuss those planning steps together. After the academic year begins, you’ll receive e-newsletters with helpful articles and links to important, timely information. If you wish to change your e-mail address or unsubscribe, use the self-service 52 subscription link on our website at orientation/parent/newsletter.cfm. ⊲⊲ Join us for Family Weekend: Our Family Weekend is a three-day weekend of activities, including a Town Hall Meeting with President Scott Cowen, opportunities to visit classes, and a pep rally before the Homecoming football game. Mark your calendar now for October 4-6, 2013! More information will be available in late summer at orientation/parent/weekend.cfm. ⊲⊲ Attend Local Tulane Events: As part of the Tulane family, we would love to see you at local alumni events, which range from faculty lectures to crawfish boils! Find out what’s happening in your city at http:// ⊲⊲ Become a Pelican Partner: Pelican Partners are experienced Tulane parents who agree to serve as e-mail resources for other Tulane parents. You can find an up-todate list of our Pelican Partners, Tulane University listed by region, at parents.tulane. edu. To volunteer as a Pelican Partner, please e-mail parents@ with “New Pelican Partner” in the subject line. Be sure to tell us your name, address and Tulane student’s information. ⊲⊲ Assist with career planning: One of the best career resources that we can offer students is access to the vast network of successful Tulane alumni and parents. You can participate in a number of ways, from serving as a mentor to a student interested in your industry to offering an internship at your company to participating in one of our career programs on campus or in your city. To find out more, contact Career Services at (504) 865-5107 or ⊲⊲ Recruit prospective students: The Office of Admissions offers opportunities for parents to represent the university at events all across the country to share information about their Tulane experiences with prospective students and parents. You can sign up online at http://admission. ⊲⊲ Serve in the local New Orleans community: The HelpNOLA program at the Center for Public Service can assist in setting up meaningful service projects for individuals or families, whether it’s for a few hours or a few days. With over 400 partnerships with community organizations, HelpNOLA can match your service project with your unique interests. To learn more about the HelpNOLA program, please visit http://tulane. edu/cps/community/helpnola.cfm. ⊲⊲ Support the Tulane Fund: Gifts to the Tulane Fund provide for scholarships, public service, faculty support, campus improvements, research, technology, arts, and more. The philanthropic support of parents plays a meaningful role in providing your student with a college experience available only at Tulane, only in New Orleans. To make a gift, visit giving/ or call (800) 933-6886. 53 This guide brought to you by these Proud Supporters of Tulane Places to Stay 5 Continents Bed and Breakfast 1731 Esplanade Ave. New Orleans, LA 70116 (504) 324-8594 Beautiful Greek Revival Home on the historic Esplanade Avenue. Hot gourmet breakfast served every morning. Ask for the Tulane Discount. Please see ad on p. 33. Avenue Inn Bed and Breakfast 4125 Saint Charles Ave. New Orleans, LA 70115 (800) 490-8542 17 room Grand Mansion 1 mile from the University on the streetcar line. All rooms w/ private baths, continental breakfast, free Wifi and parking. Please see ad on p. 35. Bed & Breakfasts Inns by the Professional Innkeepers Association of New Orleans Now that your loved one is a local, you should live like one too. Pick the home that’s right for you at one of our 50 member properties. Please see ad on p. 19. Best Western St. Charles 3636 St. Charles Avenue New Orleans, LA 70115 (504) 899-8888 This charming New Orleans Garden District hotel is a short streetcar ride from Tulane University. Discounted university rates available. Please see ad on p. 22. Chimes Bed and Breakfast 1146 Constantinople St. New Orleans, LA 70115 (504) 899-2621 Five guest rooms with private entrances and baths opening on to a tropical courtyard. Located in a historic neighborhood 1.9 miles from Tulane. Please see ad on p. 20. Hampton Inn Where to Shop & Eat Hotel Indigo New Orleans Garden District 2203 St. Charles Avenue New Orleans, LA 70130 (504) 522-3650 Surrounded by oak trees, along the St. Charles Streetcar line and nestled in the historic Garden District neighborhood is the Hotel Indigo New Orleans. Please see ad on p. 26. Hotel Monteleone 214 Royal St. New Orleans, LA 70130 (504) 523-3341 It’s been said that the French Quarter begins in the lobby of the Hotel Monteleone. Located at the foot of Royal Street. Visit our website today. Please see ad on p. 6. 7004 Saint Charles Ave. New Orleans, LA 70118 (504) 861-7564 Located on Saint Charles Avenue, a short walk from campus. Convenient location, exceptional southern hospitality, private bathrooms, and period antiques. Please see ad on p. 14. The Ritz-Carlton, New Orleans 921 Canal St. New Orleans, LA 70112 (800) 241-3333 Experience the city’s Southern hospitality and style from the edge of the French Quarter. To book online, use corporate code T72. Please see ad on p. 5. Staybridge Suites New Orleans 300 Poydras St. New Orleans, LA 70130 (800) 235-6397 Enjoy Big Easy charm, Four-Diamond service and playful modern Creole cuisine just a short drive to Tulane and steps from the French Quarter. Please see ad on p. 46. 501 Tchoup. itoulas at P. oydras New Orleans, LA 70130 (504) 571-1818 Located just a few blocks from the French Quarter, the hotel’s area provides plenty of entertainment but is still an ideal setting for business travelers. Please see ad on p. 47. Maison St Charles Hotel & Suites Sully Mansion Bed and Breakfast Loews New Orleans Hotel 1319 St Charles Ave. New Orleans, LA 70130 (504) 522-0187 Conveniently located in the historic Lower Garden District. With rooms, suites and courtyards reminiscent of 19th century New Orleans. Please see ad on p. 29. Marriott Hotels of New Orleans Our 7 New Orleans Marriott hotels are located just steps from the city’s most sought after attractions and historic neighborhoods. Please see ad on p. 51. New Orleans Hotel Collection 3626 St. Charles Ave. New Orleans, LA 70115 (504) 899-9990 One of the closest hotels to Tulane University. Complimentary parking, continental breakfast, wireless Internet and a special rate for Tulane parents. Please see ad on p. 13. Park View Guest House 717 Conti St. New Orleans, LA 70130 (566) 513-9744 www.neworleanshotelcollection. com/tulane Original hotels (7) representing the city of New Orleans in a way no chain hotel can! French Quarter and Arts District. Special Tulane exclusive rate! Please see ad on p. 36. 2631 P. rytania St. New Orleans, LA 70140 (504) 891-0457 Less than ten minutes by streetcar to Tulane and the French Quarter. Gracious accommodations combining old world charm with modern day conveniences. Please see ad on p. 23 The Whitney, A Wyndham Historic Hotel 610 P. oydras St. New Orleans, LA 70130 (504) 581-4222 Ask for the Tulane University Family rate. We’re located just one block from St. Charles Ave. Rates begin at $99.00. Based on Availability. Please see ad on p. 17. For advertising inquiries, please UniversityParent at (866) 721-1357 or email: 54 For more info about Tulane, visit: The Basketry 201 St. Charles Ave. New Orleans, LA 70130 (504) 309-7935 Custom gift baskets for birthdays, exam week, get well or just to say I miss you. Local since 1995, same day hand delivery. Please see ad on p. 21. Dell (800) 695-8133 Dell offers a 3-year accidental damage service plan, theft protection, and every component your Tulane University student needs to be successful all for an affordable price. Please see ad on p. 43. Care Packages store.universityparent. com/gift-baskets Show your student how much you miss them by sending a great care package right to their door. Made by college students, for college students. Many different package options! Please see ad on p. 49. Mona’s Accents Florist & Gift Basket Company The Grill Room at Windsor Court (504) 944-7001 Fast, dependable Local Delivery. Arrangements, gift baskets, balloons, and care packages! Mention the Parent Guide for 15% Off an order of $50.00 or more. Please see ad on p. 25. 300 Gravier St. New Orleans, LA 70130 (504) 522-1994 Awarded 4-Stars and 4-Diamonds, The Grill Room serves the finest in contemporary Southern cuisine in all of New Orleans. Please see ad on p. 31. Nancy’s Corner Tulane University Bookstore Technology Connection University Parent College Laundry Bag (800) 504-9235 Care Packages Delivered to Campus! Send your student a University Survival Kit! Birthday Cakes, Cookie Packages, flowers and more! Order online! Please see ad on p. 27. 615 Willow St. New Orleans, LA 70118 (504) 862-8059 Located in the Willow Dorms next to PJ’s Coffee. Authorized Apple Campus Store and your one stop destination for all of your computer needs! Please see ad on inside front cover. Wide variety of books, gifts and apparel. The uptown campus bookstore is in the Lavin-Bernick Center for University Life. Textbooks, commencement regalia and more. Please see ad on back cover. Essential for every college student! Our heavy-duty canvas laundry bag, with storage pockets and a load divider, is guaranteed to last 4 years. Available in black or gray. Please see ad on p. 52. Student Services Haunted History Tours (504) 861-2727 These are the tours you’ve heard about! Recommended by the Travel Channel as “A Must Do!” Ghost, Vampire, Cemetery, Voodoo, and much more! Please see ad on p. 15, Tulane University Alumni Association (877) 4TULANE Visit our website today to learn more about staying connected and the benefits and rewards of being a member of the Tulane Alumni Association. Please see ad on p. 53. New Orleans Urgent Care 900 Magazine St. New Orleans, LA 70130 (504) 552-2433 No appointments, no lengthy wait time, quick and easy medical care for the minor emergencies. Visit our website today to learn more! Please see ad on p. 37. Student Health Center 6823 St. Charles Ave., Bldg. 92 New Orleans, LA 70118 (504) 865-5255 Tulane University Student Health Services provides quality primary health care, mental health, and wellness services for our students. Please see ad on p. 9. Tulane University Mail Services 6823 St. Charles Ave. New Orleans, LA 70118 (504) 865-5709 Mail and Shipping to Tulane University students. Please see ad on p. 3. Places to Live 1st Lake Properties 4971 W. Napoleon Ave. Metairie, LA 70001 (504) 300-0831 College students eligible to receive discounts between June and Sept. annually! Choose from 65 locations and over 9,000 apartments! Please see ad on p. 11. Apartment Homes by Tonti 2723 N. Hullen St. Metairie, LA 70002 (504) 887-1443 We offer furnished/unfurnished studio to 3 bedroom apartments, townhomes and luxury living. Let us help you find your home away from home! Please see ad on p. 4. The Esplanade at City Park Apartments 3443 Esplanade Ave. New Orleans, LA 70119 (504) 822-3353 Located less than 5 miles away, in the Mid-City area of New Orleans. The Esplanade’s amenities are unmatched by any other apartment! Please see ad on p. 27. 55