William C. “Bill” Salmon, MIT, Mechanical Engineer, P.E., has

William C. “Bill” Salmon, MIT, Mechanical Engineer, P.E., has extensive
experience in international engineering and science policy and programs. In 1961 he
joined the U.S. Department of State as Assistant Science Advisor and during the
following 25 years his activities included: having negotiated and managed bilateral
science cooperation agreements between the US and over 20 other countries;
developed the Office of Environmental Affairs; US negotiator on several international
treaties, including the International Ocean Dumping Convention, US-France-UK
Stratosphere Research Agreement, Law of the Sea Convention; extensive involvement
on behalf of the US in the science and engineering programs of UNESCO, IAEA,
OECD; contributed significantly to the organization of the 1972 UN Conference on the
Environment (Stockholm Conference) and the initial formation of UNEP; created the
Office of International Communications Policy, and helped open communications
satellites to the private sector.
In 1986 Bill joined the U.S. National Academy of Engineering as Executive
Officer. He has been an active supporter of the American Association of Engineering
Societies (AAES) and has been an active proponent of global engineering associations,
including the World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO). Since his
retirement in 2000 he serves as the Secretary, Treasurer of CAETS – the International
Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences.
Bill is a Fellow of ASME and has received awards from MIT, the U.S. Department
of State, AAES, and WFEO..