Current Knowledge of Calcium Phosphate Chemistry and in Particular Solid Surface-Water Interface Interactions Petros G. Koutsoukos Institute of Chemical Engineering and High Temperature Chemical Processes (FORTH – ICEHT) and Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Patras P.O. Box 1414, GR 26500 Patras, GREECE Keywords: Calcium, phosphate, supersaturated solutions, kinetics of crystal growth Abstract Phosphorus recovery from wastewater is determined from the transfer of aqueous phosphate species into a solid form. Depending on the solution supersaturation a number of calcium phosphates may be formed from the thermodynamically unstable amorphous calcium phosphate, to dicalcium phosphate dihydrate, octacalcium phosphate to the most stable mineral phase, hydroxyapatite. The phase which forms and the interactions and kinetics effects of water-soluble compounds on the nature and the kinetics of the calcium phosphate salt formation can be modeled by experiments in which all sensitive parameters are controlled. This can be achieved by the constant supersaturation method which allows for the identification of even transient phases which dissolve rapidly at variable supersaturation. The seeded growth of HAP at near neutral pH values, proceeds by a surface controlled mechanism. Water soluble impurities retard the crystallization process by adsorption at the active growth sites. The relative effect of various additives may be evaluated through the appropriate modeling of the adsorption process. The case of L-serine is presented which even though is characterized by low affinity for the hydroxyapatite substrate caused significant reduction of the crystal growth rate. 1. Introduction The precipitation and dissolution of calcium phosphates are processes of considerable importance to waste water treatment and in particular to phosphorus recovery an issue of increasing importance. It is reported that addition of lime makes it possible to remove 85-90% of the inorganic orthophosphates present in wastewater [1]. Although there is no general agreement concerning the mechanisms of calcium phosphate precipitation, the consensus is that the chemistry of the aqueous phase from which precipitation takes place is of paramount importance. Model studies are needed for the assessment of the conditions most appropriate for the removal and / or recovery of phosphorus from aqueous solutions in the form of calcium phosphate salts. These studies however should be based on accurate thermodynamic considerations which may be used next as guides for the appropriate kinetics experiments. In the present paper an overview of the thermodynamics and kinetics investigations in aqueous systems of calcium phosphate. 2. The calcium phosphate salts The formation of calcium phosphate salts in aqueous solutions takes place following the development of supersaturation. Supersaturation may be developed by increasing the aqueous medium content in calcium and phosphate and / or the pH. Moreover, temperature increase contribute to the solution supersaturation development because the sparingly soluble calcium phosphate salts have reverse solubility. Following the establishment of supersaturation nucleation takes place. Once the nuclei exceed a critical size, they grow further in the crystal growth proves which takes place on the active growth sites of the crystallites. Depending on the solution supersaturation, four well defined regions may be distinguished for the calcium phosphate system. These regions are shown in figure 1. As may be seen the driving force is the solution supersaturations, S, defined as: S= IAP K 0s (1) where IAP is the ion activity product of the salt considered and K 0s the respective thermodynamic solubility product. Total Ca lcium / M 10-2 DCPA DCPD 10-3 OCP TCP 10-4 HAP 10-5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 pH Figure 1: Solubility isotherms of calcium phosphates. Calculated at 25ºC, NaCl 0.2 M At very high supersaturations calcium phosphate precipitates spontaneously, a fact demonstrated by the formation of cloudiness in the aqueous phase upon raising the supersaturation. Before reaching this region however, it is possible to prepare solutions supersaturated with respect to calcium phosphate, but the precipitation takes place past the lapse of measurable induction times, following the establishment of the solution supersaturations. Moreover, it is possible to prepare calcium phosphate supersaturated solutions, which are stable. In these solutions precipitation does not take place, unless they are seeded either with calcium phosphate seed crystals or with substrates which may function as templates for the selective overgrowth of calcium phosphates. The lower limit of this supersaturation range is the solubility of the calcium phosphate considered (S=1). Below this limit, dissolution takes place. It is thus reported that for pH 7.40 and a molar ratio of total calcium /total phosphate concentration equal to 1.66, at calcium concentrations of 10 mM spontaneous precipitation takes place and between 3 – 10 mM the precipitation takes place past the lapse of induction times. Below 3 mM the supersaturated solutions are stable for long periods of time [2]. When calcium phosphate is precipitated from highly supersaturated solutions an unstable precursor phase has been reported to form. This phase is characterized by the absence of peaks in the powder x-ray diffraction pattern and is known as the amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP). The composition of ACP appears to depend upon the precipitation conditions and is usually formed in supersaturated solutions at pH>7.0 [3-6]. In slightly acidic calcium phosphate solutions the monoclinic DCPD forms [7-9]. OCP is formed by the hydrolysis of DCPD in solutions of pH 5-6 and may also be precipitates heterogeneously upon TCP [10,11]. HAP is the thermodynamically most stable phase and often when precipitated in the presence of foreign ions substitutions calcium, phosphate and / or hydroxyls by some of these ions take place. Thus, substitutions of OH- by F- or Cl- ions, of the phosphate by sulfate and carbonate and of the calcium by Sr2+, Mg2+ and Na+ ions have been reported [12-16]. A considerable amount of the work done for the identification of calcium phosphate minerals which precipitates spontaneously has been based on the stoichiometric molar ratio of calcium to phosphate calculated from the respective changes in the solutions. This ratio has been found in several cases to be 1.45±0.05 which is considerably lower than the value of 1.67 corresponding to HAP which is generally implied as the precipitating mineral. A number of different precursor phases have been postulated to form including TCP [17-19], OCP [19, 20] and DCPD [21]. 3. Thermodynamics mineral phases. and kinetics of Experimental the formation methods for of the investigation of implants mineralization Of primary importance is the development of supersaturation which is the driving force for nucleation and provided that there is sufficient contact time with a foreign substrate, deposition may take place [22]. Supersaturation is a measure of the deviation of a dissolved salt from its equilibrium value. In figure 2 a typical solubility diagram for a sparingly soluble salt of inverse solubility is shown. The solid line corresponds to equilibrium. At a point A the solute is in equilibrium with the corresponding solid salt. Any deviation from this equilibrium position may be effected either isothermally (line AB), at constant solute concentration, increasing the solution temperature (AC), or by varying both concentration and temperature (AD). A solution departing from equilibrium is bound to return to this state by the precipitation of the excess solute. However for most of the scale forming sparingly soluble salts, supersaturated solutions may be stable for practically infinite time periods. These solutions are metastable and may return to equilibrium only when a cause acts as e.g. the introduction of seed crystals of the salt corresponding to the supersaturated solution. B Labile Concentration D A C Metastable Stable Temperature Figure 2. Solubility- Super solubility diagrams of a sparingly soluble salt with inverse solubility. There is however a threshold in the extent of deviation from equilibrium marked by the dashed line in figure 2, which if reached, spontaneous precipitation occurs with or without induction time preceding precipitation. This range of supersaturations defines the labile region and the dashed line is known as the super solubility curve. It should be noted that the super solubility curve is not well defined and depends on several factors such as presence of foreign suspended particles, agitation, temperature, pH etc. The formation and subsequent deposition of solids occurs only when the solution conditions correspond to the metastable or the labile region. Below the solubility curve fouling from scale deposits cannot take place. On the contrary, since at this range the solutions are undersaturated dissolution is likely to take place, should any crystals of the respective salt be present. Supersaturation in solution can be developed in many ways including temperature fluctuation, pH change, mixing of incompatible waters, increasing the concentration by evaporation or solids dissolution etc. Although supersaturation is the driving force for the formation of a salt, the exact values in which precipitation occurs are quite different from salt to salt and as a rule, the degree of supersaturation needed for a sparingly soluble salt is orders of magnitude higher than the corresponding value for a soluble salt. Quantitatively, as already mentioned in equation (1), supersaturation for sparingly soluble salts Mí+Aí- is defined as [23]: ( ( 1 /ν ) (α ) ) (α ) α Mm+ S= α Mm+ ν+ s ν− ∞ ν− A α− s ν+ A α− ∞ IP = o Ks 1 /ν [2] where subscripts s and ∞ refer to solution and equilibrium conditions respectively, á denote the activities of the respective ions and í++í-= í. IP and K 0s are the ion products in the supersaturated solution and at equilibrium respectively. Very often an induction time elapses between the achievement of supersaturation and the detection of the formation of the first crystals. This time, defined as the induction time, ô, is considered to correspond to the time needed for the development of supercritical nuclei. The induction time is inversely proportional to the rate of nucleation and according to the classical nucleation theory the following relationship may be written [24]: log ô = A + Bã 3s [3] 3 ( 2.303kT) log S As soon as stable, supercritical nuclei have been formed in a supersaturated solution they grow into crystals of visible size. The rate of crystal growth may be defined as the displacement velocity of a crystal face relative to a fixed point of the crystal. This definition however cannot be easily applied to the formation of polycrystalline deposits such as those encountered in the mineral deposits formed on implants. In this case, experimentally the rates of growth may be expressed in terms of the molar rate deposition by equation: Rg = 1 dm A dt [4] Where m is the number of moles of the solid deposited on a substrate in contact with the supersaturated solution, e.g. seed crystals, or the surface of the implant, and A, the surface area of the substrate. The rate laws used to express the dependence of the rates as a function of the solution supersaturation provide mechanistic information for the mechanism of the formation of the mineral salt. At a microscopic scale and in analogy with the mechanism of crystal growth in the vapor phase [25], the sequence of steps followed for the growth of crystals are shown in figure 2: 1 3 2 Figure 3: Model for the steps involved in the process of crystal growth of the supercritical nuclei The steps involved in the crystal growth of the supercritical nuclei are as follows: (i) Transport of lattice ions to the surface by convection ( step 1) (ii) Transport of the lattice ions to the crystal surface by diffusion (step 1). (iii) Adsorption at a step representing the emergence of a lattice dislocation at the crystal surface (step 2). (iv) Migration along the step, integration at a kink site on the step and partial or total dehydration of the ions (step 3). The rate of crystallization can be expressed in terms of the simple semiempirical kinetics equation: R g = k g f (S) σn [5] where kg is the rate constant for crystal growth, f(S) a function of the total number of the available growth sites , n the apparent order of the crystal growth process and σ the relative supersaturation, S1/9 -1. When mass transport (step 1) is the rate determining step the growth rate is given by eq. (6): R d = kdó [6] where kd is the diffusion rate constant which is given by: kd = DõC∞ ä [7] where D is the mean diffusion coefficient of the lattice ions in solution, υ the molar volume of the crystalline material, C∞ the solubility of the precipitating phase and δ the thickness of the diffusion layer at the crystal surface [26-28]. From the mechanistic point of view it is possible to interpret kinetics data on the basis of theoretical models the most important of which include adsorption and diffusion-reaction. The concept of crystal growth proceeding on the basis of an adsorbed monolayer of solute atoms, molecules or ion clusters was first suggested by Volmer [29]. Through this monolayer it is possible to exchange ions or molecules between the bulk solution and the crystal surface The rate in this case is [28]: Rg′ = k ad σ [8] where the rate constant kad is given by: k ad = a νad υC ∞ [9] In equation (27), a is the jump distance and ν ad the jump frequency of an ion into the adsorption layer. As may be seen, from the experimental point of view valuable information may be obtained by measurements of the rates of precipitation on a specific substrate as a function of the solution supersaturation. 4.Kinetics measurements hydroxyapatite in for the supersaturated precipitation calcium of phosphate solutions in the absence and in the presence of ionized organic compounds. An example of the application of the methodology of constant solution composition is the precipitation of hydroxyapatite. In wastewater, the presence of ionized organic molecules or other ions affects the rates of crystal growth because of adsorption processes on the active growth sites of the crystals (steps and kink sites). Experiments in which supersaturation decreases during the precipitation cannot provide accurate estimates of the retardation due to the additives when they are adsorbed, because crystal growth and adsorption take place at the same time. Often adsorption involves release or consumption of protons. The presence of an amino-acid, L-serine in the supersaturated solution on the crystal growth rates of HAP was investigated. L- serine in contains ionizable groups typically found organic compounds present in wastewater. The driving force for the formation of HAP from a supersaturated solution is the change in Gibbs free energy, ÄG, for the transfer from the supersaturated solution to equilibrium. According to equation (2): ∆G = − Rg T ν ln IP K 0s [10] In Eq. [10] IP is the ion activity product: (Ca2+)5 (PO4 3-)3 (OH-), K 0s its solubility product, í the number of ions (í=9 for HAP), Rg the gas constant and T the absolute temperature. The ratio IP/ K 0s represents the degree of supersaturation, Ù, and was computed by the computer code HYDRAQL [30] which is a free energy minimization program taking into account all equilibria in the solution, mass balance and electroneutrality conditions. The initial solution conditions and the initial rates of HAP formation obtained, R, are summarized in Table 1. The experimental conditions were selected so that the only phase which may be formed is HAP . This was verified by the constancy of solution composition throughout the precipitation process. In the absence of any inhibitor, the growth rate as a function of the solution supersaturation was found to exhibit parabolic dependence, as may be seen in figure 4. Rate / mol min -1 m-2 2.00 10-7 1.50 10-7 1.00 10-7 5.00 10-8 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 σ ΗΑΡ Figure 4: Dependence of the rate of crystal growth of HAP on HAP seed crystals at 37ºC. (n): Present work; (s) ref. 31; (o) ref. 32 The second order dependence suggested that the mechanism of HAP crystal growth is controlled by surface diffusion of the growth units to the active growth sites. As may be seen from Table 1, concentrations of L-serine as low as 2.0x10-3 M resulted in the inhibition of HAP crystal growth. At this concentration the rate of HAP crystal growth was reduced by ca 25%. The inhibitory activity increased with increasing L-serine concentration and may be related to: (i) formation of ion pairs with calcium in the solution, thereby decreasing the driving force, i.e. the degree of supersaturation for crystal growth, and (ii) to the blocking of crystal growth sites by adsorption. Calculations were done by introducing in the computer code HYDRAQL the formation equilibrium of the 1:1 Ca-serine ion pair with its stability constant (logK=1.43 at 25°C) (25), showed that in the case of the maximum concentration of serine (0.010 M) only 0.6 % of the total calcium contributes in the formation of the aforementioned ion pair. It is therefore evident that the presence of serine in the concentration range investigated (1x10-3 – 1x10-2 M) does not affect to any significant extent the concentration of free Ca2+ ions and therefore the degree of the solution supersaturation with respect to HAP. Consequently, the inhibitory effect of L-serine may be ascribed growth sites. to adsorption onto HAP and subsequent blocking of the active Table 1. Experimental Conditions for the Crystallization of HAP on HAP seed crystals in the presence of L-serine, at pH=7.4 and T=310.15° K: Cat , total calcium; Pt , total phosphate. Ionic strength was adjusted by NaNO3 as inert electrolyte. ÄG / KJ mol-1 Cat Pt [NaNO3 ] Dt 10-4 mol 10-4 mol 10-3 mol 10-3 mol dm-3 dm-3 dm-3 dm-3 1.50 0.90 1.50 0.00 2.51 1.99 0.86 -3.44 8.4 1.50 0.90 1.50 1.00 2.51 1.99 0.86 -3.44 8.4 1.50 0.90 1.50 2.00 2.51 1.99 0.86 -3.44 6.5 1.50 0.90 1.50 3.50 2.51 1.99 0.86 -3.43 4.9 1.50 0.90 1.50 5.00 2.51 1.99 0.87 -3.43 4.3 1.50 0.90 1.50 10.0 2.52 1.99 0.87 -3.42 2.0 DCPD OCP TCP R HAP 10-8 mol/min m2 Assuming Langmuir – type adsorption, according to which the rate of HAP crystal growth in the presence of the inhibitor, Ri, is given by [33]: Ri = Ro (1-bθ) [11] where Ro is the crystallization rate in the absence of inhibitors and θ (0<θ<1) is the fraction of the active growth sites occupied by the inhibitor adsorbed onto the HAP seed crystals. According to the Langmuir isotherm: 1−θ= In equation 12, 1 1 +K L C [12] i the adsorption constant KL is the ratio of the rate constants for adsorption and desorption respectively and is considered as a measure of the affinity of the adsorbate for the adsorbent and Ci is the total equilibrium concentration of the adsorbate (L-serine). Combination of equations 11 and 12 yields: Ro 1 1 = + R o − R i b bK LCi [13] Plots of the right hand side of equation 13 as a function of the inverse of the additive concentration are expected to be linear. The plot according to equation 13, is shown in figure 5. 2.60 2.40 R0/(R0-Ri) 2.20 2.00 1.80 1.60 1.40 1.20 1.00 0 50000 100000 150000 1/c i Figure 5: Kinetic Langmuir-type plot for the effect of the presence of L-serine in the crystal growth of HAP at 37 ºC. In the case of serine, the linear fit of the kinetics data suggested that for the concentration range investigated, the inhibitory activity of L-serine may be explained by blocking of the active growth sites by adsorption. From the slope of the straight line a value of 130 dm3 / mol was obtained for the affinity constant a value which, as may be seen from the tabulation of similar values shown in table 2 [32], is rather low in comparison with other, strong inhibitors of the HAP crystal growth. Table 2: Comparative data for the affinities calculated from kinetics experiments of the crystal growth of HAP in supersaturated solutions in the presence of the respective compounds [32] Inhibitor 107 KL Sodium pyrophosphate 0.02 1-hydroxyethylidenephosphonic acid 0.13 Mellitic acid 0.16 Citric acid 0.002 1,2-dihydroxy-1,22.16 bis(dihydroxyphosphonyl)ethane Zn 2+ 3.02 1-hydroxyethylidene-1,1-diphosphonic 0.21 acid (EHDP) The low affinity of HAP for L-serine may be corroborated from the analysis of the equilibrium adsorption results. Figure 6 illustrates the adsorption isotherm of Lserine onto HAP, obtained experimentally at pH=7.4±0.3. 60 50 30 -1 2 Γ / m µmol -1 40 20 10 0 0 1000 2000 -1 3000 3 C eq / dm mol 4000 -1 Figure 6: Serine surface excess on HAP as a function of the inverse of the equilibrium serine concentration; pH 7.40, 0.01M KNO3 , 37°C The Langmuir type isotherm obtained suggests adsorption on distinct, energetically equivalent sites with no lateral interactions between the adsorbed species, which is in agreement with the type of adsorption assumed in the analysis of the kinetics results. In the presence of serine. The linear form of the Langmuir adsorption isotherm is: 1 Γ = 1 Γm + 1 K L Γm C eq [31] where Γ, Γm and Ceq represent respectively the surface concentration, the saturated surface concentration (i.e. the surface concentration of adsorbate corresponding to monolayer surface coverage), and the equilibrium solution concentration of L-serine.. From the intercept and slope of the linear regression the values 0.16 ìmol m-2 and 546 dm3 /mol are calculated for Γm and KL respectively. Although the values of the affinity constant obtained from the study of the kinetics of precipitation of HAP on the HAP seed crystals and of the adsorption of serine onto the HAP surface are different, they are of the same order of magnitude The results of the present work have shown that it is possible to model calcium phosphate precipitation processes in complex aqueous media following careful thermodynamic analysis of the driving force and precise kinetics measurements, which can be achieved at conditions of constant supersaturation. Combination of the thermodynamics calculations and kinetics measurements may clarify the conditions in which the formation of transient phases take place and also provide reliable information concerning the timescale of their existence in the aqueous media from which phosphorus is removed. 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