12/7/2011 Ecology Definitions Ecosystem – A community of interrelated plants, animals, and abiotic factors Evolution – Process by which an organism changes over time Natural Selection – The natural process by which organisms better suited for their environment survive to pass those qualities on to successive generations Niche – A specific area or function within a habitat Photosynthesis – The chemical process by which plants use the Sun’s energy to convert water and carbon dioxide into sugar Abiotic – Describes nonliving factors that help living things survive; temperature, soil, light, water Adaptive Radiation – Diversification from a common ancestor into different forms Adaptation - A physical or behavioral change that improves a species’ ability to succeed in its environment Biome – Linked ecosystems that form a large regional or global living community Artificial Selection – Human intervention in breeding animals or plants with desired characteristics Food Chain – The way food energy is transferred from one organism to another Habitat – The place in which an organism lives Community – The living part of an ecosystem Cellular Respiration – The process of releasing energy stored in carbohydrates that produces carbon dioxide and water (exhale) Food Producers – Organisms such as plants and algae which, through the process of photosynthesis, create energyenergy-rich food First-Order Consumers – Organisms that eat food Firstproducers (plants) (plants) (Primary) Ecology – the study of the relationships and interactions of living things with one another and with their physical environment Population – A group of organisms of the same species living in the same ecosystem Second-Order Consumer – Organisms that eat first Secondorder consumers (Secondary) Third-Order Consumer – Organisms that eat secondThirdsecondorder consumers (Tertiary) 1 Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) 12/7/2011 Decomposers – Organisms such as fungi and bacteria that break down the complex chemical compounds made by living things into simple nutrients that are used by food producers Combustion – The process of burning such things as wood or fossil fuels that releases carbon dioxide, water, and stored energy. Carbon cycle – The movement of carbon atoms through an ecosystem between living organisms as well as the nonnon-living part of an environment Fertile Offspring – Offspring that will mature and be able to reproduce Water cycle: cycle: – The movement of water through an ecosystem between living organisms as well as the nonnon-living part of an environment Nitrogen cycle: – The movement of nitrogen through an ecosystem between living organisms as well as the nonnon-living part of an environment Food Web – Interconnected food chains in an ecosystem Species – very similar organisms that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring Biotic – the living things in an ecosystem Extinction – The complete destruction of an entire species of organism Nutrient – A simple chemical compound used to nourish living things; the useable part of the food 2 Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)