• Perception Thresholds threshold (or limen)‐‐the point when a psychological and/or physiological effect is produced • absolute threshold‐‐the least amount of a stimulus needed to trigger a sensory perception (e.g. a candle at one mile away) • difference threshold (or just noticeable difference)‐‐the least amount of difference between two stimuli for perception to occur • Gustav Fechner elaborated on Ernst Weber’s work to create Weber’s Law • – Weber’s Law states, to be perceptibly different, two stimuli must differ by a constant proportion, not a constant amount of the original stimulus – this is related to difference thresholds David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel are best known for feature detection theory – the visual cortex has feature detector neurons that receive information from individual ganglion cells in the visual field and respond to a scene’s specific features – feature detection cells in the visual cortex pass on information to other cortical cells that respond only to more complex patterns – the visual cortex has feature detectors for a variety of images; what we perceive is a combination of these features • our brain naturally engage in parallel processing—processing many things at once • the visual scene is divided by the brain into sub‐dimensions—movement, color, depth, form • visual perception requires integrating these separate pieces – the process of facial recognition requires the combined efforts of about 30% of the cortex – interrupting facial recognition with magnetic pulses will disrupt this process and people are unable to recognize the face – magnetic pulses do not work with object recognition, however The Eye Diagram p. 205 • • • • The Eye the structures of the eye from the diagram are as follows: – lens: focuses the image onto the retina; the image is focused upside‐down on the retina – pupil: regulates the amount of light entering the eye; full dark adaptation takes about 30 minutes and light adaptation about 1 minute – iris: the colored part of the eye – cornea: the soft, outer, protective covering of the eye – retina: contains photoreceptor cells, rods (which detect brightness contrasts) and cones (which detect color) – fovea: an area of the retina that contains all cones and no rods – optic nerve: relays visual information to the brain – blind spot: where the optic nerve connects to the back of the eye How We See gathering light • light reflected off objects • color is collected through both light intensity (brightness) and light wavelength (color) within the eye • reflected light enters the eye through the cornea and pupil • the iris muscles regulate the pupil to open or close • the light is focused by the lens onto the retina transduction • transduction‐‐translating incoming stimuli into neural signals • rods and cones fire in an area of the retina • these photoreceptor cells activate the next layer of bipolar cells • these bipolar cells activate ganglion cells • axons of these ganglion cells make up the optic nerve • the optic nerve sends these impulses to the lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus • these impulses are sent to the visual cortex in the occipital lobe • feature detectors are activated to determine lines, curves, motion and other features of the object Transduction Diagram p. 207 • • • • • The Visual Cortex information travels from the eyes to various parts of the brain: – the thalamus – the visual cortex of the occipital lobe Hubel and Wiesel have developed the feature detection theory‐‐there are certain cells in the visual cortex that are sensitive to certain features of a stimulus they determined there were three types cells in the visual cortex: – simple‐‐provide information about the position and boundaries of a stimuli – complex‐‐provide advanced information about position such as movement – hypercomplex‐‐provide abstract information such as shape or size Color Perception subtractive color mixtures deal primarily with mixing pigments (e.g. blue and yellow mixed together make green) additive color mixtures deal primarily with mixing lights (e.g. combining a green and red light will give you yellow) • • • • • • • • • • • • there are two main theories of color perception: – trichromatic (or Young‐Helmholtz) theory: all color perception derives from three different color receptors in the retina (usually red, blue and green); while this theory can physically recreate the spectrum of colors, much like your TV set does, it cannot explain color blindness or negative afterimages – opponent process theory: three sets of color receptors (blue‐yellow, red‐green, black‐white) respond to determine the color you experience; explains both color blindness (which tends to be either blue‐yellow, red‐green, or full color blindness) and negative afterimages; this was proposed by Ewald Hering – there are typically three types of color blindness: blue‐yellow, red‐green and complete color blindness Adaptation and Habituation adaptation‐‐the process by which you sensory systems adjust to changes in the environment (e.g. light and dark adaptation) habituation‐‐the process by which you “tune out” distracting stimuli in your environment dishabituation‐‐the process by which you suddenly “tune back in” to new stimuli (such as someone calling your name) Signal Detection Theory signal detection theory‐‐how distractions and interference effect how we perceive the world response criteria (or receiver operating characteristics)‐‐the combination of signal detection theory and motivational aspects critical in detecting certain stimuli and what we expect to perceive false positive‐‐perceiving a stimulus that is actually not there false negative‐‐not perceiving a stimulus that is actually there Attention selective attention—consciously attending to a particular stimulus and disregarding other stimuli selective inattention—being inattentive to all but a small amount of stimuli; being blind to inconsequential stimuli inattentional blindness—inability to notice visual stimuli when our attention is drawn elsewhere change blindness—inability to notice changes in the surrounding environment • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Broadbent’s filter theory‐‐the idea that we can selectively attend to certain stimuli and disregard other information (e.g. talking to your friend in a noisy restaurant); an all‐or‐nothing filter the cocktail party phenomenon‐‐adjusts Broadbent’s filter theory from an “all‐or‐nothing” filter to one that includes dishabituation (e.g. at the restaurant with your friend, if someone calls your name you will no longer filter out that stimuli) selection attention has been tested through dichotic listening experiments in which subjects are presented with two competing messages simultaneously and are asked to attend to only one of the messages; they are usually successful in this task Perception Processes bottom­up processing usually involves data; it is our ability to take individual components of a stimulus and to put it together according to fixed rules into a whole pattern top­down processing usually involves concepts; it is our ability to see a whole concept and then break it down into its component parts Perception: 2D Objects in 3D superposition‐‐when one object overlaps another object; we see one object as being in front, one in back relative size‐‐an object is expected to grow smaller on the retina the further away it becomes linear perspective‐‐when two line converge on the horizon to indicate depth or distance Perception: Constancy constancy­­the ability to maintain a consistent perception of an object – size constancy‐‐knowing that an object maintains a consistent size regardless of our distance from it – shape constancy‐‐knowing that an object maintains a consistent shape regardless of the angle at which we perceive it – brightness constancy‐‐knowing that an object maintains a consistent color despite changing light conditions Perception: Depth Perception texture gradient‐‐objects appear sharp and textured up close but less sharp and detailed further away motion parallax‐‐variations in motion and speed (e.g. in a car, close object appear to whiz by but distant objects appear to be moving slower) retinal disparity (or stereopsis)‐‐the slight difference in visual information taken in through both of our eyes figure­ground­­the ability to separate on object or figure from its background Perception: Gestalt Perception proximity‐‐if objects are close to each other they are perceived as being together similarity‐‐similar objects are typically grouped together continuation‐‐the perception of continuous patterns that flow in the same direction and in the same manner subjective contours‐‐seeing objects or images as outlined by their contours closure‐‐our desire to see objects as complete, even in the absence of actual stimuli law of pragnanz‐‐perception will always be as simple, regular and symmetrical as possible Perception: Motion of Light real motion­­this involves actually moving the light (e.g. spotlights) phi phenomenon­­when lights are flashed in different locations so that they appear to be moving (e.g. theater marquees) induced motion‐‐when it appears a light is moving but actually everything around the light is moving • • • • • • • • • autokinetic effect‐‐in a dark room a point of light appears to move because there is no frame of reference for it Perception: Cultural Effects several rules that were once though innate may actually be learned some cultures do not use linear perspective‐‐images using this technique are not seen as three dimensional how someone perceives an optical illusion depends on culture carpentered cultures are fooled by this illusion, non‐carpentered cultures are not because they do not use right angles and corners Extrasensory Perception extrasensory perception is one form of paranormal phenomena the three most testable forms of ESP: – telepathy—mind‐to‐mind communication – clairvoyance—perceiving remote events – precognition—perceiving future events also included in psychokinesis – mind over matter most skepticism on ESP revolve around two issues: – to believe in ESP you must believe the brain is capable of perceiving without sensory input – ESP phenomena under controlled conditions cannot be replicated AP Check AP students in psychology should be able to do the following: • Discuss basic principles of sensory transduction, including absolute threshold, difference threshold, signal detection, and sensory adaptation. • Describe sensory processes (e.g. hearing (pp. 217­220), vision, touch (pp. 224­225), taste (pp. 229­ 231), smell (pp. 231­233), vestibular (p. 234), kinesthesis (pp. 233­234), pain (pp. 227­229)), including the specific nature of energy transduction, relevant anatomical structures, and specialized pathways in the brain for each of the senses. • Explain common sensory disorders (e.g. visual and hearing impairments (pp. 220­223)). • Describe general principles of organizing and integrating sensation to promote stable awareness of the external world (e.g. Gestalt principles, depth perception). • Discuss how experience and culture can influence perceptual processes (e.g. perceptual set (pp. 257­ 259), context effects (pp. 260­261)). • Explain the role of top­down processing in producing vulnerability to illusion. • Discuss the role of attention (pp. 237­239) in behavior. • Challenge common beliefs in parapsychological phenomena (pp. 266­268).