Professor of Practice, Economics, NYUAD NYU Teaching Courses

Ted Chu 褚浩全
Professor of Practice, Economics, NYUAD
(971) 50-220-0418 (cell),, (971)2-628-5336 (Office)
New York University – Abu Dhabi, PO Box 129188
SAMA Tower, Electra Street near Airport Road next to NMC Hospital
Abu Dahbi, UAE
NYU Teaching Courses for Academic Year 2013:
Principle of Macroeconomics
Global Banking
Introduction to Accounting
Capstone Seminar (NYU-AD senior students are required to write an academic paper before
graduation) with discussion topics such as measuring global human resources, China GDP, High
yield bond market, Islamic financing, and migrant workers and national governance in South
Direct Studies (customized short courses): Global energy markets; dynamics of global business
Chief Economist. Became the first Chief Economist for one the world’s largest sovereign wealth
funds with several hundred billions of dollars under management. Worked as a member of the
Strategy Unit, reporting to the Managing Director and the Investment Committee. Responsible for
leading the Fund’s in-depth quantitative macroeconomic research, identifying emerging longterm trends in global economy, including demographics, geopolitics, technological advances, and
financial market developments. Covered major financial markets in North America, Europe,
Japan and large emerging markets such as BRICS. Played a key role in ADIA’s investment
strategy, risk management, and asset allocation decisions.
GENERAL MOTORS CORP. (1996 - 2010)
Chief Economist and Corporate Executive (2006 - 2010)
Responsible for running GM’s business planning unit as Director of Global Economic & Industry
Analysis and provide Executive Committee support on global investment decisions, business
planning, and strategic research.
Support the company’s global strategic business planning based on macroeconomic conditions,
social and demographic trends, and trade and regulatory policies. Develop new capabilities of
energy and commodity market research and price forecast. Develop a large-scale U.S. consumer
market analytical framework to identify emerging consumer trends and buying patterns. A part
of my responsibility is working with outside experts in major markets and communicating to nontechnical audience within the company on key economic issues that affect GM’s business.
Manager, Economic and Industry Analysis (2000 – 2005)
Responsible for economic and industry analysis in North America, Asia Pacific, and South
America/ Middle-East/Africa regions. Coordinate global economic analysis with our European
team in Germany. Provide regular economic and industry briefings to senior corporate executives.
Ted Chu
Identify critical emerging issues in areas of macroeconomics, political risk, domestic demand,
financial markets, and industry competitive environment.
Senior Economist, Asia Pacific (1996 – 1999)
Responsible for developing macroeconomic and industry demand forecasts in the Asia Pacific
region that includes 12 countries. Provided country risk assessment for GM’s strategic
investments in the region. Worked closely with GM’s senior management (regional GM president
in Singapore and managing directors in each country) in developing business plans. Provided
regular political and economic updates for corporate product development and purchasing teams.
Responsible for producing Asia economic outlook for the GM quarterly earnings report and
monthly Board of Directors update.
Other responsibilities include:
Leader, Foreign Exchange Forecast. Led a team of international economists to forecast exchange
rates, interest rates, and consumer and wholesale prices for 56 countries that GM has operations
in. Traveled extensively to Asia Pacific, West Europe, and Latin America to conduct research and
had oral and written communications with Chief Financial Officers and regional treasury offices
in developing GM hedging strategies and product sourcing plans. Produced official quarterly
report on FX and inflation forecasts with corporate-wide distribution. Panel member of the
Consensus Economics’s FX Forecast.
Member, Asia Pacific Public Policy Team. Provided expert support to GM Chairman’s APEC
activities. Conducted seminars and lectures to senior Chinese officials at State Planning
Commission and other ministries on WTO, industrial policy, taxation, and sustainable
development. Assisted U.S. Dept. of Commerce and Trade Representative’s efforts in negotiation
with Japan and South Korean government to open their markets.
Project Manager, M3 model. Vehicle Market Program M3 is a large-scale systems dynamics
model that GM developed for Brazil, Argentina, China, India, and Poland. The model is a tool for
understanding complex market dynamics and supporting corporate strategic planning and
evaluating policy impacts. Also manager of University of Michigan Survey of Consumers
Program and the DRI-WEFA Demographics Program.
THE WORLD BANK (1995 - 1996)
Macroeconomist, Europe and Central Asia Department. Completed 10-year macroeconomic
projections for Ukraine and Moldova as part of the World Bank’s Country Assistance Strategy.
Completed credit-worthy analysis for Ukraine in supporting World Bank’s lending program. Set
up an economic and financial data base and provided economic analysis for the bank’s sectoral
lending programs in the region. Negotiated with the Ukraine government on the pension reform
program. Completed an analysis on energy supply shock for Ukraine and Russia.
DECISION FOCUS, INC. (1993 - 1995)
Business consultant for a Silicon Valley management science consulting firm (formerly Stanford
University’s consulting unit), main projects:
Amoco and Mobil. Performed long term world natural gas market demand and price
trend analysis using DFI's World Gas Model that incorporates extensive regional information
Ted Chu
such as final demand, pipeline cost, and resource data for major demand/supply regions. An
economic-engineering approach is used to construct a generalized equilibrium framework that
takes into account of both economic factors and future technology impacts.
Private US Electric Utility Clients. Provided confidential decision support for coal
generation unit investment. Developed an econometric model to analyze the relationship
between generation unit wear-and-tear cost and operational conditions. The quantitative impacts
of aggregate load, input type, operational characteristics, and past maintenance on total wearand-tear cost was estimated.
Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Agency. Completed a case study
of US federal energy subsidies and their impact on energy consumption and greenhouse gas
emissions. The study analyzed energy consumption impact of 47 major US federal energy
subsidies. The impact of removing the bad subsidies is estimated using an engineering-economic
model. Although short-term impact is minimal, removing subsidies now will greatly help
stabilizing US greenhouse emission after 2010.
Nuclear Electric, plc., U.K. Performed energy policy simulation for alternative
approaches to achieving environmental objectives such as CO2 emission control using a largescale energy planning model for the United Kingdom. The transportation sector of the model
provided detailed scenario analysis for alternative fuel, mass transit, and emission control policy
Shell Canada. Performed long term North America natural gas market demand and price
trend analysis using DFI's North America Natural Gas (NARG) Model. The model was built on
DFI’s generalized equilibrium platform that incorporates all major supply and demand regions in
the US, Canada, and Mexico.
Grand Canyon Visibility Transport Commission. Responsible for designing and
constructing the economic impact module of the Integrated Assessment System, which is used for
analyzing alternative emission management options to improve visibility at the national parks on
the Colorado plateau. The economic assessment uses a regional economic model developed by
REMI, Inc. that incorporates 15 regions in the western US. The automotive emissions module
incorporates transportation demand control and low emission control options.
ARTHUR D. LITTLE, INC. (1988 - 1992)
Staff consultant at ADL’s Technology Resource Center in Washington, D.C.
Completed the forecasting of economic trends with a comprehensive analysis of historical
evidence and projected technology and organizational changes. The results formed the
benchmark for a strategic corporate plan. Prepared rate case filing for the US Postal Service using
attributable cost approach.
Completed cost evaluation and simulation analysis for major development projects.
Baseline cost and service were projected using econometric panel data techniques and case
Ted Chu
studies. Using the engineering study and risk analysis results, simulation models were developed
to quantify the value of new development projects.
Completed economic impact assessment of a multi-year, $2 billion corporate automation
program for U.S. Postal Service. Cost savings and service improvement were measured by
statistically separating out other influential factors.
Completed the development of a productivity, quality, and service performance
measurement system for 120 large multi-product processing facilities within a complex postal
service network. The system enabled headquarter management to closely monitor performance
and optimally allocate resources.
Ph.D., economics, Georgetown University, Washington, D. C. (1991).
Dissertation topic: Productivity, efficiency, and management performance measurement for a
service industry under condition of technological change.
GPA: 3.88/4.00.
M.A., economics, Georgetown University (1988).
B.A., Business Administration and Economic Management, Fudan University, China (1986).
Graduated as the top student at Fudan’s School of Management. Class president. Winner of
national competition for a Ph. D. scholarship in America.
Adjunct Professor, Lawrence Tech University, Michigan (2008 – 2010). Taught classes of Global
Economics Theory for the Doctoral of Business Administration (DBA) program, and Corporate
Finance for MBA program.
Visiting Scholar, Oakland University, Michigan (2007 – 2009). Delivered lectures for Department
of Economics on macroeconomics, financial crisis, auto industry, and business economics.
Lecturer, Executive MBA program, Northwood University, Midland, MI (2008 – 2009).
Delivered semi-annual MBA seminar titled Reflections on the Global Economy.
Lecturer, Introduction to China’s currency and its financial system. Invited lecture at
Department of Economics, University of Maryland, College Park, MD. (2006)
Ted Chu
Senior Scholar, New York University – Abu Dhabi, March 2012 – August 2013
Member, National Association Business Economists and Conference of Business Economists,
2003 - present
Contributing member, Blue Chip Panel of Economic Forecasters (U.S.) and the Consensus
Economics Foreign Exchange Forecast (London).
Consultant, US buyout fund Baird Capital Partners and private equity firm Milestone Partners.
Founder, The CoBe Institute. A non-profit philosophical research organization promoting the
integration of West-East human wisdom and humanity’s place at the frontier of cosmic
Recipient, the 2008 OCA National Asian Pacific American Corporate Achievement Award, for
outstanding community services and corporate diversity activities.
Keynote Speaker, Global Economic Outlook: Is There Hope for Growth Pick Up? National AssetLiability Management conference, October 29, 2013
Keynote Speaker, Global Growth Bottlenecks and What Entrepreneurs Can Do, Ross School of
Business, University of Michigan, November 12, 2011
Speaker, The Future of Hybrid and Electric Vehicles, South Texas Money Management, 5th Energy
Symposium, May 13, 2010
Keynote Speaker, China in the Global Economy: Last 10 Years and the Next, The 28th Annual
Monetary and Trade Conference, The Global Interdependence Center and Drexel University's
LeBow College of Business, May 12, 2010
Speaker, Industry Outlook from OEM Perspective. The Sixteenth Annual Automotive Outlook
Symposium, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, June 5, 2009
Keynote Speaker, Outlook for US and Chinese Industry, Society of Automotive Engineers and
Chinese Association of Greater Detroit annual meeting and banquet. April 11, 2009.
Interview, Street Beat, CBS. April 5, 2009. On economic relationship between the US and China.
Speaker, Economic Fundamentals of the North American Auto Industry, Turnaround Management
Association / Federal Bar Association’s 2009 Automotive Conference. March 25, 2009.
Speaker, How we got here, is there a way out? Michigan Actuarial Society. November 17, 2008.
Ted Chu
Speaker, International Business Roundtable, The Center For International Business Initiatives,
Oakland University. June 2008.
Keynote Speaker, Outlook for US and Chinese Industry, Society of Automotive Engineers and
Chinese Association of Greater Detroit annual meeting and banquet. April 14, 2008.
Interview, Sliding South, Autoline Detroit with John McElroy. Detroit Public TV. January 27,
Speaker, Cosmic Joy and Local Pain – global economic and industry outlook. Society of
Automotive Analyst annual conference, Detroit. (January 2008)
Seminar presenter, Can China stand on the frontier? Unirule Institute, Beijing.
(November 2007)
Speaker, Globalization and trends in the automotive industry. The Automotive Fleet &
Leasing Association annual conference, Tucson, AZ. (September 2007)
Speaker, China’s role in global economy. OECD Emerging Market Roundtable, Paris.
(July 2007)
Speaker, China’s RMB and financial sector reform. Global Interdependence Center’s 24th
Annual International Monetary & Trade Conference Philadelphia, PA. (November, 2005)
Speaker, Is india’s economy and market ready to take off? Accelerator Group India Auto
Conference. (May 2005)
Speaker, China’s currency peg. NABE 46th Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA. (October, 2004)
Speaker, Incentive wars and their impact on consumer spending. Eleventh Federal Reserve Annual
Automotive Outlook Symposium. Detroit. (June 2004)
Frequent Guest on Voice of America’s TV and radio shows including Weekly Economic Forum
as a well-known expert on China and the U.S.’s economy and auto industry.
Speaker, China’s financial revolution. Detroit Association of Business Economists. (May 2004)
Keynote Speaker, International Business Seminar at Walsh College, Michigan (March 2001)
Frequent Speaker, Economic and Auto Industry Outlook, Macroeconomic Advisor’s Quarterly
Economic Conference.
Ted Chu
Lecturer, Auto Industry Seminar to senior central government officials, Beijing, (summer 1999)
Lecturer, Public Finance and Taxation Seminar to senior central government officials, Beijing,
Co-founder and President, Washington Chinese Professional Association (1992 – 95)
Organized weekly seminars and speeches by visiting Chinese scholars, U.S. academic and
political leaders.
Will the US Auto Market Come Back? October 2010. Business Economics. Vol 45, No. 4. (with Sue
Su). This article received the Adolph G. Abramson Award for the most outstanding paper of the
year, National Association for Business Economics.
Brazil: Has the Future Finally Arrived? June 2010. PUC-SP - Pontifícia Universidade Católica de
São Paulo, Brazil. (with Alejandro Delgado)
Used Vehicle Imports Impact on New Vehicle Sales: The Mexican Case. First Semester 2009.
Revista Analysis Economico, Vol XXIV, No. 55, pp. 347 – 364. (with Alejandro Delgado)
The Chinese RMB: Its Value, Its Peg, and Its Future. April 2005. Business Economics. This article
received the Adolph G. Abramson Award, National Association for Business Economics.
Challenges Facing China in the Next 15 Years. November 2005. Proceedings of the 22nd International
Systems Dynamics Conference, Shanghai, China. (with Weishuang Qu, John Shilling, & Gerald
Feedback Loops and Policy Scenarios in The Chinese Private Vehicle Demand Model. July 2004.
Proceedings of the 21st International Systems Dynamics Conference, Oxford, England. (with
Changming Xu, Weishuang Qu, & Ming Liu.)
The M3 Model: Emerging Vehicle Market Analysis. 2003. ISBN 0-937585-07-6. Jointly published by
General Motors and Millennium Institute. (with Weishuang Qu and Gerald Barney.)
Macro-economic Consequences of Energy Supply Shocks in Ukraine. 1996. Pacific and Asian
Journal of Energy 6(2), pp. 89 – 109. (with Wafik Grais.)
Reforming the Pension System in Ukraine. 1996. Ukrainian Economic Review 2(3), pp. 103 – 112.
Western Public Finance. (西方财政实践) 1995. China Statistical Press, Beijing. (Jun Ma edits.)
Ted Chu
Exchange Rate Dynamics of the Post-Soviet Union Era: An Application of Varying Coefficient
Model, World Bank working paper, August 1994, Washington, D.C. (with Kangbin Zheng)
An Econometric Model to Estimate Demand Elasticity and Cost Efficiency for Utility Coops in
Rural Illinois, August, 1993, St. Mary’s College, Maryland. (with Meng-Hua Ye)
Efficiency Analysis of the Swedish Banks: An Application of the Nonparametric LOESS Model.
Unpublished working paper, March, 1993, Washington, D.C.
Why Individual Efforts Do Not Add Up? A Policy Analysis of Incentive Mechanisms, Proceedings
of the 5th Advanced Technology Conference of the U.S. Postal Service, Washington, D.C. December, 1992.
Volume Variability at the Operational Level: Estimation from a Large Incomplete Panel Data,
Unpublished ADL Working Paper, Washington, D.C., June, 1992.
Performance Measurement and Network Efficiency, presented at the ORSA/TIMS Joint Annual
Meeting, San Francisco, November, 1992.
Production Uncertainty and Technological Diffusion, Unpublished ADL Working Paper,
Washington, D.C., November, 1991.
Towards a Meaningful Value-added Output Measurement System, Proceedings of the Wharton
Conference on Service Management, Technology, and Economics, Philadelphia, October, 1992.
Forecasting Grain Losses in Chinese Agriculture from Natural Hazards – A Kalman filter
Approach, in Proceedings of the Federal Forecasters, September, 1991.
Personal Information
Born in Shanghai. U.S. citizen (since 1996). Married to Amy Zhang with two children.