SETTING THE STAGE, ACT III - Kutztown University Foundation and

Report on Philanthropy: Kutztown University Foundation
A Message from Tracey L. Thompson
A Message from Jim Zellner ‘86
Executive Director, Kutztown University
Foundation & Alumni Engagement
President, KU Foundation Board of Directors
I am so proud to join the Kutztown
University Foundation & Alumni
Engagement at such an exciting time; the
university will soon celebrate its 150th
anniversary, and Setting the Stage, the
Campaign for Kutztown University is close
to reaching its final goal of $15 million.
During my conversations with alumni, parents, faculty and
staff, and friends of KU, I have been impressed with the depth
of affection felt and the devotion expressed by many of you
towards KU. It is that loyalty and sense of commitment that
makes Kutztown University such a special community.
In the following pages you will read the names of our generous
donors who have contributed to Kutztown University. You will
also read about two current KU student leaders who have taken
it upon themselves to build campus-wide partnerships and
enhance the educational experience for their peers.
As Jim mentions in his letter, this is an important time for
higher education institutions in our state, and particularly for
KU. I would urge those of you who have not yet participated
in the campaign to do so, because your involvement means so
much not only to our current students, faculty, and staff, but
also contributes to the continued success and excellence of
the university as a whole. Your participation can take many
meaningful forms, whether by volunteering through the KU
Alumni Association, by attending events, by sharing your
memories of KU, or by supporting the campaign, you are
directly affecting the course of the university and ensuring that
it retains all the characteristics that make it the welcoming and
outstanding place that it is.
The need for strong public higher education
institutions like Kutztown University has
never been greater. Yet funding from the
commonwealth continues its precipitous
decline, shifting the financial responsibility to
the university, its students and their families.
It is being left to alumni, parents, and others
who have a stake in KU to ensure that we maintain our public
character and continue to provide an excellent and accessible
Even in the face of these pressures, members of the KU
community have risen to the challenge. The Kutztown
University Foundation & Alumni Engagement has raised more
than $14 million in support of the university--thanks to our
12,500+ donors--through Setting the Stage, the Campaign
for Kutztown University, which will come to a close in June
2014. The successful completion of the campaign will ensure
that we can recruit and retain the best students and professors,
and provide the best resources for educating new leaders and
fostering the kind of innovation that is critical to our society.
As you’ll see in this report, the Kutztown University Foundation
& Alumni Engagement is working to provide scholarship
support for students, campus enhancements, and greater
opportunities for members of the KU community to become
more involved with the university. It is because of the work of
the foundation, the commitment of KU alumni, parents, and
friends, and the dedication of KU faculty and staff that the
university will grow and thrive, and will continue its proud
tradition of providing an exceptional education to all those who
desire it.
Kutztown University Foundation
Report of the Chief Financial Officer
Edward T. Richmond, CPA
The 2012-13 fiscal year was one of transition and
promise. While the challenge of losing our former
Executive Director, Jason Ketter, MBA ’05, no
doubt adversely impacted our fundraising and
outreach to the Kutztown University community,
the Foundation is enjoying an unprecedented level
of investment and support from the University.
The importance of private philanthropy to public
institutions such as Kutztown University is greater
now than ever before, and the need for private funding will only
continue to grow in future years under the pressures of state budget
reductions and reallocations, competition for enrolled students,
and the imperative for enhancing academic quality and the student
experience at Kutztown.
Although the Foundation operated without an Executive Director
for the last seven months of the fiscal year, contribution revenue was
down only by 7%, a true testament to the capabilities and talents of
our fundraising team. With a three-fold increase in the University’s
investment in and support of the Foundation in the 2012-13 fiscal
year as compared to prior years, we expect continuing growth in
philanthropic revenue under our recently appointed Executive
Director, Tracey Thompson. The increased level of University
services revenue, the Foundation was able to discontinue the practice
of assessing administrative fees on gifts effective July 1, 2012.
Out total endowment grew from $16 million to $17.6 million during
the fiscal year, with nearly $450,000 in new endowment gifts and a
rate of return on our investments of 10.7%. While this is tremendous
improvement over the 2.2% rate of return in 2011-12 fiscal year, we
are continuing with our conservative endowment spending policy
of 3% of the rolling 12-quarter average of the market value of the
endowment’s assets in order to bolster endowment growth and
protect the endowment’s ability to preserve intergenerational equity
for our future students.
In March 2013, the Foundation completed its acquisition of a
controlling interest in the Kutztown Folk Festival, further solidifying
Kutztown University’s position as the premier institution for the
study of Pennsylvania German culture and dialect.
To cap off an exciting year, the Foundation committed nearly $4.8
million to the University toward funding the Schaeffer Auditorium
renovation project. This represents the largest single capital project
fundraising initiative ever undertaken by the Foundation, and
we are exceptionally proud to be a part of such an amazing and
historic facility on campus – a building which will provide firstclass learning opportunities for our students and showplace for
performances to be enjoyed by the entire community.
In closing, I’d like to thank all of our generous donors,
dedicated staff members, and diligent service providers for your
commitment to Kutztown University, it students, faculty, staff
and community. You can be quite proud of the institution that
your time, talent, and treasure have enhanced.
Thanks to you and other alumni, parents, and friends, Setting the
Stage, the Campaign for Kutztown University is close to reaching
its goal of $15 million raised for the benefit of the university. The
campaign total currently stands at $14.1 million, with a mere seven
months to go until the June 2014 deadline.
This is the most comprehensive campaign launched in the history of
the University and the Foundation. Your participation has resulted in
unprecedented support for the university’s priorities, including the
renovations of Schaeffer Auditorium and Sharadin Arts Building,
increased funding for student scholarships, and the development of
innovative academic programs and new curricula.
Setting the Stage was envisioned as a way to celebrate the university’s upcoming 150th anniversary and position KU for even greater
success in its next 150 years of existence. In order to do this, KU
needs your help.
Your support has contributed to making KU what it is--a vibrant and
accessible state university that offers an exceptional education--but
with your continued advocacy and engagement, KU will not only
reach the campaign goal but surpass it. Every donation to the campaign is a vote of confidence in the future of KU and sustains the
proud traditions and sense of community that define the university.
You can help build an enduring achievement for Kutztown University. We invite you to take a leading role in the final act of the Setting
the Stage campaign. You can deepen your engagement with KU by
serving as an ambassador for the campaign, by participating in our
alumni events, by sharing your reasons for giving to KU, and by
volunteering your time for the benefit of the university.
You have made Kutztown University what it is today. Now you
have a chance to build the Kutztown University of tomorrow.
You can make KU history
Kutztown University Foundation
Student Profile
Anna Tellis ‘13
I am a senior at Kutztown University studying
Elementary Education with a dual major in
Special Education Visual Impairment. When
I first came to Kutztown, I felt out of place
and I wasn’t quite sure what activities I should
try; that is, until I received an email letting
me know that I had been nominated to join
the Presidential Ambassadors. I immediately
applied to the organization and—to my
surprise and excitement—I was accepted as a freshman. Being
involved with campus and alumni events as an Ambassador has
helped me see all that Kutztown has to offer. As a sophomore,
I was elected to the historian position on the Ambassadors’
executive board; as a junior, I became Vice President; and this
year I have the honor of serving as President of the Presidential
Ambassadors. Being an Ambassador has taught me so much
about myself and the student I am here at KU. I have gained
confidence, pride, and the knowledge I need to network with
both alumni and others. It has been such an honor to grow
within the organization and see not only my own progress but
the progress of others as well. I love seeing how enthusiastic
our members are about the connections they make and the
experiences they have gained through Ambassadors.
I have also served on the university’s Student Government Board
as a College of Education member during both my sophomore
and junior years. Being involved in student government gave me
the chance to represent the entire student body and to help solve
problems and address concerns.
As a senior, I have the opportunity to assist the newest Special
Education Visual Impairment majors in their Orientation and
Mobility class, as they travel around town under blindfold and
sighted guide. This is a rewarding experience for me because
now I can provide guidance to my peers on the concepts I
learned throughout the class. It is wonderful to see them excited
about the course and the major because we share the same
I would not be the student I am today without the experiences
and knowledge I have gained through student organizations.
Becoming involved with the Presidential Ambassadors and
with other groups has taught me so much about myself and
about Kutztown University. It has made me not only love but
appreciate Kutztown so much more.
Kutztown University has given me the
opportunity to live my dreams through the
various leadership positions I have held on
campus. At the end of my sophomore year,
I became involved with student government
and my experience here at Kutztown took off.
During my junior year, I was appointed to
the Marketing Chair, a position charged with
increasing awareness of student government
and its role within the campus community. I was also appointed
chair of the Safety Committee, which is an important ad hoc
committee created to address some of the safety issues occurring
on campus. During this time I also sat on our Enrollment
Committee and Budget and Finance Committee which allocates
and disperses $2.1 million to student organizations across
campus. We were able to go through our budgeting process
without raising the student activity fee.
Currently, I am President of the Student Government Board and
represent nearly 9,000 students. I oversee the daily operations
of the student government and work directly with President
Cevallos and administrators on a daily basis. I help solve the
concerns of the student body and speak on behalf of my peers
across campus. I love serving the students, and one day soon I
hope to serve the general public. I am a senior working towards
my bachelor’s degree in public administration, and my future
aspirations include becoming a lawmaker so I can better the
community and world around me.
Kutztown University has given me the knowledge and
experience to excel at my future endeavors. I have gotten to
meet with top lawmakers, have been involved with decision
making and know my voice and opinion matters. At Kutztown,
I am not a number to my professors or the Administration; I am
Nick. Kutztown University is where I met my lifelong friends,
discovered who I am as a person and found out that french
fries from Spuds are the best you will ever eat! Every day, I am
thankful I choose KU because of the learning environment and
social environment offered.
I am also the recipient of two scholarships, the PASSHE
Leadership Scholarship and the Rosa Parks Scholarship, given
to those who show civil engagement. These scholarships have
helped me buy text books and have lessened my student loan
burden. They have also helped pay for my tuition. My gratitude
and appreciation cannot be described in words.
Student Profile
Nick Imbesi ‘14
Recognition of philanthropy is important. It communicates and
encourages others to participate in advancing the mission of
Kutztown University and is an important way to say thank you.
The recognition societies have been established without criteria
of gift designation, therefore, you may donate to the area of the
University that is most meaningful to you.
1866 Lifetime Giving Society
The 1866 Lifetime Giving Society was established in recognition of the cumulative philanthropic efforts of alumni, parents,
friends, faculty, staff, corporations, and foundations who have,
by their generosity and devotion, demonstrated an exemplary
commitment to the university and to ensuring that future generations will benefit from the quality of a Kutztown University
education. Membership within the 1866 Lifetime Giving Society
is based on total realized giving to the university, including cash
gifts, gifts of securities, real property, gifts-in-kind, and realized
The Platinum level recognizes those donors whose total giving
to the university is more than $1 million.
The Gold level recognizes those donors whose total giving to the
university is between $750,000 and $999,999.
The Silver level recognizes those donors whose total giving to
the university is between $500,000 and $749,999.
The Bronze level recognizes those donors whose total giving to
the university is between $250,000 and $499,999.
The 1866 Member level recognizes those donors
whose total giving to the university is between
$100,000 and $249,999.
Platinum Level
Mr. and Mrs. DeLight and Helen Breidegam
Ruth M. Freyberger ‘35 *
Dollie E. Gilbert ‘31 *
Marlin and Regina Miller
Pepsico Foundation
Joanne M. ‘74 and William F. Ribble ‘73
Arthur L. Wiesenberger *
Silver Level
The Clarence Schock Foundation
Ruth A. Detterline ‘34 *
Alice and J. Robert Dornish
Madalynne M. Evans Estate and Trust
John E. Morgan Foundation
The Kresge Foundation
Gladys M. Lutz ‘28 *
Bronze Level
Mamie H. ‘20 and Calvin Afflerbach *
Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.
Carrie E. Babb ‘32 *
Muriel and Philip Berman *
Ruth E. Bonner ‘21 *
Carlson R. Chambliss
Ethel F. Clouser *
East Penn Manufacturing Co., Inc.
Hamilton TEK Partners, LP
Ruth and Charles Marcon
Ruth A. Nickell ‘34, ‘36 *
Mary L. Oppenheim ‘48 *
Pennsylvania State Employees Credit Union
Sovereign Bank
STV Architects
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. and Elizabeth J. Wells
Wells Fargo
Mary Grace Wible *
The Wyomissing Foundation Inc.
Joanna and James C. Zellner ‘86
*denotes deceased
Carol and David J. Batdorf
Doris H. Burkhart ‘48, ‘65
Carpenter Technology Corp.
Carol ‘57 and Ted Carzon
Colonial Oaks Foundation, Inc.
Sandra and Placido Corpora
Ann C. and John J. Curley
Ruth B. and Italo L. deFrancesco *
Minnie E. Diefenderfer ‘21 *
Eva Eichler *
Jeanne C. Esser *
Marlene O. * and Beall * Fowler
Mr. Frank A. Friedman
Mrs. Martha L. Hafer
Irene D. Heaps ‘43
Henry Janssen Foundation
Gloria and David Kruse
Myrle R. Kuhns ‘50 *
Helen J. Marcks ‘17 *
Margaret B. Stimmel Trust
Irma D. Master ‘32 *
Helen A. Moyer *
National Penn Bank
Northeast Berks Chamber of Commerce
PA Dutch Folk Culture Society
Penske Truck Leasing
Pfizer, Inc.
Eva R. Rahn *
Ray and Lynn Wood Neag Charitable Foundation
M. Elizabeth Reed ‘31 *
Ardath H. Rodale ‘50 *
Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Eleanor Shaner
Dr. Mary M. St. John
Barbara Stratton *
Teleflex Medical
Joyce Tressler ‘18 *
Wachovia Foundation
Walter and Olivia Kiebach Charitable
Foundation Trust
Prof. John Holingjak * and Ms. Kathleen Wheeler
Verna E. Williams Irrevocable Trust
The Tower Society recognizes donors who give a minimum of
$1,000 or more during the Foundation’s fiscal year, July 1st to
June 30th. Within the Tower Society there are two recognized
giving circles: The President’s Circle and the Chairman’s Circle.
The President’s Circle recognizes donors who give between
$1,000 and $4,999 during the fiscal year, and the Chairman’s
Circle recognizes donors who give $5,000 or more during the
fiscal year.
Chairman’s Circle $5000+
Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.
Marlene Ambrogio
Caroline I. ‘65 and E. Earl Anderson
Berks County Community Foundation
Nanci and Dennis Blankowitsch
Boscov’s Department Store, LLC.
Tara and David G. Bramwell ‘85
Lorilei and Frank J. Brewer ‘82
Doris H. Burkhart ‘48, ‘65
Clay-Mir Charitable Foundation
Connective Tissue Gene Tests
Sandra and Placido Corpora
Constance Cousins and Eric Martin
Gail M. and John D. Craig
Ann C. and John J. Curley
Carl J. Daeufer ‘53
Alice and J. Robert Dornish
Betsey L. and Kenneth K. Fogg
Cynthia L. Folk ‘85
Mr. Frank A. Friedman
Donna and David A. Geppert ‘80
Betty L. Grebey ‘57
Mr. Curt H. Grim
Mrs. Martha L. Hafer
Susan and Frederick D. Hafer ‘86
Rosemary and Robert H. Hartmann ‘53
Henry Janssen Foundation
Marion S. ‘62 and Neil D. Holtzman ‘62
Joy A. and Norman A. Inkpen ‘70
Georgiana Weaver Jackson Trust
Donna and Masayuki Kazahaya
Mary and James S. Klunk ‘77
Klunk & Millan Advertising
Jo and Peter Knight
Gloria and David Kruse
Kutztown Rugby Alumni Corporation
Sharon E. ‘87 and Robert Landis
*denotes deceased
Carolyn M. Domenig ‘65 and Dr. Ronald
Lutheran Community Foundation
Dr. and Mr. Sharon and James Maida
Margaret B. Stimmel Trust
Keith McCarthy
Brenda and John McGlade
Regina D. Miller ‘84
National Penn Bank
Carole and Raymond Neag
Harriet Oler and J. Wesley
Mary L. Oppenheim ‘48 *
Pennsylvania State Employees Credit Union
Bonita A. ‘68 and Charles O. Perkins ‘68
Pfizer, Inc.
Sharon and Carl Poff
Paul ’94 and Ritu Presinzano
Mr. William Rahn
Susan E. ‘76, ‘95 and Charles M. Randazzo ‘75
Ray and Lynn Wood Neag Charitable Foundation
Reaching Our Goal
E. Annette * and John J. Robertson
The Clarence Schock Foundation
SDL Enterprises LLC
Mary Ann Sedlock ‘56
Dr. Mary M. St. John
Steckel and Stopp Attorneys-at-Law
Attorney and Mrs. Charles Stopp
Thomas A. Plein Foundation
Joyce K. Wehr ‘46
Blaine H. Finkbiner and James A. Wells
Mr. and Mrs. James and Joanne Wells
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. and Elizabeth J. Wells
Wells Fargo
Rosalye L. Yashek ‘50
Dr. Anne E. Zayaitz
Joanna and James C. Zellner ‘86
Pearl D. Zimmerman ‘54
Recognition Societies
Kutztown University Foundation
Tower Society, President’s Circle
Ahold USA
Susan J. Allport-Schneider ‘61
American Honda Motor Co., Inc.
Ameriprise Financial
Diane and Graham Anderson, Jr.
Anonymous (2)
APSCUF Inc. Association of PA
Bernadette E. and Greg Bamberger
Aceste J. Barbera
Mrs. Shirley S. Barre
Cathy and Thomas A. Beaver
Lois E. Beekey
Barbara and Robert Bennett
La Rue ‘59 and Charles A. Berry ‘58
John W. Bieber and Priscilla Johnson
Sheryl and Rance Block
Anne ‘66 and Charles T. Blocksidge ‘65
Deborah A. ‘93 and Matthew Brandt
Mr. and Mrs. DeLight & Helen Breidegam
June R. ‘53 and Thomas Brown
Brenda Fidler and David R. Brumbaugh ‘81
Marie-Aline Cadieux and Hannes Dietrich
Mrs. Crystal U. Cammauf-Young
Judith A. ‘68 and Ronald Cardinal ‘68
Josée Vachon Cevallos and F. Javier Cevallos
Kate M. Clair and Dick Coco
Community Education Foundation Inc.
James J. D’Annibale ‘76
David Crosson Production Services
Mr. and Mrs. Steven & Karen Degler
William Dempsey
Discovery Federal Credit Union
Scott Dorn
Dorney Park & Wildwater Kingdom
*denotes deceased
Mr. and Mrs. John and Perma Dreibelbis
East Penn Manufacturing Co., Inc.
Eastern Industries, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward and Nanette Eisenhuth
Mr. John L. Emerick
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
Mary Erickson
Erie Insurance Group
Marybeth Evans ‘76
ExxonMobil Foundation
Lesley and Timothy S. Fallon
Fidelity Technologies Corp.
Financial Planning Advisors
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin and Michele Fink
Fleetwood Bank
Lynne and Richard P. Focht ‘78
Rebecca A. ‘81, ‘89 and William L. Folk ‘81
Beth A. Frederick ‘77
General Electric Company
Holly and Richard Ginnetti ‘86
Rose L. ‘88 and Gordon J. Goldberg
Doris N. ‘44 and Raymond Grandon
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas & Joanne Grant
Mr. and Mrs. Gary & Susan Gristick
Jeffrey J. Gross
Mr. Michael R. Gumpert
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey and Suzanne Gumpert
Ann T. Gundry ‘81
Barbara H. Haas
Tina Hancock
Audrey J. ‘93 and Theodore A. Hartz
Kathy and Thomas H. Heck
William A. Heck
Heck Brothers
Thomas F. Hermansader
Hershey Entertainment & Resort
Hershey Trust Company
Karen and Andrew L. Hill ‘82
Mr. and Mrs. Lee & Mary Hill
Lois and Daniel J. Hinkel
Kenneth L. ‘84 and Carol L. Hoch
Ann and David Hohe
Patrick B. Holleran ‘86
Carolyn R. and T. Jerome Holleran
Julia E. ‘01, ‘05, ‘09 and Peter A. Hornberger
‘00, ‘01, ‘11
Jerlyn Foundation
D. Jane ‘66 and James P. Joyce ‘66
Stephanie A. ‘86, ‘89 and A. Hoyt Kelley
Shirley S. ‘58 and Donald Kerchner
Carl A. Klase ‘90
Karen L. Kleffel ‘73
Dr. Andrew W. Koch
Deborah Kugler
Kutztown Fool’s Run
Prof. John Landis and Prof. Barbara
Lehigh Valley Hospital and Health Network
Barbara and Matthew J. LePage ‘78
Mr. Paul F. Lilienthal
Iva and Raymond E. Lucas
Brenda and Joseph D. Ludwig ‘71
Nancy W. Magee ‘80 and David J.
Mamma’s Delight Pizza Restaurant
Janice and Ronald L. Marburger ‘61
Charles E. Marple
Timothy Masluk
Michelle R. ‘73, ‘77 and John M. Mason
Jean E. ‘69 and George J. Matz
Ruth E. ‘51 and John McQuesten
Sandra J. McSwain and Robert C. Jones
Carl F. Meck
Mr. Raymond H. Melcher, Jr.
Merck & Co. Inc.
The Merck Company Foundation
Dr. James S. Milne
Marlin and Regina Miller
Minsi Trails Council, BSA
Mr. and Mrs. Philip and Lynn Mobley
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney, LLC
Cindy J. ‘80 and Steven J. Moss ‘80
Joyce Schiavo and Patrick Mullins
My Sport Dream LLC
New Enterprise Stone & Lime Co Inc.
New Tripoli Bank
Donna and Jeffrey Ney
Mrs. Carol Ngaru
Moira O’Connor-Servis and John Servis
Paula and Alex Ogeka
Lisa ‘82 and Kermit Oswald ‘81
Pastorius Home Association
Penske Truck Leasing
Mr. Chester Perfetto
Anna M. ‘59, ‘62 and Karl Peterson
James L. Pfeiffer ‘82
Mr. and Mrs. Guido and Susan Pichini
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Piscitelli
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Jane Quirk, Jr.
Mr. Suresh Ramamurthi
Joan E. and Willis M. Rapp
Reading Berks Guild of Craftsman
Jane A. ‘04 and Gary M. Redner
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald & Mary Lou Rhein
Joanne M. ‘74 and William F. Ribble ‘73
Elizabeth and Edward W. Richmond
Mildred M. ‘35, ‘58 * and George Rishell *
Miriam Robinson
Margenett H. Roth ‘46
Charles F. Roth ‘68
Jennifer L. ‘99 and Michael Rush
Olinda and Wayne C. Rush ‘74
Wendy L. and James Ryan
Trucilla M. Sabatino and Stephen L. Melnick
Ana M. and Mark A. Sabatino ‘81
Georgena and James Scanlan
Dr. Angela and Mr. Charles Scanzello
Mary and Edwin Schatkowski
Frederic C. Schearer ‘58
Miriam J. Schearer (Loose) ‘60
Dianne E. ‘75 and John P. Schellenberg
Cindy S. and George W. Schenck ‘77
SEI Giving Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Kathleen Seltzer
Service Electric Cablevision, Inc.
LeAnn and Gerald L. Silberman ‘01
Marian S. Snyder ‘50
Sonny Kovatch Foundation
Sorrelli, Inc.
Lori A. ‘83, ‘91 and Allen K. Spatz
Staples Foundation for Learning Inc.
Marian U. ‘74 and Samuel P. Starr
Patricia A. ‘79 and Mark E. Stecklein
Jane and John Stinsmen
Mr. and Mrs. John and Barbara Stolz
Donna Cubit-Swoyer and LeRoy E.
Swoyer ‘49
Tompkins Trust Company
Colleen and John Villella
Vivace Productions, Inc.
Arlene B. and John P. Wabby ‘69
Steve Weiss
*denotes deceased
Carole V. Wells ‘91
Betty Wesner and Sarah Wesner Greer
Douglas W. Wesner ‘88 *
Matthew E. West ‘89
Elizabeth Yerkes Wisnosky
Peter Wisnosky
Mary Ann M. Zerkowski
Susan B. ‘64 and Robert C. Ziegenfus ‘65
General Richard C. Zilmer
Maroon and Gold Donors $500-$999
Lucille and John Acanfora
Donald R. Albright
Joshua A. Albright ‘09
Alvin H. Butz, Inc.
Mary Ann E. Ardoline ‘79, ‘82 and Gregory
A. Kuritz ‘86
Tracy and Robert Artus
Corliss Bachman and Ed Niechwiadowicz
Xenia and Joseph Balabkins ‘67
Cyndee A. ‘99 and Jason R. Barkley ‘91, ‘93
Elizabeth and Edward J. Bibic ‘75
Jane L. ‘59 and Charles Bibleheimer
Anne Brown
Caroline M. ‘84 and Robert W. Browne ‘84
Rachel G. Burket ‘61
Barbara A. ‘59 and Francis L. Chupick ‘59
Charles B. Correnti ‘58
Karen L. and Ronald L. Corson ‘63
Crowne Plaza Reading
Robert G. Dachisen ‘86
Barbara K. and Kenneth V. Daniel ‘77
Brenda M. ‘60 and Douglass Decker
Marieanne DeRatto ‘81 and Alan R.
Tina M. ‘91 and John Dowd
Douglas I. Dresnin ‘87
Richard G. Dumbach ‘85
Edwards Business Systems
Bonnie L. and Ryan G. Epler ‘00
Cynthia E. Ernst ‘83
Carol L. Ettenger ‘60
Exelon Corporation
Fredricka and Keith S. Farber ‘64
Follett Corporation
Barbara and Ronald H. Frey
G.A.N. Development Inc.
Janice A. Gasker
Cheryl L. ‘68 and Donald R. Hadley ‘68
Steven B. Hahn
Susan and Stanley C. Harwick ‘58
Katherine L. Heller ‘70
Josephine K. Hinkle ‘40 *
Patricia and Jonathan E. Holmes
Lena G. ‘83, ‘91 and John E. Hopkins ‘83
Jacobs Music
Eric F. Johnson
Kimberly S. and Jeremy B. Justeson
Louise C. ‘63 and George T. Kellenberger
‘81, ‘93
Kemper Corporate Services
Anne Drennan and Gary Kohler
Carol and William C. Kreitz
Sue C. ‘62 and Uri Langer
Mary L. ‘73, ‘76 and James H. Laub
Darcy K. and Richard J. Lettieri
Joseph C. Lloyd ‘06
Linda S. ‘71 and John C. Lundy
Patricia A. ‘68 and Richard G. Lyons ‘69
Sharon C. Lyter
Debra and Anthony R. Maiatico ‘76
Francia B. Marshall
Billie Jane and Lewis B. Maul ‘56
Patricia D. Mavreles ‘68
Barry M. Mayberry
Karen S. McClincey
Barbara and William J. McHale ‘52
Mary E. Mellinger
Miriam ‘48 and John A. Mengel ‘49
Metropolitan Life Foundation
Donna M. ‘75 and Joseph Metzger
Louis R. Monica
Catherine and William T. Morecraft ‘69
Charlotte O. ‘60 and Donald L. Moyer
Traci and Kenneth Murgia ‘85
Mary B. and Christopher M. Murphy ‘95
Elaine L. and Robert A. Muschlitz ‘65
Jane M. Nester ‘81
Norfolk Southern Corp.
Richard L. Orwig
Sandra B. ‘65 and George F. Post
PPL Corporation
Joseph C. Price ‘90
Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts
Beatrice M. Rabenold ‘49
Adrian A. ‘85 and Walter Rector
Ann and Robert D. Regan ‘65
Renee L. Roberts ‘79
Debbie and Kevin N. Rock ‘79
Janice D. ‘87 and James Ruland
Thomas F. Schantz ‘66
Julie ‘82 and John E.P. Schmoyer ‘80
Darlene M. and Herb Schoenly
Linda and Ken W. Seidel ‘79
Miriam S. Smith ‘49
Donna L. Snyder ‘83
Patricia M. ‘81 and Tim E. Snyder ‘82
Donald E. Spahr
Mr. Ronald L. Spickler
Bernice J. ‘98 and Ronald R. Steigerwalt ‘65
Martha and Robert E. Sterling
Anita M. ‘67 and John Stevens
Stevens & Lee
STV Architects
Marjorie J. Szoke ‘66
Selma W. Thomson
Tyco Electronics
Tyco International Inc.
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard and Joan Varacallo
Pamela Vargas and Carlos Vargas-Aburto
Peter Velcofsky
Vynecrest Vineyards and Winery
Ann Zimmerman Wenrich
West Side Hammer Electric
Mary E. and Samuel D. Westmoreland
‘66, ‘71
Sandy S. ‘77 and Craig E. White ‘78
Dorothy and William T. Wiggins ‘63
Joan and Frank Wolfgang
Michele S. Yarnall ‘81 and David Palmer
Hariklia F. ‘57 and Christ Zervanos
David J. Adamczyk ‘96
Susan and JR Aguila ‘82
Patricia A. ‘73 and Jonathan Ahrens
Dom V. Albanese ‘55
Ellen Andes
Linda and Dale R. Angstadt ‘67
APM Incorporated
*denotes deceased
Maria Asteriadou
Carol and Thomas Bailey
Susan C. ‘63 and Eugene M. Baldwin ‘62
George H. Baldwin *
Stephanie A. ‘76 and Michael A. Bauer
Mary E. ‘82 and Robert W. Beideman
Phyllis K. ‘70 and Bruce D. Beitler ‘70
Molly A. and Charles J. Bergh
Victoria R. Bieber ‘66
Nancy A. ‘73 and Charles L. Blatnik
Irene C. Blatt ‘52
Boeing Gift Matching Program
Linda D. ‘10 and Gerald Bowen
Karen L. ‘69, ‘72 and Richard Braucher
Corinna K. ‘92 and Andy Breault
Caroline M. ‘84 and Robert W. Browne ‘84
Lawrence L. Buffaloe ‘85
Patricia A. and Matthew J. Busillo
Diane and Mark S. Campbell
Catherine A. and James A. Carpenter
Dawn Konnerth and Bruce E. Chapin ‘77
Harvey A. Clarke
Brenda A. and Joe Clarke
Joan B. ‘84 and Charles C. Cole
Colette L. and Jerry L. Coleman
Joan A. ‘57 and Donald Cowdrick
Vicki and John P. Cresswell ‘69
Elaine S. ‘61, ‘65 and Wade H. Cruse ‘61, ‘65
Cyberlogic Mid-Atlantic
Janine Davis
Barbara and Maxwell E. Davison
Laurel A. and John J. Delaney
Dianne ‘88 and David H. Delong
Shirley S. ‘51 and Paul Derr
Cheryl L. ‘73 and Keith A. DeVincentis ‘73
Fred G. Devlin
Riva J. ‘63, ‘76 and Anthony J. DiCintio ‘64, ‘69
Nancy and Fredrick L. Dillen ‘64
Kathleen A. ‘68 and George Dolgos
Suzanne L. ‘69 and John E. Domalakes
EB Consulting LLC
Darla J. ‘02 and Neil Eisenhard
Mary Beth F. ‘87, ‘92 and John R. Eltringham
Michael J. Emerick ‘84
Martha and Frederick Endy ‘71, ‘84
Lorri F. and Del Engstrom
Nancy F. ‘60 and Edward R. Erdman ‘60
Ruth M. ‘56 and Forrest Fenstermaker
Fleetwood Area Baseball Assoc Inc.
Sharon A. ‘69 and Donald L. Foellner ‘71
Kathy and James R. Fosbenner ‘75
R. Mitchell Freed
Katherine M. Fridirici ‘77, ‘87
Donna L. Fried ‘68
Ellen L. and Charles M. Gallagher ‘00
Peggy L. and Philip L. Garrett
Carol A. ‘63 and James V. Gearhart
Patricia A. Geiger ‘87
Wendy A. ‘72 and Craig J. Ghessi ‘74
Goodwin Memorial Baptist Church
Janet E. ‘74 and John W. Gosnell
Patricia A. Governale
Stacy ‘89 and Peter A. Gray ‘86
Patricia and Gary E. Grimes ‘73
Martha A. and R. Jeff Grimm
Margaret A. Hamilton ‘59
John R. Hartman ‘87
Steven Head ‘79
Rebecca L. ‘73 and Lee S. Heffner ‘69
Adelaide R. ‘73 and Gregory Heist
Mary Ellen M. and Robert C. Heller ‘81
Sheila M. Hickey ‘90
Grace M. ‘96, ‘99 and John Hill
Barbara and Robert C. Hillegas ‘68
Valerie and Matthew W. Hoffman
Shirley and Lytle G. Horting ‘50
Hoss’s Restaurant Operations Inc.
Pamela R. ‘78 and John E. Hults ‘79
Veirdre Ridgley-Jackson and Roger J.
Jackson ‘90
Jocelyn C. Johnson
Laura S. ‘73, ‘90 and Wayne R. Kauffman ‘70
Dena L. and Thomas E. Kauffman ‘92
Patricia Kelleher
Janet E. ‘76 and Mark Keough
Mary J. Ketner ‘68
Nayana and Jason W. Ketter ‘05
Nancy A. Kostas ‘67
Michelle A. Krehely ‘05
Beatryce F. Kreiner ‘66
Deborah J. ‘70 and Donald T. Kremer
KU Graduate Org. of Bands
David F. Kunkle ‘94
Kutztown Tavern
George H. Landes ‘53
M. Jane and Robert Lauser ‘63
Sharon L. ‘87 and W. Thomas Lees ‘85
Mary M. ‘57 and Robert L. Leight ‘59
Patricia E. and Donald F. Lesher ‘59
Leslie G. ‘77 and Clair L. Long ‘78
Alda and Burton W. Longenbach ‘49
JoAnn K. ‘59 and Robert D. Loose ‘57
Catherine and James R. Lorah ‘84
Diane and Kevin N. Lorah ‘81
Christine R. Lottes
Stephanie ‘87 and Christopher M. Lubben ‘
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur
Barbara J. ‘63 and Thomas Madden
Brandy C. Madonna ‘03
Carolyn I. and Jerry Malanga
Lisa Di Angelis and Robert V. Malavet ‘84
Eleanor H. ‘64 and George Markt
Felicia E. ‘92, ‘96 and Larry McAllister ‘93
Scott J. McCullough
McGraw-Hill Companies Community Partners
Marjorie E. ‘60 and James P. McMann
Anita M. Meehan and Richard E. Mulstay
Susan E. ‘73 and Salvadore A. Messina ‘62
Mary P. ‘84 and Kevin G. Meyer
Marilyn J. ‘64 and Brooke Miller
Marjorie A. ‘63, ‘67 and Leonard Miller
Phyllis A. ‘66 and Robert Miller
Diane R. ‘63 and Walter Mills
Tammi L. ‘95 and Randy Minix
Sandra M. ‘60 and Larry Moyer
Jay H. Moyer ‘91
Lynn A. ‘76 and Michael E. Nagel ‘77
Patricia D. and Terrell S. Nale
Christopher A. Nelis ‘10
Mary D. and Daniel P. Neuenschwander
April Moreno and Bruce H. Newton ‘71
Vivian C. and John P. Nikkanen
Helene H. Zeller ‘63 and Thomas D. Ott ‘53
Judith and Bruce A. Palmer ‘79
Michael Panasiuk
Andrew T. Perkins ‘07, ‘08
Linda A. ‘74 and Douglas R. Petri ‘72
Carlos L. Peyton ‘68
Judith L. ‘73 and John Phelps
Laura and Michael J. Pladus ‘80
Kathleen M. ‘84 and Robert C. Plata ‘85
Damon Podulka ‘85
Carissa A. Pokorny Golden and Kyle Golden
Richard Sanderson and James T. Ponticelli ‘61
Stephen D. Powell ‘89
*denotes deceased
Doris R. Reidenhour ‘73
Judith ‘64, ‘70 and Thomas Reitz
Ellen ‘81 and Michael W. Ressler ‘81
Brenda S. ‘92 and Peter Ringer
Russell T. Rober
Alys M. ‘73 and John Robertson
Linda M. and Edward R. Roche
Christine J. ‘89 and Kenneth Rodemann
Loretta U. Rogers ‘54
Doris A. and Walter D. Rohr ‘62
Suzanne Romano
Amy S. and Terry Rothermel
Robert D. Ruhe ‘05, ‘08
Karla A. Rupp ‘04
Sabre Holdings
Cynthia A. ‘84 and John L. Saylor ‘84
Kathryn C. ‘64, ‘67 and Nelson L. Schaeffer ‘64
Yvonne and Curtis I. Schappell ‘73
Hope S. Schlegel Thorne ‘67, ‘72 and Raymond
A. Thorne ‘68
Barbara S. ‘62 and Donald Schlosser
Monica L. Schmidt
Etta and Roger Schmidt
Kim M. ‘77, ‘82 and John Schroeder
Randall L. Schwartz ‘63, ‘70
Glenn R. Sell ‘70
Debra A. Serfass ‘78
Katherine A. Shaw ‘69
Anna M. and Francis J. Sienko
Kristen A. Simons ‘89, ‘95
Kathryn L. ‘63 and Richard Smith
Gary L. Smith ‘74
Nicole M. Snyder ‘95, ‘99
Carol and Edward W. Solderich ‘74
Joyce and Franz A. Sprenger ‘61
Doris S. Stapleton ‘86
State Farm Companies Fndn.
Harvey G. Stengel ‘62. ‘66
Carey E. ‘90, ‘99 and Kenneth R. Steward ‘88, ‘92
Eileen E. ‘70, ‘75 and Richard Stinson
Nancy and John W. Stirling ‘70
Raymond J. Strednak ‘84
Margaret L. ‘66 and Kenneth Swanstrom
John J. Tauber ‘74
Colleen and Rodolfo P. Tellez ‘99
Barbara G. ‘76 and Clifford Towson
Kenneth E. Trefsger ‘69
Valerie Trollinger
Mr. and Mrs. William & Emily Troutman
Kristine M. and Michael B. Tufarolo
Kenneth R. Umbenhauer ‘62
Maryann L. and Pasquale A. Valerio
The Vanguard Group, Inc.
Cora Belle A. ‘57 and Harold von Colln
Cindy and David D. Wagaman ‘80
Joanne M. ‘65 and Gerald D. Wagner
Amy R. Wahl ‘00
Margaret Waibel and John D. Scott
John S. Walker
Andrea D. ‘95 and William S. Watson ‘97
Marie B. Weidenhammer ‘55
Lauren Weiss
David E. Weller ‘95
Wells Fargo Foundation Educational Matching
Gifts Program
Maura L. Wesner ‘68
Virginia L. and Gary D. Williams ‘73
Jean A. ‘63, ‘67 and Rudolf Winkler
Debra ‘91 and Andrew A. Winter ‘88
Wise Physical Therapy LLC
Patricia K. and Burton O. Witthuhn ‘56
Patricia A. Wolfe ‘81
Sylvia E. ‘57, ‘79 and Robert F. Wolff ‘55
Bettyann Woyewoda ‘64
Rebecca L. Zehner ‘63
380 Lacrosse
Marlene Chiarelli A. Actis-Grande ‘74
Stacy and Joel T. Adam ‘94
Aetna Foundation Inc.
Catherine F. ‘72 and Edward Ahart
Patricia L. ‘73 and Robert Albers
Cory J. Alderfer ‘79
Dennis Allen
Michelle A. Allmer ‘89
Susan E. ‘72 and Manuel Amante
Jane M. Slivko-Ament ‘82 and George D.
Ament ‘82
Karen and Timothy M. Anderson
Andersons, Inc.
Mark G. Angeny ‘79
Erma S. Angstadt ‘45
Anonymous (7)
Nancy and Timothy C. Anspach ‘78
Nancy and Joseph G. Aponick ‘81
Ann M. ‘63 and Harold Arbo
Antoinette L. and James J. Arcuri ‘76
Robin J. ‘84 and David Arcus
Ruth L. ‘56 and John Armbruster
Carrie Arnold
Carroll S. Arnold ‘55, ‘68
S. Jane Arntz ‘70 and Theodore Del Donno
Cheryl A. ‘72 and Patrick J. Ashcroft
Jennifer S. ‘82 and Douglass Asral
Automotive Service, Inc.
Helen E. ‘69 and William E. Ayers ‘71
Loretta M. ‘66 and Walter Bachman
Betty Jane and Donald D. Bachman
Judith A. ‘67 and Russell Baer
Dzintra V. ‘60 and Andrejs Baidins
Betsy A. ‘63 and John Bailey
Grace W. Bailey ‘49
Maryanne L. Baker ‘89
Joseph F. Baker ‘69
Lisa and Scott A. Baker ‘85
Roberta M. ‘69 and Richard Baldwin
Stanley F. Banas ‘52
Thomas D. Bancroft ‘70
Bank of America Foundation
Nancy L. Barcelona
Teresa A. and Brett C. Barcelona
Diana ‘62 and Ralph M. Barker ‘63
Jennifer Baro
Deborah A. Barrett ‘66
Marianne C. Barrett ‘73 and Raymond
Diane E. Barrie ‘89
Jane M. and Jere C. Batten ‘73
Sharon and Richard C. Baumbach
Timothy M. Bausher ‘03
Carolyn M. Bazik ‘81
Linda ‘70 and John R. Beazley ‘72
Adrienne R. ‘64, ‘68 and Robert Beck
Amy and David C. Beck ‘83
Barbara A. ‘66 and Charles Becker
Nancy I. ‘78 and Bruce M. Becker
Ginger R. ‘93 and James M. Beenders ‘93
Lorraine S. ‘70 and Bob Bell
Michelle R. Benedict ‘93
Jane and Dale D. Benninger ‘70
Joseph S. Bentz ‘03
Kim and George F. Beodeker
Deborah H. ‘74 and Sylvester Beozzo
Robert K. Beretsky ‘84
*denotes deceased
Annie and David E. Berfield ‘64
Darlene A. ‘87 and Jerry Berk
Cheryl I. Berkenstock
Joan M. Betz ‘44
Josephine M. Betz ‘49
Michele J. ‘02, ‘06 and David Biehl
June E. Biery
Marianne F. Biery ‘70
Jean Biggar ‘74
Vasileki C. ‘59 and Charles Birrell
Patricia S. ‘54 and Robert Bisbing
Judith L. Bitler ‘71
Leslie ‘82 and James P. Bitler ‘80
Barbara G. and Anthony D. Biuso
Cheryl E. Black
The Black Horse Foundation Inc.
Lorraine M. ‘96, ‘01 and Matthew Blanski
Warren J. Blatt ‘50, ‘65
Randi L. Blauth ‘00
Marjorie M. Blum
Karen M. and Joseph P. Bogus ‘72
Alfred Bolinsky ‘51
Barbara A. ‘64 and Kenneth Bollinger
Margaret A. ‘67 and Edward J. Boner ‘68
Lynne ‘63, ‘68 and Dennis Bonser ‘63
Carolyln and Morell D. Boone ‘64
Karen M. and Richard A. Bopp
David A. Borden ‘03
Patricia E. ‘63 and Neal E. Bossert
Ruth and Calvin A. Bossler ‘49
Alison M. and James R. Botti
Lynda and James R. Boulden ‘86
Robbert Bouselli
Georgine and Patrick D. Bowe ‘74
Nancy J. ‘70 and Roger D. Bowman ‘68
Sonya A. ‘98 and Curt A. Boyer ‘97
Dennis L. Boyer ‘74
Elizabeth C. Burtelow and James J.
Boyer ‘76
Barbara and Richard J. Boyer ‘56
Ward E. Boyer ‘82
Carol A. Bradley ‘65, ‘66
Barbara and Robert L. Bradley ‘52
Jeromy T. Brantner ‘02
Paulette J. Braucher-Watton ‘69
Lori J. and James A. Breish ‘90
Dorothy R. ‘61 and James J. Brett ‘62
Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation
Elizabeth D. ‘97 and Scott T. Brown
Kathleen C. Brown ‘46
Helen C. and C. Merrill Brown
Denise M. ‘76 and Richard A. Brown ‘81, ‘86
Martha A. ‘74 and Randall Brubaker
William A. Brucker ‘74
Catherine E. ‘57 and Thomas L. Brunner ‘62
Mary Lou and Christ J. Bucolo ‘53
Deborah M. Budd ‘77
Anna M. ‘37 and Edward V. Burchill ‘39
Jeanette G. ‘54 and Jay Burkert
Susan J. ‘83 and Philip Burlingame
Jean S. Burns ‘51
Patrica M. Burt
Renne D. and Laurence C. Burt
Sherry Pyle and Norman D. Butts ‘68
Theresa A. Cabeza
Rachel E. ‘92 and David Caldwell
Ruth Z. Calvo ‘52
Barbara H. ‘67 and Thomas Campbell
Terry E. ‘75 and James N. Campbell
Gregory J. Campisi ‘96
Andrea and Stephen M. Canfield ‘83
Dale Carl
Debra A. ‘85 and Patrick Carlin ‘83
Lee Mei M. Carroll
Bala and Earl C. Carver ‘78
Pamela Cason
Crystal L. ‘03 and Bill Casteel
Anna E. and Joseph Catenacci
Diana L. and Robert Cella
Hilda J. and Donald E. Chapman
Patricia L. Charlesworth ‘95
Carol A. Chase ‘73
Linda M. ‘66 and Thomas D. Check ‘59
Janice Chernekoff and Jayne R. Brown
Jeanne C. Cheston ‘63, ‘66
Susan M. Chialastri
Dorothy K. and Augustine J. Chialastri
Gregg M. Chialastri
Rosalyn A. and John S. Cimbalista
Rita J. ‘65 and Anthony J. Cipriano ‘65
Clariant Corporation
John T. Clements ‘06
Miriam E. Cline
Jane A. ‘96 and J. Scott Clinton
Theresa and Mark Clow
Bernard L. Coates
John S. Coco ‘78
Margaret S. ‘44 and Milton Coleman
College Town Bakeries LLC
Maria D. Collette ‘73, ‘81
Erwin Colon ‘84
Comfort Keepers, Inc.
Patricia F. ‘76, ‘82 and Thomas J. Conboy
‘77, ‘81
Carl F. Constein ‘42
Judith A. Cooper ‘71, ‘75
Pamela S. ‘89 and Bruce A. Cope ‘89
Diane E. Costa
Maureen R. Costello ‘81, ‘92
Jacquelyn and Michael P. Costello
Daniel P. Covert ‘07
Margaret M. and Thomas P. Coyle
Ruth Cranage ‘77
Mary L. Creadick ‘50
Susan D. ‘73 and Samuel H. Creyer ‘74, ‘87
Cherie L. Crosby ‘95
Raymond Crouse ‘82
Elaine L. Crovelli ‘75
Mary E. CruDane ‘83
Suzanne T. Crump ‘92
Joan R. ‘53 and Otto Crumroy
Steven J. Cubellis ‘85
Agnes Cupido
Kristin R. Cupido ‘11
Linda V. ‘65 and Richard Curran
Elaine A. Cusatis-Lupco ‘77 and John J. Lupco
Margaret R. Cutshall ‘40
Jodi L. ‘86 and Hervine A. DaCosta ‘88
Sandra A. ‘60 and Joseph Dahle
Brian Dalphon
Halina Danchenko ‘68 and Frank Bishop
Lynette J. ‘75 and Thomas Daniels
Phyllis and Rodney J. Daniels ‘64
Sharon J. ‘66 and Danny Danley
Marietta T. Dantonio-Madsen ‘75
Nicholas P. D’Archangelo ‘93
Nancy A. ‘51 and J. Richard D’Ardenne
Tara and Joshua A. Daub ‘94
Shirley A. Dautrich ‘86 and Charles Schell
Erma E. Davidson
Judy L. ‘80, ‘84 and David A. Davies ‘78
Sally A. ‘67, ‘71 and John E. Davis ‘67
Ronald C. Dawkins ‘96
Marie F. Deach ‘46
Denise M. and David J. Deckard
Carolyn A. ‘75 and Joseph DeFalco
Jolene M. Degler ‘84
Joan E. and Bernhard E. Deichmann
*denotes deceased
Paul F. Deisher
Mary and Francis R. Deitrich ‘49
Linda and Michael F. Del Pozzo ‘60
Jill C. DeLong ‘72
Camille M. DeMarco ‘81, ‘01 and John
Eleanor J. ‘63 and Robert M. Demkovitz ‘72
Mary E. ‘65 and Donald Denick
Constance P. Dent
Ada E. ‘50 and John Derr
Rebecca C. Desmond ‘61
Noel J. DeSousa ‘82
Dawn E. and Robert W. DeStefano
Cheryl and Anthony R. Deutsch
Joyce J. ‘68 and Richard J. Devaney ‘69
Timothy B. Dewalt ‘82
Myrna E. ‘97 and Barry Diamond
Patricia M. ‘89 and Michael DiChristofaro
Riva J. ‘63, ‘76 and Anthony J. DiCintio ‘64, ‘69
Stacie and David E. Dickey
Rita F. ‘67 and Danny Diefenderfer ‘67
Shirley L. Dieffenbach ‘41
Gerald R. Diehl
Mary W. Diehm ‘75
Renee L. ‘59 and Bruce L. Dietrich ‘60
Kerry L. Dietrich ‘81
Eleanor A. ‘92 and Daniel Dileo
Lois K. Dilliard ‘78
Carolyn M. ‘66 and William Dillon
Vicki M. Dissinger ‘83
Diana J. and Raymond J. Distasio
Joan and Stephen M. Ditsky ‘59
Diversified Piping Inc.
David W. Doaty ‘69
Marian R. ‘55 and Steven Dola
Janet L. Dolan
Karen L. and William L. Donahue
Sandra and F. Mark D’Onofrio
Cynthia L. ‘86 and Rick A. Dover ‘85
Mariann L. ‘94 and Thomas P. Dowd
Elizabeth A. ‘71 and Michael Dower
Christen J. Downey ‘90
Eleanor A. and Bernard E. Driscoll
Elizabeth P. and Bernard E. Driscoll
Megan E. Dubrowski ‘06
Heidi M. Duckworth ‘96
Bonnie ‘71 and Ronald Due
Grace J. ‘83 and Thomas Dulski
Linda M. ‘82 and James Dunbar
Donna ‘62 and Ronald C. Dunkelberger ‘60
Donna M. Dunning ‘73
East Coast Storage LLC
Barbara A. ‘78 and John M. Eastman ‘78
Lois S. Ebbert
Sandy and Ronald S. Eberle ‘70
Barbara and Jeffrey C. Ebert ‘71
Bobbetta ‘98, ‘04 and John R. Edwards
Nancy Edwards
Shirley E. Edwards ‘84
Bobbetta ‘98, ‘04 and John R. Edwards
Carmela S. ‘59 and Richard Elsley
Ruthann J. ‘60 and Raymond W. Ely ‘60
Robert Ensminger
Denise and John Ensslin
Beth K. ‘71 and Douglas Eppinger
Rosalyn J. Evans ‘60
Susan and Richard D. Evans ‘54
Dorothy L. Eyer ‘70
Naomi B. ‘75 and Joseph S. Falchek
Marcia L. Farber ‘65
André J. Fatula ‘58
Jean Alice G. Fehr ‘47
Lori A. Feidler
Marjorie and Stanley Felkner
Linda and Philip A. Ferrante ‘73
Jean L. Finch ‘80
Finit Solutions
Donna J. Fink ‘70
Heather A. ‘91 and Jeff Finn
Sallie C. ‘59 and David R. Fischl ‘61
Brian S. Fisher ‘92
Eileen S. and Jan J. Fisher ‘74
Patricia K. ‘71 and David Fleming
Kathryn M. Flexer ‘66
FM Global
Rebecca J. Folk Lengel ‘52 and Norman Lengel
Barbara and Joseph R. Foster ‘66
Alton Fox
Denise and Raymond A. Fox ‘71
Darrel Frank
William G. Frank
Megan A. ‘89, ‘93 and Aaron Frantz
Pamela J. ‘67 and Frederick L. Freed ‘66
Kim and Scott Fremont
Jan ‘75 and Raymond French
Sally L. ‘85, ‘92 and Jeff French
Michele F. ‘76 and Landis Frey
Ruth P. Frey ‘48
Jacqueline and Sterling O. Frey ‘62
Belle M. and Terry L. Frey
David S. Freytag ‘58
Mary E. ‘58 and Eugene Fritz
Joanna G. ‘58 and William B. Fryer
Kathryn A. ‘76 and Charles L. Fuller
Denice J. ‘70 and Kenneth Fulmer
Margaret A. Fulton ‘81
Megan A. Fulton-Zinni
Raine L. and Jeffrey P. Fussner ‘85
G Bingemann Electric LLC
E. Margaret Gabel ‘50
Joanne E. ‘69, ‘99 and Kenneth R. Gabel
Judith K. ‘77 and Jim Gaffney
Mary Galetto
Louis J. Galetto
Melissa A. ‘79, ‘84 and William Gallagher
Rachel F. and Steven J. Galli
Janice A. ‘71 and L. David Garman
Julie A. Garman ‘97
Beth and Herbert E. Garritt ‘71
Amelia A. and Mark A. Gaspari
Lisa J. Gass ‘76
Cynthia Gaston
Michele Gaston
Linda A. and Jeffrey L. Geist
Patricia B. Genet ‘91
Mariano M. Genovese ‘56
Caroline E. and Don M. Gergel ‘77
Maria R. ‘68 and John Gerhard
Connie K. Gerhart ‘79
Sally A. ‘64 and William Getchell
Danielle ‘70 and Robert L. Gilly ‘70
Carolyn V. ‘38 and Charles Glick
Anthony J. Glory ‘75
Jane and Gerard J. Gober ‘88
Grace K. and Bruce M. Goeringer
Amber D. ‘86 and Russell Gofus
Julia K. Gogle ‘02
Pelagie J. and Thomas Golden
Barbara L. ‘66 and Charles H. Goodwin
Howard Gordon
Mary E. ‘52 and Herbert Goss
Margaret and Jerome S. Gottschalk ‘62
Laura J. Graber ‘03
Grand Lodge of PA Sons of Italy
Kenneth D. Gray ‘95
Anna M. Greenawalt ‘49
Elizabeth L. ‘61 and Allen E. Greenawalt ‘59
Mary J. and Thomas W. Greene
*denotes deceased
Patricia and Timothy W. Greene
Timothy C. Greusel ‘77
Charleen ‘72 and Howard W. Gribben ‘71
Judith F. ‘69 and Robert W. Griesemer
Cynthia and John K. Griffith ‘68
June B. Griffiths ‘84
Audrey H. ‘49 and Jim Grim
Robert J. Grim ‘63
Arlene M. ‘46 and John Gross
John H. Gross
Laura Grossi-Tyson and Jeffrey Tyson
Elizabeth J. and Mark A. Grossmann
Fran and Richard Guastadisegni ‘84
Christine B. and Ronald E. Guss ‘72
Patricia A. ‘54 and Buster A. Guth ‘63
Nancy P. and H. W. Haase
Scott R. Hackman ‘82
Nancy and Craig D. Hafer ‘00
James H. Hain ‘64
Elizabeth A. ‘69 and Paul Haley
Jane E. ‘78 and Thomas E. Hallman ‘76
Emily K. Hamm ‘00, ‘05
Bernice F. and Joseph J. Hammel ‘53
William C. Hankee ‘73
Melissa A. ‘96 and Michael Hansford
Janis and Arthur P. Harrington ‘65
James S. Harris ‘74
Katieanne M. ‘64 and Roland Harrison
Roy W. Hart ‘72
Hartford Financial Services Group
Brenda A. Hartman ‘69, ‘73
Melissa A. Hartman ‘87 and Anthony Young
Gayle H. ‘59, ‘83 and William Hartstein
Beverly and Donald Hartzell
Karen and Dan Hartzell ‘73
Justine A. Hasker
Patricia and David C. Hause ‘72
Teena and Everett M. Haycock ‘48
Dina M. Hayduk
Edward A. Hayduk
Randy K. Heaton
Heatwaves LTD
Jody M. Heberlig ‘84
Phyllis and Michael P. Hechinger ‘73
Douglas Heck
Sylvia A. ‘56 and Willis K. Heckler
Nancy and Dallas H. Heckman ‘69
Ruth Jean and David R. Heffner ‘64
Marie R. and Harold L. Hehr ‘48
Karen M. Heiland ‘10
M. Irene H. Heiland ‘45
Lucinda and Raymond O. Heimbach
Louise B. Held
Jean D. ‘54 and Joseph J. Helfrick
Lori J. ‘94 and Stephen S. Helms ‘03
Marilyn J. Helwig ‘59
Judy L. ‘69 and Dale Henne
Kathleen ‘92 and Kevin Herber
Jane and Jeffrey R. Herman ‘81, ‘99
Debra K. Hermany ‘80
Maria and Richard Hernandez
Timothy S. Herring ‘77
Phyllis A. ‘69 and Craig M. Hershock ‘68
Kay and Paul F. Hertzog ‘67
Christopher J. Hess
Keith Hess ‘78, ‘87
Joann and Roger D. Hibbs
Tammy N. and Philip K. Higgins
Highmark Caring Foundation
Daniel E. Hinkel ‘82
Anna Louise E. Hinkle ‘53
Gail R. ‘74 and John W. Hixson ‘77
Patricia A. ‘59 and G. Durrell Hollenbach ‘59
Theresa W. and B. Kirk Holman
Martha L. and Carson Holman
Brian Holmes ‘81
Sandra and Carl J. Holmgren
Charla G. ‘70 and Frederick W. Holtz ‘70
Jack A. Hommer ‘68
Jean A. Horlacher ‘53
Jean U. ‘99 and Barry Hornberger
Nancy J. Horvat ‘10
Sandra F. and Michael J. Horvath
William R. Host ‘74
Shirley Ann and Bruce C. Hoyer ‘61
Jane E. ‘91, ‘98 and Michael Hudak
Catherine Huegler ‘03
Peter B. Huey ‘85
Stephanie Douglas-Hughes and Marc S.
Hughes ‘83
Robert J. Hughes ‘69
Joyce and Gary Hummel
Carol J. ‘64 and Bruce E. Hunsberger ‘65
Keith B. Hunter ‘84
Claire A. ‘71 and Ronald Huntington
Kim and Bradford D. Huntington ‘89
Sun Hwang
PeggySue ‘71 and Fred Hyle
Frances W. ‘70 and Thomas J. Hylton ‘70
Joan M. ‘68 and Michael A. Iacocca ‘68
IESI PA Bethlehem Landfill
Rita Iezzi
Emile G. Ilchuk ‘59
Linda A. and Santi F. Imbesi
IMS Health Inc.
Anne Marie L. and John D. Inglis
Brenda E. ‘77 and Gerard G. Innocenti
Philip Irwin
Gail M. ‘77 and William Jackson
Jacquelyn and David Jaindl
Tammy K. Jandrasitz ‘98
Kimberley A. ‘87 and James Jennings
Donna ‘93 and Robert Jenny
Joyce I. ‘73 and Al V. Jeuell
Dolores A. ‘74, ‘07 and Jeffrey J. Johns ‘73
Dolores J. ‘69 and Joel Johnson
Eileen ‘71 and James E. Johnson
Marianne M. ‘79 and Dave S. Johnson
Barry Johnson
Mark A. Cohen and Martin W. Johnson ‘69
Janet S. and Robert E. Johnson ‘84
Aaron T. Jones
Lorraine S. ‘56 and Donald E. * Jones ‘56
Patricia A. ‘68 and Kenneth Jordan
Patricia G. ‘88 and Mark C. Jurgensen ‘88
Carol A. ‘69 and Ivan J. Jurin ‘72
Mary Jane and Alex Jusefowytsch
Judith L. ‘68 and Steven Jushchyshyn
Karen A. Kahle ‘06
Kathleen M. Kahler
Pamela A. ‘99 and Stephen Kalamar
Kathleen A. Kaminski
Margaret E. and Leo R. Kane
Dorothy C. Kantner ‘41, ‘44
George J. Kanupka ‘01, ‘09
Melissa M. ‘00, ‘05 and Michael Karas
Sandra R. Karlson ‘62
Naomi H. ‘86 and S. Duane Kauffman
Cynthia and Philip P. Kauffman ‘69
Karen E. Kaufmann ‘86
Clinton E. Kehres
Marcia F. and John Keiser
Phoebe N. ‘79 and Mark Kelleher
Louise C. ‘63 and George T. Kellenberger ‘81, ‘93
Charlene L. ‘89 and Woody Keller
Kristi S. Robbins ‘00, ‘08 and David M. Keller ‘92
Phyllis and Bryan S. Kemmerer ‘64
Mary A. ‘59 and Henry N. Kensinger ‘57
*denotes deceased
Elizabeth B. ‘58 and Richard Kern
Judith H. ‘60 and Randy Kern
Amy E. and Timothy E. Kern ‘86
Gene Kershner
Mary Ellen ‘65 and David Keys
Mahfuzul F. Khondaker
Constance and James A. Killian ‘56
John Kinder
Pam Tracy and John C. Kinsky ‘68
Michael R. Kistler ‘86
Mary S. Kittel ‘94 *
Shelly M. Klassen and Kevin Kjos
Colleen D. Kleege ‘90
Francine F. ‘68 and Lee Klein
Michele D. Kline ‘88, ‘95
Sue A. Kline ‘73
Scott D. Kline ‘94
Martha and Michael J. Klinger ‘72
Dolores J. ‘61 and Larry Klipple
Sally G. Knappenberger
Kiersten L. ‘95 and John F. Knecht ‘95
Laura and Martin F. Knell ‘80
Winifred L. Knight ‘78
Carolyn Knittle ‘73
Nancy J. ‘54 and Murry W. Knoblauch
Beverley B. ‘60 and David H. Knoebel
Sheree-Lee S. Knorr ‘78, ‘88
Marianne and John K. Knox ‘80
Maryhelen ‘75 and Stanley Kobylarz
Cindy J. ‘79, ‘94 and Ronald F. Koch ‘78
Kay F. and Lester C. Koch
Marlene G. ‘63 and Barry Koehler
Mary Jane and Allen M. Koehler ‘55
Elizabeth J. ‘57 and Eugene S. Kohan ‘63
Lenore E. ‘65, ‘67 and Claude E. Kohl
John Kolcun
Christine L. Kolenut ‘07
Kelly M. Kostanesky ‘01
Elaine S. Kozlowski ‘57
Kraft Foods Matching Gifts Program
Joanne L. ‘60 and Harold Krall
Diana Montgomery and Brett E. Krasnov ‘77
Patricia A. and Philip Kratowicz
Janet M. Kratzer ‘49
Bernadette and Robert J. Kratzer ‘72
Mary I. ‘64, ‘70 and Robert W. Kreisher
K’town Pub
Kathleen M. ‘57 and John Kuczala
Monica and Peter J. Kuebler ‘66
Kathleen A. Kulhamer ‘74
Debby and Thomas S. Kulp ‘90
Carol and Joseph A. Kuronyi ‘65
Kathryn L. Kuzo ‘96, ‘02 and Bernard Selvey
Katherine K. ‘84 and John LaLime
Carla D. Langdon ‘75
Cynthia M. Lantang ‘75
Clara and David C. Lantz ‘68
Heidi M. and Tor F. Larson
Eileen P. ‘77 and Gary G. Lash ‘76
Jennifer and Ronald Lasher
Nancy H. ‘75 and Stephen J. Latanision
Marie C. ‘68 and Raymond A. Lauer
Eileen M. ‘79 and Richard Lavagno
Shirley and Peter Lawall ‘62
Lorraine K. Lease ‘53
Mary C. ‘67 and Ronald Leeper
Elizabeth and Bryan H. Leese ‘93
Vicki L. ‘75 and Thomas J. Legath ‘75
Carol S. Leh ‘79
Mary M. ‘57 and Robert L. Leight ‘59
Diane E. ‘55 and Bruce Lercher
Caroline F. ‘65 and Stanley Leroy
Mary K. ‘61 and Arthur Lesh
Elizabeth A. Lesher ‘70, ‘73
Wanda T. Lesko ‘64
Lauren M. ‘10 and Patrick Lesniak
Sandra L. Levan ‘73
Amy D. Levesque-Stafford ‘98
Patricia A.H. ‘65 and John Levy
Nancy E. ‘83 and George C. Lewis
Alice E. ‘93, ‘00 and Howard Lieberman ‘99, ‘04
Donna J. and Anthony L. Liott
Vincent R. Liott ‘05
Charlene N. Liske
Carol A. ‘72 and D. Little
Karen M. London ‘75, ‘99 and David Blum
Linda E. ‘69 and Jack W. Long
Nancy E. ‘69 and D Craig Long
Margaret S. and Robert E. Long
Georgeann and Russell M. Long
Russell Long
Monica M. Losinno ‘96
Nancy J. Lounsbury ‘65 and Edward Graczyk
Lois M. ‘72 and William Lovejoy
Phyllis J. ‘54 and Richard C. Lovitz
Angela R. Lowe ‘00
Susan M. and Keith A. Lowery
Beverly A. Lufkin ‘65
Arlene J. ‘77, ‘90 and Richard M. Lund ‘74
Miriam E. Lutz ‘34, ‘49
Debbie and Michael F. Lutz ‘79
Shirley and Richard D. Lytle ‘48
Robert B. Mack ‘71
David M. Mackey ‘57
Robert P. Maclay ‘54
Suzanne M. ‘62 and William L. MacVicar
Candance A. ‘91 and Mark Maggioncalda
Anne Marie Maguire ‘71
Main Street Inn Bed & Breakfast
Linda ‘81 and George Malafarina ‘81
Gina F. Malandra ‘86 and Robert Hillner
James W. Malenda
Debra E. ‘80 and Bob Malley
Emmy H. ‘48 and Edwin Mandlavitz
Carol and Matthew R. Mangano ‘57
Elizabeth and Ramon A. Mantz ‘69
Linda L. Manwiller ‘72
Rosemary L. and Michael Mape
Kathy and Daniel E. Marakovits ‘73
Geraldine ‘74 and Richard E. Margin ‘73
Diane V. and Jason L. Marks ‘97
Michael J. Marone ‘11
Joan A. Marr ‘70
Patrick N. Marshall ‘75
Beth A. and Joel M. Marth
Brian E. Martin ‘73
Kathryn and John T. Martin ‘82
Heather and Nik L. Martin ‘95
Linda K. Martinez ‘72
Dolores A. Love and C. J. Martinez ‘80
Andrea J. ‘87, ‘92 and Gregg Marzano ‘87
Susan C. Mason ‘73
Denise M. ‘74, ‘83 and Ronald Matsko-Ensel
Debra J. ‘79 and William W. Matz
Alana J. Mauger ‘99 and Chris Reinke
Suzanne ‘69 and John M. Mauser ‘69
Donella G. ‘73 and Gary S. Mayo ‘72
Stephanie E. ‘77 and Robert Mays
John E. Mays *
Rosanne M. McCarty ‘66
Margaret M. McCormick
Barbara S. ‘55 and Richard McCumber
Theresa and Francis J. McGouldrick ‘73
Adam M. and Brianna K. McGregor
Claudia J. ‘80 and Michael McGuckin
Marianne F. ‘83 and Michael McGuire
Dorothy R. McKelvy ‘80
*denotes deceased
Rosanne McLaughlin
Patricia and Thomas McLaughlin
M. Padraig McLoughlin
Hugh M. McMahon ‘88
Skip R. McNeal ‘70
Mark McQuade
Kevin P. McQuaite ‘74
Elaine L. McQuillin ‘78
Brian P. Meares ‘07
Irene and Kermit R. Meck ‘69
Linda C. ‘70 and Michael Mee
Karen Meharra
Elizabeth B. and Carl R. Meinstereifel
Gloria J. and George M. Meiser ‘59
Lucia and Kerry L. Meitzler ‘96
Maria and James G. Mengel ‘68
Karen S. Merkel ‘88
Mary A. ‘68 and Charles J. Merlo ‘63
Lisa and Tim D. Mertz
Sharen and Harold Messer ‘65
Christine L. and Robert L. Metcalf ‘97
Mrs. Dorothy Meyer
Lorraine and Albert W. Mickel ‘59
Jo A. and Anthony Milbut ‘90
Angenette L. Miller
Cecelia A. ‘62 and Arthur R. Miller
Doris L. ‘46 and George Miller
Eileen L. Miller ‘81 and Thom Mangan
Rachael R. Miller ‘94
Susan A. Miller
Susan K. and Barry L. Miller ‘69
Bruce R. Miller ‘72
Donald R. Miller ‘62, ‘67
Cheryl and Gary N. Miller ‘76
Jean and J. Randall Miller ‘77
Rebecca N. and Ronald L. Miller ‘71, ‘75
Todd D. Miller ‘85
James Mink
Margaret R. ‘71 * and John P. Minnich ‘70
Patricia J. Miravich ‘91
Keri A. ‘89 and Martin J. Mittura ‘91
Mary A. ‘66 and Jeremiah C. Moll
Pier L. Monaco
Maryellen Monaghan ‘79
Frances K. ‘88 and William Moore
Pamela L. and Kenneth H. Moore ‘90
Joann L. Moore-Lightman ‘83
Anne F. Morahan ‘77
Rosemarie ‘58 and J Bruce Mordaunt
Catherine ‘70 and Ronald D. Mordosky ‘70
Bonnie L. and A. Brian Moyer ‘64
Jo-Ann L. ‘70 and Jeffrey L. Moyer ‘71
Nancy and Richard L. Moyer ‘73
Diane L. ‘78, ‘89 and Theodore M. Mucellin ‘76
Sally A. ‘72 and Ronald Muldoon
Carol A. ‘75 and Stephen Murphy
Michele Murphy ‘76
Patricia Murphy ‘76
Timothy W. Murphy ‘95
Laurie and Wayne Musial
Diane ‘67 and Edmund Myers
Gladys A. ‘60 and John Myers
Marian Myers Rembert
Nancy S. ‘73 and Douglas R. Nagle ‘72
Nancy A. Nahrgang ‘09
Ann and George W. Neff ‘56
Filomena ‘82 and David Nelson
Susan L. Nelson ‘74
New York Life Foundation
Barbara H. and Arnold Newman
Genevieve A. ‘71 and Daniel A. Nickischer ‘68
Janet M. Nikles-Mohring ‘78 and
Jeffrey Mohring
Dona L. ‘64 and William Nill ‘62
Ann Marie L. ‘97 and Steven C. Noecker ‘90
Diane and Thomas E. Noga ‘66
Kathleen and Chester Nowak
Marilyn A. Nye ‘69
Lawrence R. Oberly ‘71
Pat and Phillip Obley
Shirley R. O’Brien ‘68
Judith A. O’Connell-Lawes and Robert Lawes
Karen L. ‘70 and Larry Oesch
Omnova Solutions Foundation
Daniel E. O’Neill ‘90
Regina Oplinger ‘82
Charles J. Orem ‘59
Carol M. and Donald J. Orner ‘65
A. Durand Osborne ‘73
Colleen V. Painter
Jacqueline J. Palmer
Shirley and John K. Palmer
Emily M. Palmieri ‘79
Gregg J. Pambianco ‘09
Denise R. ‘72, ‘89 and Thomas Papay
ParenteBeard LLC
Roselyn J. ‘58 and Robert Parry
Anita Jo ‘82 and John Paukovits
Benjamin Payavis ‘86
Robin R. ‘83 and Leonard R. Payne
Margaret M. and Alvin J. Payne
Ann and John M. Peiffer ‘01
Heidemarie H. ‘71 and Harold Pennypacker
Joanne L. and Bernard A. Perch ‘67
Frank Peron ‘71
Barbara N. Peters ‘76 and Harry D. Eshleman
Stella and Edmund Peters
Deborah and Frank Peters
Ivy H. Peterson ‘53
Kimberly Petrosky
Victoria ‘82 and Donald S. Pettit ‘82
Lori and Keith A. Pfeiffer ‘85
Vera and Daniel L. Pflum ‘65
Mary E. Phillips ‘94
Jeanne L. ‘62 and Leonard Pichini
Laura J. ‘96 and Timothy E. Pickford ‘96
Elaine L. ‘62 and David Pierce
Marlene A. ‘65 and Kraig Piper
Ann and Thomas L. Pirnot
Mary A. ‘68 and David J. Piscitelli ‘68, ‘72
Nancy S. ‘67 and John Pittock
Sandra F. ‘64 and Ernest Platfoot
Kathryn A. ‘52 and Alvin Polich
Roberta A. Porter-Kunkel ‘69 and Raymond
Joyce S. ‘48 and William Powell
Lucille A. ‘58 and Richard D. Powell ‘61
Thomas P. Prelovsky ‘85
Lorraine C. Pruitt ‘57
Celine J. ‘88 and Leonard W. Przydzial ‘73
Stephen Putt
Sandra ‘72 and John Puzauskas
Stacy L. ‘87 and Thomas M. Pych ‘85
Susan E. ‘91 and Daniel P. Rader ‘91
Albert C. Raimondi
Elaine K. and Roy W. Rakiewicz
Adelynn M. ‘65 and John A. Rakowski
Joan Raudenbush ‘78
Linda B. Raymond ‘69
Alyson R. ‘96 and Brian A. Reardon ‘95
Rosalie and Martin A. Redcay ‘60
Keith E. Redding ‘89
Elaine W. ‘80 and Gary Reed
*denotes deceased
Cynthia ‘77 and Allen F. Reed ‘76
Christine A. Reedy ‘88 and Michael Hertz
Kathy and Ross R. Reeves ‘80
Marion J. and Kenneth E. Reid ‘68
Dorothy Reimer ‘66
Shelley D. Reinbold ‘98, ‘08
Jane L. Reinhard ‘51
Meredith A. ‘87 and Howard Renner
Joann Renninger ‘71
Peggy J. ‘78 and Kenneth Renninger
Lois C. ‘52 and Robert Rhoads
Marcia and Allen R. Rhoads ‘66
Michael L. Rhoads ‘87
Maxine S. and Scott T. Rhoads
Kimberly A. Rhode ‘99
Suzanne V. ‘62 and Harold Rice
Anne S. ‘81 and Elton Richards
Christine Richardson ‘88
Cynthia M. ‘71, ‘74 and Mark Riegel
Shirley M. Rife ‘47 *
Trudy M. ‘87 and Sean Riley
Dolores M. Ringler ‘49
Nancy ‘59 and Elwyn Rinker
Maxine L. ‘61 and Anthony J. Rising ‘61
James R. Risko ‘76
Irwin F. Rissmiller ‘79
Rita C. ‘71 and Dale Ritter
Kristi S. Robbins ‘00, ‘08 and David M. Keller ‘92
Robert P. Grim, Attorney at Law
John T. Roberto
Harriet J. Robinson ‘61
Susan K. ‘86, ‘90 and Jeffrey A. Robinson
Susanne and John K. Robinson ‘68
Marjorie A. ‘59 and Paul E. Robinson ‘59
Denise K. and Brad Roda
Ellen and James Roehm ‘85
Charise Rogosky
Sheryl E. ‘68 and William Roland
Ann and Gary E. Rollman ‘79
Jeffrey Roser
Anne Marie and James C. Rossi
Christine L. ‘70 and Thomas C. Roth
Judith A. ‘71 and James R. Roth ‘70
Byron J. Roth ‘97
Valeria A. Rothrock ‘65
William R. Rowley
Martha L. ‘64 and Frederick Rummel
June P. and David A. Rung
Becky and Robert A. Rupel
Elisa M. ‘73 and Louis J. Rusnock ‘73
Maureen C. ‘85 and Michael T. Rutkowski ‘85
Nancee S. ‘65 and Jacob Ryan
Marcia W. Rymer
Madeline and Louis J. Sabler ‘64
Ginnie and Christopher F. Sacchi
Salon Joey Hair Design
Virginia A. ‘56 and Ernest N. Sandefur
Elizabeth ‘88, ‘95 and Jose Santana
Ann Marie and Joseph Santomero
Robert Sarnoski
Ronald Sarson
Paula and James H. Sassaman ‘62
Linda and Bradford L. Schaadt ‘66
Florence A. Schadler ‘63
Amanda K. Schaeffer ‘00
Violet M. ‘59 and Dennis Schaeffer
Carol and David B. Schaeffer ‘71
Fayeann E. and William S. Schaeffer
Grace and Ronald K. Schafer ‘58
Joyce A. and Dennis J. Schaible
Kathleen A. ‘73, ‘10 and William Schappell
Rose Marie ‘51 and William J. Scharle
Nancy O. and Charles M. Scharrenbroich
Marie and Joseph M. Schauder
Judith A. Scheffey ‘67
Julie E. Schenck Brown ‘93 and Jonathan Brown
Nancy M. Schenk
Alma H. Schlenker
Suzanne and Richard Schlitt
Cynthia ‘67, ‘92 and Bruce C. Schmauch ‘68
Mary F. Schmidt ‘66
Susan and Jeffrey Schmoyer ‘94
Kyle Schoeneman
Donna L. ‘74 and Dennis R. Scholtis
Schreckengaust Associates
Eileen E. Schroeder ‘77
Judith L. and James Schwank
Marcia A. Schwenk ‘83, ‘86
Audrey F. Schwind ‘77
Michele E. ‘84 and Thomas J. Scott
Bethann R. Scratchard ‘73
Barry J. Search ‘74
Karen A. and Don Seeton
Betty A. ‘50 and Charles Seidel
Maureen G. ‘91 and Stephan W. Seidel ‘90
Joseph B. Sellers ‘85
Ada M. Seltzer ‘64
Matthew G. Seltzer ‘83
Lisa S. Semmel
Cheryl A. and John R. Seyfert
Ronda L. ‘95 and Gregory M. Seymour
Donna M. and Robert L. Shade
Emily B. Shaffer
Bethann L. Shartle
Melinda W. and Donald R. Sheatsley
Kathryn ‘67 and Herbert Sheetz
Sandra J. ‘62 and Larry Shelton
Dolores F. Sherer Yanolko ‘63, ‘68
Nicholas Sherman ‘02
Christopher T. Shervin ‘96
Joseph G. Shidisky ‘97
BrieAnn N. Shipkowski ‘13
JoAnn Shipkowski
Cathy ‘80 and Thomas R. Shirley
Esther R. ‘67 and Arlin Shisler
Mary A. Short-Hammond ‘74
Susan E. ‘79, ‘00 and Robert L. Showalter
Suzanne A. ‘72 and Ronald C. Shuey ‘70
Deborah A. ‘94 and Thomas L. Shugar ‘74
Jill M. ‘92 and Brian Shunk
Enrico E. Sicilio
Robert J. Sidor
Doris and Frank H. Siekmann
Samantha D. Simatos ‘04, ‘06
Barbara A. ‘74 and Scott Simpson
Sittler’s Golf Center
Jan and Ken A. Slack
Mary M. ‘91, ‘01 and William Slotter
Linda and Glenn F. Smartschan ‘68
Beverly J. ‘88, ‘94 and Marvin Smith
Evelyn M. Smith ‘57
Fay D. ‘72 and Dennis D. Smith ‘72
Gail L. ‘76 and Frank Smith
Mary G. ‘60 and James Smith
Edmond C. Smith ‘62
Patricia A. and Gary J. Smith
Marlana and Leonard C. Smith ‘73
Katherine Ache and Paul S. Smith Ache
Karen Smulley
Michele A. Smulley
Darlyn K. Snyder ‘89
Judy M. Snyder ‘65, ‘72
Keena L. and Robert Snyder ‘99
Stacy A. ‘00, ‘04 and Timothy R. Sommer
*denotes deceased
‘00, ‘02
Connie and John S. Sours ‘74
Betty J. ‘52 and Elmer Spahr
Sandra M. ‘67 and Parry Spahr
Kimberly A. ‘90 and Patrick H. Spang ‘90
Michael Spangler ‘80
Jane ‘67 and Richard Spittler
Suzanne ‘80 * and Joseph Spollen
Jane L. ‘79 and Jeffrey K. Sprecher ‘72
Kellie and Craig S. Springer ‘89
Jan W. Squillace ‘71
Rebecca Stansbury
Alvin Stansbury
Denise J. ‘96 and Rick Statkus
Sue L. Stauffer ‘91
Janice L. ‘73 and Paul Stavrou
Marlene M. ‘60 and Donald B. Steffy ‘59
Raymond D. Stein ‘77
Nancy L. ‘67, ‘72 and Richard Steltz
Kathleen D. Stephen ‘63
Marjorie L. Stevens ‘81
Barbara S. ‘73 and Barry R. Stiger ‘74
Cindy L. Stimpfel ‘92
Barbara J. ‘81 and Lawrence Stinson
Kimberly A. Stirling-Lamb ‘94 and Bill Lamb
Janet and Albert W. Stockalis ‘83
Veronica L. ‘89 and Darrin Stoeckel
Fred Stoltenburg
Andrea and C. Eric Stoltz ‘97
Beth A. ‘02 and Drew Stoudt
Cynthia and Gary Stoudt
Samira A. Strand
Ricky R. Stroup ‘77
William K. Stump ‘75
Eileen E. ‘68 and Harris Stutman
Leslie A. and James M. Sufrin
Amy and Jason C. Sugalski ‘01
Kathryn B. and Mark Supko
Cheryl Swavely
Virginia H. Swavely ‘54
Robin J. Sweet ‘75
Jean R. ‘68 and Richard J. Sweigart
Kelly Swope
Rhonda S. ‘85 and John Sykes
Janice E. ‘53 and James Szakaly
Mary P. ‘85 and Robert Szakmeister
Linda S. ‘88 and Edward M. Szapacs
Leslie S. Szivos ‘87
Helena E. Tarbaux ‘52
Alice ‘81 and Paul Taus
Jean M. ‘52 and Robert B.L. Taylor
Tammy L. ‘91, ‘98 and Doug Taylor
Maria C. ‘87, ‘92 and Mark V. Taylor ‘86
Jacqueline G. ‘71 and Frederick Thomas
Frances and Douglas D. Tieman
Beverly and George C. Tillman ‘69
Carolyn L. Tilwick ‘63
Ruth A. ‘73 and Gil C. Tily
Judith and Dale N. Titus
Nicole and Dale N. Titus ‘97, ‘98
Catherine Torhan ‘81
Shelbie and Edward J. Townsend ‘52
Linda L. ‘68 and Raymond Trauger
Mary Ann ‘60 and Edward A. Tremba ‘60
Laree M. Trollinger
Jill A. ‘87 and Rodney R. Troutman ‘87
Linda J. ‘69 and Paul Truskey
Joyce E. ‘86 and Bruce J. Turner ‘87
Susanna and James S. Turner ‘66
Linda M. ‘65 and Anthony R. Ulehla
Gretchen R. Ulmer ‘70
Irena P. ‘68 and Robert Ulrich
Chloe J. ‘66 and William C. Urland ‘62, ‘65
Ellen J. Valent ‘68
Yvonne and Thomas Vallone
Marci D. and Peter J. Van Hise
Elaine M. ‘75 and Matthew Vardjan ‘72
Jean L. ‘91 and Richard Von Nieda
Shikha ‘85 and Sanjiv S. Vyas ‘89
Robert M. Waddington ‘83
Christopher B. Wade ‘84
Elizabeth A. ‘80 and Luke Wagner
Martha J. ‘54 and Bruce C. Wagner
Esther D. ‘91 and Eric Wahlberg
Susan and Charles L. Waitkus ‘70
Joanne B. ‘55 and Arthur Waldkoenig
Karen M. Waldron ‘64
Rachele Waldron
Melanie ‘01 and Eric Walker
Linda L. ‘73 and Robert Wall
Elizabeth M. Walsh
Martha S. ‘68 and Charles Walter
Maria M. Wassell ‘68, ‘72
Ronald Weachock
Patricia E. ‘67 and Theodore Weaver
Rosemarie A. ‘70 and Ronald R. Weaver ‘76
Linda R. ‘72 and James Weber
Bryn E. ‘72 and Leonard Weckel
Richard C. Weeber
Paula J. and M. Scott Wehr ‘70
Deborah L. Wehrung ‘81
William L. Weiant ‘72
Martha and George F. Weida ‘66
Vivian D. ‘83, ‘88 and Troy D. Weidner ‘84
Lorene A. Weing ‘65
Janet M. Welk ‘88
Katharine ‘54 and William Wells
Wells Fargo
Lynda and James A. Wentzel ‘75
Robert H. Wentzel ‘69
Cynthia R. ‘86 and Glenn Werstler ‘73
Deborah L. ‘99, ‘05 and Dwight D. Werstler ‘85
Cynthia R. ‘86 and Glenn Werstler ‘73
Brenda E. ‘74, ‘79 and William Wertman
Karen Westerberg-Galante ‘95 and Anthony M.
Chelsea I. White ‘12
Bonnie M. ‘75 and Leonard Whitehead
Lucy H. Whitehead ‘40
Sharon J. and Dean J. Whitman ‘73
Jeanmarie and Edward D. Wieczerzak ‘84
Samuel A. Wierman ‘74
David B. Wiggins ‘65
Donna G. ‘63 and Kenneth D. Wilde ‘65
Mary W. Wileman ‘60
Tina M. and Edward H. Wilkinson
Carole C. ‘55 and James Williams
Ida M. Williams
Susan M. ‘86 and Jan Williams
Patricia L. ‘79 and David J. Williams ‘78
Bernice W. ‘49 and Paul A. Wilson ‘49
Iris L. and Leon R. Wilson
Barbara and Dennis W. Wimmer ‘72
Rebecca M. Wingenroth ‘77
Dawn C. ‘63 and Louis Winkler
Karen M. ‘72 and David Winning
Teresa M. and James A. Winters
Sarita B. Witko ‘70
Clara I. ‘71 and Allen Wolfe
Karen L. ‘86 and Jack T. Wolfe
Michael A. Wolfer ‘79
Erwin Wong
Marlene and Keith O. Wood
Christina M. ‘81 and Mark Worthington
*denotes deceased
Gail Devecchis Wygant and Larry J. Wygant
Wyoming Valley Pallets Inc.
Jane M. Yagerhofer ‘80
Edwin R. Yeager
Kordor S. and Barth K. Yeboah
Judith L. and Clarence P. Yerger ‘61
Joanne M. ‘75, ‘86 and William E. Yoder
Wendy H. ‘05 and Thomas J. York ‘84
Gail S. ‘67 and Charles R. Young ‘66
Patricia A. and William J. Young
Linda and James F. Youngman ‘64
Anthony N. Yourey ‘01
Gary Yourman
Shirley M. ‘57 and Larry C. Youse ‘63
Kristen L. and Peter N. Zacharias
Adelia Zagorskie
Michael P. Zapp ‘61
Linda Covert Zeiber and Gerald O. Zeiber ‘70
Arlene ‘70 and Anthony Zeme
Elyse and Joel V. Zettler ‘73
Linda L. ‘70 and Tom Zimmerman
Susan and George J. Zimmerman ‘73
Doris P. ‘53 and Gust Zogas ‘59
The Hancher Society recognizes donors who have
created an endowed fund with the Foundation. The
Hancher Society is named for George B. Hancher,
president of Keystone State Normal School from
1893 to 1899, and the college’s first donor through the
George B. Hancher Endowment Fund. To this day, the
Kutztown University Foundation continues to honor
President Hancher through the Hancher Society, which
recognizes those generous donors who have established
scholarships to support current and future students.
Why Scholarships? Many students who select
Kutztown as their university of choice are in need
of financial assistance. While KU is part of the
Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education, the
Commonwealth allots funds to the university for only a
fraction of its operating costs, and, in almost all cases,
state funds cannot be used for scholarships. Funds for
financial aid and scholarships must come from private
support, from generous donors like you. While the
university’s primary mission is to provide access to
affordable higher education, the Kutztown University
Foundation strives to ensure that KU students receive
a truly outstanding educational experience. Through
scholarships, KU can attract and retain talented and
diverse students, and offer the Kutztown
experience to all those who desire an
excellent and accessible education.
Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.
Susan J. Allport-Schneider ‘61
Marlene Ambrogio
Caroline I. ‘65 and E. Earl Anderson
Anonymous (2)
Margaret ‘53 and Thomas C. Atkins
Carol and Thomas Bailey
Aceste J. Barbera
Nancy and Edward E. Barr
Lois E. Beekey
Lolita R. and Jesse S. Binford
Nanci and Dennis C. Blankowitsch
Cynthia Boyer Blakeslee
Lorilei and Frank J. Brewer ‘82
Regina C. and Carl E. Brunner
Burger King Corporation
Doris H. Burkhart ‘48, ‘65
Carol ‘57 and Ted Carzon
Josée Vachon Cevallos and F. Javier Cevallos
Carlson R. Chambliss
The Clarence Schock Foundation
Lucille and Robert Clark, Sr.
Roger F. Cocivera ‘56
Dr. Karen Weaver Coleman
Sandra and Placido Corpora
Ann C. and John J. Curley
Carl J. Daeufer ‘53
Ann and Stanley E. Degler
Ronald K. Delong ‘72, ‘88
Margaret K. Devlin
Donovan Advertising and Marketing Services
Mr. and Mrs. John and Perma Dreibelbis
Cynthia and Patrick Duddy
Mr. John L. Emerick
Robert F. Ensminger
*denotes deceased
Boyd and Ann Epperson
Carol M. and Thomas F. Foy
Mr. Frank A. Friedman
E. Margaret Gabel ‘50
Rose L. ‘88 and Gordon J Goldberg
Doris N. ‘44 and Raymond Grandon
Betty L. Grebey ‘57
Curt H. Grim
Jeffrey J. Gross
John H. Gross
Helen and Clayton R. Gum ‘50
Patricia A. ‘54 and Buster A. Guth ‘63
Mrs. Martha L. Hafer
Steven B. Hahn
Susan and Stanley C. Harwick ‘58
The Hearst Foundation, Inc.
William A. Heck
Mr. and Mrs. Lee and Mary Hill
Lois and Daniel J. Hinkel
Beverly J. and Russell A. Hinnershitz ‘65
David and Ann Hohe
Marion S. ‘62 and Neil D. Holtzman ‘62
Gladys ‘62, ‘72 and Ronald J. Horvath ‘60, ‘66
Integra Business Center
Miriam R. ‘48 and William E. Irwin ‘48
John E. Morgan Foundation
Milford P. Kelly
Dr. Andrew W. Koch
Anne Drennan and Gary Kohler
Gloria and David Kruse
Theresa and Sean J. Kullman
Sharon E. ‘87 and Robert Landis
Michael C. Lee
Robert C. Lenhart
James S. Longstreet ‘50
Janice and Ronald L. Marburger ‘61
Michelle R. ‘73, ‘77 and John M. Mason
Barry M. Mayberry
Barbara A. ‘74, ‘76 and David E. McFarland
Brenda and John McGlade
Sandra J. McSwain and Robert C. Jones
Dorothy Meyer ‘77
Gladys and Clifford Miller
Edwin G. * and Jeanne S. Miller
Donald L. Miller ‘53
Fred Mitchell
The Morning Call
Harriet Oler and J. Wesley
Fran Osinski
Carolyn L. Patton ‘56
Pennsylvania State Employees Credit Union
Bonita A. ‘68 and Charles O. Perkins ‘68
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Piscitelli
Mr. William Rahn
Joanne M. ‘74 and William F. Ribble ‘73
Emma S. Richards and Richard D. Bausch
Ethel F. Risley ‘31
E. Annette * and John J. Robertson
Miriam Robinson
Charles F. Roth ‘68
Miriam L. ‘34, ‘43 and John Schaeffer
Thomas F. Schantz ‘66
Mary and Edwin Schatkowski
Dianne E. ‘75 and John P. Schellenberg
Phyllis J. ‘50 and William E. Shone
Paula and Richard Skelly
Dr. Mary M. St. John
Julia Hall and Robert M. Stroup
David and Charlotte Valuska
Joyce K. Wehr ‘46
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. and Elizabeth J. Wells
*denotes deceased
Wells Fargo
Ann Zimmerman Wenrich
Betty Wesner and Sarah Wesner Greer
William P. Wewer ‘42
Prof. John Holingjak and Ms. Kathleen Wheeler
Roberta and Roger S. Whitcomb
Bernice W. ‘49 and Paul A. Wilson ‘49
Audrey J. Wolfinger ‘55
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory and Gina Young
Dr. Anne E. Zayaitz
Joanna and James C. Zellner ‘86
Recognition Societies
Kutztown University Foundation
The Old Main Society is named in honor of
Old Main, the most historic building on campus
and the central beacon of the university. The
Old Main Society recognizes donors who have
designated Kutztown University Foundation as the
ultimate beneficiary of a planned gift. Such gifts
might include a bequest and/or charitable income
gifts, such as charitable gift annuities, charitable
remainder trusts, or gifts of life insurance.
Members of the Old Main Society include alumni,
current and emeriti faculty, and friends.
Membership involves no dues or obligations, but
it does allow us to thank you and recognize you
for the plans you have made. If you wish your gift
intentions to remain private, we will respect that,
but we hope you will consider allowing us to enroll
you in the list of Old Main Society members. Many
times we have seen that the example shown by
others may provide a powerful motivation to give.
Your generosity may inspire others to follow your
One of the most important benefits you will receive
from joining the Old Main Society is the satisfaction
derived from making a contribution to
Kutztown University’s long-term success.
Irene M. ‘72 and Gerald Acalin
Robin J. ‘84 and David Arcus
Carroll S. Arnold ‘55, ‘68
Margaret ‘53 and Thomas C.Atkins
Carol and Thomas Bailey
Cynthia Boyer Blakeslee
Carlson R. Chambliss
Shirley D. Chapman ‘50
Roger F. Cocivera ‘56
Dr. Karen Weaver Coleman
Sandra and Placido Corpora
Mary L. Creadick ‘50
Mary and Francis R. Deitrich ‘49
Mr. and Mrs. John and Perma Dreibelbis
Ms. P. Alison du Pont
Karen G. ‘89 and Christopher Dudley
Kathleen M. Edwards
Mr. John L. Emerick
Frances J. Fisher ‘48
Mary S. Foreman ‘49
Mr. Frank A. Friedman
E. Margaret Gabel ‘50
Mrs. Elaine George
Stephen G. Germick ‘39
Faithann H. Goza ‘95
Betty L. Grebey ‘57
Constance L. Green ‘71
John H. Gross
Patricia A. ‘54 and Buster A. Guth ‘63
Betty and George F. Hardy III
Beverly and Donald Hartzell
Irene D. Heaps ‘43
M. Irene H. Heiland ‘45
David and Ann Hohe
Gladys ‘62, ‘72 and Ronald J. Horvath ‘60, ‘66
Miriam R. ‘48 and William E. Irwin ‘48
Karen L. Kleffel ‘73
Lenore E. ‘65, ‘67 and Claude E. Kohl
Carol and William C. Kreitz
David F. Kunkle ‘94
Karen R. Ligammari ‘89
James S. Longstreet ‘50
*denotes deceased
Barbara J. ‘63 and Thomas Madden
Barbara A. ‘74, ‘76 and David E. McFarland
Ruth E. ‘51 and John McQuesten
Raymond H. Melcher, Jr.
Donald L. Miller ‘53
Gladys and Clifford Miller
Edwin G. * and Jeanne S. Miller
Linda A. ‘72 and James Moyer
Mrs. Carol Ngaru
Ivy H. Peterson ‘53
Rita and Michael F. Piovane
Nancy S. ‘67 and John Pittock
Beatrice M. Rabenold ‘49
Joanne M. ‘74 and William F. Ribble ‘73
Miriam L. ‘34, ‘43 and John Schaeffer
Anna R. Schannauer ‘49
Thomas F. Schantz ‘66
Mary Ann Sedlock ‘56
Mr. Larry R. Sell
Shirley and Frank W. Simcik ‘51
Thelma L. ‘69 and Paul L. Sommers ‘52
Mr. Ronald L. Spickler
Dr. Mary M. St. John
Martha and Robert E. Sterling
Attorney and Mrs. Charles Stopp
Sheldon Strober ‘64
Julia Hall and Robert M. Stroup
Kevin W. Sunday ‘02
Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Louise Trainer
Kenneth E. Trefsger ‘69
Mr. and Mrs. William and Emily Troutman
David S. Unger ‘72
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard and Joan Varacallo
Joyce K. Wehr ‘46
Paula J. and M. Scott Wehr ‘70, ‘75
Esther M. Wenrich ‘34, ‘39
Kathleen L. Williams ‘50
Bernice W. ‘49 and Paul A. Wilson ‘49
Audrey J. Wolfinger ‘55
Rosalye L. Yashek ‘50
Susan B. ‘64 and Robert C. Ziegenfus ‘65
Message from the Director of
Annual Giving & Events
Stephanie Deni-Iaeger
Kutztown University Foundation
The KU Annual Fund is one of the best ways
for alumni, parents, and friends of KU to
support our students and faculty. Gifts to the
KU Annual Fund affect every area of the
university and the educational experience
offered here; donations to the annual fund
enhance student scholarship support, campus
infrastructure and facilities, and academic
and cultural programming. The KU Annual
Fund also directly impacts university departments and alumni
activities here at Kutztown University.
We wish to express our deep gratitude to those donors, listed
in this report, who have provided exemplary support to the KU
Annual Fund during the past fiscal year. What KU accomplishes
each year with these gifts is immense, and we are thankful in
equal measure for the generosity of Kutztown University alumni,
donors, parents and friends. We are achieving great things, and it
is because of all you have done and continue to do for Kutztown
Board of Directors
Kutztown University Foundation
List as of July 1, 2012
Board Members
Mr. John Acanfora
Chief Information Officer
Utilities Employee Credit
Mr. Graham Anderson
Vice President, Facilities
Engineering & Maintenance
East Penn Manufacturing
Campaign logo design created
and donated by
Martin Duffy ’87
Johnston Duffy
Giving recognition logos design
created and donated by
Tammy Seidick ‘96
Report on philanthropy 2012-13
brochure design created and donated by
Kelly Hydock Cavallo ‘97
Black Dog Design
Printing of the report on philanthropy
made possible in part by
The Kutztown Publishing Company, Inc.
Ms. Corliss Bachman
Executive Director
Pennsylvania Sinfonia
Mr. Frank Brewer ‘82
NextGen Security
Ms. Lesley Fallon
Wine Gadgets, LLC
Ms. Jennifer A. Groover ‘95
Butler Bag/Jen Groover
Mr. Peter Knight
Mr. Olin Marth
Engineering Department Manager
Associate Engineering
Consultants, Inc.
Mr. Charles Perkins ‘68
General Manager
Marriott Corporation (Former)
Mr. Paul Presinzano ‘94
Jeffries LLC
Alumni Board of Directors
Representatives - Ex-Officio
Mr. Benjamin Brooks ‘79
State Police, Commonwealth
of PA
Mr. Sam Westmoreland ‘66
Kutztown University (Former)
Ms. Jane Redner ‘04
Civic Leader
Mr. William F. Ribble, Jr. ‘73
Vice President
United Parcel Service (Former)
Dr. F. Javier Cevallos
Kutztown University
Mr. Charles Stopp, Esq. ‘70
Steckel & Stopp
Attorneys at Law
University Council of Trustees
Representatives - Ex-Officio
Mr. Roger Schmidt
E.J. Breneman, Inc.
Mr. Matthew West ‘89
West Capital Management
Mr. James Zellner ‘86
EZ-DO Company
Lt. General Richard C. Zilmer ‘74
United States Marine Corps (Retired)
Mr. John Wabby ‘69
Superintendent of Schools
Blue Mountain School District
15197 Kutztown Road, Kutztown, PA 19530
phone 610-683-4110