Name: ___________________________
Date: ________________
Hr: ____
1. When does Caesar’s father die?
Caesar’s father dies when he is 15 years old.
2. What happens to Caesar on the way to school?
Caesar is kidnapped by pirates on the way to school.
3. What is Caesar’s career before politics?
Caesar is a soldier before he enters politics.
4. What is Caesar’s first political position?
Caesar’s first political position was Consul (the highest elected political office of the Roman
5. How does Caesar win followers?
Caesar wins followers by knowing how to relate to them and give good speeches.
6. What is Brutus’ connection to Caesar?
Brutus is Caesar’s favorite mistress’s son.
7. Of what province does Caesar want to be governor and why?
Caesar wants to govern Cisalpine Gaul (northern Italy) and Illyricum (southeastern Europe)
because it will provide him with money and an army.
8. Who are Caesar’s two main political friends and senate supporters?
Caesar’s two main political friends are Pompey and Crassus.
9. In one word, what does the First Triumvirate give Caesar, Cassus and Pompey?
10. How does Caesar reinforce his deal with Pompey?
He allows Pompey to marry his daughter.
11. What is the difference between Pompey’s and Caesar’s political philosophy?
Pompey wants to go along with tradition. Caesar wants to make changes.
12. Who gives Brutus his “big break?”
13. What territory does Caesar conquer?
14. What is Caesar the first Roman to do?
a. Cross the English Channel and invade Britain.
b. Cross the Rhine River and invade Germany.
15. What is Brutus’ concern about Caesar’s increasing power?
Brutus’ concern about Caesar’s increasing power is that if Caesar becomes king, it will weaken
the senate and their power.
16. What happens to Crassus?
He is killed in battle.
17. What happens to Caesar’s daughter/Pompey’s wife? What is the result?
Caesar’s daughter dies in child birth. The result is that Pompey rediscovers his original political
philosophy and turns against Caesar.
18. What is Marc Antony’s connection with Caesar?
Marc Antony is a friend to Caesar and a trusted subordinate in his army.
19. Name three modern European countries that are in territory conquered by Caesar:
a. France
b. Britain
c. Germany
20. How long did it take to conquer them?
It took Caesar almost a decade to conquer the Gaul territory.
21. Why won’t Caesar give up his army?
He knows the senate will kill him when he returns.
22. How does Caesar kill Pompey?
Caesar hires mercenaries in Egypt to kill him.
23. When does Caesar take control of Rome?
Caesar takes control of Rome in 49 B.C.
24. Why do people fear Caesar becoming King?
People fear their rights will be taken away if Caesar becomes King.
25. According to the documentary, who leads the conspiracy and stabs Caesar first? Why?
According to the documentary, Brutus leads the conspiracy and stabs Caesar first to maintain his
power and wealth.
26. What is the result of Caesar’s assassination on Rome?
Civil war and the rise of the era of the brutal Roman Empire is the result of Caesar’s