Brand Extension and Brand Portfolio B r a n d M an a g e m e n t A s s t . P r o f. D r. J u s a n a T e c h a k a n a Four Brand Strategies Product Category B r a n d Brand Extension Asst. Prof. Dr. Jusana Techakana Same Braand Unrelated Product Category Line Extensions Brand Extensions New B Brand Brand Name Related Product Category Multibands New Brands New Brands M an a g e m e n t A s s t . P r o f. D r. J u s a n a T e c h a k a n a 1 Line Extensions Line extensions refers to new sizes, styles, or related products for example: Coca-Cola B r a n d M an a g e m e n t A s s t . P r o f. D r. J u s a n a T e c h a k a n a Brand extensions Brand extension: extension application of a popular brand name to a new product in an unrelated product category. Example: Utility Lighter – A Bic Brand Extension. B r a n d Brand Extension Asst. Prof. Dr. Jusana Techakana M an a g e m e n t A s s t . P r o f. D r. J u s a n a T e c h a k a n a 2 Multibands Multibands : two or more similar p gp products by y the and competing same firm under different and unrelated brands. brands While these brands eat into each others' sales B r a n d Multibands M an a g e m e n t A s s t . P r o f. D r. J u s a n a T e c h a k a n a Multibrands strategy does have some advantages •obtaining greater shelf space and l leaving i littl little ffor competitors' tit ' product. d t •saturating a market by filling all price and quality gaps. •catering to brand-switchers users who like to experiment with different brands •keeping the firm's managers on their toes by generating internal competition. B r a n d Brand Extension Asst. Prof. Dr. Jusana Techakana M an a g e m e n t A s s t . P r o f. D r. J u s a n a T e c h a k a n a 3 Brand equity and the brand extension ¾ Brand Strength ¾ Fit / Credibility Fit / Credibility Brand Equity Brand Extension Brand Visibility Brand Loyalty Trust & Perceived Quality Brand Association Brand Management 7/14 Networked Brands Employees Competitors Retailers Partners Customer Unplanned Communication Customers Marketing Communication Physical Experience Brand Marketing Brand Extension Asst. Prof. Dr. Jusana Techakana 8/14 4 Brand extension Perceived quality of the brand. ¾ Perceived know‐how of the brand. ¾ Perceived dissimilarity between the extension and brand’s typical product. ¾ Perceived difficulty of manufacturing the extension. ¾ Perceived value and symbolic meaning of the brand. ¾ Can these values segment the extension product category? ¾ Does the extension fit with the brand’s symbolic meaning. ¾ Consumers’ brand loyalty. ¾ Consumers’ involvement in the extension product category. Evaluation of the extension. Brand Management 9/14 When Is Line Extension Suitable? 1. When the proposed extension is in a closely allied product. 2. When repertoires are important. 3. When variety is one the clearly defined consumer wants in the market. Brand Management Brand Extension Asst. Prof. Dr. Jusana Techakana 10/14 5 Brand Development Index (BDI) Brand Marketing 11/14 Category Development Index (CDI) Brand Marketing Brand Extension Asst. Prof. Dr. Jusana Techakana 12/14 6 Brand Development Index (BDI) Category Development Index (CDI) •Both the BDI and CDI are useful in decision making. •One tell the planner the relative strengths and weaknesses for the brand . •The other , the relative strengths and weaknesses for the category Brand Marketing 13/14 Brand Development Index (BDI) Category Development Index (CDI) Brand Marketing Brand Extension Asst. Prof. Dr. Jusana Techakana 14/14 7 Brand Development Index (BDI) Category Development Index (CDI) Brand Marketing 15/14 A few classic mistakes 1. A Restrictive vision of the brand. Many firm have a limited perception of their brands They consider them Many firm have a limited perception of their brands. They consider them as descriptive names. The brand genetic program therefore has just a few variations of the product bearing name. 2. Shutting out the brand. The belief that the older brand could not be associated with new, modern products. This only reinforce its antiquated and outmoded Image and to render it even less suitable for extension. 3 When the past decides the future. 3. Wh h d id h f You cannot drive a brand with your eyes glued to the rearview mirror. Admittedly, the brand is a memory bank where its products are concerned, but this does not mean that the future is an extrapolation of the past. Brand Management Brand Extension Asst. Prof. Dr. Jusana Techakana 16/14 8 A few classic mistakes 4. Extensions can dilute the brand. A wrong extension can contribute to a g weakeningg of the image. g 5. Opportunism and Inconsistency of Identity. Having built a powerful brand with an undisputed reputation known to everyone, the firm is naturally tempted to use the precious brand capital to support an unending line of new products. In so doing, it runs the risk of destroying its own credibility and authority within Its original market. 6. The Mundane‐Product Trap. When a brand not only proliferates in every direction, but also makes uses of uninspiring product, the capital asset becomes drained. f i ii d t th it l tb d i d 7. Complementarities are no guarantee. It would be tempting for any trader to try to capture the market with the complementary product. However‐apart from the problem of there being a prototype brand on the market‐it would have been a mistake. Brand Management 17/14 Advantages and disadvantages of different portfolio strategies Brand Portfolio More responsive to market need, but also more complex Advantages + Disadvantages ‐ Single Brand More efficient, but challenging to achieve optimal market coverage • Higher market coverage, more differenced • More efficient because in term of consumer (segment) needs. advertising pressure is • “Blocking” of shelf space.. (obstacle to concentrated. market entry for competitor) • Lower complexity. • Risk diversification • No danger of cannibalization. • More degrees of freedom for loyalty management‐‐consumer can switch management without changing supplier. • less efficient because less efficient because budget is widely budget is widely spread and more brand need to brand through advertising • less less ability to cater to specific ability to cater to specific (segment) needs • Danger of overstretching the brand to capture niches • Danger for cannibalization • Higher complexity of brand management • Less opportunity to retain potential switchers. (number of brands; interdependencies) Brand Management Brand Extension Asst. Prof. Dr. Jusana Techakana 18/14 9 Brand Extension and Brand Portfolio T H E B r a n d E M an a g e m e n t Brand Extension Asst. Prof. Dr. Jusana Techakana N D A s s t . P r o f. D r. J u s a n a T e c h a k a n a 10