FAITH I am going to resurrect the acronym of FAITH again as we are

September 2014
301 South Third Street
Mebane, NC 27302
Phone 919-563-3176
Fax 919-304-6988
Judy Butler
Associate Pastor
David Gaddy
Children & Youth Pastor
Children’s Ministries
Libby Isaac, Director
Preschool & After School
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The Compass is published monthly by First Baptist Church of Mebane to keep members informed of church events and opportunities.
All articles must be submitted no later than the third Wednesday of each month for publication the following month. Information for
next month’s edition of The Compass is due by Wednesday, September 17 . Articles may be left at the church office or e-mailed to
Stephanie at
Larry Glover-Wetherington,
Transition Pastor
First Baptist Church
Following Christ, Touching Lives at the Crossroads
September 2014
I am going to resurrect the acronym of FAITH again as we are at the door of
making some significant decisions for the future directions of our church. We
have said from the beginning that the Intentional Interim is a process of faith
and a process of spiritual discernment, which in many respects is one and the
same thing. By the time you are reading this article, you have already heard
the report and recommendation from the Long Range Planning and Building &
Steering Committees, and now we are anticipating our decision as a church on
September 7th.
The F in FAITH stands for “Face the Facts”. In Romans 4:19, the Apostle
Paul relates how Abraham was anticipating God’s promise that he and Sarah
would have a child. After 25 years of waiting he says of Abraham, without
weakening in his faith, he faced the fact that his body was as good as dead—
since he was about a hundred years old—and that Sarah's womb was also
dead. Perhaps God waited until there was no human possibility of Abraham
and Sarah producing this child so they would both know that Isaac was a gift
from God. One of the sobering moments of faith is when we face the facts of our
current situation, but that is the beginning point of bringing a matter to God
and involving God in the situation.
The A in FAITH stands for “Ask God”. A great way to pray for this upcoming
decision is in the context of our mission statement: “Love God, Love Others,
and Share Our Faith in Jesus Christ Together.” The first question to ask God
may be, “Is this the best way You have put before us to fulfill what You have
called us to do in this mission statement?” Is this your will, yes or no?
As we desire to know God’s will in this matter and how God is calling us,
Danny Morris and Charles Olsen, (Discerning God’s Will Together: A Spiritual
Practice for the Church), challenges us to get our hearts to the point where we
can say: “God’s will, nothing more, nothing less, nothing else.” “Nothing is
more urgent in our lives and in our congregations than yearning to know God’s
The I in FAITH stands for “Investigate the possibilities”. Our church voted
for the Long Range Planning and Building & Steering Committees to explore
the possibilities in regards to new facilities that would propel us forward to be
able to do the ministries God has placed on our hearts. They did a lot of
thorough work and have now presented that to us in their report. There will be
significant consequences either way we vote. This is truly a crossroads
Investigating the possibilities is a vital part of the process of faith. It means to
do our homework and research so we can make the most intelligent decision
possible. Faith does not mean to turn a blind eye to reality.
Reality is part of God’s truth. On the other hand, as in Abraham’s case, we
should not be limited by the facts as we see and interpret them. Part of reality
is that God is part of the equation, and it is God who gives life to the dead and
things that are not as though they were (Romans 4:17b).
Part of the process of spiritual discernment is to determine what God wants
in this decision, not what we want. In fact spiritual discernment requires that
we die to what we want in order to prepare ourselves to hear from the Spirit
of God. Danny Morris and Charles Olsen call this “shedding”, to use an
agricultural metaphor. When it is planted, the seed has to shed its hull in
order to bring forth new life. “Shedding lays aside ego, preconceived notions,
false assumptions, biases, and predetermined conclusions so that persons
involved in discernment can openly discuss the matter in order to listen.
Listening enables us to hear the promptings of the Spirit of God, the voices of
one another, and the cries of those who may be affected by our decision.”
Investigating the possibilities results in the need for us to weigh the options.
“Weighing sorts and tests the options or paths before us in response to the
leading of God’s Spirit. Then we rest each option by holding it close to our
heart to determine if it brings consolation (a sense of peace and movement
toward God) or desolation (distress and movement away from God.)”
The T in FAITH stands for taking action, trusting God. Once we have
determined in our hearts which option God is leading us to take, then we take
action, trusting God. Many challenges still lay before us, but we trust that
God is leading. Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your
own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your
paths straight (Proverbs 3:5-6). There is always a sense of risk in doing
something by faith. Rarely is any decision made with 100% certainty, no
matter how much research we have done. In the end it is believing we have
God’s mission in our hearts and the leading of the Spirit that we go forward.
The H in FAITH stands for Hallelujah! After all our prayer, and work, and
discussions with one another, and discovering God’s leading, it is time to
praise God for what God has done and will do, even before we see the reality
of our decision. Again we follow the example of Abraham, who did not waver
through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his
faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had power to do
what he had promised (Romans 4:20-21).
Let’s continue to keep our decision before God in prayer.
Come one, come all and be a part of
our fall Operation InAsMuch
outreach ministry on Saturday,
October 4th at 8:00 am. People
in our community are in need now
more than ever. If you have never
participated in this ministry you
have missed out on a special
blessing. This is a great opportunity
to show our love to the community
and also an opportunity to meet and
get to know fellow members of the
church you may not know. You may
think, "I can't do anything for this
ministry", but God has a place for
everyone. If you have questions,
contact Ken Hunt at 919-6190190. Sign up will begin September
September 2014
1 Henson, Ric
1 Neese, Betty Jean
1 Rowley, Helen
3 Bass, Cathy
3 Jones, Amber
3 Kirby, Susan
3 Pruitt, Barbara
3 Stephenson, Glendel
4 Jones, Opal
4 Robertson, Ray
5 Dillard, Katherine
5 Henly, Addison
5 Shelton, Mary
6 Dickerson, Bobbie
6 Tuck, Judy
7 Henson, Kyle
7 Terrell, Austin
8 Allen, Jaylan
8 Burnette, Andrew
8 Eley, Gayle
Sept 10th
Sept 2nd
Sept 5th
Sept 5th
Sept 5th
Sept 28th
8 Ingle, Mary Lou
8 Isaac, Scott
8 Payne, Jacob
8 Terry, Lindy
9 Kennington, Jody
9 Manning, Reid
9 Rice, James
10 Allen, Spencer
11 Carter, Dennis
11 Parker, Roger
12 Howard, Melissa
14 Wall, Bobby
15 Garrett, Betty
15 Garrett, Preston
16 Henly, William
16 Licklider, Paige
17 Baker, Anita
17 Curasi, Beth
18 Hayes, Jo Ann
18 Robertson, Colten
18 Terrell, Lynette
19 Bullins, Debbie
19 Dillard, Terry
19 Puls, Brian
20 Taylor, JW
22 Austin, Kyle
22 Seelman, Kenny
23 Fleming, Misty
23 Terrell, Otis
24 Carter, Marilyn
25 Badstein, Courtney
25 Cash, Logan
26 Bohannon, George
26 Wheatley, Hailey
26 Whitson, Andy
27 Smith, Madison
28 Edwards, Danny
29 Eley, Raymond
Staff Service Anniversaries
Marie Pennington
Wedding Anniversaries
Jim & Janis Turner
Gerald & Bobbie Dickerson
Milton & Linda Petway
Ward & Paula Setzer
Bob & Andrea Summers
19 Yrs
47 Yrs
44 Yrs
49 Yrs
60 Yrs
28 Yrs
Deacons of the Month
Our Deacons of the Month are on call for our deacon benevolence
ministry. Serving for the month of September are . . .
Jake Yount
Andy Whitson
September Volunteers
Nursery Watch Caller
Sept 7 Cindy Woodfin
Sept 14 Linda Holt
Sept 21 Alice Primm
Sept 28 Cynthia Bohannon
Nursery Workers – 8:30 am
Sept 7 Amy and Katherine Daniels
Sept 14 Linda Holt, Ethel Terrell
Sept 21 Susan & Tommy Scott
Sept 28 Linda Rogers, Cynthia
Nursery Workers – 11:00 am
Sept 7 – Cindy Woodfin, Jake,
Vanessa, and Claira Jane Yount,
Andrea Summers
Sept 14 – Patsy and Kelly Albright,
Joey & Sharon Merlette, Andrea
Sept 21 – Scott & Stevie Taylor
Family, Andrea Summers
Sept 28 – Ritchie, Tracy, Bryce, and
Macy James, Andrea Summers
Kitchen Helpers
Sept – Journey
Deacon of The Month
Sept – Jake Yount
Alternate – Andy Whitson
Offertory Prayer
Sept 7
8:30 am Alan Pennington
11:00 am Andy Whitson
Sept 14 8:30 am Ward Setzer
11:00 am John Gillis
Sept 21 8:30 am Alice Primm
11:00 am Jake Yount
Sept 28 8:30 am Vivian Harris
11:00 am Brice Moore
Deacon Visitor Follow-up
Sept 7
Alice Primm
Sept 14 Vivian Harris
Sept 21 Chris Wiltshire
Sept 28 Jim Turner
8:30 Ushers
Milton Patterson – Coordinator
Ken Sellers
Mike Garrison
George Bohannon
Otis Terrell
11:00 Ushers
Larry Mahaffey
Ric Henson
John Gillis
Trent Riley
Sound Schedule
Sept 7
8:30 am Brice Moore
11:00 am Austin Terrell
Sept 14 8:30 am Alan Pennington
11:00 am Joey Merlette
Sept 21 8:30 am George Bohannon
11:00 am Jake Yount
Sept 28 8:30 am Bob Shuler
11:00 am David Wyatt
PowerPoint Team
Sept 7
8:30 am Judy Tuck
11:00 am Kensley Wyatt
Sept 14 8:30 am Judith Booth
11:00 am Dwayne Gray
Sept 21 8:30 am Ryan Bohannon
11:00 am Jill Ballard
Sept 28 8:30 am Judy Tuck
11:00 am Stephanie Henly
Children’s Worship
Sep 7 Donna Roberts, The Mackenzies
Sept 14 Margaret & Ray Robertson
Sept 21 Ray and Isabella Eley
Sept 28 Kim & Chris Wiltshire
Kid’s Worship
Sept 7 Chris & Kim Wiltshire
Sept 14 Ray & Gayle Eley
Sept 21 Sammy Ballard
Sept 28 Donald & Shannon McGinnis
September 2014
Special Called Business
Meeting ~ September 7
At the beginning of both worship services on
Sunday morning, Sept. 7th there will be a
congregational vote in a Special-Called Business
Meeting on the following two items:
1. After prayerful consideration, our deacons are recommending the
following seven candidates to make up the Bylaws Revision Team:
Elaine Austin, George Bohannon, Tim Bradley, Jerry Carmichael, David
Faircloth, Stephanie Kelly, and Ken Sellers. A vote will be taken for
approval of this recommendation.
2. Also on this day, we will be voting on the Long Range Planning and
Building & Steering Committees’ recommendation: Based on the
information presented, the LRP/B&S Team recommends the
congregation of the First Baptist Church of Mebane moves
forward with the concept of building a new facility at a different
location adequate for our current and future mission needs. A
presentation and discussion for this recommendation was August 24th.
Copies of the presentation can be made available at the church office or
emailed upon request. If you have any unanswered questions or
concerns regarding the recommendation, please contact a member of the
Long Range Planning and/or Building & Steering Committees.
New Women's Bible Study
On Sunday, September 7th, we will begin a new Women's Bible study,
Priscilla Shirer's "One In A Million". In One in a Million, Bible teacher
Priscilla Shirer invites us to change that pattern for good, living beyond our
circumstances and expecting to see God move in miraculous ways day after
day. Without a doubt, we can find and follow God’s purpose for our journey.
We can make it to the Promised Land!
This will be a seven week study meeting each Sunday at 4:30 pm with
discussion time and video. Priscilla is one of our FAVORITE authors and I
can assure you, you won't regret joining us. If you would like to be a part of
this wonderful group, please contact the church office so that we can order
enough books. Books will be $15 each.
Men's Morning Bible Study
Our Men's Morning Bible study lead by John Fladeland will begin again on
September 9th. Each Tuesday morning at 6:00 am, all men are invited to
meet at the 119N Subway for a time of fellowship and devotion. This is a
drop-in format, so you can come when you can! For more information, contact
the church office.
Gaddy Said WHAT?!?!
Unfortunately, summer is coming to an end. What a crazy one. I look back on the
last two months and just give God all the glory in the world!! Three mission trips
and a camp on Apologetics blew my mind and my Spirit. Let me share with you
some of the results of what God has been stirring up in our students:
We have a group of students who are forming a group that will go and visit
nursing homes.
We have students sharing their faith with their friends in a very loving way, as
well as inviting new people who have moved to the Mebane area to church or
youth group.
Dividing lines between students and schools are slowly starting to dissolve (a
long time prayer request of mine).
Students have stepped up on their own and have formed prayer circles that
meet before youth, sometime during the week, or via group text message.
A few students are starting their first Monday back at school meeting in a
prayer group, to bathe their week in prayer. Their hope is that students know
that they will pray every Monday and that they will start bringing their prayer
requests to them or even join the group.
One girl is starting a ministry team soon to help a local ministry called Feed the
Hunger. This organization is very similar to Change This World, who we pack
meals for to be delivered to Haiti. With Feed the Hunger, we have an
opportunity to serve on mission with them in states such as South Carolina,
Kentucky, Tennessee, and countries such as Haiti.
Especially for the Puerto Rico missionaries, some continued to feel the tug and
calling to ministry in their lives. We also had ten students talk about feeling
called at Caswell to ministry.
We had a few of our students, high school and young adult, get baptized as they
felt led by God after walking in faith for so long while serving on-mission in
West Virginia.
That’s just a few of the happenings post-camp/mission trips. God is doing
something big, as usual, in our ministries across the life of the church.
Many of you have asked about our Puerto Rico mission trip. A lot to tell and not
enough space. It was such an amazing trip. As you know, the tropical storm
arrived about the same time we did, but it pushed further north than originally
planned. So we had heavy rain and wind for the first twelve hours of our time
there. Unexpectedly, when we arrived at our retreat center, we had no power and
September 2014
Sonshine Children's Ministries
Summer is over and school
is now in session! Did you
know that First Baptist
Church has a Preschool
Program, and an Afterschool Program
that serves three elementary schools
and two middle schools in addition to
their Summer Camp Program? Thru
these programs, we serve
approximately 120 children,
representing about 80 families. For
more information about any of these
MINISTRIES, please visit the
Church's website and click on the
Sonshine Ministries link or call our
office at 919-563-3444.
Last month, our church collected money for the ABSS schools
through our August Church-Wide Mission. We were also able to
donate six boxes of school supplies! Thank you all for your
Dear First Baptist of Mebane, Thank you so much for all the concerns and
prayers during our mother's illness and passing. The outpouring of prayers,
friends, kindness, and food have been very much appreciated by our family.
We have all been truly blessed to have the love and support of our church
family. Love in Christ, Jan Petty, Terri Maddox, Bonnie Manning, and Patti
Gifts Have Been Received . . .
In memory of Delorese Wilkinson by
David & Betty Neese.
Frank & Geraldine Meadows for Mike Lunday Building Fund.
Fidelis and Eva Jeffrey's Sunday School Class.
Jim & Janis Turner.
In honor of our High School Seniors by Blue Ribbon Diner for the
Puerto Rico Mission Trip.
We Express Christian Love & Sympathy to the Families of
Robert Cash, Cindy Cash’s father in-law.
Norma Langley, Margaret Smith’s sister.
John Patterson, Jr, Angie Allmond’s uncle.
Elizabeth Rice, James Rice's mother.
Delorese Wilkinson.
Our Response in Giving through August 24
Budgeted Year-to-Date
Giving Year-to-Date
Weekly amounts can be found in Friday's "Weekly Update" email.
To subscribe to the Weekly Update, please call the church office.
PRAYER REQUESTS Updated 8/25/2014
Austin Marine, Virginia McGee, Roger Parker, Nancy Lancaster, Velma Kelly, Margaret Smith, Lula
Gardner, Lottie Robertson, Gertrude Hill, Sue Smith, Frankie & Janice Copeland, Betty Jolly,
Bobbie Dickerson
HOMEBOUND: Lucille Bradley, Roenia Tripp, Colon Terrell, Sr. (Lee Terrell’s father),
Margaret West (Mike West’s mother)
Alamance Health Care – Olivia Manning, Mark Manning’s mother – rm 45; Melba Lashley – rm 94
Brian Center Nursing Care - Yanceyville – Mary Ingle – room 619
Brightmore Assisted Living - Sally Lennon – Glenda Kwascha’s mother – room #45
Cham-Net Family Care Home – Johnny Hamby
Group Home in Hillsborough – Lovelene Lewis
Hawfield’s Presbyterian Home – Dottie Scott – D11, Elma Mebane - D9, Hazel Foster - C13;
Ruby Copeland – C15, Mack Murdock – A8
Heritage Healthcare – Barry Oakley, Alvis Oakley’s son
Homeplace of Burlington – Mary Brown, Wade Ingle’s sister
Maple Grove Health & Rehabilitation – 336-230-0534 – Doug Walker, Dianne Sellers’ brother
Oak Creek - Lucy Bardwell, Apt C3-2
Peak Resources – Danny Newman (William D.), room – D169
Ralph Scott Group Home – Marshall Nance
White Oak Manor – Ann Corbett – room 122
Matt & Jessica Hoffman (Velma Kelly’s granddaughter)
Thad Harris (Bo & Vivian Harris’ son)
Erin Breiner (Sue Smith’s granddaughter)
Cole Terrell
Carter Terrell
Frances Watts (Laura Primm’s grandmother)
Billy Ann Allison (Lee Terrell’s mother)
Justin Dixon (Needham Layton’s grandson)
Sheldon Allen (Lynn Burnette’s mother)
Elaine Lowery (Del Lowery’s Sister In-Law)
Jose’ Cata (Maria Olivo’s father)
Leo Hoover (Hilda Lowery’s brother)
Alton Manning (Mark Manning’s father)
Ethel Caudle (Sue Hunt’s mother)
John Wayne Moree (Virginia McGee’s nephew)
Faye Southard (Betty Jolly’s sister)
Larry Lee (Virginia McGee’s Nephew)
Buddy Medlin (Betty Jolly’s brother)
David Owens
Wayne & Patricia Averette
Donna Rice (Jesse Wilson’s daughter)
Ruth Naylor (Martha Jobe’s mother)
Kathy Garrison (Mike Garrison’s niece)
Charles Worthington (Marie Murdock’s grandson) Cathy Hazelett (Tom Hazelett’s mother)
Amber Sykes (Lottie Robertson’s granddaughter)
Allen Minetree (Ann Shuler’s father)
Ken Murray Sr. (Ken Murray Jr.’s father)
Jackie Laviner (Judy Butler’s uncle)
Shannon Hedrick (Frankie Copeland’s daughter)
Carter Terrell (Lee Terrell’s son)
Lecie Daves (Christy Parnell’s grandmother)
Harry Lee Dalton (Vivian Harris’ brother)
Sam Oldham (Angela Albright’s father)
Robert Cash (Amber Cash’s father-in-law)
Libby Edwards (Jean Garcia’s daughter, Tammy
Steve Rogers (Linda Rogers’ brother)
Pennington’s sister)
Robert McBroom (Frances Fox’s brother)
Linda Hampton (Misty Fleming’s mother)
Grace Jones (Donna Faircloth’s aunt)
Nancy Cauble (Cindy Champion’s mother)
Brenda Stewart (Milton Patterson’s niece)
Larry Jolly (Wilson & Betty Jolly’s son)
Ruben Coleman (Sharon Merlette’s father)
Lynn Coffee (Pastor Larry’s niece)
Jim Adams (Milton Patterson)
September 2014
no water. I was legitimately SO EXCITED!!! However, of course, someone
prayed at church the next day…and we had power and water by lunch on Sunday.
Our students handled themselves as mature adults for most of the week,
especially on our job site at a local nursing home. We painted six hallways, two
floors, 2nd floor baseboards, six bathrooms, outside trim around the bottom of the
building, parking lot lines, repaired a lot of fencing, repaired a pipe, tore down old
items in the common area, planted four raised garden beds full of tomato plants
for the senior citizens to use as rehab therapy, and also built relationships with
the residents and staff at the nursing home. Many of us will never forget and
continuously pray for Angel, Jeff, Monica, Tito, Ernestina, as well as our new
family from Massachusetts and New Jersey who worked with us all week Renee,
Jo Seb, Esther, and Jen.
Here is one comment from our students Amanda Rowe:
It was just a blessing to be able to go to Puerto Rico and serve the people in
the nursing home there. When we went, I didn't know what to expect at all
and we didn't know what kind of work we would be doing. One of the most
amazing things for me was how we could still connect with the people there
even though we didn't speak the same language by just smiling or trying to
converse with our choppy Spanglish. I feel like the people there touched me
just as much (if not more) than we touched them. We laughed and we cried
together and made memories that will last a lifetime.
On behalf of our students, no matter what trip they went on, thank you for your
prayerful and in some cases financial support.
There is more on the way for our ministries. However, this only happens if we
continue to Love God, Love People, and Share Our Faith in Jesus Christ
All Youth Grades 6th - 12th are Invited to
September 7th
4:30 - 5:30 pm
September 7th
All children Grades
1st - 5th are invited!!!!
From 4:00 - 4:30 pm
in the Adult Choir Room
Children's Fall Activities Starting Up!
Wednesday Mission Meetings start September 3 rd .
Cherub Choir/Mission Friends ~ Children ages 3 years old through Kindergarten meet for music at 6:30 pm followed by Mission Friends at 6:45 pm
where leaders help preschoolers understand ways they can let others know
about God’s good news!
RA’s (Royal Ambassadors) ~ 6:30 pm. Boys ages 6 -11 are given a lifestyle
goal to live by the RA Motto, "We are Ambassadors for Christ".
GA’s (Girls in Action) ~ 6:30 pm. Girls will discover how they can get fit to
serve God mentally, physically, socially, and spiritually through fun and relevant activities.
Sunday Evening Activities start September 7 th .
Bible Drill ~ Grades 4th - 6th, 5:30 pm. By developing skills in locating Bible books, memorizing the names of the books of the Bible in order and memorizing verses, Bible Drill is a great way to help children, and their families,
get excited about reading the Bible.
Mr. Mack's Friends ~ Children grades 1st through 3rd will enjoy learning
more about what it means to be a Christian with age appropriate Bible skills
and activities. Mr. Mack’s Friends meets at 5:30 pm.
Church-Wide Mission Project
For the month of September, our church will focus on collecting gifts for the
Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child. In addition to the suggested
items below, we will also accept donations of $7 to pay for the processing fee
per box to ship the boxes all over the world! Suggested Items (please provide
items for children ages 2 – 14):
Toys - balls, small cars,
dolls, stuffed animals, games, etc.
School supplies - Paper, pencils &
pens, colored pencils, markers
Hygiene Items - soap, toothbrushes*,
comb, brushes (nothing that will leak,
including toothpaste)
Clothing - t-shirts, socks, toboggans,
gloves, mittens, ball caps
Miscellaneous - hard candy, hair
clips, sunglasses, etc.
Items will be collected through October and can be dropped off in the gray
box outside of Gaddy's office on the 2nd floor. Please do NOT include
religious or political items, playing cards, and/or dominoes. *multi-pack
packages of toothbrushes are welcomed because families sometimes all use
the same toothbrush.
September 2014
doctorate degree I have earned. This involves
working with people in a much longer process
than pastors typically are trained for and/or
have the time for. Remember those multiple
hats we wear don’t leave much time for
extended counseling sessions. After a pastor
hears a personal story or concern, they decide
if the problem is one that can be addressed in a
couple of sessions or is something that person
needs to delve deeper into for resolution. This
is the point where most pastors are taught to
refer the church member/couple/family to a
trained professional outside the church.
So now you know more than you asked. This is a small part what I do here at
FBC and if you’re interested and want to know more – please call me and let
me tell you all about your Associate Pastor.
Change Gears!!! There is so much going on here that I hardly know where to
start. The YahYahs went to Wytheville, VA to the Wohlfahrt Haus Dinner
Theatre on August 15th, and saw a most excellent musical matinee: “Then
Sings My Soul.” The food was awesome, the theatre very nice, and the show
wonderful. Everyone who went said this place is a keeper for future visits.
We even sat next to 3 Ms. North Carolina (seniors). One of them was named
Judy Butler……how cool is that?
Last night, Sunday, August 24th, the Long Range Planning committee
presented information about possibilities for the future of FBC. They made a
recommendation that will come before the church for a vote on Sunday,
September 7th. After much research and deliberation, the committee
unanimously recommends that FBC purchase land in a different location and
build a new facility. If you have questions about this, please give me a call
and I will be glad to bring the presentation by for you to see and explain it to
you. If there is any way possible that you can be here on Sept. 7th, please do
so, because every voice needs expression.
Many thanks to Nita and Bob Parnell for hosting our cookout and picnic for
the month of August while I was away. I appreciate them taking care of this
event for me and for you.
Pastor Judy
17th (Wednesday)
Monthly Lunch. September Salads………. I’ll supply
lettuce, cucumbers, and ranch dressing. Please sign up for what you will
bring. Suggestions: Salads (chicken salad, tuna salad, potato salad, macaroni
salad, pasta salad, 3-bean salad, Mexican salad, fruit salad, Watergate salad,
etc.), tomatoes, onions, crackers, grated cheese, bacon bits, croutons, other
salad dressings OR any other type of salad you would like to bring. BE
I will have a presentation of slides and information to share with you about
my trip.
Fellowship of the YahYahs
September 2014
NC Missions Offering
Lve God, Lve People, and Share Our Faith in Jesus Chris Together.
Dear Church Family,
First things first: thank you for supporting me and praying for me on my
recent mission trip to Belize, Central America. For those of you who may not
know, I was invited to teach in the Belize Baptist Bible School in Camalote. I
taught Pastoral Care and Counseling to a group of seven students, 3 men and
4 women, who are either pastors or church leaders. There is no seminary
there, and this school was begun as an outreach and dream of some folks from
Gardner Webb University. The school in Belize has partnered with CBF for
some time now. It was a wonderful experience, and I was honored to be part
of God’s work in this way.
That brings me to another point of explanation. Some of you have asked,
“What is Pastoral Care and what is this Counseling and Spiritual Direction
all about that Pastor Judy does here at FBC?” And yes, there are classes to
teach Pastoral Care. Here is what Wikipedia says, Pastoral care is an
ancient model of emotional and spiritual support that can be found in many
cultures and traditions. It has been described in our modern context as
individual and corporate patience in which trained pastoral care-ers support
people in their pain, loss and anxiety, and their triumphs, joys and victories.
Now some of you are probably saying, “Isn’t that just what pastors do?” Yes
and No. Just like all of you have special gifts, so do pastors. Some pastors are
really great preachers, and some are great administrators. Others have a gift
of music, and still others are wonderful with visitation.
Spiritual Direction is similar but different?!? Huh? Spiritual Direction is a
one-on-one deep, personal search for God in an individual’s life and
circumstances. Spiritual Direction might involve seeking God in nature, art,
music, meditation, or through dream interpretation. This is typically for
someone who feels the need for something different, deeper, and more
intimate than is experienced on Sunday mornings.
You see, we pastors have to wear multiple hats most days, but like you, we
are drawn to, and better at, some activities more than some others. I happen
to be a great listener, advisor, comforter, encourager, empower-er, and
diplomat. I have other gifts like teaching, preaching, and administration, but
listening, encouraging, and empowering are the ones I most enjoy and the
ones where I am strongest. I like sitting with people, one-on-one, and
listening to their stories. I like helping them see their issues and struggles
through other lenses and considering options they had not considered outside
their normal thought process. I like helping
people see where God is in all their life
circumstances, showing them how much He
loves them, and how His grace is visible even
though it may not be apparent to them where
they are.
The Counseling part is a bit more in depth
and a longer process outside of what a pastor
normally does. The Counseling is technically
“Pastoral Psychotherapy” and is the kind of
Choose now to pray that more lives are touched than ever before because of
generous giving through the North Carolina Missions Offering. Pray God will
protect and guide church planters across North Carolina. Pray more men,
women and students will volunteer to help NC Baptist Men provide vital care
to the suffering. Pray missions camps will continue to minister to those in
their area. Pray for those affected by natural disasters. Pray God will
awaken the hearts of unbelievers through the work of new churches. Pray for
the ministry of the medical/dental bus will deliver hope to the hurting.
Church Goal: $1,100
Nursery Workers Needed
If you are not on the Nursery List to
stay in the Nursery with our Babies
and Toddlers while their parents are
in the Worship Services and would
like to be added please advise. The
schedule is made out for 4 months at
a time and if the Sunday chosen for
you is not a good one you can switch
with someone on the list for another
Sunday. You can agree to stay at the
8:30 and/or the 11:00 Services and for
1, 2 or 3 times a year. Youth in the
6th to 12th grades are welcome to
stay too with parents’ permission.
Adults will be in the Nursery with the
youth. Please advise at or 919-5633038. Thanks for your support of the
Nursery. We all need to care for the
little ones. Thanks for considering
this and thanks for your time in the
Nursery. Margaret Robertson
Mebane Churches Bloodmobile
Monday, September 29th
2:00 pm - 7:00 pm
First Baptist Church Mebane
You are eligible to donate if you have not donated singles since August 4 or
Double Red Cells if you have not donated since June 9. Please call or e-mail
Margaret Robertson if you would like to make an appointment at 563-3038
Your pint of blood could help 3 people!
September 2014
Church Office &
Ministries Closed
Weekday Preschool
Reflections WMU, 7pm
Hunt's Bible Study,7pm
Start of Wednesday
Evening Activities
Praise Team, 6:30pm
Properties, 7 pm
Sharon Knight WMU,
Men's Bible Study, 6am
Transition Team, 7:30
Praise Team, 6:30pm
Men's Bible Study, 6am
YahYah's Monthly
11:30 am
Hunt's Bible Study,7pm
Deacon's Meeting, 7 pm
Praise Team, 6:30pm
Stewardship, 7pm
Men's Bible Study, 6am
Congregational Vote
(see page 3)
Start of Sunday
Evening Activities
Praise Team, 6:30pm
Deacon Election
Hunt's Bible Study,7pm
Sunday Morning
8:30 am Traditional Worship
9:45 am Sunday School
11:00 am Contemporary Worship
Church Work Day,
8 am
Hunt's Bible Study,7pm
Sunday Evening Activities
4:00 pm Youth Choir
4:30 pm Youth Group, Children’s
Choir, Women's Bible Study
5:30 pm Mr. Mack’s Friends, Bible
Wednesday Evening Activities
6:30 pm Cherub Choir/ Mission Friends,
RA’s, GA’s, Youth Bible Study
6:45 pm Prayer Meeting
7:30 pm Adult Choir