3-2 Relative Dating (p. 64-69)

3-2 Relative Dating (p. 64-69)
Compare and contrast detective work with geologists studying the Earth.
what is IS
relative dating
The Principle of Superposition
Draw and explain the principle of superposition.
Disturbing Forces
Why are rock layers NOT always as you explained above? (Give 3 examples)
what it is NOT
The Geologic Column
What is important about it?
geologic column
Why is it a challenge for scientists?
Compare and contrast the geologic column with the sandwich activity.
Disturbed Rock Layers
Draw and explain each of the four ways rock layers can become disturbed.
The first paragraph on page 66 is complicated. Read and summarize this paragraph.
Events that Disturb Rock Layers
How are disturbances in rock layers used to help scientists determine how old rock layers are? Give
two examples.
Gaps in the Record-Unconformities
Draw and explain what unconformity means.
How is unconformity a challenge to scientists?
Types of Unconformities
Draw and explain each type of unconformity.
Do the Section review page 69 # 2,3,5,6,7