ILP : Russian language and culture Title ILP Russian language and culture Domain Intellectual development Total sessions offered 6 Mode of Tuition Tutorial Teaching Hours 2 hours per session ILP offered in Term 1 Language of instruction English Maximum number of participants 30 to 35 Minimum number of participants 15-17 Number of ILPs 12 ILPs Requirements Must attend 80% of all sessions (i.e. 5 sessions at least) to qualify for 12 ILPs General description The “Russian language and culture” ILP focuses on introducing students to Russian culture and to key language items, useful as general knowledge references or if planning to travel in Russia. Aims The main aims are to provide a useful and enjoyable course for students who are interested in Russian culture and those who plan to travel there; it is also aimed at furthering students’ understanding of cultures and languages in line with the University’s mission as a liberal arts university. The emphasis is on providing students with an enjoyable, stimulating and interactive learning experience by creating opportunities for them to discover the new culture and simple but key language in specific contexts. Desired Outcomes At the end of each session, students will: - have gained an understanding of aspects of Russian culture and therefore, they will have gained a better understanding of the world - have learned useful language items which they could use if they travel to Russia or which will be useful for general knowledge references Measurement of outcomes Short quizzes will be organised at the end of every session about the information/language covered in the session. These quizzes are intended to give students some feedback on their engagement with the session’s material by measuring how much they can remember from the session. Recommended Readings: References Антонова В.Е., Нахабина М.М., Сафронова М.В., Толстых А.А. Дорога в Россию. Учебник русского языка (элементарный уровень) (Road to Russia 1 走遍俄罗斯.1) 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2007. Караванова Н. Б. Иллюстрированная энциклопедия: РОССИЯ / Н. Б. Караванова; [пер. А. А. Караванов] – М.: Эксмо, 2009. 304 с.: ил. (Karavanova N. B. The Illustrated Encyclopaedia: RUSSIA. - Moscow: EKSMO, 2009) On-line references LANGUAGE: Russian For Everyone Listen 2 Russian Time to Speak Russian A Touch of Russian – A beginner's guide to the language CIVILISATION Syllabus: “Russian language and culture” ILP Session 1. Russia between East and West. Content outline Facts and figures. National symbols. Russian geography and nature Russian national character. Major historic events. Cultural icons. Cyrillic alphabet. Your name in Russian. Use Russian to make friends. 2. Russian traditions and customs Origin of Russian nation. Culture of Slavs. From the cradle to the grave: milestones in the life of a Russian. Russian religious and traditional festivals. Russian national holidays. Family traditions. Russian concept of family. Being a guest in Russia. Structures Russian alphabet. I am + name. My name is + name. What is your name? Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you too! I am a + occupation. I am from + country, city. Where are you from? I like… . Do you like…? I have… . Do you have…? How to say … in Russian? Negation. How are you? I am fine. (Reminder: Russian alphabet.) Numbers. This is my Mum/Granny/sister/aunt. Her name is… . This is my Dad/Granddad/brother/uncle. His name is… . She/he is a + occupation. I am… years old. She/he is... years old. How old are you? How old is she/he? Happy birthday! Merry Christmas! Activities Opening quiz Mini role-plays: “How do you do?” “I like this!” Revision quiz. Materials Map of Russia National symbols. Photographs. Hand-out. Matching game: matching festivals with their cultural symbols. Mini role-plays: “Family photo” “Happy birthday”. Singing Russian birthday song. Dancing Russian name day dance. Revision quiz. Objects and photographs associated with Russian customs, traditions and festivals. Videos about Russian traditions, festivals and ceremonies. 3. Russian for food lovers Russian cuisine. Russian climate and nature and traditional food. Staple food. Table manners. Eating habits of Russian people. At a restaurant. 4. Going shopping in Russia Fashion in Russia. Famous brands and shops. Types of shops. Markets. “Must buy” souvenirs. 5. ‘The Orange Mood’ or Trends in the youth culture. Famous bands and singers. Modern Russian cinematograph. Happy New Year! Christ is risen! Truly, He is risen! (Reminder: Russian alphabet & numbers) I am hungry. I am thirsty. What is this? This is … . Do you have… ? What would you like? I would like… , please. Thank you! I am allergic to… I cannot eat… . I like… . Do you like… ? The bill, please! (Reminder: Russian alphabet & numbers) Colours. Where is… ? Do you have… ? I need… . May I have a look… ? How much is this… ? May I try it on? I would like to buy two, please. Do you accept credit cards? Where can I exchange money? (Reminder: Russian alphabet.) What music do you like? I like… . I dislike… . Mini role-play: “At a restaurant”. Matching game. Cooking a Russian dish. Revision quiz. Photographs of Russian food and staple food products. Russian recipes. Products and equipment required to cook a Russian dish. Opening quiz. Mini role-plays: “I would like to buy…” “Oh, it is too expensive!” “Not my size” Role-play: “At a shop” Revision quiz. Photographs of Russian souvenirs. Examples of Russian currency – rouble. Opening quiz. Mini role-play: “Talking about music Russian songs and music. Trailers and Russian Russian “stars”. contemporary culture 6. Tips for traveling in Russia Main destination. Moscow. Saint Petersburg. Golden Ring. Trans-Siberian Railway. Russian long-distance and sub-urban trains. City transport. Moscow underground. Taxi. Travelling etiquette. “Must know” Safety tips. At the airport. At the railway station. Who is your favourite singer/actor? What’s the name of this song? This song is called… . What does it mean? It means… . Do you have a hobby? Yes, I like… . (Reminder: Russian alphabet.) Where is… ? Where am I? What is this street called? Which station is this? How to get to… ? Does this bus/tram Is it far? Is it close? Please take me to… . I would like to buy a ticket to… . How much is it? Sorry, this is my seat. Is this my stop? Yes, this is your stop. and films” Revision quiz. episodes from films. Photographs. Opening quiz. Mini role-plays: “Asking the way” “Map” “Taking the bus” “Buying a train ticket” “ Filling the immigration card” Revision quiz. Photographs. Useful websites. Hand-out with traveling tips. Samples of a tickets. Videos. *Note: The schedule proposed above is tentative. It may be modified according to student progress and time available