MINUTES Assembly Lands Committee Wednesday, April 16, 2001

Assembly Lands Committee
Wednesday, April 16, 2001
City Hall Assembly Chambers
Members Present:
Marc Wheeler, Chair; Merrill Sanford; John MacKinnon; Jim Powell,
Cathy Munoz
Members Absent:
Staff Present:
Steve Gilbertson, Lands & Resources Manager; Cynthia Johnson, Lands
& Resources Officer
Others Present:
Kim Kiefer, Parks & Recreation Director
Call To Order
Chair Wheeler called the meeting to order at 5:02 p.m.
Agenda Changes
There were no changes to the Agenda.
Approval of Minutes
Ms. Munoz moved that the March 28, 2001 Lands Committee minutes be approved as
Hearing no objections, it was so ordered.
Action Items
A. Lease of Centennial Hall space to Juneau Convention and Visitors Bureau
Kim Kiefer, Parks & Recreation Director discussed the Juneau Convention and
Visitor Bureau’s (JCVB) interest in leasing space in Centennial Hall.
Committee Action:
Mr. MacKinnon moved to approve negotiations for a five-year contract with JCVB
for rental of Centennial Hall Space and asked that a reasonable fee apply.
Hearing no objections, it was so ordered.
Assembly Lands Committee Meeting
April 16, 2001
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B. Purchase of Lot 1, USS 3764, Tee Harbor
Ms. Kiefer discussed the purchase of Lot 1, USS 3764, Tee Harbor property. Mr.
Wheeler asked to make note that people were present at the meeting in petition to
support. Other topics of discussion regarding this purchase included lands funds
balance, tax breaks, improved beach access, “before and after” strategies, and having
the Planning Commission follow up.
Committee Action:
Mr. Powell moved to proceed with staff recommendations to request that the
Assembly Lands Committee direct staff to negotiate the purchase of USS 3764, Lot
1, the tip of North Tee Harbor Peninsula, with funds from the Lands Fund and
recommend the Assembly purchase the property.
Mr. MacKinnon asked for a Role Vote: Those in favor (yes) were Powell,
Wheeler, Sanford (vote count?), and Ms. Munoz. Those not in favor (no): Mr.
C. Site for a new Foodbank Building
The Southeast Alaska Foodbank is requesting assistance from the CBJ in providing a
site for the construction of a 1500 sq. ft. warehouse for their food distribution
program. The CBJ has a small filled area at the end of Crazy Horse Drive located in
an industrial zoning district that is suitable for the warehouse. Other discussion
included using the area for a snow dump area and getting a permit for turnaround.
Committee Action
Mr. MacKinnon moved to approve the staff recommendation that a portion of U.S.
Survey 1041 at the west end of Crazy Horse Drive be leased to the Foodbank for a
term of 25 years subject to a use restriction. It is also recommended that the CBJ
pay for the building permit costs from the housing fund.
Hearing no objections, it was so ordered.
Information Items
A. Resolution on Subport Redevelopment Plan
Law to draft a resolution to be presented at the May 7th Assembly Meeting. Member
Powell asked that this work address other related studies such as harbor plan and
20/20 vision project. The Lands Committee would like to review the request for
proposal before it is finalized.
Assembly Lands Committee Meeting
April 16, 2001
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B. Sale of Lucia Delzell Property
Staff reported the ordinance authorizing the sale would be introduced on April 16th
and heard on May 7th. A copy of the ordinance is in the packets.
C. Indian Point/Auke Cape
The transfer will be completed in May. Discussion centered on whether to dedicate
this property for parks purposes. After debating the merits and limitations of such a
proposal, the committee decided to postpone taking any action. The committee
requested staff report back on the status of the land acquisitions and disposals and
provide maps showing proposed park acquisitions in context with other adjacent CBJ
D. Lena Point Subdivision
Mr. Gilbertson and members spoke of a joint committee meeting to discuss proposed
road, look at zoning changes, evaluate subdivision plans, access to NOAA, contract
with R&M, utilities. Mental Health Trust will work jointly with the CBJ to subdivide
and divide costs. Issues to address: Density, testing for waste disposal, arrange for
permits for sewage, access to tidewater for outfall, zoning, transportation, mixed use,
and selling parcel to developer.
E. Lemon Creek Road/Anka Street Cleaning
A draft letter to gravel operators and contractors was discussed regarding the
complaint of loose gravel and soil on Lemon Creek Rd. and Anka Street. A meeting
will be scheduled with gravel producers and local contractors to discuss roadcleaning mitigation.
Other Items
A. Liaison voting issue.
Mr. Wheeler will check to see if committee liaisons can vote. Mr. Etheridge said
committee liaisons couldn’t do under charter
B. Cope Park historical recognition.
Staff to look at reintroducing the name Evergreen Bowl at Cope Park, perhaps using
both names. Steve Gilbertson to discuss with Kim Kiefer.
Mr. Wheeler moved to adjourn the meeting at 5:59 p.m.
The next meeting will be May 7, 2001 in the City Hall Conference Room