Set #3 Words

Name __________________________________
Date ________________
Word Warriors Set 3
Definition Log
Directions: Write down the Word Warrior word next to the correct definition. Practice
all of your words through the work so you can become a Word Warrior!
Set 3 Word List:
smart, quick-thinking
alone or by yourself
to help someone
remember something
to look quickly
Name __________________________________
Date ________________
Word Warriors Set 3
Definition Log - KEY
Directions: Write down the Word Warrior word next to the correct definition. Practice
all of your words through the work so you can become a Word Warrior!
Set 3 Word List:
smart, quick-thinking
alone or by yourself
to help someone
remember something
to look quickly
1. Clever- smart, quick-thinking
• Example- The thief came up with a clever plan so he would not get
• Ask- When would you need to be clever?
Lonely – alone or by yourself
• Example- The man felt lonely while his family was away.
• Ask- Describe a time when you felt lonely.
Remind- to help someone remember something
• Example- Please remind me to get eggs and milk for the cake.
• Ask- What is something you might need to be reminded of?
Peek – to look quickly
• Example- Do not let your mom catch you peeking at the presents!
• Ask- When have you tried to peek at something?
K – Word Warriors – Set 3 Activity
Name ______________________________
Date ____________
Word Warriors Set #3 Activity – I Scream for Ice Cream
Directions: Each of the ice cream cones has a vocabulary word on it. The
scoops of ice cream have definitions or examples of the words.
1. Work with a partner to color and cut out the cones and scoops of ice
2. Next, glue each scoop on top of the cone that has the related vocabulary
3. Finally, in the empty scoops, you and your partner should write or draw at
least one example for each word, then color and cut out the scoops and
add them to the ice cream cones.
This word is a
synonym (same) for
Do not try to
_______ while we
play hide and seek.
My sister felt
______when we left
her at home by
I had to ________
my mom to pick up
my brother from
K – Word Warriors – Set 3 Activities
Name __________________________________
Date ____________
Word Warriors Set #3 Activity - Quick Questions
Directions: Each bullet point asks a question about one of this week’s vocabulary
words. Work with a partner to read the question, circle your answer, and then explain
why you chose your answer. You do not have to write in complete sentences.
1. What is something you would need reminded of:
o To do your homework or to eat dinner?
2. Who might need to be clever:
o A doctor or a magician?
3. When might you feel lonely?:
o At a family reunion or on a long walk?
4. What is something you might try to take a peek of?:
o What mom is cooking for dinner or your sister’s diary?
Have some extra time? Draw a picture to go with one of the Quick Questions that you answered!
Name _____________________________________
Date ____________
Word Warriors - Set #3 Activities – A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words
Directions: In the space below, draw a picture that shows one of the vocabulary words.
Trade pictures with a partner and try to figure out which vocabulary word your partner
was showing. Next, write a caption for the picture that uses the vocabulary word.
If you have time then write a caption for your own picture or repeat this activity with a
new word.
Draw your 1st picture here.
Your Partner’s Caption:
Your Caption (Optional):
Draw your picture 2nd picture here
Your Partner’s Caption:
Your Caption (Optional):
Name ___________________________________
Word Warriors - Set #3 Activities- Picture This!
Directions: For each word, work with a partner to follow the directions and draw a
picture that relates to one of your Set 2 vocabulary words. Don’t forget to write a short
explanation of why your picture is an example of the word!
1. Lonely: Draw a picture someone who might be lonely.
Why did you draw this
picture? How does your
picture show the vocabulary
2. Clever: Draw a picture of someone doing something clever.
Why did you draw this
picture? How does your
picture show the vocabulary
3. Peek: Draw a picture of something you would want to peek at.
Why did you draw this
picture? How does your
picture show the vocabulary
Remind: Draw a picture of something reminds you of your family.
Why did you draw this
picture? How does your
picture show the vocabulary
K – Word Warriors – Set 3 Activities
Teacher Directions:
Set 3 – I Scream… Answer Key
I had to ________ my mom to pick up my brother from school. (remind)
Do not try to _______ while we play hide and seek. (peek)
This word is a synonym (same) for smart. (clever)
My sister felt ______when we left her at home by herself.(lonely)
Set #3 - Lights, Camera, Action!
Write down the names of vocabulary words onto index cards from this set as well as the previous
Make enough for students to work in pairs.
Have each pair pick a vocabulary word (more than one group may have the same vocabulary
Give students 5 minutes to come up a short “skit” for their word. Students may not actually say
their word in their skit and you may encourage them not to speak at all.
One or both students in the group will perform their “skit” for the class and other students in the
class will try to guess what the word is.
If there is time, allow students in the class to vote on which group did the best job of showing their
Don’t forget! Before each performance allow students to call out “Lights… Camera… ACTION!”
(Be sure to model. Give them a countdown, 1,2,3 or 3,2,1)
Set #3 - Thumbs up/Thumbs down
Directions: For each word, instruct students to give a thumbs up if they agree with the statement, or
thumbs down if they disagree. Feel free to incorporate more motions and words like yes or no; yup or
nope; uh huh or uh uh… (Have fun with it!)
Lonely- Would you be lonely on the playground with a bunch of friends (why or why not?)
Clever- Would a person running through the snow with no shoes be clever (why or why not?)
Remind- Do you ever need to remind your teachers of anything (when?)
Peek- Have you ever peeked into a place you shouldn’t have? (when?)
K – Word Warriors – Final Activity Name ______________________________________
Date ____________
Word Warriors Set #3 Final Activity
Directions: This final activity has two parts. In each part there will be one
question about each of this week’s words. If you can use the vocabulary word
correctly in both sections, then you will have mastered that word and you’ll be
on your way to becoming a Word Warrior.
Part I – True
or False
Directions: Each of the statements below uses one of this week’s vocabulary
words. Read the sentence, decide whether it is true or false, and circle your
answer. For example, if one of this week’s vocabulary words was greedy:
Example: A greedy person would probably give money to a local charity.
true or false
1. If you were all by yourself you might feel lonely.
true or false
2. If you remind someone you are helping them remember.
true or false
3. It is ok to peek at your presents before Christmas.
true or false
4. Someone who is clever is not very smart.
true or false
Part II – Say What?
Directions: Read each of the comments below, and then write the
vocabulary word that goes with it on the line after the comment. For
example, using the vocabulary word greedy:
Example: “I want to keep it all for myself.” ___greedy__
Set #3 Words: lonely, remind, peek, clever
1. “I really wish I had some friend to play with.”
2. “They came up with an excellent plan.”
3. “I made a list of what I needed so I wouldn’t
forget.” _________________
4. “I was supposed to cover my eyes, but I looked
through my fingers.” _________________
Directions: To master a word the camper must use it correctly in at least 2 out of the 3 parts
of the final activity. After you check each section, circle the words that the camper has
mastered this week.
You mastered _____ of this week’s words! Color in ______ sections on your Word Warriors
Tracker. The words you mastered are:
Keep on working hard so that you can become a Word Warrior!
K – Word Warriors – Final Activity Name ______________________________________
Date ____________
Word Warriors Set #3 Final Activity - KEY
Directions: This final activity has two parts. In each part there will be one
question about each of this week’s words. If you can use the vocabulary word
correctly in both sections, then you will have mastered that word and you’ll be
on your way to becoming a Word Warrior.
Part I – True
or False
Directions: Each of the statements below uses one of this week’s vocabulary
words. Read the sentence, decide whether it is true or false, and circle your
answer. For example, if one of this week’s vocabulary words was greedy:
Example: A greedy person would probably give money to a local charity.
true or false
1. If you were all by yourself you might feel lonely.
true or false
2. If you remind someone you are helping them remember.
true or false
3. It is ok to peek at your presents before Christmas.
true or false
4. Someone who is clever is not very smart.
true or false
Part II – Say What?
Directions: Read each of the comments below, and then write the
vocabulary word that goes with it on the line after the comment. For
example, using the vocabulary word greedy:
Example: “I want to keep it all for myself.” ___greedy__
Set #3 Words: lonely, remind, peek, clever
1. “I really wish I had some friend to play with.”
2. “They came up with an excellent plan.” clever
3. “I made a list of what I needed so I wouldn’t
forget.” remind
4. “I was supposed to cover my eyes, but I looked
through my fingers.” peek
Directions: To master a word the camper must use it correctly in at least 2 out of the 3 parts
of the final activity. After you check each section, circle the words that the camper has
mastered this week.
You mastered _____ of this week’s words! Color in ______ sections on your Word Warriors
Tracker. The words you mastered are:
Keep on working hard so that you can become a Word Warrior!