talking talking OUT OUT CONTACT NUMBERS FOR ADVICE AND ASSISTANCE Tasmanian Gay and Lesbian Rights Group 6224 3556 Gay and Lesbian Community Centre 0500808 031 Parents, Family and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) 6234 2372 Hobart Women’s Health Centre 6231 3212 Sexual Health Service, Department of Health and Human Services 1800675 859 Tasmanian Council on AIDS, Hepatitis and Related Diseases (TasCAHRD) 6234 1242 Information and Support Line 1800005 900 Working It Out 63344013, 64323643, 62311200 TasCAHRD THE GAY MEN'S HEALTH PROGRAM The Gay Men's Health Program at TasCAHRD (Tasmanian Council on AIDS, Hepatitis, and Related Diseases) is a state wide service operating out of offices at 319 Liverpool Street Hobart. The program provides HIV and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) prevention information and resources to gay men and other men who have sex with men (MSM). National and state resources are provided to a range of organisations across Tasmania to promote the acceptance of sexual diversity, as well as resources that deal with issues such as homophobia, safer sex, relationships, gender, sexuality and coming out. The program also offers telephone, email or face to face advocacy and support for gay men and MSM dealing with issues relating to sexuality, relationships, and identity. The program can provide referrals for gay men and other MSM's in need of supportive health services such as gay friendly GP's, counsellors and dentists. Venue outreach is another part of the program that provides safer sex resources (condoms and lube), and information on HIV/ AIDS, Hepatitis and STI's. The program provides free safer sex packs that can be easily put into a pocket and taken home. Cost price condoms and lube are also available for purchase at the TasCAHRD office. We also provide harm reduction information on alcohol and party drugs such as amphetamines and other psychostimulants. AN INFORMATION BULLETIN FOR TEACHERS FROM THE GAY, LESBIAN, BISEXUAL AND TRANSGENDER INTER SEX ISSUES IN EDUCATION REFERENCE GROUP, SCHOOL EDUCATION DIVISION, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, TASMANIA CONTENTS Book Review ‘When Our Children Come Out’ p. 2 Tips for Teachers p. 3 Duty of Care and Disclosure p. 4 My Friend is Gay - a peer support resource p. 5 Research Review Writing Themselves In Again; 6 Years On Australian Education Union p. 7 Contact Numbers for Advice and Assistance p. 8 TasCAHRD p. 8 We liaise and work in partnership with other GLBTI organisations such as Working It Out, the Gay & Lesbian Community Centre, the Tasmanian Gay and Lesbian Rights Group and other allied health services like Sexual Health Service and Lifeline. ISSUES ARTICLES No. 5 RESOURCES October 2005 STUDENT FOCUS As a teacher, supporting gay, lesbian, bi-sexual or transgender students, you might have found that at some time, the students want to talk with you about coming out to their parents. When we have something on our mind, we often want to share it with someone else, especially people close to us. However, sometimes we don't ask ourselves how to go about ensuring that the other person receives our information in the best possible way. It was late at night, when I was in bed, tired after a long day, when my son stood before me and said: "Mum, I think I might be gay". Needless to say, I did not have much sleep! So the student needs to choose a good time to tell his parents. * Ask the student what they think their parents' reaction might be on hearing that their son or daughter is gay, lesbian, bi-sexual or transgender. Most parents, given time, accept their offspring's different sexual orientation. However, some parents react negatively. * A very small number of parents might withhold financial support. In that case, have the students thought through the financial implications - should they wait until they are financially independent? * Check the students' motive. Is it because they love their parents, and want to reduce emotional distance? Make clear students should never come out in anger. *I mentioned the question of timing. Are parents dealing with other major issues, and under stress? Or are things relatively quiet at home, allowing parents some space to think through the new information? * Inform students that they might need to be patient and be prepared to answer many questions. Once told, parents need time and help from their child to accept the fact that he or she is not heterosexual. Students will need to be prepared to allow them expression of a range of emotions, which can include grief, anger and guilt. Parents can go through a recognizable grieving period lasting from six months to two years. * Check that students have sufficient emotional support from outside the family, while in the process of coming out to parents. Not only are students often still working on some of their own unresolved issues in relation to their sexuality, they now also have to deal with the reaction of parents and perhaps that of other family members. * Encourage students to give their parents information on parent support networks. PFLAG (Parents, Family and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) exists to support parents by phone, email or direct contact. PFLAG also has printed information specifically aimed at family members. See the contact numbers in this issue of Talking Out, Els For more information about the Gay Men's Health Program please contact the Gay Men's Health Coordinator on Phone: (03) 6234 1242, Fax: (03) 6234 1630 or email mail@tascahrd. Page 8 p. 5 POLICY McIntosh, PFLAG Tasmania Department of Education School Education Division This bulletin may be downloaded from talking talking OUT OUT BOOK REVIEW ‘When Our Children Come Out’ Dr Maria Pallotta-Chiarolli (Finch Publishing, 2005) How we support gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) young people through the coming out process can have a profound effect on their lives. What do you do if a child comes out to you? As a parent or teacher, what is your reaction, and how does it make you feel? Most importantly, what can you do to support them? ‘When Our Children Come Out’ is a valuable guide for all those who are or will be affected by a young person coming out. “This work includes first-hand accounts from families, schools and communities across different socio-economic levels, diverse regions and many cultural backgrounds. It also provides vital suggestions and advice for those at the coalface of this issue - parents of young people who need to come out, high-school teachers and community leaders - as well as effective responses and strategies for dealing with homophobia in any environment.” (From Dr Pallotta-Chiarolli’s web page) The situations and ways in which young people choose to come out in these pages are as diverse as the young people themselves. They vary from the mundane to the extreme, the comic to the tragic, from across the dinner table to appearing on television with a hand-held sign at the front of the Mardi Gras Parade. They are tales of apprehension, sadness, joy and liberation, and as such, provide a moving document of the experiences of young people, their families and communities. The true value of “When Our Children Come Out’ lies not in its accounts of love and determination however, but in the strategies it offers us as individuals and communities, for helping our young people to make this journey the celebration it should be. It offers basic advice and information for dealing with homophobia in all the areas of a young person’s life, from the lounge room to the classroom, and out on to the streets. Most importantly, it recognises that the safety, health and wellbeing of GLBT young people is a buck that most definitely stops with us, the adults in their world. More than ever, teachers and parents are realising the responsibility they have in GLBT young peoples lives. This is a book that helps us turn that responsibility into reality. Dr Pallotta-Chiarolli is a Senior Lecturer at Deakin University. She is also a writer, researcher and consultant in the issues of cultural diversity, gender diversity, and sexual diversity, HIV/ AIDS, and social diversity in health and education. See Dr Pallotta-Chiarolli’s web page for details on other publications useful for school communities, including: ‘Girl’s talk - Young women speak their hearts and minds’ (Finch Publishing) A unique collection of over 150 contributions by young women across Australia, and; ‘So What’s A Boy? Addressing issues of Masculinity and Schooling’ with Wayne Martino (Open University Press). Enquiries, feedback or contributions to the Editor: PEO Inclusive Practice GPO Box 919, Hobart 7001 Phone: (03) 6233 5402 Fax: (03) 6233 6982 Page 2 schools were attempting to hide rather than deal with problems of homophobic bullying. The report recommends organisational leadership and suggests strongly worded letters from Departments of Education advising that homophobic abuse and bullying are illegal and that schools must honour responsibilities to students through policy and action. "Actively addressing homophobia wherever it occurs, recognising it, naming it and reacting with zero tolerance is the most salient challenge arising out of this report…No individual teacher should feel uncertainty about how or when to act on this issue or feel unsure about whether or not they have institutional support for their actions," (p.84). While some schools are making a difference, implementing anti-bullying programs and the like, the report found that some negative peer group attitudes and resulting bad behaviours continued, one student noting: "The fact that homophobia is 'illegal' in schools means SQUAT! The second the teacher's back is turned all hell breaks loose. Until awareness and education is spread, and attitudes change, youth suicide statistics will soar and homophobia will continue to linger," -Dean, 18. Encouragingly, evidence from 14-17 year age group indicates those students were more likely to receive anti-homophobia and sexuality awareness education at school, indicating a progression in curriculum since the 1998 report recommended change. Nearly 75% of the young people surveyed had used the internet as a way of finding information about or to discuss their sexuality, with 80% claiming sex education at school was 'useless' or 'fairly useless' and 20% rating it as useful. The report also found that sexual identification among respondents was more fluid than anticipated, with people tending to err away from 'locking in' sexuality labels such as gay, straight or lesbian. This change was seen to indicate a diversification of understanding about their sexuality, and negotiations by young people of the meaning of stereotypes often linked to such labels. Of interest to primary educators was the fact that more than one-third of respondents realised their sexual difference before puberty. "My first sexual feelings for other males first appeared around age six, and grew stronger throughout primary school (particularly when I wanted to marry my friend Andrew)," Angus, 18 years. You can view the report or request a printed copy online at: Baden Phillips, Counsellor and Educator, Working It Out (03) 62227688 Mobile 0438346122 AUSTRALIAN EDUCATION UNION POLICY Email: Website: The Australian Education Union's Branch Council passed the Policy on Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender People, in November 2003. The Policy covers issues such as; homophobia and heterosexism, employment issues, GLBT issues in education (including VET), sex education as well as teacher health and welfare and the role of the AEU. A newly established GLBT Consultative Committee of AEU members has been established Page 7 to implement key aspects of the Policy. If you would like to be part of the Consultative Committee, please contact Roz Madsen, AEU Women's Officer on talking talking OUT OUT Duty of Care and Disclosure There has been some confusion expressed by teachers around responding to student disclosures of same sex attraction. This article provides some discussion in relation to a teacher's duty of care and legislation related to disclosure of same sex attraction. Several legislative and policy documents are relevant when considering this issue. Firstly, there is the question of privacy and confidentiality. All government agencies must comply with the new State PIPs legialation (Personal Information Protection Act 2004). The Act includes a set of principles which instruct on the collection, recording and management of personal information. It clarifies that confidentiality should only be breached when duty of care over rides it; otherwise information is disclosed with consent. Duty of care in the school context, is a common law concept that refers to the responsibility of providing students with the adequate level of protection against harm, according to standards set by the law and community at large. Teachers have 'a duty to take reasonable care to avoid acts or omissions which could expose students to reasonably foreseeable risk of injury' (Legal issues for schools, 2005) The DoE Legal unit provides legal advice to staff ( The State of Tasmania as a whole responds to two Acts addressing discrimination. The Anti-discrimination Act (Tas) 1998 and the Disability Discrimination Act (Cth) 1992. Both Acts inform us that it is an offence to discriminate on the grounds of a real or perceived attribute, including sexuality. The Anti-discrimination and Anti -harassment Policy and Support materials (see discrimination/policy.htm) outlines Departmental policy, recognises diversity within the school community and clearly states levels of responsibility for all staff when pursuing this principle. As well as an overview of anti-harassment, it provides specific information on challenging homophobia, racism, sexism etc. The Policy states: Schools and colleges will have in place practices, which are designed to ensure that all staff and students are protected from discrimination and harassment, and that claims of discrimination and harassment are dealt with speedily and constructively Schools should clearly act in line with this policy. The premise is always to consider what is in the best interest of the child and their safety. If a student's safety is at risk from abuse, suicide or injury then all staff have a responsibility to act to protect them, and guidelines are provided with regard to the appropriate response. However, in relation to disclosures of information - if a student tells a staff member personal information then that should remain confidential unless it threatens the safety of the child. The Children, Young Person and their Families Act 1997 legally requires members of certain professions (including teachers) to report suspected abuse and neglect of children and young people (up to the age of 17) Information related to a students perceived risk is mandated to be reported to CPAARS (DHHS). In relation to consensual sexual activity, the Tasmanian Criminal code, specifies the legal age differences including homosexual activity (see website. In summary, it is against Departmental policy and good practice for any school to require a teacher to report students who are same-sex attracted to the principal or support services, unless there are concerns about their safety or wellbeing. Whilst being same sex attracted can place many young people high on risk factor scales for self-harm and suicide, it is not of itself a causal indicator. Clearly, notification of concerns to support staff should be done in a supportive way and information shared on a 'need to know' basis. It's about safety and wellbeing within a supportive school community! My Friend is Gay ... a peer support resource There are currently little to no positive resources available in Australia for peers of young people who are same sex attracted (SSA). As we are all aware, research demonstrates that same sex attracted young people seeking support will more often than not come out to their friends before coming out to an adult (parent, teacher, professional). My Friend is Gay, produced by the City of Monash, Youth & Families Services (Victoria), is a well presented, easy to ready, 44 page peer support resource with a purpose to educate and inform young people about sexual identity and diversity. Whilst originally designed with young people in mind, people of all ages and backgrounds can utilize this resource. It is a supportive tool that can be used by just about anyone - same sex attracted young people, friends and family members (siblings, parents, carers, grandparents). It is also an excellent resource for schools - the booklet can be used for class discussions or sessions addressing diversity, sexuality and relationships. This is an exceptional resource I encourage you to source a few copies via yrcr@monash.vic. or by phone on 9561 7359 (ask for Melissa). Did I mention that they are free? Jonathan Paré Manager - Education, Health Promotion & Workforce Development Family Planning Tasmania (FPT) Writing Themselves In Again; 6 Years On Latrobe University- Melbourne A national study has found school continues to be the most dangerous place for same sex attracted young people (SSAY) Link: 74% of homophobic abuse reported occurred in the classroom or school yard, among 14 to 17-year-olds that figure rose to 89%. Six years after the first report of its kind the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society (ARCSHS) at La Trobe University has released its follow up report on the experiences of SSAY. Writing Themselves In Again; 6 Years On surveyed 1749 young people aged 14-21, a sample size more than double the 750 contributing to the 1998 report. Rates of verbal (44% 2004; 46% in 1998) and physical (15% 2004; 13% 1998) abuse were similar, with more young men experiencing both types of abuse than young women (verbal m=46%, f=43%; physical m=19%, f=9%). Helen Barrett Acting PEO Supportive School Communities School Education Division Page 4 Page 5 talking OUT talking OUT Tips for Teachers An increased number reported unfair treatment on basis of sexuality, the figures rising to 39% (29% in 1998). A shift in self-esteem was noted, with 76% of respondents feeling 'great' or 'good' about their sexuality (60% in 1998), and an increased number (95%) of people had spoken to someone else about their sexuality (82% in 1998). However changes in self acceptance were not exclusive of experiences of homophobia. The percentage of young people reporting being bullied increased from 69% in 1998 to 74%, comprised of 80% young men and 48% young women. The data captures the often extreme nature of the violence associated with such attacks. What Can a Teacher Do To Make a Difference to the School Climate? Establish tolerance and non-harassment as a group norm, including non-harassment of gay men, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender people Be prepared to respond to homophobic slurs just as you would to racist or sexist slurs Focus on challenging the negative opinions rather than the person Don't expect to win an encounter. The aim is to get information across. Avoid debating religious arguments. If a person has strongly held views it may be more productive to discuss sexuality issues in terms of how the person is feeling rather than debating ideas. You can still be supportive of lesbian, gay, bisexual people even if you feel uncomfortable discussing sexual issues. Familiarise yourself with a few reference books, pamphlets and groups or refer to colleagues/counsellors who do feel comfortable discussing sexuality. Include sexual orientation and gender identity issues in discussion of human rights and discrimination Always assume that at least 10% of the people you're working with are gay lesbian or bisexual and that others will have gay, lesbian or bisexual friends or family Openly express your support of gay, lesbian and bisexual people Have appropriate resources on display and available. Where possible, ensure that the environment in which you are working has a range of posters, pamphlets with positive images including people of diverse sexual orientations. If none of these posters are available then develop them, with your students Include different family forms in any discussion on family and community. It is very reassuring for young people to know that they are not abnormal because they do not conform to a notion of normalcy that is, in any case, inaccurate. When corresponding with caregivers don't address mail to Mr and Mrs X unless you know this to be accurate Ensure the development of library resources, both fiction and non fiction "Usual names such as Dyke, butch bitch etc. and sometimes comments from guys in terms of needing a good root, to be raped straight…" -Rena, 21 years. "My bed at boarding school was pissed on. I was subjected to other guys pretending to have sex with me. Broomsticks were inserted in my anus." -Hugh, 21 years. Homophobia against boys was found to be expressed in "overtly aggressive ways and [to be] more easily recognisable as abuse" whereas girls were more prone to become subject to "whispers and exclusions". Links between physical and verbal abuse were also correlated to drug use, with those experiencing physical abuse most likely to partake in a range of Alcohol and Other Drugs, although numbers were down since the 1998 survey. The emotional impact of homophobic abuse on students was measured, with 35% indicating they had thought about, or succeeded in, harming themselves. The report found no substantial differences between the experiences of abuse, disclosure, safety at school, self harm, drug use, contact with support organisations for SSAY from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse backgrounds. Differences were highlighted however within home and family, with CALD young people less likely to feel safe at home (77% vs 86% general population) or to discuss sexuality issues with parents. "When so many people tell you how disgusting you are, you start to feel disgusting… When it got particularly bad, I used to scratch patterns in my face until it bled, out of disgust for myself," - Aiden, 18 "I tried to kill myself because I was so badly teased at school for being a lesbian," - Claudia, 16. The report says improved policies, practices and programs designed to support SSAY have made a difference, but that these supports were often located outside of the school environment. "Support from others acts as a protection from the negative health outcomes of homophobic abuse, with those who have support feeling better about their sexuality," (p. 67). An increase in support from teachers and student welfare coordinators was indicated, although the report cautions this sometimes had more to do with the skills and attitudes of particular staff members, and was not necessarily indicative of a successful whole-of-school approach. Accounts of students being removed from class when they were bullied indicated that some Page 6 From Liggins.S, Wille A., Hawthorne, S. & Rampton,L. 1994. Affirming Diversity. Auckland Education Unit, Family Planning New Zealand p23-4 One of the most effective ways that teachers can make a difference is by educating themselves on the issues surrounding sexual and gender difference and diversity. Page 3