Adventures of Huck Finn Def

Adventures of
Huckleberry Finn
by Mark Twain
Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies
The Adventures of
Huckleberry Finn
1. abolish
uh BOL ish
to do away with
Synonyms >> BOLannul, eradicate, exterminate, extirpate, obliterate
Antonym >> initiate
Lincoln abolished slavery.
Derivatives >>
abolishment, abolition, abolitionary, abolitiondom, abolitionist
2. afoot
Synonyms >>
developing or in the process of happening
Antonym >> on hold
The eclipse of the sun caused him to think that something bizarre was afoot.
Derivatives >>
3. air
to make a public utterance
Synonyms >>
Antonym >> to conceal
I intend to air my views to the school board and to anybody who will listen.
Derivatives >>
4. blithe
Synonyms >>
airs, airing, aired
lighthearted, joyous, glad, cheerful, free of spirit
jocund, jolly, jovial
Antonym >> morose
Her blithe spirit provided an air of gaiety at the meeting.
Derivatives >>
blithely, blithesome, blithesomely, blithesomeness
5. brazen
BRAY zen
shameless, insolent, disrespectful
Synonyms >>
Antonym >> reserved; mild
Pinching that woman was a very brazen act.
Derivatives >>
brazenly, brazenness, brazenfaced
6. calamity
kuh LAM uh tee
a serious event causing distress or misfortune
Synonyms >>
cataclysm, catastrophe
Antonym >> good fortune
The earthquake in Mexico was a calamity.
Derivatives >>
calamitous, calamitously, calamitousness
7. confound
to cause one to become confused
Synonyms >>
Antonym >> to distinguish between
I am confounded by the tax forms of the IRS.
Derivatives >>
confounded, confoundedly, confounding, confounds
8. contrite
Synonyms >>
extremely apologetic, remorseful, repentant
Antonym >> unrepentant
Her contrite tears were not enough to convince her father not to spank her for her disobedience.
Derivatives >>
9. dissipation
Synonyms >>
contritely, contriteness, contrition
dis uh PAY shun
wasteful spending, squandering
Antonym >> collection
Even though he inherited a million dollars, I expect quick dissipation of his fortune.
Derivatives >>
10. divination
dissipate, dissipated, dissipatedly, dissipatedness, dissipater, dissipative
div uh NAY shun
foretelling the future by means of magic
Synonyms >>
Antonym >>
The prophet was known for his accuracy in divination.
Derivatives >>
11. frivolous
divinator, divinatory, divine, divination, divined
FRIV uh lus
lacking in seriousness or importance
Synonyms >>
Antonym >> serious; sober
A teacher should limit frivolous behavior in the classroom.
Derivatives >>
frivolity, frivolousness, frivolously
12. haughty
HAW tee
arrogant, excessively proud and vain
Synonyms >>
disdainful, high-handed, insolent, lordly, supercilious
Antonym >> humble
Being quarterback of the football team does not give him the right to be haughty.
Derivatives >>
13. histrionic
Synonyms >>
haughtily, haughtiness
his tree ON iks
overly theatrical
Antonym >> sincere
Your histrionics do not sway my opinion.
Derivatives >>
histrionical, histrionically
14. hues
Synonyms >>
Antonym >>
A rainbow has many hues.
Derivatives >>
15. infernal
Synonyms >>
hue, hueless, hued
in FER nul
relating to hell
hellish, diabolical, fiendish
Antonym >> heavenly
It is not nice to wish that someone go to the infernal regions.
Derivatives >>
16. languid
Synonyms >>
infernally, inferno
LANG gwid
slow, sluggis h, listless, weak
lethargic, stuporous, torpid
Antonym >> animated
The old man's walk was languid, each pace requiring great effort.
Derivatives >>
17. muse
Synonyms >>
languidly, languidness, languish, languisher, languishing, languishment
to ponder
meditate, ruminate
Antonym >>
I have often mused about life on a tropical island.
Derivatives >>
mused, museful, musefully, museless, musing
18. ponderous
PON dur us
very heavy, unwieldy from weight
Synonyms >>
cumbersome, cumbrous
Antonym >> lightweight
The ponderous furniture was hard to move, and thus became a burden.
Derivatives >>
ponderosity, ponderously, ponderousness
19. resolute
REZ uh loot
characterized by a decided purpose
Synonyms >>
staunch, steadfast, determined, resolved, faithful, firm
Antonym >>
The business was run by a resolute man who set his mind on a goal and followed through with it.
Derivatives >>
20. soliloquy
Synonyms >>
resoluter, resolutest, resolutely, resoluteness, resolution, resolutionary, resolutioner, resolutive
suh LIL uh kwee
a speech or dramatic monologue made to oneself to reveal thoughts
Antonym >> conversation; dialogue
Hamlet's soliloquy in the graveyard is a popular piece to memorize.
Derivatives >>
soliquist, soliloquize, soliloquizer, soliloquizingly
21. stealthy
STEL the
acting in a secret and sneaky way--this is a negative term
Synonyms >>
clandestine, covert, furtive, surreptitious, underhanded
Antonym >> open; indiscreet
The secret organization moves by stealth to gather information on its enemies.
Derivatives >>
stealthful, stealthfully, stealthily, stealthiness, stealth
Synonyms >>
resplendent, superb
exalted, noble, uplifting
Antonym >>
The romantic dinner, which included delicious food, soft music, and a beautiful setting, was simply sublime.
Derivatives >>
sublimely, sublimeness, sublimer
TEM pur uns
moderation or self-restraint in action or statement
Synonyms >>
Antonym >>
The woman exercised temperance in filling her plate with small portions of food.
Derivatives >>
temperate, temperately, temperateness