View Minutes - Chevy Chase View

Monthly Meeting
December 17, 2014
Christ Episcopal Church, Kensington, Maryland
Paula Fudge, Chair; David Albright, Peter
Marks and Ron Sherrow, Council members
Jana Coe, Town Manager
Ron Bolt, Legal Counsel to Chevy Chase View
Joe Toomey, CCV Building Permit Administrator
Called Meeting to Order:
7:30 p.m. by Paula Fudge, Chair
Approval of Minutes of the November 19, 2014 Monthly Meeting and
December 8, 2014 Building Regulations Work Session: Paula Fudge moved
the minutes of the November 19, 2014 Monthly Meeting and December 8,
2014 Building Regulations Work Session be approved. Ron Sherrow
seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 4-0.
Financial Report for Period November 1, 2014 to November 30, 2014:
David Albright moved that the financial report for the period November
1, 2014 to November 30, 2014 be accepted. Ron Sherrow seconded the
motion and it passed by a vote of 4-0.
Council Member Walk: Ron Sherrow conducted the monthly Council
member walk and reported maintenance issues with the Connecticut
Avenue retaining wall as well as right-of-way overgrowth. Jana
Coe and Joe Toomey will address these issues.
The following CCV building permit summary was submitted by Joe
Toomey, CCV Building Permit Administrator:
Applications for CCV permits
Revised Building Permit Application for New Garage – 4220 Dresden
Street (Kehoe): Brian Kehoe, owner of and contractor for 4220
Dresden Street submitted a revision to the original application
approved at the November 19, 2014 Council meeting, which includes
the construction of a new garage. The revision complies with all
of the applicable rules and restrictions of the Building
Regulations of the Town of Chevy Chase View.
Mr. Toomey’s review is based upon the site plan produced by
Witmer Associates, LLC, revised on November 3, 2014, and the
building plans of Tirtanadi Architect dated November 4, 2014.
The scope of the revision is to construct a garage in the rear of
the property, identified on the original site plan, but not
included in the original application, because the design details
were not yet complete. The garage will be a one and a half-story
structure, with a 26-foot by 26-foot first floor. The structure
will be located 9.5 feet from the right (west) side property
line, and 25.3 feet from the rear property line. An 8-foot
property line setback is required due to the extra length of the
structure. Mr. Toomey recommended that the Town Council approve
this request.
Peter Marks moved the revision to CCV Permit No. 329-11002 be
approved. Ron Sherrow seconded the motion and it passed by a
vote of 4-0.
Building Permit Application for Deck – 4312 Glenrose Street
(Skinner): Katie and Chris Skinner submitted a building
application for a deck for their home at 4312 Glenrose Street in
the Town of Chevy Chase View. Mr. Toomey’s review is based upon
the description of the project in the application, a lot location
drawing produced by Snider & Associates Land Surveyors dated
April 25, 2014, and the building plans drawn by Smiley
Renovations LLC, dated November 4, 2014. The scope of the
project is the construction of an exterior deck, in the rear and
side yard, as part of a larger interior renovation project
presently underway. The deck will be 12'-0" by 14'-8", with a
2-foot wide walkway to an existing side stoop and stairway.
The Building Regulations allow a stoop or porch to extend 2 feet
into the side setback requirement, but not a deck. The deck will
be set back from the left (east) side property line by 13 feet,
extending into the setback by exactly two feet. If the deck,
which is accessed through an exterior door of the house, is
considered as the equivalent of a stoop, then the 2-foot side
yard projection would be permissible. The deck would be 47 feet
from the right (west) side property line, and approximately 72
feet from the rear property line.
Montgomery County building permit No. 693695 was issued on
November 5, 2014 by the Montgomery County Department of
Permitting Services. After considerable discussion, Paula Fudge
moved that the application be denied because the plan showed the
proposed deck projected 2 feet into the side setback restriction,
and that there is no exception in the Building Regulations that
allows a deck to project into any setback requirement. David
Albright seconded the motion and it passed by a vote of 4-0.
Building Permit Application for Fence – 9800 Summit Avenue
(Villafana): Kathleen Hollenbeck Villafana and Manuel Villafana,
9800 Summit Avenue submitted an application for a fence permit
for their home at 9800 Summit Avenue in the Town of Chevy Chase
View. Mr. Toomey’s review is based upon the description of the
project in the Frederick Fence Company contract dated July 27,
2014, and the Boundary Survey produced by Drastic Measures, dated
November 19, 2014. The scope of the project is to install a
4-foot tall, dip top picket fence at the property line, along
Summit Avenue and Saul Road, and a 4-foot tall three rail fence
along the rear property line. Montgomery County Department of
Permitting Services issued permit No. 690603 on October 7, 2014.
The Council tabled consideration of this application until such
time as the documentation is received which shows where the
proposed fence and piers will be located on this property.
CCV Building Permit Summary for December 2014
Applications on hold pending revisions to the plans:
9800 Summit Avenue (Villafana) Fence - applied 10/10/14
4312 Glenrose Street (Skinner) Deck – applied 11/5/14
Approved applications awaiting issuance of CCV permit:
4220 Dresden Street (Kehoe) Construction of a new house
and garage - approved 11/19/14 and 12/17/14
4225 Dresden Street (Vaghi) Addition - approved 5/21/14
9900 Summit Avenue (McCarthy) Addition - approved 9/17/14
Active and open permit construction projects:
10111 Cedar Lane (Francis/Hacking) Demolition of an
existing structure - approved 9/17/14, demolition permit
issued 10/28/14
4224 Dresden Street (4224 Dresden LLC) Construction of new
home - approved 11/19/14, issued 12/16/14
4001 Everett Street (Wratney) Addition – approved
10/15/14, issued 10/27/14
4120 Everett Street (Griffioen) Demolition of an existing
garage and new garage construction - approved 5/21/14,
issued 5/22/14, revised 6/18/14
4120 Everett Street (Griffioen) Addition - approved
6/18/14, issued 7/16/14, revised 9/17/14 revision approved
4101 Franklin Street (Turgeon) New house and garage –
issued 3/24/14
4034 Glenridge Street (RSC Investments LLC) Addition –
interim approval 8/21/14, issued 8/21/14, revised 11/19/14
4308 Glenrose Street (Conlan) New house construction –
approved 5/21/14, issued 6/11/14
4313 Glenrose Street (Cross) Addition - interim approval
8/26/14, issued 8/28/14
4314 Glenrose Street (Green) Wall and fence - interim
approval 10/10/14, issued 10/10/14
Completed projects since the October 15, 2014 Council meeting:
 10111 Cedar Lane (Francis/Hacking) Demolition of an
existing structure - approved 9/17/14, demolition permit
issued 10/28/14, completed 11/24/14
 4204 Dresden Street (Sharma) In ground pool – issued
 4224 Dresden Street (4224 Dresden LLC) Demolition of
structure - approved 11/19/14, issued 12/5/14, completed
 4205 Everett Street (Kirchner) Addition, front porch, and
rear screened porch - approved 2/19/14, issued 3/7/14,
completed 12/10/14
 4005 Glenridge Street (Neherbecky) Demolition of an
existing structure and new house - issued 1/17/14,
completed 12/9/14
 4022 Glenridge Street (Beaulieu/Fishman) Addition and rear
porch - issued 3/7/14, completed 12/10/14
Unfinished Business
Connecticut Avenue Sidewalk Update: SHA hopes to begin work in
mid-January 2015, weather permitting.
Comcast Franchise Renewal Update:
Ron Bolt reported that,
according to the County negotiators, the negotiations are
expected to be completed in December 2014, with the draft
franchise agreement issued by the County by the end of January
East Dresden and Cleveland Street Lighting Update: On Friday,
November 14, 2014, Jana Coe and Paula Fudge reviewed the lighting
samples provided by the Town’s lighting consultant, Scott Watson.
After discussing the alternatives with Mr. Watson, Paula Fudge
agreed to recommend the Neri LED lantern 35-40W for the
replacement lights on East Dresden and Cleveland Street. Mr.
Watson is collecting data on unit pricing, pole selection and
delivery date.
Date for Next Character Study Work Session: Paula Fudge is
working with Chris Jakubiak to set a date in late January 2015
for the next character study work session.
New Business –
1. Resident Concerns and Contributions:
2. Introduction of Draft Ordinance No. 62 – An Ordinance to
Reorganize the Chevy Chase View Code of Ordinances, amend the
Building Regulations to codify current practices; add an
exemption to the front setback requirements for certain additions
built on non-conforming houses; rescind certain demolition
regulations; revise the penalties for violations; set the number
of onsite parking spaces required for new construction, and allow
certain violations to be prosecuted as municipal infractions
rather than misdemeanors: The Council reviewed the draft
Ordinance No. 62 and discussed a few minor edits. Ron Bolt will
make these edits and the Council will approve the draft via
email. Approval of the introduced ordinance will be posted via
Constant Contact and the draft ordinance will be posted to the
CCV website for residents’ review. The Council will set a public
hearing in February 2015 to hear public comment on the introduced
3. Waiver No. 14-12-1 – Hearing Date set for 6:30 p.m. on January 21,
2015: The applicant requests a waiver from the 35-foot front
setback from Summit Avenue, required by Section 13.B.1 of the
Chevy Chase View Building Regulations, to maintain a recentlyconstructed outdoor kitchen.
The outdoor kitchen encroaches 5.4
feet, at its closest point, into the Summit Avenue front setback.
More detailed information pertaining to the above application may
be found on file with the Chevy Chase View Town Manager, Jana
Motion to Adjourn:
At 10:10 p.m., David Albright moved the
meeting be adjourned. Ron Sherrow seconded the motion and it
passed by a vote of 4-0.
Time and Place of Next Meeting: The Council will meet next for its
monthly meeting on Wednesday, January 21, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. at the
Christ Episcopal Church, Kensington, Maryland. This meeting will
take places directly following the hearing for Waiver No. 14-12-1
at 6:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jana Coe, Town Manager
Bulk Pick-Up - The next monthly bulk pick-up is scheduled on
Saturday, February 7, 2015. As a reminder, heavy refuse includes
major appliances (must have Freon removed), furniture, large toys,
bicycles, and plumbing fixtures. Excluded are batteries, propane
tanks, bricks, general construction debris and iron pipes. Please
have your items at the curb by 7:00 AM on Saturday as the truck
comes through early.
Leaf Removal Ends January 15, 2015:
Bethke Landscaping, Inc.
will remove all leaves on a weekly basis, weather permitting,
until January 15, 2015. After this date, please do not place
leaves in the right-of-way/streets as they will not be removed
and will impeded snow removal this winter. Leaves placed at the
curb WILL NOT be removed after January 15, 2015.
Sign Up for eTownMailings: You can now receive the monthly CCV
Council meeting minutes and other Council messages and important
announcements from the Town Manager. This does not replace the
CCV listserv. Go to the CCV website – on the front page under
“Quick Links” - you will find the box that says “eTown Mailings”.
Enter your mail address in the white field, then hit “Go”. This
will take you to the website of our partner, Constant Contact.
Re-type your email address in the box that says “Confirm your
email address”. Enter your first name, last name and street
address in the section titled “Your Information”. Finally click
the button at the bottom left that says “Save Profile Changes”.
After you have completed these steps, you will receive an email
confirming your registration. Please note that when one member of
your household registers for our electronic mailing list, we will
discontinue mailing hard copies of these documents to your
Storm Drains - If there is a storm drain adjacent to your
property, would you mind helping us out? If you could clear the
accumulated debris from the grates occasionally, it will be
better to add this debris to the weekly yard pickup as opposed to
ending up in the Chesapeake Bay! Thank you.
Listserv – Please consider becoming a member of the CCV listserv.
Send an email to As a
reminder, the ChevyChaseViewNet listserv is not intended to be used
by residents to contact the Town Manager or Council members. For
the latter, please use the appropriate telephone number or email
address for the Town Manager or Town Council member(s).
To ensure
the timeliest response on matters related to Town business or the
Chevy Chase View Council, your inquiries are best directed to the
Town Manager at or by calling 301-9499274.
Website - Please visit our website at
Application for Building Permit – Building Permit Applications for
consideration at the January 21, 2015, meeting must be submitted to
the Town Manager by 5:00 p.m. on January 7, 2015. Please note that
the review may take several days and an application is not
considered perfected until the Town Building Permit Administrator
completes his review. Please contact Jana Coe, Town Manager, at or 301-949-9274.