Lecture programme 1 Contents of lectures 1. General introductions. Scalars and vectors. Cartesian components. Direction cosines. Engineering Maths 1.2 Geometric representation. Modulus of a vector. Unit vectors. Parallel vectors. Vector Algebra 2. Addition of vectors: parallelogram rule; triangle law; polygon law; vector laws for addition. Dr P. A. Sleigh 3. Multiplication of vectors: the scalar product; work done by a force; angle between vectors; Email: P.A.Sleigh@leeds.ac.uk components of forces in given directions. 4. Vector products: moments of forces; areas of triangles; parallel vectors. Table of contents 1 2 Contents of lectures ................................................................................................................2 Scalars and Vectors ................................................................................................................3 2.1 Cartesian Co-ordinates .......................................................................................................4 2.2 Direction Cosines ................................................................................................................5 2.2.1 Examples......................................................................................................................7 2.3 A Geometric Representation ...............................................................................................8 2.4 Vector notation found in text books.....................................................................................9 2.5 Magnitude (or Modulus) ......................................................................................................9 2.6 The Unit Vector ...................................................................................................................9 2.6.1 Example: ....................................................................................................................10 2.7 Equal Vectors ....................................................................................................................10 2.8 Parallel Vectors .................................................................................................................11 3 Vector Addition......................................................................................................................12 3.1 The boat problem ..............................................................................................................12 3.2 Geometric addition laws ....................................................................................................12 3.3 Vector Laws for addition and subtraction ..........................................................................14 3.4 Vector Addition Examples .................................................................................................16 4 Vector Multiplication ..............................................................................................................18 4.1 The Scalar Product............................................................................................................18 4.2 Rules for the scalar (or dot) product..................................................................................20 4.3 Scalar Product Examples ..................................................................................................21 4.4 The Vector (or Cross) Product ..........................................................................................23 4.5 The Moment of force, F. ....................................................................................................24 4.6 Area calculation .................................................................................................................24 4.7 Laws for the Vector (or Cross) products ...........................................................................25 4.8 Parallel vectors. .................................................................................................................26 4.9 Cartesian (component) form. ............................................................................................26 4.10 Examples .......................................................................................................................27 4.11 Triple products of Vectors..............................................................................................30 5 Vector Equations of Lines and Planes..................................................................................32 5.1 The Vector Equation of a Line...........................................................................................32 5.2 Equation of line examples: ................................................................................................33 5.3 The Vector Equation of a Plane ........................................................................................35 5.4 Examples involving both lines and planes ........................................................................36 Engineering Mathematics 1.2: Vectors Algebra 1 5. Triple vector products and triple scalar products: volume of parallelepiped; co-planar vectors. 6. Vector treatment of lines: vector and Cartesian forms; intersection of lines. 7. Vector treatment of planes: equation of a plane from 3 co-ordinate points; vector and Cartesian forms. 8. Further examples: intersection of a line with a plane; perpendicular distance from a point to a plane. Engineering Mathematics 1.2: Vectors Algebra 2 a) A temperature of 100o C 2 Scalars and Vectors b) An acceleration of 9.8142 m/s towards earth In engineering much of the work in both analysis and design involves forces. You will be familiar c) The weight of a 2 kg mass with forces in structural members in space frames, and know that a force acts in a given d) The sum of £500.00 direction with a given magnitude. A force is a three dimensional quality and one of the most e) A North easterly wind of 20 knots common examples of a vector. Two other common vector quantities are acceleration and Answers: a) Scalar b) Vector c) Vector d) Scalar e) Vector velocity. Note: To qualify as a vector the quantity must also satisfy some other basic rules of combination In this section of the module we will introduce some formal mathematical notation and rules for (addition, multiplication etc.) which we will see later in this course. For example, angular the manipulation (multiplication, addition etc.) of these vector quantities. In the early stages it will be easy to recognise the geometric meaning of vector addition and multiplication, but as the problems become more complex (notably, when they are three-dimensional) the formal rules displacement is a quantity that has both direction and magnitude but it does NOT obey the addition rule - so it is NOT a vector become more important. 2.1 Cartesian Co-ordinates The general definitions of scalars and vectors are given below: The theory of vectors is associated very closely with co-ordinate geometry so we shall start by introducing the co-ordinate system. A Scalar quantity is one that is defined by a single number with appropriate units. We use a rectangular Cartesian co-ordinate system with axes O x y z or O x1 x2 x3 , as shown below. Some examples are length, area, volume, mass and time. The position of any point, P say, is given by co-ordinates, or components (x,y,z) or (x1,x2,x3). x -axis 3 x A Vector quantity is defined completely when we know both its magnitude (with units) and its 3 direction of application. Some examples are force, velocity and acceleration. r P(x ,x ,x ) 1 o 2 3 x 2 x -axis 2 Two very simple (and common) examples demonstrating the differences between scalars and vectors are speed - a scalar, and velocity - a vector. x 1 x -axis A speed of 10 km/h is a scalar quantity 1 A velocity of 10 km/h at 20 degrees is a vector quantity. x, y, z, axis system Examples: What are these quantities, vectors or scalars? Engineering Mathematics 1.2: Vectors Algebra 3 Engineering Mathematics 1.2: Vectors Algebra 4 Z-axis Z-axis z z P(x,y,z) r P(x,y,z) y o r Y-axis y β o Y-axis x x X-axis X-axis x1 , x2 , x3 axis system The order and direction of axes are assumed to be 'right handed'. This definition comes from Z-axis imagining a right handed screw - if you turn the screw in the direction from axis Ox to Oy the screw advances along Oz . (and Oy to Oz along Ox, from Oz to Ox along Oy). This is convention z and MUST be adhered to. P(x,y,z) The distance from point O to point P, r, can be calculated using the Pythagoras theorem to give ( r = x2 + y2 + z2 ) 1/ 2 o 2.2 Direction Cosines We will see later that it is useful to know the angle the line OP makes with each axis. γ r y Y-axis x Fortunately this can be easily calculated. The shaded areas of the figures below each form right-angled triangles with the axes. X-axis So, knowing the length and the appropriate co-ordinate, each angle can be calculated. Z-axis The angle ∠POx is given by z P(x,y,z) α x r m = cos β = y r n = cos γ = z r The angle ∠POy is given by r o l = cos α = y Y-axis The angle ∠POz is given by x X-axis Engineering Mathematics 1.2: Vectors Algebra 5 Engineering Mathematics 1.2: Vectors Algebra 6 The cosines of these angles, α , β , γ are (often written) l , m, n and these are known as the Calculate the direction cosines: x = cos α = cos 60 = 0.5 r y m = = cos β = cos 50 = 0.6428 r direction cosines of the line OP. l= It can easily be shown that l 2 + m2 + n2 = x2 y2 z2 x2 + y2 + z2 + + = =1 r2 r2 r2 r2 We need the third direction cosine. Using l 2 + m 2 + n 2 = 1 2.2.1 Examples 1) If P has co-ordinates (5, 4, -9). What is the length OP and its direction cosines. z = cos γ = 1 − l 2 − m 2 r = 0.58035 m= γ = 54.52 o OP 2 = 25 + 16 + 81 The length OT, (r) can be calculated as we know the x co-ordinate, i.e. from l OP = 122 x = 0.5 r 7.0 r= = 14.0 0.5 l= Direction cosines: 5 l= m= n= 2) 122 4 From the other direction cosines y = 0.6428 × 14.0 = 9.0 z = 0.58035 × 14.0 = 8.125 122 −9 Co-ordinates of the corner are: ( x, y, z ) = (7.0,9.0,8.125) 122 The position of the top corner of the lecture room was required. To find this a theodolite was set up as in the figure below. The distance to the side wall, along the x-axis is, 7m 2.3 A Geometric Representation We represent vectors geometrically by line segments in space. The length of the line and the following angles were measured: TOx = 70o and TOy = 50o . representing the magnitude and the direction of the line the direction of the vector. Calculate the co-ordinates of the corner relative to the position of he theodolite. From this definition the starting point is irrelevant. T What is the difference between these two vectors? A z A’ y a x 7m Engineering Mathematics 1.2: Vectors Algebra O 7 Engineering Mathematics 1.2: Vectors Algebra a O’ 8 Their length is the same. The unit vectors i, j, k The unit vectors in the co-ordinate directions are denoted i, j, and k. Their direction is the same. i = (1,0,0), (The arrows indicate the direction along the line) These two vectors are equivalent (equal). j = (01,0) and k = (0,0,1) Any vector r can be expressed in terms of its component x, y, z with respect to the unit vector (i,j,k) by r = xi + yj + zk By the same argument, the two vectors are also equivalent to a vector of the same length and direction which starts at the origin. We can therefore use a co-ordinate notation of three numbers - as used previously for OP - to represent any vector (anywhere in three dimensional The notation (x,y,z) is interpreted as (xi, yj, zk). space). 2.6.1 We have shown a vector described in two ways: in terms of co-ordinates (x, y, z) and also represented geometrically by a line from an origin to this point. We say a dual definition can be ( The modulus of a = a = 3 2 , (− 1) ,4 2 used either a geometrical or a co-ordinate (component) one. 2.4 Example: A vector a = (3,−1,4 ) = 3i − j + 4k 2 ) 1/ 2 = 26 So the unit vector in the direction of a is Vector notation found in text books aˆ = A vector can be written down in many ways. Some of the more common (and acceptable) ways 1 4 a 3 = i− j+ k a 26 26 26 you will come across are: a OA (a1 , a 2 , a3 ) a 2.7 Equal Vectors Two vectors a and b are equal if they have the same magnitude and direction i.e. 2.5 Magnitude (or Modulus) a=b The magnitude, modulus or length of the vector a is written as a or OA and given in Using the component definition component form by a = (a1 , a 2 , a 3 ) ( a = a12 + a 22 + a ) 2 1/ 2 3 then Geometrically this is the length of the line OA 2.6 b = (b1 , b2 , b3 ) a1 = b1 a 2 = b2 a3 = b3 The Unit Vector A vector whose modulus is 1 is called a unit vector, sometimes written as â and aˆ = Engineering Mathematics 1.2: Vectors Algebra a a 9 Engineering Mathematics 1.2: Vectors Algebra 10 2.8 Parallel Vectors 3 Vector Addition If λ is a scalar and a = λb 3.1 then The boat problem A boat steams at 4 knots due East for one hour. The tide is running North-North-East at 3 knots. if λ>0, the vector a is in the same direction as b and has magnitude λb Where will the boat be after one hour? if λ<0, the vector a is in the opposite direction to b and has magnitude λb A diagram of the vectors involved looks like that below, where a represents the velocity of the boat and b represents the velocity of the tide. In component form a1 = λb1 a 2 = λb2 NNE a 3 = λb3 North B C This can be summarised as the vectors a and b are Parallel if λ > 0 a+b b b Anti-parallel if λ < 0. a O East A The net velocity of the boat is represented by the line OC which is the sum of a and b. 3.2 Geometric addition laws This leads to the parallelogram rule for vector addition which may be written: The sum, or resultant, of two vectors a and b is found by forming a parallelogram with a and b as two adjacent sides. The sum a + b is the vector represented by the diagonal of the parallelogram. B b O C a+b a A In component form a + b = (a1 + b1 , a 2 + b2 , a3 + b3 ) Engineering Mathematics 1.2: Vectors Algebra 11 Engineering Mathematics 1.2: Vectors Algebra 12 3.3 Vector Laws for addition and subtraction Commutative law Because the vector a is the same as any other vector which is parallel and in the same direction, a or b could be "moved" in the figure above to form a triangle. This leads to the a+b=b+a triangle law. Order is NOT important If two vectors a and b are represented in magnitude and direction by the two sides of a triangle taken in order, then their sum is represented in magnitude and direction by the closing third a+b side. b a a b a+b a+b b a In component form The triangle rule can be made more general to apply to any geometrical shape - or polygon. (a1 + b1 , a2 + b2 , a3 + b3 ) = (b1 + a1 , b2 + a2 , b3 + a3 ) This then becomes the polygon law. If from a point O, say, as in the figures below, lines are drawn to represent the vectors a, b, c, d, Associative law and e. Then the closing side represents the vector r and r is the sum of the vectors a, b, c, d, (a + b) + c = a + (b + c) and e. B D d b C e E E c B r e a r b O a This follows from the component definition and geometrically - from the triangle or polygon law. A O A D In component form c d C c a+(b+c) b+c (a+b)+c r =a+b+c+d+e a+b b a Engineering Mathematics 1.2: Vectors Algebra 13 Engineering Mathematics 1.2: Vectors Algebra 14 (a1 + b1 ) + c1 = a1 + (b1 + c1) B (a2 + b2 ) + c2 = a2 + (b2 + c2) (a3 + b3 ) + c3 = a3 + (b3 + c3) a-b b a O A Distributive law -b λ (a + b ) = λa + λb This follows from the component definition or geometrically from similar triangles Note BA = OA − OB In component form This is an important result as it shows that the vector represented by the line joining two points (λ (a1 + b1 ), λ (a2 + b2 ), λ (a3 + b3 )) = (λa1 + λb1 , λa 2 + λb2 , λa3 + λb3 ) is given by taking the vector giving the position of the first point from that for the second B’ BA = OA − OB = BO + OA = −b + a = a − b λ(a+b) = λ a+λb λb 3.4 B a+b O (1) b a Vector Addition Examples A A’ λa a = (2,1,0 ) b = (− 1,2,3) c = (1,2,1) a + b = (1,3,3) 2a − b = (2 × 2 + 1, 2 × 1 − 2, 2 × 0 − 3) = (5,0,−3) a + b − c = (0,1,2 ) O’ Subtraction Modulus of c a - b = a + (-b) ( c = 12 ,2 2 ,12 In component form: ) 1/ 2 = 6 The unit vector in the direction of c a − b = (a1 − b1 , a 2 − b2 , a 3 − b3 ) cˆ = c 1 2 1 = , , c 6 6 6 Not that the modulus of cˆ = cˆ = 1 Geometrically: Engineering Mathematics 1.2: Vectors Algebra 15 Engineering Mathematics 1.2: Vectors Algebra 16 2) From analysis of the forces in a new bridge it is calculated that the following forces are 4 Vector Multiplication imposed at one of the bridge supports (in Newtons). We have seen how vectors can be added, another natural operation in maths is to multiply F1 = (1,1,1) quantities together. The idea of multiplication of vectors becomes very useful in engineering. In F2 is 6N and acts in the direction (1,2,-2) particular we will show how to use them to calculate moments and work-done with great ease. F3 is 10N and acts in the direction (1,2,-2) In order to design the bridge support the resultant force is required. What is the force the Two types of multiplication exist. They are called the vector and scalar products. support must impose on the bridge to reduce the resultant force to zero. 4.1 The first force is given in the usual vector form. The second two are in valid forms but need to The Scalar Product (also known as the dot product or the inner product) be converted so that we can perform the usual vector addition. First calculate the unit vectors in the direction of F2 and F3 A F (1,2,−2) = 1 (1,2,−2) Fˆ 2 = 2 = F2 1+ 4 + 4 3 F (3,−4,0) = 1 (3,−4,0) Fˆ 3 = 3 = F2 9 + 16 + 0 5 a So the in vector for the two forces are θ P O N The component of the vector a in the direction of OP is easily calculated as equivalent to the 1 2 −2 F2 = 6 , , = (2,4,−4 ) 3 3 3 3 −4 F2 = 10 , ,0 = (6,−8,0 ) 5 5 length ON by ON = a cosθ The resultant force F is found by vector addition F = F1 + F1 + F1 = (1,1,1) + (2,4,−4 ) + (6,−8,0 ) = (9,−3,−3) Considering the constant force F in the figure below, which acts through the point O. If this force is moved along the line OA, along the vector a, then we can calculate the work done by the The force the support must impose on the bridge is equal and in the opposite direction as the force. (Remember: work done is the component of the force in the direction of movement resultant i.e. multiplied by distance moved by the point of application.) Reaction force = (− 9,3,3) F F θ O a A The component of F along OA is F cosθ . This force is moved the distance a , giving, work done = F a cosθ Engineering Mathematics 1.2: Vectors Algebra 17 Engineering Mathematics 1.2: Vectors Algebra 18 This is the scalar product of the two vectors F and a and can be seen as a geometric definition. (3) Use of the "dot" is essential to indicate that the calculation is a scalar product. An equivalent component definition can be written. 4.2 Rules for the scalar (or dot) product. Commutative Law Scalar product definition: The scalar product of two vectors a = (a1 , a 2 , a 3 ) and b = (b1 , b2 , b3 ) is written with a dot (⋅) a⋅b = b⋅a a b cosθ = b a cosθ between the to vectors. It is defined in component form as a ⋅ b = a1b1 + a 2 b2 + a 3b3 Associative Law You cannot have a scalar product of three vectors as 'dotting' the first two gives a scalar. And in geometrical form Distributive Law (for a scalar multiplier) a ⋅ b = b a cosθ Brackets are multiplied out in the usual way. a ⋅ (λb ) = (aλ ) ⋅ b = λ (a ⋅ b ) Where θ is the angle between the two vectors and 0 ≤ θ ≤ π . Distributive Law (for vector addition) The two definitions can be proved to be equivalent by the cosine rule for a triangle, a ⋅ (b + c ) = a ⋅ b + a ⋅ c B Powers of vectors a ⋅ a = a12 + a 22 + a32 b = a a cos 0 =a θ O a AB 2 = OA 2 + OB 2 − 2( AO )(OB ) cosθ 2 No other powers of vectors are possible other than 2. A Note that for unit vectors i, j, k j2 = j ⋅ j = 1 i2 = i ⋅i = 1 k2 = k ⋅k =1 Which can be expanded to show that a1b1 + a 2 b2 + a 3b3 = b a cosθ Perpendicular Vectors If a and b are perpendicular then θ = Three important points about a scalar product: π 2 and cosθ = cos π 2 =0 Hence a ⋅ b = 0 BUT a ⋅ b = 0 does not imply that a and b are perpendicular, because a could be zero or b could (1) The scalar product of two vectors gives a number (a scalar) be zero. Note: Suppose a ⋅ b = a ⋅ c (2) The scalar product is a product of vectors This does not mean that b = c, since a could be zero or a perpendicular to b-c. (it cannot be of two scalars nor a vector and a scalar) Engineering Mathematics 1.2: Vectors Algebra [ a ⋅ (b − c ) = 0 ] 19 Engineering Mathematics 1.2: Vectors Algebra 20 (3) Find the work done by the force F = (3, 1, 5) in moving a particle from P to Q where position i.e. vectors cannot be cancelled in the same way as scalars. vectors of P and Q are (1, 2, 3) and (2, 4, 4) respectively. For unit vectors which are perpendicular r = PQ = OQ − OP = (1,2,1) i ⋅ j = j ⋅k = k ⋅i = 0 Work done by the force F = F ⋅ r (3,1,5) ⋅ (1,2,1) = 3 + 2 + 5 = 10 Perpendicularity is important in engineering, for example pressure acts normal to a surface, so units of work. force per unit area is pn̂ , where p is the pressure and n̂ the unit normal vector. We often have to find a vector that is normal to another vector. (4) Find the component of the vector F = (2, -2, 3) in Component of a vector (i) the i direction (ii) the direction (3, 1, -2) The component of a vector, F say, in a given direction a is given by F cos θ . (i) The i direction is the vector (1,0,0) so the component in the i direction is And we can write F ⋅ (1,0,0 ) = (2,−2,3) ⋅ (1,0,0 ) = 2 F ⋅ aˆ = F aˆ cosθ = F cosθ (iii) to give the component of F in the direction on a. 4.3 (9 + 1 + 4)1 / 2 = Unit vector = Scalar Product Examples 14 Therefore it is not a unit vector. (3,1,−2) 14 Component of F in direction (3, 1, -2) is (1) Find the angle between the two vectors a = (2, 0, 3) and b = (3, 2, 4) F⋅ a ⋅ b = b a cosθ and a ⋅ b = a1b1 + a 2 b2 + a 3b3 Using Is the vector (3, 1, -2) a unit vector? (3,1,−2) = (2,−2,3) ⋅ (3,1,−2) / 14 14 = −2 14 a ⋅ b = 6 + 0 + 12 = 18 a = (2, 0, 3) = (4 + 0 + 9 ) 1/ 2 b = (3, 2, 4 ) = (9 + 4 + 16 ) = 13 1/ 2 = 29 18 = 13 29 cosθ cosθ = 18 13 29 θ = 22.02° = 0.927 (2) For a = (1, 2, -2), i) a ⋅c b = (0, 2, 2) ii) (a + b ) ⋅ c i) a ⋅ c = (3 + 4 − 2 ) = 5 ii) (a + b ) ⋅ c = (1,4,0) ⋅ (3,2,1) = (3 + 8 + 0) = 11 iii) (a ⋅ b )c = (0 + 4 − 4)(3,2,1) = 0(3,2,1) = (0,0,0) c = (3, 2, 1) find iii) (a ⋅ b )c Note that a and b are perpendicular since neither a or b are zero. Remember that a ⋅ b is just a number (not a vector). Engineering Mathematics 1.2: Vectors Algebra 21 Engineering Mathematics 1.2: Vectors Algebra 22 4.4 The Vector (or Cross) Product The main practical use of the vector product is to calculate the moment of a force in three 4.5 The Moment of force, F. dimensions. It is of very limited use in two dimensions. n For two vectors a and b, the vector product is defined as: F (a × b ) = a b sin θnˆ r where θ is the angle between the vectors a and b, ( 0 ≤ θ ≤ π ) and n̂ is the unit vector normal to O θ P both a and b. a , b and n̂ are three vectors which form a right-handed set. (Remember how a right handed axes system was defined earlier.) If the force F passes through the point P and OP = r , then the moment of the force about O is defined as It is very important to realise that the result of a vector product is itself a vector. M = r×F M is a vector in the direction of the normal n̂ . n So, as with all vectors, moments add by the parallelogram rule. a b θ θ The use of calculating moments by the vector (cross) product comes into itself when used in b a situations (particularly in three dimensions) which are very difficult to visualise. n 4.6 Area calculation D Note how from this definition order of multiplication matters: The vector given by (b × a ) is in the opposite direction to (a × b ) . C h θ (This follows from the right-hand screw rule), so (a × b ) = −(b × a ) A B The area of the parallelogram ABCD is given by Area = h AB = AD sin θ AB = AD × AB Engineering Mathematics 1.2: Vectors Algebra 23 Engineering Mathematics 1.2: Vectors Algebra 24 The area of the triangle PQR is given by Distributive law with addition a × (b + c ) = (a × b ) + (a × c ) Q 4.8 Parallel vectors. From the definition of the vector product, if a and b are parallel, then θ =0 and R h a×b = 0 θ So we can say that if a × b = 0 then a=0 P or 1 Area = h PR 2 1 = PQ sinθ PR 2 1 = PQ × PR 2 b=0 or a and b are parallel. If a × b = a × c it cannot be deduced that b = c. You must first show that a ≠0 and that a is not parallel to b - c. 4.7 Laws for the Vector (or Cross) products 4.9 Cartesian (component) form. For unit vectors i,j,k Anti-Commutative (asθ i×i = j× j = k ×k = 0 (a × b ) = −(b × a ) This follows from the definition that includes the 'right-handed axes', n̂ changes direction when the multiplication is reversed. Non-associative = 0, sin θ = 0 ) Because of perpendiculatiry i × j = k, j × k = i, k ×i = j j × i = −k , k × j = −i , i×k = − j Component form of the vector product: (The triple vector product) a = (a1 , a 2 , a3 ) = a1i + a 2 j + a3 k a × (b × c ) ≠ (a × b ) × c b = (b1 , b2 , b3 ) = b1i + b2 j + b3 k The vector b × c is perpendicular to both b and c and the plane containing b and c. a × b = (a1 , a 2 , a3 ) × (b1 , b2 , b3 ) Similarly, (a × b ) × c is in the plane of a and b, so a × (b × c ) and (a × b ) × c are different vectors. = ( a1i + a 2 j + a3 k ) × (b1i + b2 j + b3 k ) = a1b1 (i × i ) + a1b2 (i × j ) + a1b3 (i × k ) Brackets must always be used for more than two vectors in a vector product. + a 2 b1 ( j × i ) + a 2 b2 ( j × j ) + a 2 b3 ( j × k ) + a 3b1 (k × i ) + a 3b2 (k × j ) + a3 b3 (k × k ) Distributive law with multiplication by a scalar = a1b2 k + a1b3 (− j ) + a 2 b1 (− k ) a × (λb ) = (λa ) × b + a 2 b3 i + a3 b1 j + a3 b2 (− i ) So, how do you remember this!!? Engineering Mathematics 1.2: Vectors Algebra 25 Engineering Mathematics 1.2: Vectors Algebra 26 There are several ways, the determinant form is shown here i a × b = a1 b1 =i a2 b2 j a2 b2 It can be shown that in general, (a × b ) × c = (a ⋅ c )b − (b ⋅ c )a k a3 b3 a3 a −j 1 b3 b1 It can also be shown that a × (b × c ) = (a ⋅ c )b − (a ⋅ b )c a3 a +k 1 b3 b1 a2 b2 (2) Find the area of the triangle having vertices at P= (3, 2, 2), Q= (1, -1, 2), R = (2, 1, 1) a × b = (a 2 b3 − a 3b2 )i − (a1b3 − a3 b1 ) j + (a1b2 − a 2b1)k Q 4.10 Examples (1) Given the three vectors a = (3, 1, 1), b = (2, -1, 1), c = (0, 1, 2) i j k a×b = 3 1 1 2 −1 1 =i R θ 1 1 3 1 3 1 −j +k 2 1 2 −1 −1 1 P Area PQR = = (2,−1,−5) 1 PQ × PR 2 PQ = (− 2,−3,0 ) This vector is perpendicular to the plane containing a and b. i j PQ × PR = − 2 − 3 i j k (a × b ) × c = 2 − 1 − 5 0 1 2 =i PR = (− 1,−1,−1) −1 =i 2 −5 2 −1 −1 − 5 −j +k 1 2 0 2 0 1 −3 k 0 −1 −1 0 −1 −1 −j −2 0 −1 −1 +k −2 −3 −1 −1 = (3,−2,−1) = (3,−4,−2 ) Area = This lies in the plane containing a and b. 1 1 PQ × PR = 2 2 (9 + 4 + 1) = 14 2 (a ⋅ c )b − (b ⋅ c )a = 3b − 1a = (6,−3,3) − (3,1,1) = (3,−4,2 ) This is the same as the solution for (a × b ) × c above. Engineering Mathematics 1.2: Vectors Algebra 27 Engineering Mathematics 1.2: Vectors Algebra 28 (3) A force F of 6 units acts through the point P=(2,3,1) in the direction of the vector (4,1,2). Find the moment of the force about the point Q=(1,2,1). 4.11 Triple products of Vectors Definitions of the two triple products are F P θ Q (a × b ) × c is the Triple Vector product. (a × b ) ⋅ c is the Triple Scalar product. The unit vector in the direction of the force is The triple scalar product has an interesting geometrical meaning: We know that 4i + j + 2k 1 2 4 = , , 16 + 1 + 4 21 21 21 (a × b ) = a b sin θnˆ = (area of the parallelogram defined by a and b ) So the force F, has components 1 2 4 F = 6 , , 21 21 21 Thus The position vector of P relative to Q is (a × b ) ⋅ c = (area of the parallelogram)nˆ ⋅ c = (area of the parallelogram ) nˆ c cos φ QP = (1,1,0 ) i.e. r So the moment of the force about Q is M = QP × F = 6 21 i j k 1 1 0 h 4 1 2 φ c B b i j k 1 0 1 0 1 1 −j +k 1 1 0 =i 1 2 4 2 4 1 4 1 2 θ O = (2,−2,−3) C a A But c cos θ = h =height of the parallelepiped normal to the plane containing a and b . ( φ is the 12 − 12 − 18 , , M= 21 21 21 angle between c and n̂ ). So (a × b ) ⋅ c = area of the parallelepiped defined by a, b and c. It follows then that: (a) If any two vectors are parallel (a × b ) ⋅ c = 0 (zero volume) (b) If the three vectors a co-planar then (a × b ) ⋅ c = 0 (zero volume) Engineering Mathematics 1.2: Vectors Algebra 29 Engineering Mathematics 1.2: Vectors Algebra 30 (c) If (a × b ) ⋅ c = 0 then either i) a = 0, or ii) b = 0 or 5 Vector Equations of Lines and Planes iii) c =0 or 5.1 The Vector Equation of a Line Consider the line which passes through the points A and B with position vectors a and b iv) two of the vectors are parallel or respectively and a point P, which has position vector r, and lies on this line as shown v) the three vectors are co-planar A (d) (a × b ) ⋅ c = a ⋅ (b × c ) = b ⋅ (c × a ) = the same volume. P a B r b O OA = a OB = b OP = r From this diagram we can see that OP = OA + AP r = a + AP If t is some multiple of AB such that r = a + t AB as a + AB = b , then r = a + t (b − a ) So the equation of the line AB is: r = (1 − t )a + tb for − ∞ < t < ∞ . In component form r = ( x, y , z ) a = (a1 , a 2 , a 3 ) b = (b1 , b2 , b3 ) ( x, y, z ) = (1 − t )(a1 , a 2 , a3 ) + t (b1 , b2 , b3 ) = (a1 , a 2 , a 3 ) + t [(b1 , b2 , b3 ) − (a1 , a 2 , a3 )] If we equate components e.g. those of x gives Engineering Mathematics 1.2: Vectors Algebra 31 Engineering Mathematics 1.2: Vectors Algebra 32 x = (1 − t )a1 + tb1 In Cartesian form x − a1 t= b1 − a1 x −1 y −1 z = = =s 4 −3 −7 (3) Do r1 and r2 intersect? Similarly for y and z t= y − a2 b2 − a 2 t= For the lines to intersect then t and s should be such that: z − a3 b3 − a3 3t = 1 − 4 s 1 + 3t = 1 − 3s − 2 + 5s = −7 s Hence the Cartesian equation of a line passing through the points (a1,a2,a3) and (b1,b2,b3).is z − a3 x − a1 y − a2 = = =t b1 − a1 b2 − a 2 b3 − a3 are all satisfied. Solving the first two simultaneously s = 1 and t = -1. Note: For any equation in Cartesian form we can readily express the equation in vector form. Substituting these values into the third gives e.g. -7 = -7 x y −9 z −2 = = =t 3 1 −1 i.e. the three equations are satisfied, so the two lines intersect. In vector form r = a + t (b − a ) r = (0,9,2) + t (3,−1,1) Substituting the values for s or t into the respective Cartesian equations gives the point of intersection as (-3,-2,-7) (4) Find the angle between the two lines which are in the same direction as the two vectors c = (3,3,5) and d = (-4,-3,-7) 5.2 Equation of line examples: c ⋅ d = c d cosθ r = (1 − t )a + tb = a + t (b − a ) c ⋅ d = −12 − 9 − 35 = −56 (1) Find the equation of the line r1 through the points (0,1,-2) and (3,4,3). r = (1 − t )a + tb = (0,1 − t ,−2 + 2t ) + (3t ,4t ,3t ) = (3t ,1 + 3t ,−2 + 5t ) i.e. x = 3t y = 1 + 3t c = (9 + 9 + 25) 1/ 2 d = (16 + 9 + 49 ) = 43 1/ 2 = 74 z = −2 + 5t cosθ = In Cartesian form − 56 43 74 θ = 173.1° x − 0 y −1 z + 2 = = =t 3 − 0 3 −1 3 + 2 x − 0 y −1 z + 2 = = =t 3 2 5 = −0.9927 (2) Find the equation of the line r2 through the points (1,1,0) and (-3,-2,-7) r = (1 − s )a + sb = (1 − s,1 − s,0) + (− 3s,−2s,−7 s ) = (1 − 4s,1 − 3s,−7 s ) Engineering Mathematics 1.2: Vectors Algebra 33 Engineering Mathematics 1.2: Vectors Algebra 34 5.3 5.4 Examples involving both lines and planes (1) Find the equation of the plane through the points The Vector Equation of a Plane a = (3,2,0) We can use the fact that a line joining any two points in the plane is perpendicular to the normal to the plane. i.e. b = (1,3,-1) c = (0,-2,3) a - b lies in the plane n and AP are perpendicular. a - b = (2, -1, 1) a - c lies in the plane a - c = (3, 4, -3) n A normal, n, to the plane is n = (a − b ) × (a − c ) = (2,−1,1) × (3,4,−3) P A i j k = 2 −1 1 3 4 −3 =i O = ((3 − 4 ), − (− 6 − 3), (8 + 3)) n = (− 1, 9, 11) The vector n is normal to the plane, a is the position vector of A, r is the position vector of P (r = (x, y, z)). 2 1 2 −1 −1 1 −j +k 4 −3 3 −3 3 4 Equation of the plane is r ⋅ n = a ⋅ n The vector r ⋅ (− 1,9,11) = (3,2,0 ) ⋅ (− 1,9,11) = −3 + 18 + 0 = 15 AP = OP − OA = r − a In component form this is Now r - a is perpendicular to n if ( x, y, z ) ⋅ (− 1,9,11) = 15 (r − a ) ⋅ n = 0 − x + 9 y + 11z = 15 or r ⋅n = a⋅n Check or a: b: c: r ⋅n = p The above two are the general form of the vector equation of a plane. −3 + 18 + 0 = 15 −1 + 27 − 11 = 15 0 − 18 + 33 = 15 All are consistent. If we can take n = (α, β, γ) the equation in Cartesian form is αx + βy + γz = p since r = (x, y, z) Engineering Mathematics 1.2: Vectors Algebra 35 Engineering Mathematics 1.2: Vectors Algebra 36 (2) (a) Find the point where the plane r ⋅ (1,2,1) = 4 (or x + 2 y + z = 4 ) meets the line r = (2, 1, -1) + t(1, 1, 2) or ( (3) Find the perpendicular distance from the point P (2,-3,4) to the plane x+2y+2z=13 The equation of the plane in vector form is x − 2 y −1 z +1 = = =t) 1 1 2 r ⋅ (1,2,2) = 13 (b) Find the angle that the line makes with the plane. A vector normal to the plane is n = (1,2,2 ) [Remember the equations of a line Hence the equation of a line perpendicular to the plane and passing through P is r = a + t (b − a ) r = a + t (b − a ) = (2,−3,4 ) + t (1,2,2 ) z − a3 x − a1 y − a2 = = =t b1 − a1 b2 − a 2 b3 − a3 This line meets the plane when r ⋅ (1,2,2 ) = (2,−3,4 ) ⋅ (1,2,2 ) + t (1,2,2 ) ⋅ (1,2,2 ) = 13 ] i.e. The point of intersection must satisfy both the equation of the plane AND the equations of the (2 − 6 + 8) + t (1 + 4 + 4) = 13 line. 4 + 9t = 13 t =1 i.e (using the vector form) [a + t (b − a )] ⋅ (1,2,1) = 4 (2 + 2 − 1) + t (1 + 2 + 2) = 4 Thus the line meets the plane at N with co-ordinates (2,−3,4) + 1(1,2,2) = (3,−1,6) 3 + 5t = 4 t = 1/ 5 Hence the perpendicular distance PN [(3 − 2 ) + (− 1 + 3) 2 Substituting into the equation of the line gives the point of intersection 2 + (6 − 4 ) ] 2 1/ 2 = 3 units r = a + t (b − a ) 1 (1,1,2) 5 11 6 3 = , ,− 5 5 5 (3) Find the equation of the line of intersection of the two planes given by: = (2,1,−1) + x+y+z=5 The normal to the plane is (1, 2, 1) = n. The line of intersection must be perpendicular to both the vectors (1,1,1) and (4,1,2). A vector in the direction of the line is (1, 1, 2) = b - a Hence a vector in the direction of the line must be in the direction (1,1,1)×(4,1,2) = (1,2,-3) (b − a ) ⋅ n = b − a n cosθ (b − a ) ⋅ n = 1 + 2 + 2 = 5 1/ 2 n = (1 + 4 + 1) 1/ 2 4x + y + 2z = 15 r ⋅ (1,1,1) = 5 r ⋅ (4,1,2) = 15 (b) Find the angle that the line makes with the plane. b − a = (1 + 1 + 4 ) and In vector from these planes can be written: To complete the equation of the line we need to find any one point on the line. Choosing x=0 = 6 then, from the Cartesian equations of the two planes, = 6 y+z=5 5 cosθ = = 0.833 6 θ = 33.56° y + 2z = 15 Hence for x=0, y=-5 and z = 10 And the point (0, -5, 10) is a point on the line. The equation of the line can then be written Engineering Mathematics 1.2: Vectors Algebra 37 Engineering Mathematics 1.2: Vectors Algebra r = (0, -5, 10) + t (1, 2, -3) 38